2017 Camino Brochure · like Lisbon, Porto and Pontevedra, the Camino Portuguese also includes many...


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2 0 1 7C A M I N O D E S A N T I A G OT H E P O R T U G U E S E C O A S T A L R O U T E

Walk the Camino in 2017 and help raise vital funds for St James's Hospital

1 9 T H - 2 6 T H A U G U S T 2 0 1 7


The 1000 year old pilgrimage to the shrine of St. James in the Cathedral ofSantiago de Compostela is known in English as the Way of St. James and inGalician as the Camiño de Santiago and is one of the most famous pilgrimagewalks in the world.

Over 100,000 pilgrims travel to the city each year from points all over Europe,and from other parts of the world.

SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELASantiago de Compostela is the capital of northwest Spain’s Galicia region. It’sknown as the culmination of the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route, and thealleged burial site of the Biblical apostle St. James.

His remains reputedly lie within the Cathedral de Santiago de Compostela,consecrated in 1211, whose elaborately carved stone facades open onto grandplazas within the medieval walls of the old town.


The Camino Portugues or "Portuguese Way"

spans from Lisbon to Santiago.

It is a rewarding challenge that will bring you

through some of the most stunning scenery in

Portugal & Northern Spain.

It is a remarkable journey, crossing some of the

most beautiful parts of North Portugal and South

Galicia. Amid the clear blue waters of Baiona,

where Christopher Columbus arrived with good

news of the discovery of America, this Camino is

drenched in history!

Our route starts in the small town of Oia, you will

be walking along some of the most stunning

beaches in Galicia.

Boasting stunning coastlines and fantastic cities

like Lisbon, Porto and Pontevedra, the Camino

Portuguese also includes many important

pilgrimage towns such as Tui. Some of the most

beautiful, sandy beaches in the world can be

found whilst walking the Camino Portuguese.

All along the Camino Portuguese you will taste

some of the best food and wine Portugal and

Spain have to offer.

You will stay each night in carefully selected and

regularly evaluated accommodation.

The Portuguese Way is an authentic and

culturally rich experience and one not to be



Day 2: Oia to Baiona (5hr/20km)

From Oia, you will walk along a coastal footpath away

from the main road. After 10km you will then continue

along gorgeous coast line on boardwalk with stunning

views on the Atlantic Ocean and the Cies islands.

Day 3: Baiona to Vigo (6.5hr/23km)

The way out of the gorgeous town of Baiona will keep

you along sandy beach for most of the day. You will

have regular opportunities to stop in a local cafe along

the beach. You will then enter a typical Galician

entrance of Vigo and maze of streets before entering

Vigo via its wide sandy beach.

Day 4: Redondela to Pontevedra (5hr/19km)

Leaving Redondela, which is known as the Village of

Viaducts due to the two 19th Century railroad viaducts

in the town, you will proceed to the village of Arcade.

 From here you will cross a Romanesque bridge which

is where Napoleon was defeated by the Spanish

during the War of Independence.  Arriving into

Pontevedra you will head through the narrow streets

before reaching the 13th Century church of Santa


From Pontevedra the Camino runs parallel to the

railway whilst passing chestnut groves. Continuing

through the hamlet of Ponte Cabras you will come

upon the rectory of Santa Maria de Alba which is

nestled among eucalyptus and pine trees.  Leaving the

thick woods of Lombo da Maceira you will be greeted

by a statue of Saint James the pilgrim with his staff

pointing the way ahead.

Day 6: Caldas de Rei to Padron (6.5hr/25km)

Leaving the roman influenced town of Caldas De Rei

behind you will cross the river Umia via a bridge that

will lead you to a fountain of hot spring water for which

the town is famous. The Camino then enters a wood to

ascend gently to the hamlet of Santa Marina, before

then going downhill to cross the river Fontenlo.

 Following the pine tree lined Camino you will then

return to the river as you arrive into Padron which is

famous for being the first land sighted by the ship

bearing the body of Saint James.

Day 7: Padron to Santiago (5hr/20km)

Today the Camino goes through many small villages

and hamlets to arrive at the Baroque sanctuary of A

Esclavitude. Passing by the ruins of Castro Lupario,

home to legendary Queen Lupa who is said to have

provided the oxen to pull the cart carrying the remains

of Saint James to Santiago. It is now that you will get

your first glimpse of the towers of the Cathedral in

Santiago.   Finally the Camino goes by the ruins of a

castle known as A Rocha Vella, before arriving into the

city of the Apostle. Congratulations...you made it!

Day 5: Pontevedra to Caldas de Rei (5hr/21km)

Day 1: Dublin to Oia

After our flight to Santiago, we will be transferred to

Oia, where we will spend the night. Get a good sleep

as our Camino de Santiago begins the next morning!

Day 8: Santiago de Compostela

Following breakfast there will be an opportunity to

explore the old city of Santiago and get your

‘Compostela’ certificate before our transfer to the

airport to catch our flight back to Dublin.

2017 CAMINOCOSTSThe total cost to take part in the 2017 Camino de Santiago is €1950 andthis is made up of two elements:

1. The tour itself costs €950. This includes flights and alsoaccommodation on a half board basis. (Includes Depositof €200)

2. The Fundraising target is €1000 and you can decide whatarea of the hospital this goes to.

Avail of our fundraising discount by signing up a friend. This willreduce your fundraising target by €100.


Please Note: This discount offer is only available to participants who signup a friend who has not taken part in a previous St James's HospitalCamino Challenge.


To confirm your place on the

2017 Camino Challenge, you

will need to:

Booking your place

Complete and return the

registration form (included).

Pay your €200 non­

refundable deposit.

Fundraising Target

The total cost of the challengeis €1950.

This includes a fundraisingtarget of €1000.

Please note that the full cost ofthe challenge must be paidbefore the 1st of August2017. 

Unfortunately,if the full amountis not paid by this date, youmay lose your place on the trip.

Fundraising Support

Our fundraising team will

happily work with you to

provide any advice and support

that you may need. Including:

Sponsor Cards

Online fundraising page.

Fundraising materials.

Training Food

Walking can be strenuous in

any weather and you must

ensure that you are in good

health and fit enough to


You will be walking for up to 6

hours a day so strong legs and

good cardiovascular fitness is

highly recommended.

We will also provide you with a

training guide to help you

prepare for the trip.

Support Team

We will have a trained guide

with us throughout the trip. A

member of the St James's

Hospital Foundation team will

also be present to provide extra

support. The following is also


Daily luggage transfer.

First Aid support.


3 star hotel accommodation is

provided on every night of the

trip. Rooms are shared twin

rooms. If you are travelling with

a friend please inform us so

that we can allocate you a

room together.

A small number of single rooms

are available and these are on

a first come ­ first served basis.

There is an additional

supplement for these rooms.

We are staying in the hotels on

a half board basis so breakfast

and dinner are included.

Lunch and snacks are not

included so you will need to

make sure that you carry

money with you during the



We will be flying with Aer


Sat, 19th August: DepartsDublin at 13:05 Arrives

Santiago at 16:20

Sat, 26th August: DepartsSantiago at 17:00 Arrives

Dublin at 18:10 


At this time of year, the weather

is quite pleasant and sunny

with temperatures not

exceeding 25 degrees.

However; you should prepare

for all weather. Waterproofs,

 hat and sunblock are


Travel Insurance is not

provided and it is mandatory.

You must show proof of cover.

Personal spending money and

lunch each day is not included.

Not Included

Cycle for Physiotherapy

Joanne McMahon's "Thanks GivingFundraiser" for National Burns Unit

In May, 2016 our annual cycleraised over €16,000 for ourPhysiotherapy Department.

Joanne McMahon organised a string of fundraisingevents to raise money for the National Burns Unithere in St James's Hospital. All expectations wereblown out of the water when we were presentedwith the staggering sum of €210,000. This was amomentous occasion for St James's Hospital andJoanne was officially recognised at the 2016 Prideof Ireland Awards when she was named Fundraiserof the Year.

Golf for OccupationalTherapyIn September, our annual golfclassic raised over €34,000 for ourOccupational Therapy.

H O W F U N D R A I S I N G I S H E L P I N G U S T R A N S F O R M P A T I E N T C A R E I N S T J A M E S ' S H O S P I T A L

Liberties Fun Run forGUIDe Clinic Almost 1000 participants took part in our annualLiberties Fun Run. Thanks to them and oursponsors, we raised over €50,000 for the GUIDeClinic in St James's Hospital.

Race Day for Brain DiseaseIn February, our annual raceday raised over €20,000 forour Brain Disease Appeal.


Conditions of Entry:

We require a non-refundable deposit of €200 to be paid on registration. Inaddition, you undertake to raise a minimum of €1000 in sponsorship.

1. If you are unable to meet the minimum fundraising target, you will forfeit yourplace. However; you are allowed to make up the difference yourself.

2. Should you, for any reason, not take up your place on the trip, all sponsorshipcards and money collected must be returned to St James’s Hospital Foundation.

3. If you are over 65 years of age, you must have written clearance from yourdoctor.

4. Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of your returnto Ireland.

5. You must agree not to do anything that will bring St James’s Hospital intodisrepute.

6. All funds raised should be made payable to St James’s Hospital Foundation.

7. All participants take part at their own risk and St James's Hospital Foundationis unable to accept liability for any loss, damage or cancellation of the event forany reason.

8. St James's Hospital Foundation reserves the right to decline an application.

Please note all accommodation is twin sharingDo you have a preference for who to share with?

If yes, please specify name: ___________________

If you do not wish to share, there is an additionalsingle supplement charge.

Are you happy with this? Yes No



Full Name: (As per passport) _________________________________

Address: _________________________________



Phone Number: _________________________________

Mobile Phone Number: _________________________________

Email Address: _________________________________

Date of Birth: _________________________________

Passport Details:

Passport Number: _________________________________

Nationality: _________________________________

Place of Issue: _________________________________

Date Issued: _________________________________

Date of Expiry: _________________________________

Medical Details:

Special Dietary Requirements: _______________________________

Medical Conditions/Allergies: _______________________________


Emergency Contact Details:

Name: _________________________________

Mobile Phone Number: _________________________________

Home Phone Number: _________________________________

Email Address: _________________________________

Do you have Travel Insurance? Yes No

To sign up for the 2017 Camino Challenge, please complete this registration form and return it to usalong with your deposit of €200.

SJH Official Camino Trek T-Shirt

Please select required size

Small Medium Large XL

Payment Details:

I enclose a cheque for €200 made payable to St

James's Hospital Foundation.

Please deduct €200 from my (Tick card type)


Name on Card: _________________________________

Card Number: _________________________________

Expiry Date: ____________ CVV No: ______________

Declaration: I have fully read & agree to theconditions as outlined above.

Signed: _______________________________

Date: _______________________________
