22 NOV 2019 - WiFiStudy.comItinerant (noun) = A person who travels from place to place...


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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here

22 NOV 2019

The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here

कोई भी व्यक्ति ऐसा नह ीं है" "क्िसको समस्या न हो"

"और कोई समस्या ऐसी नह ीं है" "क्िसका कोई समाधान न हो..

The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here

Expedient (adj) = (of an action) convenient and practical although possibly improper or immoral (प्रणाल )

stopgap (noun) = A temporary way of dealing with a problem or satisfying a need (बदल )

Yawn (verb) = Be wide open Rationale (noun) = A set of reasons or a logical basis for a course of

action or belief (िकक )Hazy (adj) = Vague or ill-defined, confused; uncertain (अस्पष्ट)Precedence (noun) = The condition of being considered more important

than someone or something else; priority in importance, order, or rank (प्रधानिा)

Keenness (noun) = The quality of being eager or enthusiastic; eagerness (इच्छा)

Sway (verb) = Control or influence (a person or course of action) (बोलबाला)

The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here

Punitive (adj) = Inflicting or intended as punishment (दींडात्मक)Fetter (verb) = Confine or restrict (someone) Stigmatization (noun) = The action of describing or regarding someone or

something as worthy of disgrace or great disapproval (कलींकीकरण)

Indigenous (adj) = Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native (स्वदेशी)

Deem (verb) = Regard or consider in a specified way Herald (verb) = Be a sign that (something) is about to happen

(सचूना देना)Replicate (verb) = Make an exact copy of; reproduce Itinerant (noun) = A person who travels from place to place

(भ्रमणकार )Nomadic (adj) = Living the life of a nomad; wandering (खानाबदोश)

The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here

Incarceration (noun) = The state of being confined in prison; imprisonment (कैद कर देना)

Vestige (noun) = A trace or remnant of something that is disappearing or no longer exists (अवशेष)

Destitute (adj) = Extremely poor and lacking the means to provide for oneself (ननराश्रिि)

Sustenance (noun) = The maintaining of someone or something in life or existence (िीववका)

Vagrancy (noun) = The state of living as a vagrant; homelessness(खाना-बदोशी)

The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here



The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here

Title: Expedient exit(Disinvestment can only be a stopgap measure in plugging the gaping fiscal hole)

Context:The Cabinet’s latest decision to approve strategic disinvestment of thegovernment’s shareholding in five public sector enterprises includingBharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, Shipping Corporation of India andthe Container Corporation of India can at best be described as anexpedient exit.

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here

➢ Faced with a massive shortfall in revenue and capital receipts — as ofSeptember 30, net tax revenue had only reached 36.8% of the budgetestimate of ₹16.5 lakh crore for the full year, while non-debt capitalreceipts were at 17.2% of the fiscal’s target of about ₹1.2 lakh croreaccording to the Controller General of Accounts — the share sale isaimed at helping the government narrow the yawning fiscal gap.

➢ Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had made clear in July’s Budgetspeech that select and strategic disinvestment would “remain a priority”and the Cabinet’s decision to sell the Centre’s entire 53.29% ownershipin BPCL, all of its 63.75% holding in SCI and 30.8% of its stake in CONCORis an attempt at ensuring the actualisation of this policy approach.

➢ Still, the underlying rationale behind this government’s disinvestmentprogramme remains hazy. It would be perfectly understandable if theaim was to exit unprofitable, non-strategic businesses.

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here

➢BPCL, however, is a profitable refiner and oil marketing company thathas consistently paid a healthy dividend.

Final Words➢With just ₹17,364 crore of the ₹1.05 lakh crore disinvestment target

realised so far, the Centre has little choice but to expedite thesestrategic sale proposals in double-quick time.

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here


Who has been sworn in as the new Prime Minister of Sri Lanka?a) Gotabhaya Rajapaksa,b) Sajith Premadasac) Maithripala Sirisenad) Mahinda Rajapaksa

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here


Who has been sworn in as the new Prime Minister of Sri Lanka?a) Gotabhaya Rajapaksa,b) Sajith Premadasac) Maithripala Sirisenad) Mahinda Rajapaksa

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here


Who won India’s first gold at 2019 ISSF World Cup?a) Yashaswini Deswalb) Manu Bhakerc) Rahi Sarnobatd) Heena Sidhu

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here


Who won India’s first gold at 2019 ISSF World Cup?a) Yashaswini Deswalb) Manu Bhakerc) Rahi Sarnobatd) Heena Sidhu

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here


The Union Cabinet has approved the establishment of National Institute of Sowa Rigpa in India. The institute will be set up in which district?a) Darjeeling b) Gangtokc) Lehd) Ladakh

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here


The Union Cabinet has approved the establishment of National Institute of Sowa Rigpa in India. The institute will be set up in which district?a) Darjeeling b) Gangtokc) Lehd) Ladakh

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here


When is the World Fisheries Day celebrated every year?a) 19th Novemberb) 20th Novemberc) 21st Novemberd) 22nd November

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here


When is the World Fisheries Day celebrated every year?a) 19th Novemberb) 20th Novemberc) 21st Novemberd) 22nd November

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here


Who topped the list of Fortune’s Businessperson of the Year 2019?a) Satya Nadellab) Bjorn Guldenc) Fabrizio Fredad) Ajay Banga

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here


Who topped the list of Fortune’s Businessperson of the Year 2019?a) Satya Nadellab) Bjorn Guldenc) Fabrizio Fredad) Ajay Banga

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here

Title: A blow against punitive constitutionalism (The J&K High Court’s verdict on the Beggary Act rejects the state’s fettering of guaranteed constitutional freedoms)

Context:Two centuries of colonial rule visited many cruelties upon Indians. Oneform that this took was the criminalisation and stigmatisation of entirepopulations that did not “fit in” to a certain, narrow way of life.

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here

➢ Through laws such as the Criminal Tribes Act, for example,indigenous peoples were deemed criminals by birth and herded intoconcentration camps, where families were separated and forcedlabour was the norm.

The Beggary laws➢ What do India’s beggary laws say? The first striking thing is how

broad the definition of “begging” is. Among other things, “begging”is defined as “having no visible means of subsistence and wanderingabout or remaining in any public place... in such condition ormanner, as makes it likely that the person doing so exists bysoliciting or receiving alms”.

➢ Thus, beggary laws go substantially beyond criminalising the act ofbegging; rather, they criminalise people who are “wandering about”and who look like they might need to beg at some point.

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here

➢ It is evident that the purpose of such provisions is not to protectpublic peace or prevent crimes, but to effectively “cleanse” thesespaces of individuals who appear poor or destitute.

➢ The High Court then made the crucial observation that “begging andhomelessness are indicators of abject, chronic poverty.” Andpoverty, the court noted further, had social causes: “Beggary is amanifestation of the fact that the person has fallen through thesocially created net. It is evidence of the fact that the State hasfailed to ensure that all citizens have even the basic essentialfacilities.”

➢ The court, therefore, rejected the pernicious world view accordingto which poverty is a consequence of individual failings, andrecognised that the primary failing was that of the state.

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here

➢ Having established this, the court then addressed the question offundamental rights. As “begging” was a peaceful method by which aperson sought to communicate their situation to another, and solicittheir assistance, it was protected under Article 19(1)(a)’s freedom ofspeech guarantee.

➢ The government’s stated justification for criminalising “begging” —that of turning people into “good citizens” — was vague andundefined; nor was it demonstrated how incarcerating “beggars”into homes would transform them into “good citizens”. Theconstitutional violation, thus, could not be justified. The court alsonoted that by criminalising “wandering about” in public spaces, thelaw effectively attempted to exclude the poor and the marginalisedfrom places that, by definition, were meant “for the enjoyment ofevery member of the public without exception.” Thus, the law alsoviolated the constitutional guarantee of the freedom of movement.

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here

➢ And finally, the Chief Justice observed that by effectivelycriminalising poverty, the beggary law violated basic human dignity.The legislation, it noted, was “steeped in prejudice against povertyand premised on an absolute presumption of potential criminality ofthose faced with choicelessness, necessity and undeserved want ofthose who have no support at all.

Final words➢ The Jammu and Kashmir High Court’s judgment, therefore — which

is explicitly premised upon the unconstitutionality of “invisiblising”a social problem by criminalising it (as though it is a matter ofindividual fault) — shows us the exact way in which our Constitutionrejects this harsh world view. For that, it must be applauded.

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click hereEditorial by Vishal Sir

Descriptive Question

Q. “The J&K High Court’s verdict on the Beggary Act rejects the state’sfettering of guaranteed constitutional freedoms, how do you find thisa welcome one?”

(Word limit: 200)

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The Hindu Editorial

Editorial By Vishal SirClick here for today’s Video Basic to High English Click here

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