24hr Concierge service: Tel - 0208 502 9141 Development Manager: Matthew Snelling...


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24hr Concierge service:Tel - 0208 502 9141

Development Manager: Matthew Snelling


Assistant Development Manager:Nathalie Vignolle


Peverel OM Head Office:Customer Services(9am – 5pm)

Tel - 08453 370 272

Fax - 01582 393 701



Peverel OMMarlborough HouseWigmore PlaceWigmore LaneLutonBedsLU2 9EX

Repton Park NewsletterNovember

2008Visit our website at www.esporta.com/reptonparkf or more information on the club, social events and to view our studio timetable.

For new membership enquiries please contact 020 8506 6301 or email membershipmanager.reptonpark@esporta.com


Monday-Friday 6.30am 10.30pm (Facilities close at 10pm)Weekends 8am – 8pm (Facilities close at 7.30pm)

(Times vary on Bank Holidays -Call club for further details)


General Manager Elliott Lyons

Membership Manager Niezaam Adams

Member Relations Manager Cassie Alston

General Enquiries020 8506 6300

‘’Hello and welcome to November’s Peverel OM newsletter.

I would like to thank residents whomade the effort to attend to recentAnnual General Meeting.

Hopefully you found it informativeand have a greater understandingon what is, or may be happening atRepton Park in the future’’.



Peverel OM would like to introduce our latest new member of staff. ‘TJ’ joins the team with experience from a similar field of work where he will be working as a concierge at The Gatehouse.

We hope you will all make him feel welcome at Repton Park and support him in his new position.

HO HO HO…It’s not long away!HO HO HO…It’s not long away!Residents are reminded that all decorations erected over the festive period are to be tasteful. Inflatable

décor in front gardens, on roofs and hanging off properties is not in keeping with the development.

Peverel would also like to remind you that if you wish to benefit from the

‘Parcel Collection’ service offered at the gatehouse, you must be registered and indemnity forms completed. Please do not leave this until the last minute; we do not want to have to refuse parcels over the festive period.


Welcome to Esporta Health Club Repton Park.

Having a Health Club on your doorstep is not something many people can admit to; however as a resident of the prestigious Repton Park you have this to boast about! Unbeknown to many, attending a Health Club on a regular basis is primarily down to its location. If it is easily accessible you will use it. The question you have to ask yourself is ‘How important is your health to you?’

At Esporta Repton Park we aim to give you the answers to all your Health and Fitness needs, whether it is to get fit for a holiday, de-stress after work or to simply just to chill out!

As a valued resident of Repton Park I have arranged for a special rate on your monthly subscriptions should you wish to join (10% off with valid proof of residency) and various Joining Fee incentives. For more information or to book a tour with a Membership Consultant please call 020 8506 6301 or email the Membership Manager on


NOVEMBER OFFER…..We pay, you play!

If you join in the month of November, we will pay for your membership for the rest of the year! What a great time to join with Xmas nearly here…Start your New Years resolutions early.

If your already a member and you know someone that would like to take up this offer please let us know and we will reward you with one of our superb gifts from the ‘Collection’ range. More details can be found at our website www.esporta.com . For more info contact the Membership Team on 020 8506 6301. We look forward to seeing you in the club. Finally we would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

November 2008

The website address and email for the Repton Park Residents Association is…



RPRA Contacts & info

Chairman - Tom Sharpe020 8500 1917tomsharpe@sky.com

Vice Chair -Elizabeth Hunt

Secretary -Mark Hicks

Treasurer -Malcolm Melbourne

Social -Amanda Parker-Gamon

Useful Info.To assist residents a list of recommended contractors and supplierscan be found @www.repton-park.org.uk

Rules & Regulations

PetsResidents are not permitted to keep pets without the prior consent of Peverel OM. Dogs are to be kept on a lead whilst being exercised around Repton Park and animal excrement placed in the dog waste bins provided.

Speed LimitThe maximum speed limit within Repton Park is 20mph. This is a health & safety measure and for your own protection.

Bin StoresLarge items are not to be disposed of in the bin stores. They are for household refuse only. All rubbish must be securely tied up in rubbish bags and placed directly into the bins provided. They are not to be left in the communal areas.

ParkingPlease be neighbourly when parking. Only use bays that are legally allocated to your property.

WashingUnder no circumstance must washing be hung outside your property or over your balcony.

Wheelie BinsFreehold owners are to only leave their wheelie bins out on the day of collection.

Repton Park NewsletterNovember 2008 Repton Park Residents Association

POLICE PATROLSPOLICE PATROLSThe local authorities continue to work closely with Peverel at Repton Park. Police Officersprovide us with support and randomly patrol the grounds. The most recent visit was in October – this being on the bicycle kindly donated by the Repton Park Residents Association. If ever in doubt call 999!


In this years contest it is with great pleasure to confirm that Repton

Park has been acknowledged & awarded with the following:

1st Prize – Kensington House Best Collective Display 2nd Prize – Claybury Hall Best Collective Display 3rd Prize – Devonshire & Clarence Gate Best Collective Display

COMMERCIAL VEHICLESCOMMERCIAL VEHICLESPlease note that commercial vehicles are banned from parking up overnight on Repton Park. A commercial vehicle is deemed as a large van or lorry; generally sign written.

USE OF COMMUNAL AREASUSE OF COMMUNAL AREASAny person wanting to use communal grounds for personal use, or to hold an event/function, are to put all proposals in writing to Peverel OM. It will then be discussed with the Repton Park Residents Association.

CONTRACTORSCONTRACTORSContractors are not to be on site prior to 8:00am. If you have works carried out on or in your property then your contractor must be made to clear up after themselves. Communal areas must be treated with respect.

SERVICE CHARGESERVICE CHARGEFailure to pay your service charge will result in Peverel OM from providing you with a full service.

AGMAGMOctober AGM….I will be distributing my chairman’s report - an update of last year’s key issues together with my thoughts for 2009 - in a new Repton Park Residents Association Newsletter that we will be sending out in December.

Fun Weekend (June 08)Fun Weekend (June 08)Our Midsummer Ball Charity Auction and the ‘Ritz’ comes to Repton Park event raised around £15,000, which was donated to Haven House Children’s Hospice and MacMillan Cancer Support.

Midsummer Ball / Fun Weekend (June 2009)Midsummer Ball / Fun Weekend (June 2009)We are desperate to find a Marquee sponsor for this year’s Midsummer Ball. The cost is £7500 plus VAT- which will be charged Direct to the sponsor by the Marquee supplier.

The Marquee sponsor receives10 complementary platinum tickets (a table next to the stage), advertisingin and around the Marquee etc...

If you or your company would like to sponsor the Marquee - please email: tomsharpe@sky.com

The Repton Park The Repton Park Residents Association Residents Association would like to wish all would like to wish all residents a Happy residents a Happy & Prosperous New & Prosperous New Year! Year!
