22 February 2005 45 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE … Council... · 2005-04-05 · 22 February 2005...


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45 22 February 2005

MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COUNCIL held at the Guildhall, Portsmouth on Tuesday 22 February 2005 at 2.00 pm.

Council Members Present

The Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor Councillor Jason Fazackarley (In the Chair)


Andrewes, Michael Lowndes, Carolyn Baker, Elaine Madden, Leo Baker, Jezz Martin, Anthony Bateman, Pat Mason, Hugh Bentley, Alex Mason, Lee Blair, Tom Park, Mike Blake, Mike Patey, Jim Bosher, Simon Riches, Paula Butler, David Stephen Scott, Caroline Charlton, Fred Scott, Eleanor Foster, Margaret Shaddock, Phil Hall, Terry Sparshatt, Robin Hancock, Jacqui Stevens, Leslie Hancock, Mike CBE MP Storey, Andrew Henderson, Terry Thompson, Alistair Hey, Malcolm Tomes, Deborah Horne, David Vernon-Jackson, Gerald Hunt, Lee Worley, Frank Jones, Howard Wylie, Steven Langford, Alan

24 Declaration of Members’ Interests

Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson – A City Council appointed trustee on the New Theatre Royal Board of Trustees.

Councillor Alistair Thompson – A City Council appointed representative serving on the Indoor Tennis Centre Management Committee.

Councillor Frank Worley – A City Council appointed trustee on the New Theatre Royal Board of Trustees.

Councillor Robin Sparshatt – A personal and prejudicial interest in respect of any reference to the John Lewis Partnership.

Councillor Lee Hunt – A City Council appointed trustee and director of the Kings Theatre Trust.

Councillor Terry Hall - A personal interest in respect of P&O Ferries in that her parents held a shareholding in the company, and she also enjoyed discounted fares on Brittany Ferries. Councillor Hall was also a member of the Portsmouth Society.

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Councillor Pat Bateman – A City Council appointed trustee on the Kings Theatre Trust.

Councillor Alex Bentley – A personal interest in respect of any reference to the City Centre North redevelopment area in that his sister owned a property within the area.

Councillor Mike Andrewes – A City Council appointed trustee on the Kings Theatre Trust.

Councillor Debbie Tomes – was the parent of a child with special needs.

25 Minutes

Proposed by Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson Seconded by Councillor Andrew Storey

RESOLVED that the minutes of the special meeting and the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 18 January 2005 be confirmed as a correct record.

26 Correspondence

Apologies for absence were submitted by Councillors Nické Bentley and Geoff Goble who were both indisposed. Members asked that their good wishes be sent to Councillor Goble.

27 Presentation to Honorary Alderman Steve Wemyss

The Lord Mayor welcomed Honorary Alderman Steve Wemyss and reminded the Council that at the special meeting on 18 January 2005 it had been agreed to confer the title of honorary alderman on him for his long, eminent and outstanding service. The Lord Mayor reminded the Council that Honorary Alderman Wemyss had served as a councillor for many years, starting in 1988, firstly for the former Havelock Ward in Southsea, and then more recently for St Thomas Ward.

The Lord Mayor presented Honorary Alderman Steve Wemyss with a framed certificate from the Council recording his admission to the roll of honorary aldermen.

Honorary Alderman Steve Wemyss then addressed the Council to express his thanks for the honour that had been bestowed upon him.

28 Deputations from the Public under Standing Order 17

In respect of the proposed budget the Council received the following deputations –

(a) The Portsmouth Pensioners' Association, represented by Honorary Alderman Alan Burnett CBE.

(b) Penny Mordaunt.

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29 Questions from the Public under Standing Order 18 – None.

30 Questions under Standing Order 19

Question No 1 submitted by Councillor Alistair Thompson regarding the advertisement of jobs on the Guardian's website was answered by Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson, the Leader of the City Council.

Question No 2 from Councillor Alistair Thompson regarding Hilsea Lido was withdrawn by him. Councillor Thompson said that he had received a full written reply from the Executive Member for Planning, Regeneration & Economic Development which answered the points raised in his question.

Question No 3 from Councillor Alistair Thompson regarding the preparation of a Hilsea Lido Development Brief and use of the Blue Lagoon Club for community use was answered by Councillor Mike Hancock, the Executive Member for Planning, Regeneration & Economic Development.

Question No 4 from Councillor Alistair Thompson regarding relocation of the Hilsea Lido splashpool was withdrawn by him. Councillor Thompson said that he had received a full written reply from the Executive Member for Planning, Regeneration & Economic Development which answered the points raised in his question.

Question No 5 from Councillor Tom Blair regarding school performance tables, and Miltoncross and the City of Portsmouth Boys' Schools in particular, was answered by Councillor Eleanor Scott, the Executive Member for Education, Children & Families.

Question No 6 from Councillor Tom Blair regarding the future of Hilsea Lido was answered by Councillor Terry Hall, the Executive Member for Culture & Leisure.

Question No 7 from Councillor Tom Blair regarding the submission of termly reports to the Council on school performance was answered by Councillor Eleanor Scott, the Executive Member for Education, Children & Families.

Expiry of Time Allowed under Standing Order 19

At the expiration of the 45 minutes allowed under the standing order, the following questions had not been answered, and would therefore be the subject of written replies from the respective Executive Members –

Question No 8 submitted by Councillor Tom Blair relating to the prevention of parking by vans and HGVs on Northern Parade north of Doyle Avenue would be answered by the Executive Member for Traffic & Transportation.

Question No 9 submitted by Councillor Tom Blair relating to a request that a Director of Communications be not appointed would be answered by the Leader of the City Council.

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Question No 10 submitted by Councillor Tom Blair seeking an assurance that no part of Alexandra Park would be sold off to provide capital for the Mountbatten Centre re-development would be answered by the Leader of the City Council.

31 Appointments

New Theatre Royal Board of Trustees

RESOLVED that Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson be appointed as one of the City Council's nominated trustees on the New Theatre Royal Trust, in place of Mr Graham Heaney, and that it be noted that Mr Heaney will now be directly appointed by the trustees of the New Theatre Royal.

32 Reports on Urgent and Important Business from Members of the Executive under Standing Order 25

The Council agreed to suspend the provision of Standing Order 25 which required notice of any urgent and important business to have been notified by 5.00 pm on the day preceding the meeting.

(a) Agreement with P&O Ferries

Councillor Mike Hancock, the Executive Member for Planning, Regeneration & Economic Development, referred to an article that had appeared in The News on Tuesday 22 February which related to the agreement between the City Council and P&O Ferries. Councillor Hancock sought to correct misleading information contained within the article and expressed the view that The News should print a factual correction. Councillors Lee Hunt and Leo Madden, as the opposition spokespersons, also addressed the Council arising out of the statement made by Councillor Hancock.

(b) Spinnaker Tower

Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson, the Leader of the City Council, referred to an article that had appeared in The News on Tuesday 22 February which referred to a sum of money sought by Mowlem to finish the Tower by a deadline date. The Leader of the Council said that such articles, based on information that had been leaked from within the Council, did nothing to assist the City Council's position in commercial negotiations. During the past month there had been discussion between the three group leaders and agreement on the way forward for dealing with the request that had been received from Mowlem, and which was the subject of a report to be considered later in the meeting.

Councillors Andrew Storey and Jim Patey responded to the Leader's statement, and endorsed the remarks he had made.

33 Recommendations from the Executive

The following recommendations from the Executive, to which no objections were raised, were approved –

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Minute 20 – Members' Allowance Scheme – Independent Members of the Standards Committee

34 Minute 17 – Capital Programme 2005/6 Onwards and Availability of Resources

Councillor Robin Sparshatt, having previously declared an interest, left the Chamber during consideration of this item.

Proposed by Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson Seconded by Councillor Andrew Storey

That the recommendations noted by the Executive on 22 February 2005 under minute 17/05 be amended as follows –

That the recommendations of the Executive of 22 February 2005 (Minute 17/05) on "Capital Programme 2005/06 Onwards and Availability of Resources" be amended as follows:-

Recommendation (iv) be amended to

(iv) the capital programme attached at Appendix 1 (pink pages) to this report which include the new capital schemes identified in paragraph (vi) below

(vi) the following new schemes totalling £5,947,000 be added to the Capital Programme for 2005/06 to be funded from available capital resources of £12.063m as outlined in paragraph 7.3

Net Capital Cost

£’000 £’000 Public Protection Portfolio Incinerator Pass Through Costs 3,000

Leader Portfolio Landlords Repair & Maintenance/DDA Works 1,500 (2 years)

Planning Regeneration and Economic Development Portfolio Port Capital Schemes

- Berth 3 Passenger Gangway 750 - Berth 5 Seabed Protection 482 - Berth 4 Midlife Re-fit 100 - IT Network Upgrade 70 - Generator Upgrades 45 1,447

Total 5,947

(vii) a decision on the proposed Mountbatten Scheme be deferred until the Council meeting in April 2005 when a further report on the generation of further capital receipts will be available

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(viii) when the outcome of the generation of further capital receipts is known, the City Council will approve in principle its top priority list of schemes as follows:­

• City Centre North • Southsea Shopping Area • Tipner • Drayton Institute • World War II Memorial • King’s Theatre • Aspex Gallery (to be funded from the sale of the Mile End Chapel)

As an amendment it was

Proposed by Councillor Tom Blair Seconded by Councillor Jim Patey

That the recommendations noted by the Executive on 22 February 2005 under minute 17/05 be amended as follows –

That the recommendations of the Executive of 22 February 2005 (Minute 17/05) on "Capital Programme 2005/06 Onwards and Availability of Resources" be amended as follows:-

Recommendation (iv) be amended to

(iv) the capital programme attached at Appendix 1 (pink pages) to this report which include the new capital schemes identified in paragraph (vi) below

(vi) the following new schemes totalling £5,947,000 be added to the Capital Programme for 2005/06 to be funded from available capital resources of £12.063m as outlined in paragraph 7.3

Net Capital Cost

£’000 £’000 Public Protection Portfolio Incinerator Pass Through Costs 3,000

Leader Portfolio Landlords Repair & Maintenance/DDA Works 1,500 (2 years)

Planning Regeneration and Economic Development Portfolio Port Capital Schemes

- Berth 3 Passenger Gangway 750 - Berth 5 Seabed Protection 482 - Berth 4 Midlife Re-fit 100 - IT Network Upgrade 70 - Generator Upgrades 45 1,447

Total 5,947

51 22 February 2005

(vii) a decision on the proposed Mountbatten Scheme be deferred until the Council meeting in April 2005 when a further report on the generation of further capital receipts will be available

(viii) when the outcome of the generation of further capital receipts is known, the City Council will approve in principle its top priority list of schemes as follows:­

• City Centre North • Southsea Shopping Centre • Tipner • Drayton Institute • World War II Memorial • King’s Theatre • Aspex Gallery (to be funded from the sale of the Mile End Chapel) • Hilsea Lido/Swimming Facilities

During the course of debate both the Leader of the Council and Councillor Andrew Storey indicated that they would accept adding "Hilsea Lido/ swimming facilities" to the list of schemes mentioned in (viii) of the proposal by Councillor Vernon-Jackson.

After debate the proposition (as amended) standing in the name of Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson was then put to the Council and declared to be carried unanimously, whereupon it was

RESOLVED (i) that the Supported Capital Expenditure (Borrowing and Grant) received through the Single Capital Pot be allocated to services as described in paragraph 5.2;

(ii) that each Service in receipt of a Single Capital Pot allocation submits a report to the Executive and the City Council seeking approval to their detailed scheme proposals;

(iii) that the uncommitted capital schemes identified in paragraph 7.2 of this report be deleted from the currently approved capital programme as a means of maximising the capital resources available;

(iv) that the capital programme attached at Appendix 1 (pink pages) to this report which includes the new capital schemes identified in paragraph (vi) below;

(v) that a further review of the available capital resources and other priority schemes be undertaken in September 2005 when the financial position of the Mountbatten Centre Re-development Scheme is known with greater certainty and the work to identify further capital resources is complete;

(vi) that the following new schemes totalling £5,947,000 be added to the Capital Programme for 2005/06 to be funded from available capital resources of £12.063m as outlined in paragraph 7.3;

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Net Capital Cost

£’000 £’000 Public Protection Portfolio Incinerator Pass Through Costs 3,000

Leader Portfolio Landlords Repair & Maintenance/DDA Works 1,500 (2 years)

Planning Regeneration and Economic Development Portfolio Port Capital Schemes

- Berth 3 Passenger Gangway 750 - Berth 5 Seabed Protection 482 - Berth 4 Midlife Re-fit 100 - IT Network Upgrade 70 - Generator Upgrades 45 1,447

Total 5,947

(vii) that a decision on the proposed Mountbatten Scheme be deferred until the Council meeting in April 2005 when a further report on the generation of further capital receipts will be available;

(viii) that when the outcome of the generation of further capital receipts is known, the City Council will approve in principle its top priority list of schemes as follows:-

• City Centre North • Southsea Shopping Area • Tipner • Drayton Institute • World War II Memorial • King’s Theatre • Aspex Gallery (to be funded from the sale of the Mile End Chapel) • Hilsea Lido/swimming facilities

35 Minute 18 – City Council Budget 2005/06 and Medium Term Resource Strategy

Proposed by Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson Seconded by Councillor Andrew Storey

That the recommendations noted by the Executive on 22 February 2005 under minute 18/05 be amended in accordance with the detail set out in Appendix 1.

During debate on this item the Leader of the Council indicated that he envisaged the proposed project team to work on Medium Term Resource Strategy and Gershon efficiency savings would comprise three Liberal Democrat members, two Conservatives, one Labour and one Independent member.

53 22 February 2005

As an amendment it was

Proposed by Councillor Jim Patey Seconded by Councillor Tom Blair

That the recommendations noted by the Executive on 22 February 2005 under minute 18/05, be amended in accordance with the detail set out in Appendix 2 to these minutes.

After a full debate the amendment standing in the name of Councillor Jim Patey was put to the Council and declared to be lost. The substantive motion was then put to the Council and declared to be carried, whereupon it was

RESOLVED (1) that the following be approved:

(a) the revised Revenue Estimates for the financial year 2004/05 and the Revenue Estimates for the financial year 2005/06 as amended by paragraphs (q), (r), (s), (t), (u) and (v) below; the revised portfolio cash limits for each service in respect of the revised budget for 2004/05 and budget for 2005/06 as set out in Sections 5 and 8 as amended by paragraphs (q), (r), (s), (t), (u) and (v) below;

(b) the inflation to be added to Cash Limits as set out in Appendix C;

(c) the MTRS savings as set out in Appendix E;

(d) the budget pressures for 2005/06 as set out in Appendix G;

(e) the Strategic Director for Health Housing and Social Wellbeing bring forward a report to a meeting of the Executive in April 2005 explaining the impact of having to make estimated savings of £2.2m in order to keep within the 2005/06 budget;

(f) the Strategic Director for Education and Lifelong Learning bring forward a report to a meeting of the Executive in April 2005 explaining the impact of having to make estimated savings of £269,000 in order to keep within the 2005/06 budget;

(g) the provisional budget guidelines approved by the City Council on 18 January 2005, as amended by this report (Appendix I);

(h) the establishment of a Project Team, chaired by the Leader of the City Council, comprising Members and Officers, to start work immediately on the Medium Term Resource Strategy and Gershon Efficiency Savings, based on the objectives set out in Section 11;

(i) the suspension of the Port formula from 2004/05 onwards pending further consideration by the MTRS Project Team;

(j) the Prudential Indicators as set out in the amended Appendix J;

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(k) managers be authorised to incur routine expenditure against the cash limits for 2005/06 as set out in Section 8 as amended by paragraphs (q), (r), (s), (t), (u) and(v);

(l) if, for any reason, any of the schemes detailed in Appendix G (budget pressures) do not proceed, the sum involved must not be used for any other purpose and will revert to revenue balances;

(m) the Statement of the Strategic Director for Corporate Resources and Services in accordance with the Local Government Act 2003 as set out in Section 18 and it be noted that this amendment increases the use of relevant balances in 2005/06 by £98,500 in order to present a balanced budget, and increases the forecast deficits in 2006/07 and 2007/08 by a further £185,280 and £86,900 respectively which will add to the difficulty of achieving balanced budgets in those years;

(n) the Strategic Director for Corporate Resources and Services bring forward a report to the next meeting of the City Council setting out the Annual Efficiency Statement and confirming the target for efficiency gains for 2005/06;

(o) the Strategic Director for Corporate Resources and Services be given delegated authority to make any necessary adjustments to Cash Limits;

(p) the Strategic Director for Corporate Resources and Services bring forward a further report on proposed guidelines for the MTRS for 2006/07 onwards in July 2005;

(q) the following increases be made to Cash Limits for 2005/06 to meet inflation:-

£ Leader Portfolio Member Neighbourhood Initiatives 4,900

Traffic and Transportation Portfolio Concessionary Fares – tokens for Disabled, half fare pass for 168,600 other pensioners

Culture and Leisure Portfolio Libraries – Sunday opening 42,000 Rangers Service 20,000 Arts – Arts in the Community 10,000

Total 245,500

55 22 February 2005

(r) the following reductions be made to Cash Limits for 2005/06 to delete the provision for inflation proposed by Officers:-

£ Public Protection Portfolio Refuse Collection and Waste – Bulky Waste Collection Service 60,000

Leader Portfolio Administrative Buildings – Bottled Water 3,200 (saving £15,000 2006/07) Typing Services 19,500

Total 82,700

(s) the following increases be made to Cash Limits for 2005/06 to reinstate MTRS savings proposed by Officers:-

£ Leader’s Portfolio Over 50s Festival 7,500 Member Neighbourhood Initiatives 9,100

Public Protection Portfolio Sea Defences 9,800

Traffic and Transportation Concessionary Fares 106,000

Total 132,400

(t) the following reductions be made to Cash Limits for 2005/06 in respect of additional MTRS savings:-

£ Public Protection Portfolio Building Control – BCO Technical Post 44,800

Leader Portfolio Housing Benefits – reduction in Customer Relation Officers 22,200 Council Tax Benefits – reduction in Customer Relation Officers 3,400 Asset Management Service – general saving 80,000

Total 150,400

(u) the following increases to Cash Limits for 2005/06 proposed by Officers to meet budget pressures be deleted:-

£ Leader Portfolio Revenues and Benefits – Performance and Customer Service 46,300 Standards post

Total 46,300

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(v) General Fund Summary - (Appendix A) be amended as follows:-


1. Add increases to inflation added to Cash Limits as listed in 245,500recommendation 1 (q) above

2. Deduct reductions to inflation added to Cash Limits as (82,700)listed in recommendation 1(r) above

3. Reinstate MTRS savings proposed by Officers as listed in 132,400 recommendation 1(s) above and amend Portfolio Cash Limits accordingly

4. Deduct additional MTRS savings as listed in (150,400) recommendation 1 (t) above

5. Less reductions to Cash Limits for 2005/06 for budget (46,300) pressures not approved as recommended in 1 (u) above

6. Increase in use of Revenue Balances 2005/06 (98,500)

Net Effect

(2) that it be noted that at its meeting on 13 January 2005 the Executive, in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992 made under Section 33(5) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, calculated:-

(a) the amount of 58,005.9 as its Council Tax base for the financial year 2005/06 in accordance with Regulation 3;

(b) the amount of 6,583.9 as the tax base for the Southsea Town Council area for the financial year 2005/06 being the amount calculated by the City Council in accordance with Regulation 6;

(3) that the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the financial year 2005/06 in accordance with Sections 32 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.

(a) £448,863,312 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(5)(a) to (e) of the Act.

(b) £231,596,187 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(3)(a) to (c) of the Act.

(c) £217,267,125 being the amount by which the aggregate at 3(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 3(b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 32(4) of the Act, as its budget requirement for the year.


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(d) £161,945,158 being the aggregate of the sums which the Council estimates will be payable for the financial year into its General Fund in respect of redistributed Non-Domestic Rates, Revenue Support Grant and increased by the amount of the sums which the Council estimates will be transferred in the year from its Collection Fund to its General Fund in accordance with Section 97(3) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988, (Council Tax Surplus) and pursuant to the directions under Section 84(4) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 made on 7 February 1994 (Community Charge Surplus)

(e) £953.73 being the amount at 3(c) above less the amount at 3(d) above, all divided by the amount at 2(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 33(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year.

(f) Valuation Bands

A £


B £


C £


D E £ £

953.73 1,165.67

F £


G £


H £


being the amounts given by multiplying the amount at 3(e) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in Valuation Band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands;

(4) that it be noted that for the financial year 2005/06 Hampshire Police Authority are recommending the following amounts in the precept issued to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of the dwellings shown below:-

Valuation Bands

A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

75.84 88.48 101.12 113.76 139.04 164.32 189.60 227.52

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(5) that it be noted that for the financial year 2005/06 Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority are recommending the following amounts in the precept issued to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of the dwellings shown below:-

Valuation Bands

A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

34.74 40.53 46.32 52.11 63.69 75.27 86.85 104.22

(6) that having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 3(f), 4 and 5 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the following amounts as the amounts of Council Tax for the financial year 2005/06 for each of the categories of dwellings shown overleaf (subject to the Director of Finance and Resources being authorised to implement any variation arising from the final notification of the Hampshire Police precept):

Valuation Bands

A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

746.40 870.80 995.20 1,119.60 1,368.40 1,617.20 1,866.00 2,239.20

36 Copnor Bridge

Proposed by Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson Seconded by Councillor Phil Shaddock

That (1) authority to award the contract for the bridge replacement be delegated to the Strategic Director of Environment and Transport and the Strategic Director of Corporate Resources and Services, in consultation with the three group leaders, not withstanding that not all of the approvals outlined have been finalised (see section 2);

(2) the land at Tangier Road, area approximately 11.79 hectares, shown on drawing No 4538 be appropriated to the purposes of Section 19 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, and management of the land be transferred from the Education, Children and Families portfolio to the Culture and Leisure portfolio.

As an amendment it was

Proposed by Councillor Tom Blair Seconded by Councillor Jim Patey

That recommendation (1) be amended to read "that authority to award the contract for the bridge replacement be taken by the City Council who will make the final decision on the contract."

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Upon being put to the vote the amendment standing in the name of Councillor Tom Blair was declared to be lost.

The substantive motion was then put to the Council and declared to be carried, whereupon it was

RESOLVED (1) that authority to award the contract for the bridge replacement be delegated to the Strategic Director of Environment and Transport and the Strategic Director of Corporate Resources and Services, in consultation with the three group leaders, not withstanding that not all of the approvals outlined have been finalised (see section 2);

(2) that the land at Tangier Road, area approximately 11.79 hectares, shown on drawing No 4538 be appropriated to the purposes of Section 19 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, and management of the land be transferred from the Education, Children and Families portfolio to the Culture and Leisure portfolio.

37 Variation in the Order of Business

The Council agreed to vary the order of business to enable the two notices of motion to be taken next.

38 Notice of Motion – Pedestrian Facilities – Queen Street

The following motion set out in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Jacqui Hancock and seconded by Councillor Margaret Foster –

"Following the recent tragic deaths of two pensioners in Queen Street we call upon the Council to treat as its No 1 traffic management priority the upgrading of the lighting in Queen Street in the stretch from the gates of HMS Nelson down to the entrance to the Heritage Car Park; for the upgrading to pelican status of the crossing closest to Sarah Robinson House from zebra to pelican as a No 1 priority in the pelican pedestrian crossing programme."

The Council agreed to debate the notice of motion at the meeting, whereupon it was

Proposed by Councillor Simon Bosher Seconded by Councillor Andrew Storey

That the notice of motion be amended to read –

"Following the recent tragic deaths of two pensioners in Queen Street we call upon the Council to urgently investigate the implementation of improved safety measures in Queen Street. Measures to be considered should include mobile speed cameras, improved signage, changes to the road layout and a review of the pedestrian crossing facilities close to Sarah Robinson House.

The Council further notes the repeated requests for improved pedestrian crossing facilities, notably –

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• Havant Road, Drayton • London Road, Hilsea • Johnson & Johnson Junction, Cosham

The Council requests that these sites should be referred to Scrutiny for investigation with a view to the implementation of suitable pedestrian safety measures."

During the debate on this matter Councillor Alex Bentley, the Executive Member for Traffic & Transportation indicated his acceptance of the amendment, and said that officers would be asked urgently to investigate each of the various matters. Councillor Jacqui Hancock, as mover of the original motion indicated her acceptance of the amendment.

Upon being put to the vote it was

RESOLVED that the following notice of motion, as amended, be approved:–

"Following the recent tragic deaths of two pensioners in Queen Street we call upon the Council urgently to investigate the implementation of improved safety measures in Queen Street. Measures to be considered should include mobile speed cameras, improved signage, changes to the road layout and a review of the pedestrian crossing facilities close to Sarah Robinson House.

The Council further notes the repeated requests for improved pedestrian crossing facilities, notably –

• Havant Road, Drayton • London Road, Hilsea • Johnson & Johnson Junction, Cosham

The Council requests that these sites should be referred to Scrutiny for investigation with a view to the implementation of suitable pedestrian safety measures."

39 Notice of Motion – City Council Constitution – Scheme of Officer Delegation

The following motion set out in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Frank Worley and seconded by Councillor Andrew Storey –

"This Council notes that –

(a) Chief officers undertake, on behalf of the Executive and individual Executive members, a wide range of operational duties and functions that have been delegated to them;

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(b) On occasion chief officers consult with the relevant Executive Member before exercising their delegated powers, for example where a member of the Council has raised a matter that calls for (or has given rise to) a decision under delegated powers being required from the chief officer;

The Council believes that if a member or members of the Council have written to a chief officer about a matter that is within their delegated authority, it would be appropriate for those member(s) to be invited to give evidence or contribute their views in any review of the chief officer’s original decision that might subsequently be instituted, for example at the request of the Executive Member.

The Council further notes that the City Constitution currently makes no provision for such an arrangement. It therefore proposes that the following be added to paragraph 11 of the outright scheme of delegation to officers –

‘in the event of a member or members of the Council having written to a chief officer about a decision taken under his/her delegated powers and the Executive Member agreeing there are reasonable grounds to review the original decision, then those member(s) be invited to take part in any subsequent review of it with the final decision being taken by the relevant Executive Member.’"

RESOLVED that the notice of motion be approved.

40 Exclusion of Press and Public

RESOLVED that the public be excluded from the meeting during the following items of business because it is likely that if members of the public were present, there would be disclosure to them of "exempt information" within the relevant paragraphs of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972:

Minute Paragraph

41 Variation of the Agreement with P&O Ferries 7 & 9

42 Spinnaker Tower – Offer from Mowlem 7 & 9

41 Minute 22 – Variation of the Agreement with P&O Ferries (Exempt Item)

At the request of the Leader of the Council, the recommendation from the Executive was introduced by the Executive Member for Planning, Regeneration & Economic Development.

Martin Putman, the Port Manager, was invited to address the Council, during which he was able to amplify the details contained within his report.

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During the debate Councillor Tom Blair moved an amendment to the effect that there be no variation of the agreement between P&O Ferries and the City Council. The amendment was not seconded.

Upon being put to the vote the substantive motion, as recommended by the Executive, was carried by 36 votes to 1, with the voting as follows:-


Gerald Vernon-Jackson Hugh Mason Andrew Storey Steve Wylie Mike Andrewes Alistair Thompson Terry Hall Fred Charlton Lee Hunt Phil Shaddock Paula Riches Mike Park Eleanor Scott Caroline Scott Lee Mason Mike Hancock Debbie Tomes Alan Langford Les Stevens Mike Blake Terry Henderson Jacqui Hancock Malcolm Hey Leo Madden Margaret Foster Robin Sparshatt Carolyn Lowndes Alex Bentley Elaine Baker Jim Patey David Stephen Butler Simon Bosher Pat Bateman Howard Jones Frank Worley David Horne

Against Abstention

Tom Blair The Lord Mayor

Whereupon it was

RESOLVED that the Port Manager, in conjunction with the Legal Services Manager, be authorised to conclude the detailed negotiations in line with this report and then to effect a variation of the agreement between P&O Ferries and Portsmouth City Council dated 16 March 1993.

42 Minute 23 – Portsmouth Spinnaker Tower – Offer from Mowlem Plc (Exempt Item)

Councillor Blair asked that his objection be recorded to this item being considered without the full financial information being available. He considered this contrary to the recommendations of the Millennium Tower Policy & Review Panel and the District Auditor who had reported in March 2004.

Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson introduced the recommendations of the Executive.

The Leader of the Council advised members that no explicit financial information had been included within the report following discussion between the three group leaders and the Strategic Director for Corporate Resources and Services, acting in his role as the Section 151 Officer because of the prevalence of leaks to the press. The Council was also given legal advice in respect of this matter.

22 February 2005 63

The Strategic Director for Corporate Resources and Services emphasised to the Council his statutory responsibilities and his responsibility to the council tax payers of Portsmouth generally. There was concern that financial information could find its way into the public domain and thereby place the City Council at a financial disadvantage in any negotiations.

After a full debate the recommendations of the Executive were put to the vote, and declared to be carried by 34 votes to nil, with the voting as follows –


Gerald Vernon-Jackson Paula Riches Robin Sparshatt Steve Wylie Fred Charlton Debbie Tomes Terry Hall Hugh Mason Mike Blake Howard Jones Leo Madden Frank Worley David Stephen Butler Carolyn Lowndes Andrew Storey Alex Bentley Jim Patey Mike Park Margaret Foster Pat Bateman Lee Hunt Jacqui Hancock David Horne Alistair Thompson Mike Hancock Elaine Baker Lee Mason Eleanor Scott Simon Bosher Alan Langford Les Stevens Malcolm Hey Terry Henderson Caroline Scott

Against Abstention

None Mike Andrewes Tom Blair The Lord Mayor

Whereupon it was

RESOLVED (1) that the offer be rejected and Mowlem be requested to continue the project in accordance with the Contract signed in November 2002, with a view to completing the project at the earliest possible opportunity;

(2) that Mowlem be offered the opportunity of working more closely with the City Council Team to minimise design delays;

(3) that the Council offer to provide Mowlem with whatever assistance is necessary to speed up the settlement of compensation events.

43 Date of Next Council Meeting

RESOLVED that the meeting of the Council due to be held on Tuesday 19 April be held on Tuesday 5 April at 4.00 pm.

The meeting concluded at 8.35 pm.

Lord Mayor


Appendix 1

Joint Amendment proposed by the Liberal Democrat and Conservative Groups

Budget 2005/06

That the recommendations of the Executive of 22 February 2005 (Minute 18/05) on "Portsmouth City Council Budget 2005/06 and Medium Term Resource Strategy" be amended as follows:-

Recommendation 1 (a) be amended to

1 (a) the revised Revenue Estimates for the financial year 2004/05 and the Revenue Estimates for the financial year 2005/06 as amended by paragraphs (q), (r), (s), (t), (u) and (v) below:-

(q) the following increases be made to Cash Limits for 2005/06 to meet inflation:-

£ Leader Portfolio Member Neighbourhood Initiatives 4,900

Traffic and Transportation Portfolio Concessionary Fares – tokens for Disabled, half fare pass for 168,600 other pensioners

Culture and Leisure Portfolio Libraries – Sunday opening 42,000 Rangers Service 20,000 Arts – Arts in the Community 10,000

Total 245,500

(r) the following reductions be made to Cash Limits for 2005/06 to delete the provision for inflation proposed by Officers:-

£ Public Protection Portfolio Refuse Collection and Waste – Bulky Waste Collection Service 60,000

Leader Portfolio Administrative Buildings – Bottled Water 3,200 (saving £15,000 2006/07) Typing Services 19,500

Total 82,700


(s) the following increases be made to Cash Limits for 2005/06 to reinstate MTRS savings proposed by Officers:-

£ Leader’s Portfolio Over 50s Festival 7,500 Member Neighbourhood Initiatives 9,100

Public Protection Portfolio Sea Defences 9,800

Traffic and Transportation Concessionary Fares 106,000

Total 132,400

(t) the following reductions be made to Cash Limits for 2005/06 in respect of additional MTRS savings:-

£ Public Protection Portfolio Building Control – BCO Technical Post 44,800

Leader Portfolio Housing Benefits – reduction in Customer Relation Officers 22,200 Council Tax Benefits – reduction in Customer Relation Officers 3,400 Asset Management Service – general saving 80,000

Total 150,400

(u) the following increases to Cash Limits for 2005/06 proposed by Officers to meet budget pressures be deleted:-

£ Leader Portfolio Revenues and Benefits – Performance and Customer Service 46,300 Standards post

Total 46,300


(v) General Fund Summary - (Appendix A) be amended as follows:-


1. Add increases to inflation added to Cash Limits as listed 245,500 in recommendation 1 (q) above

2. Deduct reductions to inflation added to Cash Limits as (82,700) listed in recommendation 1(r) above

3. Reinstate MTRS savings proposed by Officers as listed 132,400 in recommendation 1(s) above and amend Portfolio Cash Limits accordingly

4. Deduct additional MTRS savings as listed in (150,400) recommendation 1 (t) above

5. Less reductions to Cash Limits for 2005/06 for budget (46,300) pressures not approved as recommended in 1 (u) above

6. Increase in use of Revenue Balances 2005/06 (98,500)

Net Effect

Recommendation 1 (a) be amended to

1 (a) the revised portfolio cash limits for each service in 2005/06 as set out in Section 8 as amended by paragraphs (q), (r), (s), (t) (u) and (v) above.

Recommendation 1(j) be amended to

1 (w) the Prudential Control Indicators as set out in the amended Appendix J

Under Recommendation 1 (m) it be noted that this amendment increases the use of revenue balances in 2005/06 by £98,500 in order to present a balanced budget, and increases the forecast deficits in 2006/07 and 2007/08 by a further £185,200 and £86,700 respectively which will add to the difficulty of achieving balanced budgets in those years.

Recommendations 3, 4, 5 and 6 be replaced by the following recommendations to reflect changes in precepts:-

(3) That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the financial year 2005/06 in accordance with Sections 32 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.



(a) £448,863,312 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(5)(a) to (e) of the Act.

(b) £231,596,187 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(3)(a) to (c) of the Act.

(c) £217,267,125 being the amount by which the aggregate at 3(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 3(b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 32(4) of the Act, as its budget requirement for the year.

(d) £161,945,158 being the aggregate of the sums which the Council estimates will be payable for the financial year into its General Fund in respect of redistributed Non-Domestic Rates, Revenue Support Grant and increased by the amount of the sums which the Council estimates will be transferred in the year from its Collection Fund to its General Fund in accordance with Section 97(3) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988, (Council Tax Surplus) and pursuant to the directions under Section 84(4) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 made on 7 February 1994 (Community Charge Surplus)

(e) £953.73 being the amount at 3(c) above less the amount at 3(d) above, all divided by the amount at 2(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 33(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year.

(f) Valuation Bands

A £


B £


C £


D £


E F G H £ £ £ £

1,165.67 1,377.61 1,589.55 1,907.46


being the amounts given by multiplying the amount at 3(e) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in Valuation Band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands.

(4) That it be noted that for the financial year 2005/06 Hampshire Police Authority are recommending the following amounts in the precept issued to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of the dwellings shown below:-

Valuation Bands A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

75.84 88.48 101.12 113.76 139.04 164.32 189.60 227.52

(5) That it be noted that for the financial year 2005/06 Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority are recommending the following amounts in the precept issued to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of the dwellings shown below:-

Valuation Bands A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

34.74 40.53 46.32 52.11 63.69 75.27 86.85 104.22

(6) That having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 3(f), and 4 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the following amounts as the amounts of Council Tax for the financial year 2005/06 for each of the categories of dwellings shown overleaf (subject to the Director of Finance and Resources being authorised to implement any variation arising from the final notification of the Hampshire Police precept):

Valuation Bands A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

746.40 870.80 995.20 1,119.60 1,368.40 1,617.20 1,866.00 2,239.20

BUDGET05/AMENDJOINT 21 February 2005


Calculation of the Council Tax 2005/06 (5.0% Tax Increase)

Portsmouth City Council 2005/06 2004/05 £ £

Gross Expenditure 448,863,312 432,678,668

LESS Gross Income 231,596,187 227,481,458

Net Expenditure 2005/06 217,267,125 205,197,210

LESS Revenue Support Grant/NDR Pool contribution 161,725,673 154,211,189

55,541,452 50,986,021

ADD/(DEDUCT) Collection Fund Deficit (Surplus) at 31 March (219,485) 1,891,996

Net Budget Requirement - Portsmouth City Council Purposes 55,321,967 52,878,017

Council Tax Base 58,005.9 58,240.8

Council Tax - Portsmouth City Council Purposes at Band D 55,321,967 58,005.9 = £953.73 £907.92

Hampshire Police Authority Precept 6,598,751 6,310,973

Council Tax - Hampshire Police Authority Purposes at Band D £113.76 £108.36

Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority Precept 3,022,687 2,987,753

Council Tax - Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority Purposes at Band D £52.11 £51.30

The Council Tax to be levied for all bands in 2005/06+B13 will be as follows:

Portsmouth Hampshire Hampshire City Police Fire & Rescue 2004/05

Council Authority Authority TOTAL Estimated Valuation at 1 April 1991 £ £ £ £ £

Up to £40,000 A 635.82 75.84 34.74 746.40 711.72 £40,001 - £52,000 B 741.79 88.48 40.53 870.80 830.34 £52,001 - £68,000 C 847.76 101.12 46.32 995.20 948.96 £68,001 - £88,000 D 953.73 113.76 52.11 1,119.60 1,067.58 £88,001 - £120,000 E 1,165.67 139.04 63.69 1,368.40 1,304.82 £120,001 - £160,000 F 1,377.61 164.32 75.27 1,617.20 1,542.06 £160,001 - £320,000 G 1,589.55 189.60 86.85 1,866.00 1,779.30 £320,001 and over H 1,907.46 227.52 104.22 2,239.20 2,135.16

Southsea Town Council Precept 112,689 112,689

Council Tax Base for Southsea Town Council 6,583.9 6,550.4

Council Tax - Southsea Town Council Purposes at Band D £17.12 £17.20

Council Tax 2005 11/04/2005 15:22 1



Original Revised Estimate NET REQUIREMENTS OF PORTFOLIOS Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate 2004/05 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08

£ £ £ £ £

15,184,000 Culture & Leisure 17,848,100 18,192,100 18,618,972 19,308,472 114,024,500 Education Children & Lifelong Learning 115,186,800 119,144,900 125,883,300 131,767,900 53,857,100 Housing Health & Social Care 50,106,100 53,351,900 55,146,130 57,064,930 14,615,900 Leader 13,634,700 12,893,400 13,423,250 13,741,050 (5,427,800) Planning Regeneration Economic Development & Property (2,629,500) (600,000) (2,057,494) (2,222,394) 19,138,800 Public Protection 18,511,600 20,527,900 21,648,060 22,692,160 8,623,100 Traffic & Transportation 8,564,700 10,411,500 11,910,174 12,393,074

213,000 General Purposes Committee 213,300 204,600 224,808 233,408 (12,000) Licensing Committee (9,900) (28,600) (7,554) (7,954)

28,700 Development Control Committee 28,700 28,700 29,654 31,054 0 Medium Term Resource Strategy 0 0 1,000,000 2,000,000

220,245,300 Portfolio Expenditure 221,454,600 234,126,400 245,819,300 257,001,700

Other Expenditure 100,300 Precepts 100,300 102,800 105,400 108,000

(107,500) Portchester Crematorium - Share of Dividend (107,500) (108,000) (110,500) (113,000) 160,000 Compensatory Added Years Payments 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000

1,500,000 Contingency Provision 997,900 1,530,000 1,610,000 1,610,000 331,700 Revenue Contributions to Capital Reserve 10,000 0 0 0

(15,940,800) Asset Management Revenue Account (16,373,800) (15,619,600) (14,669,600) (14,369,600) 358,100 Other Expenditure 494,100 651,800 760,700 870,700

(13,598,200) Other Expenditure (14,719,000) (13,283,000) (12,144,000) (11,733,900)

206,647,100 TOTAL NET EXPENDITURE 206,735,600 220,843,400 233,675,300 245,267,800


1,449,890 Contribution from Balances and Reserves 1,538,390 3,576,275 7,392,535 9,352,843 101,553,720 Revenue Support Grant 101,553,720 98,832,677 102,785,984 106,897,423 52,657,469 Business Rate Income 52,657,469 62,892,996 65,408,716 68,025,064 50,986,021 Collection Fund 50,986,021 55,541,452 58,088,065 60,992,469

206,647,100 206,735,600 220,843,400 233,675,300 245,267,800


6,832,682 Balance brought forward at 1 April 7,260,761 6,922,371 4,070,096 3,000,000 Transfers between Reserves

MTRS Reserve 1,100,000 Off Street Parking Reserve 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Revenue Reserve for Capital 624,000

(1,449,890) Deduct (Deficit) / Add Surplus for Year (1,538,390) (3,576,275) (1,170,096) (100,000)

5,382,792 Balance carried forward at 31 March 6,922,371 4,070,096 3,000,000 3,000,000

Deficit to be Funded 6,222,439 9,252,843

71 2 11/04/2005



Capital Expenditure 2003/04 Actual £000

2004/05 Estimate


2005/06 Estimate


2006/07 Estimate


2007/08 Estimate

£000 Culture & Leisure 607 861 Education Children & Lifelong Learning (Education) 9,909 20,327 Education Children & Lifelong Learning (Social Services) 118

(part of Housing Health & Social Care in 2003/04) Housing Health & Social Care 9,545 8,465 Leader 837 1,640 Millennium 7,356 14,052 Planning Regeneration & Economic Development 1,902 1,255 Commercial Port 1,696 3,051 Public Protection 469 2,937 Traffic & Transportation 9,159 7,528

60 8,471


7,233 2,360 2,483 1,025 1,423 3,409 9,708



5,822 750 -18 57 17




6,030 -----

38 Non HRA 41,480 60,234 HRA 24,210 30,306

37,118 24,149

21,475 18,367

11,675 18,257

Total 65,690 90,540 61,267 39,842 29,932

Ratio of financing costs to net revenue stream 2003/04 Actual

2004/05 Estimate

2005/06 Estimate

2006/07 Estimate

2007/08 Estimate


5.4% 6.2% 6.3% 28.0% 34.0% 35.0%

6.5% 35.0%

6.3% 36.0%

Capital Financing Requirement 2003/04 Actual £000

2004/05 Estimate


2005/06 Estimate


2006/07 Estimate


2007/08 Estimate

£000 Non - HRA HRA

155,170 163,944 25,320 26,320

168,442 26,320

171,007 26,320

169,830 26,320

Authorised limit for external debt 2004/05 Actual £000

2005/06 Estimate


2006/07 Estimate


2007/08 Estimate

£000 Borrowing 373,836 Other Long Term Liabilities (ie Credit Arrangements) -

251,953 -

270,704 -

283,529 -

Total 373,836 251,953 270,704 283,529

Operational boundary for external debt 2004/05 Actual £000

2005/06 Estimate


2006/07 Estimate


2007/08 Estimate

£000 Borrowing 154,140 Other Long Term Liabilities (ie Credit Arrangements) -

196,762 -

199,327 -

198,150 -

Total 154,140 196,762 199,327 198,150

Estimates of the incremental effect of capital investment decisions on the Council Tax Band D

2005/06 Estimate


2006/07 Estimate


2007/08 Estimate

£000 Revenue effect of existing capital programme 2,022 Revenue effect of proposed capital programme (369) Increase / (Decrease) in revenue effect (2,391) Increase / (Decrease) in Council Tax Band D (£41.22)

3,036 (10)

(3,045) (£52.50)

3,745 708

(3,037) (£52.36)


Appendix 2 Amendment proposed by the Labour Group

Budget 2005/06

That the recommendations of the Executive of 22 February 2005 (Minute 18/05) on "Portsmouth City Council Budget 2005/06 and Medium Term Resource Strategy" be amended as follows:-

Recommendation 1 (a) be amended to

1 (a) the revised Revenue Estimates for the financial year 2004/05 and the Revenue Estimates for the financial year 2005/06 as amended by paragraphs (q), (r), (s), (t), (u), (v), (w), (x), (y) and (z) below:-

(q) the following increases be made to Cash Limits for 2005/06 to meet inflation:-


Traffic and Transportation Portfolio Concessionary Fares 168,600

Total 168,600

(r) the following reductions be made to Cash Limits for 2005/06 to delete the provision for inflation proposed by Officers:-

£ Housing Health and Social Care Portfolio Homelessness 45,000 Private House Conditions – Reduce Tenancy Rights support 4,100 Homecheck and Surestart 3,400

Public Protection Environmental Protection – delete post 24,000 Environmental Health Commercial – Food Inspection post 11,800 Emergency Planning – reduced support 2,500 Pest Control – reduced support 6,100 Bulky Waste – limit number of free collections 60,000

Leader Portfolio Land Charges – reduced staffing 4,400 ICT Subscriptions to Strategic ICT Advisory Service 9,000 ICT Reduced technical consultancy for Oracle systems 12,000


£ ICT Reduce consultancy for Data Security 10,000 ICT Downgrade SUN computer maintenance service 18,000 ICT Reduce computer operations weekend overtime 11,000 Financial Services sale of Forensic IT skills to other Local 11,000

Authorities Financial Services reduction of Accountancy posts 100,000 Financial Services sale of PFI expertise 2,700 Legal Services post reduced to part-time 25,200 Local Taxation reduce number of processing staff 29,200 Corporate HR 800 Voluntary Sector third party payments 3,000 Administrative buildings – bottled water 23,000 Risk and Insurance review staff structure 61,300 Typing Service 19,600 Civic Management savings on Guildhall Square events 5,100

Culture and Leisure Portfolio Maintenance of Parks and Open Spaces 30,000 Seafront Management reduced maintenance 11,300

Total 543,500

(s) the following increases be made to Cash Limits for 2005/06 to reinstate MTRS savings proposed by Officers:-

£ Public Protection Portfolio Control of Dogs 3,600

Traffic and Transportation Concessionary Fares 106,000

Total 109,600


(t) the following reductions be made to Cash Limits for 2005/06 in respect of additional MTRS savings:-

£ Housing Health and Social Care Portfolio GF Housing general – reduction in employees 37,100

Public Protection Portfolio Environmental Protection – delete post 27,300

Leader Portfolio Housing Benefits reduction in Customer Relations posts 22,200 Council Tax Benefits reduction in Customer Relations posts 3,400 Financial Services sale of Forensic IT skills to other Local 23,000

Authorities Legal Services delete vacant post 16,800 City Help Desk reduce Team Leader post 11,200 Corporate HR reduction in posts 23,000 Best Value Implementation 11,600 Local Taxation reduction in processing staff 29,500 Guildhall reduction in maintenance 14,600 Administrative Buildings reduction in maintenance 30,600

Total 250,300

(u) the following increases to Cash Limits for 2005/06 proposed by Officers to meet budget pressures be deleted:-

£ Leader Portfolio Revenues and Benefits – Performance and Customer Service 46,300

Manager Post Corporate HR – Reduce new Pay Review posts 35,000 City Help Desk – reduce number of posts 25,000 Tower Marketing 25,000

Culture and Leisure Portfolio Arts – Support to New Theatre Royal 25,000

Total 156,300


(v) the following increases be made to Cash Limits for 2005/06 to meet budget pressures:-

£ Traffic and Transportation Portfolio Concessionary Fares – half fare pass/£37 of tokens for all 1,270,000

Total 1,270,000

(w) if the scheme detailed in (v) does not proceed for any reason, the sum involved cannot be used for any other purpose and will revert to the Executive.

(x) £400,000 per annum be transferred from the Off Street Car Parking Reserve from 2005/06 onward to fund the additional cost of concessionary fares

(y) with immediate effect, a moratorium be imposed on recruitment, including agency staff and accommodation moves; any deviation to be agreed by the Leader of the City Council

(z) General Fund Summary - (Appendix A) be amended as follows:-


1. Add increases to inflation added to Cash Limits as listed 168,600 in recommendation 1 (q) above

2. Deduct reductions to inflation added to Cash Limits as (543,500) listed in recommendation 1(r) above

3. Reinstate MTRS savings proposed by Officers as listed 109,600 in recommendation 1(s) above and amend Portfolio Cash Limits accordingly

4. Deduct additional MTRS savings as listed in (250,300) recommendation 1 (t) above

5. Deduct budget pressures as listed in recommendation (156,300) 1 (u) above

6. Add budget pressures as listed in recommendation 1 (v) 1,270,000 above

8. Add contribution from Off Street Car Parking Reserve as (400,000) recommendation 1 (x) above

9. Increase use of Revenue Balances 2005/06 (198,100)

Net Effect 0


Recommendation 1 (a) be amended to

1 (a) the revised portfolio cash limits for each service in 2005/06 as set out in Section 8 as amended by paragraphs (q), (r), (s), (t), (u), (v), (w), (x), (y) and (z) above.

Recommendation 1(j) be amended to

1 (aa) the Prudential Control Indicators as set out in the amended Appendix J

Under Recommendation 1 (m) it be noted that this amendment increases the use of revenue balances in 2005/06 by £198,100 (excluding the transfer of £400,000 from the Off Street Car Parking Reserve) in order to present a balanced budget, and increases the forecast deficits in 2006/07 and 2007/08 by a further £396,200 and £233,100 respectively which will add to the difficulty of achieving balanced budgets in those years.

Recommendations 3, 4, 5 and 6 be replaced by the following recommendations to reflect changes in precepts:-

(3) That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the financial year 2005/06 in accordance with Sections 32 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.

(a) £448,863,312 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(5)(a) to (e) of the Act.

(b) £231,596,187 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(3)(a) to (c) of the Act.

(c) £217,267,125 being the amount by which the aggregate at 3(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 3(b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 32(4) of the Act, as its budget requirement for the year.


(d) £161,945,158 being the aggregate of the sums which the Council estimates will be payable for the financial year into its General Fund in respect of redistributed Non-Domestic Rates, Revenue Support Grant and increased by the amount of the sums which the Council estimates will be transferred in the year from its Collection Fund to its General Fund in accordance with Section 97(3) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988, (Council Tax Surplus) and pursuant to the directions under Section 84(4) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 made on 7 February 1994 (Community Charge Surplus)

(e) £953.73 being the amount at 3(c) above less the amount at 3(d) above, all divided by the amount at 2(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 33(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year.

(f) Valuation Bands

A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

635.82 741.79 847.76 953.73 1,165.67 1,377.61 1,589.55 1,907.46

being the amounts given by multiplying the amount at 3(e) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in Valuation Band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands.

(4) That it be noted that for the financial year 2005/06 Hampshire Police Authority are recommending the following amounts in the precept issued to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of the dwellings shown overleaf:-


Valuation Bands A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

75.84 88.48 101.12 113.76 139.04 164.32 189.60 227.52

(5) That it be noted that for the financial year 2005/06 Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority are recommending the following amounts in the precept issued to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of the dwellings shown below:-

Valuation Bands A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

34.74 40.53 46.32 52.11 63.69 75.27 86.85 104.22

(6) That having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 3(f), and 4 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the following amounts as the amounts of Council Tax for the financial year 2005/06 for each of the categories of dwellings shown overleaf (subject to the Director of Finance and Resources being authorised to implement any variation arising from the final notification of the Hampshire Police precept):

Valuation Bands A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

746.40 870.80 995.20 1,119.60 1,368.40 1,617.20 1,866.00 2,239.20

BUDGET05/AMENDLABOUR 21 February 2005


Calculation of the Council Tax 2005/06 (5.0% Tax Increase)

Portsmouth City Council 2005/06 2004/05 £ £

Gross Expenditure 448,863,312 432,678,668

LESS Gross Income 231,596,187 227,481,458

Net Expenditure 2005/06 217,267,125 205,197,210

LESS Revenue Support Grant/NDR Pool contribution 161,725,673 154,211,189

55,541,452 50,986,021

ADD/(DEDUCT) Collection Fund Deficit (Surplus) at 31 March (219,485) 1,891,996

Net Budget Requirement - Portsmouth City Council Purposes 55,321,967 52,878,017

Council Tax Base 58,005.9 58,240.8

Council Tax - Portsmouth City Council Purposes at Band D 55,321,967 58,005.9 = £953.73 £907.92

Hampshire Police Authority Precept 6,598,751 6,310,973

Council Tax - Hampshire Police Authority Purposes at Band D £113.76 £108.36

Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority Precept 3,022,687 2,987,753

Council Tax - Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority Purposes at Band D £52.11 £51.30

The Council Tax to be levied for all bands in 2005/06+B13 will be as follows:

Portsmouth Hampshire Hampshire City Police Fire & Rescue 2004/05

Council Authority Authority TOTAL Estimated Valuation at 1 April 1991 £ £ £ £ £

Up to £40,000 A 635.82 75.84 34.74 746.40 711.72 £40,001 - £52,000 B 741.79 88.48 40.53 870.80 830.34 £52,001 - £68,000 C 847.76 101.12 46.32 995.20 948.96 £68,001 - £88,000 D 953.73 113.76 52.11 1,119.60 1,067.58 £88,001 - £120,000 E 1,165.67 139.04 63.69 1,368.40 1,304.82 £120,001 - £160,000 F 1,377.61 164.32 75.27 1,617.20 1,542.06 £160,001 - £320,000 G 1,589.55 189.60 86.85 1,866.00 1,779.30 £320,001 and over H 1,907.46 227.52 104.22 2,239.20 2,135.16

Southsea Town Council Precept 112,689 112,689

Council Tax Base for Southsea Town Council 6,583.9 6,550.4

Council Tax - Southsea Town Council Purposes at Band D £17.12 £17.20

Council Tax 2005 11/04/2005 15:22 1



Original Revised Estimate NET REQUIREMENTS OF PORTFOLIOS Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate 2004/05 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08

£ £ £ £ £

15,184,000 Culture & Leisure 17,848,100 18,053,800 18,480,672 19,170,172 114,024,500 Education Children & Lifelong Learning 115,186,800 119,144,900 125,883,300 131,767,900 53,857,100 Housing Health & Social Care 50,106,100 53,262,300 55,056,530 56,975,330 14,615,900 Leader 13,634,700 12,409,000 12,950,650 13,303,450 (5,427,800) Planning Regeneration Economic Development & Property (2,629,500) (625,000) (2,082,494) (2,247,394) 19,138,800 Public Protection 18,511,600 20,494,800 21,614,960 22,659,060 8,623,100 Traffic & Transportation 8,564,700 11,681,500 13,180,174 13,663,074

213,000 General Purposes Committee 213,300 204,600 224,808 233,408 (12,000) Licensing Committee (9,900) (28,600) (7,554) (7,954)

28,700 Development Control Committee 28,700 28,700 29,654 31,054 0 Medium Term Resource Strategy 0 0 1,000,000 2,000,000

220,245,300 Portfolio Expenditure 221,454,600 234,626,000 246,330,700 257,548,100

Other Expenditure 100,300 Precepts 100,300 102,800 105,400 108,000

(107,500) Portchester Crematorium - Share of Dividend (107,500) (108,000) (110,500) (113,000) 160,000 Compensatory Added Years Payments 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000

1,500,000 Contingency Provision 997,900 1,530,000 1,610,000 1,610,000 331,700 Revenue Contributions to Capital Reserve 10,000 0 0 0

(15,940,800) Asset Management Revenue Account (16,373,800) (15,619,600) (14,669,600) (14,369,600) 358,100 Other Expenditure 494,100 651,800 760,700 870,700

(13,598,200) Other Expenditure (14,719,000) (13,283,000) (12,144,000) (11,733,900)

206,647,100 TOTAL NET EXPENDITURE 206,735,600 221,343,000 234,186,700 245,814,200


1,449,890 Contribution from Balances and Reserves 1,538,390 4,075,875 7,903,935 9,899,243 101,553,720 Revenue Support Grant 101,553,720 98,832,677 102,785,984 106,897,423 52,657,469 Business Rate Income 52,657,469 62,892,996 65,408,716 68,025,064 50,986,021 Collection Fund 50,986,021 55,541,452 58,088,065 60,992,469

206,647,100 206,735,600 221,343,000 234,186,700 245,814,200


6,832,682 Balance brought forward at 1 April 7,260,761 6,922,371 3,970,496 3,000,000 Transfers between Reserves

MTRS Reserve 1,100,000 Off Street Parking Reserve 100,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 Revenue Reserve for Capital 624,000

(1,449,890) Deduct (Deficit) / Add Surplus for Year (1,538,390) (4,075,875) (1,470,496) (500,000)

5,382,792 Balance carried forward at 31 March 6,922,371 3,970,496 3,000,000 3,000,000

Deficit to be Funded 6,433,439 9,399,243

81 2 11/04/2005



Capital Expenditure 2003/04 Actual £000

2004/05 Estimate


2005/06 Estimate


2006/07 Estimate


2007/08 Estimate

£000 Culture & Leisure 607 861 Education Children & Lifelong Learning (Education) 9,909 20,327 Education Children & Lifelong Learning (Social Services) 118

(part of Housing Health & Social Care in 2003/04) Housing Health & Social Care 9,545 8,465 Leader 837 1,640 Millennium 7,356 14,052 Planning Regeneration & Economic Development 1,902 1,255 Commercial Port 1,696 3,051 Public Protection 469 2,937 Traffic & Transportation 9,159 7,528

60 8,471


7,233 2,360 2,483 1,025 1,423 3,409 9,708



5,822 750 -18 57 17




6,030 -----

38 Non HRA 41,480 60,234 HRA 24,210 30,306

37,118 24,149

21,475 18,367

11,675 18,257

Total 65,690 90,540 61,267 39,842 29,932

Ratio of financing costs to net revenue stream 2003/04 Actual

2004/05 Estimate

2005/06 Estimate

2006/07 Estimate

2007/08 Estimate


5.4% 6.2% 6.3% 28.0% 34.0% 35.0%

6.5% 35.0%

6.3% 36.0%

Capital Financing Requirement 2003/04 Actual £000

2004/05 Estimate


2005/06 Estimate


2006/07 Estimate


2007/08 Estimate

£000 Non - HRA HRA

155,170 163,944 25,320 26,320

168,442 26,320

171,007 26,320

169,830 26,320

Authorised limit for external debt 2004/05 Actual £000

2005/06 Estimate


2006/07 Estimate


2007/08 Estimate

£000 Borrowing 373,836 Other Long Term Liabilities (ie Credit Arrangements) -

251,953 -

270,704 -

283,529 -

Total 373,836 251,953 270,704 283,529

Operational boundary for external debt 2004/05 Actual £000

2005/06 Estimate


2006/07 Estimate


2007/08 Estimate

£000 Borrowing 154,140 Other Long Term Liabilities (ie Credit Arrangements) -

196,762 -

199,327 -

198,150 -

Total 154,140 196,762 199,327 198,150

Estimates of the incremental effect of capital investment decisions on the Council Tax Band D

2005/06 Estimate


2006/07 Estimate


2007/08 Estimate

£000 Revenue effect of existing capital programme 2,022 Revenue effect of proposed capital programme (369) Increase / (Decrease) in revenue effect (2,391) Increase / (Decrease) in Council Tax Band D (£41.22)

3,036 (10)

(3,045) (£52.50)

3,745 708

(3,037) (£52.36)