23 April 2015 Jr/Yr No.15



23 April 2015 Jr/Yr No.15

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Tolerance is the only option to get out of this mess

Leerders van die Hoërskool Lydenburg het Vrydag deur die strate van Lydenburg gestap met plakkate teen kindergeweld. Dit was ’n aksie van Kohin. Die kinders het hulle voluit ingeleef in

hierdie belangrike aksie. As mense na die berig kyk (links) wonder mens hoe die sekere individue dit so verkeerd kon kry om hul eie bure te haat en aan te val. Leer ’n les by leerders soos hierdie - gee

om vir jou naaste. ~ Michelle Boshoff

C H I L D W E L FA R E S O U T H AFRICA calls on all South African citizens to condemn the recent xenophobic attacks that have gripped KZN province and the country and to support the victims of this brutality. Our country, South Africa, introduced Ubuntu to the world and was an example of peaceful transition from the brutal apartheid regime to a Peaceful Democratic South Africa. We showed the world that the impossible was possible with the late Nelson Mandela, our Father of the Nation and an icon of peace, reconciliation and tolerance.Where violence and brutality prevail, the most vulnerable sector of our communities, our women and children, suffer the most. All children have the right to live in peace, in love in comfort and in safety. Child Welfare South Africa and all its affiliates in the nine provinces are committed to protect our children irrespective of race, creed, religious belief or nationality. Our 44 affiliates around the Province have been requested to provide assistance where needed and to rally communities to support those who have been affected by the xenophobic attacks and violence.We, as a people, owe it to all the children in South Africa to ensure they can grow up in country where reconciliation, tolerance, peace and love prevail.We call on our leaders across the spectrum both political and community to stand up and declare that the acts of Xenophobia cannot and will not be tolerated and to take action to stop these senseless acts of brutality.“No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” – Nelson Mandela in the Long Walk to Freedom.

Tel: 013 235 3855 Cell: 071 316 2466pieterse.zelna@gmail.com

lydenburg-audiologist.co.zaOpposite Medical Centre - Lydenburg

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A piece of history from the Mpumalanga Historical Interest Group. The Schurink family was a well known family in Lydenburg. Dr Tiaan Schutte wrote about his house in Lydenburg to the MHIG. He found this old photo of the house (right). It was taken over in the Anglo Boer War and was used as a hospital for English Officers. The history of the Schurink family in Lydenburg South Africa: The progenitor of the Schurink family is Mr Jan Lambertus Schurink born at Steenwyk (Holland) on 13 October 1831. He died at Wiesbaden (Germany) on 2 February 1928.Married to Suzanna Wilhelmina Henderika Cramer on 2 October 1858.She was born on 18 Aug 1837 at Meppel

A time in history: Well known Schurink family

(Holland) and died on 25 April 1889 at sea. (We do not know where she was travelling to).They had three children:1. Roelof – born 29 March 1864 in Lydenburg South Africa; died 3 Feb 1958 in Lydenburg South Africa.2. Jan Ludolph – born 10 Aug 1866; died 2 Dec 1963. (we do not know whether he was born in Lydenburg but assume that this may be the case).3. Cecilia – died as baby (birth date not known).1.1. Roelof Schurink was married to Berendina Steltman who was born at Steenwyk (Holland) on 15 July 1870 and died in Lydenburg on 17 Sept 1922.Together they had four sons who were all born in Lydenburg.

JOOST van der Westhuizen is op 1 Mei van 08:00 to t 13:00 tydens Tingel ing Kleuterskool se sportdag by die sportterrein van Steelpoort Learskool te sien. Lu-ann Heyl bedank die Laerskool Steelpoort ook graag dat hulle nog altyd die gronde aan hulle beskikbaar gestel het vir hul sportdae..Die toegansfooi is R20 (oud of jonk) en gaan aan Joost se J9-stigting oorhandig word. Toe Joost genader was om deel te wees van die sportdag het hy sonder huiwering ingestem. Daar sal ’n item of twee van Joost wees wat aan die publiek opgeveil gaan word. Ollie die Nar gaan ook daar wees. Vir enige navrae skakel Lu-ann 071 445 0721 of Arrie by 076 360 9737.

Joost by Tingeling



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Hierdie verlore Airdale hondjie

het ‘n pienk bandjie en haar naam is Skaap.Daar is ook ’n

vergoeding van R500 vir die

persoon wat haar vind. Skakel

Nicolette083 276 1113.

ie raaisel is opgelos. Lydenburg het sy eie Dromantiesekinkel gehad

om op te los verlede week nadat

So het die voorblad verlede week daarna uitgesien met die “Liefdesraaisel”. ’n Skerp leser het laat weet sy hoop die meisie het nee gesê, want daar is nie ’n papier met “Asseblief” op nie.

Martin Fouché (29) ’n plantbestuurder by Limpopo Ready

Mix en Michelle Riekert (27) onderwyser by die Lydenburg

Akademie CVO Skool.

die voorblad op straat was. En het Die Uwe (redakteur Michelle Boshoff) haar hande vol gehad met die verduidelik dat dit definitief 'n ander Michelle is wat gevra is om te trou). Die gelukkige paartjie is Martin Fouché (29) en Michelle Riekert (27) wat op 28 Maart verloof geraak het. Martin het vir Michelle uitgenooi om te gaan fliek in Nelspruit en met die terugkomslag het sy vriende reeds die plakkate opgesit op die Longtompas. Michelle sê toe nogal so ewe vir hom, terwyl hulle by die plakkate verby ry: “Jis die ou wat dit gedoen het, het baie moeite gedoen.”En die koeël is toe spreekwoordelik deur die kerk. Boonop is die troudatum reeds vasgestel, 19 Desember. Hulle was baie verras om dit in die koerant te sien verlede week, asook opgewonde, dis iets wat hulle nooit verwag het nie. Marius en Michelle is van Lydenburg en dolverlief. Dis lekker om kupido

met sy pyltjie te sien werk hier in ons geweste. - Deur Michelle Boshoff

vir Gemeenskapsjoernalisteof Community Journalists



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PowerlessOld Grumpy

I am not going to talk about Eskom. No I am thinking of our government. In any civil society, government is there to govern. Even in African Chieftain culture, the word of the chief is the law. Bob Mugabe is the boss in Zimbabwe.Whether a government is democratically elected, autocratic or got there through a coup, the first job of a government is to determine norms and standards and the law.That is because ordinary citizens normally go about doing what they want, without due regard of the wellbeing of their brothers and sisters. Government has to keep people in line for the greater good.Not so in South Africa.Workers working on strategic key infrastructure such as Medupi powerstation can strike and down tools whenever they want. Parliament can become a circus. We can kill foreigners without consequences. Even our Zulu King says so.When a policeman shoots a hooligan with a gun, a commission of enquiry is instituted to prosecute the policeman. Same with our Parastatal Boards and Municipalities.They mess up because of political meddling and then government intervenes by prosecuting the Board members, even though they created the mess in the first place.In South Africa the state does not protect the entities who are there to do their jobs. It sits idly by and watches the country go up in fire, down in ruins and they steal without being accountable. We do not have a government at all. Zuma and the ANC is impotent. It is powerless. It is occupying offices without any purpose. It does not protect its citizens. It does not keep people in line. It does not tick the boxes of even the most basic form of government. We need a government with a sjambok!

Hoor- Hierso

DINK dieper en verder as die norm. Aanvaarbare standaarde maak dat mens in ’n groef vasval w a a r g e e n r u i m t e g e l a a t w o r d v i r oorspronklikheid nie. Oorspronklikheid en inisiatief word gebore in ’n mens se brein. Ja-en-amen maar vir die mensdom, maar in jou gedagtes kan jy sê wat jy wil. Soos om jou eie definisies op te maak oor

onderwerpe. Sommige ongetroude mans meen byvoorbeeld ’n huweliksertifikaat is eintlik ’n soort jaglisensie wat jou tot een bok beperk. In baie kuiers om die kaggelvuur hierdie winter gaan gesprekke na die stand van die rand beweeg en natuurlik finansies. Iets waarmee my banksake baie vertroud is, is die definisie dat ’n kredietkaart iets is wat die meeste mense gebruik wanneer hulle ontdek geld kan nie alles koop nie (persoonlike definisie). My bankbestuurder sal ook saamstem dat ’n begroting per verduideliking iets is wat jou laat wakker lê nog voor jy jou geld bestee. Ander definisies wat vir my sin maak is: *Dieet: ’n Manier van maer word waarvoor jy gou dik word. Daarop het ’n vriendin van my bygevoeg dat etenstyd die enigste tyd is wanneer ’n kind nie wil eet nie.*Gesinsvakansie: Wanneer jy alles saamneem waarvan jy eintlik wil wegkom.*’n Gewete: Iets wat pla as alles baie lekker gaan.*Kortpad: ’n Pad waarop jy niemand kan kry om jou te sê waar jy is nie. Die beste manier om vakansie te hou is sonder ’n skedule. Mens kyk net waarheen die pad jou vat. Dan kan niemand baklei oor verkeerde aanwysings nie. *Matrieksertifikaat: ’n Kwitansie wat ’n kind ontvang vir die rekening wat sy pa betaal.*Middeljare: Wanneer jy jou emosies vir simptome verruil word. Maar dit kan gesê word: Met ’n bottel wyn raak mens goed ge'train' en dink jy ewe skielik baie dieper en weier as die norm. Vat die oop pad, sonder ’n skedule en dink wat jy wil. Moet net nie altyd sê wat jy wil nie. Ex Libris- Michelle Boshoff

“ I will protect you and save you” Isa 41:10

Lord, we pray you will protect and save the many vulnerable people in the world. The children, the elderly, the ill, the exploited, the poor. We pray You will protect, save and comfort them.

Fotografieklub se wenners

Manyeleti Elephant


Die Longtom Fotografieklub se wenners van die maand bo en onder

DELAY caused by vital vaccine modification to match potent flu strains. Getting vaccinated against the flu will be even more important for

Flu vaccinations now available in SASouth Africans this winter after the Northern Hemisphere experienced one of its worst flu outbreaks in recent years, resulting in the death of

nearly 30 children in the United States alone. Residents in Europe and North A m e r i c a w e r e unfortunately poorly prepared, as the flu vaccine that was made available to them did not provide adequate protection against two new strains of the virus. “The flu vaccine is usually available in South Africa in early March but delivery was delayed this year due to the fact that the vaccine had to be modified to better match the strains of flu that are currently doing the rounds,” notes Dr Annamarie R i c h t e r , m e d i c a l director at Netcare's Primary Care Division.Dr Richter explains, “Each year flu vaccines are modified to comply w i t h t h e recommendations of the World Heal th Organization (WHO). The vaccines available for the Northern

Hemisphere's flu season in 2014/2015 unfortunately proved to be only 23% effective in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”With this winter's flu strains proving to be even more virulent, Dr Richter advises that South Africans get vaccinated as soon as possible, as it takes about two weeks after vaccination for protective antibodies to develop. “Children over six months, the elderly, and pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to infection and severe flu-associated complications, so it is vital that they get

their flu vaccinations now. Complications from flu could include pneumonia, bacterial infections, myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) and neurological conditions. However, it is never too late to vaccinate.” There are a few misconceptions about flu vaccinations, including the belief that you can get flu from these vaccines. It is impossible to get flu from a flu vaccine as it does not contain any of the live virus. There may be some mild side effects such as minor headaches, a slight fever or swelling and soreness at the injection site. However, a flu vaccination is still the most effective way to protect you.Even if a vaccine is only ten percent effective, it can still prevent an estimated 13 000 hospitalisations of older people in one flu season.

Die Bapt is te Gemeente Lydenburg bied 'n damestee aan op 30 Mei. Die gasspreker is Ina Bonnette wat na aanranding en misdaad weer staande is. Die koste is R120.Vir meer inligting skakel Louise Kruger by 082 264 2999.

YDENBURG ontvang die eerste keer in die geskiedenis die president van Transvaal Landbou L

Unie SA op 28 April om 18:00 by die Lydenburg Gholfklub. Mnr. Meintjies is self 'n ervare boer naby Cullinan en is 'n leier by die BoeremMark in Silverton. Hy het ook verskeie besoeke aan ander

wêrelddele gebring, om te sien hoe ander boere hule ding doen. Die volgende bestuurslede Johan: 082 952 2706 of Willem by 082 678 1449 of Colin by 082 928 4637 kan geskakel word. Daar moet reëlings getref word vir spyseniering en die getalle moet bevestig word. Ons sien uit om boere wie ons Ethos onderskryf daar te verwelkom.

Special pages for lunches, gifts and treats for

Mothers Day in newspaper to come.Phone Reinet Bell to

advertise on these themed pages 082 450 4875

Mothers Day


Demonstrasies: Broodbak in die buite-oond, botterkarring, klei-os maak en voorlaaierskiet.Interessante handwerk stalletjies:Plaasbotter, konfyt, heuning, Boerseep,

Ouwerf Plaasmuseumhou Boere Kultuurfees op Maandag 27 April

Oudhede ens.Aktiwiteite vir die dag: Boeresport, perdesport, kettie-skiet, trekkerritte, visvang, pyl-en-boogskiet, Modevertoning v a n To e k a t o t N o u , ’ n dansvertoning deur Global

Artists en veteraan motorskou. Die sanger Tom Jacobie gaan weer optree. Kom k y k o o k n a d i e sweepvleg en riembrei.

Dis ‘n unieke fees, soos geen ander en daar is iets vir jonk-en-oud om te doen.

Ouwerf se Plaasmuseumfees

het ’n instelling geword in


Maandag 27 April, Vakansiedagpret

Dis ’n Boerekultuurfees en gesinsdag. Gaan geniet die dag, Maandag is immers ’n

vakansiedag. Toegang is R50 vir volwassenes, R10 vir

kinders. 10:00 tot laataand. Kontak Pieter: 074 270 7222 of




ie Suikerbosstreek Vroue Landbou Unie het onlangs hul hul jaarslikse konferensie gehou op Machadodorp. Lede van die Strelitziatak D

het deel geneem en baie goed gevaar. Die uitslae is as volg: Heleen de Bruyn – Hekelwerk – 3de plek, Gebottel – 2de Plek.Die tak se program het die eerste plek verower. Heather Aspeling – Blommerangskikking beginners – 3de plek, Handvlyt – 1ste plek, Fotografie – 2de plek asook 'n sertifikaat vir die hoogste punt vir individuele SA artikel. Baie geluk aan die dames met hulle goeie prestasies en ons hoop om volgende jaar nog meer lede se name by te voeg. Baie geluk aan die dames met hulle goeie prestasies en ons hoop om volgende jaar nog meer lede se name by te voeg.

Wen op VLU se kongres

Mee. Heather Aspeling en Heleen de Bruyn van die Strelitzia-tak in Lydenburg met van hul


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BUCO, Burgersfort will help you put a smile on Mom’s face this Mothers Day. They now stock Kirtech Lizzy designer double pelmet poles in different szes: 1.5M (R111.70), 2.0M ( R148.92), 2.5M (R186.54), 3.0M (R223.37) and 3.5M (R260.60). Fit this curtain rail and surprise your mother this Mother’s Day. Contact them for further information at 013 231 7578

Mother’s Day at Buco, Burgersfort

EIENAAR, Willie Botha van Hops Ho l low he t d ie afgelope naweek hul konferensie en onthaal fasiliteite amptelik geopen. Die Donkiekar orkes het vir wonderlike m u s i e k g e s o r g , m o e r k o f f i e , e n tradisionele braai en potjies om die honger weg te hou . Hierdie fasiliteite kan tot en me t 100 mense akkommodeer en met die fantastiese uitsig en warm vure wat brand is dit beslis d ie p lek v i r jou funksie. Skakel gerus vir Fred Swanepoel by 013 235 8910 vir jou bespreking.

Willie Botha

Hops Hollow openDie Skuur en Vleispot Kraal

104 Viljoen StreetVersekeringsforum

BuildingLydenburg 1120

082 856 2996

Chané en Philip van der Schyff is Vrydag in die eg verbind. 'n Klein, intieme onthaal is te Lodge Laske

Nakke gehou. Alle voorspoed en seën word die egpaar toegewens.

Some self-catering accommodation offering double rooms at R300 per room is still available. Though limited we are keeping these rooms aside for members, though we need confirmation as soon as possible.Note that one can also make a make a day visit to Pilgrim's Rest. This is an open weekend that allows participation in only a selection of the activities. Except for the fact that the whole of the weekend is

Pilgrim's Rest Heritage Weekend24 to 27 April 2015

regarded as an Mpumalanga Heritage outing, we are arranging a special excursion to the old Belvedere hydro-electric power plant and manager's house near Bourke's Luck on Saturday afternoon. These historic structures were always kept well intact, but were vandalised in recent

years. Heading the group will be Christine Rowe. She used to head the provincial museum services in Pilgrim's Rest before joining the local explorations company, TGME as environmental manager. Christine completed her Masters Degree on the heritage management and archaeological, historical and industrial resources on the Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve. She has not been at Belvedere in recent years.Note that only five 4x4 vehicles and passengers will be allowed on this fact finding excursion.

Please book to secure a seat or offer a vehicle. Also see the programme notes: Visit to the Belvedere Power Station: Departing at 10h30 from the Information Centre, own 4 x 4 vehicle, maximum of 5 vehicles will be allowed so please arrange to take friends and fill up your vehicle. No cost, but take all your own refreshments & picnic basket. Bookings essential.Mpumalanga Historical Interest Group. www.routesmp.co.za Bookings for Guided Tours & Excursions at the Information Centre (Tel. 013 768 1060)Please book in advance as museums and venues can only accommodate a limited number of visitors per tour!

Mpumalanga Historical Interest Group.Marius Bakkes - history@destinationsmp.co.za

9 De Clerq Street




083 626 6305

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NEW DELHI - Mohammad Shahnawaz’s 14-year-old son Fahad watched in horror as his father was brutally beaten by five men on a main street in India’s capital in broad daylight.Shahnawaz, 38, was riding on his motorbike with his two sons on pillion when it collided with a car.“There were five men in the car and an accompanying scooter. They were all drunk and started abusing and then beating up my father,” Fahad told police.The boy rushed to the nearest police post, then back to his grandparents’ place nearby, but by the time he returned with help it was too late. Shahnawaz was taken to the nearest hospital where he died of his injuries.It was just one example of the increasing frequency of road rage on Delhi’s congested streets, where at any time of the day cars and buses are bumper to bumper with two-wheelers weaving through.There are no lanes for cycles, parking spaces are hard to find, pedestrians cross wherever they want, hawkers sell goods at traffic lights – all adding to the stress. Drivers overtake from the wrong side, jump traffic lights, talk on cell phones while driving and tailgate.“It’s always me first and my right of way,” says Delhi’s joint commissioner of police in charge of traffic Anil Shukla.Shukla says road rage is a common phenomenon in many cities across the world, and the situation in New Delhi is not exceptional.“It’s not the just the frustration of dealing with traffic, it’s also about attitudes, the stress of modern life, the anxieties, the anger, our hot climate, and so we cannot tackle road rage with policing alone,” Shukla adds.34 cases of road rage were reported in 2011 which went up to 93 in 2014 including three deaths. Many more cases were likely not reported at all, Shukla says. Delhi’s road traffic has grown more than 100 percent over the past decade, while the number of streets increased by a little over 15 percent, according to a 2013 survey of the local government.Each day, commuting time gets longer, drives are more stressful and tempers flare with minor accidents leading to quarrels that quickly degenerate into physical fights. Sometimes weapons are used, sometimes the vehicle itself is used as a means of retaliation.In February, two brothers were gunned down in Bawana in the outskirts of Delhi when they got into an argument with some men over a parking space.In December, two Delhi policemen were run over and died of their injuries after they tried to stop a speeding taxi.An accountant and his wife were beaten up by two men near their home in south Delhi when their car bumped into another while backing up in June.Psychologist Mandakini Roy says road rage – an outburst of violent anger, often irrational and disproportionate – is also an indication of a society on edge.“People spend hours on the road, they feel they are being pushed around, the boss complains they are late, their families complain they are late, parking is a huge issue in commercial areas and residential ones.”A small incident – where a car is scratched or gets a small dent – evokes a totally disproportional reaction born out of simmering frustration, Roy says.Sociologist Sanjay Srivastava says the increasing instances of road rage are the result of social mobility.

“There are large numbers of first-generation car owners within very few years,” he says, noting that they have not picked up the formal rules or basic driving manners.“The car for them is a status symbol as well, and a scratch on it is an an attack on their self-esteem,” Srivastava says. “Road rage is also an expression of aggressive male masculinity.”Shukla says it is similar to the law of the jungle on the roads.Roy adds that it is not just about the size of the vehicles, but also about social hierarchies, where a scooter bumping into a car or a courier boy scratching a businessman’s SUV invite retaliation.Systemic interventions have to be made, Shukla says, from more stringent checks and pre-licence lessons and refresher courses for drivers, to inculcating values of patience at an early age.“We have to teach right from school what is proportionate behaviour. If someone bumps into you, do you smash his jaw? Kill him?”Shukla feels Delhi’s residents need to be taught early not to get provoked or overly excited by minor things, and that if no one is hurt it may be best to move on to ensure there are fewer irrational deadly outbursts on the streets. iol.motoring.co.za

ED: I guess as residents of Lydenburg / Mashishing we can still consider ourselves lucky. I see the finger and idiots skipping stop streets or driving like a bat out of hell daily, but generally we are not yet as stressed as the drivers in the big cities. Even with heavy traffic, potholes and traffic lights against us, you can still drive from one end of town to the other in less than 15 minutes. So hang in there. Keep calm and smile, especially at the idiot in the other car. A smile usually defuses anger instantly.

E G AAF R- UNDE CD R AR8 Breytenbach Street, Lydenburg013 235 1086degraaflydenburg@webmail.co.za


MAHINDRA South Africa extended its range of Bolero bakkies with the launch of the new Maxitruck Plus – a single-cab workhorse, the automaker says, focussed on providing "high payload, low running costs and reliability".Mahindra says: "The new Maxitruck Plus is recognisable as a member of the Bolero family due to its bold front styling, emphasised by the vertical grille, square headlights, extended bonnet and pronounced wheel arches."Powering the new Bolero Maxitruck Plus is Mahindra’s M2DICR 2.5 litre four-cylinder turbodiesel capable of 46kW/195Nm mated to a five-speed manual driving power to the rear-wheels. Fuel consumption is rated at 7 litres/100km. Its revised steering sees a reduction in turning circle to 11m.The Maxitruck Plus has a ground clearance of 170mm, an extended wheelbase of 3150mm (from 3014mm compared to standard Bolero) and a load bay rated at 1.13 cubic metres of space with a payload of 1150kg. It's fitted with 195/80 R15 tyres with 15" steel rims.Inside it's equipped with immobiliser, cloth seats, dual-tone dashboard and Aux connectivity.The new Mahindra Bolero Maxitruck Plus is priced at R127 995 and is sold with a two-year or 50 000km warranty. Services are at 10 000km intervals.Wheels24.co.za

LAND ROVER launched its new Heritage division at the Techno Classica show in Essen, Germany, offering original parts for a variety of enduring favourites that have been out of production for longer than a decade.Sister company Jaguar already has a Heritage division that not only supplies parts for classic models but is also building six complete lightweight E-Type race cars to complete a planned production run of 18 in the middle 1960s that was canned after only 12 had been made.Already available from the new Land Rover Heritage workshop are body, trim and service parts for the 1970s Range Rover Classic, as well as service parts and some salvage parts for the Range Rover P38 and Discovery 1 and 2.There's even a limited range of spares for Land Rover Series I, II and III, and the Heritage anoraks are planning to re-introduce more original parts, each carrying a factory warranty and made using the original tooling methods wherever possible. Given that an estimated 70 percent of all Land Rovers made since 1948 are still running, there's a big market out there.The centrepiece of the Land Rover display at Techno Classica is a first-generation Range Rover Classic that's been restored with heritage parts made using original Land Rover tooling.With production of the Defender now in its run-out phase, Land Rover has committed to supplying spares for this automotive icon for 15 years - and after that, Defender owners will be able to order heritage parts through Land Rover dealers worldwide.So-called heritage parts are becoming big business as the classic car market expands; component company British Motor Heritage has been making replacement bodyshells and panelwork for classic British cars - including the MGB, MG Midget, Austin-Healey Sprite, Triumph TR6 and the original Mini - since 1975, while Pennsylvania-based Dynacom is producing complete original Ford Mustang bodyshells - and you can get just about anything else to restore your Pony Car (or even create a brand-new 1964½ original - it's been done!) from Ford's Restoration Parts division.iol.motoring.co.za

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WITH stones flying in all directions, windscreen damage is an everyday occurrence. But sometimes it can be fixed without the expense of replacing the entire screen.While replacement is the order of the day, sometimes repairs are successful.Only if a hole can be drilled through the first layer at the centre of the chip is the “fix” viable. Short cracks can be attempted by drilling a small hole at the fracture tip to relieve the high stress concentration, but remember that there is no guarantee. Generally, only the bull’s eye type of chip is successful. Take note that a perfectly invisible repair is highly unlikely. The best you can expect is a reduction of visible damage of around 80%.Cracks that spread cannot be repaired because they grow with time (and stress) and ultimately lead to total failure. Insurers generally do not allow repairs up to 110 mm either side of the driver’s line of sight (steering-wheel centre). Also, cracks longer than 150 mm and chip damage over 25 mm in diameter. Side windows can’t be repaired because they aren’t made from laminated glass layers but toughened glass.We popped in at Glasfit in Cape Town’s Montague Gardens in the hope that the stone chip in front of the driver’s seat of our long-term Mitsubishi Triton was repairable. Manager Johnny Cornelissen gave us the run-down of the process.Although he advised that the Triton’s chip was too complex to guarantee success, he agreed to run it as a test case, the uncertainty due to multiple small glass chips at the centre of the damage which would prevent full penetration of the resin.Glasfit technician Iqbal Khan first cleaned the area of all dirt and grease. He then attached a vacuum pump to the chip, which sucked air from the cracks. Using the same equipment, Vitrafix liquid resin was introduced into the voids under pressure. An ultraviolet lamp was then placed over the area to harden the resin and, finally, the surface was scraped clean with a Stanley blade to remove any unevenness in the resin. The resin must be flexible, return lost strength to the glass and cope with extreme heat and cold. Some backyard repairers may use cheaper liquid glue that

will turn yellow after about a year.To repair a windscreen will cost from R200 to R300 depending on the company used and complexity of the damage. Insurers will usually cover the full cost of such repairs.Specialist manufacturers sell complete kits containing all equipment required, plus a training DVD if you wish to start your own repair business.A windscreen contributes roughly 35% to the roof strength of a car. In other words, the glass forms a part of the monocoque

structure.Panoramic glass roofs are also made from laminated glass.Roadworthy test centres will fail your car if there is a chip in front of the driver (in an approximately 300 mm wide section).A windscreen is actually two sheets of glass held together with a vinyl interlayer, usually polyvinyl butyral (PVB). This prevents break-up of the glass when damaged.Laminated glass reflects 99% of ultraviolet light. All damaged glass is now recycled. It’s an expensive but necessary process.Carmag.co.za

THE new 2016 Mitsubishi Pajero will probably be released sometime in the next year.The new model will have a serious redesign that will not keep many of the predecessor’s traits. The new model, the company says, will change the mid-size SUV into something that could appeal to anyone’s taste.Pajero will have a more elegant and dominant exterior that will have more aerodynamic and fluid feel, special features for the US market and specially designed details.Although the model won’t look rough anymore, it will keep its amazing off-road capabilities. The true value of this redesign lies in its power train. The 2016 Mitsubishi Pajero will have a choice of petrol or diesel engine and hybrid power from which to choose. Such a move will cover pretty much anybody's choice in drivetrains so the new SUV will have something to offer.The details about the 2016 Mitsubishi Pajero exterior and interior are still not known but there is some information about it. To start with, the new model will have a new platform, made out of lightweight but strong materials. This will reduce the vehicle’s weight and improve its performance and fuel economy. The new platform will provide better underpinning that should result in easier handling and improved agility.The new model will get a new, sleek and modern exterior. Also, the reports about the interior are very scarce. The new model should have a slightly bigger cabin and it is expected to offer a higher level of luxury, which includes high-quality materials and more equipment as a standard.The 2016 Mitsubishi Pajero will have various engines offered, even though the final list is still in development. The petrol and diesel engines will be offered, but there are no reports on the particular unit that will be installed. There is a possibility of using other Mitsubishi model’s engines, but also there is a slight chance of developing completely new ones for this occasion.In addition, the 2016 Pajero will have a plug-in hybrid powertrain, which will be borrowed from the Mitsubishi Outlander. This engine consist of a two-litre inline-four petrol engine and two 60-kilowatt electric motors. The model will use lithium-ion batteries and it will come with an all-wheel drive. However, if the batteries get low on energy, the drive mode switches to a front-wheel drive.Wheels24.co.za

Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen Streets • Lydenburgmcgeesales@mcgee.co.za | 013 235 2371


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TE HUUR:• 2 en 3 Slk woonstelle - vanaf per maand op Ohrigstad

TE KOOP:• 5 Slk woning met 3 badkamers, 2 slk w/stel en 3 wendy’s. Goeie area. Ideaal vir losieshuis - • 5 Slk luukse woning met 3 badk, ruim woonarea’s, oopplan eetk/komb, 2 mot + afdakke vir 2 motors. Boomryke omheinde tuin. Goeie ligging - • 3 Slk dubbelverdieping meenthuis met erf en palisade, wendy - • 2 Slk netjiese meenthuis met omheinde erf, goeie area -


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DID you know home break-ins actually increase during the winter months? Home Security systems can help to protect your home during the winter months when there is a concern of break-ins. Since the days become shorter, the evenings become darker quickly, which normal ly means homeowners are not around when the home is dark. Motion sensor lighting and video can help to protect a home from burglaries. Coming home to a break-in is a devastating moment for anyone, which is why it is important to consider installing a security system. Use the following winter home security tips to prevent serious concerns:

� Lock the Doors and WindowsA thief will search for areas of weakness of their home. The doors and windows

are areas of the home that are common weak points. Always check each window and door to ensure they are locked before you leave the home. If you have a home security system installed, the doors will beep if they are not locked properly.

� Motion DetectionThe other thing you need to consider adding to your home is motion detection lighting. Keeping your home well-lit is important to prevent burglaries as most burglaries occur in the darkness. When the lights are on, it makes it harder for someone to break-in unnoticed. A good security system will include automation options that allow you to program the system from your computer or your smart-phone. Automatic timers are another option that will help to keep your

home safe if you are not around.

� Remove GreeneryThe best way to keep your home safe during the winter is to remove the trees and other things that are around the home. It will eliminate hiding spots. If you have patio furniture and other things outside the home, lock them in the garage so they cannot be used to help a person climb onto a roof.

� Sweep the Driveway and WalkwayOne easy sign that no one is home is a driveway that is not swept. The best winter safety tips for home and apartment owners is to ensure it looks like you are home. Hiring a garden service to maintain your garden and sweep your walks is a great way to improve your home safety. Nothing beckons a thief to investigate and/or burgle quite like fallen leaves all over the place.

� Invest in a Security SystemThe best way to keep your home safe in the winter is by investing in a quality security system. They will alert the security company within a few seconds. Staying safe is vital to your families’ safety and keeping your assets and loved ones protected from intruders.www.homesafety.com


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R1 530 000Pragtige nuutgeboude 3 slaapkamerhuis met 2 badkamers en 2 motorhuise in sekuriteitsarea.

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R4 300 00040Ha plaas met pragtige 3 slaapkamer-huis met 2 badkamers en foreldamme. 10km buite Lydenburg.

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N E T J I E S E , VEILIGE “Bachelor” woonstel te huur. Is geleë 6km buitekant Lydenburg op die D u l l s t r o o m p a d . R 2 8 0 0 w a t e r , elektrisiteit asook t u i n d i e n s t e ungesluit. R2800 deposito betaalbaar. O n m i d d e l i k beskikbaar. Skakel Nico by 082 072 7186.

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“It should be noted that Anna Catharina Holscher intends making application to the Commissioner of CIPC, for the re-i n s t a t e m e n t o f Risuka Education C C – 2001/033791/23. It should further be no ted t ha t any objection to the application must be f i l e d w i t h t h e Commissioner of CIPC within twenty one (21) days of the date of publication hereof.”

“It should be noted that Monashi Erick Mabelane intends making application to the Commissioner of CIPC, for the re-i n s t a t e m e n t o f Monashi Mabelane P r o j e c t s Management CC – 2008/074817/23. It should further be no ted t ha t any objection to the application must be f i l e d w i t h t h e Commissioner of

CIPC within twenty one (21) days of the date of publication hereof.”

“It should be noted t h a t Ya n h u a n g H u a n g i n t e n d s making application to the Commissioner of CIPC, for the re-i n s t a t e m e n t o f G low ing Sunse t Trading 70 CC – 2004/013911/23. It should further be n o t e d t h a t a n y objection to the application must be f i l e d w i t h t h e Commissioner of CIPC within twenty one (21) days of the date of publication hereof.”


•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg:Sunday s e r v i c e 0 8 : 3 0 , S u n d a y S c h o o l 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-g e m e e n t e Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101 . • NG-ke rk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle E v a n g e l i e - k e r k . S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met k i n d e r s 1 0 : 0 0 , Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 m i d w e e k d i e n s , Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. P a s t . A n d r e Hanekom. • Die G e m e e n t e v a n Christus Rensburg-str.41,Lydenburg. W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 B iduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool

10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. P a s t o o r N e e l s Barnardo 079 814 4 8 4 5 • N e w Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA) . S o n d a e 0 9 : 3 0 (kinderkerk),18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. e u g s e l 1 9 : 0 0 Woens. sel 19:00, jeug by kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 2 3 5 4 9 0 5 . • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 0 9 : 0 0 . N u w e k e r k g e b o u langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi H a w e n s E v a n g e l i s a s i e Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, b i d u u r 1 9 : 0 0 . Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9 2 8 5 0 7 5 lydenburgbaptiste@isat.co.za Sunday morn ings 09 :30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom C h u r c h C e n t r e . S e r v i c e s C o r o m a n d e l . S u n d a y S c h o o l 1 0 : 0 0 , c h u r c h service 11:00. Skhila S u n d a y S c h o o l 10:00 and church s e r v i c e 11 : 0 0 . Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420

7 9 5 4 . • A . G . S S t e e l p o o r t . S o n d a g o g g e n d 09:00, aande 18:00, Woensdae selgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 0 8 3 2 9 1 8 0 0 5 / kerkkantoor:087 808 5604.• Sewedag Adventiste Kerk -Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, B u r g e r s t r a a t L y d e n b u r g . Bybelstudie 09:15, e red iens 11 :00 . Navrae 084 922 4 4 4 4 . • V o l l e Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae O g g e n d e A a n d Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 5 3 3 7 8 3 6 • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente , e lke Sondag om 09:00,

s e l g r o e p e l k e W o e n s d a g o m 1 8 : 0 0 . P a s t o o r Leon Labuschagne 0 8 4 5 1 2 9 0 4 6 Kerkkantoor 087 8 0 8 5 6 0 4 . • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie b y W e n a k k e r , K e r k s t r a a t Lydenburg.

Opening Soon

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Application Closing Date: 4 May 2015

Submit your CV via fax or email to:Fax: 086 260 1698Email: theresa.boshoff1@gmail.com

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Now Hiring:Type of business: Fast Food OutletPositions available: Supervisors Grillers Counter personnel Delivery Driver

Application Closing Date: 4 May 2015

Submit your CV via fax or email to:Fax: 086 260 1698Email: theresa.boshoff1@gmail.com

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Vacancy available for:

Assmang Limited – Dwarsrivier Mine seeks suitable Companies to submit proposals for the Underground Roadway Construction and Belt Cleaning.Our mine, situated in the Limpopo Province about 60km from Lydenburg and 40km from Burgersfort, is a member of the Assmang Group and world-class producer of Chrome Ore and was nominated as Top Employer 2014.

Tender Number: TM 1504/02Description: Underground Roadway Construction and Belt Cleaning

Terms of reference/specifications and tender documentation can be downloaded from the below portal:


Enquiries regarding the tender can be directed to below e-mail and fax.

E-Mail: dwrtenders@dwarsrivier.co.zaFax: 0866 101 887

Please quote the relevant tender number in the subject line of your e-mail or fax.No telephonic queries will be entertained.

Tender briefing Date and Time: 08 May 2015 at 09:00 Venue: Dwarsrivier Training CentreClosing Date and Time of Tender: 15 May 2015 2015 at 12:00


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Results of the Forever Loskop marathon that was run on Saturday the 18th of April from Middelburg to the Loskop dam Forever Resort.Modikwa Marathon Club again sent a strong team to this very popular race, with 14 runners competing in the 3 races, the 50km Ultra marathon, 21.2km Wild Challenge and 5km fun run for the not so competitive runners.This race is the last race where athletes can hand in their times for final seeding in the Comrades Marathon and representatives of this awesome race were there at the finish to capture the information.Leboka Noto again did the best in the team with a time of 03:11 and following very strongly behind him, Peter Molapo with a time of 04:07. Peter is now very near the top of his form and will peak just at the right time for Comrades.Jeanette Setshabe ran her second 21.2km race this weekend for the year and improved her time on her last race, we are proud of her and she showed great

determination and did not give up. The athletes would like to thank Modikwa management for the fantastic support they receive and would like to single out Mr. Hope Tyira and Chris Storm for the effort to see that the team gets to the race.The race final results were not available on the website for positions, so we only have the race times.Loskop Marathon - 2015Leboko Noto 03:11:00 50kmPeter Molapo 04:07:00 50kmHerman Mogale 04:11:00 50kmJeffrey Nkuna 04:17:00 50kmCapri Maluleke 04:17:00 50kmAlbert Twala 04:33:00 50kmAdolph Boshego 04:47:00 50kmJames Mohlala 01:30:00 21.2kmSonia Makoua 01:31:00 21.2kmElvis Madiba 01:38:00 21.2kmFrans Manoga 01:38:00 21.2kmViolet Mabitla 02:28:00 21.2kmJeanett Setshabe 05:00:00 21.2kmSalome Makuoa 00:32:00 5km

Race makes

runners winners

Race makes

runners winners

Isak en Talita

Christi van Wyk

Colleen en Hanco

D i e L a e r s k o o l Lydenburg is trots op d i e G r o n d s l a g -faseleerlinge wat deur gegaan het na die eerste rondte van d i e A T K V R e d e n a a r s a a r s . Woensdag 22 April 2015 by Generaal Hertzog in Witbank is:Jaline Viljoen, Willem Botha, Talita Botha, Suritha Niemand, Christi van Wyk, Lirrie Mellet.Leerlinge in graad 4 en 5 wat deurgaan is:A b i g a i j l W i l s o n , M o n j a C o e t s e r , H a n c o B a r n a r d , Conrad BreitenbachColleen Niemand, Anjé van der Merwe. Leerlinge in graad 4 en 5 wat deurgaan is:Zanri Hanekom, Gabi

van der Merwe, Jana Ingwersen, Jean van der Merwe, Miquette Aucamp en Reinhardt Viljoen. graad 1: Isak Niemann en Talita Botha.graad 2: Ewan Fritz en Jaline Viljoen (Algehele wenner in Junior fase)graad 3: Willem Botha en Christi van Wykgraad 4:Hanco Barnard en Colleen Niemandgraad 5: Conrad Breintenbach en Anjé van der Merwe (Algehele wenner)graad 6: Fanie Erasmus en Gabi van der Merwe: graad 7: Jean van der Merwe en Jana Ingwersen (algehele wenner)

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