2.2 An English Settlement at Jamestown MAIN IDEA Two early English colonies failed, but Jamestown...


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2.2 An English Settlement at Jamestown


Two early English colonies failed, but Jamestown survived- partly through individual effort and hard work.


Jamestown’s survival led to more

English colonies and a lasting

English influence in the United


Roanoke and Sagadahoc

• First sponsored by Sir Walter Raleigh in Virginia, 1585 and 1587.

-Settlers disappeared.

• Plymouth Company sponsored Sagadahoc (modern-day) Maine.

-Settlers went back to England.

Joint-Stock Company

• Investors fund colony and give charters; get profits.

• In 1607, Virginia Company sends 150 people to found Jamestown.

Disastrous Start

• Colonists seek gold, suffer from disease and hunger.

• John Smith forces colonists to farm; get help from Powhatan people.

• (1609) 600 colonists arrive; Powhatan destroy farms; “starving time”.

“Brown Gold” and Indentured Servants

• New arrivals revive and expand colony.

• Tobacco becomes profitable; export 1.5 million lbs. by the late 1620s.

• Headright System- purchaser of passage get 50 acres- lures settlers.

• Plantation owners use indentured servants -work 4-7 years for passage.

The First African Laborers

• Arrived 1619, treated as indentured servants.

• Late 1600s, owners begin importing costly slaves because,

-indentured population decreases.

-colony becomes wealthy.

The English Pattern of Conquest

• English do not live or intermarry with Native Americans.

• Hostilities between Powhatan and English.

• 1614 marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe creates a temporary peace.

• Renewed fighting forces the king to make Virginia a royal colony.

House of Burgesses (1619)

• To provide more local control.

• The company elected representatives that met once a year.

Economic Differences Split Virginia

• Former indentured people settle frontier.

-Cannot vote.

-Pay high taxes.

• Battle natives; tension between frontier, wealthy.

• Governor refuses to give money to help frontier fight natives.

Bacon’s Rebellion

• Nathaniel Bacon raises army to fight natives on frontier (1676).

• Governor calls Bacon’s army illegal; Bacon sets fire to Jamestown.
