2015 Guion Para La Sesion Auditiva_ingles g7!2!20-15



2015 Guion Para La Sesion Auditiva_ingles g7!2!20-15

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English Grade 7 Listening Practice Questions 2015 1

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Pruebas Puertorriqueñas de Aprovechamiento Académico 2015 7th Grade English as a Second Language Script for Practice Questions - Listening Section (Narrator): These are the English Listening Practice Exercises for 7th grade. With these practice questions, you will show how well you can understand spoken English. (Pause 3 seconds.) (Narrator): Directions: In this practice session, you will listen to a passage. Then, listen to and answer the questions. Mark the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet. (Narrator): Listen to a passage about goldfish. You will answer questions 1 through 4 based on this passage. (Pause 3 seconds.) (Man): Did you know that you can train goldfish to come when you ring a bell? To do this activity you will need several items. First, you will need a bell, fish food, and some goldfish in a tank. For two weeks, you will need to set up a daily feeding schedule to train the fish. Each day, get the food out, ring the bell, and then feed the fish. Feed the fish once a day at different times. This way the fish will learn to associate the bell with getting fed. After two weeks, have someone help you test whether the bell experiment is working. Have your friend ring the bell while you hide and watch what the fish do. They will probably gather around, waiting for food. This is called a conditioned response. 07I0906LN (Pause 3 seconds.) (Narrator): Now answer the following questions. (Pause 3 seconds.) (Narrator): Look for question number 1. Now listen to the question. (Pause 3 seconds.) (Narrator): What will you need to do FIRST to prepare for the experiment? (Pause 3 seconds.) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options.)

English Grade 7 Listening Practice Questions 2015 2

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(Narrator): A Train goldfish to come when you ring a bell. B Find someone that can help you with the test. C Get a bell, fish food, and some goldfish in a tank. D Ring the bell, hide, and watch what the goldfish do. PRI0907104258-0906LN_3 (Pause 3 seconds.) (Narrator): Choose the letter of the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet. (Pause 3 seconds.) (Narrator): Look for question number 2. Now listen to the question. (Pause 3 seconds.) (Narrator): Why should you hide when you check to see if the experiment worked? (Pause 3 seconds.) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options) (Narrator): A You will be surprised at the result of the experiment. B You can see if the fish are responding to the bell and not to you. C The fish will know that it is officially time to eat. D Your friend can have a chance to see what happens with the fish. PRI0907103256-0906LN_2 (Pause 3 seconds.) (Narrator): Choose the letter of the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet. (Pause 3 seconds.) (Narrator): Look for question number 3. Now listen to the question. (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Which question is answered by the passage you just listened to? (Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options) (Narrator): A How much food are fish given daily? B Why do some fish like the sound of bells? C When do fish prefer to get their food? D How can a conditioned response be taught to fish? PRI0907102254-0906LN_4

English Grade 7 Listening Practice Questions 2015 3

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(Pause 3 seconds.) (Narrator): Look for question number 4. Now listen to the question. (Pause 3 seconds.) (Narrator): What is the main idea of this passage? (Pause 3 seconds.) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options.) (Narrator): A Fish like the sound of bells. B Fish make fantastic pets. C Fish live for many weeks. D Fish can be trained to do things. PRI0907105262-0906LN_4 (Pause 3 seconds.) (Narrator): Choose the letter of the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet. (Pause 3 seconds.) (Narrator): Listen to the passage, the questions, and the answer choices again. (Pause 3 seconds.) (Man reads passage again and Narrator repeats the questions and answer options.) (Pause 10 seconds.) (Narrator): This is the end of the 7th grade Listening Practice Exercises. Put your pencil on your desk and wait for instructions from your teacher.