2314533 2011 Packaging for Heat Processed 1 Food


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Heat Preservation

วั�ตถุ�ประสงค์� เพื่��อ ทำ��ให้�อ�ห้�รนุ่��มขึ้��นุ่ ย่�อย่ง��ย่ขึ้��นุ่ ทำ��ให้�อ�ห้�รอร�อย่ ม รสช�ต" กลิ่"�นุ่รสม�กขึ้��นุ่ ทำ��ลิ่�ย่ จุ�ลิ่"นุ่ทำร ย่� ทำ �ทำ��ให้�เก"ดโรค์ แลิ่ะ/ห้ร�อทำ��ให้�

อ�ห้�รเนุ่��เส ย่ แลิ่ะ enzyme เช�นุ่ Avidin ในุ่ไขึ้� แย่�งจุ�บ Biotin

ก�รให้�ค์วั�มร�อนุ่ม ห้ลิ่�ย่วั"ธี เช�นุ่ ต�ม ทำอด ผั�ด นุ่��ง ค์��วั ลิ่วัก ฯลิ่ฯ

อ�ห้�รทำ �ผั��นุ่ค์วั�มร�อนุ่จุะม อ�ย่�ก�รเก.บนุ่�นุ่กวั��

Degree of Heat Preservation

1. Sterilization2. Commercially Sterilization or

“sterile”3. Pasteurization4. Blanching

Degree of Heat Preservation

1. Sterilization complete destruction of microorganism จุ�ดม��งห้ม�ย่เพื่��อ ทำ��ลิ่�ย่จุ�ลิ่"นุ่ทำร ย่�ทำ �ม อย่/�ทำ� �งห้มด สปอร�ขึ้องแบค์ทำ เร ย่ด�วัย่

แลิ่ะเอนุ่ไซม� โดย่ทำ��วัไป อ�ณห้ภู/ม"ทำ �ใช�ส/งถุ�ง 121 องศ�เซลิ่เซ ย่ส แลิ่ะค์งทำ �อ�ณห้ภู/ม"นุ่ �เป4นุ่

เวัลิ่� 15 นุ่�ทำ (ขึ้��นุ่อย่/�ก�บชนุ่"ดอ�ห้�ร ลิ่�กษณะภู�ชนุ่ะบรรจุ� จุ��นุ่วันุ่จุ�ลิ่"นุ่ทำร ย่�เบ��องต�นุ่ แลิ่ะอ��นุ่ ๆ ) แลิ่�วัทำ��ก�รลิ่ดอ�ณห้ภู/ม"ลิ่ง

อ�จุใช�อ�ณห้ภู/ม"อ��นุ่ทำ �ต���กวั��นุ่ �ได� แต�จุะต�องให้�ม ผัลิ่ในุ่ก�รทำ��ลิ่�ย่จุ�ลิ่"นุ่ทำร ย่�ทำ��งห้มด จุ�งจุะเร ย่กวั��เป4นุ่ก�รสเตอร"ไลิ่เซช��นุ่

Low acid food (pH >4.6, aw >0.85) Clostridium botulinum 12 D process

High acid food (pH < 4.6, aw > 0.85) Bacillus thermoacidurans 5 D process

Degree of Heat Preservation

2. Commercially Sterilization or “sterile”

ก�รให้�ค์วั�มร�อนุ่ในุ่ก�รทำ��อ�ห้�รกระป7อง อ กช��อห้นุ่��งวั�� ก�รสเตอร"ไลิ่ลิ่�แบบก�รค์�� ซ��งห้ม�ย่ถุ�งระด�บก�รทำ��สเตอร"ไลิ่เซช��นุ่ทำ �ทำ��ลิ่�ย่จุ�ลิ่"นุ่ทำร ย่�ทำ �ทำ��ให้�เก"ดโรค์ แลิ่ะจุ�ลิ่"นุ่ทำร ย่�ทำ �สร��งส�รพื่"ษ รวัมทำ��งส"�งม ช วั"ตอ��นุ่ทำ �ส�ม�รถุทำ �จุะเจุร"ญได�ในุ่อ�ห้�รแลิ่ะทำ��ให้�อ�ห้�รเส ย่ได� เม��อเก.บอ�ห้�รไวั�ในุ่สภู�พื่แวัดลิ่�อมปกต"

ด�วัย่เห้ต�นุ่ �อ�ห้�รทำ �ผั��นุ่ก�รสเตอร"ไลิ่ลิ่�แบบก�รค์��จุ�งย่�งม สปอร�ขึ้องแบค์ทำ เร ย่ทำ �ส�ม�รถุทำนุ่ค์วั�มร�อนุ่ได� แต�สปอร�นุ่��นุ่ไม�ส�ม�รถุทำ �จุะงอกแลิ่ะเจุร"ญเพื่"�มจุ��นุ่วันุ่ในุ่ภู�ชนุ่ะบรรจุ�นุ่��นุ่ได�

Degree of Heat Preservation

3. Pasteurization Low order of heat treatment (generally

below boiling point of water) ม 2 วั�ตถุ�ประสงค์�

อ�ห้�รทำ �ม pH > 4.6 : เพื่��อฆ่�� pathogenic organisms เช�นุ่ในุ่นุ่ม ห้ร�อ ไขึ้�

อ�ห้�รทำ �ม pH < 4.6 : เพื่��อย่�ดอ�ย่� shelf life (จุ�ก spoilage จุ�ลิ่"นุ่ทำร ย่� แลิ่ะ enzyme) ขึ้องผัลิ่"ตภู�ณฑ์� เช�นุ่ beer, wine, fruit juices

Shelf life ไม�นุ่�นุ่ แลิ่ะต�องเก.บในุ่ต/�เย่.นุ่

Degree of Heat Preservation

3. Pasteurization (cont.) ม 2 แบบ

3.1 ก�รให้�ค์วั�มร�อนุ่ทำ �อ�ณห้ภู/ม"ส/งเวัลิ่�ส��นุ่ (High Temperature Short Time, HTST) จุะให้�ค์วั�มร�อนุ่จุนุ่นุ่���นุ่มม อ�ณห้ภู/ม" 72 องศ�เซลิ่เซ ย่ส แลิ่ะร�กษ�อ�ณห้ภู/ม"ทำ �อ�ณห้ภู/ม"นุ่ �นุ่�นุ่ 15 วั"นุ่�ทำ โดย่ทำ��วัไปแลิ่�วัจุะใช�ในุ่ระบบก�รผัลิ่"ตแบบต�อเนุ่��องซ��งเป4นุ่ก�รผัลิ่"ตในุ่ระบบอ�ตส�ห้กรรม

3.2 ก�รให้�ค์วั�มร�อนุ่ทำ �อ�ณห้ภู/ม"ต���เวัลิ่�นุ่�นุ่ (Low Temperature Long Time) ทำ��ให้�นุ่���นุ่มม อ�ณห้ภู/ม" 63 องศ�เซลิ่เซ ย่สเป4นุ่เวัลิ่� 30 นุ่�ทำ ก�รพื่�สเจุอร�ไรซ�แบบนุ่ �จุะใช�ก�บนุ่���นุ่มในุ่ห้ม�อต�ม ห้ร�อทำ��ในุ่บ��นุ่เร�อนุ่

Degree of Heat Preservation

4. Blanching เป4นุ่ pasteurization แบบห้นุ่��ง ใช�ก�บผั�ก/ผัลิ่ไม�เพื่��อ

inactivate natural food enzymes ซ��งจุะทำ��ลิ่�ย่จุ�ลิ่"นุ่ทำร ย่�ไปด�วัย่บ�งส�วันุ่

เป4นุ่ pre-treatment เทำ��นุ่��นุ่ โดย่ทำ��วัไปใช� นุ่���ร�อนุ่ ห้ร�อ steam

Degree of Heat Preservation

ข้�อควรระว�ง อ�ห้�รแต�ลิ่ะชนุ่"ด/ แต�ลิ่ะขึ้นุ่�ดบรรจุ�/ process ต��งก�นุ่ จุะ

ใช� เวัลิ่� แลิ่ะ อ�ณห้ภู/ม"ในุ่ก�รฆ่��จุ�ลิ่"นุ่ทำร ย่� เอนุ่ไซม�ไม�เทำ��ก�นุ่ ก�รเลิ่�อกใช� Time, temp ให้�ฆ่��ปร"ม�ณจุ�ลิ่"นุ่ทำร ย่�ได�พื่อ

เห้ม�ะ แลิ่ะส�ม�รถุร�กษ�ค์�ณภู�พื่อ�ห้�รเป4นุ่ส"�งส��ค์�ญ

Degree of Heat Preservation

การเลื�อกใช้�ว�ธี� แลืะ ระยะเวลืา โดยทั่��วไปควรค�านึ�งถึ�ง ชนุ่"ดอ�ห้�ร/ขึ้นุ่�ดบรรจุ� Pretreatment ห้ร�อม วั"ธี ก�รในุ่ก�รลิ่ดปร"ม�ณจุ�ลิ่"นุ่ทำร ย่� (ลิ่��ง

ห้��นุ่) ห้ร�อไม� Shelf life ทำ �ต�องก�ร ลิ่�กษณะขึ้องก�รเก.บร�กษ� (Room temp VS cool storage

VS frozen storage) ปร"ม�ณ แลิ่ะชนุ่"ดขึ้องจุ�ลิ่"นุ่ทำร ย่�ในุ่อ�ห้�ร ห้�กม ก�รใช�วั"ธี ก�รร�กษ�อ�ห้�รอ��นุ่ ๆ เช�นุ่ก�รค์วับค์�ม ปร"ม�ณ

นุ่���ต�ลิ่ เกลิ่�อ นุ่��� ค์วั�มเป4นุ่กรด ฯลิ่ฯ ร�วัมด�วัย่จุะช�วัย่ให้�ไม�ต�องใช�ค์วั�มร�อนุ่ทำ �ร�นุ่แรงม�กเก"นุ่ไป

Packaging for thermally-processed products

I. Retort PackagingII. Hot-fill PackagingIII. Sous Vide PackagingIV. Aseptic PackagingV. Microwavable Packaging

In-package heat treatment

heat treatment prior to packagingIn-package heat


I. Retort

The technology of preserving foods in cans was developed at the nineteenth century by Nicolas Appert won his prize for demonstrating that foods which had been heated in air-tight (hermetic) metal cans, did not spoil, even when they were stored without refrigeration.

Principle of Canning

Nicolas Appert (1749-1841), French inventor of airtight food preservation. Appert, known as the “father of canning”

I. Retort

Retort Processing: Non-sterile food product is filled and

hermetically sealed into non-sterile containers

Food product is then thermally processed within the container in the retort to achieve sterility of the food and the inside of the container

Principle of Canning

I. Retort

Containment Protection Communication Convenience Minimal environmental impact

Packaging Requirements/Functions

Available Packaging Technology Metal Can

Glass jar/bottle

Composite rigid/semi-rigid containers Plastics Plastics and Aluminum foil Plastics, paper board, Alu foil

Composite flexible packaging Plastics Plastics and Alu foil

•Majority of canned food•Perceived as old fashion, lower grade•Used for specialty packs

•Becoming more common alternative to metal cans

I. Retort

Available in different metals, as pre-forms Tin plate Tin-free steel Aluminium alloy

Available Pkg – Metal Can

I. Retort

Tin plate Tin plate is steel sheet coated with a thin

layer of tin on each surface Because of its strength and rigidity tin plate

forms an ideal material for food containers In addition to the benefits of its bright

appearance and ease of soldering, the major function of the tin layer is to protect the base steel from corrosion

Available Pkg – Metal Can

I. Retort

Tin Plate The main factors of importance

Chemical composition and physical properties of the base plate

Thickness of tin coating Application of protective coatings Relative corrosivity of the product which is to

be canned

Available Pkg – Metal Can

I. Retort

Tin Plate Low carbon steel is used for can manufacture The chemical composition of the base steel plate is

of primary importance in obtaining adequate service-life for corrosive, products

The most critical element is phosphorus, but other elements such as copper nickel, chromium and silicon may also affect the corrosion resistance of the plate

For low-acid products, such as fish the steel type has no important influence on corrosion and any of the available types may be used

Available Pkg – Metal Can

I. Retort

Tin-free steel (TFS) The tin-free steel is one of the newer can-

making materials Un-tinned steel on which very thin layers of

chromium-oxide have been electrodeposited is resistance to corrosion and discolouration

Disadvantages are that the plate must be coated on both sides and that it cannot be soldered

Available Pkg – Metal Can

I. Retort

Aluminum alloys Aluminium alloys are finding increasing use

in the can making industry Advantages of aluminium include the light

weight of the material, resistance to atmospheric corrosion and to sulfide-bearing products. Disadvantages include difficulties in closing the body seam by soldering

Available Pkg – Metal Can

I. Retort

Enamel Coatings Enamel coatings are used to protect tin plate

aluminium alloys and TFS The coatings can be applied to sheets and coils

either before and after cans are made. In some cases, coatings make it possible to use more lightly coated grades of tin plate or tin-free steel

The enamels or lacquers were originally prepared from polymerized fish oil but today lacquers are made from synthetic materials which provide better performance

Available Pkg – Metal Can

Available Pkg – Metal Can

1st Function: Containment Pkg material integrity; in terms of

production speed/difficulties/capital Steel Cans: perform well in retort environment Aluminum Cans: need special handling to avoid


I. Retort

Available Pkg – Metal Can

Remembering retort? Still retort

I. Retort

Available Pkg – Metal Can

Remembering retort? Still retort Agitation retort

I. Retort

Available Pkg – Metal Can

Remembering retort? Still retort Agitation retort Hydrostatic retort

I. Retort

Available Pkg – Metal Can

1st Function: Containment Pkg material integrity production

speed/difficulties/capital Steel Cans: perform well in retort environment Aluminum Cans: need special handling to avoid

collapse Limited migration/interaction

Enamel coating (esp. high acid food) Soldering material Bleaching effect

I. Retort

Available Pkg – Metal Can

2st Function: Protection Integral packaging hermetically seal, seal

strength through production, distribution, storage Hermetically sealed by

Double seam

Side seam

I. Retort

Available Pkg – Metal Can

2st Function: Protection Integral packaging hermetically seal, seal

strength through production, distribution, storage

Shelf life Total barrier (w/o pinholes) generally 3 years+

I. Retort

Available Pkg – Metal Can

2st Function: Protection Integral packaging hermetically seal, seal

strength through production, distribution, storage

Shelf life Total barrier (w/o pinholes) generally 3 years+

Tamper evidence

I. Retort

I. Retort

3rd Function: Communication

Available Pkg – Metal can

I. Retort

3rd Function: Communication

Available Pkg – Metal can

I. Retort

4th Function: Convenience Easy-to-open features

Metal can Easy-open ring-pull lids Easy-open peel-seam

Available Pkg – Other functions

I. Retort

4th Function: Convenience Easy-to-open features Easy-to-hold shape Easy-to-use

Self – heating/cooling

Available Pkg – Metal can

I. Retort

4th Function: Convenience Easy-to-open features Easy-to-hold shape Easy-to-use Reclosable features

Available Pkg – Metal can

I. Retort

5th Function: Minimal environmental impact All metal can are 100 % recyclable

Self-cooling/heating can?

Available Pkg – Metal can

I. Retort

Available in jar, bottle, tubler as pre-forms The principles of processing with glass are

substantially the same as for cans, except that there are some modifications necessary because of the sealing mechanism used and the thermal characteristics of the glass

Available Pkg – Glass

I. Retort

1st Function: Containment Pkg material integrity; in terms of production

speed/difficulties/capital need special handling to avoid glass fracture and

seal loss counter balanced retort slower handling and heat transfer speed than metal containers

Available Pkg – Glass

I. Retort

1st Function: Containment Pkg material integrity

Good for home canning

Available Pkg – Glass

I. Retort

1st Function: Containment Glass is innert limited

migration/interaction with food As glass is resistant to all food products no

internal surface treatment is required. The metal closures however must be protected from corrosion and for this reason are internally and externally lacquered

Available Pkg – Glass

I. Retort

2nd Function: Protection Integral packaging hermetically seal, seal

strength through production, distribution, storage Hermetically sealed by pressed-on twist-off

cap or lug-type twist-off cap

Available Pkg – Glass

plastisol lining compound that acts as a sealant between the glass and the metal cap

I. Retort

2nd Function: Protection Integral packaging hermetically seal, seal

strength through production, distribution, storage

Glass containers are processed under water in a counter-balanced retort

The water prevents thermal shock breakage as steam enters the retort while the counter-balancing air transmits pressure through the water ensuring that at all times the pressure in the retort is greater than that in the sealed containers

Available Pkg – Glass

over-pressure applications

I. Retort

2nd Function: Protection Integral packaging Shelf life Tamper evidence

Available Pkg – Glass

I. Retort

3rd Function: Communication

Available Pkg – Glass

I. Retort

4th Function: Convenience Microwavable

Available Pkg – Glass

I. Retort

5th Function: Minimal environmental impact 100% Recyclable Reusable

Available Pkg – Glass

I. Retort

Available in both In-line forming and Pre-form Reduced wt. and storage space

Available Pkg – Composite containersFlexible (aka retort pouch)

I. Retort

1st Function: Containment Pkg material integrity; in terms of

production speed/difficulties/capital Similar to rigid and semi-rigid composite

container Need counter-balanced retort with overriding

pressure application need special handling and machine to avoid collapse and seal loss

Slower heat transfer than metal container Longer processing time (compared at same dimension)

Available Pkg – Composite containers Flexible (aka retort pouch)

I. Retort

1st Function: Containment Pkg material integrity; in terms of

production speed/difficulties/capital Thin-profile packages

Shortened processing times Improved food quality Energy conservation and space utilization

Available Pkg – Composite containers

Potter and Hotchkiss, 1995

q = -k A dT/dx q = h A (Ts - Tcp )ColdPoint


Flexible (aka retort pouch)

I. Retort

1st Function: Containment Limited migration/interaction

Migration Potential of plasticizer/additive of plastic to food Potential of flavor scalping by plastic layer

Available Pkg – Composite containersFlexible (aka retort pouch)

I. Retort

2nd Function: Protection Integral packaging hermetically seal, seal

strength through production, distribution, storage Heat seal by impulse sealer

Heating temperature and time Pressure Dwell or cooling down time

Need counter-balanced retort with overriding pressure application need special handling and machine to avoid collapse and seal loss

Available Pkg – Composite containers Flexible (aka retort pouch)

I. Retort

2nd Function: Protection Shelf life

Lower barrier properties (comparing to metal/glass containers) shorter shelf life

Need physical protection from 20 pkg Combination of materials depending on converters

Constructed of layers of plastic and/or aluminum Development of multi-layer plastic pouches Pouches collapse/compress tightly around food when

vacuum applied before sealing US military has been a pioneer in development and


Available Pkg – Composite containersFlexible (aka retort pouch)

I. Retort Available Pkg – Composite containers

Flexible (aka retort pouch)

I. Retort Available Pkg – Composite containers

Flexible (aka retort pouch)

I. Retort

3rd Function: Communication

Available Pkg – Composite containers


Flexible (aka retort pouch)

I. Retort

3rd Function: Communication

Available Pkg – Composite containers Flexible (aka retort pouch)

I. Retort

4th Function: Convenience Lighter weight Easy-to-open features

Flexible Packaging tear notch

“V”, “U”, “C” notch/cut

Easy-to-use Dispense and reclosable

Available Pkg – Composite containersFlexible (aka retort pouch)

4th Function: Convenience Example: Meal-Ready-to-Eat (MRE)

Developed by US Soldier Systems Center (SSC-Natick)

Available Pkg – Composite containersI. Retort

Flexible (aka retort pouch)

I. Retort

I. Retort

5th Function: Minimal environmental impact

Available Pkg – Composite containers Flexible (aka retort pouch)

I. Retort

Plastic cans, jars, tubs, cups, trays, bowl, bottles

Comprise of semi-rigid or rigid body with sealable flexible or semi-rigid lid

Tubs and trays produced by thermoforming

Cans produced by injection blow molding

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

I. Retort

1st Function: Containment Pkg material integrity; in terms of production

speed/difficulties/capital Thermoforming process In-line form

reduce pkg storage space Easier to fill than pouches

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

I. Retort

1st Function: Containment Pkg material integrity; in terms of production

speed/difficulties/capital Injection molding Pre-form (Co) Extrution blow molding Pre-form

same pkg storage space as metal and glass container

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

I. Retort

1st Function: Containment Pkg material integrity; in terms of

production speed/difficulties/capital Need counter-balanced retort with overriding

pressure application need special handling and machine to avoid collapse and seal loss

Slower heat transfer than metal container Longer processing time (compared at same dimension)

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

I. Retort

1st Function: Containment Limited migration

Migration Potential of plasticizer/additive of plastic to food Potential of flavor scalping by plastic layer

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

I. Retort

2nd Function: Protection Integral packaging hermetically seal, seal

strength through production, distribution, storage Sealable flexible or semi-rigid lid peelable lid Need counter-balanced retort with overriding

pressure application need special handling and machine to avoid collapse and seal loss

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

I. Retort

2nd Function: Protection Shelf life

Lower barrier properties (comparing to metal/glass containers) shorter shelf life

Combination of materials depending on converters

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

I. Retort

2nd Function: Protection Shelf life

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid


I. Retort

2nd Function: Protection Tamper evidence

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

I. Retort

3rd Function: Communication

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

I. Retort

4th Function: Convenience Lighter weight Various sizes and shapes Easy-open feature peelable lid Microwavable

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid


I. Retort

4th Function: Convenience Multi-compartment trays have potential for

whole dinners Self-heating system (aka Hot Meal Solution)

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

I. Retort

5th Function: Minimal environmental impact

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

I. Retort

Retortable Cartons Paperboard combined with aluminum and

PP Need special handling to avoid collapse and

seal loss

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

I. Retort

1st Function: Containment Pkg material integrity; in terms of

production speed/difficulties/capital Form-fill-seal In-line form

reduce pkg storage space

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

I. Retort

1st Function: Containment Limited migration

Migration Potential of plasticizer/additive of plastic to food Potential of flavor scalping by plastic layer

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

I. Retort

2nd Function: Protection Integral packaging hermetically seal, seal

strength through production, distribution, storage Heat seal by impulse sealer

Heating temperature and time Pressure Dwell or cooling down time

Need counter-balanced retort with overriding pressure application need special handling and machine to avoid collapse and seal loss

Tamper evident

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

I. Retort

2nd Function: Protection Shelf life

Lower barrier properties (comparing to metal/glass containers) shorter shelf life

Combination of materials PP/Paperboard/PP/Aluminum/PP structure

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

I. Retort

3rd Function: Communication

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid


Billboard surfaces

I. Retort

4th Function: Convenience Lighter weight Various sizes Easy-open feature

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

I. Retort

5th Function: Minimal environmental impact

Available Pkg – Composite containers Rigid and Semi-rigid

Not recyclableNot resealable

Available Pkg - Comparison

Metal Can

Glass jar/bottle

Plastic container

Retortable Pouch

Retortable Carton

Containment- Heat transfer (fast/slow)-Seal (difficulty, integrity)-Migration

Protection-Shelf life (at shelf stable)-Tamper evident



Environmental impact

Principle of Hot-Filling

Process Batch or continuous food sterilization (or pasteurization)

Food heat-sterilized by batch heating in steam-jacketed kettle, or

Food heat-sterilized by continuous pumping through heat-exchanger

Hot food filled & sealed into (not necessarily sterile) package

Metal, glass, plastic or paperboard laminate

Shelf stable product

Refrigerated product

II. Hot Fill

Heat of food sterilizes (or pasteurize) inside of the package

Hot food held for definite temperature and time in sealed container before cooling

Used for acid food (pH < 4.6) which can be sterilized at temperature < 100 0C (atmospheric pressure)

Used commercially with acid fruit and vegetable products

Principle of Hot-Filling II. Hot Fill

Advantages Compared to Retort Sterilization

Less time and energy used for heat sterilization of food

Higher quality food (not as overcooked) Packaging need not withstand retort conditions

Compared to Aseptic Processing Does not require separate aseptic container

sterilization Does not require aseptic filling and sealing

Principle of Hot-Filling II. Hot Fill

Disadvantages Compared to Retort Sterilization

Applicable only to high-acid foods Food must be pumpable

Compared to Aseptic Processing More time and energy for heat sterilization

of food Lower quality food Limited to packaging that can withstand

hot-fill temperatures

Principle of Hot-Filling II. Hot Fill

II. Hot Fill

Any packagings for retort OK Less extreme heat/pressure

condition Common Pkg

Metal less common because of the high acidity

Glass containers Plastic containers Composite containers

Available Packaging Technology

II. Hot Fill

1st Function: Containment Pkg material integrity production

speed/difficulties/capital Withstand vacuum at warm to chill

temperature Limited migration/interaction

Potential of plasticizer/additive of plastic to food

Potential of flavor scalping by plastic layer

Packaging requirements/functions

II. Hot Fill

2nd Function:Protection Integral packaging hermetically seal,

seal strength through production, distribution, storage Vacuum and heat sealed by vacuum, impulsed

sealer Vacuum time Heat sealing time and temperature Cool down time

Shelf life 4 hours at room temperature or chill for 10

days Tamper evidence

Available Packaging Technology

II. Hot Fill

3rd Function: Communication 4th Function: Convenience 5th Function: Environmental impact

Available Packaging Technology

Similar to retort pouch

II. Hot Fill


Available Packaging Technology

II. Hot Fill


Available Packaging Technology

Old design- Form-fill-seal pouch

New design- Thermoform tray

II. Hot Fill


Available Packaging Technology
