· 2020. 11. 24. · Gabriela...


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  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 1

    Working Papers Volume of the 4th LUMEN International Scientific Conference EDU 2020 | online conference|

    Associated event with

    15th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society| CATES2020 | November 27th-28th, 2020 | Targoviste, Romania

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 2

    Main Organizers & Co-organizers |

    ● LUMEN Media SRL, Iasi | ROMANIA

    ● LUMEN Media Ltd., London | UNITED KINGDOM

    ● LUMEN Conference Center, Iasi | ROMANIA

    ● LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Iasi | ROMANIA

    ● LUMEN Publishing House, Iasi | ROMANIA

    ● LUMEN Consultancy & Training Center, Iasi | ROMANIA

    ● Teacher Training Department, Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania

    ● YouTube Channel Editura LUMEN

    | | | | |

    Partners |

    Valahia University of Targoviste, Faculty of Political Sciences, Letter and Communication, Targoviste | ROMANIA

    Free International University of Moldova (ULIM) | REPUBLIC of MOLDOVA

    Faculty of Law & Administrative Sciences, Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava | ROMANIA

    Romanian Association of Medical Law, Iasi | ROMANIA

    State University of Physical Education and Sports, Chișinău | Moldova

    Research Center for Applied Ethics| Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest | ROMANIA

    National Association of Social Workers| Iasi Branch | ROMANIA

    Higher Education Research and Consulting Company | SUA

    Grow More College of Education, Himatnagar, Gujarat | INDIA

    Faculty of Physical Education and Sports within the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi | ROMANIA

    Faculty of Business and Industrial Management of the “Union – Nikola Tesla” University in Belgrade (FBIM) | SERBIA

    Romanian Unit of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Babes Bolyai, Cluj Napoca | ROMANIA

    University Babes Bolyai from Cluj Napoca | ROMANIA

    Academy of Sciences of Moldova | REPUBLIC of MOLDOVA

    State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chisinau | REPUBLIC of MOLDOVA

    “Petre Andrei” University from Iasi | ROMANIA

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 3

    “Al. I. Cuza” University from Iasi, Faculty of Philosophy and Social and Political Sciences, Iasi |ROMANIA

    University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

    Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences | UKRAINE

    Mukachevo State University | UKRAINE

    Committees |

    Organizing Committee |

    Co-Directors |

    Gabriel GORGHIU, PhD Professor PhD, Training Teachers Department, Valahia University of Targoviste (ROMANIA)

    Antonio SANDU, PhD Professor PhD Hab., Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava (ROMANIA)

    Executive Board |

    Laura Monica GORGHIU Associate Professor PhD, Valahia University of Targoviste (ROMANIA)

    Ana FRUNZA Conferences Coordinator – LUMEN Conference Center; Lecturer PhD. Researcher III, LUMEN Research Center , Iasi (ROMANIA);

    Bianca SANDU Managing Editor at LUMEN Publishing House (ROMANIA);

    Roxana STRATULAT LUMEN PR Department & LUMEN Conference Center, Iasi (ROMANIA);


    LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Iasi, (ROMANIA);

    Alexandra HUIDU Managing Editor at LUMEN Publishing House (ROMANIA);

    Patricia GRAUR Editor at LUMEN Publishing House (ROMANIA); Conference Committee |

    Professor PhD Antonio SANDU – “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava (ROMANIA);

    Associate Professor PhD Ana Maria Aurelia PETRESCU – Teacher Training Department, Valahia University of Targoviste, ROMANIA;

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 4

    Lecturer PhD Iulian APOSTU – The University of Bucharest, Bucharest, ROMANIA;

    Professor Ph.D. Gabriel GHITESCU, National University of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest (ROMANIA)

    Professor PhD Carmen NASTASE – Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava / Suceava, ROMANIA;

    Associate Professor PhD Camelia Maria Cezara IGNATESCU- Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava / Suceava, ROMANIA;

    Associate Professor PhD Otilia CLIPA – „Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, ROMANIA;

    Professor PhD Arup BARMAN – Deptt. of Business Administration, Assam University, INDIA; Ph.D, Post Doc, AMT (AIMA), F-IRATDE, Germany), FCE (Consortium Euro American)

    Associate Professor PhD Simona DAMIAN – Associate Professor PhD, Chief of scientific works, Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi; Forensics MD, Institute of Forensic Medicine, Iasi, ROMANIA

    Professor PhD Svetlana RUSNAC – Free International University of Moldova | MOLDOVA;

    Lecturer PhD Nadejda GAGEA – Free International University of Moldova

    PhD Roxana NECULA – President of the territorial department of CNASR Iasi, ROMANIA; PhD Associated professor at University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iasi, Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences and Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Romania; Associated researcher – LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Iasi (ROMANIA)

    PhD Loredana TEREC- VLAD – “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava (ROMANIA);

    PhD Lukas VALEK – Ing. PhD, Assistant Professor University of Economics and Business Prague, Faculty of Business Administration, Department of Entrepreneurship, Czechia (CZECH REPUBLIC);

    PhD Candidate Alin SAFTEL, National University of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest (ROMANIA)

    Associate Professor PhD Luminița Mihaela DRĂGHICESCU – Teacher Training Department, Valahia University of Targoviste, (ROMANIA);

    Organizing Team |

    Loredana TEREC- VLAD, PhD, “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava (ROMANIA);

    Roxana NECULA, PhD – President of the territorial department of CNASR Iasi, ROMANIA; PhD Associated professor at University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iasi, Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences and Department of

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 5

    Psychology and Educational Sciences, Romania; Associated researcher – LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Iasi (ROMANIA)

    Lecturer PhD Ioana STĂNCESCU – Teacher Training Department, Valahia University of Targoviste, ROMANIA;

    Teaching Assistant PhD Elena Ancuța SANTI – Teacher Training Department, Valahia University of Targoviste, ROMANIA;

    Lecturer Ph.D Cosmin SANTI – Valahia University Targoviste, ROMANIA;

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 6

    Table of contents

    Key Competences in Sustainability for the Future Employees.

    A dialogue between Employers and Higher Education ........................ 11 Daniela-Tatiana AGHEORGHIESEI, Laura Anca ASANDULUI,

    Alexandru ŢUGUI ............................................................................................ 11

    Some Aspects of Anti-Doping Control ...................................................... 14 Ecaterina AMELICICHIN, Eugen DUDNIC .................................................. 14

    Culture, Knowledge and the Self Concept in the Educational

    Process ............................................................................................................ 16 Mirela ANGHEL, Nicoleta Aurora POPESCU .............................................. 16

    Higher Education in the Pandemic Situation. Adapting and Integrating

    the Students. Good Practices .................................................................... 18 Gabriela Alina ANGHEL ................................................................................ 18

    Student-Centered University Education in a Pandemic Context.

    What Do Students Say? ................................................................................ 20 Gabriela Alina ANGHEL, Camelia VOICU, Ramona NEACSA............... 20

    Family-School Relationship - Teachers' Opinions .................................... 23 Iulian APOSTU ................................................................................................. 23

    Students’ Perspective on Education for Sustainability. Empirical

    Evidences from Two Universities .................................................................. 25 Anca Laura ASANDULUI, Daniela-Tatiana AGHEORGHIESEI,

    Lidia ALEXA, Gabriel ASANDULUI ................................................................ 25

    Epistemological Landmarks of the Specialists Managerial-Legislative

    Training in the Field of Physical Culture ..................................................... 28 Liliana BUDEVICI – PUIU ................................................................................. 28

    The Behavior of Students and the Presence of Frequency Brain

    Waves .............................................................................................................. 30 Oprea Valentin BUŞU, Elena Cristina ANDREI ........................................... 30

    Training Opportunities for Intellectual Work Techniques ........................ 32 Viorica-Torii CACIUC ..................................................................................... 32

    Cognitive Mapping as a Teaching Tool .................................................... 34 Felicia CEAUŞU ............................................................................................... 34

    Early Childhood Education – Educational Policies & Good Practices 36 Otilia CLIPA ..................................................................................................... 36

    General Didactics as a Theory and Methodology of Teaching ........... 38 Gabriela CRISTEA .......................................................................................... 38

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 7

    Authority, Competence and Didactic Performance. A Possible Image

    of Professional Skills ........................................................................................ 40 Constantin CUCOŞ........................................................................................ 40

    Poor Education System - the Cause of the Lack of Labor in the

    Industry ............................................................................................................ 42 Anişoara – IonelaDIACONU ......................................................................... 42

    Large Hotel Chains’ Best Practices in Terms of Sustainability. Lessons

    we Need to Learn ......................................................................................... 44 Lorin DRĂGAN, Daniela-Tatiana AGHEORGHIESEI .................................. 44

    Teenagers` Perceptions about Discrimination ......................................... 46 Luminiţa-Mihaela DRĂGHICESCU, Ioana STĂNCESCU,

    Ana-Maria SUDUC ......................................................................................... 46

    Online School- a Challenge in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic ... 49 Veronica DUMITRAŞCU ................................................................................. 49

    Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development - Advantages and

    Disadvantages of Online Training .............................................................. 51 Roxana Constanţa ENACHE, Ana Maria Aurelia PETRESCU,

    Laura Monica GORGHIU .............................................................................. 51

    Educational Change as a Relational Practice ........................................ 54 Alexandra GALBIN ........................................................................................ 54

    Moral and Citizenship Educational Goals; Representations for

    Romanian Pre-Service Teachers ................................................................ 56 Roxana-Maria GHIAŢĂU ............................................................................... 56

    Stress in Relationship with Different Types of Personality ....................... 58 Ioana Cătălina GHIŢĂ .................................................................................. 58

    Principles of Gamification in Higher Education. Possible Applications

    for the Online Learning ................................................................................. 60 Adina Elena GLAVA ...................................................................................... 60

    From Needs to Results in the University Teaching Staff Continuous

    Professional Development ........................................................................... 62 Laura Monica GORGHIU, Ana-Maria Aurelia PETRESCU,

    Gabriel GORGHIU, Elena Ancuţa SANTI .................................................... 62

    Democracy, Education and Sustainable Development in the XXI

    Century. Psycho-Sociological Approach ................................................. 66 Silviu-Petru GRECU ......................................................................................... 66

    Contemporary Commitment to NICT in Teaching and Choosing the

    Proper Software ............................................................................................. 68 Mariana- Viorela, GRIGORE-FILIP (ŞERBAN) .............................................. 68

    The Paradigm of Russian Psychocentric Pedagogy ............................... 71 Aura HAPENCIUC .......................................................................................... 71

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 8

    The Mechanism of Social Acceptance in Groups of Schoolmates ..... 73 Alexandra HUIDU ........................................................................................... 73

    Digital Storytelling in Education: Ethical Issues ......................................... 75 Maria KORDAKI .............................................................................................. 75

    Education and Faith in a Pandemic World .............................................. 76 Adrian-Neculai LĂCĂTUŞ ............................................................................. 76

    Academic Attitudes in the Process of Bologna. Quality Assurance .... 77 Juljana LAZE .................................................................................................... 77

    Connecting Distance Learning with Education in Online Security –

    Opportunities during the Global Pandemic ............................................. 80 Patrik LENGHART ............................................................................................ 80

    The Impact of Using Modern Fitness Techniques vs. the Traditional

    Ones on the Development of the Strength of the Lower Limbs in

    Adolescent Girls ............................................................................................. 82 Nicoleta LEONTE, Ştefan TUDORANCEA, Florentin VASILESCU ............. 82

    Doping Control in The Republic of Moldova: Specific Features ........... 84 Ecaterina LUNGU ........................................................................................... 84

    E-learning: Introducing Computer Use in Mathematics Lessons in

    Primary Education ......................................................................................... 86 Daniela Alice LUTA (MANOLESCU), Bianca Cezarina ENE,

    Ionela Daniela JUGĂNARU, Daniela TUFEANU ......................................... 86

    Determining Best Practices for Academic Coaches Using Online

    Learning in the Area of Green Energy ...................................................... 90 Gabriela MĂNTESCU, Gabriel GORGHIU .................................................. 90

    Making Career Decision in Context of COVID-19 Pandemic. An

    Analysis Upon Disadvantaged Student Groups ...................................... 93 Gabriel MAREŞ, Venera-Mihaela COJOCARIU, Cristina CÎRTIȚĂ-

    BUZOIANU ....................................................................................................... 93

    Values Education for Public Integrity ......................................................... 96 Simona MINA .................................................................................................. 96

    About Some Problems Watching Education in Moving to the Digital

    Era, and Mathematics as a Tool for their Solving .................................... 98 Aslanbek NAZIEV ........................................................................................... 98

    Pandemic Youth Education ...................................................................... 100 Constantin NECULA .................................................................................... 100

    Narrative Therapy and Appreciative Education ................................... 102 Cătălina NECULAU ...................................................................................... 102

    Violations of Privacy .................................................................................... 104 Gabriela NEMŢOI ......................................................................................... 104

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 9

    Principles of Modeling Development Proces at Regional Level ......... 106 Valeriu Stelian NIŢOI, Constantina CHIRIAC, Marius GÎRTAN ............... 106

    Strategies for Mitigation and Prevention of University Students’ Drop-

    Out, Available in ROSE Projects ................................................................ 109 Ana-Maria Aurelia PETRESCU, Laura Monica GORGHIU,

    Gabriel GORGHIU ....................................................................................... 109

    Ethics Audit in Educational Organizations .............................................. 112 Antonio SANDU ............................................................................................ 112

    The Factors that Influence the Students’ Eating Behavior and Coping

    Mechanisms to Stress .................................................................................. 114 Elena Ancuţa SANTI, Gabriel GORGHIU .................................................. 114

    The Classroom Demands, Teacher Self-Efficacy and Coping Strategies

    in On-site and On-line Teaching ............................................................... 117 Maria-Doina SCHIPOR, Diana-Sînziana DUCA ....................................... 117

    Contemporary Issues in Teaching School Physical Education through

    Online Tools .................................................................................................. 119 Monica STANESCU ....................................................................................... 119

    Teachers and Students’ Use of Social Media and Their Experience with

    Online Fake News and Violent Content ................................................. 121 Ana-Maria SUDUC, Mihai BÎZOI ................................................................. 121

    Sustainable Development and the better Way to Promote Education

    for Regenerative Agriculture ..................................................................... 124 Gabriela TEODORESCU .............................................................................. 124

    The Need for a New Strategy to Promote the Training in Education of

    Farmers and Implementation of Sustainable Agriculture .................... 126 Gabriela TEODORESCU .............................................................................. 126

    The Fight Against Corruption in Sport: International and National

    Experience .................................................................................................... 127 Vasile TRIBOI, Natalia NASTAS ................................................................... 127

    Features of Tactical Training Models in Sports Climbing at Youth

    Level .............................................................................................................. 129 Antonia TRIFU, Monica STĂNESCU, Florin PELIN ...................................... 129

    The Feedback, between the Reinforcement Behavior and the

    Pedagogical Principle – A Perspective of Students Trapped in Online

    Education ..................................................................................................... 132 Alina TURCULEŢ ............................................................................................. 132

    Contributions Regarding the Development and Experimentation of a

    Specific Physical Training Model for Greco-Roman Junior Wrestlers . 134 Florentin VASILESCU, Ştefan Dănuţ TUDORANCEA, Nicoleta LEONTE 134

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 10

    Problematics of the Emigrants’ Accommodation in a New

    Educational Context. Comparative Analysis between the Perspective

    of Teachers and the Perspective of Pupils’ ............................................ 137 Aniella-Mihaela VIERIU ............................................................................... 137

    The Challenges of Romanian Education in the Context of

    Pandemic ..................................................................................................... 139 Loredana VLAD ........................................................................................... 139

    Virtual Laboratories in Technical Education: Innovative Approaches

    During the COVID-19 Pandemic .............................................................. 140 Valentin ZICHIL, Cosmin GRIGORAS, Elena NECHITA, Cristina Cirtita-

    BUZOIANU, Brindusa-Mariana AMALANCEI ............................................ 140

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 11

    Key Competences in Sustainability for the

    Future Employees. A dialogue between

    Employers and Higher Education

    Daniela-Tatiana AGHEORGHIESEI1,

    Laura Anca ASANDULUI2, Alexandru ŢUGUI3


    Our paper presents the initial results of a quantitative research that

    explored the opinion of Romanian employers (a sample of 70

    respondents) on the importance of sustainability in the company; the

    key-competences in the field needed by the future employees; the

    extent to which the sustainability knowlegde, abilities and

    competences are taken into account in the recruitment process; the

    extent to which respondents appreciate that current educational

    training offered by the Romanian universities form the key

    competences in sustainability, and the needed changes considered

    to be applied by the higher education institutions to form the

    competences required in the labor market, from the perspective of


    More than half of the employers (62.9%) declare that sustainability is

    very important in the activity of their business, and 31.4% that it is

    important; among the main sustainability-related competencies that

    employers consider to be important to a very large extent for their

    future employees are: collaborative competency (71.4%); integrated

    problem solving skills (57.1%); equally appreciated (57.1%) - the

    competence of critical and creative thinking and the competence of

    awareness; the strategic competence (51.4%), the anticipatory

    competence (52.8%); systematic and systemic thinking competence

    (48.5%). However, 70% of employers consider that the graduate of

    higher education institutions in Romania have little specific

    competences for sustainability. The needed changes most mentioned

    by employers that would be appropriate to form the skills required in

    the labor market, from the perspective of sustainability are: a closer

    1 Professor, Ph.D, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iaşi, Iaşi,

    Romania,, 0040232201445. 2 Professor, Ph.D, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iaşi, Iaşi,

    Romania. 3 Professor, Ph.D, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iaşi, Iaşi,

    Romania,, 0040232201600.

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 12

    collaboration between academia and stakeholders to better

    understand and address the needs of organizations and community

    (74.3%); carrying out projects specific to sustainability, in which

    students are voluntarily involved (70%); Introduction in the curricula of

    the subjects related to sustainability / sustainable development


    The results of our research are addressed to the management board

    of higher education institutions and the business world, and can be a

    basis for decisions that might be adopted by the universities to

    incorporate the concept of sustainability in their curricula to train the

    future specialists, and also by the companies in hiring their employees

    according the key-sustainability competences.

    Keywords: sustainability in higher education; key-competences

    in sustainability; sustainability and employability


    Daniela Tatiana Agheorghiesei is

    Professor at Faculty of Economics and

    Business Administration, "Alexandru Ioan

    Cuza" University of Iasi. She holds a Ph.D

    diploma in Management studies. Her

    areas of expertise are: management,

    organizational ethics, entrepreneurship,

    retail/merchandising. She followed a postdoctoral training

    program (September 2010-March 2013) on "Postdoctoral

    studies in the field of health policy ethics" at the Faculty of

    Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr.T.Popa"

    Iasi. She published 7 books as author and co-author, and over

    20 articles that are indexed by the ISI Web of Science and by

    other international databases. She has collaborated as expert

    in numerous European-funded projects.

    Anca-Laura Asandului is Professor at

    Faculty of Economics and Business

    Administration, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza"

    University of Iasi. Her research interests are

    in Applied Statistics and Applied


  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 13

    Alexandru Tugui is Professor of Business

    Informatics in the Department of

    Accounting, Business Informatics and

    Statistics at Faculty of Economics and

    Business Administration, "Alexandru Ioan

    Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania. He

    received the Ph.D. in Economics at

    Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, in

    2001. From 2010 he is Ph.D. adviser in Business Informatics.

    In the last decade, he has been involved in the next topics of

    research: Technological Singularity, Calm Technology, Limits of

    AI, Society and Technology, Cloud Computing and Cloud

    Accounting. He has authored or co-authored 37 books and

    more than 165 papers, participated in more than 90

    conferences and he was member in 17 International Program

    Committees, made up of 20 conferences and workshops.


    The data collection tool (the questionnaire) applied in this

    research has been created by a research team coordinated

    by the second author of the paper, within the frame of the

    project titled ”Implementarea unor mecanisme moderne

    pentru evaluarea calităţii proceselor de predare şi evaluare

    didactică din perspectiva principiilor sustenabilităţii în

    Universitatea ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi” – CNFIS-FDI-2019-


  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 14

    Some Aspects of Anti-Doping Control

    Ecaterina AMELICICHIN1, Eugen DUDNIC2


    Doping is the use of substances harmful to health in order to obtain

    sports performance. Doping does not only mean steroids but there is a

    long list of doping substances, used in various sports from shooting to

    cycling and from baseball to football. In bodybuilding, the use of

    doping is only more obvious (the goal being to increase muscle mass),

    not necessarily more frequent or more intense. Success in the fight

    against doping in sport depends a lot on the collaboration between

    all the partners in the anti-doping community: athletes, international

    federations, national anti-doping organizations, regional anti - doping

    organizations, national and international Olympic and Paralympic

    committees, organizers of major sporting events, governments, anti-

    doping laboratories, the sports arbitral tribunal. Athletes should be

    subject to doping control anywhere and anytime, unjustified refusal or

    failure to take samples after receiving the invitation to doping control,

    in accordance with anti-doping regulations or in any way avoiding

    sampling is a violation of applicable regulations. The doping control

    program is in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code, the

    International Standard for Testing and Investigations. Unfortunately,

    doping is no longer a unitary or individual action of an athlete, but

    has developed into a dangerous phenomenon, with disastrous

    consequences for athletes, coaches, doctors or authorities. In these

    conditions, it is crucial to take firm positions and to adopt effective

    normative acts, which prevent doping cases in sports, but also to

    combat illicit activities, which affect, in the most direct way, the

    national or world sports movement.

    Keywords: doping, competitions, athletes, steroids.

    1 PhD in pedagogical sciences, State University of Physical

    Education and Sport, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova,, +37360833378. 2 PhD in Biology, associate professor at the Sports medicine Chair,

    SUPES, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, +37367468904.

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 15


    Ecaterina Amelicichin, PhD in pedagogical

    sciences, university lecturer at the

    Management of Physical Culture Chair.

    I have published 14 papers related to

    marketing competencies in promoting the

    sports services. Currently I am the

    coordinator of the MA programmes, cycle

    II within the State University of Physical

    Education and Sport.

    Eugeniu Dudnic, PhD in Biology, associate professor at the

    Sports medicine Chair, he has published over 100 papers. He is

    a researcher in professional ethics in the field of performance


  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 16

    Culture, Knowledge and the Self Concept in

    the Educational Process

    Mirela ANGHEL1, Nicoleta Aurora POPESCU2


    The brain structure is shared in two hemispheres each having its

    own tools and responsibilities for a proper function of the

    individual. Studies show that our brain copes differently based

    on culture, education, geographic location, background, etc.

    The present article had a theoretical approach to the tools

    that one need to perform educationally. The purpose of the

    study is to highlight the impact on how culture, self-concept,

    self-esteem, education influence the individual. Our

    contribution focuses on the theoretical approach in

    highlighting the importance of these elements in

    encompassing a thorough educational process. The

    conclusions of the study would be based on theoretical and

    analytical approach.

    Keywords: culture, intercultural, self-esteem, education.


    Mirela Anghel is a lecturer Ph. D. at Faculty

    of Sociology and Social Work, University of

    Bucharest. She has completed BA in social

    work, MA in Anthropology and

    Communitarian Development, Ph.D. in

    Sociology. Author of the books: “Language

    and Communication in Society” (2010),

    “Interpersonal Communication in Social

    Work” (2012). She has written articles and

    1 Lecturer Ph.D., University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social

    Work, Bucharest,, +40720842698 2 Lecturer Ph.D., Valahia University of Targoviste, Faculty of Political

    Sciences, Lettres and Communication, Targoviste, Romania,, +40722595949.

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 17

    book reviews in “Social Work Review” and other national and

    international journals.

    Nicoleta Aurora Popescu is lecturer Ph.D. at

    Faculty of Political Sciences, Letters and

    Communication, University Valahia of

    Targoviste. She has completed Ph.D. in

    Sociology. Author of the books: “TEMPORAL





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    Higher Education in the Pandemic Situation.

    Adapting and Integrating the Students.

    Good Practices

    Gabriela Alina ANGHEL1


    In the pandemic situation, the specialization “The Pedagogy

    for Preschool and Primary Education” has adopted a strategy

    for the development of the learning process in the University

    year of 2020-2021 in the online environment, a fact which

    resulted in a series of modifications in the students’ behavior

    and attitude regarding learning and the quality of learning. It is

    interesting to analyze the way in which first-year University

    students are adapting and integrating into the university

    environment being conditioned to online studying. The

    purpose of the research is to identify the educational best

    practice which can be adopted in the university field to allow

    successful academic integration. The objectives of the

    research are: measuring students’ perception over factors

    which influence successful academic integration in pandemic

    times (SO1); measuring the students’ perception regarding the

    importance of academic environment internal and external

    factors which can influence the process of adapting and

    integrating within the Higher Education environment during

    pandemic times (SO2). The empirical research was

    accomplished through the survey investigation on a random

    group of 157 students registered in the 1st year of the bachelor

    program “The Pedagogy for Preschool and Primary

    Education”. The hypothesis of the research has monitored the

    following explanations: conditions of educational process

    development in pandemic times influences directly the quality

    of the learning process in pandemic times between students

    and also teachers (I1); conditions of the developing the

    learning process in times of pandemic times contributes to the

    1 Associate Professor PhD, Valahia University, Targoviste, Romania,, +40722874797

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 19

    rise on preoccupation for individual study and growth of school

    performance (I2). The conclusions of the research: successful

    academic adaptation and integration are highly correlated to

    interpersonal interaction as in face-to-face; individual virtual

    interaction contributes to adopting attitudes and behavior.

    Keywords: pandemic, university education, virtual group,

    university adaptation, university integration.


    Gabriela Alina Anghel, Ph.D. at Valahia

    University in Targoviste, Romania,

    Department of Educational Sciences. PhD

    in Sociology at University of Bucharest

    (2009). Graduated master programs in

    Educational Management, University of

    Bucharest (2008) postgraduate (Public

    Service Management, Social Work) and

    Pedagogy and Social Work specialization. Relevant

    experience in implementing and development European

    projects, teacher trainer and researcher, educational expert.

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    Student-Centered University Education in a

    Pandemic Context. What Do Students Say?

    Gabriela Alina ANGHEL1, Camelia VOICU2,

    Ramona NEACSA3


    The challenges of quality education in a pandemic context

    are mainly related to issues of learning outcomes and their

    level in line with future vocational integration requirements. The

    following rhetorical frame is required: can professional and

    transversal skills be formed and developed in the virtual

    space? To what extent are training and assessment strategies

    appropriate for their training and development? Does the

    virtual space successfully contribute to increasing the quality of

    training, or is diminishing or blocking the quality of training? The

    research aims to identify good university practices on

    approaching the training and assessment process in the

    context of the digital education. For this purpose, the following

    research objectives were formulated: measuring students'

    perception of training and assessment strategies in the online

    environment; measuring the importance perceived by

    students on desirable training and assessment strategies in the

    context of digital education. The explanatory framework of the

    research started from the following assumption: if teachers

    adopt student-centered training strategies then their

    motivation for learning increases . The virtual space influences

    the quality of the educational act due to the lack of face-to-

    face contact between teacher and student. The research was

    carried out on a sample of intentionality consisting of 120

    students from the second and the third year of studies in the

    Education Sciences bachelor and master programs. The

    1 Associate Professor PhD, Valahia University, Romania, 2 Lecturer PhD, Valahia University, Romania 3 Lecturer PhD, Valahia University, Romania

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    research was mixed: theoretical and empirical. The empirical

    study was conducted through qualitative and quantitative

    research. Research conclusions: there is a close correlation

    between student-centered education and increasing the

    quality of training in the context of online education.

    Individualization of training in a didactic context successfully

    contributes to increasing the motivation for learning and

    increasing the quality of student training.

    Keywords: pandemic, virtual education, student, professional

    skills, student-centered education.


    Gabriela Alina Anghel, Ph.D. at Valahia

    University in Targoviste, Romania,

    Department of Educational Sciences. PhD

    in Sociology at University of Bucharest

    (2009). Graduated master programs in

    Educational Management, University of

    Bucharest (2008) postgraduate (Public

    Service Management, Social Work) and

    Pedagogy and Social Work specialization. Relevant

    experience in implementing and development European

    projects, teacher trainer and researcher, educational expert.

    Ms. Camelia Delia Voicu is Lecturer at

    Educational Sciences Department,

    Valahia University of Targoviste. She has a

    degree in Social Work and one in

    Psychology, masteral studies in three

    programs (Educational Counseling, Early

    Education and Public Administration) and

    Ph.D. in Sociology, with a thesis on social

    representation and identity issues. Her

    professional experience of over fifteen years included

    educational activities and psycho-pedagogical assistance for

    preschool, primary and secondary school pupils, assessment

    and social care of children with disabilities, coordination of

    social and educational projects and training of social workers

    and teachers. Her scientific concerns focus on psychosocial

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    processes and phenomena in the sphere of education, family

    and culture.

    Ramona Neacşa, university lecturer Ph.D.

    at Valahia University of Targoviste since

    2003. Doctoral thesis defended in

    December 2014 at the Institute of History

    “Nicolae Iorga”, the Romanian Academy.

    My main areas of interest are Medieval

    History, General Didactics and Didactics of

    History, Research Methodology,

    Multiculturalism and Intercultural Education, Psychology of

    Education. Competencies: teaching, tutorial skills, interpreting

    and translations from and to English. Representative

    publication: De la Mircea cel Batran la Neagoe Basarab:

    Raporturile dintre biserica si domnie in Tara Romaneasca,

    Targoviste: Ed. Cetatea de Scaun, 2014.

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    Family-School Relationship -

    Teachers' Opinions

    Iulian APOSTU1


    The family-school relationship has always been a strategy with

    many challenges. With different views, both parents and

    teachers, the parents' relationship with the school was

    discussed most of the time, either through a total shift of

    responsibilities in the school space by families, or as a didactic

    excuse for non-performance due to non-involvement of


    The problem of this relationship is related both to the capacity

    for action and interaction of the teacher but also to the

    expectations regarding the education system from the parents'

    perspective. Although more desirable than real, the

    relationship between the teaching and the family environment

    has received a new impetus, precisely because of the

    vulnerability of pandemic conditions. The medical insecurity of

    groups of children in public settings has put the family and the

    school face to face more than ever. The teacher depends on

    the parental management at home and the parents depend

    on the direct instructions of the teachers. The new context

    appears to be able to measure the degree of efficiency of this


    The study aims to analyze teachers' opinions on the relationship

    between the family and the school, analyzing the resources

    available in this type of collaboration but also the dysfunctions

    of interacting.

    Keywords: Education, family, school, socialization, school


    1 Researcher, Romanian Academy, Institute of Sociology, Bucharest,


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    Iulian APOSTU holds a PhD in Sociology

    (University of Bucharest, 2010) and is the

    author of several specialized studies about

    family sociology. On a large axis of

    conjugal diversity, its work examines the

    image of contemporary couple, focusing

    on structural transformations, from the

    classic marriage to the new functional

    benchmarks of the consensual union. Currently, Iulian Apostu is

    researcher at Romanian Academy, Institute of Sociology and

    Associate professor with the Faculty of Sociology and Social

    Work, University of Bucharest.

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    Students’ Perspective on Education for

    Sustainability. Empirical Evidences from Two


    Anca Laura ASANDULUI1, Daniela-Tatiana



    Our paper presents the results of a research that analyzes

    students’ opinion on the needed changes in the higher

    education system for developing the skills and abilities required

    on the labor market, from the perspective of sustainability. The

    analys`is was developed based on the data collected through

    a survey in two Romanian universities: „Gheorghe Asachi”

    Technical University of Iasi (166 respondents) and „Alexandru

    Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (402 respondents). Two stratified

    random samples of students were used for the two universities. Education for sustainability must focus more on the training of

    students according to 97% of UAIC respondents and 94% of

    TUIASI respondents. The introduction in the study programs of

    sustainability / sustainable development topics (89.55% UAIC;

    88,6% TUIASI), as well as the change of the teaching and

    evaluation methods to form the specific competences and

    abilities for sustainability (87.06% UAIC; 85.5% TUIASI) are

    supported/ confirmed to a large and very large extent by over

    85% of students from both universities. Moreover, a closer collaboration between the university

    environment and the stakeholders for better understanding the

    needs of the organizations and the community is supported to

    1 Professor, Ph.D, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania, 2 Professor, Ph.D, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iaşi, Iaşi,

    Romania,, 0040232201445. 3 Lecturer, Ph.D, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi,, 0040745887246. 4 Associate professor, PhD,“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of

    Iasi, Romania,

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    a large and very large extent by over 91% of the survey

    participants from both universities (91.54% UAIC; 92.2% TUIASI). The results of our study may be of interest to decision makers

    from the Romanian universities or from other countries, as well

    as to other categories of stakeholders such as university

    instructors, policy makers in higher education, employers,

    researchers interested in this topic and to the community at


    Keywords: sustainability in higher education; teaching and

    evaluation methods to form the competences in sustainability;

    students’opinions on sustainability.


    Anca-Laura Asandului is Professor at

    Faculty of Economics and Business

    Administration, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza"

    University of Iasi. Her research interests

    are in the field of Applied Statistics and

    Applied Econometry.

    Daniela Tatiana Agheorghiesei is

    Professor at Faculty of Economics and

    Business Administration, "Alexandru Ioan

    Cuza" University of Iasi. She holds a Ph.D

    diploma in Management studies. Her

    areas of expertise are: management,

    organizational ethics, entrepreneurship,

    retail/merchandising. She followed a postdoctoral training

    program (September 2010-March 2013) on "Postdoctoral

    studies in the field of health policy ethics" at the Faculty of

    Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr.T.Popa"

    Iasi. She published 7 books as author and co-author, and over

    20 articles that are indexed by the ISI Web of Science and by

    other international databases. She has collaborated as expert

    in numerous European-funded projects.

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    Lidia Alexa, PhD is an experienced

    professional with more than 18 years of

    practice in entrepreneurship and marketing

    both in the private and public sector. She is

    a lecturer in the Engineering and

    Management Department within the

    Faculty of Industrial Design and Business

    Management at “Gheorghe Asachi”

    Technical University of Iasi, Romania and has Bachelor degrees

    in Law and in Management (University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”

    Iasi), a Master in Communication (University “Alexandru Ioan

    Cuza” Iasi), an MBA (Open University) and a Phd in Marketing

    (University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iasi).

    As part of her didactic activity, she has developed and

    delivered undergraduate and graduate courses on Marketing

    management, Marketing Research, E-Business,

    Entrepreneurship and Product Life-Cycle Management.

    Author of numerous research articles indexed in international

    and national journals on: entrepreneurship, innovation, online

    marketing and educational.

    Gabriel Asandului is associate professor,

    PhD, at “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical

    University of Iasi and Director of the

    Teacher Training Department of the same

    university. His research interests are in the

    field of history of education and the history

    of technical education.


    The data collection tool (the questionnaire) applied in this

    research has been created by a research team coordinated

    by the first author of the paper, within the frame of the project

    titled ”Implementarea unor mecanisme moderne pentru

    evaluarea calităţii proceselor de predare şi evaluare didactică

    din perspectiva principiilor sustenabilităţii în Universitatea

    ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi” – CNFIS-FDI-2019-0540.

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    Epistemological Landmarks of the Specialists

    Managerial-Legislative Training in the Field of

    Physical Culture

    Liliana BUDEVICI – PUIU1


    Radical changes that take place in all society spheres

    (economic, social, political and cultural) of a state, directly

    and indirectly affect the development and functioning of the

    socio-economic system of physical culture and sports. A new

    category of human resources employed in the field of sports

    management is emerging, given that sports organizations are

    interested in forming a management system that ensures high

    performance, development opportunities and a stable market

    position. In the last decade, the system of physical culture and

    sports management has undergone substantial changes (V.

    Kuzin, 1993, 1997; S.G Seyranov, 1995, 1997; S.I. Guskov, 2000

    etc.), as a result of the emergence of new sports events, the

    development of sports movement, the creation of innovative

    services and the production of special equipment /

    installations in accordance with the legislation in force, as well

    as due to modern trends in entrepreneurial activity in market

    conditions. The fulfillment of the management functions in

    these conditions, at a higher level, generator of performance

    and success can be ensured only by qualified persons who

    have received a special professional training (including

    additional, continuous training) and requalification. This

    training is necessary for all activities specific to the field of

    physical education and sports management, for the

    development and proper functioning of sports organizations.

    Management and marketing activities, innovative for physical

    culture and the national sports movement, require special

    1 PhD, associate professor, The State University of Physical Education and Sports, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova,,


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    knowledge, skills and an effective professional training of the

    specialists in the field.

    Keywords: physical education and sports, methodology,

    managerial-legislative competence, conception.


    Liliana Budevici – Puiu is a university

    associate professor, PhD in Pedagogy at

    The State University of Physical Education

    and Sport, Chisinau. I have published over

    100 scientific articles, textbooks, lecture

    notes and monographs in sport

    management and legislation. Activity

    scientific - teaching is centered mainly on

    the physical culture and sports, professional management and

    legislation. I teach courses in Cycle I, II and III and qualifying as

    PhD supervisor. Successfully participate in research projects of

    national and international, we reviewed various scientific


  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 30

    The Behavior of Students and the Presence of

    Frequency Brain Waves

    Oprea Valentin BUŞU1, Elena Cristina ANDREI2


    Knowledge of development stages in correlation with

    biological and psychological age is an indispensable element

    in ensuring an efficient teaching activity. Starting from the idea

    that the experiences lived during childhood and adolescence

    influence the behavior of the future young adult we focus on

    the causes that led to the installation of a certain type of

    behavior. Teachers in the university environment report visible

    differences in behavior between students of different ages.

    These differences need to be carefully considered, as they can

    guide the teacher towards an appropriate approach to the

    student's learning style. A special category is represented by

    middle-aged students. They are easily distinguished by the

    independent spirit, being self-controlled individuals who

    consider that they are distinguished from their younger

    colleagues by the experience accumulated during their life.

    The behavior adopted by these students is correlated with the

    presence of medium frequency Beta brain waves that define

    a relaxed learning style. Also, the way middle-aged students

    perceive the educational process differs from that of younger

    students, because they tend to focus on the practical

    component, while younger students focus more on the

    theoretical component. The behavior of young students is

    correlated with the presence of high-frequency Beta brain

    waves, the situation in which many chemicals are produced in

    the body caused by high levels of stress. Maintaining this

    condition for a long time has harmful effects on the whole

    1 Assistant, PhD, University of Craiova, Romania,, 0771020682. 2 PhD, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Romania,, 0767924788.

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    body, producing major imbalances both mentally and


    Keywords: behavior; brain waves; levels of stress; the

    educational process; students;


    Oprea-Valentin Buşu is assistant, PhD, Teaching Staff Training

    Departament - TSTD, at University of Craiova (Romania). He is

    author or co-author of more professional books and articles,

    published in Romania, Switzerland, Poland, Australia and USA.

    Elena-Cristina Andrei is PhD of University of Medicine and

    Pharmacy of Craiova. She is author or co-author of more

    professional books and articles, published in Romania.

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    Training Opportunities for Intellectual Work


    Viorica-Torii CACIUC1


    After doing some studies I managed to identify a series of

    learning difficulties that are encountered frequently by first

    year students and that can be solved by means of improving

    some intellectual work techniques: organizing study time,

    personal learning style, taking notes, setting priorities, learning

    on the last hundred meters, observing the study program with

    more perseverance, overcoming timidity. The application of

    the educational strategies centred on the student/subject of

    learning offers the teacher multiple opportunities of

    discovering the students personalities, and for the students the

    possibility of creating learning experiences and forming or

    practicing some competences and skills specific to the

    didactic profession. The use of interactive and student-centred

    educational strategies in pedagogy seminars offers future

    teachers the possibility of developing a learning style by using

    intellectual work techniques specific to the university level.

    Starting from these arguments, in the present study I will try to

    analyse the way in which using some interactive and/or

    student–centred educational techniques and the formation of

    some mini habits of learning can help to develop a learning

    style by means of using some techniques of mental work which

    are proper for the university level

    Keywords: Techniques of mental work, learning style, didactic

    skills, student–centered educational strategies, mini habits of


    1 PhD Associate Professor, Teacher Training Department, Faculty of

    Physical Education and Sport, “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati,


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    The author is a graduate of the Faculty of

    Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, from

    “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, associate

    professor at Teacher Training, from

    “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Ph.D.

    in philosophy. Among her published works:

    Reflections on Adolescents’ Aggressiveness

    towards Animals, publication in the

    Proceedings of the ISI International Conference „Social Work

    Perspectives on Quasi-Coercive Treatment of Offenders”, 3rd

    Edition, “Violence among adolescents”, SPECTO 2012, indexed

    in Conference Proceedings Citation Index formerly ISI,

    Philadelphia, USA, Ed. Medimond - Monduzzi Editore

    International Proceedings Division; pp. 65-69; Ideological

    Influence on Educational Communication in Procedia - Social

    and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 63, 2012, pg. 136 - 144, The

    Role of Virtue Ethics in Training Students’ Environmental

    Attitudes in Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume

    92, 2013, pg. 122 -127; Aspects of Environmental Awareness

    Training in the Elementary Teaching System in Procedia - Social

    and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 93, 2013, pg. 1624 -1629;

    Ecocentric Reflections on the Realization of Environmental

    Education in Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences,

    Volume 137, 2014, pg. 93 -99 etc..

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 34

    Cognitive Mapping as a Teaching Tool

    Felicia CEAUŞU1


    In modeling the reality, we rely on our knowledge, irrespective

    if this knowledge is real or imaginative, simple or sophisticated;

    our mental models are constructed in many cases of

    fragmentary information. Many studies regarding mental

    modeling focus on the study of cognitive processes that take

    place in the human mind, in certain specific cases such as

    problem solving. The mental model is constructed with the aim

    of understanding an aspect of the outside world. In the

    process of mental modeling, the individual will necessarily use

    his acquired knowledge. When the individual develops a

    certain mental scheme, he can acknowledge that this scheme

    is inadequate for his purposes. Now it is the moment in which

    he starts developing a new mental model in order to

    understand what is happening on the outside.

    Thinking maps include methods that help visualize your thinking

    or represent your abstract thoughts with concrete visuals.

    Thinking maps enable meaningful learning as they help

    organize ideas and information in a way that is easy to

    understand. They also help break down complex information

    into easily comprehensible sections and discover connections

    in between. And they can be very useful during critical and

    creative thinking exercises.

    The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of

    using mental maps in the teaching-learning process and to

    make a synthesis of them.

    Keywords: cognition, knowledge, mind map, cognitive map

    1 PhD, „Gh. Zane” Institut of Research, Romanian Academy, Iaşi,


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    Ceaușu Felicia is PhD at „Gh. Zane” Institut of Research,

    Romanian Academy, Iaşi. Research interests: social

    psychology, developmental psychology, cognitive

    psychology; pedagogy; philosophy. She published the

    following books: Conceptual clarification of the relationship

    body-psyche from de perspective of mental philosophy

    Publisher Princeps Edit Iasi, 2008, Mind-body relationship in

    contemporary philosophy of science, Publisher University

    "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iasi, 2009, Cognitive Mechanisms and

    Individual Strategies, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012,

    Mental representation, from „texture” to discourse, LAP

    Lambert Academic Publishing, 2017. She has published studies

    in prestigious international journals such as: „The Healing Power

    of Art-Therapy”,Review of Artistic Education, vol 16, issue 1,

    2018; „Cognitive Architectures based on physical or social

    representations”, European Journal of Science and Theology,

    decembrie 2016; „Effects of Motivation on the Learning

    Activity”, Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education,

    2018/6/1, Lumen Publishing; „Educational Role of Mental

    Maps”, Review of artistic education, No. 9-10, Center of

    Intercultural Studies and Researcher, 2015; „Developing by

    Drawing Creativity of Children Activities”, Review of Artistic

    Education, nr. 11-12, series De Gruyter Open, Ed. Artes

    Publishing House, Iaşi, 2016. She organized the symposium "The

    role of mental representations in the development of

    personality", March 25, 2016, on the occasion of celebrating

    150 years since the founding of the Romanian Academy.

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    Early Childhood Education – Educational

    Policies & Good Practices

    Otilia CLIPA1


    Nowadays, for entire world is consider a priority to invest in

    Early childhood education and to realise upon this European

    educational Policies. On September 2019, the European

    Commission had published the comparative report about

    Data on Childhood Education and Care in Europe and this

    document describes the main policy measures to ensure

    access specifying which countries guarantee a place in Early

    Childhood Education and Care from which age and it show

    how investment in this field have many benefits in entire life of

    this people. In many educational policies are highlighted the

    values of early age education and their effects on the

    children’s social and emotional integration within that society.

    In these debates, many countries focus their educational

    policies to teacher training for early childhood education and

    we described in this presentation.


    Otilia CLIPA is Director of Scicen of

    Education Department and Associate

    Professor PhD in Science of Education

    Department, “Stefan cel Mare” University

    from Suceava. Otilia CLIPA has a BA in

    Pedagogy and Psychology and MD in

    Integrated Pedagogy. She attended

    Faculty of Science of Education and

    Faculty of Psychology from “Al. I. Cuza” Iasi

    in 1991- 1997 and 1996-2000 periods. PhD thesis approached a

    theme about Evaluation in Higher Education. She published or

    1 Ştefan cel Mare University from Suceava, Romania,

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    coordinated over 12 books and many articles in international

    journal (over 60 articles). Also, she is involved in many research

    projects (national or European) in science of education field.

    Areas of interest: early childhood education, preschool and

    primary education, assessment in education, teacher

    education and didactics for university teachers.

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    General Didactics as a Theory and

    Methodology of Teaching

    Gabriela CRISTEA1


    Our study approaches an important theoretical issue: the

    status of general didactics/ theory and methodology of

    teaching, in the system of education sciences, stated in

    modern and contemporary pedagogy.

    In a historical context, general didactics has evolved as a

    pedagogical science or science of fundamental education.

    We consider the leap from the magistrocentric paradigm

    (premodern, pre-scientific didactics) to the paradigms of

    scientific, modern (psychocentric and sociocentric) and

    contemporary (technocentric / pedagogy through concrete

    objectives; curricular design focused on basic competencies

    and contents).

    In the context of the curriculum paradigm, didactics have

    evolved: a) epistemologically as a general theory of training;

    b) praxiologically, as a training methodology conceived as a

    teaching-learning-assessment activity. In our analysis we

    consider the unity and continuity between the theory and

    methodology of teaching.

    The main argument favouring general didactics as a theory

    and methodology of teaching is: a) epistemological, ensured

    by the fundamental concepts that define the specific object

    of study and normativity; b) praxiologically, engaged in

    clarifying the relations between general didactics / theory and

    methodology of training and specialised didactics, promoted

    by educational disciplines, within the stages of the education

    system (preschool, primary, secondary, high school, etc.).

    The epistemological arguments highlight the quality of general

    didactics/ theory and methodology as a teaching sub-theory

    of general educational theory, applied at all educational

    1 “Spiru Haret” University, Department for Teacher Training, Bucharest,


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    process level. The praxiological arguments support the

    connection between the general didactics and specialised

    didactics. They consider overcoming the development trend

    of the specialised didactics only at the level of applied

    didactics or didactics of science.

    The theory and methodology of teaching capitalize on both

    trends in the evolution of specialised didactics. Their

    importance is reflected in the lesson, approached globally and

    openly as: a) the main form of accomplishing the educational

    process; b) the basic component of the learning unit.

    Keywords: general didactics, theory and methodology of

    teaching, applied didactics, didactics of science, curriculum



    Graduate of Pedagogical Highschool in Slobozia in 1984,

    Faculty of Psychology, Sociology, Pedagogy in 1995, Bucharest

    with thesis "Changing university mechanisms", Master in

    Educational Management and School Administration. Fields of

    interest: history of pedagogy, general pedagogy, classroom

    management, psychology of education, course of psychology

    education at television "Romania of tomorrow" 2000-2004,

    Doctorate in Education Sciences, University of Bucharest, 2000

    with the thesis "The reforms of romanian education in the

    period 1866-1944. Their analysis from the point of view of

    pedagogical thinking and school legislation ", Conf. Univ. Dr.

    from 2007, the psychology of education.

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 40

    Authority, Competence and Didactic

    Performance. A Possible Image of

    Professional Skills

    Constantin CUCOŞ1


    The didactic authority of the teacher, built on the relationship

    between the prescribed competence and the activated

    performance, has a positive impact on the perception of the

    discipline as such, and on the status of education, in general,

    by students, parents, community. It is gained over time, it is

    formed and practiced in relation to the transmitted value

    content, but also with challenges of all kinds (computer,

    technological, cultural, social, etc.). The quality of teacher

    training is very important and is focused (positive or negative)

    on how it is valued, symbolized, accepted, the discipline of

    study as such, the instruction and the training.

    The psycho-pedagogical competencies are based both on

    given, stable, sustainable behaviors, and on their dimensions

    gained, modifiable, open. The typology of those

    competencies is constantly evolving, both as extension, scope,

    specification, but also as hierarchy, location, ranking, in an

    order of priorities. The restructuring of the skill set is related to

    the pressures generated by societal, cultural and

    characteristics changes aimed at the "object" of education,

    the dynamic personality of the child, the formal and informal

    context of education, retreats regarding the involvement of

    education factors.

    Keywords: authority; competence; didactic performance;

    professional skills.

    1 Professor PhD, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences and

    director of the Department for Teacher Training at the "Alexandru Ioan

    Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania.

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    Professor PhD Constantin Cucoș

    He is a university professor at the Faculty of Psychology and

    Educational Sciences and director of the Department for

    Teacher Training at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi.

    Areas of competence: training of trainers, philosophy of

    education, pedagogy of culture, religious education,

    intercultural pedagogy.

    He is the author of over 200 studies in collective volumes or

    specialized journals, university courses and coordinator of

    several collective volumes. Of the more than 16 books written,

    we mention: Pedagogy and axiology [Pedagogie şi axiologie]

    (1995), Pedagogy [Pedagogie] (1996 and following); Time and

    temporality in education. Elements for a management of

    school time [Timp şi temporalitate în educaţie. Elemente

    pentru un management al timpului şcolar] (2002), Theory and

    methodology of evaluation [Teoria şi metodologia evaluării]

    (2008), Education. Love, edification, perfection [Educaţia.

    Iubire, edificare, desăvârşire] (2008), Education. Experiences,

    reflections, solutions [Educația. Experiențe, reflecții, soluții] (2013), Education. Re-foundations, dynamics, prefigurations

    [Educația. Reîntemeieri, dinamici, prefigurări] (2017), History of pedagogy. Fundamental pedagogical ideas and doctrines

    [storia pedagogiei. Idei şi doctrine pedagogice fundamentale]

    (2017), Religious education. Content and forms of realization

    [Educaţia religioasă. Conţinut şi forme de realizare] (1996) all

    published by Polirom Publishing House, Iași. Research topics: Education for values, Aesthetic education,

    Religious education, Pedagogical epistemology, New

    technologies and education, Museum pedagogy, Structures

    and contexts of teacher training, etc.

    He is a member of the editorial boards of several specialized

    scientific journals, international professional associations,

    national commissions and educational bodies, including:

    International Association for Intercultural Education (1998),

    International Association for Intercultural Research (ARIC)

    (2001), the Romanian Association for Educational Research

    (ARCE) since 2018 and Expert evaluator of the National

    Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education (CNCSIS),

    since 2000.

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 42

    Poor Education System - the Cause of the

    Lack of Labor in the Industry

    Anişoara – Ionela DIACONU1


    The economic development depends very much on the

    quality of our children education because investing in

    education means investing in the future. To be able to stand

    out in a modern, competitive and technological world in

    which innovation and technologic evolution take place at fast

    pace, is not possible without a high quality education. In order

    to be competitive on the global market, the Romanian

    education needs better trainings for specialists an greater

    adaptability to the dynamic macro-economic trends.

    If during the centralized economy there was an educational

    system with a clear and precise purpose, namely - integration

    on the labour market immediately after completing studies -

    considering that Romania at that time was mainly an industry

    based country -, now the integration is much slower. The

    decline of the vocational and technical education system was

    manifested both by a decrease in prestige and by a lack of

    consistency in institutional practices, the cause being the

    numerous legislative changes. The major problem of this deficit

    comes from the lack of efficient mechanisms for correlating

    labour market requirements with the Romanian education and

    training system, vocational education being a tool in the

    strategy of attracting foreign investors. Thus, this article aims to

    provide a broad picture of the vocational and technical

    education system as well as a series of solutions that could

    ensure the operation of the system.

    Keywords: education; industry; labour market; vocational and

    technical education system.

    1 Ph.D student, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania,, +40764507961

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    I have a Bachelor and a Master’s degree in

    economics, both obtained at the

    Academy of Economic Studies in

    Bucharest. Starting with 2017, I am a Ph.D.

    student at the Romanian Academy of

    Advanced Studies. Also, I have a Master’s

    degree in International and European Union Law at the Faculty

    of Law. Professionally, I am economist at a company

    specialized in energy. From 2018 I am an analyst at the Centre

    for Analysis and Forecasting for Strategic Orientations

    (C.A.P.O.S. Association). I have published articles in the

    Economist magazine, Logos Universality Mentality Education

    Novelty: Social Sciences and Logos Universality Mentality

    Education Novelty: Economics and Administrative Sciences.


    This paper received financial support through the project entitled

    “DECIDE - Development through entrepreneurial education and

    innovative doctoral and postdoctoral research, project code POCU /

    380/6/13/125031, project co-financed from the European Social Fund

    through the 2014 – 2020 Operational Program Human Capital”

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 44

    Large Hotel Chains’ Best Practices in Terms of

    Sustainability. Lessons we Need to Learn

    Lorin DRĂGAN1, Daniela-Tatiana AGHEORGHIESEI2


    Our poster depicts the initial results of a qualitative research

    based on content analysis and focused on assessing the types

    and scope of sustainability across 13 of the largest hotel chains

    in the world. Those hotel chains were selected according to 2

    main criteria: (i) their size determined according to their

    cumulative room numbers and (ii) their presence on the

    European market in terms of hotel operations. The matrix

    employed in data collection was conceived based on CSR

    Index and GRI reporting standards, both applicable also on

    the Romanian market. The research consisted in an analysis of

    the selected hotels chains’ public reports on social

    responsibility and sustainability. Besides, other data collected

    from those hotel chains’ websites or specific articles from

    literature was used and correlated with the initial findings.

    Our initial conclusions point to the fact that the sustainability

    model varies across regions. Depending on the hotel chain,

    the emphasis in terms of sustainability might be placed upon

    stakeholders’ rights, anti-corruption policies, environmental

    protection, vulnerable communities support or solidarity

    campaigns. The current research showcases a series of

    sustainability best practices developed in the hospitality

    industry and it could be useful to managers, academics and

    public authorities alike. The latter could deploy support policies

    or even regulations in the hospitality field based on gathered

    evidence regarding the priorities in terms of sustainability.

    1 Assistant Professor, Ph.D, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iaşi,

    Iaşi, Romania, lorin,, 0040232201405. 2 Professor, Ph.D, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iaşi, Iaşi,

    Romania,, 0040232201445.

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    Keywords: hospitality sustainability, social responsibility and

    sustainability reports, hotel chains.


    Lorin Dragan is a professional and

    academic acting mostly in the fields of

    tourism and hospitality but having interests

    in Strategy, Human Resources and Projects

    as well. He teaches a series of courses and

    seminaries in the above-mentioned areas

    at the Faculty of Economics and Business

    Administration in Iasi, Romania. He

    published 3 books and a series of research articles, the most

    recent being a manual of Food & Beverage Management.

    Daniela Tatiana Agheorghiesei is

    Professor at Faculty of Economics and

    Business Administration, "Alexandru Ioan

    Cuza" University of Iasi. She holds a Ph.D

    diploma in Management studies. Her

    areas of expertise are: management,

    organizational ethics, entrepreneurship,

    retail/merchandising. She followed a postdoctoral training

    program (September 2010-March 2013) on "Postdoctoral

    studies in the field of health policy ethics" at the Faculty of

    Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr.T.Popa"

    Iasi. She published 7 books as author and co-author, and over

    20 articles that are indexed by the ISI Web of Science and by

    other international databases. She has collaborated as expert

    in numerous European-funded projects.

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 46

    Teenagers` Perceptions about Discrimination

    Luminiţa-Mihaela DRĂGHICESCU1,

    Ioana STĂNCESCU2, Ana-Maria SUDUC3


    Adolescence is the age of impetuous transformations, but also

    the age of crises accompanied by anxiety, insecurity, anxiety,

    depression. When discrimination is added to them, the "route"

    of adolescents to the crystallization of self-identity becomes

    even more difficult. Awareness of discrimination and taking on

    the mission to prevent / combat it, by cultivating values and

    attitudes such as respect for diversity, equity, tolerance,

    solidarity, cooperation become, in this way, objectives of the

    school, achievable in the context of social education.

    Going in this direction, the RAINBOW project aims to promote

    social inclusion and positive EU values through the promotion

    of non-formal education and its specific methods into the

    school education.

    Within the project mention above, we`ve done a research with

    a target group consisted of 1487 students and 254 teachers

    from six European countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Italy,

    Romania and Spain. From Romania, a group of 37 teachers

    and 267 students was part of this approach. The research

    method used was the questionnaire survey, which was

    addressed to secondary-level teachers and to students from

    12 to 19 years old. Regarding the target group of teenagers,

    the objectives of the research undertaken included students'

    perception of discrimination, awareness of the negative

    effects of social media, but also of the importance of civic

    competences` development.

    1 Associate Professor PhD, Teacher Training Department, Targoviste,

    Romania,, 0722859529 2 Lecturer PhD., Teacher Training Department, Targoviste, Romania,, 0724478849 3 Associate Professor PhD., Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics

    and Information Technology, Valahia University of Targoviste,, 0722548868

  • 4thLUMENEDU EQSD2020©|Targoviste, Romania| November25-26, 2020| 47

    In this paper, referring to the need for a proper understanding

    of the phenomenon of discrimination, we will selectively

    capitalize on some of the results of research conducted in the

    RAIN.BOW Project, related to teenagers' perceptions and

    experience of discrimination.

    Keywords: adolescence; discrimination; students` perceptions;

    social education; intercultural education; diversity; RAIN.BOW



    Luminița Mihaela Drăghicescu is Associate

    Professor, Ph.D., Head of Teacher Training

    Department, Valahia University Targoviste.

    She graduated the Faculty of Sociology,

    Psychology and Pedagogy, University of

    Bucharest (1995). She has a Ph.D. degree

    in Educational Sciences, University of

    Bucharest (2007). She is author / co-author

    of several relevant books in the area of

    education: Education through Sciences. Aspects related to

    instruction based on scientific investigation (2014), Educational

    reform between design and implementation (2012); Education

    and professional development (2011); Simion Mehedinţi -

    theoretician of education (2009); Benchmarks of increasing the

    quality of education in rural area (2008).

    Ioana Stăncescu is lecturer PhD at Teacher

    Training Department, Valahia University of

    Târgoviste. She graduated Faculty of

    Psychology and Educational Sciences,

    Specialization Pedagogy,University of

    Bucharest (2006). She holds a Master

    degree in Educational Management (2008)

    and PhD title in Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest

    (2011). She is trainer in teachers training programmes and

    author or co-author of some university courses, books and

    articles like: Metacognition and motivation in academic
