PTAC · 2018. 11. 2. · PTAC Featuring Workshops for Early hildhood Educators, Mother’s Day Out...


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PTAC Featuring Workshops for

Early Childhood Educators, Mother’s Day Out Teachers,

Preschool Teachers, & Directors

January 26, 2019

Sponsored by The Adventure Preschool

at Windwood Presbyterian Church 10555 Spring Cypress Road

Houston, TX 77070

Preschool Teachers Adventure Conference

For those of you familiar with our Annual Preschool Teachers Adventure Conference held in the summer — we would like to invite you to Winter PTAC!

For over 20 years, PTAC has been helping those in the field of Early Childhood Education keep their training current and their moti-vation strong during our 3-day summer ‘adventure!’ We sponsor a 1-day Winter version to serve those who missed training at the summer conference and/or those who would like a mid-year motivational ‘push’ to greet the New Year!

Working with children and their families is an important God-given task. Whether you work with in- fants and toddlers or preschoolers, in either a Christian or a secular setting, or you supervise people who do, you have the power to influence lives every day — “one heart at a time.”

Let us help educate and inspire you — fill your spirit and entertain you! It is our hope that you will leave Winter PTAC renewed in body and spirit — ready to have a positive impact on the lives of the children and families that you work with! Please join us!

What Does My Day at Winter PTAC Look Like? Registration (along with a continental breakfast) begins at 7:00 am, followed by Praise & Worship from 7:50—8:05 am. The Key-note Speaker will begin their presentation at 8:10 am — followed by workshop sessions. Our Footnote Speaker is from 2:35—3:30 pm.

Different Tracks for Different Folks! We offer workshops for both Directors and Early Childhood Professionals. Directors have a separate track to attend with topics chosen specifically for them, while those who work in Mother’s Day Out and Preschool have different workshops to choose from during each session. We truly have something for everyone!

How is Winter PTAC Different? Winter PTAC is a smaller version of its summer counterpart. Instead of three days — it runs only one. We will still have a Keynote and Footnote Speaker to motivate and inspire you!

What is the Cost of Winter PTAC? The cost for our 1-day conference is $90.00.

What is the Deadline for Registration? The deadline for registration is January 11, 2019. After January 11, 2019, a $25 LATE FEE will be applied. Registration fees are NOT refundable, but ARE TRANSFERRABLE!

What is included in the cost of attendance? A continental breakfast and catered lunch, as well as admittance to all speakers and sessions are included. Vendors will be available at the venue for your shopping convenience.

Questions? Should you have any questions about Winter PTAC, please visit our website for the latest updates at or call The Adventure Preschool at 281-378-4080 or email

Session 1 Workshops 9:30—10:20 am

Licensing Q & A Changes, changes, and more changes! This session will cover what’s new in licensing — minimum standards, administrative penalties, background checks, permit renewals, etc. It’s never been more important to stay updated! Come with your ques-tions! We have the answers! Speaker: Dorris Burnworth Audience: Directors Temper Tantrums 101 Come & learn how to decipher why a child tantrums, what is normal behavior, & how to help a child overcome a tantrum before it becomes a distraction in class. Sessions 1 & 5. Speaker: Christi Priddy Audience: MDO Advanced Infant Development You already know the basic development of infants. However, what about more specific issues surrounding emotional, physi-cal, cognitive, and social development? We will discuss topics that you care most about and a few more that may be new to you. Teaching infants can be both rewarding and challenging, but what an amazing opportunity to bless the lives of our youngest world-changers! Speaker: Kara Gore Audience: MDO Developmental Stages of Children — Toddlers Creating developmentally appropriate activities is critical when working with young children. In this session, we will discuss

the various stages of growth from birth to 5 years, along with how to create differentiated instructional plans to meet the educational developmental milestones for the children in your program! Speaker: Natasha Harris Audience: MDO

Rules of Engagement with an Angry Child Knowing when and how to engage with a child who is experi-encing anger, one of our most powerful emotions, sets the stage for successful outcomes. This important session will un-pack what is going on for a child when anger rises and how to reach them in positive, productive ways. Sessions 1 & 4. Speaker: Lori Buxton Audience: MDO/PRES

Regulating Emotions & Feelings in Young Children This interactive session will help participants to understand and use five simple steps to self-regulation within themselves and young children. Speaker: Tym Smith Audience: MDO/PRES

Sticky Learning Every teacher must deal with the "new student." The problem is if a new learner isn't properly assimilated into the classroom there can be bigger difficulties, including misbehavior, apathy and boredom. In this workshop, teachers will learn the "Rule of 3's" and what needs must be met, at each step of the way, to create a self-motivated learner. Sessions 1 & 4. Speaker: Dr. Rick Chromey Audience: MDO/PRES

Keynote Speaker — Melvin Adams Melvin Adams has been an NCAA All-American basketball player, professional basketball competitor and member of the world famous Harlem Globetrotters. Melvin was born in 1971 and grew up in the ghetto of Houston, Texas. He was challenged early in life with extremely negative circumstances; however, he dreamed of playing professional basketball. At the age of 13, his father died. With the consistent pressure of financial burdens and surrounded by hopeless situations, Melvin turned to sports where hard work and end-less practices kept him from trouble. Melvin graduated from San Jose Christian College where he was a two-time NCAA III All-American basketball player. After college, Melvin continued to focus on basketball and was

given the opportunity to play professionally. He later joined the Harlem Globetrotters and was named Mr. Globetrotter numerous times. In 2000, Melvin Adams retired from the Harlem Globetrotters to fulfill a new dream - to challenge individuals to personal suc-cess through focus, work and determination. Today, he is privileged to speak before audiences sharing his personal story and inspiring others to fulfill their dreams.

Footnote Speaker — Bob Smiley Many moons ago – before Ritalin or the Internet – a young, broke college student named Roberto Antonio Smiley signed up for a stand-up competition at his college. The prize money was $500, which was 5 months rent for the “efficiency” closet Smiley was living in at the time. Though he had never done standup, and the only prior laughs he’d gotten were due to his colossal leprechaun ears, he went for gold. When he arrived, his only competition was a grown man wearing an oversized sombrero… so… he won the money and the tender hearts of his fellow students. The rest is history. Since that incredibly average performance, Roberto shortened his name and started a caffeine-induced tour spreading laughter and gaiety to the masses. Smi-ley honed his talents as the merch-managing MC for bands like Newsboys, Third Day, and Mercy Me. This exposure led to a swarm of youth leaders begging Smiley to come entertain their sugar-high kids. He was forced to match their manic energy and soon developed a machine gun approach to comedy. Twenty years later, Bob is now one of the nation’s most in-demand and hilarious clean comedians.

Exciting Object Lessons Object lessons speak louder than words — and that’s why I use them! You’ll really enjoy this class as Bubba shares some of his secrets with you! Speaker: Gene Wright Audience: Preschool From Singing to Reading: Using Nursery Rhymes To Promote Reading Readiness Think of the nostalgic feeling you get when singing or reciting nursery rhymes learned as a child. Little did you know that re-citing those fun rhymes and songs was improving your phonolog-ical development and preparing you for the skills you needed for reading! This session will provide information on why young children’s brains remember songs and rhymes so easily, how nursery rhymes promote positive attitudes toward language learning, help build phonological awareness, and build a founda-tion of reading readiness skills. Additionally, activity examples are included that you can use in the classroom immediately! Speaker: Jennifer Martin Audience: PRES

The Unspoken Introspective: An Honest Look at Race in the Classroom Description will be provided at a later date. Speaker: Albert Wright Audience: PRES

Communication: Recognizing Red Flags & Understanding Typical Language Development, Part 1 What is normal language development and when should parents intervene and seek expert help? Participants will be provided with a comprehensive overview of the world of speech and lan-guage and how it relates to children under the age of five. Iden-tifying the signs of communication delays can help teachers dis-tinguish between expected developmental milestones in chil-dren and red flags indicating a child is at risk for a language dis-order. Learn about practical strategies to encourage language development. Understanding how communication develops will help teachers provide a strong foundation for future learn-ing. (This is a two-session workshop. Attendees need to attend both sessions to get the most benefit.) Sessions 1 & 2. Speaker: Amy Lerman Audience: PRES

Fine Motor Skills. . .Write Out of the Box! Engaging and hands-on presentation of the fine motor develop-ment of young children 3-6 years old. This session contains es-sential, rarely addressed information for educators of all young children, which supports pencil grasp and pre-writing develop-ment across the curriculum. Activities and techniques are ready to use in the classroom tomorrow! Speaker: Dr. Marianne Gibbs, OT Audience: PRES Early Intervention, Inclusion, & Special Ed. 101 Children’s special needs are evident sometimes long before they are formally diagnosed. Preschool personnel often need to ad-dress tough issues when realizing that a child’s development is atypical. This session focuses on the basics of effective docu-mentation, the Early Intervention process, Special Education in the public school setting, as well as partnering with parents. Sessions 1 & 2. Speaker: Erika Sanchez Audience: PRES

Organizing a Dynamic Classroom Do you feel overwhelmed with lesson plans, technology imple-mentation, classroom clutter, and maintaining order? Don’t stress! This session is designed to help teachers organize curric-ulum in their classrooms with new ideas, including technology and organizational routines with music/visuals via Digital Lesson planning. Participants will learn the benefits of having their books, songs, videos, and pocket charts in one easy engaging format for a flawless daily routine. Sessions 1 & 4. Speaker: Krystal Malichi Audience: PRES Growth Mindset for Teachers: How to Prevent Fear & Low Expectations from Limiting Your Potential Mistakes make your brain grow! Join us to learn how the latest brain research can inform your work with children and your own professional development. We will watch videos from Stanford researchers Carol Dweck and Jo Boaler as they explain the brain’s amazing elasticity and the power of hard work to im-prove achievement in math and other areas. Interactive activi-ties and role plays will help you reframe your thinking, classroom interactions, and language to adopt a growth mindset for your children and your teacher-self. Sessions 1 & 2. Speaker: Dr. Carrie Cutler Audience: PRES Identifying & Applying Strategies for the Restless Young Learner, Part 1 Research confirms early indicators are present in a struggling young learner. Attending this session provides how research-based information and strategies presented in a structured learning environment can successfully improve learning for young children who may be challenged by one or more indica-tors related to ADHD, Autism, Emotional Dysregulation, Learning Disability, Motor Coordination – fine and gross, Speech – Articu-lation/Language Disorders, and more. (This is a two-session workshop. Attendees need to attend both sessions to get the most benefit.) Sessions 1 & 2; 4 & 5. Speaker: Robin Rettie Audience: PRES

Session 1 Workshops (continued) 9:30—10:20 am


The opinions expressed by presenters and/or exhibi-tors are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Conference Planning Committee, The Ad-venture Preschool, Kardia Christian Academy or Wind-wood Presbyterian Church. The Conference Planning Committee does not officially endorse any particular product, program, teaching method, activity or handout presented at this conference.

Divine Direction for Leaders In our role as leader, we are responsible for countless decisions each day that impact our direction and ultimately our destina-tion, as well as the direction of our team. In this reflective ses-sion, we will look at how we make decisions, what influences those decisions, and what practices we can put in place to find our “divine” direction in leadership and in life. Speaker: Lori Buxton Audience: Directors Who Is In Your Boat? Jonah or Jesus? Trials and challenges will certainly test your skills as a Director. Leading any team is going to test your patience, faith, profes-sionalism, and much more. So, when tough times come, we need to take an honest look at ourselves, our team, and who is influencing our decisions. We must be careful who we allow onto our boat; Jonah-type people will bring turmoil and Jesus-type people will bring peace. Kara Gore Audience: Directors Potty Training 101 Come and learn the ins and outs of potty training! Learn how to read a child's cues to know when they are ready to conquer potty training, as well as how to partner with parents to make this transition easy and exciting! Speaker: Christi Priddy Audience: MDO The Creativity of Learning Centers Learning centers and purposeful play are essential tools in our early childhood programs. We will discuss some popular learn-ing centers, what items should be in these centers, and how to create learning goals and objectives for each child during their play center time. We will also discuss how to effectively man-age behavior and create a successful rotation schedule. Speaker: Natasha Harris Audience: MDO Minimum Standards for Teachers This is a MUST session for teachers! Minimum Standards for child care can be confusing — but being uninformed can cost you your job! Learn the ‘musts’ of Minimum Standards from a Licensing Representative. Speaker: Dorris Burnworth Audience: MDO/PRES Communication or Chaos? How Speaking to Children Can Help or Harm Your Relationship Simple conversations and everyday comments seem harmless. Yet, the way adults speak to children have a large impact on their social and emotional development, as well as cognitive retention. This session will focus on confusing phrases and tones that may hinder a child rather than help them. Speaker: Tym Smith Audience: MDO/PRES Why Kids (Really) Misbehave Controlling a classroom is similar to fire prevention and protec-tion. You only have two choices! SNIFF or SNUFF! Smoke de-tector or fire extinguisher — proactive or reactive. In this in-sightful session, teachers will learn the reason children misbe-have and how to respond. Speaker: Dr. Rick Chromey Audience: MDO/PRES

Beginner Balloon Workshop Balloons are enjoyed by everyone, young and old! In this ses-sion, you will learn how to tie balloons and made a few animals as well! Speaker: Gene Wright Audience: PRES Ramp Up Your Read Aloud! In this session, we will look at how to plan and implement pur-poseful modeling, discussion, and questioning techniques for successful read alouds that develop literacy skills for toddlers through pre-k. We will discuss how to pick appropriate titles that address targeted standards, how to model think alouds, questions that develop comprehension strategies, and strate-gies to keep all children engaged during read alouds. A variety of instructional strategies will be used including lecture, group discussions, partner talk, and planning a read aloud. A variety of books will be available for participants to view and share ideas on the strategies taught in the training. Speaker: Jennifer Martin Audience: PRES Dyslexia is My Superpower: How to Take Your Weaknesses & Turn Them into Strengths In a perfect world, teachers would be really good at everything — and have great success in their classroom and in their person-al lives. In our imperfect world, we have to face the fact that we are great at some things and terrible at others! We are all born with strengths and weaknesses — and the good news is — you don’t have to be perfect at everything to be a great teacher! It is possible to turn your weaknesses into strengths, as well as helping the children in your care to do the same! Speaker: Albert Wright Audience: PRES Communication: Recognizing Red Flags & Understanding Typical Language Development, Part 2 What is normal language development and when should par-ents intervene and seek expert help? Amy Lerman, MA, CCC-SLP, Community Outreach at The Parish School, will provide a comprehensive overview of the world of speech and language and how it relates to children under the age of five. Identifying the signs of communication delays can help teachers distinguish between expected developmental milestones in children and red flags indicating a child is at risk for a language disor-der. Learn about practical strategies to encourage language de-velopment. This is a two-session workshop. Attendees need to attend both sessions to get the most benefit.) Sessions 1 & 2. Speaker: Amy Lerman Audience: PRES Shapes, Symbols, & Scissors Skills Sequenced for Success This collaborative and interactive session focuses on documen-tation and assessment methods for handwriting readiness and scissor skill proficiency. Enhance parent conference interactions and your professional articulation of students’ progress with objective and meaningful information produced from these methods. Speaker: Dr. Marianne Gibbs, OT Audience: PRES Early Intervention, Inclusion, & Special Ed. 101 Children’s special needs are evident sometimes long before they

Session 2 Workshops 10:30 — 11:20 am

Session 2 Workshops (continued) 10:30 — 11:20 am

are formally diagnosed. Preschool personnel often need to ad-dress tough issues when realizing that a child’s development is atypical. This session focuses on the basics of effective docu-mentation, the Early Intervention process, Special Education in the public school setting, as well as partnering with parents. Sessions 1 & 2. Speaker: Erika Sanchez Audience: PRES

Growth Mindset for Teachers: How to Prevent Fear & Low Expectations from Limiting Your Potential Mistakes make your brain grow! Join us to learn how the latest brain research can inform your work with children and your own professional development. We will watch videos from Stanford researchers Carol Dweck and Jo Boaler as they explain the brain’s amazing elasticity and the power of hard work to im-prove achievement in math and other areas. Interactive activi-ties and role plays will help you reframe your thinking, class-room interactions, and language to adopt a growth mindset for your children and your teacher-self. Sessions 1 & 2. Speaker: Dr. Carrie Cutler Audience: PRES

Hooray for Habitats! This session introduces teachers to habitats like wetlands, de-serts, woodlands, and oceans using simple hands-on science activities and experiments. Engage your students with action-oriented games like an alligator egg hunt! How do whales eat microscopic food? Can I catch food with different bird beaks? Answers to these questions and more are tested by using com-mon household tools like strainers and slotted spoons. Learning

about habitats helps children understand the importance of what surrounds them! Sessions 2, 4, & 5. Speaker: Barbara Cargill Audience: PRES

Identifying & Applying Strategies for the Restless Young Learner, Part 2 Research confirms early indicators are present in a struggling young learner. Attending this session provides how research-based information and strategies presented in a structured learning environment can successfully improve learning for young children who may be challenged by one or more indica-tors related to ADHD, Autism, Emotional Dysregulation, Learn-ing Disability, Motor Coordination – fine and gross, Speech – Articulation/Language Disorders, and more. (This is a two-session workshop. Attendees need to attend both sessions to get the most benefit.) Sessions 1 & 2; 4 & 5. Speaker: Robin Rettie Audience: PRES

Discipline Without Stress “What do I get?” have you ever heard a student utter those cringe-worthy words when asked to follow directions or com-plete a task? What if your students are motivated by treasures and are missing why they should do the right thing even when no one is watching? Participants will learn strategies from Dr. Marvin Marshall’s Discipline Without Stress Punishments and Rewards System, which promotes no gimmicks and real strate-gies in dealing with behavior without bribing or coercing stu-dents. Sessions 2 & 5. Speaker: Krystal Malichi Audience: MDO/PRES

Session 3 Workshops 11:30 am — 12:20 pm

NOTE: Lunch 1 is served during this time period.

Diversity in the Classroom — Children With Special Needs Childcare today is becoming more diversified and it is essential for childcare providers to receive all the information and up-dates necessary to provide quality care for our children. The purpose of this training is to discuss ADHD and Autism signs and symptoms, classroom and schedule management, identification of symptoms and ways to teach to enhance child growth and development. Speaker: Natasha Owoseni Audience: MDO Learning Through Play — Centers & Circle Time Centers and circle time are exciting ways of learning for little minds and hands! We will share many teaching games and ma-nipulatives that are fun and that can be incorporated in with your lesson plans. A fun and exciting learning experience pro-motes a confident and joyful child and sends them on their way better prepared for the next step in their education — and be-yond! Sessions 3 & 5. Speaker: Leisha Davis Audience: MDO/PRES Fired Up, Not Burned Out: Pre-K Math Centers That Ignite Learning To learn math deeply, young children need time, materials, and intentional math experiences. Math centers can provide all three! Learn how to organize your math centers to get the most

out of children’s play and exploration, while offering structured learning experiences. We will discuss integrating math with chil-dren’s literature and other content like art and fine motor. Learn how the teacher can “be a center” too. You will leave with 20+ center ideas that are inexpensive, but rich with devel-opmentally appropriate mathematical content. Join us to get fired up about math centers! Sessions 3 & 5. Speaker: Dr. Carrie Cutler Audience: MDO/PRES

Intermediate Balloon Workshop Do you like a challenge? Then you will love this session! It goes beyond the ‘beginner’ class offered in Session 2. Come in and enjoy the laughter, fun, and fellowship! Speaker: Gene Wright Audience: PRES

Oral Language Labs Oral language is a key indicator of future reading success, so it’s never too early to begin developing a large oral language capaci-ty in the early childhood classroom. Supporting oral language development begins in infancy and should be supported in tod-dler, preschool, and preK classrooms as well. This session will provide participants with the definition of oral language, re-search on the importance of rich oral language environment, and activities to implement across all developmental domains, in varying learning centers, and throughout the day during transi-tions and routines. Speaker: Jennifer Martin Audience: PRES

Session 3 Workshops (continued) 11:30 am — 12:20 pm

NOTE: Lunch 2 is served during this time period.

Embracing Race in the School Description will be provided at a later date. Speaker: Albert Wright Audience: Directors Partnering With Parents: A Guide to Parental Involvement The new generation of parents requires different interactions and connections than parents did in the past. This session will discuss new techniques to support parents during their child’s early education years. Speaker: Tym Smith Audience: Directors Infant Play — Round Table Discussion Join us for a discussion focusing on the importance of develop-mentally appropriate infant play in the childcare setting. Bring your tried and true activities to share and learn some new ones! Speaker: Christi Priddy Audience: MDO Easing into Transitions Transitions can be stressful for children, especially when they seem abrupt. Music can be one of the best ways to ease your way into and out of a transition into the next activity. This ses-sion will show you how to use music during transitions and what to expect at each developmental level for your children during transition times. Speaker: Brooke Wright Audience: MDO Advanced Toddler Development You already know the basic development of toddler-aged chil-dren. However, what about more specific issues surrounding emotional, physical, cognitive, and social development? We will discuss topics that you care most about and a few more that may be new to you. We will discuss age-appropriate ex-pectations for each developmental domain and tips that you can use daily in the classroom. Speaker: Kara Gore Audience: MDO Organizing a Dynamic Classroom Do you feel overwhelmed with lesson plans, technology imple-mentation, classroom clutter, and maintaining order? Don’t stress! This session is designed to help teachers organize curric-ulum in their classrooms with new ideas, including technology and organizational routines with music/visuals via Digital Lesson planning. Participants will learn the benefits of having their books, songs, videos, and pocket charts in one easy engaging

format for a flawless daily routine. Sessions 1 & 4. Speaker: Krystal Malichi Audience: MDO/PRES Sticky Learning Every teacher must deal with the "new student." The problem is if a new learner isn't properly assimilated into the classroom there can be bigger difficulties, including misbehavior, apathy and boredom. In this workshop, teachers will learn the "Rule of 3's" and what needs must be met, at each step of the way, to create a self-motivated learner. Sessions 1 & 4. Speaker: Dr. Rick Chromey Audience: MDO/PRES Hooray for Habitats! This session introduces teachers to habitats like wetlands, de-serts, woodlands, and oceans using simple hands-on science activities and experiments. Engage your students with action-oriented games like an alligator egg hunt! How do whales eat microscopic food? Can I catch food with different bird beaks? Answers to these questions and more are tested by using com-mon household tools like strainers and slotted spoons. Learn-ing about habitats helps children understand the importance of what surrounds them! Sessions 2, 4, & 5. Speaker: Barbara Cargill Audience: PRES Rules of Engagement with an Angry Child Knowing when and how to engage with a child who is experi-encing anger, one of our most powerful emotions, sets the stage for successful outcomes. This important session will un-pack what is going on for a child when anger rises and how to reach them in positive, productive ways. Sessions 1 & 4. Speaker: Lori Buxton Audience: MDO/PRES Identifying & Applying Strategies for the Restless Young Learner, Part 1 Research confirms early indicators are present in a struggling young learner. Attending this session provides how research-based information and strategies presented in a structured learning environment can successfully improve learning for young children who may be challenged by one or more indica-tors related to ADHD, Autism, Emotional Dysregulation, Learn-ing Disability, Motor Coordination – fine and gross, Speech – Articulation/Language Disorders, and more. (This is a two-session workshop. Attendees need to attend both sessions to get the most benefit.) Sessions 1 & 2; 4 & 5. Speaker: Robin Rettie Audience: PRES

Session 4 Workshops 12:30 — 1:20 pm

Red Flag Behaviors: What To Do RIGHT When You Think Something Might Be WRONG Learn about the characteristic red flag behaviors teachers may experience in the classroom for ages infant through preschool. Participants will learn strategies for observation and documenta-tion, how to talk with administrators and parents and what they can do to initiate the early intervention process. Sessions 3 & 5. Speaker: Erika Sanchez Audience: PRES

I Can Do It By Myself!! A fun and self-reflective session that focuses on raising aware-

ness among teachers and sharing new strategies for developing the self-help and independence skills of young children. Speaker: Dr. Marianne Gibbs, OT Audience: PRES

Fit & Fun for Everyone — Pumped Up! Come and join us for an interactive session where you will learn ways to add exercise to any activity. You can add exercise to everything that you do! From science, to math, to letter learning — there is always time to exercise your heart! Come learn how you can make ‘activ’ities active! Speaker: Stella King Audience: PRES

Session 5 Workshops 1:30 — 2:20 pm

How to Get Along With Co-Workers Description will be provided at a later date. Speaker: Albert Wright Audience: Directors

Understanding the Great Job Gap Many early education programs are struggling to meet staffing demands. What do you do when your talented, long-term teachers retire? How do we replace this talent with the new generation of workers? This session will give directors the skills needed to lead and develop new employees whose expectation are more different than ever before! Speaker: Tym Smith Audience: Directors

Temper Tantrums 101 Come and learn how to decipher why a child tantrums, what is normal behavior, and how to help a child overcome tantrums before they become a distraction in the classroom. Offered in Sessions 1 & 5. Speaker: Christi Priddy Audience: MDO

Bringing Worship into the Classroom Bringing worship into the classroom doesn’t have to be intimi-dating, but it helps if it can be engaging! Children respond to worship songs that are fun, with movement and dancing. This session will provide a self-evaluation for you to measure if you are bringing worship into your classroom, and will provide an opportunity to see your classroom with fresh eyes. Speaker: Brooke Wright Audience: MDO

An Outdoor Classroom Outdoor preschool is an extension to your current childcare program and has numerous health advantages for the students. Taking students outside to learn will allow them the opportuni-ty to enhance their cognitive and fine/gross motor skill develop-ment. We will identify advantages and create an educational plan to include loose parts, hands-on learning, and creating the best outdoor educational experience for the children. Speaker: Natasha Harris Audience: MDO/PRES

Discipline Without Stress “What do I get?” have you ever heard a student utter those cringe-worthy words when asked to follow directions or com-plete a task? What if your students are motivated by treasures and are missing why they should do the right thing even when no one is watching? Participants will learn strategies from Dr. Marvin Marshall’s Discipline Without Stress Punishments and Rewards System, which promotes no gimmicks and real strate-gies in dealing with behavior without bribing or coercing stu-dents. Sessions 2 & 5. Speaker: Krystal Malichi Audience: MDO/PRES Learning Through Play — Centers & Circle Time Centers and circle time are exciting ways of learning for little minds and hands! We will share many teaching games and ma-nipulatives that are fun and can be incorporated in with your lesson plans. A fun and exciting learning experience promotes a confident and joyful child and sends them on their way better prepared for the next step in their education. Sessions 3 & 5. Speaker: Leisha Davis Audience: Preschool

Advanced Balloon Workshop Learn some of the most difficult techniques in balloon sculp-ture! Experience in both beginner and intermediate techniques is needed to get the most out of this session! Speaker: Gene Wright Audience: PRES Writing in the Preschool Classroom: Why, What, When, & How Emergent writing skills are critical in the kindergarten class-room, so as preschool and pre-k teachers it is extremely im-portant to build a strong foundation and love for writing before children enter kindergarten! This session will introduce the importance of developing emergent writing skills, when to in-corporate this into the busy day, how to set up an inviting and exciting literacy center that everyone will want to spend time in, successful teaching strategies, and finally — activities. Get some fantastic ideas to help our kids become authors and illus-trators themselves! Speaker: Jennifer Martin Audience: PRES Teaching With Style We all teach with personality — and in this fun, interactive ses-sion you will discover your unique style (game show host, chef, professor, or counselor). Plus, you’ll discover how to use your style to spark learning in your classroom! Speaker: Dr. Rick Chromey Audience: PRES Inspired Teaching If you are experiencing any level of weariness or burn-out, this session is for you! The work we do with children is so much more than “a job” but the day-to-day work can wear us down. Teaching young children is a high calling that is life-giving to the children we teach and should be for us as well. In our time to-gether, we will talk about the power of inspiration in our teach-ing and the way we prepare children for learning and life. We will create a plan for staying connected to our calling so that we can keep our passion, inspiration, and motivation burning brightly! Speaker: Lori Buxton Audience: PRES Making Sense of Our Sensational Senses This engaging session gives insight into the world of our SEVEN senses and how those senses affect the lives of children and each one of us on a daily basis. Learn about rationale, activities, and practical techniques to assist students with sensory chal-lenges and promote more effective classroom learning. Speaker: Dr. Marianne Gibbs, OT Audience: PRES Red Flag Behaviors: What To Do RIGHT When You Think Something Might Be WRONG Learn about the characteristic red flag behaviors teachers may experience in the classroom for ages infant through preschool. Participants will learn strategies for observation and documen-tation, as well as how to talk with administrators and parents. Find out what you can do to initiate the early intervention pro-cess. Sessions 3 & 5. Speaker: Erika Sanchez Audience: PRES

Hooray for Habitats! This session introduces teachers to habitats like wetlands, de-serts, woodlands, and oceans using simple hands-on science activities and experiments. Engage your students with action-oriented games like an alligator egg hunt! How do whales eat microscopic food? Can I catch food with different bird beaks? Answers to these questions and more are tested by using com-mon household tools like strainers and slotted spoons. Learn-ing about habitats helps children understand the importance of what surrounds them! Sessions 2, 4, & 5. Speaker: Barbara Cargill Audience: PRES Fired Up, Not Burned Out: Pre-K Math Centers That Ignite Learning To learn math deeply, young children need time, materials, and intentional math experiences. Math centers can provide all three! Learn how to organize your math centers to get the most out of children’s play and exploration, while offering structured learning experiences. We will discuss integrating math with children’s literature and other content like art and fine motor. Learn how the teacher can “be a center” too. You will leave with 20+ center ideas that are inexpensive, but rich with developmentally appropriate mathematical content. Join us to get fired up about math centers! Sessions 3 & 5. Speaker: Dr. Carrie Cutler Audience: MDO/PRES

Advanced 3 & 4-Year-Old Development You already know the basic development of preschool-aged children. However, what about more specific issues surround-ing emotional, physical, cognitive, and social development? What about appropriate age-specific curriculum focuses? We will discus topics that you care most about and a few more that may be new to you. Let’s discuss preschool development topics that might change your perspective for ever! Speaker: Kara Gore Audience: PRES Identifying & Applying Strategies for the Restless Young Learner, Part 2 Research confirms early indicators are present in a struggling young learner. Attending this session provides how research-based information and strategies presented in a structured learning environment can successfully improve learning for young children who may be challenged by one or more indica-tors related to ADHD, Autism, Emotional Dysregulation, Learn-ing Disability, Motor Coordination – fine and gross, Speech – Articulation/Language Disorders, and more. (This is a two-session workshop. Attendees need to attend both sessions to get the most benefit.) Sessions 1 & 2; 4 & 5. Speaker: Robin Rettie Audience: PRES

Session 5 Workshops (continued) 1:30 — 2:20 pm

Last minute cancellations will be posted outside the session rooms and highlighted in our morning


Childcare is not available on the premises and children will not be allowed to attend workshops with


Some of your chosen sessions might be full, but be aware that some of the workshops will be re-

peated during later sessions.

We recommend that you have an alternative workshop already chosen in advance for each session

time. In fairness to all participants, saving more than one seat in a session is prohibited.

The Director’s Track is available only to Directors. Workshops are available for Mother’s Day Out

Providers and Preschool Teachers.

If you have any questions about Winter PTAC 2019 — please call us at 281-378-4080. Our FAX line

number is 270-378-4081.

Our website is:


Dorris Burnworth is a Licensing Inspector for the Department of Fam-ily & Protective Services in Texas.

Lori Buxton has been involved in Early Care & Education since 1995 & has served children & their families on many levels, including class-room teacher, trainer, children’s pastor & executive child care adminis-trator. Lori is the founder of the Gulf Coast Directors Network in south-east Texas. Dr. Rick Chromey is the Founder and President of MANNA! Educa-tional Services International, a non-profit organization that creates “training that’s curiously Divine!” He travels widely empowering lead-ers to lead, teachers to teach, and parents to parent. His website is: Dr. Carrie Cutler is a frequent presenter at local, regional, and nation-al conferences on mathematics and early childhood education. She is also an adjunct professor in the College of Education at the University of Houston, and at the University of Houston-Downtown. Leisha Davis has been teaching and shaping little minds for over 10 years. There is nothing more rewarding to her than seeing a young child’s eyes light up while learning. Prior to working in the education field, Leisha worked at IBM for 20 years in various roles. During her year at IBM she volunteered many hours to tutoring K-2nd grade read-ing and math skills. Marianne Gibbs, MOT,OTR, is an occupational therapist & education speaker. She is a national speaker and the creator of “Fine Motor Skills. . . Write Out of the Box.” Kara Gore is a Christian wife and mother first. She has been deeply passionate about the field of early childhood since she was 17 years old. Having worked as an ECE teacher, as a Child Care Licensing Specialist, as an adjunct instructor of Child Development courses, as a Legal Expert Witness for abuse/neglect cases involving child care pro-grams, as a Director of a private Christian preschool, and currently as a Trainer/Consultant for her own business since 2006, Kara is con-stantly seeking knowledge and experience in this amazing field. Kara give her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, all the glory and thanks for this wonderful 23-year passion for Early Childhood Education. Natasha Harris is the founder, presenter, and executive owner of In-tegrity Training & Professional Services. She has many years of edu-cation experience in both childcare and traditional school settings. She is currently the owner/director of Heritage Love Academy. Stella King has been in the recreation field for over 17 years, directing day camps, sleep away camps, and special events. She currently teaches Fit & Fun and P.E. at The Adventure Preschool and ascribes to the moto, “We don’t learn to play, we play to learn!” Amy Lerman, MA, DDD-SLP, has had the pleasure of serving in the field of speech and language for the past 17 years, working in both public and private schools, as well as private practice. She is currently serving in a Community Outreach role with The Parish School.

Krystal Malichi has been in education for over 12 years and is cur-rently a Kindergarten teacher in Cyfair, ISD, where she has been named a model teacher. Her goal is to mentor, coach, and present to other Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers with a focus on Title 1 students. Jennifer Martin has a true passion for early childhood education and has 17 years of experience in the early childhood field, beginning as a teacher, and then serving as an assistant director and acting director. She has also served as a toddler program coordinator. For the past five years, she has taught both Kindergarten and 2nd grade. Christi Priddy is a 2006 graduate of the University of Mary Harden-Baylor. Following graduation, she worked for 8 years as an Early Inter-vention Specialist before moving into the private classroom setting. Her work history has enhanced her extensive knowledge of child devel-opment with a focus on developmental delays & intervention strategies. Christi is currently the Co-Director of Weekend Children’s Ministries and serves as a consultant in the community on appropriate develop-mental behaviors in children. Robin Rettie has 40 years of experience working to support individu-als with neurological and genetic differences. She is the founder of Lighthouse Learning Resources, providing specialized learning prod-ucts and research-based training supportive of managing simple to complex dysregulation for all ages in all settings; home, school, and community. Erika Sanchez has been passionate about doing what is right for little children for over 20 years. She holds an M.Ed. In Special Education and a B.A. in Special Education and Early Childhood. The opportunity to work in a variety of settings, public and private and as a preschool administrator has given her a wealth of experiences to share! Erika is currently a Spec. Ed. Kindergarten Inclusion teacher for Cy Fair ISD. Tym Smith began working in the Early Childhood Development field in 1986. After spending more than five years in the classroom, he ad-vanced to fill various positions, including Education Specialist, Assis-tant Director, Site Manager, and then, Director. Tym has served as an NAEYC Validator since 2002 and is a certified trainer. Albert Wright is a Master Level Registered Trainer with over 20 years of experience in the childcare industry. His focus has always been doing what is best for children by training directors and teachers on achievement motivation and how it benefits today’s classroom. Albert is the owner of Wright One Training. Brooke Wright is a singer/songwriter from Dallas, Texas, who has a huge passion for music and teaching children. With a BA in vocal per-formance, she is also a member of the American Christian Songwriters Association. Brooke has toured the nation singing and has led work-shops for many conferences. Brooke has led worship for children for the past 15 years, teaching music & movement & sharing the gospel! Gene Wright has served as a Children’s Pastor for over 23 years. He now travels the country doing Adult Revivals, Children’s Camps, VBS, and a variety of programs in churches and public schools.

Winter Preschool Teachers Adventure Conference January 26, 2019

Registration Form

Please Print Clearly!

First Name ____________________________ Last Name _____________________________

Position (circle one): Director Assist. Dir Admin Preschool MDO Enrichment Elementary

Please note that all communications regarding Winter PTAC will be done via email.

Email Address _________________________________________________________________

School or Organization _______________________________________________________

School Address _________________________________________________________________

School City, State, Zip ________________________________ Phone ____________________

Conference Cost: $ 90.00

Registrations after January 11, 2019 Need to include a $25 Late Fee: $________ TOTAL ENCLOSED: $________

Send completed forms and make checks payable to: WPC Conference Account

10555 Spring Cypress, Houston, TX 77070 Questions may be directed to The Adventure Preschool at 281-378-4080 or Email :

***Registration fees are NON-REFUNDABLE, but are transferable to another attendee***

The Adventure Preschool Ministries of Windwood Presbyterian Church

10555 Spring Cypress Road Houston, TX 77070

Phone: 281-378-4080

Directions The easiest approach to our facility is to follow State Highway 249 (also called the Tomball Parkway) west

towards Tomball. Take the Spring Cypress Road exit & turn right on Spring Cypress.

Windwood Presbyterian Church is about

one mile down on the right.

Conference Location
