2017 Henty Public School Annual Report - Amazon S3...Henty Public School (enrolment 127 students,...


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Henty Public SchoolAnnual Report



Printed on: 15 April, 2018Page 1 of 18 Henty Public School 2154 (2017)


The Annual Report for 2017 is provided to the community of Henty Public School as an account of the school'soperations and achievements throughout the year. 

It provides a detailed account of the progress the school has made to provide high quality educational opportunities forall students, as set out in the school plan. It outlines the findings from self–assessment that reflect the impact of keyschool strategies for improved learning and the benefit to all students from the expenditure of resources, including equityfunding.

School contact details

Henty Public SchoolSladen StHenty, 2658www.henty-p.schools.nsw.edu.auhenty-p.School@det.nsw.edu.au6929 3184

Message from the Principal

As I reflect upon 2017, I think about the achievements, the fun times and the hard work. We have achieved very pleasingresults throughout the school including impressive growth from Kindergarten to Year 3 and from Year 3 to Year 5, whichis reflected in both literacy and numeracy data (PLAN) and our NAPLAN results. We have had over 98% attendance atall treat days to thank students for their commitment to our values and expectations. Students have participated indebating and public speaking events, multiple sporting events (too numerous to mention) and many musicalopportunities, some representing the school at state level. We had three students Saige, Kendra and Elsa perform at theSchool Spectacular, and an Aboriginal student, Anka, acknowledged at the 2017 Proud and Deadly awards, for herongoing commitment to her schooling. So many reasons to be proud of our wonderful students.

I want to thank the staff of Henty Public School for their ongoing support of the school and their unwavering commitmentto improvement and excellence. After speaking with many students, parents and other community members I know thatwe are all united in the belief that we have a committed team of teachers, administrative staff and learning supportofficers.

It has also occurred to me that 2017 was very busy year for students, staff and parents alike! We have held many specialdays, (some hosted by our student representative council such as Crazy Hair and Cupcake day), a three–daycompliance and finance audit, a New South Wales Educational Standards Authority Accreditation sampling and whocould forget, the 125th anniversary celebrations of public schooling in Henty? It takes a mighty team to achieve thesethings and together, we as the school community have ensured that we keep the good name of our school alive and well.

The P&C committee took on a colossal job in 2017. The Henty Catering Association was dissolved and our P&Ccommittee stepped up to take on sole responsibility for the catering sheds at the Henty Machinery Field Days. Countlesshours of preparation, organised teamwork and much grit and determination saw the P&C make in excess of $25 000 thisyear. With their support we have installed a new sandpit, added 31 iPads to our school’s technology resources, providednew and exciting furniture to refurbish the library,provided funds to help cover costs for the Stage 3 excursion, andimplement Wellbeing programs in the school.

I certify that the information included in this report is a genuine account of the school’s achievements in 2017 and amcertain that it provides valuable information, not only about our successes this year but also future directions to ensurethat we continue to build upon the positive school culture that already exists at Henty Public School.

I am very privileged to lead this community and remain committed to its ongoing growth and success in 2018.

Tina Roworth


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School background

School vision statement

At Henty Public School we strive to provide innovative teaching and learning programs that will engage and challengestudents to achieve excellence. Students will become responsible, creative and successful lifelong learners.

School context

Henty Public School (enrolment 127 students, including 10% Aboriginal students) is located midway between Albury andWagga Wagga in the southern Riverina. The school provides a safe and nurturing learning environment that developsrespect, understanding and responsibility. The school is characterised by a high quality teaching and learningenvironment supported by experienced and committed staff. The school enjoys the support of an active Parent andCitizens’ Association and strong relationships with all groups in the community. There is an emphasis on achievementwith strong literacy and numeracy programs, innovative information and communication technologies and music is afocus. The school is one of the 229 schools leading the Local Schools, Local Decisions education reform andimplementing the Learning Management and Business Reform (LMBR) program. Henty Public School is a proud andactive member of the Morgan Country Network of Schools.

Self-assessment and school achievement

Self-assessment using the School Excellence Framework

This section of the Annual Report outlines the findings from self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework,school achievements and the next steps to be pursued.

This year, our school undertook self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework. The framework supportspublic schools throughout NSW in the pursuit of excellence by providing a clear description of high quality practiceacross the three domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading.

Throughout Semester 2 in 2017, staff, students and parents were given multiple opportunities to reflect upon the schoolplan, the achievement of milestones and to make comment about future directions. Our executive staff were providedwith several opportunities to engage with the School Excellence Framework whereby milestones throughout 2017 werealigned to elements included in the framework.  Through rigorous analysis we discussed the evidence and evaluation tosubstantiate whether our school was delivering, growing and sustaining, or excelling. Below is an overview of thesediscussions:

Learning Elements – Self–assessment across the Learning Elements demonstrated that Henty Public School has madepleasing growth in all Learning domains of Learning culture, Wellbeing, Curriculum and Learning, Assessment andReporting and Student Performance Measures. Our self–assessment hows that we are sustaining and growing practicesacross the school. There is an on–going focus on wellbeing with the implementation of a whole–school approach thathas clearly defined behavioural expectations and creating positive teaching and learning environments. We havedeveloped systematic policies, programs and processes that identify and address student learning needs and meet as alearning support team once a fortnight. Our student performance measures reflect improved value added results andschool performance in the areas of Reading, Grammar and Punctuation and Numeracy.

Teaching Elements – Self–assessment across the Teaching Element demonstrated that Henty Public School hascontinued to sustain and grow in the domains of Collaborative Practice, Learning and Development and ProfessionalStandards whilst we are still delivering in the areas of Data Skills and Use and Effective Classroom Practice. There hasbeen an ongoing focus on these two growth areas which has included targeted professional learning and goal setting inthe Performance and Development Plans. In 2018, there will be a focus on building contemporary teacher contentknowledge through evidence based teaching strategies (utilising the funds available through QTSS) . 

Leading Elements – Self–assessment across the Leading Element demonstrated that Henty Public School hascontinued to maintain the level of Sustaining and Growing in all four domains of Leadership, School Planning,Implementation and Reporting, School Resources and management Practices and Processes. This year has alsoinvolved improving clarity around whole school policies, processes and programs. We had an opportunity to showcompliance evidence through a National Education Standards Authority (NESA) cyclical inspection.

The school leadership team has continued to build effective working relationships with business organisations includingCharles Sturt University, FaCS, Murray Conservatorium of Music, Department of Housing and Police. The school utilises

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the expertise of these agencies to complement the level of strategic support that the school provides for students andtheir families.

Our self–assessment processes will continue to assist the school to build and refine the school plan, leading to furtherimprovements in the delivery of education to our students.

For more information about the School Excellence Framework:


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Strategic Direction 1

Student Learning and Opportunities


To develop and maintain meaningful and differentiated learning that engages students and promotes success andenhances the learning outcomes, by using systematic policies, programs and processes to identify and address students’learning needs.

Overall summary of progress

One aim of Strategic Direction 1 in 2017 was to strengthen systems and processes that ensured that student learningopportunities were engaging, informed by evidence and focused upon student growth. Teachers tracked students inliteracy and numeracy every 5 weeks and utilise this information to plan differentiated learning activities for students. Theschool developed procedures to identify students at risk and  implemented lessons to ensure those students receivedadditional resources to support their learning.

Teachers learned about about effective teaching practices and measured their own practice against elements. As awhole school team, we focused upon strategies that build clarity and ensure students understand what is being asked ofthem. This translated into learning intentions, success criteria, sharing quality worked examples and developing in classdata walls to show students how they are growing as literacy and numeracy learners. We also developed a refinedassessment schedule which focused upon tracking and monitoring student growth and providing teachers withinformation about where to go next in their lesson preparations.

The school is in early stages of implementing the HOW2Learn strategy across the whole school. There is a focus onbuilding a learning culture whereby students understand how they are growing as learners and teachers create learningenvironments where students expect challenge, value effort and are responsive to feedback that supports growth. Aspart of this learning, teachers have been learning about the impact of positive teacher student relationships on studentgrowth and achievement and have developed class wellbeing plans to address the needs of students in their class. Thisplan includes aspects that ensure that students feel connected as part of the school and class community, feelcompetent by understanding how they are growing as literate and numerate individuals, and feel that their voice is heardand that their opinion matters. 

Teachers have also strengthened their understanding of the literacy and numeracy continuum by tracking students everyfive weeks against the continuums and by developing programming proformas that reflect quality lesson components andtheir growing knowledge of literacy and numercay. 

Another aim for 2017, was to strengthen and embed the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) processes that were putin place in 2016 to address the wellbeing needs of all students across all learning environments. Teachers workedtogether to develop whole school systems for explicitly teaching the values and expectations, determining breaches ofthese values in the development of minor and major behaviours, creating safe playground spaces and developingcommon language in all settings. At the end of 2017, an evaluation of PBL systems was completed and found that theimplemented strategies were effective in decreasing negative behaviours, improving consistent teacher response tothose negative behaviours and promoting positive learning environments. The evaluation also provided an ongoing focusfor areas of development in 2018.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

• All staff incorporate internal andexternal data into teacherprograms including assessmentfor, as & of learning.

Professional learning fundswere utilised to provideteachers with opportunitiesto learn about continuums,effective teaching practices,impact of wellbeing onlearning, and collaborativeplanning.

Teachers utilised data gathered at 5 weeklyintervals to program for needs of their students. 

Teachers learned about literacy and numeracycontinuums and tracked students on a data wall.

Teachers provided information about studentsrequiring additional support to learning supportteam that was used to build programs to addressneeds.

Teachers developed a revised assessmentPrinted on: 15 April, 2018Page 5 of 18 Henty Public School 2154 (2017)

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

• All staff incorporate internal andexternal data into teacherprograms including assessmentfor, as & of learning.


Teachers developed an intensive literacy programto address student needs.

• 100% of students are providedwith opportunities to connect,succeed and thrive resulting inimproved social, emotional andacademic success.

Low Socio–economicfunding was utilised toprovide students withmultiple opportunities toconnect, succeed andthrive.

100% of students  surveyed in the Tell Them fromMe surveys reported that they have had multipleopportunities to be involved in extra–curricular,cultural and sporting activities and felt moreconnected to school as a result. 

Extra–curricular activities included some of thefollowing: carnivals, PSSA events, Riverina DanceFestival, Gala night, Peer Support Program,excursions, Schools Spectacular, Premiers'Debating and Public Speaking Competitions andPremiers' Sporting Challenge. 

98% of all students were able to take part inCelebration/Rewards days as a result of followingthe values and expectations endorsed by ourPositive Behaviour for Learning approach. 

Next Steps

We will continue to focus upon tracking student growth and creating learning experiences that address areas most ofneed for our students. We will refine learning support procedures again and create a more targeted learning supportteam to address literacy in the early years, numeracy across the whole school and the educational and cultural needs ofour Aboriginal students. 

Another goal in 2018 is to share information about literacy and numeracy growth with students so they are aware of howthey are growing as learners and are armed with information about where they need to focus their energies next. 

All students and staff are aware of the Positive Behaviour for Learning procedures that were implemented in 2017 andunderstand and 'live by' the values and expectations of the school. In 2018, we would like to ensure that: systems are inplace to collect data about student behaviour more effectively, a social worker is employed to address emotional andsocial needs of students most at risk and strengthen current understanding of the values and expectations of our school.

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Strategic Direction 2

Teacher Development and Reflection


To provide consistent high quality teaching, with a particular emphasis on improved teaching methods. Professionallearning activities focused on building teachers’ understanding of effective teaching strategies.

Overall summary of progress

In 2017, there was a clear focus upon strengthening practice as evidenced by the Performance and DevelopmentFramework. This, together with the strategic direction milestones, has led to teachers engaging in a much deeper,reflective process that guides both ongoing development and professional learning of all staff at an individual andcollective level. Regular and effective monitoring and feedback processes are in place to discuss progress, support andto plan for growth.

Throughout 2017, we have focused our professional learning activities on building teachers’ understanding of effectiveteaching strategies including understanding student wellbeing, learning about practices that build clarity for learnerswhich includes learning intentions, success criteria, quality worked examples, modelled–guided–independent cycles ofteaching, assessment prior to learning and tracking student growth to look for impact of teaching. Teachers have alsobeen trained in Managing Actual and Potential Aggression which has been built into the school's wellbeing systemPositive Behaviour for Learning. 

During 2017, the school was chosen to undergo a NESA registration sampling which assesses the implementation of theDepartment's policies, procedures and processes. Our sampling included (amongst other components) effectiveprogramming using the new syllabus documents and ensuring that the implementation of policies focused on maximisingstudent learning and wellbeing. This sampling provided an opportunity to reflect upon the strength of our currentprograms and relevant policies and as a result, we streamlined important processes in the areas of programming,performance and development timelines, learning support procedures and student discipline and wellbeing.

Teachers developed their understanding of the numeracy continuum and trialled new programming proformas whichreflected key components of a quality mathematics session. SLSOs developed numeracy kits for each classroomwhich included activities to strengthen student knowledge, speed and accuracy in early number concepts, effectivearithmetic strategies and place value. A whole school data wall was developed to track and monitor student growth andachievement which was informed by PLAN data. Teachers received additional learning about the use of PLAN to createlessons for students that contained appropriate activities, differentiated learning experiences and opportunities forfeedback and reflection in their Mathematics program.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

•   100% of teachers provide andreceive planned constructivefeedback resulting in improvedteaching practice.

Total QTSS funds


Total Professional LearningFunds


Teachers received feedback about their practicethrough providing programs to supervisors.

Teachers discussed their professional growththrough various staff development days,professional learning cycles, staff meetings,mentoring meetings, collaborative planning daysand PDP meetings.  

Staff learned about how to most effectively usePLAN data to track, monitor and plan fordifferentiated learning experiences. 

•  All students achieving stageappropriate cluster outcomes inliteracy and numeracy as a resultof improved teaching methods inliteracy and numeracy.

Total Low level adjustmentfunds 


Staff plotted student progress on a whole schooldata wall and highlighted any students notachieving at stage appropriate outcomes. 

Students who were in need of additional supportwere identified and provided support through

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Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

•  All students achieving stageappropriate cluster outcomes inliteracy and numeracy as a resultof improved teaching methods inliteracy and numeracy.

intensive literacy lessons.

Next Steps

There will be an ongoing focus upon teachers developing a repertoire of effective teaching practices. This will bedelivered through appropriate formal learning and utilising QTSS (Quality Teaching, Successful Students) funding todevelop a whole school system that includes formal learning, classroom observations, mentoring, collaborative planningand learning days, beginning teacher half days and teacher feedback. Teachers will provide feedback about theirlearning at staff meetings, staff development days and mentor meetings.

There will be renewed focus upon literacy and numeracy as we learn about the learning progressions. In 2018, we willbegin by learning about the five progressions that impact writing. This will be the basis of our QTSS learning in Semester1 which will include: collaborative learning/planning, formal learning, feedback to students, goal building with students,lesson observation and data collection and analysis.  

We will recommit to developing knowledge across our Morgan Country Network through learning about technology. Eachschool will learn about various ways in which technology can be used in the classroom to enhance and strengthenlearning which will be shared at open days for students. 

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Strategic Direction 3

Community Engagement and Involvement


To develop collaborative and supportive engagement, enhancing whole community involvement and participation;resulting in a collective responsibility for student learning and success with higher levels of student, staff and communityengagement.

Overall summary of progress

Henty Public School continued to enjoy strong partnerships with the school community and the wider community ofHenty in 2017. There were many key events that took place to ensure these partnerships were strengthened and thisresulted in a higher participation of parents in fundraising and relationship building activities. These included theWelcome BBQ, Education Week Open Day, Gala Night performances and the 125th Anniversary Celebrations of HentyPublic School. These were very well attended and showed the connection that parents have to their children's educationand to the local school. 

Forums were held throughout 2017 as a means to collect information about what parents consider important componentsof school life and future directions for the school. Of the parents that were invited to these forums, we had a 90%attendance rate. Findings from these forums were used to shape future strategic directions and milestones about:extra–curricular offerings at the school (including debating, public speaking, art, dance and band), the implementation ofimportant policies including anti–bullying/wellbeing procedures, future–focused education and the purchasing oftechnologies and learning support for students at risk.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

• 20% increase in attendance at forums each term to provideexplicit information to supportparent engagement, and studentenrichment.

Forums were held throughout 2017 as a means tocollect information about what parents considerimportant components of school life and futuredirections for the school. Findings from theseforums were used to shape future strategicdirections. 

Strong partnerships were strengthened by thewhole school community through a number of keyevents in 2017.  These included the Welcome BBQ,Education Week Open Day, Gala Nightperformances and the 125th AnniversaryCelebrations of Henty Public School.

• More than 60% of parents andcommunity members feel theyare receiving effectivecommunication.

Parents who completed the Tell Them from Mesurvey reported that they felt informed (6.9 schoolaverage compared to 6.6 state average). 

The school ranked highly in the following aspects(where 10 is the highest): • The school's administrative staff are helpful whenI have a question or problem. 9.6 • If there were concerns with my child's behaviourat school, the teachers would inform meimmediately. 8.8 • Reports on my child's progress are written interms I understand. 8.3 • I feel welcome when I visit the school. 8.0  • I can easily speak with my child's teachers. 8.3  • I am well informed about school activities. 8.3Parents felt that communicating with them abouttheir child in the following ways was either useful orvery useful:

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Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

• More than 60% of parents andcommunity members feel theyare receiving effectivecommunication.

telephone, informal meetings, reports (all100%), email, formal interviews (both 80%).

Parents believed that the following forms ofcommunication about the school were helpful:school newsletter, texts, social media. Less helpfulwere school website, emails and P&C meetings. 


Next Steps

Continue to provide multiple opportunities to hear and respond to community voice through formal meetings, parentforums, P&C meetings (principal's report in particular), phone calls and surveys including Tell Them From Me.

Continue to provide community opportunities for learning through parent information evenings, parent–teacher interviewsand informal community gatherings and look for new ways in which to share knowledge with our community.

Implement further initiatives that will build connections with our networks including the Morgan Country LearningCommunity, Billabong High School and the local preschool.

Establish more effective means of communication that will allow effective and timely access to school and classroominformation, events and celebrations.  Facebook and Class Dojo will allow the school to  communicate with allstakeholders, student, parents and teachers in order to keep them informed and in touch with their children's learning.

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Key Initiatives Resources (annual) Impact achieved this year

Aboriginal background loading Total AboriginalBackground funding 


We have utilised funds to improve all studentsunderstanding of cultural identity and localAboriginal history. 

Students participated in celebrations ofspecial days an attended local excursions tosignificant Aboriginal areas of Henty andsurrounds. 

Funds not used in 2017 will be utilised in2018 to purchase a teacher who will work withAboriginal students at HPS to developpersonalised learning pathways, build culturalcompetence and ensure that Aboriginalstudents are achieving to their fullest potentialin literacy and numeracy. 

Low level adjustment for disability Total Low Level Adjustmentfor Disability funding 


The school utilised funds to address theneeds of students who require adjustment tothe curriculum to achieve and make progressby providing a extra time for the learningsupport leader to assess students, referstudents for further assessment, developprograms to address students needs withinthe classroom as well as specific programsdelivered by SLSOs and Learning supportteachers.  

The school employed additional supportteaching staff and SLSOs to deliver lessonsto targeted students in the areas of writing,reading, vocabulary development/sight wordsand spelling.

PLAN data identified improved learningoutcomes for identified students.

Quality Teaching, SuccessfulStudents (QTSS)

Total  QTSS funding 


QTSS funding was used to deliverprofessional learning and to provide additionaldays for teachers to meet and collaborativelyplan throughout the year. During these days,teachers worked together to analyse studentdata, reflect upon lessons and programlessons using available data. 

Specific professional learning to address theneeds of teachers was developed anddelivered in response to a survey aboutcurrent needs that align to the school plan.  

Socio–economic background Total Socio–economicBackground funding 

$39, 232

Socio–economic background funds wereused partially to purchase an additionalteaching position which provided an additionalteacher for learning support.

Funds were also used to ensure that allstudents could access sporting, cultural andartistic endeavours, incursions andexcursions. 

A breakfast program ran every day which wasaccessed by multiple students throughout theyear and provided sustenance so studentscould concentrate on their learning at school.

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Socio–economic background Total Socio–economicBackground funding 

$39, 232

Positive Behaviour for Learning procedureswere successfully implemented by placingsignage throughout the school, providingreward days, training students in PeerSupport and providing additional professionallearning/training in Managing Actual andPotential Aggression. 

Support for beginning teachers Total Support for BeginningTeachers funds


Our beginning teacher was provided withadditional time to plan, program, assess andlearn as well as time to meet frequently withan in school mentor (weekly).

Additional professional learning wasaccessed (both internally and externally),appropriate resources were purchased andthe mentor provided ongoingsupport/meetings/resources that were alignedto the teacher's needs.

This program was highly successful inaccelerating this teacher's professionalpractice and supporting the teacher in theirfirst year of full time teaching.

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Student information

Student enrolment profile


Students 2014 2015 2016 2017

Boys 62 56 51 61

Girls 65 71 65 73

At our maximum, the school had 138 students enrolledduring 2017. We operated with 6 classes whichenabled us to have two Kindergarten/Year Oneclasses. The benefits of this composition meant thatKindergarten students in each class had Year Onestudents who could model school positive behaviourand learning, which Kindergarten students picked upquickly. Year 6 students formed one class and thisproved to be a successful option, with all Year Sixstudents developing leadership and friendship skillsquickly. 

Student attendance profile


Year 2014 2015 2016 2017

K 95.8 92.3 91.9 95.2

1 95 93 89.2 91.5

2 94.2 91 92.7 86.9

3 95.1 93.4 92.1 93.4

4 92.7 95.3 92.1 92.7

5 95.5 91 92.3 93.8

6 95.5 90.6 91 93.9

All Years 94.9 92.5 91.8 92.9

State DoE

Year 2014 2015 2016 2017

K 95.2 94.4 94.4 94.4

1 94.7 93.8 93.9 93.8

2 94.9 94 94.1 94

3 95 94.1 94.2 94.1

4 94.9 94 93.9 93.9

5 94.8 94 93.9 93.8

6 94.2 93.5 93.4 93.3

All Years 94.8 94 94 93.9

Management of non-attendance

School attendance by students at Henty Public Schoolfluctuated throughout 2017 with the annual average

being 92.9%. Attendance in Term 1 (94.1%) and Term4 (94%) was pleasing, whilst Term 2 (91.9%) and Term3 (88%) reflects both sickness in the colder months anda historical attraction and involvement in the HentyMachinery Field Days. It is an ongoing challenge toensure students are still attending during this locallysignificant event. Overall boys attendance rates arehigher than girls. This will be an area of investigation in2018.

If a student has been absent for more than two days,staff make initial contact with families to collectinformation about non–attendance and follow up withadditional contact if the situation does not resolve itself.Parents are encouraged to indicate when their child willbe away if situations are known ahead of time and tomake an appointment with the principal if there aresocial and emotional reasons or other extenuatingcircumstances for non–attendance or poor attendancepatterns. A student attendance report is presented tostaff each term which highlights those students withattendance below 85%. These students are discussedand plans are made to manage poor attendance.

Class sizes

Class Total


RED 20





Workforce information

Workforce composition

Position FTE*

Principal 1

Deputy Principal(s) 0

Assistant Principal(s) 1

Head Teacher(s) 0

Classroom Teacher(s) 4.64

Teacher of Reading Recovery 0.21

Learning & Support Teacher(s) 0.1

Teacher Librarian 0.2

Teacher of ESL 0

School Counsellor 0

School Administration & SupportStaff


Other Positions 0

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*Full Time Equivalent

Our staff in 2017 were composed of both experiencedand new teachers, administrative staff and learningsupport officers. We had one beginning teacher andone teacher complete maintenance of accreditation thisyear.  

There were no Aboriginal teachers at Henty PublicSchool in 2017.

Teacher qualifications

All teaching staff meet the professional requirementsfor teaching in NSW public schools. 

Teacher qualifications

Qualifications % of staff

Undergraduate degree or diploma 100

Postgraduate degree 0

Professional learning and teacher accreditation

The focus for professional learning throughout 2017was to provide multiple opportunities for teachercollaboration and 'on the job' learning. We usedallocated staff development days and staff meetings tolearning something new, and then we strengthened ourunderstanding by implementing new ideas in theclassrooms. Professional learning was linked to theschool's Strategic Directions and teachers'Performance and Development plans.  We had oneteacher successfully complete their maintenance ofaccreditation and another (beginning teacher) collectevidence of proficiency to achieve their accreditation.

This year, the staff have been involved in ongoingprofessional learning about the followingconcepts: Student Wellbeing, understanding the impactof trauma on learning, managing actual and potentialaggression, effective teaching practices that acceleratelearning, how the brain learns most effectively, trackingstudent growth in Literacy andNumeracy, understanding the Numeracy Continuumand effective programming to provide clarity forstudents and to differentiate learning for student needs.

Staff at Henty Public School also underwentmandatory professional learning in Code of Conduct,Child Protection and Mandatory Reporting, CPR,Anaphylaxis, e–Emergency care and the Performanceand Development Framework.

Financial information (for schoolsfully deployed to SAP/SALM)

Financial summary

The information provided in the financial summaryincludes reporting from 1 January 2017 to 31December 2017. 

2017 Actual ($)

Opening Balance 236,181

Revenue 1,557,877

Appropriation 1,490,306

Sale of Goods and Services 9,317

Grants and Contributions 55,466

Gain and Loss 0

Other Revenue 0

Investment Income 2,788

Expenses -1,504,961

Recurrent Expenses -1,504,961

Employee Related -1,352,065

Operating Expenses -152,896

Capital Expenses 0

Employee Related 0

Operating Expenses 0



Balance Carried Forward 289,097

During 2017, Henty Public School underwent thefollowing financial management processes: • Audit – A full three day financial and compliance

audit which showed that the school’s financialmanagement processes and governancestructures met all financial policy requirements.

• Underspending of available funds – Spendingpatterns in 2017 reflect a pattern ofunderspending due to the changing nature ofleadership over the past few years. Also, it hasbeen a learning period about effective use offinances and tracking spending using the newSAP system. 

Funds available in 2018 will be utilised to achieve thefollowing: • Purchase additional learning support staff to

address learning needs of students with a focusupon early intervention.

• Purchase resources needed and work with assetsteam to re–purpose the existing art room into amulti–purpose or additional classroom space toensure optimal use of this underutilised space.

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• Additional play equipment in the lunch area whichwill double as an outdoor learning space and ashaded lunch eating area for students and thebroader school community.

The three financial summary tables cover 13months(from 1 December 2016 to 31 December 2017).

The financial summary consists of school incomebroken down by funding source and is derived from theschool Annual Financial Statement.

Financial summary equity funding

The equity funding data is the main component of the'Appropriation' section of the financial summary above. 

2017 Actual ($)

Base Total 1,032,421

Base Per Capita 17,728

Base Location 12,153

Other Base 1,002,541

Equity Total 69,919

Equity Aboriginal 11,357

Equity Socio economic 39,232

Equity Language 0

Equity Disability 19,331

Targeted Total 101,141

Other Total 32,079

Grand Total 1,235,561

Figures presented in this report may be subject torounding so may not reconcile exactly with the bottomline totals, which are calculated without any rounding. 

A full copy of the school's financial statement is tabledat the annual general meetings of the parent and/orcommunity groups. Further details concerning thestatement can be obtained by contacting the school.

School performance


In the National Assessment Program, the results acrossthe Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 literacy andnumeracy assessments are reported on a scale fromBand 1 to Band 10. The achievement scalerepresents increasing levels of skillsand understandings demonstrated in theseassessments. Assessments in Year 3 encompassbands from 1 to 6 and assessments in Year 5encompass bands from 3 to 8.

Students achieved well in the areas of Reading andGrammar & Punctuation whereby students in the toptwo bands (proficiency) in Reading for Years 3 and 5were 63.7% and 40% respectively. Students in the toptwo bands (proficiency) in Grammar & Punctuation forYears 3 and 5 were 65.2% and 38.3% respectively.Particularly pleasing was student growth in Readingfrom Year 3 to Year 5 where 68.4% of students grewequal to or greater than expected growth.

In 2018, there will be a focus upon reviewing andimproving whole school practices in Writing, whereNAPLAN results reflected an under–representation ofstudents in the proficiency bands (Writing Year 3 –24.7% and Year 5 – 5%)

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Students performed adequately in the Numeracytesting in 2017 with 37.2% of students in Year 3 and25% of students in Year 5 achieving results in the toptwo bands (proficiency). 52.6% of students in Year 5achieved greater than or equal to the expected growthbetween year 3 and year 5. Year 3 students achievedtheir best results in the areas of Number, Patterns &Algebra whilst Year 5 students achieved their bestresults in the areas of Data, Measurement, Space &Geometry.

In 2018, there will be a focus upon reviewing andimproving whole school practices in building solidNumeracy foundations.

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The My School website provides detailed informationand data for national literacy and numeracy testing.Click on the link http://www.myschool.edu.au and insertour school name in the Find a school and select GO toaccess the school data for Henty Public School.

The Premier's Priority: Improving education results and

State Priorities: Better services – Improving Aboriginaleducation outcomes provides focus for our school toensure that Aboriginal students experience high levelsof success in their education as measured by NAPLAN.Whilst Aboriginal Student numbers at Henty PublicSchool are too small to report as a cohort, we arepleased with individual results and have pinpointedfuture actions to support continued academic successfor these students. 

Parent/caregiver, student, teachersatisfaction

Throughout 2017, the school sought the opinions ofparents, carers, students and staff utilising forums,surveys, interviews, phone calls and staff meetings tounderstand the level of satisfaction experienced bythese groups.

Parents are supportive of existing programs at theschool including debating and public speaking, musicand band, the whole school values approach, sport,fitness and leadership development and havediscussed ideas and ways in which these activitiescould be reviewed and strengthened. They are alsoactively involved in open days, P&C events andfundraising ventures, and are happy to volunteer timeto support class learning. Parents who completed theTell Them from Me survey rated the school againsttheir perceptions of their children's experiences athome and school in the seven areas of: schoolinclusivity, school safety, support of positive behaviour,support of student learning, effective communication,school openness, and support for learning at home.Henty Public School rated higher than the stateaverage for all areas (with exception of school safety)and reflected the positive school culture that currentlyexists.

Teachers reflected upon teacher satisfaction in 2017via staff development days, staff meetings, surveys,informal discussions and as part of the school'sPerformance and Development processes. Overall,satisfaction was high with some work to be donesupporting teachers more consistently and effectivelyvia feedback, lesson observations and mentoring.Teachers were keen to keep focusing on areas ofstrength in the 2015–2017 Strategic Plan and reframesome new processes to ensure we focused uponcontinual improvement and growth.

Students expressed their opinion throughout the yearthrough discussions with leaders, student interviewsand the Tell Them from Me surveys in Term 1 and 3,2017. Students are engaged in their learning andextra–curricular experiences as evidenced through theTell Them from Me survey which reflected that: 100%students participated in sports and extra–curricularactivities such as band, debating, public speaking,dance, singing, etc. The report also showed amongstother things that: Students have friends at our schoolthey can trust and who encourage them to makepositive choices, they believe that schooling is useful intheir everyday life and will have a strong bearing ontheir future and they try hard to succeed in their

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learning. Students are always welcomed to discuss anyissues or ideas that they have with their teachers andthe principal. In some instances these discussions havebrought about changes in policy or procedures. 

Policy requirements

Aboriginal education

The education of Aboriginal students and thedeveloping of knowledge and understanding ofAboriginal culture is an important aspect of our school.In 2017, Henty Public School received a small amountof Aboriginal background funding to support the schoolto improve learning and wellbeing outcomes for eachstudent.

The school addressed Aboriginal Education bydeveloping personalised learning plans for Aboriginalstudents and, planning and teaching units of learningwhich addressed Aboriginal histories, texts andperspectives. 

The students and staff observe annual Indigenouscelebrations and acknowledge the culture and spiritualties of the Wiradjuri people to the land upon which ourschool is built, with ‘Welcome to Country’ duringcelebrations and assemblies throughout the year. Theversion of our National Anthem sung at fortnightlyassemblies incorporates a more indigenous musicalarrangement. 

NAIDOC week was celebrated with a variety ofactivities being offered for student learning andcommunity participation. Harmony Day was celebratedby all students to acknowledge the growing diversity ofthe school. Students led activities which focused uponthe importance of respecting diversity and differencewhere held throughout the day. 

Henty Public School values reconciliation and has hada clear Reconciliation Action Plan over the last threeyears. A plan will be developed in 2018 to ensure thatin future years, it remains a focus across the schoolcommunity. 

Multicultural and anti-racism education

In 2017 multi–cultural and anti–racism education wereembedded directly into the school wide programs ofPeer Support and Positive Behaviour for Learning.

Each week the students participated in learningexperiences that addressed the school values ofresponsibility, respect and learning. The students wereled by Year Six leaders and engaged in explicit gamesand activities that were based on values education. Theschool has continued to review its teaching andlearning programs to ensure that culturally inclusiveclassroom and school practices are embedded for allstudents. The school has an anti–racism officer who istrained to support the school community to address anyissues or incidents if they arise.

The cultural diversity of our nation continues to be

recognised and celebrated in the school across multipleKey Learning Areas (KLA’s). Harmony Day wascelebrated by students by learning inclusiveness,respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless ofcultural or linguistic background, united by a set of coreAustralian values.

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