2016.08.03.001 Sales Audit SlideShare


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XXXXXXSmarter Moves With Better Insight

Do You Have a Winning Sales Team?

Four Key Concerns for Sales Leaders

1.We are losing deals. What’s wrong — my

product or my sales people?

Four Key Concerns for Sales Leaders

1. 2.We are losing deals. What’s wrong — my

product or my sales people?

We missed our target

third quarter in a row. Why?

Four Key Concerns for Sales Leaders

1. 2. 3.We are losing deals. What’s wrong — my

product or my sales people?

We missed our target

third quarter in a row. Why?

Why are my sales team in the

office and not out talking to


XXXXXXFour Key Concerns for Sales Leaders

4.1. 2. 3.We are losing deals. What’s wrong — my

product or my sales people?

We missed our target

third quarter in a row. Why?

Why are my sales team in the

office and not out talking to


Why are my competitors’ rookies beat-

ing my seasoned salespeople?

Customers Are Spending Less Yet Demanding More

While CEOs have returned to their pre-recession expectations of growth, customers are spending less than in previous years,

asking for greater customisation.

DeManDIng MoreSpenDing leSS

CEB, Driving Sales Transformation, 2014CEB, MLC Customer Purchase Research Survey, 2011

Sales Organisations Are Reporting Changes to Sales Cycles

78% 61% 57%have more people

involved in decisionsreport longer time

to sale closurebuyers are delaying

contact with you and your team until later in the purchasing process

CEB, Hiring Challenges in Today’s Sales Environment, 2013

Over a Third of Current Sales Teams Are Unable to Adapt to These Changes

This means that what gave you sales growth in the past may not do in the future.

CEB, CLC Survey of Talent Assessment Decision Makers, 2012

Sales Leaders Have an Unclear View of Talent Within the Organisation


only 18% of business leaders know if they have the right people to execute their strategy.

CEB, CLC Survey of Talent Assessment Decision Makers, 2012

Sales Leaders Have an Unclear View of Talent Within the Organisation


82%Don’T KnoW

only 18% of business leaders know if they have the right people to execute their strategy.

82% do not know how their best talent stacks up against competitors.

Source: CEB, The Analytics Era: How Talent Analytics is Transforming HR’s Impact on the Business

People Decisions Are Still Being Made on Intuition

Percentage of business executives who use data for making talent decisions

Although intuition can add value to people decisions, over reliance on this exposes the organisation to a number of risks with long term consequences.

75%InTuITIon aLone


CEB, Sales Culture, 2013

Sales Talent May Be Misaligned To Future Success

Most sales climates are aligned to the sales environment that was successful in the past, and are not fit for the future.

82%in a process driven climate

CEB, Global Labor Market Survey, 2013

it Could Mean You’re losing Both Sales and good Sales People…

SaLeS PeoPLe




Human Resources



H e





Sales teams lag behind other functions in terms of working

harder and intent to stay.

CEB Sales Leadership Council, Sales Transformation Survey, 2013

…Which Will Ultimately Cost Your Business Money

9% 3%Lower

Discretionary effort

Lower Total Sales


CEB, Sales & Service data, 2012

The Hidden Cost of a Single Failed Sales Manager

£2.5 million £ $ €

The cost of a single failed sales manager can be as high as £2.5million calculating direct and indirect costs including:

1. Lost productivity

2. Poor team engagement

3. Lacklustre customer


4. Recruitment, salary and


CEB Talent Measurement 2013 Business Outcomes Study Report

More informed Decisions about Your Sales people Drive Tangible Business results

high scoring telecom sales associates achieve over

£1 million more sales per year.

£2 million saved through reduced sales employee

turnover, unscheduled leave and non-starters.

retail sales people achieve 19% more sales per month

and a potential extra £46 million annually.

£1million million million

£2 £46

gain the Insight you need by Assessing your Sales Team for Today’s requirements

Use objective assessment to harness the effectiveness of your sales talent

gain insight into your sales team’s strengths,

weaknesses and potential

Identify sales gaps and themes at an individual and organisational level

Compare your sales people externally against industry and

geographical benchmarks

Three Key Recommendations to Help You Strengthen Your Competitive advantage

uncover the key qualities that make

your salespeople successful


Three Key Recommendations to Help You Strengthen Your Competitive advantage

uncover the key qualities that make

your salespeople successful

use objective assessment to find

out who’s really right for your organisation and how they compare

with the best sales talent in the market

1. 2.

Three Key Recommendations to Help You Strengthen Your Competitive advantage

uncover the key qualities that make

your salespeople successful

Discover what motivates your individual sales

professionals and use this information

to drive stronger results

use objective assessment to find

out who’s really right for your organisation and how they compare

with the best sales talent in the market

1. 2. 3.


Begin today with our Sales Audit Find out who you need to help you dominate the sales board and win the game.


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