23 Hon Alannah MacTiernan MIC M T Minister for Regional ......3:15-3.45 Travel to York 3.45-4:30...


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9:30 AM

11:00 AM

12:30 PM

2:00 PM

3:15 PM

4:15 PM

4:25 PM

4:30 PM

Hon Alannah MacTiernan MICMinister for Regional Development; Agriculture and

Food; Ports; Minister Assisting the Minister forState Development, Jobs and Trade

Daily Itinerary

January 2019M T W T F

1 2 37 8 9 10 1114 15 16 17 1821 22 H 24 2528 29 30 31

depart for Lower ChitteringDriver:

Advisors travelling with Minister: Cole ThurleyMark Scott

Speak: Northern Growth Alliance Prospectus launch 64-09559Venue: Nesci Estate Winery, 4286 Great Northern Hwy, corner ofWandena Rd North, Lower Chittering

To be met by Wendy Newman

Speech notes, briefing notes and event summary in small folder

depart for NorthamDriver:

Site visit - Bilya Koort Boodja Centre for Nyoongar Culture andEn ironmental KnowledgeVenue: 2 Grey St, Northam

Briefing notes attached

depart for YorkDriver:

Check in at The York PalaceAddress: 145 Avon Tee, York (near corner of McCartney St)

depart for Imperial HomesteadDriver:

Friends of the Wheatbelt ForumVenue: Imperial Homestead 83 Avon Tee, York

Contact of the day: Wendy Newman SEBRSS

To be met by Rebecca Tomkinson

Speech notes, briefing notes and event summary in small folder

6:30 PM

7:00 PM

7:05 PM

9:00 PM


depart for The York PalaceDriver:

depart for Imperial HomesteadDriver: TBC

Farewell dinner for Wendy NewmanVenue: Dining room, Imperial Homestead 83 Avon Tee, York

depart for The York PalaceDriver: TBC

Accommodation: The York Palace1 x room for Minister1x room for Chief of Staff1 x room for driver \

Draft Itinerary Minister MacTiernan 23 January 2019

9:30 - 11:00 Travel Perth to Lower Chittering

11:00-12:30 Launch of the Northern Growth AllianceProspectus/Tourism/Growth North of Perth at Nesci EstateWinery, 4286 Great Northern Hwy, corner of Wandena RdNorth, Lower Chittering

12:30-1:45 Drive to Northam

2:00-3:15 Site visit - Bilya Koort Boodja Centre for Nyoongar Culture andEnvironmental Knowledge, 2 Grey St, Northam

3:15-3.45 Travel to York

3.45-4:30 Check in - The York Palace Hotel, 145 Avon Tee, York orFaversham TBC Minister s Office

4:30-6:30 Friends of the Wheatbelt Forum at the Imperial Homestead 83Avon Tee, York

7:00-9:00 Farewell dinner for Wendy Newman at the Imperial Homestead

Final event brief, briefing notes and speech notes to be forwarded by 21 January2019

: Wheafbelt< 1!' Development



Min/Agency ref:File ref: M33.18




The region to Perth s north consisting of the LGA’s of Chittering, Gingin andDandaragan has been experiencing strong growth largely led by the privatesector for a number of years.

• This growth is accelerating and is bringing many opportunities and challengesto the region including land use planning, water, power, transport and services.

e To this end the Northern Growth Alliance was formed consisting ofrepresentation from the LGA s of Chittering, Dandaragan and Gingin.

• This alliance facilitates cooperation and collaboration throughout the NGAregion.

• The NGA has been collaborating with the City of Wanneroo given the porousregional - metropolitan boundary, shared challenges and opportunities andlack of planning for the increasing effect the growth in the outer suburbs of Perthis having on the Wheatbelt.

Current Situation

e Since the establishment of the NGA work has commenced to formalise thecollaboration and start to consolidate and action priorities from the groupincluding;

o Capturing the broader opportunities and advocating for the regionthrough the development of the Northern Growth Alliance InvestmentProspectus

o The development of the tourism industry and identification ofopportunities developed in the Northern Growth Alliance TourismStrategy; and

o Consolidation and development of the collaboration with the City ofWanneroo including the cooperation on agricultural development andimproved water use through the North of Perth Food Zone initiative

Given the completion of these initiatives the Wheatbelt DevelopmentCommission will be hosting an event on Tuesday 11th December in the Shire ofChittering to bring together the relevant stakeholders to acknowledge thesuccessful creation of these networks and to continue to encourageengagement across the NGA and Wanneroo regions.



That you:

1. Launch the NGA Prospectus, NGA Tourism Strategy and City of Wanneroocollaboration and North of Perth Food Zone.

2. Note the success of the ongoing collaboration in the NGA and the City ofWanneroo on shared opportunities and challenges including water andagriculture.



19/11/2018 / /201

Att: The Northern Growth Alliance Investment Prospectus

Contact: Wendy Newman, CEO, WDC Mob:


DRAFT - Event Brief - M01.19 A



Time and date:

Contact on the day:




Met by:

Speech duration:

Event MC

I Minister introduced by:

Growth North of Perth - Launch of the Northern Growth Alliance Economic

Prospectus and the

11:00 -12:30 23 January 2019

Wendy Newman, CEO, |

Daniel Waterhouse, RO, |

VIP list will be provided closer to the event.


Members of Parliament, Local Government representatives from the Shires ofGingin, Dandaragan, Chittering and the City of Wanneroo. I dustry and State

government agencies.

Smart casual

Wendy Newman, CEO, WDC

20 minutes +10 minutes question time

Wendy Newman

Rebecca Tomkinson (Chair WDC)

Order of Proceedings:







: Minister Arrive, light refreshment! . .. . . . .

Wen y Newman to provide Welcome

Housekeeping - emergency exits, phones off

Order of Proceedings and introduce Welcome to CountryiI Welcome to Country -1

I, acknowledge special guestsRebecca Tomkinson to thankand to introduce the Minister

Minister to officially launch and endorse the NGA InvestmentProspectus (20 minute speech time + 15 minutes question time)

Wendy Newman CEO to close

Network and light lunch

Drop off location:

Parking location:


Nesci Estate Wine Farm

VIP/Reserved Parking at the venue

Equipment set up - presenters will have projector, microphone available.


Other VIPs attending:

Seating arrangements:

- Welcome to Country (Yued People)

• VIP list attached

Mix of seating and standing room


VIP ListHon Laurie Graham MIC Member for the

Agricultural RegionHon Darren West MLC Parliamentary Secretary

to the Minister forRegional Development;Agriculture and Food;Member for theAgricultural Region

Rebecca Tomkinson Chair Wheatbelt DevelopmentCommission

Wendy Newman CEO Wheatbelt DevelopmentCommission

Director, RegionalDevelopment

Regional DevelopmentAustralia (RDA) Wheatbelt

Pamela I Anson Director Central Region DPIRDKim Antonio Manager, Food Industry

Innovation Investment


CEO Water Corporation

ED Department of Water andEnvironmental Regulation


Board and Staff of the Wheatbelt Development Commission

Board and Staff of RDA Wheatbelt

Representatives from the Shires of Dandaragan, Gingin, Chittering and the City of

Wanneroo (names to be provided on the day)


Speech Notes


Thank you Rebecca ...and than you BMM1.

| would like also to acknowledge the Yued and Whadjuk people whosetraditional land areas cover the Northern Growth Alliance (NGA) region,and give my respect to Elders past and present.

(The Yued region includes the towns of Bindoon, Jurien Bay, Cervantes, Lancelin,Gingin, Calingiri, Dalwallinu and Moora. The Whadjuk region comprises most of thePerth Metropolitan region and the lower NGA region, the towns of Muchea andChittering including Nesci Estate.)

I would like to thank the Wheatbelt Development Commission and thelocal governments of Chittering, Dandaragan and Gingin that haveformed the Northern Growth Alliance to work collaboratively to maximisethe opportunities in this high growth region.

® I would also like to acknowledge the City of Wanneroo, that has shown astrong commitment to look north and work with their neighbours throughthe WDC and the NGA to maximise economic and jobs growthopportunities.

® This region is already a significant contributor to the State andincreasingly the metropolitan area as it continues to grow. The NGA subregion economy is valued at $2,213 and the Wanneroo economy is

valued at $6.96B in 2016/17.

Main points

This collaborative work has seen the Northern Growth Alliance develop ashared growth strategy, produce the Investment Prospectus that we arelaunching today and begin a conversation about how to best maximisetourism opportunities given the abundant assets of this area (thisincludes international icons such as the Pinnacles, New Norcia, Lesueur

National Park, the beaches and adventure tourism).


. This growth will be further driven by increasingly connectedinfrastructure including the $1.02B NorthLink and the $344M GreatNorthern Highway Upgrade Project.

. Additionally, key planning is underway for the $275M BindoonBypass. This will continue to improve the connectivity for the regionslashing travel times to the airport, port and metropolitan area with heavyhaulage and general transport routes not just for Wheatbelt businesses,but Midwest, Gascoyne and Pilbara businesses.

The NGA region is experiencing high growth in population and industrydevelopment including significant private investment.

Population growth of 29.7% (2006 and 2016) with a current annualgrowth rate average of 3% across in the NG (compared to the Stategrowth of 26.3% over the same period). Population has grown from11,264 to 14,094 across the NGA in this time.

This population growth is supported by strong jobs growth with thenumber of filled jobs in the NGA increasing by 24% between 2006 and2016''.

Growth rates of 4.4% for the City of Swan and 7% per annum for the Cityof Wanneroo as metropolitan Perth continues to 'head north 1"

• Private investment activity (highlighted in the NGA Prospectus) includes:o Current $10M in Pork Industry (not including Westpork project) and

a further $6M in poultry and egg production;o $52M by Image mineral sand mining development;o $50M by Andrew Forrest’s Harvest Road Group free-range cattle

feed lot;o $275M investment in liuka Resources Cataby ine;O $48M from Sirona Capital Northern Gateway Industrial Park in

Muchea;o $15M in the Lobster Shack in Cervantes to develop international

tourism experiences;o $185M in solar and wind energy project with another $315M and

$70M projects in wind and solar projects also nearing completionin the NGA area.


o ... .and the list goes on.

The NGA currently hosts over 1 million visitors annually, a number thathas been increasing over the past 10 yearsAlthough most visitors are domestic, international visitation to this areahas been growing strongly. Over the last 8 years the Shire of Gingin hasseen international visitors increase by 42% and the Shire of Dandaraganhas seen a 27% increase.

Food Tourism is also developing off the back of this significantproduction with businesses largely family owned and run, diversifyingtheir agricultural production into food tourism.

Growing populations in the northern suburbs of Perth are increasinglyinterested in the origins of their food and seek quality fresh produce.More people are taking advantage of improved transport links to accesssuch produce in the NGA.

® Local businesses are successfully capitalising on this opportunity,

reporting growth in visitation.

Bindoon Bakehaus for example, has reported a 30% increase in

visitation over the past 2 years.

The Lobster Shack in Cervantes is a family business that diversified fromproduction to value adding through food tourism. They now collaboratewith Pinnacles Tours, servicing the Chinese tourism market andproviding over 800 meals for lunch in a single weekday for the visitors.

® West Coast Honey has diversified into tourism. This family business hasbeen producing honey in the region for over 100 years and they nowwelcome tourists to a central honey extracting facility and honey beeinterpretive centre. I am keen to see how we can continue to grow this



Although there are significant projects in the pipeline in the NGA, largelyfunded from domestic capital, long-term stability and growth is alsounderpinned by family established, owned and run small to mediumenterprises that generally invest in the region over generations for long¬term returns. Such a business profile (as it has done in Germany) hasand will continue to lead to sustained growth, local jobs and localinvestment because these businesses tend to be imbedded in theircommunities. (Please see Briefing Note for full list e.g. Loose LeafLettuce, Moora Citrus, Northern Valleys Packers, Trandos Farms)

Even the larger NGA businesses, particularly agribusinesses, are oftenthose that have started small and expanded their operations through anincremental increase process. (|

Exports from the region are currently significant from both theagricultural and mining sectors.

This is greatly enabled by efficient access to the international airport andports.

• Value adding to existing industries for domestic markets and in somecases export (such as olive oil) is also growing the value of products byincreasing the value, not just the volume, of products and generating

more jobs.

This includes a range of value added agricultural products originating inthis area, including:

o Cordials and soft drinkso Jams and marmaladeso Sandalwood chocolateo Pickles and relisheso Goats cheeseo Ginger beero Wine


Although individually most of these products are still small scale cottageproducts some have scaled up and are now relatively significant foodprocessors including;

o Bullbar Beef Jerkyo Borrello Group Abattoiro Gingin Grass Fed Beefo Bindoon Bakehauso 14K Brewery

The McGowan Government is putting a lot of effort into initiatives suchas the Jobs Act to support these small businesses.

There are five key principles within the WA Jobs Act, these include:

• Promoting the diversification and growth of the Western Australianeconomy by targeting supply opportunities for local industry.

• Providing suppliers of goods or services with increased access to,and raised awareness of, local industry capability.

• Encouraging local industry to adopt, where appropriate, world s bestpractice in workplace innovation and the use of new technologies

and materials.

• Promoting increased apprenticeship, training and job opportunities inWestern Australia.

• Promoting increased opportunities for local industry to developimport replacement capacity by giving local industry, in particularsmall and medium sized enterprises, a full, fair and reasonable

opportunity to compete against foreign suppliers of goods orservices.

All of these opportunities are highlighted in the Northern Growth AllianceEconomic Prospectus, It highlights future industry growth opportunitiesthat include:• Alternative energy - already producing 30% of the states alternative

energy supply, this area is a nett exporter of alternative energy. Wealso need to focus on ways to get local benefit at a community andenterprise level.


Aquaculture - the marine environment and existing infrastructureand activity such as the rock lobster activity along the coast areindicative of the potential of this area to contribute to increasing theState s value of aquaculture.Rare Earth and Mineral Sands - the region is home to somerelatively unique deposits of rare earths and mineral sands.Gypsum, titanium and mineral sands are all currently mined withpotential for high quality silica sand used for glass manufacturing inthe region. Significant deposits of high quality limes and used for theamelioration of acid soils and important for the sustainability of theagricultural industry in WA is also found in this sub-region.Tourism - using the range of existing natural, heritage and culturalassets like The Pinnacles, New Norcia, rich Aboriginal culture, richbiodivers ty found in local National Parks, significant adventuretourism and the opportunity for food tourism to drive visitor growthand spend,

Population services - as a lifestyle and tourism destination, thisarea has and will continue to see increased private investment in

sectors such as aged care and education.

Concluding remarks

What s not to like about this good news story?This area is close to Perth, close to markets, is experiencing the benefitof proactive investment and has local government workingcollaboratively to maximise economic and jobs growth opportunities.I commend the prospectus to you, please share it with others,encouraging them to join you in ensuring industry development deliversmaximum local benefit.| thank the Commission and local governments for the collaborativeefforts to drive continued growth.Congratulations to those private enterprises on their continuedinnovative approach to investing to grow their businesses. It’s good foryou, it’s good for this region, it’s good for the State.

| really look forward to ongoing updates on how your initiatives areprogressing.


' Australian Bureau of Statistics 2017, Census of Population and Housing 2016, Time Series Profiles

Australian Bureau of Statistics 2017, Census of Population and Housing 2016, Place of Work (Tablebuilder)

Australian Bureau of Statistics 2017, Census of Population and Housing 2016, Time Series Profiles

Wheatbelt1 Development


Mln/Agency ref: 64-09559

File ref: M01.19 B


TOPIC: Bilya Koort Boodja Centre for Nyoongar Culture and EnvironmentalKnowledge


In August 2018, the Bilya Koort Boodja Centre for Nyoongar Culture andEnvironmental Knowledge (the BKB Centre) was opened to the public. The Centrehas been a result of several years of collaboration between the Shire and localBallardong Aboriginal people. Royalties for Regions has contributed $300,000 to the$5.8 million project. The Federal Government has also contributed funding, throughthe National Stronger Regions Fund, in addition to the Shire of Northam, LotteryWestand the Country Local Government Funds (see detailed funding below).

-unding break down

R4R Regional Grants Scheme 2016 $300,000

Shire of Northam $1,317,166

National Stronger Regions Fund $2,100,000

LotteryWest $2,000,000

Country Local Government Funds $163,312

Total $5,880,478



The BKB Centre is the first of its kind in South West WA and provides an interactiveand educational experience that recognises the rich culture and environment of theBallardong Aboriginal people of the Nyoongar Nation and is a keeping place for localBallardong knowledge, culture and stories,

Management of the Centre is led by Co-ordinator and 4 young localAboriginal women; 1 full time and 3 casuals. The Centre also provides indirectemployment opportunities for local Aboriginal people/businesses that offer culturalexperiences through the Centre.


The Northam Aboriginal Advisory Group is an advisory body that offers guidance tothe Shire of Northam regarding Aboriginal related matters. A key role of the AdvisoryGroup is to ensure that the there is a focus on culture and connection with theAboriginal community, and that this is maintained in the future. The Advisory Grouphas played a crucial role in the development of and continued support to the BKBCentre. A full list of Advisory Group members is at Attachment 1.

The Centre plays a vital role in Aboriginal cultural tourism, attracting over 3,000visitors since its opening in August 2018. Visitors include individuals, university, notfor profit, seniors, corporate groups and seven Primary School groups, two from thePerth Metropolitan area that have brought a total of 517 students through the Centre.

In addition to touring the interpretive displays, the BKB Centre also offers othercultural activities and experiences run by local Aboriginal people including dance,artifact and didgeridoo making, visits to significant sites and river walks.

The BKB Centre currently facilitates cultural experiences for visitors to the AvonValley. As Aboriginal cultural experiences are in high demand from internationalvisitors, BKB are also working with the Northam Visitor Centre to attract coachcompanies to Northam. The AvonLink train service plays an important role inattracting visitors to Northam and is used by visitors to the BKB Centre. The awaitedcompletion of the Northam Dome Cafe and Accommodation will provide additionalfood and accommodation offerings and support the BKB Centre visitors,

The BKB Centre is an important congregation point for Aboriginal historical cultureand the stories of local Aboriginal families in various mediums, have been gatheredfor display in the BKB Centre. This has played an important role in healing and alsocontributes to the re-teaching of Aboriginal culture, especially for the local Aboriginalyouth. The Centre has also obtained and displays significant Wheatbelt Aboriginalartifacts from the WA Museum collection. State of the art technology is incorporatedinto these unique displays to make it highly interactive for visitors. This is just the firststage of gathering content for the BKB Centre and as time goes on more stories andcultural artifacts will be collected and displayed.

The BKB Centre has strong links to the Regional Development Australia WheatbeltAboriginal Enterprise Development Program. In late 2018, Business InformationSessions and one-on-one support sessions were held at the BKB Centre for Aboriginalpeople looking to develop business enterprises. This three year Federal governmentfunded program is running in the Ballardong and Yued areas to further Aboriginalenterprise, employment and economic development. The Centre will continue to beinvolved in the program into 2019 and act as a stepping stone for Aboriginal peoplewishing to progress their business venture through RDA Wheatbelt program.

The RDA Wheatbelt has submitted a funding application for $28,000 to the RegionalEconomic Development Grants Program, for the development and installation of aplatform to manage online bookings, an online store, customer interactions and adatabase for operators/service providers/enterprises, If successful, this will greatly


assist the BKB Centre in promoting and preserving Aboriginal culture, providingAboriginal tourism and supporting/ building Aboriginal enterprise.

The BKB Centre now offers Cross Cultural Awareness Training for corporate andgovernment groups. Future opportunities will include an art/culture and languageprogram, cross community Aboriginal sporting events, bush food and Nyoongarmedicine development and sales.



That the Minister note the information provided.



21/01/2019 /2019

Contact: Wendy Newman, CEO WDC Tel: 08


Attachment 1 - Northam Aboriginal Advisory Group Members

Northam Aboriginal Advisory Group

The 12 core members of the Northam Aboriginal Advisory Group are elected fromwithin the Nyoongar community. The members contribute to discussions and decisionmaking for the development and operation of the Bilya Koort Boodja Centre forNyoongar Culture and Environmental Knowledge.

The 2017/18 members of the Northam AAG are:


Event Brief M01.19 B



Time and date:

Contact on the day:



Met by:

Speech duration:

| Bilya Koort Boodja Centre for Nyoongar Culture and Env ronmental Knowle gei - site visit

| 2 Grey St, Northam

: 2.:00-3:15pm 23 January2019

Wendy Newman, CEO,

Elise Woods,

Small grou of stakeholders: Shire of ortham; representati es from the

Northam Aboriginal Advisory Group

: Smart casual

; Wendy Newman, CEO WDC

Elise Woods, SRO WDC

Centre Co-ordinator


Event MC ; Nil

Minister introduced by: j Wendy Newman

Order of Proceedings: 1 12:30/12:45 Travel from Lower Chittering to Northam

2:00 Arrive

Wendy Newman or Elise Woods to reet Minister and introduce

Site tour

Meet and greet local community stakeholders (Elders and

Advisory Group)

3:15-3:45 Travel to The York Palace 145 Avon Tee, York to checkin/comfort stop before the Friends of the Wheatbelt Forum

Drop off location: 2 Grey St, Northam (Minson A e)

Parking location: ' Parking underneath the building or opposite


Ackno ledgeme ts:

Other VI s attending:

Site visit - host

Meet and greet with Aboriginal Advisory Group and other stakeholders


• Shire of Northam

• Aboriginal Elders® WDC Chair Rebecca Tomkinson• WDC Deputy Chair David Lantzke• WDC Board members

Seating arrangements: N/A

Attendees at Bilya Koort Boodja Centre - site visit

Shire of Northam(Acting CEO)(Shire President)(Executive Manager Community Services)(Executive Manager Corporate Services)

Artist in Residence

BKB Staff

Event B ief M01.19C

Event: Friends of the Wheatbelt Forum

Location: The Imperial Homestead, 83 Avon Tee, York WA 6302

Time and date: 4:30 - 6:30pm 23 January 019

Contact on the day: Wendv Newman. CEO,

Audience: RSVPs list provided

Dress: Smart casual

Met by: Rebecca Tomkinson, Chair WDC

Wendy Newman, CEO WDC :

Speech duration: 30 minutes including questions

E ent MC Rebeca Tomkinson, Chair WDC

Minister introduced by: Rebecca Tomkinson, Chair WDC

Order of Proceedings:

4:30 Arrive

4:45 Rebecca Tomkinson, WDC Chair to provide Welcome

Housekeeping-emergency exits, phones off

Order of Proceeding and Acknowledgement of Traditional Ownersof the land, the Ballardong People and the Nyoongar Nation.

4:55 Rebecca Tomkinson to acknowledge special guests and to introducethe Minister

5:00 Minister to speak regarding

• Wheatbelt Economic Opportunities• Acknowledgement of outgoing CEO Wendy Newman

5.30- Wendy Newman to respond and close.5.40

5:40- Refreshments and networking6:30

Drop off location 83 Avon Tee

Parking location: Street parking or park at rear of venue off Avon Tee

Logistics: Cocktail style/sundowner with finger food

Acknowledgements: • Provided on the day

Other VIPs attending: • Provided on the day (Invited: WDC Board past and present, RDAWheatbelt Chair, Local Shire, business representatives, Agencyrepresentatives including DPIRD Senior Executive members)

Seating arrangements: Mix of seated and standing room


Speech Notes:


Thank you Rebecca. It s delightful to be here in historic York, WA s first inland settlement.

Acknowledgements (updated list pro ided on the day)

® I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, theBallardong people and the Noongar Nation.My fellow parliamentary colleagues my Parliamentary Secretary Hon Darren WestMIC, Hon Laurie Graham MLC; Hon Mia Davies MLA, Member for the CentralWheatbelt and Leader of the WA National Party,Industry and business representativesLocal govemmentr presentatives including Shire of York Presidentand CEO and other Shire representatives (TBC)

Main points® Today I have had the pleasure of seeing first hand some of the exciting developments

occurring across the Wheatbelt.® I visited the North of Perth Food Zone to launch the Northern Growth Alliance

Prospectus that highlights the $2.9b private and public nvestment that is occurringin this area and the strategic factors that make it an attractive place to invest. It isa great example of local governments working together to take proactive action tomaximise investment opportunities and ensure key decision makers recognise thepotential of the area.

® The outstanding Bilya Koort Boodja facility in Northam which presents reallyexciting opportunities to showcase the region aboriginal heritage and to develop ofaboriginal enterprises around tourism, arts and culture.

These developments mirror the growth and investment that is occurring more broadlyacross the Wheatbelt.

• A number of mining proposals in the eastern Wheatbelt across differing minerals(Explaurum gold project in Narembeen, WA lithium project at Mount Holland, andthe continued operation of the Koolyanobbing iron ore mine.)A significant number of renewable energy proposals ma nly focused on wind andsolar generation.

o Wind: Tilt Renewables Waddi wind farm (Dandaragan) - $500M; APAGroup Badgingarra wind farm - $315M;

o Solar: Sun Brilliance Solar Farm (Cunderdin) - $160M; Risen Energysolar farm (Merredin) - $160M


o Combined wind and solar: Emu Downs Wind and Solar Energy Farms(Dandaragan) - $185M; Kondinin Wind and Solar Farm - approx.$250m.

Growth in high value agricultural products across the southern Wheatbelt includingWagin Duck and Game, Three Farmers Quinoa, Avena Mills in Wandering and thelaunch of the Wool DNA project at the Williams Woolshed.

The 2018 growing season has seen some variability across the region but appears tohave broadly delivered a tremendous outcome for the agricultural sector, withoutstanding yields and great prices for grains, wool and sheep. Exciting newdevelopments in technology and data driven decision making will continue to see thissector provide a strong economic base for the Wheatbelt and more broadly across the


This investment in the region is supported by significant investment by the McGowanGovernment:

Transport investment: $12.2m Albany Flighway Bridges Upgrades; approx. $10mthrough the Black Spots and Safer Roads Programs; $17.2 million to continueupgrades to Great Eastern Hi hway on priority sections identified in the WheatbeltSafety Review; $2.4m upgrades to Toodyay Road, $20m upgrade to Indian Ocean

Drive;® Health Investment: $300m which has seen upgrades to small hospitals and

nursing posts across the region and telehealth services rolled out across theState. Most recently the Minister for Health has opened upgrades inWyalkatchem, Pingelly, Williams, Beverley and Quairading.

e More than $45 million across four years for the Building the Western AustralianGrains Research and Development capacity program;$10 million per annum from 2019-20 onwards to continue the ExplorationIncentive Scheme;$1.5 million over three years for a capability building program for Aboriginalbusinesses across the State, to support the Aboriginal procurement policy.

. $3.7 million to support educational programs at Muresk Institute of Agriculture• $24.8 million for the Regional Natural Resources Management Program• $690,000 to be allocated through the Regional Economic Development Grants in

the Wheatbelt. Applications closed in November 2018. WDC received 23applications and successful applicants will be announced in February.

« These are most definitely exciting times for the Wheatbelt. As I m sure you are allaware it is a region of significant potential with opportunities for investment in a widevariety of sectors. It is a region of really committed people optimistic about the futureand investing time energy and money to grow their businesses and communities.

• In the five years to 2017 the Wheatbelt’s economy experienced an average annualgrowth rate (AAGR) of 2% (higher than the State’s growth of 0.6% in the same period).

• In 2017, Agricultural value was $2.12b, contributing 33% of the Regionsindustry share and 41 % of the State total value of agricultural production.


e The mining industry contribution was $1,3b, representing 21 % of theregions industry share;

• Transport, construction and manufacturing $1,44b representing 14% of theregions industry share; and

• Population services (health, education, retail etc) represent 10% ofindustry share.

• Given the positive year experienced in the agricultural sector and renewed mininginterests in the region I will watch with interest the Wheatbelt s contribution to theongoing growth of the State.

• Finally, I would like to acknowledge the significant contribution Wendy Newman hasmade to the development of the region during the last 9 (and a bit) years as CEO of theWheatbelt Development Commission. Wendy s ability to bring stakeholders together todevelop shared solutions and action has seen marked progress across a broad rangeof sectors. Noteably:

• Gaining commitment from 42 local governments to focus on four key areas tosupport development through the Wheatbelt Infrastructure Planning process;

« Developing a Regional Blueprint that achieved alignment across all three tiers ofgovernment, industry and the not for profit sector on the 6 key pillars for thegrowth of the Wheatbelt. This alignment still underpins the focus of effort acrossthose stakeholders, enabling us to work on the things that will achieve the biggestimpact to grow and diversify the economy and create jobs.

• Delivering 5 Sub-regional economic strategies that provide a strong evidencebase to drive focused private and public investment across a range of industrysectors.


A state-wide strategy for 'Ageing in the Bush , aimed at enabling seniors to live athome and in their communities longer, growing the aged care industry andassociated job opportunities. Implementation of this strategy continues to drivesignificant benefits Statewide. Achievements in the Wheatbelt inclu e:

e 36 Local Governments have Age Friendly Plans and are investing inprioritised infrastructure and services;Over 100 Well Aged Units have been built across nearly 20 LocalGovernments, with many more in the pipeline;An innovative transport model was trialled to increase access to services

and social activity; andThe World Health Organisation s Federation of the Ageing recognising theWheatbelt as being a global leader in age friendly initiatives.

Developing and supporting 'coalitions of the willing within the Region tocollaborate on economic and jobs growth. Wendy has worked with RDAWheatbelt; Avon Community Development Foundation; the Northern GrowthAlliance; Innovation Central Midlands, Hotham Williams Economic DevelopmentAlliance, Heartlands WA; Wheatbelt Business Network; Directions WorkforceSolutions Inc.; a number of Voluntary Regional Organisations of Councils(VROCs) and many more to deliver on the ground projects to developand continue to support the Region.

e Created strong partnerships with others outside the Region to deliver initiatives ofmutual benefit, including: the University of Western Australia Centre for RegionalDevelopment (Graduate and Sen/ice Learning Programs),the City of Wanneroo(the North of Perth Food Zone) and Landcorp, now the Industrial LandsDevelopment Authority (Avon Industrial Park development).

e Facilitated cross regional initiatives that have fostered new industry growth insectors such as aged care, alternative energy and intensive agriculture;

e Driven cross agency collaboration to deliver service delivery reform in the areasof health, children’s services and aged care;

• This included leading the way, in collaboration with Pamela I’Anson (RegionalDirector Operations) during the State governments Machinery of Governmentreform process. Their collaboration resulted in the relocation of Com issionoffices to former Ag. locations in Northam, Moora, Merredin and Narrogin. Moreimportantly it continues to drive Commission and DPIRD staff collaboration in keyprojects such as development north of Perth, GIS industry precinct planning andbusiness development activities across a number of sectors.


Wendy s passion for the Wheatbelt is unprecedented and immediately apparent to all inher advocacy for the region. I have also appreciated the leadership role she has playedwithin the DPIRD portfolio as reforms have been implemented.

Her pragmatic approach and focus on outcomes for the Region make her a pleasure towork with. She has left some rather large shoes to be filled.

While Wendy leaves her role with the Wheatbelt Development Commission I have nodoubt that she will continue to be a staunch advocate for the region. I wish Wendyevery success in her future endeavours and on behalf of the State Government and theWheatbelt thank her very much for her service.

Concluding remarks

I am now keen to hear any questions you might have in relation to growing jobs and economyof the Wheatbelt and regional WA.

I will now hand over to Wendy to respond and reflect briefly on her time with the Commission.


Event Brief M01.19D

E ent: WDC CEOs farewell dinner

Location: Dining room at The Imperial Homestead, 83 Avon Tee, York WA 6302

Time and date: 7:00 - 9:00pm, 23 January 2019

Contact on the day: Wendy Newman, CEO,

Audience: Attendees: WDC Board, Staff and key stakeholders, (members of Wendy sfamily) approximately 30 people

Dress: Smart casual

Met by: Rebecca Tomkinson, Chair WDC

Wendy Newman, CEO WDC

Speech duration: Nil

Event MC Rebecca Tomkinson, Chair WDC

Minister intro uced by: Rebecca Tomkinson, Chair WDC

Order of Proceedings: 7:00 Arrive

7:10 Welcome and Order of Proceedings - Rebecca Tomkinson

Order dinner from small menu

No formalities planned

9:00 Conclusion of dinner

Note: 5 minute walk back to The York Palace Hotel

Drop off location: At same location as the Friends of the Wheatbelt Forum

Parking location: i Street parking or park at rear of venue off Avon Tee


Acknowledgements: * To be provided on the day

Other VIPs attending: « To be provided on the day

Seating arran ements: Restaurant seating
