2021 Abbreviations of English Textbooks/Homework P


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2021 Abbreviations of English Textbooks/Homework



SB English To Enjoy Textbook (Student Book) (英文讀本)


IP English To Enjoy Intensive Practice (英文作業)

HKAT HKAT (Pre-S1) English Mock Papers (中一入學前英文科綜合練習)

Exercise Books

WB Word Bank (自學詞庫)

LJ Learning Journal (學習日誌)

Pen. (A/B) Penmanship A/B (抄書簿)


Dict. Dictation (英文默書)

V. Dict. Vocabulary Dictation (生字默書)


FA Formative Assessment (進展性評估)

SA Summative Assessment (總結性評估)

CT Consolidation Test (鞏固測驗)


PS1 WS Pre-S1 Hong Kong Attainment Test Worksheets


Gr. WS Grammar Worksheets (文法工作紙)

Act. WS Activity Worksheets (課堂活動工作紙)

Rev. WS Revision Worksheets (溫習工作紙)

Level-Up WS Level-Up Worksheets (閱讀提升工作紙)

Prep. Note Preparation Note (預習工作紙)


Prep. Prepare (預習) Sp. Spell (串字)

Rev. Revise (温習) Rec. Recite (背誦)

Corr. Corrections (改正) Sign. Parents’ Signature (家長簽署)

Br. Bring (帶備) Hd. Hand in (交回)

Rd. Read (閱讀) St. Stick (張貼)

FW Focused Writing (短文寫作) SL Spontaneous Language (常用對話)






E 6A Endangered Animals in

Hong Kong


DATE: P.6 ( ) ( )

A. Read SB p.26-27 and answer the following questions. Choose the best answer by

blackening the circle.

1. The next issue of Regional Geographic will be published after ________.

A. one day B. one week

C. two weeks D. one month

2. Read paragraph 1. What do the words ‘lack of’ mean?

A. A lot of B. Not enough

C. Too much D. Increase

3. Which is NOT the reason why the spoonbill becomes one of the most endangered birds in

the world?

A. Water pollution

B. Land reclamation

C. Lack of food

D. Cold weather

4. Which is NOT true about Chinese White Dolphins?

A. They cannot breathe underwater or live out of water.

B. They turn into white or light pink when they grow up.

C. They can grow up to 270 cm long.

D. They eat shrimps and octopuses.

5. Read line 24 on SB p.27: “It has an ‘X’-like marking on the back of its brown body.”

What does ‘its’ refer to?

A. The Romer’s Tree Frog B. The Romer’s Tree Frog’s

C. Hong Kong D. Hong Kong’s

6. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The Black–faced Spoonbill stays at Mai Po Nature Reserve for the whole year.

B. The Black–faced Spoonbill is less than 1 metre tall.

C. The Romer’s Tree Frog stays in the water all the time.

D. We can find the Romer’s Tree Frog on Lantau Island and Lamma Island only.


7. What is the main purpose of this article?

A. To ask readers to visit Hong Kong’s scenic spots

B. To tell readers about the habitats of different animals

C. To make readers pay more attention to endangered animals in Hong Kong

D. To introduce endangered sea animals in Hong Kong

B. Other Questions

1. Amy is writing a memo to her friend, Mary. Fill in each blank with only ONE word from

SB p.26-27. Make sure your answers are grammatically correct.

2. Amy is filling in some information about endangered animals in Hong Kong. Fill in each

blank with only ONE word from SB p.26-27. Make sure your answers are grammatically


Black-faced Spoonbill

Appearance: - covered by white (1) ___________________

- has a spoon-shaped bill

Habitat: - wetlands

- (2) ___________________ waters

- stays in Mai Po in (3) ___________________

3. Why are there fewer Romer’s Tree Frogs in Hong Kong? (Answer in a complete sentence.)



Hi Mary,

I’ve just read an article about the Romer’s Tree Frog. It’s (1) in

number because people destroy the woodlands to make more land. The shrinking

(2)________________ makes it hard for the frog to find food and homes. If we don’t

protect the frog, it will (3) from the world. Then, we’ll never see it

again. To learn more about the frog, I’ll visit Lamma Island next Sunday. I’m going to

(4) a whole day there. Please let me know if you can go.





A. Write the sentences by using ‘either…or’ or ‘neither…nor’.


(a pudding/a cheesecake)

2. Tom John


(play football / watch TV)


(step on the grass / pick flowers)

E 6A Endangered Animals

in Hong Kong 3.2 CLASS NAME GRADE

DATE: P.6 ( ) ( )

What can I have for dessert?

You can have _____________________________________


Who likes to read books?



What will you do tomorrow?



What shouldn’t you do in the park?




B. Miss Samson is talking to the staff at a theme park. Complete their telephone

conversation by using ‘either … or …’ or ‘neither … nor …’.

Staff: Good afternoon, Hong Kong Ocean Park. How may I help you?

Miss Samson: Hi! My name is May Samson. I’m a teacher of Sunshine Primary School.

I’d like to bring my class to visit Ocean Park on (e.g.) either 14th November

(e.g.) or 16th November.

Staff: Let me see ... Sorry, (1) 14th November 16th

November is available for school visits. What about 18th November?

Miss Samson:

All right. We’d like to join the penguin-feeding class on that day.

How many classes are there on 18th November?

Staff: There are two classes. You can join the class at (2) 10:00 a.m.

2:00 p.m.

Miss Samson:

I think 2:00 p.m. is better. Are there any cafés or canteens near the Grand

Aquarium? We’d like to have lunch near there.

Staff: You can have lunch (3) at our canteen at

a fast food shop near the aquarium. The food in both places is great!

Miss Samson:

Great! By the way, can we take photos and videos during the penguin-

feeding class? We’re doing a project on endangered sea animals.

Staff: Sorry, Miss Samson. You can (4) take photos use

video cameras in the class, but you can buy (5) photos

DVDs at our bookshop to help with your project.

Miss Samson:

Thank you for the information. Finally, can we come to Ocean Park by bus

or school bus?

Staff: I’m afraid that you can come here (6) by bus by

school bus. Parking is not possible here. You can only come by MTR.

Miss Samson: I see. Thank you.

Staff: You’re welcome. See you on 18th November.




A. Rewrite the sentences by using ‘either…or’ or ‘neither…nor’.

1. I can buy a robot. I can buy a doll.


2. Ella will have a piano class on Saturday. Ella will have a piano class on Sunday.


3. Cindy’s bedroom is not dirty. Cindy’s bedroom is not messy.


4. Peter cannot eat on the bus. Peter cannot talk loudly on the phone on the bus.


B. This is Kitty’s diary. Circle the hints and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the


26th October, 2020 Sunny and hot

Uncle Tom, who lives in England, 1. (be) Dad’s younger

brother. He 2. (look) like Dad. He 3. (move) to

England since he was a child. He 4. (get) married next Saturday.

Therefore, we 5. (leave) Hong Kong and 6. (fly) to

London two days ago. While Dad 7. (sleep) on the plane, I watched

two movies.

I 8. never (visit) London before, so I was excited

when I got off We 9. (not go) to many places in London

yesterday. Tomorrow, we 10. (visit) more landmarks. I hope

we 11. (have) a great trip. Dad 12. (sleep) now.

It’s time for me to 13. (go) to bed.

E 6A Endangered Animals

in Hong Kong


DATE: P.6 ( ) ( )


SB 6A Unit 3 - Endangered Animals in Hong Kong Spontaneous Language

1. Which endangered animal do you like best? Why? What problems are they facing? What

should/ shouldn’t we do to save the endangered animals?

My favourite endangered animal is the Chinese White Dolphin since it is adorable and


Unfortunately, the Chinese White Dolphin is endangered since it faces lots of problems. First,

they have less or not enough space to live because of land reclamation. People make land from

sea in order to develop cities and build high-rise buildings. Besides, they have less food to eat

as water pollution kills small fish that they eat. Furthermore, the dolphins may easily get sick

because of pollution by factories pouring waste into waters. We must protect the Chinese White

Dolphin, or else it may become extinct.

To save the Chinese White Dolphin, we have to take the following measures. First, we should

set up protective zones for them so that they would not be hurt or killed. Moreover, we should

not throw rubbish or pour wastes into the ocean in order to stop water pollution. We should also

donate money to charities to support animal protection.

Endangered Animals

When you hear about endangered animals, do you feel sad? Does it make you

angry when you hear about people hunting animals?

Every day, there are people killing the wildlife for money. For example, they kill

sharks for fins. They hunt elephants for tusks. They kill tigers for skin and bones.

Moreover, people cut down trees and pollute the sea. Now, the wild animals have less

space to live and do not have enough food to eat. So, they become extinct.

Vocabulary Dictation 3.1 Week ( ) ( / )

Refer to Dictation 2 Content Sheet in WB (1st term) p.10

Reading Aloud Assessed by myself / my friend / my teacher

Read loudly

Read every word clearly

Read the ending sounds

Read with appropriate intonation and linking

Read with feelings

Eye contact


Name: _____________________ Class: _______( )


No. 2 6A SB p.26-27

A. Sentences (30%)

□1. It lives on small shrimps, fish and insects.

□ 2. Chinese White Dolphin is deep grey in colour at birth.

□ 3. It can neither breathe underwater nor live out of water.

□ 4. It lives either along the coast or at river mouths.

□ 5. Pollution makes it hard for the bird to find food and homes.

□ 6. Heavy boat traffic makes it hard for the dolphin to find food.

B. Paragraph(s) (60%)

The Black-faced Spoonbill is endangered. It has a long spoon-shaped black bill. It

lives either in wetlands or in shallow waters. Its number is decreasing because of land


The Romer's Tree Frog is the smallest frog in Hong Kong. It likes to spend most of

the time on the ground in woodlands near waters. Because of its shrinking habitat, the frog

may soon disappear.

C. Verb table (10%)

Refer to Word Bank 6A p.11 (Verb Table 2_1st term)


SB 6A Unit 6 - The weather in Hong Kong Spontaneous Language

1. What do you do when your parents are not at home?

When my parents are out on weekdays, I usually do my homework alone. It is a bit

boring. Kelly, my best friend, sometimes visits my home. We do our homework together

when my parents are not at home.


When my parents are not at home at weekends, I sometimes invite my friends and

hang out with them at home. We can play video games excitedly. Since we love eating fast

food, we go to McDonald’s and order French fries and hamburgers for lunch. It makes us


2. What should you do when Typhoon Signal Warning No.8 is issued?

Before Typhoon Signal Warning No.8 is issued, we should put tapes across large

windows. Otherwise, large windows might break. Besides, we should keep the drains

near our homes clear. Otherwise, the drains might flood. When Typhoon Signal Warning

No.8 is issued, we should stay indoors and listen to the weather forecast. In addition, we

should not stand near the windows. If not, we might get hurt when the windows break.

The rainy season

The children want to go hiking tomorrow, but the Amber Rainstorm Warning was issued

an hour ago. Therefore, they have to stay indoors. They are disappointed. The weather report

on TV says strong winds are blowing from the south and the east, causing heavy rainfall in

many parts of Hong Kong. It will be wet and windy for the next few days, with strong winds

and heavy rainfall. There will also be thunderstorms. The heavy rainfall might cause flooding

and landslides in some areas.

Vocabulary Dictation 3.1 Week ( ) ( / )

Refer to Dictation 3 Content Sheet

Reading Aloud Assessed by myself / my friend / my teacher

Read loudly

Read every word clearly

Read the ending sounds

Read with appropriate intonation and linking

Read with feelings

Eye contact




E 6A The weather in


DATE: P.6 ( ) ( )

A. Read SB p. 54-55. Choose the best answer by blackening the circle for Questions 1-8.

1. The _______________ was issued at nine o’clock in the morning.

A. Thunderstorm Warning Signal

B. Red Rainstorm Warning Signal

C. Black Rainstorm Warning Signal

D. Amber Rainstorm Warning Signal

2. Read line 1. What is the meaning of the phrase ‘hanging out’?

A. Playing alone

B. Watching television

C. Spending a lot of time in a place

D. Enjoying the air-conditioner

3. Read lines 8-9. ‘Justin, aren’t they cool?’ What does ‘they’ refer to?

A. The hiking boots

B. The air conditioner and the fan

C. The books

D. Justin and Bonnie


Why did Bonnie have a new pair of boots?

A. She got them from a lucky draw.

B. They are gifts from Mum as she got good marks in her Maths test.

C. They are her birthday gift.

D. She bought them with her pocket money.

5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Bonnie looked forward to hiking.

B. Many areas in Hong Kong had rainfall.

C. Strong winds were blowing to the east and the south.

D. The Red Rainstorm Warning Signal might be issued later.

6. What will be the maxium temperature the next few days?

A. 27°C B. 31°C C. 33°C D. 34°C


7. What will the weather be like the next few days?

A. Windy and foggy

B. Wet and windy

C. Dry and Hot

D. Cloudy and cold

8. Which of the following word or phrase has the same meaning as the word ‘issued’ ?

A. Removed

B. Decreased

C. Taken down

D. Hoisted

B. Other questions

1. Read SB p.54-55 again. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.

Write the letters (A-D) in the boxes.

A. The Amber Rainstorm Warning Signal was issued.

B. Justin turned on the television and watched the weather report.

C. Bonnie got a new pair of hiking boots.

D. Justin felt disappointed because of the bad weather.

2. Justin is writing a diary. Read SB p.54 -55 again and complete his diary. Use only ONE

word for each blank. Make sure your answers are grammatically correct.

18th August, 2020 Hot and rainy

It is still raining outside and the Red Rainstorm Warning Signal was just

(1) ______________. I am very worried that I cannot go (2) ______________

tomorrow. If it is still raining tomorrow, I have to make a new (3) ______________

for the weekend.

Bonnie doesn’t think we could go hiking tomorrow (4) ______________ we are

very lucky. I will get up very early tomorrow morning and turn on the television

immediately to check the weather. May God bless us!

3. How might the Red Rainstorm Warning Signal be issued in the evening?

(Answer in complete sentence.)






A. Susan is reading a passage in the library. Choose the best answer by blackening the

circle for Questions 1-9 and complete Question 10.

Today, the environment is a hot topic in the media – newspapers, television and the

Internet. Without a healthy environment, life on Earth will become very difficult. We need

to save the environment. However, people are cutting down too many trees. Animals, like

Indian Elephants, are in danger too because people hunt them or take away their homes.

Global warming is also a problem since it makes the temperatures around the world

go up. Ice melts and sea level rises. There are places with too much water while others

have droughts. Global warming happens because we have more and more carbon dioxide

(CO2) and other gases in the air. These gases raise temperatures because they trap more of

the sun’s heat.

There are other problems too. Pollution from factories can cause acid rain. Acid rain

can damage buildings and bridges, so they deteriorate faster than usual. It also pollutes

many lakes, rivers and streams and kills wildlife nearby. As a result, there may be fewer

wild animals.

To help save the environment, we should try to find cleaner energy. Solar power

(energy from the sun) and wind power are much less polluting. We should save energy by

reducing the use of air conditioning and turning off lights when they are not in use.

Recycling is also a good way to help the environment. Travelling by bicycle can help too

and is a good way to keep fit.

1. In paragraph 1, what does the word ‘hot’ mean? It means _________.

A. sunlight

C. popular

B. high temperature

D. unusual

2. Why are Indian Elephants in danger?

A. People keep them as pets. B. People are killing them.

C. They eat too much. D. They are sick.

3. In paragraph 2, what does ‘global warming’ mean?

A. Rising temperatures B. Falling sea levels

C. More ice D. Fewer animals

4. In paragraph 2, what does ‘they’ refer to?

A. The gases B. Temperatures

C. The sun D. The air


DATE: P.6 ( )


*5. According to paragraph 2, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Global warming has not yet happened.

B. Global warming happens when there is less and less carbon dioxide.

C. There are places which are too wet or too dry.

D. All the places in the world are colder under global warming.

6. Acid rain ___________________.

A. is not a problem anymore

B. cleans water in lakes and rivers

C. can kill wild animals

D. helps trees grow faster

7. Read paragraph 3: ‘… so they deteriorate faster than usual.’ This means that the

buildings and bridges may be _______________ than before.

A. stronger

C. safer

B. weaker

D. cleaner

8. According to the last paragraph, why should we use solar power and wind power?

A. They are more polluting. B. They are better for the environment.

C. They are cheaper. D. They give less energy.

9. What is the best title for this passage?

A. Acid Rain B. Animals in Danger

C. Saving the Earth D. Travelling by Bicycle

10. Susan is writing an article for the school magazine about environmental protection.

Complete each blank with only ONE word from the text. Make sure your answers

are grammatically correct.

Environmental Protection

Environmental protection has been a hot topic recently. There are a lot of

problems, such as overhunting of the endangered i) , global

warming and acid rain. To save the environment, we have to use the power from the

ii) and the sun more. Also, we can reduce the use of air

conditioning to save iii) .



Lily is reading a magazine article. Choose the best answer by blackening the circle for

Questions 1-7 and complete Question 8.

Animal Watch Issue No. 14

Endangered Animals 2nd November, 19 Endangered animals are animals that are few in number and at risk of disappearing from the

world. Many organisations work hand in hand to save these animals. They work and

organise different programmes together to protect animals’ natural habitat and educate people.

Blue Whales

There are no more than 5,000 Blue Whales living in all of the world’s oceans. Blue Whales

are blue-grey and have excellent hearing. They are the largest animals in the world.

Blue whales are loud animals. The sounds they made can be louder than a plane.

They are endangered because the oceans are getting warmer. A lot of small fish dies.

This means that their supply of small seafood is declining.

Andean Flamingoes

Andean Flamingoes are the rarest species of flamingo and the only species that have yellow

legs and feet. They live in the lakes of the Andes mountain range. These flamingoes

lay only one egg at a time and people steal their eggs to sell as food. They are at risk

because of hunting and the loss of habitat.

Black Rhinos

Black Rhinos live in Central and Eastern Africa. They have large horns, thick skin

and excellent hearing. They live on grasslands and in forests. Since rhinos are

endangered, most rhinos now live in protected areas, where they will not be hurt.

In the wild, hunters cut off the rhino’s horns for use in Chinese medicine. Both

the Black Rhino and White Rhino are actually grey in colour.

Do you want to know more about endangered animals? In our next weekly issue, we will tell

you more about endangered sea animals. Also, you will learn how you can save them with

simple actions in your everyday life.

1. Read the first paragraph: ‘Many organisations work hand in hand…’ This means the

organisations work ____________.

A. smart B. on their own

C. together D. hard


DATE: P.6 ( )


2. How do Andean Flamingoes differ from the other species of flamingoes?

A. Their legs and feet are yellow.

B. They lay one egg each time.

C. Their eggs are yellow in colour.

D. They live on mountains.

3. In paragraph 3, what does the word ‘lay’ mean?

A. To put something down B. To arrange knives and chopsticks

C. To prepare something in detail D. To produce eggs out of the body

4. In paragraph 4, ‘protected areas’ are places that can keep the rhinos _____________.

A. safe B. healthy C. clean D. warm

5. Why are Black Rhinos endangered?

A. Their skin is too thick.

B. They have no food to eat.

C. They have nowhere to live.

D. The hunters kill them for the horns.

6. Read the last paragraph. What does ‘you’ refer to?

A. The staff of Animal Watch B. The readers of Animal Watch

C. The writer D. Endangered sea animals

7. Which of the following are NOT the contents that you can read in the next issue?

A. Information about Chinese White Dolphins

B. The reasons why black bears become endangered

C. Ways to reduce rubbish in the sea

D. How to donate money to stop water pollution

8. Lily jots down some notes about the endangered animals she learnt. Read the article again and fill in each blank with only ONE word from the article. Make sure your answers are grammatically correct.

Blue Whales Black Rhinos

What they

can do

- make sounds louder than a

(i) ________________

- can hear sounds far away

because they have great

(ii) _______________

Appearance - have thick skin and large

(iv) ________________

- (v) ______________ in


Reasons of



- the ocean is getting warmer

- the (iii) ______________

of small seafood is


Reasons of



- their horns are cut off to

make (vi) ___________




You are preparing to write a fantasy story. Your English teacher has given you something to

read. Read it carefully and choose the best answer by blackening the circle for Questions 1–6

and complete Question 7.

Encyclopedia of Mythical Beasts

Mythical Beasts


DATE: P.6 ( ) ( )

The Chinese Dragon

is a symbol of power, strength, prosperity and good luck. It is

usually drawn as snake-like with four legs. The dragon is

powerful. It is able to control water, rainfall, typhoons and

floods. Historically the dragon was

European Dragons is fire-breathing creatures. It has bat-like wings, four legs and

a tail. Legends say that dragon’s blood has special powers. The

dragon is known to have a hoard of gold and treasure it

protects. It can be greedy or close friend of humans as well as

being noble, wise and kind.

The Phoenix is known as the bird that rises from the ashes. The phoenix lives for 500

years before it dies in flames and is born again. The feathers of the

phoenix are colourful, with many stories saying that the feathers are red

and yellow. The legs are covered in scales. Depending on the stories,

the bird ranges from the size of an eagle to being as big as an ostrich.

The Unicorn

is a horse-like animal with a long horn in the middle of its forehead.

The horn was said to have the power to heal and to make water safe to

drink. The Chinese Unicorn – Qilin is a hybrid animal. It is made up

of the body of a deer, the head of a lion, green scales and a long-curved



1. What is the text type of this passage? A. A newsletter B. A recipe

C. A diary D. An encyclopedia

2. Read the text again. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The Chinese dragon is not powerful.

B. An European dragon has four legs and a horn.

C. The phoenix has colourless feathers.

D. Qilin is a kind of Chinese Unicorns.

*3. Read ‘The Unicorn’. What does ‘hybrid animal’ mean?

A. An animal that is made up of at least two different types of animals

B. An animal with special abilities like playing magic

C. An animal which is very powerful

D. An animal that can run fast and fly high

4. The mythical beasts that can fly are ________________.

A. the European dragon and the Chinese Unicorn

B. the Chinese Unicorn and the phoenix

C. the phoenix and the Unicorn

D. the European dragon and the phoenix

5. What is the main idea of this text?

A. To introduce the magical power of the dragons

B. To introduce different types of mythical beasts

C. To encourage the readers to protect those mythical beasts

D. To encourage the children to read more encyclopedias at home

6. Which of the following is NOT true about the four kinds of mythical beasts?

A. The phoenix lives for five hundred years before it dies in flames.

B. The dragon can be close friends of humans.

C. There is a long horn on the unicorn’s forehead.

D. The Chinese dragon is not able to control water, rainfall, typhoons or floods.

7. Pam loves beasts very much. She is writing an e-mail to her close friend, Jeffrey. Finish

the note and use only ONE word for each blank. Make sure your answers are

grammatically correct.

Hi Jeffrey,

How’s it going? I borrowed an (i) _______________ from the public library last

weekend. It’s about four types of mythical beasts. I love the phoenix most because of its

colourful (ii) _______________. Besides, it is my first time to know that this kind of bird

rises from the (iii) _______________. It really surprises me! I am looking forward to

sharing this book with you.







DATE: P.6 ( ) ( )

A. Read the passage about typhoons. Choose the best answer by blackening the circle for

Questions 1-6 and complete Question 7.

In summer, strong winds from the ocean might affect Hong

Kong. They are called typhoons. Typhoons usually occur

between May and November. When a typhoon approaches

Hong Kong, it might cause great damage because the wind

is very strong and there is heavy rain too.

The Hong Kong Observatory uses numbered signals to

give warnings about typhoons. Typhoon Warning Signal

No. 1 tells us that there is a storm about 800 km

from Hong Kong. It might or might not approach Hong

Kong. If we are planning an outing, we should listen to the

weather forecast carefully.

If the typhoon is moving closer to Hong Kong, the Hong

Kong Observatory will put up Signal No.3 .We

should get ready for bad weather. We should take flower

pots indoors. We should clear the drains so that rain water

can flow away easily.


1. When do typhoons usually occur in Hong Kong?

A. In Spring B. May and November

C. From July to December D. Between May and November

2. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Strong winds from the river might affect Hong Kong in summer.

B. Typhoons usually cause great damage.

C. The Hong Kong Observatory uses numbered signals to give warnings about typhoons.

D. The Hong Kong Observatory will put up Signal No. 3 when the typhoon is moving closer

to Hong Kong.

3. What should people do when Signal No. 8 is up? People should ___________.

A. move the furniture near the windows B. stay indoors

C. unlock the windows D. go to school or work

4. We cannot check the weather forecast through ________________.

A. the Internet B. the TV news C. the dictionary D. the radio broadcast

5. What is the main idea of this passage? It tells us ________________.

A. the Hong Kong Observatory is very important

B. different typhoon warning signals and what people should and shouldn’t do when

there is a typhoon

C. people should take different actions when there is a typhoon.

D. public transport might stop when there is a typhoon.

* 6. How many typhoon warning signals are mentioned in this text? A. Four B. Six C. Eight D. Nine

7. Read the sentences below. Fill in each blank with only ONE word. Make sure your answers

are grammatically correct.

When Signal No. 8 is up, people should stay (i) . Also, we should

listen to the weather forecast about the weather (ii) . Besides, we should

put tapes (iii) the windows.




E 6A Pre-S1 Writing 5.2 CLASS NAME MARKS

DATE: P.6 ( ) ( )

Ben’s family went to a theme park in Japan yesterday. Based on pictures (c) and (d)

below, continue writing his diary. Write in about 50 words.

crowded / wait for long favourite cartoon character / rush

lose balance / twist his ankle / scared

The Ending

Useful questions Useful vocabulary / phrases

What happened?

Did you / Peggy Pig get hurt?

How did you / Peggy Pig feel?

What did you / Peggy Pig do / say?

What kind of experience was it?

What have you learnt?

step on his toes / bump into him

take him to the medical room

apologize / make an apology

be more careful in the future

Can I take photos

with you?

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Peggy Pig


Name: _____________________ Class: _______( ) Date: _________________

Wednesday, xx October 20xx 28oC

This morning, I went to a theme park with my family. The sun was bright and the sky

was clear. It was really a nice day but rather hot. The park was crowded and the queue was

very long. We had to wait for more than an hour to enter the park. I was tired but very excited

as I could see lots of my favourite characters.

After trying some thrilling rides, I saw many cartoon characters. I took a lot of

wonderful photos. When I saw my favourite cartoon character, Peggy Pig, I was on cloud

nine. So, I rushed towards him and wanted to take photos with him. __________________


















DATE: P.6 ( )

A. Sam and his parents are talking about where to go during Christmas. Complete

what they say with the words in the boxes. You may use the words ONCE only.

how about shall we let’s at last

what a bad idea that’s a good idea either … or … neither … nor …

Mum: I want to enjoy a white Christmas this year. So, (1)_____________________

go to somewhere very cold.

Sam: White Christmas? What does it mean?

Dad: It means Mum wants to go to somewhere that is covered with snow.

Sam: (2)_______________________. I like it.

Mum: Where (3)_______________________ go?

Sam: Dad, I want to visit Thailand or Indonesia.

Dad: Sorry, (4)_______________ Thailand _______________ Indonesia is cold at

Christmas. People in these two countries wear a vest and shorts in December.

Sam: What can we do in a cold place that is full of snow?

Dad: We can ski on the mountain top.

Mum: No, it’s too dangerous. (5)_________________ ice-skating? It’s also fun and


Sam: It sounds great!

Dad: You can ask (6)______________ Mum _____________ me to teach you how

to ice-skate.

Mum: We can go to South Korea to have a white Christmas then.

Sam: I agree!

Dad: Me, too!


B. Sam and his friend, Mary, are talking about what will happen when they do something.

Look at the sentences and complete what they say. Fill in the correct letters. You may

use the letters ONCE only.

A. I will have a lot of choices for choosing good secondary school.

B. I will go hiking

C. If I win the competition

D. If I don’t study hard

E. you will be healthy and fit

F. If I am not busy

G. I will finish my homework

H. If it rains

Sam: The exam is coming soon. I need to be diligent. (1) , I will get poor results.

Mary: I think so. If I get good results in the exam, (2) .

Sam: I agree. As the saying goes, “No pain, no again.”

Mary: However, you need to stay healthy as well. You need to do exercise for thirty

minutes every day. If you run in the park daily, (3) .

Sam: I know you will have the piano competition in the hall next Wednesday.

Mary: Yes. (4) , I will add the certificate to my portfolio.

Sam: Fabulous! (5) , I will go to the hall to support you.

Mary: Thank you. In order to relax myself, (6) if the weather is fine in the coming


Sam: What a good idea!.

Mary: Hope you can join me

Sam: Sure!


Name:_______________________( ) Class:P.6___ Date:____________________

Core writing No. 1 – Pre-writing Task

You are writing a story about John. Last Friday, John saw a woman opening his neighbour’s

window. Based on the pictures below, write at least 120 words about what happened.

John Made a Mistake



T-shirt / sunglasses / curious call / police / burglar / break into / catch



take off / realise / neighbour / forget / key

A. Look at Picture 1. Fill in the mind map.

Picture 1

What happened?


Where did it happen?


How did John feel?


When did John see the woman?


What did the woman wear?

What did she look like?



Who were in the story?





B. Look at Pictures 2-4. Answer the questions in complete sentences.

Remember to use some connectives

to link up your ideas.

1. ( )

2. ( )

Remember to use some connectives

to link up your ideas.

1. ( )

2. ( )

Remember to use some connectives

to link up your ideas.

1. ( )

2. ( )




1. After John saw the woman’s action, what did he

do immediately?


2. What did he tell the police?

- ____________________________________

3. What did the police do to the woman?


4. How did the woman feel?

-___________________ and _____________

1. After the woman took off her sunglasses, did

John know he make a mistake?


2. What was John’s mistake?



3. How did John feel?


1. Then, what did John do and say to the woman?


2. Did the woman forgive John?


3. What did the woman say to John?


4. What kind of experience was it for John?

- ____________________________________

5. What has he learnt?





Name:________________________________( ) Class: P.6 _____

C. Write a story about John. Write at least 120 words about

what happened.

John Made a Mistake
























Content (4 marks)

Language (4 marks)

Organization (2 mark)











Other comments by the teacher:







1. I used simple past tense correctly.

e.g. I went to the park last Sunday.

2. I used the correct format of conversation.

e.g. Peter asked, ‘How’re you today?’

‘How’re you today?’ Peter asked.

3. I used connectives in the sentences.

e.g. first, then, next, after, because, but, so, when,

however, soon, after that, in the end, suddenly, luckily

4. I used adverbs in the sentences.

e.g. happily, accidently, eagerly, honestly, loudly, wisely

5. I wrote an interesting/ meaningful ending of the story.

Can you do the followings? Tick ( ) the right boxes

1. Your writing: ( rich in content fluent wide vocabulary creative )

2. You made: ( no a few some a lot of )

( spelling punctuation grammatical ) mistakes.

3. Others: _____________________________________________________________


Name: _____________________ Class: _______( ) Date: _________________

5B IP p.16


Name: _____________________ Class: _______( ) Date: _________________

5B IP p.30 Part A

5B IP p.31 Part C


Name: _____________________ Class: _______( ) Date: _________________

5B IP p.32


Name: _____________________ Class: _______( ) Date: _________________

Mock Paper 6 Listening A3

