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Lecture Note

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Acquiring Information Systems and Applications


13.1 Planning for and Justifying IT Applications13.2 Strategies for Acquiring IT Applications13.3 The Traditional Systems Development Life

Cycle13.4 Alternative Methods and Tools for

Systems Development13.5 Vendor and Software Selection


1. Define an IT strategic plan, identify three objectives it must meet, and describe the four common approaches to cost-benefit analysis.2. Discuss the four business decisions that companies must make when they acquire new applications.3. Identify the six processes involved in the systems development life cycle, and explain the primary tasks and importance of each process.


4. Describe four alternative development methods and four tools that augment development methods, and identify at least one advantage and one disadvantage of each method and tool.5. Analyze the process of vendor and software selection.

13.1 Planning for and Justifying IT Applications

Organizations must analyze the need for the IT application.Each IT application must be justified in terms of costs and benefits.The application portfolio

Information Systems Planning

Information Systems Planning (continued)

Organizational Strategic Plan IT Architecture

IT Strategic Plan

IT Steering Committee

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IS Operational Plan

Contains the following elements:MissionIT environmentObjectives of the IT functionConstraints of the IT functionApplication portfolioResource allocation and project management

Evaluating & Justifying IT Investment: Benefits, Costs & Issues

Assessing the costsFixed costsTotal cost of ownership (TCO)

Assessing the benefits (Values)Intangible benefits: Benefits from IT that may be very desirable but difficult to place an accurate monetary value on.

Comparing the two

Conducting the Cost-Benefit Analysis

Using Net Present Value (NPV)Return on investmentBreakeven analysisThe business case approach

13.2 Strategies for Acquiring IT Applications

Four fundamental business decisions to make before choosing a strategy: (1) How much computer code does the company want to write? (2) How will the company pay for the application? (3) Where will the application run? (4) Where will the application originate?

Strategies for Acquiring IT Applications

Purchase a Prewritten ApplicationCustomize a Prewritten ApplicationLease the applicationsApplication Service Providers and Software-

as-a-Service VendorsUse Open-Source SoftwareOutsourcingCustom Development

Operation of an Application Service Provider (ASP)

ASP Data Center







Database Database Database

Operation of a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Vendor

SaaS Vendor Data Center








13.3 Traditional Systems Development Life Cycle

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Systems InvestigationSystems AnalysisSystems DesignProgramming and TestingImplementationOperation and Maintenance


Six-Stage Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with Supporting Tools

Systems Investigation

Deliverable: Go/No Go Decision

Systems Analysis

Deliverable: User Requirement

Systems Design

Deliverable: Technical Specification

Programming and Testing



Operation and Maintenance

Business Need

Joint Application

Design (JAD)

Upper CASE Tools

Lower CASE Tools


Major advantagesControlAccountabilityError detection

Major drawbacksRelatively inflexibleTime-consuming and expensiveDiscourages changes once user requirements are gathered

SDLC – Systems Investigation

Begins with the business problem (or opportunity) followed by the feasibility analysis.

Feasibility studyDeliverable: Go/No-Go Decision

Feasibility Study

Technical feasibilityEconomic feasibilityOrganizational feasibilityBehavioral feasibility

SDLC – System Analysis

The examination of the business problem that the organization plans to solve with an information system.

Main purpose is to gather information about existing system to determine requirements for the new or improved system.

Deliverable is a set of system requirements, also called user requirements.

SDLC – Systems Design

Describes how the system will accomplish this task.

Deliverable is the technical design that specifies:

System outputs, inputs, user interfaces.Hardware, software, databases,

telecommunications, personnel & procedures.Blueprint of how these components are


SDLC – System Design (continued)

Scope creep is caused by adding functions after the project has been initiated.


SDLC – Programming & Testing

Programming involves the translation of a system’s design specification into computer code.Testing checks to see if the computer code will produce the expected and desired results under certain conditions.Testing is designed to delete errors (bugs) in the computer code.

SDLC – Systems Implementation

Implementation involves three major conversion strategies:

Direct Conversion Pilot Conversion Phased Conversion Parallel Conversion (not used much today)

SLDC – Operation & Maintenance

Audits are performed to assess the system’s capabilities and to determine if it is being used correctly. Systems need several types of maintenance.

Debugging Updating Maintenance

13.4 Alternative Methods and Tools for Systems Development

Joint application design (JAD)Rapid application development (RAD)Agile developmentEnd-user development

RAD versus SDLC

Tools for Systems Development

PrototypingIntegrated computer-assisted software engineering (ICASE)Component-based developmentObject-oriented development

13.5 Vendor & Software Selection

Step 1: Identify potential vendors.Step 2: Determine the evaluation criteria.

Request for proposal (RFP)Step 3: Evaluate vendors and packages.Step 4: Choose the vendor and packageStep 5: Negotiate a contract.Step 6: Establish a service level agreement.

Chapter Closing Case

• The Problem

• The Solution

• The Results
