2016 ANU6N1L 2016 ANNUAL REPORT - Frederik Meijer …Compre… · 2016 ANU6N1L2016 ANNUAL REPORT...


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Frede r i k Me i je r G arde n s & Sc u l pt u re Par k

• Webelieveinaguestexperiencethatisenjoyable,inspiringandrewarding.

• Weembracecuriosityandwonderinallaspectsoftheguestexperience.

• Webelieveinaccessiblefacilities,grounds,programsandcommunications.

• Webelieveinapositiveandcollaborativeworkenvironment.

• Webelieveinavisualpresentationbasedonquality,attentiontodetailandintentionaldesign.

• Westrivetoberecognizedasoneofthefinestculturalinstitutionsintheworld.

• Webelieveinbeingleaderswithinthecultural,artandhorticulturecommunitiesweserve.

• Webelieveinfosteringdiversity,respect,creativityandprofessionalism.

• WebelieveinvaluingandpreservingourhistorytohighlighttheextraordinarystoryofMeijerGardens.

• Webelieveincleanandsafefacilitiesandgrounds.

• Webelieveinbeinggoodstewardsofthenaturalenvironment.

• WebelieveinfinancialstabilityandsustainabilitytoassurethatMeijerGardenscanbeenjoyedbyfuturegenerations.

• Wehonorourdonorsandvolunteersbybeinggoodstewardsoftheirmanygifts.





A YEAR OF CHANGE, A YEAR OF GROWTHTherearemanywaystomeasuresuccess.Statistics,charts,factsandfiguresareusuallyemployedtoillustratespecificpoint—andweusethem,too.Onceagain,theBoard,thestaff,andthevolunteersofFrederikMeijerGardens&SculptureParkshareavarietyofextremelyvibrantmeasuresofsuccess,muchofwhichispresentedinthisannualreport.

However,thereisanotherdeeplymeaningfulmeasurethatIhavecometoappreciateovertheyearsinmydifferentleadershiproles:thepeople factor.Thediversetapestryofchildrenandadults,studentsandtourists,long-timemembersandfirst-timevisitors—fromacrossthecountryandaroundtheworld—combinestocreateoneofthemostengagingculturalorganizationsonecouldhopetofind.



Inadditiontoaveryhard-workingprofessionalstaffanddevotedBoardofDirectors,Imustrecognizeourbelovedvolunteerswhosupportusincountlesswaysnearlyeverydayoftheyear.Thegiftoftheirtimeandtalentshinesbrightlyinallwedo.Theyareacriticalpartofthepeople factorintheirownrightbut,beyondthat,theyreachandembracecountlessmembersandguestsatMeijerGardens—whichmakestheirvitalinfluenceontheorganizationsomethingthatsimplycannotbemeasured.




HORTICULTURE Annual Report 2016


GRACE F. JARECKI SEASONAL DISPLAY GREENHOUSEIn2016theGraceJareckiSeasonalDisplayGreenhouse,wasnewlyrefurbished.The800-square-footexpansionincludesupgradedaestheticslikemirrors,lighting,andbrickflooring,aswellasmechanicalimprovementsincludingmoreefficientventilationandautomaticshadecurtains.Theseenergysaversarecriticaltoourenvironmentalcontrolsystem,enhancingplanthealthandconservingbothenergyandfinancialresources.Alloftheseincredibleimprovementsaremadepossiblebythegenerosityofourmembers,donorsandvolunteers—thankyou.

BUTTERFLIES ARE BLOOMINGOurmostpopularannualhorticultureexhibitiontookanewnamethisyear:Fred & Dorothy Fichter Butterflies are Blooming.DuringMarchandApril,morethan177,000visitorscametoseeourmorethan7,000tropicalbutterfliestakeflightintheLenaMeijerTropicalConservatory.ThisbelovedexhibitionalsoincludedaneducationaldisplayofMichigannativeMonarchcaterpillarsintheGraceF.JareckiSeasonalDisplayGreenhouse,familyactivitiesintheLenaMeijerChildren’sGardenandcommunityeventslikeNight of the Butterflies.

CHRYSANTHEMUMS AND MORE!Asensoryfeastofcolorandculture,thepopular Chrysanthemums and More!exhibitionwelcomedmorethan96,000guests.Thousandsofchrysanthemumsfeaturedlarger-than-lifeblooms,indoorsandout,alongwithcabbage,kaleandotherautumnvegetables.EventslikeSundayMum Daydrewfamiliestoenjoyinteractiveactivities,tours,demonstrationsandvisitswithourresidenthorticulturalists.

HOLIDAY TRADITIONSTheenchantingChristmas and Holiday Traditions Around the Worlddrewmorethan79,500visitorstoexperience42culturaldisplaysdepictingfactandfolklore,alongsidestatuesqueMichigan-grownevergreensadornedandaglowwith300,000lights,indoorsandout.MorehighlightsincludedthreedisplaysmarkingtheVietnameseNewYear,theMuslimcelebrationofEidal-Fitranda14’MoravianStarilluminatingthewaterfallintheLenaMeijerTropicalConservatory.

OTHER HIGHLIGHTSTheLenaMeijerChildren’sGardenofferedkid-friendlyplantingschosenfortheirappealtothesenses.MembersandguestsalikeenjoyedspecialeventsliketheOrchidShowandMichiganAll-StateBonsaiShow,andourexperthorticulturalistsevengavepresentationsattheWestMichiganHomeandGardenShow.

Through all seasons, the Grace Jarecki Seasonal Display Greenhouse puts on a dazzling display of colors and textures.


Ben Pederson • Ron Pederson True Believers, 2016

Across generations, strong family bonds allow us to share beliefs, visions, convictions and creativity with openness and freedom.


SCULPTURE Annual Report 2016


ABOVE: Mimmo Paladino. Senza titolo (Untitled), 1993. Bronze, 43 x 20 x 26 inches. Photo courtesy of Mimmo Capone. Mimmo Paladino. Senza titolo (Untitled), 2010. Etching and aquatint, 36.5 x 54.5 inches. Photo by Chuck Heiney.

Lead Sponsor Mimmo Paladino: Present into Past is made possible by

Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts

Margy Kaye and Bill Padnos

The Louis and Helen Padnos Foundation

Botanic and Sculpture Societies of Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park

The Meijer Foundation

Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Foundation

Mimmo Paladino. Tavolo con 72 sculture (untitled), 1987-2007. Bronze, dimensions vary. Photo courtesy of artist.

PROGRAMMING PerspectivesFriday, March 11, 12 pmJohn VanderHaagen, Public Relations SpecialistRebecca Hofmann, Education Assistant Melissa Bush, Membership ManagerExplore the artwork of Mimmo Paladino with three different staff members. Meijer Gardens has a wide variety of dedicated employees; from Horticulture to Hospitality and Accounting to Audio Visual, who bring their own distinct ideas about the exhibitions and artwork on display. First to admit they may not be art experts, they still find meaning and inspiration in sculpture. If they can do it, so can you!

Lecture: Michelangelo to Paladino: Figure and Form in Italian SculptureSunday, April 17, 2 pmJoseph Becherer, Vice President and Chief CuratorItalian art offers one of the richest and most in-depth traditions in the history of art. This lecture examines Mimmo Paladino’s critical role in the ongoing development of the figurative tradition that stretches from the Classical Period through the Renaissance and continuing to the present day.

Lecture: Paladino: Art of Memory and DreamsTuesday, May 17, 7 pm Suzanne Eberle, Kendall College of Art and DesignMimmo Paladino’s art is grounded in a distant Mediterranean past, yet it is provocative and thoroughly modern. His use of symbol and metaphor asks questions of our various states of consciousness. This lecture will place Paladino’s work within a larger tradition of art that focuses on memory, dreams and nostalgia, while highlighting the work of Caspar David Friedrich and Antony Gormley, among others.

Sculpture Walk and Talk Join working artists and art historians on a walking tour of the sculpture of Mimmo Paladino and selected artwork in the Sculpture Park. Enjoy their distinctive views and insights into the artistic process, historical context, and interpretation. This program begins in the exhibition galleries and continues out of doors. Prepare for some walking, rain or shine. Participation is limited to the first 25 guests—first come, first served.

Tuesday, June 21, 6 pm Jon McDonald, Chair of Illustration, Kendall College of Art and Design

Saturday, July 9, 10:30 am Nick Antonakis, Chair of Visual Art, Grand Rapids Community College

Sunday, July 17, 2 pmAmanda Lahikainen, Assistant Professor of Art History, Aquinas College

Wednesday, August 3, 10:30 am Craig Hanson, Professor of Art History, Calvin College

Mimmo Paladino. Months for the Meijer Gardens: January, July and September, 2015. Mixed media on paper, 23 x 15 inches. Gift of the Artist. Photos by Chuck Heiney.

Italian sculptor, painter and graphic artist Mimmo Paladino

is among the innovative artists responsible for the revival of

figurative art at the end of the 20th century. He is a central

figure of the Transavantguardia movement that flourished

in the 1980s and 1990s, which sought to go beyond the

avant-garde in the use of the figure in an expressive way.

In this exhibition, exclusive to Meijer Gardens, Paladino’s

work is installed in the sculpture galleries and in the Tropical

Conservatory. In addition, the artist worked in conjunction

with our Horticulture staff to create a unique body of drawings

specific to the flora of Meijer Gardens. This exhibition is

organized in cooperation with the artist and his studio.

Paths to Sculpture Park

Tropical Conservatory




Gift Shop



16-10095_MimmoPaladinoPIPExhibitionGuide_vs3.indd 6-10 2/18/16 2:08 PM

MIMMO PALADINO: PRESENT INTO PASTFebruary 26 through August 14, 2016

Thisexhibition,theartist’sfirstintheUnitedStatesinmorethanadecade,presentedsculpturesfromacrosstheartist’srepertoireaswellasnew,never-before-seenwork.Inadditiontoobjectspresentedinthegalleries,aninstallationintheLenaMeijerTropicalConservatoryandadailyscreeningofPaladino’saward-winningfilm,Don QuixoteintheHoffmannFamilyAuditorium,thepermanentinstallationoftheiconicsculpture TanaresidesintheSculpturePark,agiftofFredandLenaMeijer.


Mimmo Paladino: Present into Past exploredPaladino’sfascinationwithhistoryandarthistory,literatureandmusic,andhishighlyinfluentialrepertoirewasoftenmysteriousandevocativeofmythsanddreams.ThisexhibitionwasuniquetoFrederikMeijerGardens&SculptureParkandwasorganizedinpartnershipwiththeartistandhisstudio.

ALMOST HOME: GRAND RAPIDS IN FOCUSSeptember 16 through December 31, 2016 (ArtPrize: Wednesday, September 21—Sunday, October 9)



Mimmo Paladino. Senza titolo (Untitled),1993. Bronze,43x20x26inches.Photo courtesy of Mimmo Capone.

Ben Pederson • Ron Pederson True Believers , 2016 (details)


PROGRAMS FOR ADULTSLifelonglearnersmakeupanimportantaudienceforus.ForthemwepresentedfourlecturesaspartoftheMasterLectureSeries—theGreatAuthorsLecturegivenbyGeoffDyer,theSculptureLecturegivenbyJennyHolzer,theWegeEnvironmentalLecturegivenbyDanielJanzenandtheSecchiaGardenLecturegivenbyKendallBrown,eachonegeneratinggreatinterestandhugeattendance.Wealsoofferedsixsuccessfulday-longbustrips,nineplantshowsincludingtheMichiganAll-StateBonsaiShow,severalpopularphotographyworkshops,dozensofgardeningclassestaughtbyseasonedprofessionals,andpublicprogramsfortheTradition and Innovation: Japanese Ceramics NowandMimmo Paladino: Present into Pastsculptureexhibitions.

PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIESProgramsforchildrenandfamiliesaddressvariousages,developmentalstages,interestsandlearningstyles.Thisaudienceenjoyeddozensofguidedspringandsummernaturewalks,Kids’TramtoursfocusedonimaginationintheSculpturePark,activity-packedthemedweekendsattheFarmGarden,andasummerfilledwithspecialguestpresentationsintheChildren’sGarden.Familiesparticipatedinour Animals AdventurescollaborationwithJohnBallZoo,our Who Am I butterfly ballet collaborationwithGrandRapidsBallet,ourinteractive Cozy Tales for Winter Days story-time presentations,andyeartwoof Tranquility Zone: A Japanese Garden Environment for Families. Waitinglistsforvirtuallyallofoursummercampsaswellasour Grandma & Me classesindicategreatpopularityandexcitementabouttheseofferings.

PROGRAMS FOR SCHOOLSProgramsforschoolsalwaysdrawthousandsofparticipants.Thisyearofferingsincluded90-minutecurriculum-relatedprogramssuchasThe Art & Science of Observation, Fitness Fun in the Sculpture Park, Wild About Wetlands, Michigan Tree Expedition and ABCs of Life on the Farm,amongothers.Guidedtoursalsoinspiredmanyteacherstobringstudentstoexperienceourpermanentcollectionsandchangingexhibitions.TheseoptionsincludedBeyond Bronze, Big Picture, Sculpture Park, Surviving the Tropics, Holiday Traditions Around the World,andJapaneseGarden.Andhands-onclassroomactivitiesthatconnectdirectlytothetourshavebecomeincreasinglypopular.ExamplesfromthisprogramcategoryincludeWhat’s My Line: A Plant Parts Mystery Bag, Butterfly Basics: Wing It,andMy Inner Artist: Mark di Suvero.Thisyear’srevenuefromprogramsforschoolswas$164,645.00.

EDUCATION Annual Report 2016


Tranquility Zone: A Japanese Garden Environment for Families


West Michigan Horticultural Society, Inc., d.b.a. Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park

ASSETS 2016 CURRENT ASSETS Cash/Cashequivalents.....................................................................$17,729,890Accountsreceivable........................................................................... $336,037Pledgesreceivable............................................................................. $575,759Inventory.......................................................................................... $312,351Prepaidexpenses................................................................................ $62,250

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS ................................................................... $19,016,287


Cashrestrictedforinvestmentinpropertyandequipment.............................................................. $2,439,869


BeneficialinterestinnetassetsofFrederikMeijerGardens&SculptureFoundation(FMGSF).................. $99,133,548


Propertyandequipment,net.......................................................... $59,014,123

TOTAL ASSETS ............................................................................... $230,777,342

LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS 2016 CURRENT LIABILITIES Accountspayableoraccruals............................................................$1,999,121Accruedpayrollandwithholding.......................................................... $538,689Deferredrevenue............................................................................ $2,033,878

TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES ............................................................... $4,571,688

NET ASSETS Unrestricted................................................................................. $120,664,188



TOTAL NET ASSETS ...........................................................................$226,205,654

TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS ........................................................$230,777,342

A copy of the 2016 audited financial statements are available upon request.

FINANCIAL Annual Report 2016



REVENUES & OTHER SUPPORT 2016Contributions.................................................................................. $8,315,130Guestservices................................................................................. $2,711,129Memberships..................................................................................$2,535,059Giftshop......................................................................................... $1,367,490Events.............................................................................................$3,539,190Educationalprograms..........................................................................$196,156Hospitalityservices..........................................................................$4,957,048ChangeinbeneficialinterestofFMG&SF............................................ $4,587,247Gain/Lossondisposalofpropertyandequipment................................. ($93,685)Miscellaneous......................................................................................$83,990

Total revenues and other support ....................................................... $28,198,754

EXPENSES 2016PROGRAM SERVICESGuestservices.................................................................................$4,169,167Memberships.................................................................................... $561,284Giftshop......................................................................................... $1,057,148Education....................................................................................... $1,141,971Hospitality..................................................................................... $3,884,015Collectionsandexhibitions............................................................... $1,654,235Horticulture.................................................................................... $3,883,901Communications...............................................................................$1,477,130

SUPPORTING SERVICES Managementandgeneral................................................................. $1,927,234Funddevelopment............................................................................. $706,030

TOTAL EXPENSES: ............................................................................... $20,462,115

Change in net assets ............................................................................. $7,736,639

Net assets at beginning of year ......................................................... $218,469,015

Net assets at end of year .................................................................. $226,205,654






















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West Michigan Horticultural Society, Inc., d.b.a. Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park

FINANCIAL Annual Report 2016




BOARD MEMBERS DURING FISCAL YEAR 2016Ryan AndersonRich BrolickKeith BrophyKim BruynJoan BuddenLinda ChamberlainJeff DeanScott DeVechtEileen DeVriesSuzanne EberleJoy FosselMichael GaudinoKathleen HajekMatthew HeynenNancy HickeyDirk HoffiusEarl HoltonDavid HookerCate JansmaYang KimJeffrey LambertPing LiangCandace MatthewsMary McLoughlinDoug MeijerLiesel MeijerMark MillerMark MossingCraig MutchWilliam PadnosJim PrestonJanet RamseyJohn SchaffBill SchoonveldDavid Vanden BergKathleen VogelsangJill WalcottMaryln WaltonVicky WellerJohn Zimmerman

FOUNDING MEMBERSDon & Mary ApolG. Samuel* & Janet R. BaconJames & Shirley BalkJames BalkMartin & Melissa BalkSteven & Tiffany BalkGlen & Betsy BorreLisa BorreDeborah CampbellEdward & Carolyn DeeKathleen DoeringRuth EslerRalph* & Grace* HauensteinEarl & Donnalee HoltonRobert & Judy HookerRobert & Mary HydrickAgnes Lisle*Barbara Mayo-JohnsonWalt* & Pamela McVeighMark & Mary Beth MeijerDoug MeijerHank & Liesel MeijerFred* & Lena MeijerDeborah MeijerStarr MeijerW. David & Diana MooreJohn & Gail NowakJack & Margie OostingJohn* & Joann OttDan & Eunice PfeifferCharles RossChuck* & Stella RoyceMargaret SaxtonHilary & Connie* SnellHilary & Kristi SnellTravis & Liza SnellGordon* & Rosalynn StuartGlenn & Virginia* WaltersMildred Wisniewski


PARTNERGeorge & Kerstin Trowbridge

PRINCIPALJerry & Marcia TubergenCraig & Mary Welch

GUARDIANRichard & Sheri BrolickRandy Damstra & Julie DuisterhofWilliam & Marjorie DaroogeJason & Angela DetterJohn & Judy Spoelhof

AMBASSADORHildegard AdkinsJustin & Kara AmashGregory & Kathy ForzleyGerard & Nancy HickeyMark & Diana MillerMary SchaffGene Smary & Anne VarnerBill & Mindy WakefieldDorothy Williamson & Gwen Bolt

SUPPORTER Tom Aaberg & Melissa Meldrum-AabergMark Asperheim & Cris Van OosterumL. Dale AtkinsonJennifer BandenieksKen Bandstra & Ken TerpstraKenneth & Laurel BeukelmanTed & Janice BoersJoseph & Gloria BowenDavid Bradley & Nicole FreiKim BruynJesse & Gia BudrickJohn Cavacece & Bonnie TaylorLinda Chamberlain & Patrick PullenCarol & Mike Chase

Eileen DeVries*Frank & Betzie DuncanFred & Dorothy* FichterAnthony & Joelle GauthierElizabeth Hekman GordonTheodore & Barbara HohmanDavid & Leslie HookerGayla JewellArthur & Patricia JohnsonChloe JonesMark & Dawn KibbenDaniel & Kimberly KlaverPeter & Helga KleinschmidtSue & Martin* KloostraDonald KlopcicJames Laramy & Barbara AnetsbergerEugene & Jean* LyonsJudy MagginiJon & Mary Ann MarchHenry & Connie MastBarbara Mayo-JohnsonSteve & Chris MelnykDavid & Diana MorgensternMark & Elizabeth MurrayChristine NicholsDennis & Cindi PittmanDavid & Mary Ellen RodgersShirley RoskamPhilip SauveWilliam Schoonveld & Jan LamanHilary SnellJoseph & Carol TaberPhillip & Kathleen VogelsangVicky & John WellerKenneth & Patricia WengerDavid & Vicki WhalenStuart & Lynn WhiteAllan & Anita ZuidemaRobert Zylstra


PARTNER Mary Ann Keeler

PRINCIPAL Gregory & Rajene BetzMark & Cathy BissellEarl & Donnalee HoltonHarvey LemmenMarilyn Titche

GUARDIAN Karl & Patti BetzMimi CummingsAbby & Milo DeVriesChristine FaserRichard Hansen & Nonnie ButhDirk HoffiusJohn & Gail NowakBill Padnos & Margy KayeShelley Padnos & Carol Sarosik

AMBASSADOR Rob & Gwen BrandtThomas & Mickie FoxM. James & Sarah G. GunbergDan & Diane HickeyJeff & Gayle LambertThomas Merchant & Glen JohnsonJim & Mary NelsonMark & Sara PetersKate Pew Wolters

SUPPORTER Barbara Amberg*Joseph & Lisa BechererKenneth & Judy BetzJohn & Susan BorgmanGlen & Betsy BorreMolly BradshawPeggy BransdorferKatherine & Steve Bratschie

Linda ColeMichael Cole & Susan DonnellyWilliam & Marilyn CrawfordAlan & Michelle DavisR. Jeff & Jill DeanJan & Christine DeurDavid Dvorak & Karol PetersonGary & Suzanne EberleCharles* & Bette FullerMichael & Teresa GaudinoDavid & Judy GeertsLarry & Suzy GillDavid & Joyce HechtRobert & Judy HookerJohn HuntingMichael & Susan JandernoaGil & Tinker JudsonDonald Kelley & Ann Avery-KelleyMargaret KruppPeter & Susan KruppWilliam & Karen LawrencePing & Tim LiangMike & Kathy LloydRay LoeschnerDon & L. June MabieDaniel & Deborah MankoffHank & Liesel MeijerJack MillerRichard & Maureen MorrisonCraig & Patti MutchValerie NelsonJacqueline NewhofCameron O’KeefeMartin & Enid PackardDoug & Nancy PadnosMitchell & Karen PadnosChris & Joan PanopoulosWard Paul & Charles SchoenknechtPhoebe PhelpsTodd & Jan PolavinJohn & Victoria SheagrenWanda Spruit & Julie BlockJesse & Rebecca StewartLinda Thompson

RECOGNITION Annual Report 2016



Kent & Judy VanaDavid & Ellen Vanden BergShirley VandenbergAllen & Nancy VanderLaanLynn & John VinkemulderGreg & Meg WillitSusan Wold

PATRONAnonymousAlan & Debbie AbrahamKirk & Cathy AgersonJonathan & Leslie AndersonMary AppeltAnna Barth & Joseph MarfiaDavid BerlesDan & Katie BoltDale & Susan BrisboeScott & Amanda BrooksJoan BuchananJoan & Doug BuddenStan CheffRobert and Betty ClayJohn & Rene DarlingRick & Melissa DeVosKen & Patty DykmanTwink FreyTim Fritz & Frances ChamesMeg GoebelKen & Marilyn GoodsonRobert & Kaylyn HamlinDan HammersmithPaul & Margaret HavilandRose HerrmannSteve & Mary HollanderJim & Barbara HoogeboomJ.C. & Tammy HuizengaPhillip & Cherry JacobusWalter & Sharon JalowieczDonald & Debie KolehouseFrank Kwiatek & Karen MaczugaGerald & Marjorie LaBreckJames & Diana LawsonMary LoupeeHarry & Kathleen MargoSamuel & Jean MartinDuncan & Vicki McMillanJon & Carol MuthTim & Karen O’DonovanRobert & Kathleen OthmerWalter & Judith Perschbacher

Ruth RaimanScott & Kate RasmussenDale & Sherri RemmeltsThomas & Tracie RichRichard Russo & Kathy RussoDavid & Kathy SaylorTim & Cynthia SchadValerie & Joseph SchmiederMargaret SharpScott & Jan SpoelhofTimothy & Jane StoepkerPaul & Mari ThomasSharon Van DellenRoss & Suzann VanKlompenbergSteve & Sharon Van LoonDavid & Beverly VerdierAngela Violet & Rich VogelMary Ann WannamakerRonald & Ruth WaybrantJohn WertLarry & Susan WhippleDouglas & Kimberly Young

SUSTAINER William & Carolyn AdamsErmil & Linda AdamsonMartin & Sue AllenCraig & Sally AndersonRichard & Julia AndreDavid & Katie AndreaFrederick & Deborah AntczakYaw & Agnes Appiagyei-DankahDonald & Ellen ArlinskyDorothy ArmstrongDon & Debbie AxceDavid Baak & Betty ZylstraCarter & Mary BaconBruce & Ruthie BakerRobert Baker & Kimberly FletcherChristopher & Doreen BarnesLonson & Mary BarrJohn & Nancy BarrowsBecky Bartley & Jennifer CoeRob & Shelly BatterbeeJulie BaumchenHarvey & Lu BeltmanBruce & Suzeanne BenetMark & Aleta BerghoefFlora BishopMichael & Amy BishopTom & Gail BlackburnJohn & Helen Blythe

Keith & Elena BobrowskiFred BogaertBruce & Bev BonnellJohn & Patty BooneJohn & Marian BouwerFlorence BouwmanJohn & Janet BoylesKarl & Darlene BraunschneiderKevin Briggs & Carol KarrJames & Donna BrooksKeith & Sheila BrophyMary BrowerDianna BrownJ. Todd & Jodi BrownEleanor BryantMicki & Andrew BuistRobert Bytwerk & Jeanne VanderVeerJames & Maureen CableDavid & Mary Margaret CaveraLuthene & Tomoko ChappellRobert & Arlene ChatloshMaggie ColemanRichard & Kathleen CookRuss & Evelyn CooperMichael & Mary CrawfordRalph & Katherine CrewBetty & Paul CudworthLin CulverEric Curtis & Jan CurtisKevin & Meg CusackBill & Trish CutlerEdward & Catherine DahlquistGilbert & Patricia DavisRobert DavisJoy DeboerKevin DebriTerry DeckerDoris DeisherEd & Tami DeJongJon & Judy Kay DeJongTom & Rosie DelorJolene DelucaMark & Mary Jane deWaalDaniel & Catherine DiedrichAnn DilleyKim & Brad DitmarDavid & Dolores DobbieMonica DonnellyDon DroogerPaul & Mary Jo DruekeThomas & Stacy DunningGregory & Marti Duryea

Ronald & Carole DykstraKim & Louise EastmanDennis EchelbargerJohn & Carol EdwardsAnita & Bill EerdmansNancy Efting-NoelAlice EhlertKost & Candy ElisevichFrances EllisBen & Susan EmdinTodd & Michelle EmeryTim & Gail EmmittJoel & Ruth EnsmingerLarry & Nancy ErhardtWalt & Marjorie FarrellHarvey Fielder & Sally HubbardJohn Finkhouse & Victoria Vogel-FinkhouseBarbara FiskMatthew & Miriam FlanniganCharles & Diane FletcherLawrence & Donna FoodyJeffrey & Sheila FrankJeff & Diane FrenchBetty Jean FryRaymond & Lillian FullerPeter Gallavin & Nancy GallavinDavid & Ann GassTom Genson & Mark OlsonWendy GerberBruce Gilmore & Alice BridgmanThomas & Sally GleasonRobert & Nancy GleffeSteve & Rocio GloverKeith Gohlke & Lisa Wilson GohlkeInta GraceDore GunnL. Irene HaizmanRudolph & Erina HankaRandy HansenBrian HaskinGreg & Jane HazleChristine & George HeniseeVirginia HesslerJeff & Mary HethPaul & Rosemary HeuleJames & Martha HilboldtMark & Nancy HildebrantRichard & Anne HiskesRonald & Heidi HofmanThomas & Gerry HoganStephen & Susan HolmesLeah & Gregory Hooks

Nikki Hoort & Gary LeeFlora HoughDeanna HouseDennis HowardBob & Barb HublingRobert & Shelley HudsonWalter Huizenga & Mary Gezan HuizengaBryan & Donna HullDoug & Vera HumphriesMichael & Barbara HurstJohn & Elsa HydeRichard & Susan IlkaWin & Kyle IrwinJohn & Sarah JackoboiceStephen Jefferson & Terry Baxter JeffersonDaniel & Lucy JohnstonThomas & Margy JonesJames & Phyllis KarsinaHaig & Ann KassouniWilliam Katz & Susan WakefieldThomas & Karen KearnsMary Jean & Michael KeatingRick & Jennifer KeyesJim & Nancy KilbourneJohn & Janice KingRobert & Nancy KintzJohn & Rita KirkwoodBob & Kathleen KochJohn & Kathy KoolsMichael & Krista KopchickDouglas KramlichLee Kremin & Marjolijn VanderveldeMartha Kropf & Elizabeth SparksWilliam & Evelyn KruseStephen & Therese LabenzRonald Laferriere & Nancy Johnson LaferriereScott & Margaret LancasterThomas & Jodi LangeSteven & Julie LappengaDaryl & Brian LarsenLars & Doris LarsonShirley LaSageDavid & Katie LawrenceBrian & Madonna LeeCindy Lewis & Tom RottschaferJulie & Tim LinehanJim & Barrie LoeksGlenn & Renee LongMarty & Cheri LuchtefeldKurt & Judy LudlowMichael & Suzanne LutzDennis & Virgina Lyons

Joe & Robbi MaierDavid & Linda MaleRichard & Liesl MaloneyJulie & Dave MansourBruce & Candace MatthewsDon & Carol MaytonShawn & Kathryn McCabeMichael & Jane McDanielsKaren McGowanKyle & Allison McKeeThomas & Janice McWhertorBruce & Christine MickelsonSteve & Tammi MilewskiJohn MillerLathe & Nicole MillerRaymond & Dianne MillerGary & Susan MilliganRyan & Andrea MontgomeryFranklin & Nancy MooreRonald & Sandra MulderRick Murphy & Karen MurphyPeter & Susan MurrayDuane & Nancy NagelMichael & Hannah NaltnerDavid & Janet NeffJoseph & June NelsonMarjorie NeubigThomas & Jill NewhouseStacie & Joe NiedzwieckiScott Nowakowski & Deb Cleland NowakowskiBryan & Megan O’ConnellJim & Barb O’ConnorBill & Janet OgdenGeorge & Bess OrphanHenry & Sharon OttensDavid & Olga PatrickGeorge & Darcy PawlowskiWilliam & Jillane PayneVirgil & Louise PhelpsKenneth & Donna PierceTerrance & Dianne PortfleetJames & Janet PostmaDavid & Diane PotterOwen Pyle & Penny SageGeorge & Glenda RaderDavid & Karen RasmussenDavid & Kathleen RayJeff RedmanJames & Beverly ReedsDavid & Christine ReeseJamie & Tanya Reinhart

MEMBERS Annual Report 2016


Robert & Nellie RichthammerAndy & Dawn RobothamLarry & Sally RobsonRon & Deb RodenRoland & Marjorie RoeggeRobert & Phyllis RoodLarry & Mary Ellen RoslundAlwyn & Christine Rougier-ChapmanBill & Kathy RyanDennis & Sally SandersBill & Betty SandersonJacquolyn SawyerDon & Helen SazamaRobert & Rose SchenckRonald & Lisa SchlesingerErik & Lorraine SchnelleDavid & Jerri SchroederLois SchutBoyd & Judy SchwartingNancy & Robert ScottJames & Deb SearsWilliam & Mary SeegerMichael Shannon & Ann Louise Albright ShannonLee Ann Shedleski-Holmden & David HolmdenRichard & Beverly SheehanDaryl & Ella Mae SmithSteve & Rebekah SmithGeorge & Joanie SnyderLinda StaffordCarl & Lavonne StammGeorge & Jean StanleyThomas & Joyce StehouwerCarl StrodtmanEdward & Joyce SturrusJ. Lawrence & Judy TauntDonald & Nancy TaylorChris & Shirley ThompsonDavid & Peggy ThompsonJames & Lola ThompsonArthur & Cheryl TiernanSue TigglemanSteve & Cheryl TimyanKreigh & Monica TomaszewskiDon & Karen TrapJim & Gen TuinstraGeron & Kimberly TurkePeter TurnerChad & Lindsay TuttleKenneth & Anita VanDam

Jeremy & Melissa VandenBergGerard & Ruth VandenBoschRyan & Amanda VanderZwartPeter & Laura VanHoesenRobert & Karen VanStrightMark & Theresa VickeryThomas Villalobos & Nicole VillalobosHarold & Joanne VoorheesKen Vos & Claude-Marie VosGary & Bobbie VrugginkJill & James WalcottJames & Kathy WalshMaryln & Doug WaltonFloyd & Clarice WestendorpBruce & Diane WickmannScott & Rebecca WierdaVirginia Wieringa & Frederick ConoverTom & Betty WilliamsScott & Cindy WilliamsonSandra Wisebaker & Thomas VanTolPamela WithrowDavid & Wendelin WohnsRichard Wood & Lisa Andersson-ZetyeCharles WoodingSteven & Rebecca WuertheleRobert ZaagmanRonald & Kathryn ZagelRonald & Lois ZartmanRobert & Beth ZeidersKathleen Zuiderveen


GIFTS RECEIVED DURING FISCAL YEAR 2016 10/01/2015-9/30/2016

$250,000 & ABOVERichard & Helen DeVos FoundationFrederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture FoundationThe Meijer Foundation

$75,000 - $249,999AmwayBernar Venet StudioDaniel & Pamella DeVos FoundationFifth Third BankMeijer, Inc.MLive Media Group

$50,000 - $74,999Cumulus Media, Inc.DTE Energy FoundationFox 17Lena MeijerMimmo Paladino

$25,000 - $49,999Corporate LiveDoug & Maria DeVos FoundationGilson GraphicsHarvey Lexus of Grand RapidsThe Klopcic Family FoundationMark & Mary Beth MeijerMichigan Council for Arts & Cultural AffairsMartin & Enid PackardPNC BankShirley RoskamPeter & Joan SecchiaTeam One - Central (Lexus)Townsquare MediaWGVUWYCE 88.1

$15,000 - $24,999Absopure WaterKarl & Patti BetzCDV5 FoundationFrank & Betzie DuncanJ.C. & Tammy HuizengaLouis Padnos Iron & Metal Co.McCormick & Company, Inc.Doug & Sarah MeijerBill Padnos & Margy KayeSecchia Family FoundationVan Dellen Steel, Inc.

$10,000 - $14,999Tom Aaberg & Melissa Meldrum-AabergAnonymousPaul & Catherine BoyerCarol & Mike ChaseMimi CummingsDick & Betsy DeVos Family FoundationEileen DeVriesFence Consultants of West MichiganGordon Food ServiceGrand Rapids Community Foundation

Grand Rapids Student Advancement FoundationElizabeth Hekman Gordon Family FoundationHuizenga GroupPeter & Susan KruppLawrence ProductionsRay LoeschnerMacatawa BankMasterpiece Flower Company, LLCHank & Liesel MeijerNorris, Perné & French LLPDan & Eunice PfeifferRoskam Baking CompanySpectrum HealthUniversal Forest Products, Inc.Warner Norcross & Judd LLPThe Wege FoundationCraig & Mary WelchWells Fargo BankWest Side Beer DistributingDan Miller & Susan Wright-MillerThe Windquest Group

$5,000 - $9,999Alliance Beverage DistributingBruce & Ruthie BakerBakergroupJames & Shirley BalkBank of America Charitable FoundationBarnabas FoundationBartlett Tree Expert Co.Berends Hendricks Stuit InsuranceSteven BillmeierBISSELL Inc.John & Susan BorgmanJonathan & Mary Kay BorischCascade EngineeringCharlevoix County Community FoundationWilliam & Marilyn CrawfordPhillip & Julie CrollCuster, Inc.Joyce M. Decker TrustDale & Ellen DeHaanDeloitteThomas & Stacy DunningChristopher & Deanna EckertCarl & Mary EricksonFASTSIGNS of Grand RapidsFidelity Charitable Gift FundFlagstar Bank

Foremost Graphics GroupDavid & Judy GeertsGrand Valley State UniversityRichard Hansen & Nonnie ButhHansen-Balk Steel Treating Co. IncE. Bernard Haviland & Margaret AnnerinoBob & Jane HedgesMichael HedgesThomas HedgesHenry Mast Greenhouses, Inc.Herman Miller, Inc.Dan and Julie HorningMichael & Susan JandernoaCate & Sid JansmaSidney & Sharin JansmaMichael & Sarah JulienMary Ann KeelerJeff & Gayle LambertLife EMS AmbulanceNorman & Lynne LurieMiller JohnsonMorrison Family FoundationNorthpointe BankOwen Ames Kimball Co.The Louis and Helen Padnos FoundationWard Paul & Charles SchoenknechtTodd & Jan PolavinReliable Energy, Inc.Philip SauveShowspan IncorporatedDawn Tarnowski & Melissa TorresDaniel TerryUS Golf CarsSharon Van DellenVarnum LLPWalters Gardens, Inc.Scott & Marybeth WeberKate Pew WoltersRonald & Kathryn Zagel

$1,000 - $4,999Hildegard AdkinsRichard & Ellen AndersonApplause CateringApplebee’sArtPrizeAssociation of Grand Rapids Landscape ProfessionalsCarter & Mary BaconCharles & Patricia BloomJames & Donna Brooks

Butterball Farms, Inc.Linda Chamberlain & Patrick PullenChemical BankChristie’sBrian & Agnes CloydCommunity Foundation of Holland/Zeeland AreaControl Solutions, Inc.Peter C. & Emajean Cook FoundationCook HoldingsSam & Janene CummingsWilliam & Marjorie DaroogeDean’s Landscaping & Excavating, Inc.DJ’s Landscape ManagementDK SecurityDykemaEastern Floral & Gift ShopKathy ElhartEllis Parking CompanyEPS SecurityEverett’s Landscape Management, Inc.Excel Electric, Inc.Experience Grand RapidsFour Star Sales, LLCGardens Alive FarmsMichael & Teresa GaudinoGE FoundationGerald R. Ford International AirportLarry & Suzy GillKim & Judy GilpinGrand Haven Area Community FoundationGrand Rapids Sister CitiesGrand Valley State University FoundationGreat Lakes Wine & Spirits, LLCThe Donald & Doris Griffith FoundationM. James & Sarah GunbergJulie HavemanHerman Miller CaresGerard & Nancy HickeyHilbrands Landscape Management, Inc.Dirk HoffiusHolland HomeEarl & Donnalee HoltonDavid & Leslie HookerLeah & Gregory HooksHotel WalloonLaura HuizengaMarilyn HuntingIndependent BankInnoValuation LLCITC Holdings Corp



GIFTS RECEIVED Annual Report 2016

Arthur & Patricia JohnsonJuhas & Sullivan JewelryKendall College of Art & DesignKent Garden ClubKitchen 67The Korff FoundationLandscape Design Services, Inc.Renee Langlois & Geoff LeeLawrence LarsonLasers ResourcePing & Tim LiangRichard & Marcia LievenseJonathan LurieMatt ManleyBruce & Candace MatthewsBarbara Mayo-JohnsonPamela McVeighMichigan Industrial ToolsJack MillerMike & Ann MorinKenneth Morris & Meredith LurieSharon Mortensen & Marc BattreallMark & Carolyn MossingNancy Mulnix TweddaleMark & Elizabeth MurrayNorthern Trust BankNorthland Express TransportJames O’DetteOld National BankPageworksMark & Sara PetersPioneer Construction, Inc.Beusse & Porter Family FoundationJames & Marie PrestonPriority HealthProgressive AERuth RaimanRichard Roane & Leandro RoblesS. Abraham & Sons, Inc.David & Susan SamrickWilliam Schoonveld & Jan LamanSoundoff SignalSouthland Auto WashJohn & Judy Spoelhof FoundationScott & Jan Spoelhof FoundationSpring Meadows Nursery, Inc.Steelcase Inc.Doug & Alix ThompsonMichael TothTSFR Apple Venture LLCBridgett Tubbs-Carlon

Twin Lakes Nursery, Inc.Steve & Sharon Van LoonAllen & Nancy VanderLaanRobert VanderweideKris VanVurrenLynn & John VinkemulderVista Springs Assisted Living & Memory CareW.A. Lettinga InvestmentVicky & John WellerStuart & Lynn WhiteDavid & Anne-Lise WhitescarverDorothy Williamson & Gwen BoltGreg & Meg WillitClasina Young

$250 - $999Raymond C. & Kristin AbrahamAmerican Plastic Toys, Inc.AmerikamRyan & Jill AndersonAppletree Christian Learning CenterArrowaste, Inc.David Baak & Betty ZylstraMartin & Melissa BalkDoug & Kate BandosKen Bandstra & Ken TerpstraAdam & Amanda BartonStacie BehlerThomas & Pam BementAnne BensonDavid BerlesThomas & Sandy BlackwellTom BlandfordFred BogaertDoreen & Mark BolhuisMatt & Kara BorischMichele & Becky BosakLaverne & Norma BossBoyne MountainPaul & Janice BramanScott & Emily BrewEdward BrinkRichard & Sheri BrolickKeith & Sheila BrophyBen & Rachelle BusmanCapital Region Community FoundationRobert CarltonLuke & Ellen ChervenyCity Flats HotelGerald & Beth Clark

Community Foundation for Muskegon CountyCommunity Foundation for Southeast MichiganSandra & Andrew ConnerDuane ConwellCountry Inn & SuitesBill & Anita CrawfordDavid & Tonya CrittendenCrystal Mountain Resort & SpaRick & Melissa DeVosJohn & Michelle EnglerExxon Mobil FoundationJames FabianoJames & Gail FahnerBrian FerrickSteve FogelAnthony & Linda FosterJames & Priscilla FrakieFranklin PressJohn & Debra FriedliHank Fuhs FamilyJeffrey & Laura FullerKent Gawart & Karen SmantMolly GhahtaniMeg GoebelAmber GoodellJim & Heidi GoodspeedInta GraceGrand Rapids Public MuseumRick & Sue GrasmanGumina’s FlowersAspen HansenWes & Judith HarpoldTed & Amy HeilmanPatricia & Sidney HelderMary Alice HelmoldJane HendersonChristine & George HeniseeMatthew HeynenDan & Diane HickeyJames & Martha HilboldtLarry & Lari HinesHorrocks MarketBrian & Pam HorsfordGreg HurstIkebana Art Grand RapidsIrwin Seating Co.Norman Jabin & Judith SmithJohn & Sarah JackoboiceNelson & Lana Jacobson

AJ JamakovicJetBlue AirwaysJW Marriott Grand RapidsKaterberg VerHage, Inc.Donald Kelley & Ann Avery-KelleyRosalin KerkstraCarolyn KingChris & Beth KowalMary & Blake KruegerAtsuko KubotaChad LafeverMark LancasterMaryann LaneMark & Phyllis LangloisJohn & Mary LeeseLeigh’s of Western MichiganAnne LeightyBill & Susan LewisElisa & David LintemuthMike & Kathy LloydAnton & Anna LorentzMichael & Suzanne LutzLee & Renee LynamThomas ManleyNeil & Rebecca MarchandMary Free Bed Rehabilitation HospitalMasterTagRichard & Noel Louise McGarrityMary McLoughlin & Martin QuinnanSteve & Martha McMurryJames & Jaclyn MehneyMeijer - Knapps CornerAmy & James MelvinKhristianne MenardieMidwest Motorsports LLCMark & Diana MillerLouis & Nancy MoranMarilynne & Gerald MoroniChristopher Nardecchia & Karen MaloneyJohn NellerNetwork For GoodJacqueline NewhofStacie & Joe NiedzwieckiRobert NolanNorthern Jet ManagementJohn & Gail NowakOld World Olive PressNancy OlsenKaren PatinAl & Lenore PerkinsRichard & Nancy Peters

Jim PetersonDavid & Denise PhillipsPlante & Moran, PLLCChad PlaxtonSteven PotterCynthia & Kevin PrinsMichael & Jerri PuernerPyle FoundationRon & Cathy RapaNeil & Carmen ReillyRemacon Compressors, Inc.Dale & Sherri RemmeltsDale & Sharon RietbergRyan & Teresa RinveltDonald RitterMichael & Linda RobertsLarry & Sally RobsonRomence GardensBob RoosenbegTroy & Kelli RoseAlwyn & Christine Rougier-ChapmanPaul & Thelma SchuttSchwab Charitable FundNancy & Robert ScottJames & Deb SearsGeorge & Linda SharpeMike & Kim SlagerGene Smary & Anne VarnerMichael & Ruth SpragueStamp’in UpGeorge & Jean StanleySteelcase FoundationJudy SubarSunset WorldSuperior Groundcover, Inc.Supply GeeksJoseph & Carol TaberThe Keeler FoundationDavid & Peggy ThompsonBrian & Arlene TiemeyerGreg TobiasTom & Colleen TupperTwisted RoosterFrank & Sharon Van HavenThomas & Carissa Van SpronsenA. Robert & Susan Van TuinenDale & Diane VanAllsburgDavid & Marcia Vande VusseDavid & Ellen Vanden BergJay & Rosemary VanHoutenJames & Diane VanHoven

Fred & Carol VanOeverenScott & Laura VanWykSheila VanZileThomas Villalobos & Nicole VillalobosClyde Lynn & Mary Vincent Phillip & Kathleen VogelsangHarold & Joanne VoorheesGary & Bobbie VrugginkMaryln & Doug WaltonJean WarmingtonWavecrest Nursery & Landscaping CompanyRyan & Michele WeaverKenneth & Patricia WengerMatt & Jennifer WeySusan WeyermanJim & Jill WhalenJohn & Carroll WienerTom & Betty WilliamsBradley WiskSusan WoldDouglas & Kimberly Young

0-$249Ada Pour HouseEric AdamsWilliam & Gay AdamsAivcon Inc.Nancy AlbersPeter AlbertiniMichael & Katrina AlexanderAndrea AllenAllstate - The Giving CampaignAmerican Girl Doll StoreLeslie & Michael AmiotKathy AndersonLinda AndersonGeorge AndrewsSuzanne & Mark AnthonyYaw & Agnes Appiagyei-DankahFrederick ArmbrusterDawn ArnoysArtists Creating TogetherRich AshackDaniel & Sharlene AumentAutumn WoodsFred & Patricia AveryMartin AxelrodRobert & Patricia AyarsBernice AzkoulEddie BabbittBob & Kay Babcock


Stephen & Pamela BacherDel & Gayle BachertJudy BaerRoss & Bonnie BainbridgeAnne BairdPhilip & Laurel BalkemaDaniel & Linda BallastLinda BaragarCharlene BaranowskiHeather BardelebenMax & Rebecca BarnesNeil & Jean BarnhartSharon BartonRoger & Willa BauerNathan & Angel BaumCarl & Jan BaumgrasWilliam & Diane BaxterJoanne BechererChristopher BeckArthur & Sue BedfordBEE the Change - Thai Bodywork & YogaEileen BehnkeBarbara BeinemanJohn BelileKathryn Bell-LansdowneHarvey & Lu BeltmanJack & Judy BengtsonEric BennettRosemary BennettMartin & Farah BerentGayle & Kevin BergmanPaul & Barbara BergsmaJeff BerlinJanice BerlingJudith BernhardtRichard & Margaret BethelA.W. & Marcia BettsAnn BeuschelGordon BeuteRoger & Marcia BeutnerGail & Ron BickelMichael & Gail BieriDale & Debra BiesbrockTom & Gail BlackburnPaul & Leane BlakeWalter & Saundra BlanchardCarla BlandfordMarie BlauwkampRobert Bockheim & Anne BishopJane BodenmillerDavid & Margaret Boelkins

George & Silbilla BoerigterMathew & Molly BogardusMark & Faith BogdanikRhonda BonettBarb & Tim BoomstraAndrea BorisTimothy & Kathryn BornLaura Bouch-Raasch & Al RaaschCatherine Bowne BussemaDavid & Diane BoydThomas & Patricia BoyleGary & Susan BradleyLarry & Nancy BranaganLaurence & Genevieve BratschieKirk & Amy BreukinkRaymond BrinksStephen & Patricia BrittBroadway Grand RapidsTerrence & Ruth BrodBrett & Heather BrolickGeorge & Willa BrownCarole & Steven BrownLori BrownBecky BrownFrederic & Carolyn BrownEllen BruinsmaMollie BryanChris & Amy BuchachJoan & Doug BuddenRobert BudinskyLouise BudnickSheryl BudnikWilliam BusbyMelissa Bush & Scott DittenberSteve & Sherri BushongTodd & Jennifer BustardJohn & Susan ButtMaureen CampbellDavid & Jean CampbellKay CangelosiFlorence CarbonneauKevin & Lisa CarlsonNancy & Dana CarlsonRobert & Ruth CarltonColin & Jill CarpenterChristine CarpenterVirginia & Phillip CarusoCascade Fresh Cleaning ServicesCascade RoadhouseCaterpillar FoundationKatherine & Craig Cather

Shelly & Casey CatlinJacqueline CattaniCentral Michigan PaperNagib & Stacy ChalfounRandy & Amy ChambersNeonila ChapmanRobert & Ann ChappuisSarah CharnleyLes & Jane ChaseChateau ChantalChateau Grand TraverseCherry Tree Inn & SuitesChicago CubsCarrie ChrisinskeDavid & Carol ChristophelElizabeth ChristophersonMathew Chung & Vicky Varlotta-ChungRenee CiaramitaMarilyn ClarkRichard & Viv ClarkJohn & Connie ClausonJohn & Cheryl CoderKathy ColcordJoe & Rose ColemanJames CollinsMartha CollinsMary ConcesLinda & Dan ConstantinoJeffrey & Sarah ConwayJoseph & Lauren CookDavid & Sara CookRaymond & Christine CooperChris & Mary CooperTracy & Karl CooperChet & Nita CopleyShay & Mary CostiganAron & Jaime CountermanJon & Wanda CowanJohn & Karen CoxCrawford & Laurie CraftKathryn & J.A. CragwallMichael & Mary CrawfordGreg & Kathy CroweCrown JewelCecilia Cruz-AhmedBetty & Paul CudworthColin Cumming & Christopher MaironisJeffery CummingsRobert CurrierCurtis CleanersKevin & Meg Cusack

Robert DahlgrenEdward & Catherine DahlquistNancy DaileyStephen & Rebecca D’angeloJerry & Norma DanielsJohn & Rene DarlingMaureen DarlingDeloris DavenportMark & Karen DaveyHarold & Betty DavidsonJim & Barbara DaviesBeulah DavisMichelle & E. Frederick DavisonDaylily FloralR. Jeff & Jill DeanDearborn Heights Senior CenterJoel & Yolanda DeBruinLarry & Joy DeBruyneEdward & Carolyn DeeCory & Gretchen DeedsJudy DeglopperKen & Carol DeHaanMaurice & Theda DeJongeDonald & Andrea DekkerPete & Sandy DeKokerKathy DeleeuwDon & Michelle DelucaCarol DeManDempsey VenturesNellie den DulkCharles & Barbara DePreeOrchid DerDetroit Red WingsBert & Sally DeVriesHenry & Lois DeVriesSam DeVriesMarcia DillKaitlyn DisselkoenPeter & Cheryl DixCarol DobersteinLorna DobsonMichael & Nancy DodgeWilliam & Mary Ann DoezemaMichael DomersMary Ann DominiakMary DoodMatt Douglas & Brandy Van ZalenDouglas J Aveda InstitutePhil & Loleta DownsTom & Nancy DoyalSidney & Gladys Draayer

Alex & Lavonne DragtDavid & Doris DrainCarol DrakeDonald & Sue DrenthLinda DudleyTim & Myrna DufloJacqueline EarleGary & Suzanne EberleDennis EchelbargerLinda EdgarLouise & John EdisonSydney EdlundJohn & Carol EdwardsJohn Edwards & Bridget CampbellAnita & Bill EerdmansSusan EllisonRoger & Nancy ElshofJohn & Carol EmanHenry & Anne EmrichDavid & Kathleen EnglePeter & LeAnn EnglesJames & Suzanne EnsMartha EschNeva & Bob EvenhouseMartha EverinCharles & Charlene EzingaAndrea FaberCarlton & Marilyn FailorRobert & Rudean FairmanKatherine & Robert FalconeRobert & Anazisa FallonArlene FansherDiane S. FarageMary Ann FaseKelly FaskiRebecca FaubleLois FeichtenbinerLinda FeighnerWilliam & Mary FieldJohn & Heather FindeisenFirst Church of Christ - ScientistDavid & Beverly FischerKenneth & Marian FisherThomas & Kathleen FitzpatrickKaren FitzpatrickEdward FlatleyJames & Joan FleserDouglas & Shelley FletcherKaren FloryDavid & Nancy FlowerChriscynethia Floyd

Patricia FlynnKrista FlynnSuzanne FoersterDan Fogel & Brenda BehmWilliam FogelMaureen FordMary ForslundKevin & Faith ForsytheGregory & Kathy ForzleySusan FosterAndrea FotiasLynn & Alice FrancisKate FrankelGary & Jennifer FranklinDeborah FraserMichael & Kathy FreemanKathleen FreemanJeff & Diane FrenchPeter & Lori FrenchNate & Joyce FrenchFront Barnett Associates LLCRobert Fry & Nina BrownJulia FugateElizabeth FuhsDavid & Diane GaebelRichard & Debra GaffinMichael & Gail GalbreathAlberta GarbaccioC. Dianne GarrettCindy GarstkaDaniel & Paula GarzaGuy GauthierSuzanne GeislerLarry & Mary GerbensThomas & Karen GerberGlenn & Kay GetschowMary & Allen GeurinkGeorge & Lisa GevasMax & Janet GibbsJack & Angie GibsonPauline & Marc GilbertJames & Betty GillardBrian GillumJohn & Linda GirardRobert & Nancy GleffeElise & Robert GlettlerJohn & Kate GlobenskyMarjorie GoebelLarry & Nancy GoffFred Goldberg & Holly PerkinsAlbert & Anita Goldstein

GIFTS RECEIVED Annual Report 2016


GIFTS RECEIVED Annual Report 2016

Liga GonzalezJohn & Chrisann GoodRobert GoodrichBetty GoorhouseGeorge Gordon & Patricia MikesellRick & Barbara GossettThomas & Sarah GottSandra GrahamGrand Rapids Beer ToursGrand Rapids Bicycle CompanyGrand Rapids Children’s MuseumGrand Rapids Civic TheatreGrand Rapids PopcornGrand Rapids SymphonyGrand Valley Daylily SocietyAndrew & Cristina GrashuisBarbara J. GrasmanNancee GravesGreat Lakes OrchidsMark & Maureen GreenwoodDavid & Judith GrekoWill GriffithMichael and Elizabeth GrodhausNella GroffGrotenhuisDeb GrowCarole GrubeJudith GrutterGreg & Karen GrzegorskiDore GunnJanet GurdGreg GustCiara GustafsonRichard & Carol HackbarthKaren HahnMaureen HaleRobert & Diane HallSandra HamiltonRobert & Kaylyn HamlinDavid & Elizabeth HammBrian & Karey HamrickJane HanningKimberly Hanrahan & Sally SchoenShane & Ann HansenDonna HansenGarrett HansonChrista HansonRobin Crawford HardmanMichael HaroldHermia HarperLynn HarringtonRobert & Amy Harris

Jeanne HatchDennis & Shirley HayesJanet HaynesJana HazekampHeart of West Michigan United WayMarilyn HeissMarie HelgelandJohn & Elizabeth HelmerCathleen HelmuthBill & Tricia HeneveldMaren & Thomas HermanWilliam HeroldRobert & Barbara HerrDonald HerremanJeremy & Mallory HersmanRuth HesselinkJohn & Gwen HibbardRuth HiemstraTimothy & Charlene HillGermaine HillmerJoseph & Eleanor HingtgenMary & Don HodgesRonald & Patricia HoekmanMatthew & Lynn HoeksemaTim & Heather HoezeeRoss HoezeeSara HoganHoliday Inn & Jack’s Waterfront Bistro & BarHenry & Lois HolstegeMichael HoltonHome Depot-Alpine Ave StoreFredrick & Linda HomrichJane HondelinkRobert & Judy HookerPeg HooverHortech, Inc.Tom & Lynda HovingSusan HubbardBob & Barb HublingJean HufferRobert HughesJames HughesTrudi HuizengaRobert Humphries & Marie ZerweckJim & Nancy HunterTimothy HurstBrenda HusbandKelly HutchinsonAnne HutchinsonSandra Hyde-SwansonMargaret IdemaIdeology Productions, LLC

Julie IgnasiakIntertekJeanette JacksonPam Jackson & Mark JacksonJames & Christine JacobsRoland & Patricia JagerJam’n Bean Coffee & Tea CoMichael & Linda JaraczAndrew & Joan JaroszPeter & Susan JebsonMary JellemaCassie Jeng & Michael LopezJerry & Laura JensenJanet JensenMary JerniganTracy & J. Christopher JesserJohn Ball ZooMark & Allison JohnsonJerry & Mary Lee JohnsonMelinda Johnson & Ben RechnerRay & Ellen JohnsonLarry & Bonnie JohnsonFred & Audrey JohnsonJohnson Controls FoundationJerry & Connie JollyRichard & Pauline JonesThomas & Margy JonesMarguerite JonesDenise JosephJulian & Judith JosephJames JoswiakMartha JoyntAndrew JoyntJT’s PizzaMamie & A. Ray KallielEdwin & Mary KaminskasCarl & Jean KammeraadSally & Paul KammeraadJohn & Mary Ellen KarcisKen Karpinski & Judy PhillipsJack & Mary KastelinKen & Arlis KaterbergSara KavanaughRichard & Debra KayJim KeatingHoward & Linda KeegstraDon KeegstraJoanne KeenanJohn & Rosemary KelbelAndrew & Christina KellerMichael & Mary KellerW.K. Kellogg Foundation

Bruce & Judith KellyBrent & Karen KemmerEllen KentKentree StablesMark & Dawn KibbenJoAnn KiddSteve KiekoverSheryl KielPamella & Gene KleibuschYoni KleinMorris & Sally KleinerJames & Marney KlooteMary KnappenMichael & Michele KopinskiDorisanne & Doris KosmickiJohn & Lynn KossenHolly KostMaryAnn & Steve KostenDonald KosterKathleen KotheJohn & M. Suzanne KowalskiTom & Cathy KowieskiMary Ellen KoziolKaren KrestakosDiane & Mike KrollPatrice KuceraBill KudlackNorbert & Rebecca KugeleVern & Sally KuipersMichael & Vicki LachariteTerri & Gregg LadomerskyPatrick Ladwig & Martha BlandfordLois LambTerri LamonGreg & Laura LaMoreJohn & Mary LangeLisa LangeAlan & Suzanne LangloisDerek LangloisNicholas & Sharon LanningRodney & Valerie LaPointeGloria Lara & Milton RoyeAldo & Linda LaRueJulie Lausch & Kelly LauschNancy LavignaWilliam & Karen LawrenceDavid & Katie LawrenceCharlene & Alan LazetteKaren LeahyEvelin LedebuhrJoan LeeArie & Boukje Leegwater

Cyndi Len & Emma LenLeo’sLeo’s Coney IslandBarry & Martha LewisK Joann LewisNancy LewisWilliam LewisVickie LiebrockValerie LindemanJim & Adele LockwoodGlenn & Renee LongMarjorie Loughrin & Michael CaryAmelia LoweDana LowellRobert & Laurie LowryScott LoyalJennifer Lundberg AndersDon & Peg LuyLeAnn LyewskiJudson & Lynn LynchEvelyn MaatmanJames & Kathleen MaatmanJane & James MaatmanThomas MaatmanKaren MaczugaVenkata MadetiJayne MalburgDennis Maloney & Anthony DriverMary ManifoldBill & India MannsShyam Marar & Jennifer EbnitBarbara MarcusPeter & Rebecca MarnochaSusan MarschallMarshDavid & Marjorie MastieDavid May & Heather Mallory-MayDon & Carol MaytonTom & Linda McCarthyMark & Kimberly McCoyJerry & Sue McDonaldJohn & Lena McDonoughLinda McFadden & Kathy VrugginkSarah McFerran-CooleySusan McGeeThomas & Janet McGrawJoyce McHughBrian & Nancy McKenzieKathleen McKeownMartha McKinneyCorinna McLeod & Stuart FrenchDonna McLin

Joyce McNallySteven MeierWilliam MeierJames & Denise MeierJoan MeierKhristianne MenardieMichael & Brigitte MerkTerrance & Deborah MerrimanMike Meyer & Jackie DennenNathalie MeyerElaine MeyersEd & Ann MeyersMichigan Garden ClubsJanet MickBruce & Christine MickelsonKeith & Cindy MiddlebushBarbara MierasJacqueline MierasSusan MilanowskiDonna MilhamPeter & Juddee MilitoBarbara & David MillerRon & Patty MillerRobert & Roberta MillerAndrew MillerKathryn MillerAnne MillerKim MitchellRowland & Helene MitchellJoseph & Shirley MitchellWael Mokhtar & Salma El SayedMonsma Marketing CorporationThomas MooneyRichard & Margaret MoritzVolga MorrenRandall & Cynthia MorrisRichard & Maureen MorrisonRichard & Jeanenne MortonDavid & Bonnie MroczekWilliam & Dawn MuckianJeff & Marilyn MulderRose MulderMarilyn MulderDave & Betty MundyCraig & Patti MutchShirley MyersJoseph & Mary Ann MysliwiecMyra NaberDeb Nafziger & Kathy CrawfordDuane & Nancy NagelDanielle NagleNaked Plates 14

GIFTS RECEIVED Annual Report 2016

Michael & Hannah NaltnerSharon NaughtonKim NaumcheffBonnie NawaraNebraska Book CompanyValerie NelsonRoger & Emma NeperLes & Barb NeumanElizabeth NickelsScott & Heather NickelsonDavid NieferRobert & Mary NiemeyerEmily NieteringConnie NofzPeter & Laurel NorthouseMelvin & Joanna NorthupNorthwood Home Inspection Services LLCNoto’s CateringMarilyn NottTom & Marianne NovakoskiGary & Peg NovosadDonna NowakJacob & Leona NyenhuisOasis Hot Tub GardensJudy OberholtzerDr. Jon O’BrienRichard & Laura OchoaJim & Barb O’ConnorBruce & Martha O’ConnorJohn & Lynn O’DonnellTodd Oleson & Sarah AshJeffrey & Regena OllendickTera O’Meara & Sharon BradtMary O’NeillStephen & Sherry OsbornMichael & Marty O’TooleNancy OwensJudith PachecoMitchell & Karen PadnosGregg & Sarah PalmbosParson’s Walk AssociationJohn & Rebecca PatrickLinda PattersonGlenna PaukstisH. Edward & Linda PaulMarjorie PaulElnora PeabodyPeaches Bed & BreakfastValerie & Richard PeacockRodney Pease

Michael & Barbara PembertonJennifer & Carlie PenningMark & Jane PenningtonMarcia PetersonPete & Leanore PetersonThomas & Christine PfennigLinda & Charles PiccardDan & Rebecca PickardMark & Susan PiersmaRoger & Mary Ann PietrasTimothy & Pamela PietrygaHector & Andrea PimentelDebbie PinardoCarl Plantinga & Cindy KokEdward Polakis & Kimberly SuarezJames & Kathleen PonitzVince & Jean PortelliAlice Porter & Martin LandisLois PorterLaura PostCallista PotterJoseph & Linda PrihodaPaul & Marjo PrinzingGarry & Erin PurdyCaroline QuinnLeonard & Carol RadeckiJanet RamseyJerry & Marybeth RardinJames & Tammy RaterinkPamela RawlinsonTim & Dona RaymerRobert & Kathy ReKeith & Nancy ReameMichael & Elizabeth RedmanJerry & Barbara ReidLynn ReillyMary RemienReserve Wine & FoodDaniel & Nannette RetAngela & Ryan RewaRobert & June RibbeMary RichGary Rich & Deanna MitchellSuzanne Richards & Lee BurlisonKevin & Sandy RichmondJulie RidenourSteve RiderJeff & Kim RidingsElaine RietemaDavid & Patricia Rinard

Carl & Joyce RinkeWilliam & Ardith RiterLarry & Brenda RitsemaJudy RitsemaRobinette’s Apple Haus & WineryBarbara RobinsonSandra RobinsonJoan RobinsonDave & Lynne RobinsonJoann RocheMilton & Barbara RohwerBrad & Mary RohwerElizabeth Romkema & Sandra RomkemaJames & Carole RoneySharon & Tom RosineJoseph & Donna RossRick & Karen RossiBernard & Kim RoyFrank & Margaret RubinoSusan RubyKen & Liz RuehrdanzChristopher & Betsy RushtonMary RussellPaul & Ann RutowskiMary Ruzicka-SavageWilliam & Diane RyckbostMolly SalinasDonald & Stephanie SandersonThomas & Ruth SarbSally SauerSaugatuck-Douglas Garden ClubDavid & Evie SchaafsmaJake & Ann ScheeresRobert & Rose SchenckRobert & Susan ScherphornPhil SchlemmerEddy & Susanne SchmittCheri & Lynn SchmollJohn & Judy SchneiderEric & Therese SchneiderSchneider Electric North American FoundationAgnes & Timothy SchoenSteve & Anne SchollerBarbara SchoolenbergTim & Barbie SchowalterSchuil Coffee CompanyAlan & Doreen SchwartzJudith SchwarzerMarianna Scimeca

Gail & David ScottRobert & Kayleen ScottEvelyn SearlMichael & Susan SeekellSandra SeftonRobert & Barbara SelfLarry SeligJeannine & Don ServiceSteve & Julie ShafleySusan ShannonSheel SharmaDennis SharplesEugene & Connie ShatzChris & Judith SheaEileen ShedleskiMary Ann ShelineDavid & Kathie ShellenbargerMark Shellenbarger & Tara GerorRoberta SherwoodJoan ShipailaCarl & Karen ShookThomas ShukerMelinda ShullDixie ShutterTerri SiebelinkAdam Siegel & FamilyAri SiegelJim & Sheryl SiegelJoel & Arlene SiegelMark SielaffBarbara SielaffSietsema OrchardsGayle SikkengaSherry SingerMarilyn SingletonDwight SkinnerDouglas SladeLindsay & Scott SlagboomKimm & Tammy SlaterMarjorie SlighKelvin SluiterRobert & Sara SmartSteve & Rebekah SmithNancy SmithJack SmithRobert & Connie SmithJames & Jane SmithA A Smith & Jane OgilvieSusan SnoomJohn & Maureen Sorbet

Julie & Julio SosaKent & Jesseca SpencerSpool Spinners Quilting BeeSpoonlickersJarvis & Mary SprengJean Ann SpringerLaura SproulL. David StaderStafford’s HospitalityBrenda StaggMatt & Paula StahlinDiane StankoRandolph & Karen StanoMarilyn StarringTim & Nikki StaufferAllyson SteinJohn & Judy SteinerDan & Andrea StephensChris & Denise StephensHeather & Steve StetlerJesse & Rebecca StewartBruce & Kay StewartChris & Tina StoelbDennis & Andrea StorrsAlice StoutMark & Ute StoweLarry & Cindy StreekstraRoger & Lydia StubbsThomas & Mary StuitThomas & Kathy SuminskiGerald & Patricia SurmanTodd & Ellen SuttonCindy SwixDavid & Kathleen SylvesterMichael & Kristen SytsmaRita TaylorJulie TaylorSteele & Mary TaylorMargaret TaylorTEGNA FoundationMichael & Lynn TenHarmselWilliam & Norma TetroThe Crown Jewel Spa & SalonThe Meadows Golf Club at Grand Valley State UniversityThe Pfizer FoundationThe Salted CupcakeSusan ThoitsLarry & Linda ThomasThornwood Veterinary Clinic

Joyce ThranKeith & Winnie ThurstonAndrew & Elaine TiesengaTLC SpaTim TodishJames & Mary TomaszewskiSusan ToppingMark TredenteMarjorie TreppaThomas & Christine TruesdaleTruistMaura TurnerPeter TurnerDave TurnerDonald & Nancee TurnwallRoger & Rebecca TuukJanet Carol TwestenMatthew & Jennifer UngreyUnist, Inc.Selene Van VleckSamuel & Joan VanBovenCal & Beth VandenBergJack & Mary VandenBergSusan & Steven VandenbergKen & Mary VandenBergBob Vander WeideDonald & Susan VanderkuylRaymond & Dianne VandermeerWendell & Sharon VanderMeulenJohn & Marie VanderPloegMarion VanderVeenWalter & Phyllis VanderWallKevin & Sarah VanderWoudeTom VanderWoudePamela VanDykenGigi VanErpDale & Jan VanGilderJohn & Jeanne VanKammenCornelius & Leigh VanKempenRosemary VanLoonPaul & Carole Van’tHofEdith VasuMaryanne & James VeldheerJanet Veldhouse & Brian VeldhouseDennis & Carroll VelieRon & Sharon VenhuizenDan & Lisa VerhilJohn & Beverly VianaDaniel & Rachael VillalobosSusan & Jason Vinkemulder



Debi VisserDianne VissersVitale’s PizzaJoseph & Linda VoganRich & Angela VogelVPOrtho LLCMitchell & M. Melissa VromanRoberta Wadel & Eric Clover-WadelGregory WagnerEric WalchakJill & James WalcottLois WaldeckerKaren WaldhartDean & Kristie WallNate & Kalli WallJohn Walls & Joan DeJongeKathy WaltersSandy WardMichael WardJim WardLynsii WardRonda WardAlice Warner-MehlhornBill & Chris WarrenJames & Arlene WarrenCraig Wassenaar & Kate HousemanDonna WatsonJeanne WeatherlyDavid & Jean WeaverDan & Stephanie WeeksMaryrita WeissJulie WelchSherrie & Paul WellerFred & Mary WellingHelen & Wayne WentzheimerPaul & Nola WetherbeeNicole WetheringtonSamantha WheatonPeter & B.J. WhighamRon & Pam WhitePeter & Nancy WhiteMarilyn WhitfordJames & Diane WiaduckTimothy & Mary WilcoxLarry & Kathy WildtNelson & Candy WilforeRobert & Mary Lee WilkinsonJim & Sue WilliamsRon & Joyce WilliamsDon & Sandy WilliamsDonald & Catherine Williamson

Carolyn WillsSally WilsonRobert WilsonRobert & Shannon WilsonMarilyn WilsonJeffrey Winkle & Rebecca OphoffDave & Paula WinstonHoward WirtDon & Sue WisnerPamela WithrowHenry & Thressa WitteSheila WittebolsDavid & Wendelin WohnsAdam & Andrea WolfeJohn & Carol WolfeJulie & Thomas WolfeKeith & Kathy WolvertonRichard Wood & Lisa Andersson-ZetyeDoug WoodLeonard & Linda WoodsLois WordAnn & Harold WorkmanBenham & Margaret WrigleyLisa & Thomas WurstSusan WyngaardenRobin & Bonnie YamamotoTerry & Irene YaxThomas YenDavid & Kathleen YoungRichard & Barbara YoungGlen YoungRoy Zahnleuter & Marica JollyDonna ZalewskiJohn & Anne ZimmermanHeather Zinn & Craig StuckyRoger & Carol ZinneckerJane & Jim ZuiderbaanSteve & Erin ZylmanM. Jay & Margie Zylstra

TRIBUTES IN HONOR OFDebbie AliyaHelen Blyth John & Rene DarlingJean DentonWilliam & Evelyn KruseSteve LaWarreAnn MorinTom & Carla VerHageBarbara Vos

IN MEMORY OFJanet R. BaconFrances BairdDan BartlettJoseph S. BechererKenneth BergsmaHattie BoydVernon BridgemanJames BrinkPaul John BrowerNella BurtonMr. and Mrs. ConwellJune CraftVera DeSelmsRichard Douthett Jan GableNancy Hamilton Vic HansonLouise HarrisMitch HarrisMary & Sheldon HedgesIris HenwoodJohn P. HoebbellLorraine HurstWalter KalinowskiWilma KingSue LaeschEmerson LockrowKenneth MaatmanVelma R. MaatmanElaine McDonaldWalter J. McVeigh John P. Miller Robert MeyerLouise NellerHelen NolanRoger OettingNancy Orr

Barb PembertonPhoebe PhelpsBill RichRichard RiebelEmily RitterJohn SappingtonJohn SchaffB. Miller and Leslie SiegelCarl SinkeRay SlaytonMartha SlocumJamie SmithMathew James StephensRosalynn StuartColleen TodishDr. Robert TupperJames TylerAbigael VanKempenShirly Von OeuerenAlice Wharton - Bickley


10,000+HOURSHildegard Adkins Dorothy Rahn

5,000+HOURSSue CoussensCatherine GlennonLee HicksPhil HuizengaBetty KingstonCarol KrebelMarge LaBreckAl LangloisNancy LePageLorraine McDonaldValerie PeacockJesse StewartDavid VandenBergPhyllis WebbDorothy Williamson

4,500+HOURSRichard GeldhofPaula JacquesMelvina VanderLinde

4,000+HOURSLarry BashawRita BashawDorcy GourdArlon SlaghBecky Stewart

3,500+HOURSHelen BlytheBarb KeplerArdath McCallJeannette Weiland

3,000+HOURSSusie AllenRiley BarlowMary DeBruineBetty DenmunCarl Ferguson


VOLUNTEERS Annual Report 2016

Mary FergusonMichael GormanMarcia HammontreeLexy McCullochBill MillerArlene ObettsSally Schaafsma

2,500+HOURSKatie BrennemanJanet CornellFran DamskeyBruce DeWindtPatricia HelderJames HenwoodVern HerringMaryann LaneM. Lynn MartinFrances MillerClarice NewhofMary OhmAlice OtterAndrea PerryMary Lynne PetersonChuck RasmussenLiz RipleyCarol Savage Joyce SchoutenRick WestmanRobert Wilson

2,000+HOURSRobert AyarsBarbara BeinemanBob BlossfeldSally BodeKeith BoveeLinda ChervenkaMarilyn ClarkMary DeJongeLois DeLanoSidney DixcyKen DykmanDeanna EckertSandra FoehlMary ForslundScott FowlerJack GibsonPat GlassfordTerrie GraeberDavid Gray

Kathleen GreinerGordon GriffinSue HieronymusPhyllis HoffmanLucia KrzywonosBetsey LinscottMary NameyJon RauchJohn RiggleNancy ScottSue WardJane WarrinerDoug WertschThora WhiteJean Zamiara

1,500+HOURSAnita AveryJune BoermaJoel BolandClare BolotJudith BorckDavid BoydBarb BraunDan BraunCarolyn CareyGreg CarnevaleNorm CoffmanDiane CorellBill CraigDavid CzarnopysThomas DandridgeEd DeeEvelyn DeShaneLinda DodgeRoseann FryeGail HaebichLori HankinsonSuzanne HousePat JohnsonKaryl JudsonLinda KeegstraJoanne KeenanBill KudlackMarcia LucasJudy LukasTerry MercerNancy MulvihillBetty NearyCathy NelsonMel Northup

Peg OlthoffBeth ParkerDoug ParkerDavid PelakBonnie Jean RandallClara RiebhoffAnne RossiTom RothDiane ScottMarnie StuartJerry SytsmaJackie TenHoorRon TloczynskiJan TreurBob VanBragtLou VanderHaveMarilyn VanderWeideTom WarrinerPat Wertsch

1,000+HOURSSharon BajemaKathi BarkanBrett BarnhartLinda BechazJerilyn BellShirley BerginSuezanne BouchardSy BruinsmaNancy BuckDiane BuricaGary BurkeSarabeth CarrRoberta CraigMary CrawfordTina CronkhiteJackie DelRasoJim DodgeJeanne EarlyCathy EzingaDee FarrJames FleserDenise FoglerAngie GibsonGary GidleyLinda GidleyBob GoddardElizabeth GriffinMargaret GroenCarol HackbarthMike Hankinson

Ruth HannLeslee HardebeckChristine HessRichard KingshottYolanda KozakJan LuepnitzMarilyn LystadMartha MacCleerySusan MengersDaryl MickLorraine MilesChristine MuldoonKathy O’BeeDennis O’ConnellJan OswaldCon OswaldJan PalczewskiDonna PostAnne ReedBarbara SchambersNel ShawverEleanor SitesMargo SpencerKelley SyversonJoe TaberRebecca TiedtSandy TogtmanCharlene TravisRichard TravisLou VanderHaveSusan WhiteBernie Wurm

750+HOURSSid AmmonYatee BhatnagarKathy BloomLorraine BoerDonna BruinsmaKim ChiavarasKara ClaryHelen CoxLori DavisPaul DavisonNancy DuncanLorrie EdwardsGayle FessendenBetsy FordPaul GouletNancy HaneyRichard Hawkins

Christine HeytKathy HummKatrina HartmanCathy Keating Addie KennedyBonnie KimMichael KopinskiBob McManusPat PlekkerCindy PenfoldDavid ReesePat ReynoldsRon RheaThomas SimmonsBob SmithRuth SmithSandy VanPoolenSharon WeichtToni WemberAdele WilliamsHarold Workman

500+HOURSMary AndersonRoger BauerWilla BauerJohn BlytheDiane BodellAriyana BrunaughCarol BryantColleen CarhartArlene ChatloshSandy CookNancy CrawleyGary CrispinSara D’ArchangelIrene DayAlicia DennisLeslie DennisLynne DeptulaJoAnn DeubyKristin DeVriesChris EckertLinda FletcherJudith GrantzKathleen GregoryMary Jo HaskinsJudith HedkeJoanne HoekstraDavid HustedBob Huizenga

Kathy HyinkEd KimRick KircheisGreg LambertChantra LaningaNancy LeferriereRon LeferriereSally LowrySarah McCabeHelene MitchellMaggie MoerdykeDiana MorgensternAndy NoblesGerry OppenneerCarol O’RourkePeggy PageDirk PegmanKathleen PlantingaJoe PrihodaSuzie ReinboldJennifer RoseKen SchepersMaggie SchoenwandtJim SegerCarolyn SnizikKen SpoelmaRuth StephensLisa SymonsMary TettJan TwestenEllen VandenBergDawn VandentoornTrenna VanderwoudePat VanPortflietAmy VanProoyenBillie VanZantenUta VilmontBarbara VosRobert WeaverNancee WoudstraJacquelyn Zagers

EMERITUS VOLUNTEERSRita BalczakBetty LawtherArnold MichelsRuth PostemaMary YostWilliam Yost
