2021 Week 2- Teaching and Learning Activities Stage 2/3


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Teaching & Learning Activities – Stage 3

2021 Term 3, Week 2

Please complete the activities in your homework book and check Google Classroom each day for messages from your teacher.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Morning EnglishReading: Read the textattached below called ‘Bunji’and complete 1 question fromthe Blooms table.Your goal is to completeenough questions to achieve21 points each week.

Writing: Write an informationreport about a topic of yourchoosing.Today’s task is to brainstormfor research and begin yourresearch. Use the brainstormfor research and researchrecord sheets attached.

Spelling: Print out thisweek's soundwaves activitypages (attached below). Thisweek's sound is ‘p pp’brainstorm 10 words that start

EnglishReading: Read 2chapters of a novel/textof your selection.Complete 1 questionfrom the Blooms table.

Writing: Continue withyour informative writing.Today’s tasks are tocomplete the selectingand ordering sheet andplan your writing usingthe planning graph.Next, write your sizzlingstart and openingparagraph.

Spelling: Continue tocomplete yourSoundwaves activitypages. Complete therest of the activities for ‘p

EnglishReading: Read 2chapters of a novel/textof your selection.Complete 1 questionfrom the Blooms table.

Writing: Continue withyour informative writing.Today’s tasks are towrite your first factsection and to checkthat you have usedeither show don’t tell ordynamic dialogue toengage your reader.

Spelling: This weekthere are two sounds.The second sound is ‘rrr wr’. Brainstorm 10words that start withthis sound. Complete

EnglishReading: Read 2 chaptersof a novel/text of yourselection.Complete 1 question fromthe Blooms table.Additional activity: Usethehttps://www.kidsnews.com.au/ to read a story or articlethat interests you andcomplete the quiz at theend of the story.

Writing: Continue with yourinformative writing.Today’s tasks are to writeyour second and third factsection. Ensure you havebuilt the tension by savingyour most interesting factsection for last.

EnglishReading: Read 2 chaptersof a novel/text of yourselection.Complete 1 question fromthe Blooms table. Tally upyour points from this week.

Writing: Finish yourinformative writing bywriting the conclusion,ensuring it is an excitingending. Use your editingskills to edit your work andthen publish your writing.Post your completedinformation report toGoogle Classroom forfeedback from your teacher.

Spelling: Make sure youhave completed bothSoundwaves activity pages


with this sound. Completeactivities 1-5.If you finish early, completethe interactive games andactivities online.

This week is Unit 20Y6 zero785 | Y5 jump390 |Y4 nose192


If you finish early,complete the interactivegames and activitiesonline.

activities 1-5.

If you finish early,complete the interactivegames and activitiesonline.

Spelling: Continue tocomplete your Soundwavesactivity pages. Completethe rest of the activities for‘r rr wr’ and have a go atthe challenge.

for this week. Go online andcomplete the segmentingactivity if you haven’talready.

Break Break Break Break Break BreakMiddle Mathematics

Mathletics - Log on and try tocomplete 2-3 activities.Multiplication speed test -Use a timer to record yourtime solving one column ofthe ‘Mixed multiplication facts’worksheet below. Attempt theother columns throughout theweek and try to beat yourtime!

Mass is defined as theamount of matter in an objectand it cannot be seen. Massis commonly referred to asweight. The units ofmeasurement we use torecord the mass of objectsare grams, kilograms, tonnesand many more.

1 000 grams = 1 kilogram

1 000 kg = 1 tonne

MathematicsMathletics - Log on andtry to complete 2-3activities.

The mass of an objectwon’t always be a wholenumber. Sometimes wewill need to use 2 unitsof measurement whenrecording the mass. Forexample, if I weighed anobject that was biggerthan 1 kg but smallerthan 2 kg, the objectmight have a mass of1.435 kg. This meansthat the object is 1 wholekilogram and 435 grams.

When we convertbetween different unitsof measurement, weneed to understand howmuch bigger or smallereach unit is in

MathematicsMathletics - Log onand try to complete 2-3activities.

When we buy fooditems from the shopssuch as a box of cereal,it tells you how heavy itis on the package.However, the massshown on the box onlytells you how heavy thefood is, not thecontainer or box thatthe food comes in.

When we measuremass of the food andthe container togetherthat is known as thegross mass.

When we measure themass of just the food orthe product inside the

MathematicsMathletics - Log on and tryto complete 2-3 activities.

A packet of biscuits has anet mass of ½ a kilogram. Ifthere are 25 biscuits in thepack, what is the mass of 1biscuit?

The gross mass of a box ofchocolates is 255 g. Thebox contains 12 chocolates.The empty box weighs 15g. 1 chocolate weighs 24 g.How many chocolates arethere in the box?

Problem Solving:After a hiking trip, Jim’sweight fell from 45 kg 750 gto 42 kg 495 g. How muchweight did he lose?

MathematicsMathletics - Log on and tryto complete 2-3 activities.

When we compare themass of a gram comparedto millilitres, they are thesame. For example 375millilitres has the samemass as 375 grams.

Convert between theseunits of measurement.

500 g = _______ ml1200 g = _______ml3.5 kg = _______ L7.2 L = _______ g5050 ml = _______ kg

Problem Solving:An athlete wants to reducehis weight by 2.5 kg. Whatis his target mass ifcurrently he weighs 82.3kg?


ActivityFind 3 objects in your housethat you DO NOT know themass of e.g. a pair of shoes,a jumper, a pillow etc. Using ascale (can be digital scales,kitchen scales and bathroomscales) record the masses ofthe 3 objects and order themfrom smallest to largest.

If you DO NOT have scales atyour home, find 3 objects thatyou do know the mass of e.g.a can of spaghetti, a pack ofpasta etc. Order the massesof the objects from smallest tolargest.

Problem Solving:A jar of jelly beans has a totalmass of 1 kg. If the jar’s massis 250 g, what is the mass ofthe jelly beans?

Problem solving answers willbe posted on GoogleClassroom each day.

comparison to another.

Grams are 1 000 timessmaller than a kilogram(divide by 1 000).Kilograms are 1 000times bigger than a gram(multiply by 1 000).Kilograms are 1 000times smaller than atonne (divide by 1 000).Tonnes are 1 000 timesbigger than a kilogram(multiply by 1 000).

Quick TipWhen dividing by 1 000move the decimal pointLEFT the same numberof times as there arezeros in the number 1000 (3 times). Example,5914.2 ÷ 1 000 = 5.9142

When multiplying by1 000 move the decimalpoint RIGHT the samenumber of times as thereare zeros in the number1 000 (3 times).Example, 2.4136 x 1 000

container, that is knownas the net mass.Using a set of scales,measure the grossmass of 5 items andcompare it to the netmass on the packaging.(Make sure that youuse an item that hasn’tbeen opened yet.

Problem Solving:A truck weighs 5 tonnesby itself. If it is carryingthree containers eachwith a mass of 1.5tonnes, what will be itstotal mass?

Problem solvinganswers will be postedon Google Classroomeach day.

Problem solving answerswill be posted on GoogleClassroom each day.

Problem solving answerswill be posted on GoogleClassroom each day.


= 2413.6

ActivityConvert between gramsand kilograms.1 500 g = _____ kg2 250 g = _____ kg3.459 kg = _____ g64 201 g = _____ kg2.8095 kg _____ g

Convert betweenkilograms and tonnes.1 200 kg = _____ t8 366 kg = _____ t7.709 t = _____ kg81 551 kg = _____ t9.3325 t ____ kg

Problem Solving:Tom wanted to weigh hisdog. First he weighedhimself. His mass was79 kg. Then he stood onthe scales while holdingthe dog. The scalesrecorded 108 kg. Howmuch did the dog weigh?

Problem solving answerswill be posted onGoogle Classroomeach day.

Break Break Break Break Break BreakAfternoon Creative Arts PDHPE Science & Technology Watch this week’s episode NAIDOC Activity


How to Make a Bunjil(Wedge Tail Eagle).Follow the instructions anduse the template attachedbelow to create a Bunjil. Youwill need to go outside andcollect some leaves to use asfeathers for this artwork. Ifyou do not have charcoal orblack pastels then you canjust use a black pencil ortexta.

Be Skilled Be FitFollow the Youtube link.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcqKrUOrCXo

PDHPE continuedComplete the Get ActiveEpisode 1 attachedbelow.

Contact and noncontact forces.Watch the YouTube clipand complete theScience activityattached below.Gear Ratios withAustralian OlympicCyclist KaarleMcCulloch:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hHKa_hM1lM

PDHPEComplete the GetActive Episode 2attached below.

of ‘Behind the News’.Answer the question postedon Google Classroom.

GeographyComplete the Map of theWorld activity listed below.Use your research skillsand the map includedbelow or a map online tofind the answers.https://geology.com/world/world-map.shtml

Watch the below clip aboutNAIDOC week and answerthe question on GoogleClassroom.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swVVDqnes3YComplete the crosswordattached below. Answers tothe crossword will beposted on GoogleClassroom at the end ofthe day.

Try to include a daily outdoor activity – take the dog for a walk, run around the yard, ride your bike, use a skipping rope, do someyoga or mindfulness etc.


Bloom's Taxonomy Book Review Questions

Knowledge1 Point Each

Comprehension2 Points Each

Application3 Points Each

Analysis4 Points Each

Synthesis5 Points Each

Evaluation6 Points Each

Week Score

Make a list of factsyou learned from

the story.

What was theproblem in the book,

and how was itsolved?

Did this book remindyou of anything that

has happened toyou? What? Why?

If your story happened ina foreign land, comparethat land to Australia.

Design costumes for thecharacters.

Who do you think theauthor intended to read

this book and why?

List the charactersand describe


Did anyone in thebook do something

you did not like?Why?

Did this book giveyou any new ideas

about yourself?Why?

If your story occurredlong ago, compare that

time with today in aparagraph. If it was a

modern story, compare itwith another time periodand state what would be


Using information fromthe book about one ofthe main characters,

rewrite the ending of thebook.

If you could only saveone character from thebook in the event of a

disaster, which onewould it be and why?

List five newwords you learned

from the book.Write down their

dictionarypronunciation and


What kind of book isthis? List three pieces

of evidence of this.

What would themain character belikely to do if s/he

visited ourclassroom?

Think of a shape that fitswith one of the main

character’s traits. Drawthe shape. Then describethe character inside the


Write another short storyusing the same


Is the title a good one ora poor one and why?

If your book was amystery, explain

what the mysterywas and how it

was solved.

What was theauthor's purpose orpurposes in writing

this book?

If you were in aproblem situationlike the one in thebook, how would

you have acted? Besure to tell what the

situation is.

Decide which parts of thebook include the five W's

and How. Then write aparagraph for a

newspaper articleincluding these facts.

Name one character.Rewrite the story fromthis character's point of


Did you like the way thestory ended? Why or

why not?

List ten goodwords from thebook. Put them

into a wordsearch.

If you could continuethe story, what events

would you include?Why?

What lesson did youlearn from the story?

Write a different endingto the book. Explain why

you changed it.

Write a poem about thisbook.

Which character in thebook would you choose

for a friend? Why?

What problemsdoes one of thecharacters have,and how do they

solve it?

List five major eventsin the story in the

correct order.

Explain a timesomething similar to

what happened inthe story happened

to you or tosomeone you know.

Write five ways the maincharacter is like you.

Design a poster for thisbook.

What did you think wasthe most interesting part

of the book? Why?

Where did thestory take place?

Explain, in your ownwords, the beginning

of the book.

Write a letter to afriend

recommending thisbook.

Find one word thatdescribes a character in

your book very well. Givefive reasons for your

choice of words.

Pretend you are alibrarian recommendingthis book to someone.

Write a paragraph tellingwhat you would say.

Write about the mostexciting part of the book

being sure to give atleast three reasons why

List the placesmentioned in the


Describe what ishappening in the first

illustration in thebook.

Pretend you are oneof the characters inthe book. Write adiary entry aboutthe happenings in

your life.

In a good paragraph,state the main idea of the


Make an eight-sectioncomic strip with captionsshowing the main events

of the story

Which parts of the textcould be improved?

What other bookshas this author


How did the maincharacter feel during

the book? Giveevidence of this.

List the places in thebook that are

important. Design amap including these


Compare this book withthe last book you read.

Make a radioannouncement to

advertise the book. Writeit out.

Who would yourecommend this text to?

Geography Research Task

Answer the below questions in full sentences in your homework book.

1. Find and list each of the five oceans of the world.2. Find and list each of the seven continents of the world.3. What is the largest country in the world?4. Are there more countries in the Northern Hemisphere or the Southern Hemisphere?5. Name three countries in Asia that start with S.6. Which country is located closest to Australia?7. These are the seven natural wonders of the world: Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis), Harbor of Rio de Janeiro, Grand Canyon, Great

Barrier Reef, Mount Everest, Paricutin Volcano, Victoria Falls. Locate them on the World map and highlight their locations.8. In your own opinion, categorise each of the seven natural wonders using the categories provided. Some may belong in more than

one category. Natural beauty, Overall size and scale, Needs protecting, Unusual and unique.9. If you were setting this task, what question would you add? Provide an answer to your question.

Science & TechnologyContact and non contact forces

Watch introduction of Innovation Games video: Gear Ratioshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hHKa_hM1lM

❖ What happens when you change gears on your bike?❖ Why does changing the gears make it easier to turn the peddle?❖ Have you ever seen cogs work?❖ What machines or devices use a cog?❖ Why do machines turn cogs?

Extension task 1:Complete the gear ratios worksheet below.

Extension task 2: Conduct a scientific experiment on gear ratios.Select a set distance to ride your bike. Ride the distance in 1st gear, 2nd gear, 3rd gear etc and measure the time it takes you to complete thedistance. Try it from a rolling start and a stationary start.Record your findings.Don't forget to make a prediction before carrying out the experiment.



Soundwaves Spelling - https://online.fireflyeducation.com.au/services/student_login/soundwaves

Behind the News - https://www.abc.net.au/btn/

Kids News - https://www.kidsnews.com.au/

Storyline Online - https://www.storylineonline.net/


Mathletics - https://login.mathletics.com/

Mathantics Video Lessons - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBuMwlP7kHkNxdPAqtFSJTw

Cool math games - https://www.coolmathgames.com/

Other KLA’s

National Geographic - https://www.natgeokids.com/au/category/discover/

The Body Coach TV (Kids Workouts) - https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1

Blockly Games Coding - https://blockly.games/

ABC education - https://education.abc.net.au/home#!/home

Google Classroom Codes

6H – uzqilb3 | 56C – lexmq67 | 5L – 7pg4b5t | 45J – k6cd4jx
