2015 03 sammss newsletter



সুন্দরবন আদিবাসী মুন্ডা মহিলা সমবায় সমিতি 2015 03 SAMMSS NEWSLETTER

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Place: Jisur Nam Ashram Date: 31-03-2015

Dear readers,

Take our cordial love.

This is the third newsletter of 2015.

In this newsletter you find the following news:

1 . D r i n k i n g w a t e r

2 . V i s i t o r s

3 . C o n s t r u c t i o n o f a n e w h o u s e

4 . U r m i l a ’ s c h i c k e n s

5 . N e w a r r i v a l

6 . F r u i t s o f o u r g a r d e n

Comments, advice and suggestions about our Newsletter are welcome and can be sent to these e-mail addresses:



Our Newsletters are online at http://issuu.com/munda.education.centre.bd


1. Drinking water

The summer season has started. The sun shines everyday and air is getting warmer. So people are becoming very thirsty. There are five big tanks in this place. During the rainy season we harvested a lot of rain water. These tanks were full of drinking water and we hoped we could have enough water to drink. But all the five tanks are empty now. So now we are facing the great problem of drinking water. Every week by turns some girls from here go far away to collect drinking water with some small containers. We hope to have some rain as early as possible so that we can start filling our big tanks and thus solve the problem of drinking water.



2. Visitors

On the 27th of March 2015 five guests came to visit us at Jisur Nam Ashram Christian Mission. They reached this place at 10.30 A.M.


After getting acquainted with the girls living in this place they went to see the Sundarban forest which is ten kilometers away from here.

We found the following two pictures on their Facebook


They returned from the Sundarban in the afternoon and took their lunch. We arranged a welcome ceremony for them which they enjoyed very much.


We are very proud of our traditional songs and dances which represent a positive value of the culture of our Munda Tribe. Fr. Luigi is able to play our tribal music with his Fisarmonica! He also taught us some traditional songs of the Western culture.


Our guests came from Italy. It is so far! We know because Fr. Luigi teach us geography. He also brought two Munda girls to Italy in the past. With many thanks to our guest for their visit, we wish that any of us can reciprocate… soon or later!


3. Construction of a new house

A new house is being built here. Six workers come to work on this house every day. Work is going on very speedily. The main structure of the building has come up. We hope the masons will be able to finish their work on this house before the beginning of the rainy season. Very soon we are going to have a new beautiful building which will be also a cyclone shelter for all the people living near this small mission out station. There will be four rooms in the new building : two big rooms for the girls and two small rooms for guests.


4. Urmila’s chickens

Urmila bought 50 small chickens one month ago. It has taken only one month time for the chickens to grow up. Urmila sold her chickens a few days ago. There was no profit but there was no loss either. Urmila is confident to get a good profit if she increases the number of chickens to raise. Therefore she is thinking of raising 100 chickens next time. We wish her good luck with her enterprise!


5. New arrival

A new girl has joined the group staying at the Christian mission. Her name is Supria Munda. She comes from a Munda village not very far from here. She is in class six. In the following picture (in the middle) Supria is with Tumpa and Lipika who are in the same class. Supria will have to work very hard to reach the level of her class mates, but we are confident that she will succeed.


6. Fruits of our garden

In our garden there are different kinds of fruit trees. We have coconut trees, mango trees, guava trees, wood apple tree, betel nut trees and “gobeda and shobeda” fruit trees. We don’t know the English word for these last fruit trees. Anyway: gobeda and shobeda are ripe and mangos will ripe in two months time. We just hope thieves will stay away from our fruits garden!