2017 College And Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI)...with a similar score history. •This...


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2017 College and Career Ready

Performance Index (CCRPI)

Elementary Scoring

Middle Scoring

High School Scoring

Achievement Scoring

How does Georgia Milestones affect the CCRPI? Content Mastery: • 40% x 50 = .40 x 50 = 20 • 4 indicators (8 indicators HS at 2.5 points each)

• ELA = 3/8* of 20 = 7.5 points • Math = 3/8* of 20 = 7.5 points • Science = 1/8* of 20 = 2.5 points • Social Studies = 1/8* of 20 = 2.5 points

Students Scoring at • Level 1 receive 0 points (Beginning) • Level 2 receive 0.5 points (Developing) • Level 3 receive 1 point (Proficient) • Level 4 receive 1.5 points (Distinguished)

Progress Scoring

• A student growth percentile (SGP) describes a student’s growth relative to academically-similar students. • Academically-similar students are other students across Georgia

with a similar score history.

• This ensures a student’s starting point is considered when measuring his or her growth.

• Growth percentiles range from 1 to 99. • Lower percentiles indicate lower academic growth and higher

percentiles indicate higher academic growth .

• Uses two years of prior scores, when available. Retest data is not included.

• All students, regardless of their prior achievement level, have the opportunity to demonstrate all levels of growth.

2017 SGP = 1 2016 Grade 4 Math EOG Score = 715 (Distinguished) 2017 Grade 5 Math EOG Score = 569 (Proficient)

All students can demonstrate all levels of growth – regardless of their achievement level

2017 SGP = 99 2016 Grade 4 Math EOG Score = 715 (Distinguished) 2017 Grade 5 Math EOG Score = 725 (Distinguished)

2017 SGP = 1 2016 Grade 4 Math EOG Score = 423 (Beginning) 2017 Grade 5 Math EOG Score = 391 (Beginning)

2017 SGP = 99 2016 Grade 4 Math EOG Score = 423 (Beginning) 2017 Grade 5 Math EOG Score = 564 (Proficient)

Growth and Prior Achievement Georgia 5th Grade Students

2017 Mathematics Performance

Growth | Student’s 2017 Growth Percentiles-5th Grade Math EOG






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Student Growth Levels

• Low (1-34), Typical (35-65), and High (66-99)

• Levels were set using information about the relationship between student growth and status-based achievement • A student who demonstrates low growth generally will

regress academically (i.e., not maintain his/her current level of achievement)

• A student who demonstrates typical growth generally will maintain or improve academically

• A student who demonstrates high growth generally will make greater improvement academically


2017 CCRPI District

2015 State 2015

District 2016

State 2016

District 2017

State 2017

District Difference

State Difference

Elementary 80.3 76.0 75.6 71.7 76.3 72.9 0.7 1.2

Middle 74.8 71.2 73.4 71.5 70.0 73.0 -3.4 1.5

High School 72.5 75.8 73.1 75.7 77.9 77.0 4.8 1.3

Total 77.8 75.5 75.3 73.6 76.4 75.0 1.1 1.4

2015 2016 2017* Difference A.L. Burruss 66.4 75.3 73.3 -2.0 Dunleith 76.3 64.0 65.7 1.7 Hickory Hills 77.5 66.1 74.3 8.2 Lockheed 80.1 70.9 65.6 -5.3 MCAA 105 102.5 104.7 2.2 Park Street 65.4 64.6 74.8 10.2 Sawyer Road 73 75.6 82 6.4 West Side 88.4 95.1 89.9 -5.2 MSGA 85.2 80.1 71.8 -8.3 MMS 68.7 71.6 69.6 -2.2 MHS 72.5 73.6 78.4 4.8

2017 CCRPI

2015 2016 2017 Difference Achievement 42 42.7 42.3 -0.4

Progress 36.5 37.9 37.8 -0.1

Achievement Gap 7.5 10 6.7 -3.3

ED/EL/SWD 1.4 3 1.6 -1.4

ETB 1 1.5 1.5 0

Climate 4 5 4 -1 Star

CCRPI Score 88.4 95.1 89.9 -5.2

District 2015

State 2015

District 2016

State 2016

District 2017

State 2017

District Difference

State Difference

Elementary 80.3 76.0 75.6 71.7 76.3 72.9 0.7 1.2

Middle 74.8 71.2 73.4 71.5 70.0 73.0 -3.4 1.5

High School 72.5 75.8 73.1 75.7 77.9 77.0 4.8 1.3

Total 77.8 75.5 75.3 73.6 76.4 75.0 1.1 1.4

This table is for you to put your school’s CCRPI data in.

Why is this relevant today?

• Students’ 2016-2017 Georgia Milestone scores contribute to the Progress Points for FY18. Growth from 2017-2018 will be calculated from the 2016-2017 Georgia Milestone scores for grades 4 - HS.

• Your Georgia Milestones predictor scores from MAP can help guide what your Achievement Points could be as NWEA MAP has a 84% to 88% consistency rate.

• This information can be found in SLDS as Georgia Milestones and NWEA MAP scores are populated in SLDS.


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NWEA MAP Student Profile Report

• Student Growth Goal Setting

• Create an action plan based on real time data – see next slide

NWEA MAP Student Profile Report

• Georgia Milestones Linking Study Prediction for student

• Create an action plan

Principal Share

• Matt Freeman

• Susan Graves

• Kristen Beaudin

2018 College and Career Ready

Performance Index (CCRPI)

Proposed Overall Key Changes

Emphasis on student growth and improvement: Progress

and Content Mastery

Each indicator and component reported on 100-point


ELA & Math will make up 75% of Content Mastery points

Progress & Closing the Gaps components will account for

50% of elementary and middle school and 40% of the

high school CCRPI score.

Exceeding the Bar is indicators have been eliminated.


The number of indicators have been reduced at each level.

School Level Previously Now

Elementary 21 11

Middle School 19 11

High School 30 15

Components for 2018

Overall Scoring





Middle School


High School


Content Mastery 30 30 30

Progress 35 35 30

Closing Gaps 15 15 10

Readiness 20 20 15

Graduation Rate * * 15

Content Mastery Scoring (30, 30, 30)

Are students achieving at the level necessary to be

prepared for the next grade, college, or career?

• Content Areas: ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies

• 95% participation rate

• FAY = Enrolled in 65% of the course

Points are earned in this way:

Beginner = 0 points

Developing = .5 points

Proficient = 1.0 point

Distinguished = 1.5 points

Progress Scoring (35, 35, 30)

How much growth are students demonstrating relative to academically-similar students?

Student Growth Percentiles in ELA and Math only = 90% SGP 1-29 = 0 points

SGP 30-40 = .5 points

SGP 41-65 = 1.0 point

SGP 66-99 = 1.5 points

ELLs: Band Progress on ACCESS for ELLs = 10% Progress towards English language proficiency

No progress = 0 points

Less than one band = .5 points

Growth of one band = 1.0 point

Growth of more than one band = 1.5 points

Student Growth Percentiles (SGP)

SGPs are used to measure the progress in ELA and mathematics

SGP Growth Levels

• Low growth students (1-34) struggle to maintain their academic status

• Typical growth students (35-65) maintain or improve their academic status

• High growth students (66-99) make greater improvements in their academic status

2017 SGP = 1 2016 Grade 4 Math EOG Score = 715 (Distinguished) 2017 Grade 5 Math EOG Score = 569 (Proficient)

All students can demonstrate all levels of growth – regardless of their achievement level

2017 SGP = 99 2016 Grade 4 Math EOG Score = 715 (Distinguished) 2017 Grade 5 Math EOG Score = 725 (Distinguished)

2017 SGP = 1 2016 Grade 4 Math EOG Score = 423 (Beginning) 2017 Grade 5 Math EOG Score = 391 (Beginning)

2017 SGP = 99 2016 Grade 4 Math EOG Score = 423 (Beginning) 2017 Grade 5 Math EOG Score = 564 (Proficient)

Growth and Prior Achievement Georgia 5th Grade Students

2017 Mathematics Performance

Growth | Student’s 2017 Growth Percentiles-5th Grade Math EOG






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Closing the Gaps (15, 15, 10)

Are all students and all student subgroups making improvements in achievement rates?

• Improvement targets will be set for each school and all subgroups, (ED, EL, SWD, ethnic groups).

• The improvement targets will be based on the prior year’s performance. The annual target is a gain not an absolute number; thus, it allows schools to start fresh each year and encourages a continued focus on improvement.

• School- and district-targets based on 3% of the gap between baseline achievement rates (2017) and 100% • (e.g. 100% - 60% achievement = 40% gap x 0.03 = 1.2 points)

• ED/EL/SWD subgroups can earn 1.5 points for a 6% or higher improvement


• Flags will be awarded for each subgroup and subject with the following point values:

Subgroup Performance Flag Point-Value

Did not improve RED 0.0

Improved but missed target YELLOW 0.5

Met target GREEN 1.0

Readiness Scoring (20, 20, 15)

Are students participating in activities preparing them for and demonstrating readiness for the next level, college, or career?

• Elementary and MS = Foundational skills (Literacy skills)

• Beyond the Core: % of students earning credit in fine arts and world language

• % of students demonstrating reading comprehension at or above lower bound of “stretch” Lexile band

• Attendance: % of students absent less than 10% of enrolled days

• Accelerated: % of graduates earning credit for IB, AP, Dual Enrollment

• Pathway Completion: % of graduates completing an advanced academic CTAE, fine arts, or world language pathway

Readiness Areas

Readiness Literacy Indicator

• New Lexile Targets





New Lexile Target:

Mid-Points of the

College & Career Ready

“Stretch” Lexile Bands

Spring 2017 EOG

Lexile vs. Spring

2017 MAP Lexile

Grade 3 650 670 + 35.6

Grade 4 -- 840 + 78.3

Grade 5 850 920 + 132.0

Grade 6 -- 997 + 100.3

Grade 7 -- 1045 + 145.0

Grade 8 1050 1097 + 131.6

9th Literature -- 1155 + 223.1 (340 students)

American Literature 1275 1285 Too few students

NWEA MAP Lexile would be considered more rigorous than the Georgia Milestones.

Graduation Rate Scoring (0, 0, 15)

Are students graduating from high school with a regular diploma in four or five years?

• Still includes four and five-year adjusted cohort graduation rates, but elementary and middle school component no longer included

• Calculation: # of students who graduate with regular diploma

# of students in the adjusted cohort

Overall Scoring





Middle School


High School


Content Mastery 30 30 30

Progress 35 35 30

Closing Gaps 15 15 10

Readiness 20 20 15

Graduation Rate * * 15

School Climate

Schools will still received a 1-5-star rating based on the following four components:

• 1) student, teacher, and parent perceptions of a school’s climate

• 2) student discipline

• 3) a safe and substance-free learning environment

• 4) student attendance

Additional Scoring Information

Challenge Points • ED/EL/SWD Performance will not be included.

• Exceeding the Bar indicators will not be included.

Extra Points • Extra points will be earned in Content Mastery and Progress.

Student Attendance • Attendance will be calculated using a nationally-utilized metric-

absent less than 10% of enrolled days.

Closing Gaps • Closing Gaps will utilize progress towards meeting achievement

improvement targets.

How can we use this information?

Use Achievement Level Descriptors to determine what students must know and be able to do

Milestones Resources

• Use the state assessment guides and study guides to determine how to teach the standards.

Collaborative Activity

• How to use the SLDS to identify students connected to MAP to help predict ACT/EOG/CCRPI scores for Spring 2018.

• Login to SLDS through Aspen (see next slides).

• Questions to consider

• Where do my students fall?

• College predictor (ACT)?

• End of Grade (EOG)?

• What intentional action do you see for these students?

• Is there a teacher concern?

• What are my next steps?

Finding MAP in the SLDS through Aspen

• Step 1 • Step 2

• Step 3 • ACT Predictor • EOG Predictor • NPR Results

Impersonating a Teacher in SLDS

• Step 1

• Scroll down to bottom of page

• Step 2

• Click on…

• Step 3

• Pick a teacher

• Step 4

• Scroll down and click on…

Collaborative Activity

• How to use the SLDS to identify students connected to MAP to help predict ACT/EOG/CCRPI scores?

• Login to SLDS through Aspen (see next slides).

• Questions to consider

• Where do my students fall?

• College predictor (ACT)?

• End of Grade (EOG)?

• What intentional action do you see for these students?

• Is there a teacher concern?

• What are my next steps?
