226 Assignment Brief for Advertisement and Promotion in Business -Unit 18 - Adv & Prom in Bus...


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Assignment BriefUnit 18: Advertising and Promotion in Business

Higher National in Business

Unit information

Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business

Unit Title: Advertising and Promotion in Business

Tutor information

Unit Lecturer: Mr M Rahman

Unit aim

The aim of this unit is to provide learners with the understanding and skills for using

advertising, promotion and marketing communication effectively. Learners will put

this into practice by planning an integrated promotional strategy

Learning outcomes and criteria covered by this assignment

The aim of this assignment is to demonstrate the understanding of marketing

communication and importance of advertising, evaluate advertising and promotion

techniques and planning for integrated promotional strategies. The learning outcomes

(LO) of the unit are given below:

LO1: Understand the scope of marketing communications

LO2: Understand the role and importance of advertising

LO3: Understand below-the-line techniques and how they are used

LO4L Be able to plan integrated promotional strategies

The unit has 14 pass, 3 merit and 3 distinction assessment criteria and these are given



P1 (1.1): explain the communication process that applies to advertising and promotion

P2 (1.2): Explain the organisation of the advertising and promotions industry

P3 (1.3): Assess how promotion is regulated

P4 (1.4): Examine current trends in advertising and promotion, including the impact

of ICT

P5 (2.1): Explain the role of advertising in an integrated promotional strategy for a

business or product

P6 (2.2): Explain branding and how it is used to strengthen a business or product

P7 (2.3): Review the creative aspects of advertising

P8 (2.4): Examine ways of working with advertising agencies

P9 (3.1): Explain primary techniques of below-the-line promotion and how they are

used in an integrated promotional strategy for a business or product

P10 (3.2): Evaluate other techniques used in below-the-line promotion

P11 (4.1): Follow an appropriate process for the formulation of a budget for an

integrated promotional strategy

Unit18_Advertising & Promotion in Bus Assignment brief/HND_B/LSCI 2

P12 (4.2): Carry out the development of a promotional plan for a business or product

P13 (4.3): Plan the integration of promotional techniques into the promotional

strategy for a business or product

P14 (4.4): Use appropriate technique for measuring campaign effectiveness.


M1: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions

M2: Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques

M3: Present and communicate appropriate findings


D1: Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusion

D2: Take responsibility for managing and organising activities

D3: Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking.

Power Struggle to Beat All Power Struggles

Unit18_Advertising & Promotion in Bus Assignment brief/HND_B/LSCI 3

There have been always power struggles in the advertising and promotion industry:

brand versus brand; one agency against another agency; agency versus media

company; big advertiser with lots of money versus big retailer with lots of money. But

those old style power struggles were child’s play compared with the 21st – century

power struggle going on now. Estimates put the number of adverts the average

consumer encounters in a single day at somewhere between 1,000 and 5,000! Guess

what: consumers are tired of the barrage of adverts and are looking for ways to avoid

most of them. So, the big power struggle now is about how the advertising industry

can successfully adapt to the new technologies that consumers are willing and, in fact,

eager to use to gain more control over their information environment. Stated more

directly, how can the advert industry overcome the fact that none of us is eager to

have a 30-second TV advert interrupt a TV program we are really enjoying?

So, consumers, who have been the target of advertising and promotion for decades,

are discovering technologies and media options that give them more control over the

communications they see and hear. From MySpace to YouTube to FaceBook or

Wikipedia to millions of individual blogs, consumers are seeking out information

environments where they control their exposure to information rather than an

advertiser or media company being in control. In fact, consumers are becoming so

successful at communicating with each other. Advertising Age (the main advertising

industry trade publication) named “the consumer” as its “Best Advertising Agency for

2006” as a way to signify this change in consumer control. The “mass collaboration”

of consumers, as it is called, is such a dramatic change from traditional information

flow techniques that advertisers, advertising and promotion agencies, and media

companies are struggling to reinvent themselves.

We are all living the new technology reality – but how did it used to work? The old

system worked like this. An advertiser, like Nike or American Express, would work

with advertising agency, like Leo Burnett or J. Walter Thompson, and think of really

creative TV, radio, newspaper, magazine or billboard averts. Then, the advertiser and

its agency would work with a media company, like NBC, BBC, SKY TV or popular

newspapers, and buy time or space to place the advert so that you, as the consumer,

would see it when you watched TV or read your morning newspaper. Don’t get us

wrong, this still happens – a lot. Major media like TV, radio, and magazines rake in

Unit18_Advertising & Promotion in Bus Assignment brief/HND_B/LSCI 4

about £400 billion worldwide in a year, and individual media companies like Hearst

Corporation generate several billion pounds annually in revenue. But much has

changed about the way advertisers, agencies, and media companies are trying to reach

control-seeking consumers. And some very smart people think that we are truly

heading into a totally new age with the industry on the cusp of even more dramatic

changes. In order to win in the advertising war, the businesses (advertisers) are also

required re-structuring.

First, from the consumer side- with the large number of media options available for

news, information, and entertainment, “media fragmentation” is a boon to consumers

and a huge headache for advertising agencies. The new “control seeking” generation

of consumers is behaving very differently from the cable-TV generation that preceded

it. Today’s consumers are insisting on the convenience and appeal and control of their

PC, iPod, mobile phone and broadband. There is some large degree of irony in the

control that consumers are starting to exert, however. While the traditional structure

of the advertising and media industry may be changed forever, the goal of that old

traditional structure has not changed – the brand needs to be highlighted. In fact, the

change in consumer orientation will make product branding even more important as

consumers choose what persuasive messages they want to be exposed to and where

they want to see them.

To that point, the importance of the brand in advertising and promotion is a key

theme. At the moment advertising and promotion agencies and their media partners

are struggling with just how to insert themselves and their clients’ brands into this

new environment controlled by the consumer. Some think “going with the flow” is the

answer by having agencies and media companies allow consumers to contribute to

content. Others, like Coca-Cola, understand that consumers will no longer tolerate

passive TV, radio or magazine adverts rather become part of consumers’ daily lives in

more subtle and seemingly natural ways. Part of Coca-Cola’s approach: pay £14

million to have Coke cups on the desks of the judges during Fox network’s American

Idol program.

While big advertisers like Coca-Cola recognise change and are trying to deal with it,

big media companies are offering advertisers to help and prepare advertising with

Unit18_Advertising & Promotion in Bus Assignment brief/HND_B/LSCI 5

their network’s vast digital studio resources to make averts more attractive and

suitable for the products.

Advertising on the Internet now exceeds £14 billion through pop-ups, opt-in email,

banner ad, paid search and all other internet options but it is even not 5% of

worldwide expenditures in traditional advertising media. But some analysts believe

that within short time the internet will ultimately become the primary form of

message delivery and that traditional advertising “will become more of a way to

simply send people to your web site”. Like some other advertisers, Coca-Cola are

trying to move to the new era of advertising and are working to figure out how to

effectively send message to cell phones and iPods using the Internet without

alienating consumers. Such change in the advertising industry is nothing new but the

pace of change and the complexity of the change is more challenging than any other

industries on the earth.

The above case study gives you an overview of what problems advertising industries

are facing now-a-days and how big advertisers like Coca-Cola are coping with them

to make continues success on their business. You have just joined at Uxbridge Head

Quarter (HQ) of Coca-Cola Enterprise Ltd as a senior manager in the Advertising and

promotion division. Recently the sales of the company have been reduced slightly

compared to the last year. Your job is to communicate and work with all relevant

parties, review policies and procedures and planning for advertising and promotion in

order to meet the set strategic goal of increasing sales 25% by 2012.

Task introduction

You have to work on the case study given above for this unit assignment. In order to

collect facts and information on current trends and complexity of advertising and

promotion learners need to carry out research over the internet reading books, journals

and websites. Learners also need to read Edexcel unit specification and assessment

criteria for this unit in addition to all teaching resources/materials given in the

classrooms (all are also available in the college website) to present adequate evidence

to meet each criteria.

Unit18_Advertising & Promotion in Bus Assignment brief/HND_B/LSCI 6

The assignment brief consists of four tasks (Task 1, Task 2, Task 3 and Task 4) where

each task consists of few questions. At the end of each question a criterion like P1,

P2, M1 and D2 has been written clearly. For pass grade, learners must complete all

pass criteria (P1 to P14) adequately. For merit grade, learners must complete all pass

and all merit criteria (M1 to M3) and all pass, all merit and all distinction (D1 to D3)

criteria for distinction grade. Just to remind that learners need to be careful about

accuracy of information (providing Harvard style referencing where necessary),

formatting and quality of writing while they will write the answers of the questions.

The size of the full assignment would be between 3,000 and 4,000 words excluding

references and appendix. An assignment outside this range may disqualify a learner.

Task 1 (Grading criteria covered P1, P2, P5, M1 and D3)

Q1. Explain the communication process that applies to advertising and promotion


Q2. Explain the organisation of the advertising and promotions industry in the UK


Q3. Explain what problems advertising companies are facing currently and how they

can solve them (M1).

Q4. Explain the role of advertising in an integrated promotional strategy for Coca-

Cola Enterprise Ltd (P5).

Q5. Explain branding and how it is used to strengthen a company like Coca-Cola


Q6. Demonstrate your creative thinking regarding Coca-Cola branding and its

popularity in the UK market (D3).

Task 2 (Grading criteria covered P3, P4, P7, P8, D1 and M3)

Q7. Asses how promotion is regulated in the UK (P3).

Q8. Examine current trends in advertising and promotion among soft drink advertisers

in the UK and explain the impact of ICT on advertising and promotion industries (P4)

Q9. Review the creative aspect of Coca-Cola advertisement (P7)

Q10. Use critical reflection to evaluate your work (that you have collected for Q9),

justify your findings and make valid conclusions (D1).

Q11. Examine ways of working with advertising agencies (P8)

Unit18_Advertising & Promotion in Bus Assignment brief/HND_B/LSCI 7

Q12. Communicate with any advertising agencies and present your findings (that you

have learnt for Q11) in a suitable format (M3).

Task 3 (Grading criteria covered P9, P10, M2 and D2)

Q13. Explain primary techniques of below-the-line promotion and how they are used

in an integrated promotional strategy for Coca-Cola Enterprise Ltd or any business in

the UK (P9).

Q14. Select and/or design appropriate methods/techniques for the Coca-Cola

Enterprise to boost their sales and meet strategic targets by 2012 (M2).

Q15. Evaluate other techniques used in below-the-line promotion for Coca-Cola

Enterprise Ltd or any other business in the UK (P10).

Q16. As a senior manager of Coca-Cola Enterprise Ltd. how would you carry out

responsibilities for managing and organising advertising and promotion activities to

meet its strategic target (D2)?

Task 4 (Grading criteria covered P11, P12, P13 and P14)

Q17. Follow an appropriate process for the formulation of a budget for an integrated

promotional strategy (P11).

Q18. Carry out the development of a promotional plan for Coca-Cola Enterprise Ltd.

or any business in the UK (P12).

Q19. Plan the integration of promotional techniques into the promotional strategy for

Coca-Cola Enterprise Ltd. or any business in the UK (P13).

Q20. Use appropriate technique for measuring campaign effectiveness (P14).


In the case of plagiarism, the college follows assessment malpractice procedure very

strictly. If any evidence or malpractice is found, the college authority will deal the

Unit18_Advertising & Promotion in Bus Assignment brief/HND_B/LSCI 8

matter quickly as possibly. If the report printed from the Turn-it-in software presents

more than 15% but equal to or less than 25% plagiarism, the assignment will be

checked thoroughly to ensure that it doesn’t exceed the tolerance of plagiarism (such

as few lines or paragraphs have been exactly copied). If it exceeds the limit of

tolerance or the Turn-it-in report presents plagiarism more than 25%, the assignment

must not be marked and will be returned to the learners disqualifying for the unit.

According to the definition of plagiarism – “using the work of others without

acknowledging source of information or inspiration. Even if the words are changed or

sentences are put in different order, the result is still plagiarism (Cortell, 2003)”

Learners must acknowledge (or write clear references) if they take any idea or any

factual information from any sources such as books, journals, internet or magazines.

If any learners share some or any part of work with any other learners, they must

consult with lecturers/tutors before submission of work. If it is applicable depending

on the nature of the work, learners must write down their own contribution as their

own work only. For groupwork, each learner must write down their own contribution

as part of their own work only rather than the full group’s work.

Assignment submission procedures

Learners must submit a hard copy of the full assignment to the college office no later

than 5PM on the submission date with suitable binding in addition to the softcopy and

a turn-it-in report. (Learners may need to upload the softcopy of the assignment to the

college website instead of the submission of softcopy, so learners are advised to ask

college authority before submission). Maximum 25% plagiarism will be tolerated

while learners will check their assignments onto Turn-it-in software. Before

submission learners must make sure that they have signed on the authentication

statement to declare him/her as the original author of the submitted assignment. After

submission, learners are advised to get a receipt from the college office for evidence.

Without a valid reason (such as serious illness, getting sick or death of close relative),

no late submission will be tolerated by the college. For extension of submission

deadline or acceptance of late submission, learners must contact college office (or

Unit18_Advertising & Promotion in Bus Assignment brief/HND_B/LSCI 9

Director of Studies) in advance and apply for it filling in a coursework extension

request form and submit evidence such as medical certificate/note and photocopy of

death certificate.

Learners must not submit any soft/hard copy of assignment and talk about the

submission/late submission/extension deadline to the class tutor/lecturer in the

classroom or outside the classroom in any circumstances. Please note that

tutors/lecturers do not have the authority to alter or extend assignment deadline or

receive assignment directly from learners. After submission learners will get written

feedback from the assessors/markers within short time with pass, merit, distinction,

refer or fail outcomes. It normally takes three weeks but it depends on the

assessors/markers and college authority.

Guidelines on Presentation of assignments/reports

When preparing written assignments/reports/analysis you should ensure

that they:

Unit18_Advertising & Promotion in Bus Assignment brief/HND_B/LSCI 10

are submitted by the deadline

are submitted with a fully completed Portfolio Submission Sheet

are produced on white A4 paper

are one and half-line spaced

are written using Comic Sans MS font – font size 12

contain numbered pages

contain your name, ID and assignment/unit name on the top right-hand

corner of each pages

are fully proofread and contain no spelling, punctuation or

grammatical errors

are well structured, using paragraphs and sub-headings where


meet all the criteria on the assignment brief

demonstrate clear expression of ideas and arguments

demonstrate evidence of reading and research

are fully referenced, using the Harvard reference system (see separate

guidance for Harvard system referencing)

Use appendix at the end if applicable (in the case of diagram/chart,

plan, and so on to support your evidence)

are your own work!

Unit Assignment Submission Sheet

Name of student

Student declaration and I confirm that I am the author of this original

Unit18_Advertising & Promotion in Bus Assignment brief/HND_B/LSCI 11

signature piece of work.

(Signature:) (Date:)

Date of submission

Date due

Unit number & Title

Name and signature of

Marker/assessor 1

Name and signature of

Marker/assessor 2 (if


Comments on assignment

Pass Merit Distinction Refer Fail

Date Date Date Date Date

Marker 1 Marker 1 Marker 1 Marker 1 Marker 1

Marker 2 Marker 2 Marker 2 Marker 2 Marker 2

Return date:

Date for resubmission:

Assignment Checklist (Unit 18)Task no/Question no

Criteria Yes/No Comments

Unit18_Advertising & Promotion in Bus Assignment brief/HND_B/LSCI 12

Task 1/Q1 P1- the communication process that applies to advertising and promotion

Task 1/Q2 P2 - Explain the organisation of the advertising and promotions industry

Task 1/Q3 M1 - Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions

Task 1/Q4 P5 - Explain the role of advertising in an integrated promotional strategy for a business or product

Task 1/Q5 P6 - Explain branding and how it is used to strengthen a business or product

Task 1/Q6 D3 - Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking

Task 2/Q7 P3 - Assess how promotion is regulated

Task 2/Q8 P4 - Examine current trends in advertising and promotion, including the impact of ICT

Task 2/Q9 P7 - Review the creative aspects of advertising

Task 2/Q10 D1 - Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusion.

Task 2/Q11 P8 - Examine ways of working with advertising agencies

Task 2/Q12 M3 - Present and communicate appropriate findings

Task 3/Q13 P9 - Explain primary techniques of below-the-line promotion and how they are used in an integrated promotional strategy for a business or product

Task 3/Q14 M2 - Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques

Unit18_Advertising & Promotion in Bus Assignment brief/HND_B/LSCI 13

Task 3/Q15 P10 - Evaluate other techniques used in below-the-line promotion

Task 3/Q16 D2 - Take responsibility for managing and organising activities

Task 4/Q17 P11 - Follow an appropriate process for the formulation of a budget for an integrated promotional strategy

Task 4/Q18 P12 - Carry out the development of a promotional plan for a business or product

Task 4/Q19 P13 - Plan the integration of promotional techniques into the promotional strategy for a business or product

Task 4/Q20 P14 - Use appropriate technique for measuring campaign effectiveness

Unit18_Advertising & Promotion in Bus Assignment brief/HND_B/LSCI 14
