2017 New Years Message for OYSC


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Organizaçoes Yourim Sociedade Comercial,Lda. – OYSC-

2017 New Year’s MessageTo: All OYSC MembersFrom: Teresa Lee – Owner Company

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  It’s with great excitement that I get to address you on this first day of the year 2017!  I LOVE the start of each new year, because it’s such a great opportunity to “hit the reset button” and start fresh, with a new list of goals and resolutions, and with renewed vigor and energy. But before we move onto and start talking about what’s in store for 2017, let’s (briefly) give 2016 it’s due!  In 2016 MUCH (and I mean MUCH) was accomplished and achieved.

Happy New YearYes, my team was definitely “on fire” in 2016, and I’m SO proud of the great, great effort and how many important pieces we were able to put in place for our entire team.

But, of course, just like riding a bicycle uphill, if you want to keep climbing, you can’t stop pedaling (or soon you’ll be rolling backwards).  So just like I hope each and every one of you are, we are ready to hit the ground running in 2017!

I wish you all the best and May the Almighty God bless you all and your families



Organizaçoes Yourim Sociedade Comercial,Lda. – OYSC-
