2014/2015 Annual Report · 2 2014/2015 Annual Report Our Vision Statement Our Vision The Board of...


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2014/2015 Annual Report

Trading as the Russian Relief Association of St Sergius of Radonezh

The Russian Relief Association values caring for our residents with respect, trust, quality care, exceptional staff and management.

Our Vision Statement ...................................... 2

Board of Directors .......................................... 3

President’s Report .......................................... 4

Vice President’s Report ................................ 5-6

Treasurer’s Report .......................................... 6

Organisational Chart ........................................ 7

Management ............................................... 8-9

Internal Audit Committee Report .................. 10

Report from the Director of Care ............. 11-12

Report from the Finance Manager ........... 12-13

Maintenance Report – IT/ Technology ...... 14-15

Dementia Care .............................................. 15

Palliative Care ................................................ 16

Physiotherapy ............................................... 17

Staff Education ........................................ 18-19

Work Health and Safety ............................ 19-20

Day Care Report ....................................... 20-22

Leisure and Lifestyle ................................. 22-23

Employee of the Month ................................ 24

Financial Statements ..................................... 26

Caring for people St Sergius has a philosophy that we

apply and believe that every person

has a value and each individual must

be treated with respect and dignity.

This same philosophy is adopted to all

residents and their families and friends

and also to our staff. This encourages

everyone to work together. With

looking after each other in the way

we do this in turn results in happier

residents and high retention of staff.



2014/2015 Annual Report

Our Vision Statement

Our Vision

The Board of Management of Russian Relief

Association of St. Sergius of Radonezh is

committed to achieving the highest possible

standards of care for our residents in the

tradition of their heritage and culture.

Our Philosophy

In providing care for the aged and infirmed

persons of the highest possible quality we

are inspired by the principles of the Christian

benevolence. We aim to provide a lifestyle for

our residents in the traditions of the Russian

Culture and the rites of the Russian Orthodox

Church. We believe that growing old is a

further stage of development, which should be

approached with dignity and confidence in one’s

ability to achieve the full potential that is possible

for this time of life. At the same time, we

recognize and accept the notion that all residents

irrespective of their physical, emotional, mental

state or denomination have the same right as

all Australian citizens and should be treated

with utmost care and consideration. Their sense

of personal dignity and self respect should be

maintained at all times.


• Striving to understand another person’s

experience, being aware of their feelings,

their discomfort and suffering, and being

motivated to respond.

• Upholding the right of every individual

to be held in positive regard, to be

treated with dignity and in a way that

acknowledges their full human potential.

• Achieving and maintaining the optimum

standard of service in every area through

continues quality improvement.

• Demonstrating willingness to contribute in

full, and to cooperate with one another to

achieve our shared vision for the future.

• Acting with fairness and openness in such

a way that individual and organizational

values are displayed through our facility.

2014/2015 Annual Report



• To create a homelike atmosphere to which

our residents have been accustomed at

home by providing specific home style

cooked meals, observance of religious

feasts and other customs relating to

Russian culture.

• To maintain the highest standard of nursing

care, meeting physical, psychological,

spiritual and emotional needs of residents

in a professional and safe manner.

• To treat residents with kindness and

dignity and maintain quality of life at the

highest level.

• To provide an atmosphere where mutual

respect exists between staff and residents.

• To enable residents to maintain their

independence, privacy and individuality,

yet encourage them to take an interest in

daily activities.

• To implement recreational and social

programmes to met the individual needs

of residents.

• To provide in-service training and

opportunities for external education for

staff development.

• To offer our support to relatives and friends

and help them come to terms with the

changed circumstances.

Board of Directors

Board Members:

President ....................................... Mrs I.B. Ryan

First Vice President .....................Mr A.S. Hughes

Second Vice President ...................Dr A.F. Pesce

Hon. Treasurer ................................Mr N.B. Ostin

Hon. Secretary.....................Mr N.M. Serebriakov

Directors ................................Mr V.M. Ignatenko

.................................................... Mr E.B. Aleshin

..................................................Mr M.M. Dubinin

.................................................Mr N.N. Pitchuev

.................................................. Dr A.V. Newfield

People are our most important resource.


2014/2015 Annual Report

President’s Report 2014-2015Our association started by humble, traumatised Orthodox Russian migrants from China and Europe in 1945 has grown into a professional organisation with specialised staff working

round the clock to provide expert care for our residents.

In this year of our 70th anniversary I think it is appropriate to pay tribute to my predecessors. Those idealistic and strong people had foresight, unfailing dedication and passion for the Russian people and culture. Little did they know that they would be making such an enormous contribution to our community and making history in Australia and elsewhere. As far as I know there is no other facility like it. St Sergius Aged Care is an organisation that is a leader in its field and one that our community can rightly be proud of.

The modern concept of ‘person centred service’ has always been in practice here. It means fitting the service to the individual and not the other way around, it means kasha rather than corn flakes and balalaika before Billy Joel. We have delivered culturally appropriate care, we have celebrated Orthodox feasts and are further introducing pilot programs which will further improve the quality of the residents’ lifestyle, keep them more mobile and interested in the world around them. The Samovar Cafe has undergone further improvements and the delicacies produced on the premises are a great source of joy to visitors and residents. We realise that mobility is an issue for a lot our people, so we have acquired a larger bus with hydraulic lifters for wheelchairs to

increase the number of outings. Similarly we have increased the number of concerts and introduced the festivals of Krasnaya Gorka and Yolka. We have worked on a scented garden, so that a walk in the fresh air means enjoying colourful and beautiful plants without venturing too far.

Our staff speak Eastern European languages to ensure that our residents are understood and their needs are met. I have often heard from our long serving members of staff that St Sergius is like home to them too, great to hear given that we all could find ourselves here in our twilight years or unfortunately for some, even earlier. Dementia is a growing problem all around the world and we are planning for our expansion.

None of the above could have been possible without the support of the Board, management and staff. All bar none are passionate about their work and I thank them for it.

We retained the general Health Department and our first Day Care Accreditation with flying colours.

The organisation is in a very healthy financial situation. We don’t owe money to anyone even though the recent building programme has been completed.

There is an increasing need for the service that we provide and we hope to give an even better service in the future.

Irene RyanPresident

2014/2015 Annual Report


Vice President’s Report 2014-2015Exactly 70 years ago, on 18th November 1945, a group of Russian people founded a new organisation which has grown into what it is today – a first class Aged Care Facility – St Sergius Aged Care.

Over the last 70 years many changes, additions and modifications were made to the Facility, but regardless of how fast new rooms were added, there were never enough; demand exceeds supply.

As the population ages, there is a world shortage of Aged Care Facilities and it is a major issue for the whole world. The Australian Government has undertaken a complete review of the Aged Care Act some years ago and it is continuously being modified. The last three years have seen big changes such as the introduction of Bonds, making residents more responsible for their aged care. All these changes and more stringent rules and systems have put a lot of pressure on Aged Care Providers. Even more responsibilities are also placed on people looking to enter Facility and their relatives. This requires filling in a lot of Government forms, which are difficult for elderly people to complete.

To comply with these additional Government requirements the Board of Directors have developed a 10 year strategic plan.

1. First of all starting in November 2015 St Sergius will have specially trained staff available to assist in filling in many Government forms. This will make entry into St Sergius facility relatively easy.

2. Last year St Sergius facility opened 30 rooms for dementia patients and this year

the number of people seeking dementia and nursing care is increasing every day. If a room becomes vacant today, it is occupied again in the morning.

The Board of Directors have prepared plans for the building of a new 50 bed, three level extension to the facility on land which belongs to St Sergius. The Board is also negotiating purchase or swap of Church land which will allow new facility to follow existing building along Cabramatta Road.

This three level building will have two levels of dementia care rooms, associated rooms for dining, rest rooms, lounges, staff etc. Ground floor will have a carpark, swimming pool, saunas, billiards and craft rooms.

It is expected that this development will take 2.5 – 3 years to complete.

3. The Board is examining a possibility of modifications of the existing original nursing home to incorporate as many additional bathrooms as possible, thus creating better facilities.

4. Refurbish and extend kitchen to accommodate needs of extra 50 residents. Expected 2 years to complete.

5. Build approximately 10 to 14 one, two and even three bedroom Independent Living Units on RRA land. Expected completion 3 years.

6. We already have a very successful Day Care operation and the Board is currently in the process of establishing Home Care Service in the current financial year. This service will make St Sergius a complete Aged Care Provider, offering Day Care, Home Care, Residential Care and Independent Living Units.


2014/2015 Annual Report

7. Aged Care sector is growing extremely fast and to stay in business St Sergius Aged Care Facility must continue with our hard work to be the best in the industry!

There is only one way to achieve this is to have hard working caring staff and first class facilities. Some 15% of our staff have worked for St Sergius for over 15 years. These are very impressive figures and indicate that St Sergius staff have shown their dedication to the care of our residents. The Board of Directors and Management are putting a lot

of effort into assisting our staff to further their education, many of who are already completing or currently studying.

Alexander Hughes OAM

Vice President

Treasurer’s Report 2014-2015

Dear Members,

I have the honour to report that Turnover for Financial Year 2014-15 was $15,529,047.27 and after deducting expenses and

depreciation, Net Profit was $2,215,114.57 = 14.27% Net Profit.

I must thank all staff for these excellent results.

I must thank the Board of Directors for the forward planning and vision to increase 20 new beds to 168 and increase of 4 new Independent Living Units to 26 that have been occupied this year.

RRA has $5,867,466.13 in Bank Accounts on Term Deposits this includes $1,113,642.50 in Accommodation Bond Liabilities that RRA could be required to refund after residents leave RRA.

In 15-17 August 2014 the Board of Directors held a 2 day seminar in Hunter Valley to consider and prepare strategic plans for future directions and development of RRA.

The priorities have been agreed upon, but the negotiations to implement are still ongoing to find a fair and wise resolution.

Overall RRA is in a very strong financial position to continue operating at a high standard, investing and expanding our Russian Aged Care Facilities.

Nicholas (Ostasevich) Ostin

Hon. Treasurer

10th September 2015

2014/2015 Annual Report


Organisational Chart






























2014/2015 Annual Report

Board of Directors

Mrs Irene RyanDirector (President)

Dr Andrew PesceDirector (Second Vice President)

Mr Nick SerebriakovDirector (Secretary)

Mr Alexander HughesDirector (First Vice President)

Mr Michail DubininDirector (Welfare Committee)

Mr Nick PitchuevDirector

Mr Nicholas OstinDirector (Treasurer)

Mr Victor IgnatenkoDirector (Building Committee)

Mr Eugeni AleshinDirector

Dr Alexsandra NewfieldDirector

2014/2015 Annual Report


Olga Verbovskaia Nursing Record Coordinator

Iain GrettonMaintenance Supervisor

Suzana DancksDay Care Coordinator

Natalya Zaytseva Clinical Care Coordinator

Susanna MaguireDeputy Director of Care

Helen WorkmanPhysiotherapist/Non-Clinical


Ilmira ChernyakovaDirector of Care

Tatiana Fedoseeva Finance Manager

Alexey ZhigunovMaintenance Manager


2014/2015 Annual Report

Internal Audit Committee Report

Russian Relief Association has grown exponentially

for the past few years and it is time to introduce and

clarify to its members the functions of one small

committee within an Association which is the Internal

Audit Committee. I intentionally highlight meaning the

Internal Audit as against the External Audit.

The External Audit check correctness of the financial

and accounting system within the organisation. It is

an officially registered Auditor, and is appointed by

the Board. Usually it conducts audit once a year and

submits yearly report to the Board.

The Internal Audit Committee is an independent

committee, elected at the Annual Meeting by the

members of the Russian Relief Association.

The Internal Audit Committee’s functions are not to

control correctness of the accounting System, not

to monitor the payment of wages or correctness of

reconciliation with Bank statements, but to identify

and give independent advice to the Board about

potential threats to the profitability and the reputation

of the Russian Relief Association. It should monitor

how internal processes are working and how well

financial risks are being managed, monitor large

financial changes and monitor profit and loss monthly

statements, also identify potential cases of negligence

or material personal interests within organisation,

monitor treatment of the employees and residents, and

give independent advice to the Board.

Unfortunately Russian Relief Association still


ASSOCIATION”. Functions of the Auditing Committee,

as listed in the existing Memorandum, are now

obsolete and confusing.

We take this opportunity to advise members that the

amendments are urgently needed to the existing


Following report is based on the functions of the

Internal Audit Committee as described above:

The Board successfully carried out this year major

restructure of the Senior Management Team.

Addition of New Wing was finished except for the

small defects. Until all defects are fixed a bank

guarantee will not be released.

The Finance Department monthly reports did not

show any unusual or unexpected expenses.

Retained Profit for this year was $2,215,115.00, which

was by $1,212,682.00 higher than the last financial

year. This improvement was partially due to the

professional success by the Accountant, obtaining

Higher Accommodation Supplement, which added

extra $788,000.00 this year to the Retained Profit.

The kitchen operated satisfactory with usual minor

complaints. Kitchen work is checked once a month

internally by the Administration, once a year by an

independent firm and by the Government Division

for food. An independent nutritionist also checks the

menu once a year.

The laundry operational problems were resolved and it

passed Accreditation.

The Audit Committee attended most of the

Resident’s Review meetings. Following issues are

usually discussed: new appointments, complaints and

suggestions, kitchen and laundry operations and other

problems and news.

The Audit Committee recommends to the Board again

that amendments must be introduced to the existing

Memorandum, including clarification of the functions

of the Internal Audit Committee, abolishing the age

limit for Directors, also clarifying the responsibilities

of the Board of Directors, in the event of a potential

Conflict of Interest.

Nicholas Nikulin


Internal Audit Committee

2014/2015 Annual Report


Report from the Director of Care

This is my first report as the Director of Care. I am honoured to work in an organisation that is funded by the people of Russian Relief Association of St Sergius of Radonezh, managed by the Board of Directors and continues to care for some of the vulnerable people in our community. I strongly believe that our mission and values define who we are and underpin everything we do.

St Sergius has had a challenging, successful and exciting 2014-2015 year:

Updated systems and processes to meet new legislative changes:

The Commonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS) introduced new legislations pertaining to aged care - The Living Longer Living Better aged care reforms - which took effect as of July 1st, 2014. Additionally, service referrals through My Aged Care Portals have commenced, along with the new My Aged Care Regional Assessment Service (RAS), since July 2015. We spent much of the 2014-2015 year preparing and implementing for changed regulations. The overarching aims of the reforms are to provide greater transparency around pricing, while opening the way for residents and clients with sufficient means to contribute more to their care. It was critical that St Sergius as a service provider has reviewed and then activated our service information through the portal for those services to be displayed in the service finder located on the My Aged Care website and to receive service referrals from My Aged Care. St Sergius is now providing more information than ever before about our services, including publishing set accommodation prices for residential aged care facility. In addition, new means testing arrangements have been introduced in residential care. We are firm supporters of these changes, although some regulatory details need to be reviewed. Educating our staff, Residents, their representatives and the community on this new system has been a huge task.

Quality and Safety in Service Delivery:

In March, 2015, Russian Relief Association of St Sergius of Radonezh underwent the triennial accreditation review of Residential Aged Care Facility, as well as in July, 2015, a quality review of Day Care Service by the Quality Accreditation Agency. We received positive recognition for the quality of our services.

A new management team of Director of Care and Deputy Director of Care were introduced to their new roles following CEO resignation in March, 2015. There have been other changes to the management team including resignation of the Educator and unfilled Clinical Care Coordinator position till the middle of June, 2015.

Refining our governance systems has been a major task for the management team over the last 6 months. The organisation has refined and realigned our committee structures with the aim of improving our governance systems and processes. Additionally, we have established Key Performance Indicators which monitor our performance and identify risks from a quality and WH&S perspective. Aged Care Service Consultancy was invited to support a new management team in May, 2015.

The following operational actions were implemented:

1. Broad consultation and determination of

organisation structure

2. Review current staffing structures and levels

to outline gaps in staffing. A new position

Cert IV in medication administration which

is covered entire facility (10 hrs shift) was

introduced in May, 2015. The main idea of

introduction of Cert IV – 10 hrs shift was that

Cert IV staff will free up RNs time to focus on

resident’s care coordination

3. Outline staff training requirements and

professional development programs


2014/2015 Annual Report

Report from the Finance Manager

4. ACFI validation and claiming review to enhance

ACFI funding.

The specific skill areas outlined below have been identified as development priorities for the current workforce:

1. Person-centred care approach particularly for

people living with dementia

2. Leadership skills

3. ACFI skills

4. Specialised clinical skills including: Palliative

Care, Dementia/ Mental Health and behaviours

of concern, Rehabilitation including a focus on

wellbeing and Gerontology.

St Sergius recruits new employees with its values and directions in mind, and believes staff well-being and

staff performances go hand in hand. As a result, we emphasise the importance of personal attributes or ‘soft skills’ such as: self-management and self-care, social intelligence, accountability, continual improvement attitude and commitment to lifelong learning.

More work is needed to determine the knowledge and skills required across these areas for particular roles, and then to systematically plan development programs to meet existing gaps.

Ilmira Chernyakova


Aged care industry has grown a lot over the past few years. Today about 1.5 million Australians receive some form of care from more than 2000 specialist organisations which employ more than 350 thousand people. Even this large number of care providers and workers is proving to be insufficient due to Australia’s ageing population. To ensure that the system is keeping up with the times, the Australian government has begun rolling out the aged care reform in 2012 which is expected to continue until 2022, with a number of changes already affecting Australian nursing homes. Elderly people often have a hard time navigating through new laws, which can cause some distress, however these reforms should not frighten them, as the employees of St Sergius Aged Care can always be relied on to provide understanding, help and support.

St Sergius Aged care has existed since 1945. The first Russian immigrants from China and Europe

were often elderly and lonely and required care. This encouraged the Russian community in Sydney to create the Russian Relief Association. Ever since then, our organisation has developed and grown, we are constantly building new facilities. Today we have 168 residents in various forms of care, depending on their needs. Those who can still care for themselves reside in independent living units. We also have plans for future construction and we have already acquired parcels of land to be developed. We hope that we will soon have new additional facilities and will be able to accept more residents, both for permanent and respite care.

St Sergius Aged Care can become a real life saver for an elderly person with Russian roots. It is no secret that at a certain stage of life, bilingual people tend to return to their first language. We are proud to offer care services in the Russian language to accommodate these situations and we are very

Report from the Director of Care (continued)

2014/2015 Annual Report


happy to see Russian speakers at our nursing home.

The ongoing aged care reforms have introduced certain new policies. The first step for a person wishing to enter aged care has, however, remained the same – a consultation with a doctor. The second step is to register on a government website. Some elderly people may find this second step complicated and that is why we created a special help group. A person wishing to enter aged care, or their relatives or friends should contact us and schedule a first interview where we will help them register on the website and discuss their needs.

Another aspect of aged care which often worries people is the financial side. The newly introduced reforms ensure that every potential aged care resident is assessed on a case by case basis. This means that even if a person does not own any property or does not have a lot of money and relies on their pension, this pension will be enough to cover all expenses, including accommodation, food, medicine and additional personal services such as haircuts. Some people also needlessly worry about the “accommodation bond”. The amount of the bond is also determined on a case by case basis, and

is refundable to the person or their relatives if the person leaves aged care for any reason. This ensures that everyone can afford the bond, no matter their financial position. A person will never be asked to pay a bond that they cannot afford. We would be happy to discuss the financial aspect with any potential resident or their representative.

St Sergius Aged care is also very accommodating of family and friends visits. We have designated areas where visitors can spend time with the residents in comfort, as well as a cafe. Residents can also leave the nursing home to visit their close ones, even overnight. There is, however, a limit of 52 days a year, which means that a resident can have one overnight stay every weekend of the year.

The decision to move into aged care should not be stressful for the person or their close ones. It is truly wonderful that elderly people in Australia have the ability to receive the care they need. Our staff will help along every step of the way to ensure that the process is simple and stress free.

Tatiana Fedoseeva

Finance Manager


2014/2015 Annual Report

Maintenance Manager Report

The financial year 2014-15 was filled with

important events and changes in all areas of RRA

operations. The main event was the Accreditation

of RRA. Agency inspectors thoroughly checked

the Maintenance Department, its documentation,

procedures, programs and records. As a result

of the Agency check, inspectors highlighted

the excellent RRA maintenance system that has

been established. I am proud to say that the

Accreditation Agency suggested sharing our

knowledge with other aged care organisations.

The Maintenance Team goals set in 2014 were:

Completion of building process and takeover

of new villas; establishment of final landscape;

revision and edit of all Maintenance procedures

and programs as well as further reduction of

Maintenance costs.

The main tasks for the team were familiarization

with the new building and all its systems, as

well as continuous technical support of existing


I would like to report that the RRA Maintenance

team has achieved the set goals.

Apart from these, the team was involved in

additional major projects. Among those are:

a) New building defects rectification completed.

The design documentation, Work as Executed

drawings (WAE) and manuals handed over

to RRA.

b) Individual RRA Fibre Optic Internet channel

and 12 telephony channels (SIP). This project

allowed us to increase connection speed and

amalgamate all six RRA accounts into one.

c) Introduction of a new chemical supplier –

“ECOLAB”. The transition to better quality

chemicals was organised impeccably and did

not disrupt any day-to-day operations. This

project had an immediate impact on RRA

laundry and facility cleaning.

d) Further modernisation of Kitchen equipment

and appliances. New “Scan Boxes” – mobile

food heaters (similar to airline ones) exceeded

our expectations and are now fully employed.

The kiosk also has new baking equipment.

e) Resident room renovations project began in

March 2015 and is ongoing. The complexity

of this project is very high, because we only

have a limited amount of time to install new

systems, lighting, curtains, furniture as well

as paint ceiling and walls. Completion on time

directly affects RRA income.

Independent Living Units (ILUs)

All ILUs sold and frequent inquiries indicate their

popularity. The Maintenance team does everything

possible to keep all independent units and

surroundings in good condition.

As a part of the Fire Safety program, RRA has

employed the services of a NSW Fire and Rescue

Officer to conduct a thorough check of RRA

emergency procedures. The comprehensive report

with recommendations has been provided to us.

RRA has started the process of implementing all

suggested changes.

Existing Building

The Maintenance team continues to look after

old and existing buildings. Our organisation keeps

growing, together with it grows the demand

for well working equipment and systems.

Quantity of daily requests for technical assistance

(maintenance logs) has doubled, and my team

2014/2015 Annual Report


Dementia Care

respond to every request successfully. Keep

in mind, that at the same time, we follow a

preventative Maintenance program related to

medical and kitchen equipment, communications

and hygiene.

In conclusion

The main tasks for the team in 2015-2016 are:

a) Completion of Fire Emergency Plans,

b) Evacuation training for ILU residents,

c) “Cloud” based storage for growing RRA archives,

d) Full revision of computer hardware,

e) Full revision of Printing and Scanning

equipment and associated cost reduction,

f) Development of software to optimise

scheduling of RRA events,

g) Upgrade of Nursing Home old lift, and

h) Further development and edit of all

Maintenance procedures and programs.

Alexey Zhigunov

RRA Maintenance Manager

This year we have increased our Dementia capacity

to 39 beds to try and accommodate the ever

increasing number of Dementia Specific Residents.

These people have a deterioration of brain function

with the result of memory loss, reduced language

skills, impaired reasoning, loss of daily living skills

and changes in behaviour and emotions.

Family and friends are very welcome in our

Dementia unit and we encourage them to visit and

to escort the Residents to outside appointments

and to take them on outside visits and outings.

Over the past 12 months we have continued and

improved our existing practices, thus enhancing

and enriching the life of our Dementia Residents.

We maintain person-centred care to our elderly

residents in a safe environment using a specialised

Diversional Therapy Program and experienced

nursing staff.

We now have a Registered Nurse in our Dementia

Unit for the morning and evening shifts. We ensure

that staff working in this unit are caring, passionate

people with a commitment to provide the highest

quality care.

We have 2 full time Recreational Officers with a

passion for caring for our Dementia residents,

who are providing meaningful activities for groups

and individuals.

We are also working closely with our Physiotherapy

Team in developing innovative exercise and walking

programs. Our aim is to maintain mobility and safety

for each of our residents.

The RN working in Dementia, with the consultation

of all staff involved in the care for the resident,

constantly reviews the resident’s needs, abilities and

preferences in order to provide each resident with a

unique person-centred care.

Our aim is to maintain the wellbeing of each

Dementia resident and to improve their quality

of life.

Susanna Maguire



2014/2015 Annual Report

Palliative Care

Our Palliative Care Unit continues to provide

specialised medical care for people with serious

illnesses. It is focused on administering relief to

residents in pain associated with serious illness –

whatever the prognosis. We provide reassurance to

all residents and ensure that their pain is kept to a

minimum with the administration of analgesia and

providing pain relief therapy.

Our goal is to provide comfort and all possible

care to our terminally ill residents. Staff provide

2nd hourly pressure care and patients are nursed

on air mattresses to prevent development of

pressure sores.

The rooms are equipped with suction equipment

and piped oxygen for immediate use as required by

the resident. They live in large, quiet and light filled

rooms with an ensuite bathroom.

An increase in staff numbers meet the needs of

our seriously ill residents in our Palliative Care Unit.

All staff have undergone continuous training in

“Palliative Care”, ensuring they are equipped with

appropriate knowledge to provide the best possible

care. A Registered Nurse is on the ward 24 hours

per day to provide all specialised care as required

for the residents.

Recreation Officers provide one on one care to each

resident daily and ensure that gentle and soothing

music is playing in each room.

Family and friends are very welcome in our

Palliative Care Unit and we encourage them to visit

at any time. Overnight family stays can also be


Staff encourage and transfer each resident to have

their meals in the dining room on the Palliative Care

Unit if at all possible. They feed frail residents if they

cannot feed themselves and ensure that nutrition

and hydration are maintained.

The Russian Relief Association has an approach

that improves the quality of life of residents and

their families facing the problems associated with

life-threatening illness, through the prevention

and relief of suffering by means of impeccable

assessment and treatment of pain and other

problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual.

Susanna Maguire


2014/2015 Annual Report



The Physiotherapy Department has had a lot of

changes and improvements this year which are of

great benefit to our residents. Our big focus has

been increasing physical activity opportunity for

our residents. Physical activity and exercise helps

you stay healthy, energetic, independent and

reduce the risk of falls. As you get older it is even

more important to stay active if you want to stay

healthy and maintain your independence.

To make the changes possible we have increased

our staff levels with 2 extra PT aides and PT now

4 x week.

New Initiatives:

1. We have been running our exercise group now

for several years 2 x week. The exercises focus

on improving strength and fitness of those

muscle groups which are most likely to impact

on an elderly person’s independent mobility

and falls prevention. Residents are re-assessed

regularly to allow the program to be tailored

to their individual need. The residents enjoy

the social impact of the group and have also

reported an improvement in their mobility. We

have now started to run the gym programme

3 x week.

2. We have commenced an advanced walking

programme (garden walks) 3 x week with

our residents. The ‘walking programme’ was

developed to optimise residents’ physical

activity. This program aims to minimise falls

risk, and improve function in our residents.

3. Pain not only subjectively is unpleasant but

care decrease energy levels and make people

more vulnerable to falling. With the increased

staff and hours we are able to offer more pain

intervention more regularly.

Non Clinical Education/Training

We have a strong commitment in offering

quality care and supporting our staff. We have

successfully started half block training for staff

to make Mandatory Education more efficient. We

have also introduced regular in house training from

a college to increase staff knowledge in speciality

areas such as Dementia and Palliative Care.

We set up a new project this year training Russian/

Serbian speaking staff who had previously never

worked in Aged Care but showed an interest. A

lot of the staff had poor English so we supported

them originally in house, providing training and

lectures and setting up a buddy system for

them. We are happy to announce that all 10 staff

members have now completed a Certificate III in

Aged Care.

Helen Workman


Non-Clinical Educator


2014/2015 Annual Report

Staff Education

Nurses of Russian Relief Association of St. Sergius

of Radonezh are committed to incorporating the

principles of person-centered care in every aspect

of nursing care, including assessment, treatment,

and advocacy. This commitment to person-

centered care supported by educating staff on this

care philosophy; developing staff communication

skills; providing the transformational leadership

required for practice change and collaborative

work relationships; and promoting individual

accountability for person-centered care. A

nurse’s ability to deliver person-centered care is

determined by the attributes of the nurse, their

nursing practice, and the care environment.

We are determined to improve professional

competence, by providing continuous training

and education. Training and in-service education

sessions designed to provide broad level of the

knowledge, skills and strong professional values

to all nursing personal. All new staff members

undergo comprehensive training, introduction

program and competency assessments in order

to ensure that high standards of nursing care

are maintained. Additionally, working in close

collaboration with Medi-Learn and Australian

Institute of Workplace Learning allowed us to

provide access for our staff to various education

and training programs which might boost

professionalism of our nursing personal. Any staff

member might choose an education and training

program to upgrade qualifications and build career

in aged care. Recently, ten new personal care

workers completed Certificate III course and joined

our team.

Regular competency assessments of Certificate III

and Certificate IV allows us to identify and address

weakness, as well as to maintain appropriate

standards of nursing care. Changing the nursing

model of care required changing the way we

think. We are orientated to build strong, trustful

relationships with our residents and families.

There is an open disclosure process that ensures

residents and their families are provided with

timely information on what has happened, why it

occurred and what steps are being taken to prevent

it happening again. Nursing staff communicate

with family members more frequently, not only to

provide updated information, but also to receive

personal information about residents, to improve

quality of care.

At the Russian Relief Association of St. Sergius of

Radonezh we strive to understand the way our

health care is delivered and to develop systems

that will reduce the likelihood of future adverse

events that result in residents harm. We have

programs in place to identify areas of clinical

risk including incident management reporting

system and audit system. Management of the

facility worked hard to develop a culture and

that actively encourage staff to report incidents,

known in health care as adverse events. Insights

gained from analyzing incidents information are

used to improve resident care and provide us with

opportunities to learn about and correct problems.

We continue to use an incident management

system to manage safety and quality risks to

maximize resident safety and care across the

entire facility. The information gained from our

systems allows RN’S and Managers to learn about

and to use this knowledge to improve the safety

and quality of clinical care. In the last 12 months,

majority of all incidents notified resulted in minimal

or no harm. Data from these events is aggregated

to identify opportunities for improvement.

2014/2015 Annual Report


Recently, to improve nursing care and to reduce

medical complications, we have purchased INR

testing machine. INR monitoring is considered

the gold standard of care, as it has been found

that individuals using this method remain within

therapeutic range over 70% of the time.

Russian Relief Association of St. Sergius of

Radonezh is committed to enhance person

centered care. Collaborative education programs

clearly demonstrate the facility’s commitment

to providing, promoting and inspiring lifelong

learning across all health professions.

Natalya Zaytseva

Clinical Care Coordinator

Work Health and Safety

The Russian Relief Association of St Sergius

of Radonezh is committed to a safe working

environment and this is achieved through an

effective consultative process which gives all

employees the opportunity to express their views

on matters relating to Work Health and Safety.

RRA Management facilitates a safe working

environment through:

• Promoting a safe working culture through

proactive risk management;

• Providing ongoing training to all staff in

relation to a safe working culture;

• Providing appropriate resources for all aspects

of Work Health and Safety;

• Implementing effective consultative

mechanisms with all employees;

• Monitoring performance and implementation

of continuous improvement plan;

• Encouraging all staff to believe that Work

Health and Safety is everybody’s responsibility

to report.

Work Health and Safety is an area that the RRA

takes very seriously and this year we continued

with the ongoing training of all staff including

the Board of Directors who undertook fire safety

training as well as providing a fire drill for our

Independent Living Units.

Consulting all staff on matters pertaining to Work

Health and Safety is not only a legal requirement

under the Act but it also makes good business

sense – a safe worker is a happy worker! This year

we purchased new equipment for our staff so

they can provide the best of care for our residents

as well as keeping our staff safe. This equipment

included two lifters for our new sections, Palliative

Care and Dementia 2. A new fire panel was also

installed in the original section of the Nursing

Home which now communicates effectively with

the main fire panel. Updated evacuation drawings

were also commissioned and displayed throughout

facility, giving staff a clearer understanding of

their nearest evacuation route in the event of

an emergency.

The Work Health and Safety Committee continues

to meet every two months where any issues to

do with Work Health and Safety are discussed and

acted upon. WHS Representatives and Committee

play an important role in making the workplace

safe and healthy by:


2014/2015 Annual Report

• Helping improve the workplace through the

implementation of a safety management system;

• Participating in matters that affect WHS,

including hazard identification and controls;

• Using a continuous improvement approach to

Work Health and Safety.

Iain Gretton

Maintenance Supervisor

Day Care Report

Day Care has had an amazing year and since our last

Annual Report there’s been considerable growth in

our outputs, staff and the diversity of our service

provision to our Clients and their Carers.

Advertising and promotions

Day Care has made itself known to the local

community through various ways of advertising:

the Russian TV, Russian newspaper, Serbian

newspaper, fliers, networking, countless emails sent

to other aged care services but word of mouth has

been the best thus far.

Community Partners

We have established a network with various Aged

Care Community Partners and collaborate with

them on a regular basis regarding referrals, clients’

needs or any issues that we can work on resolving

together. Community partners such as MCCS, ACAT,

Dept. of Family and Community services and Home

Care Services have been most helpful in advertising,

referring new clients, offering transport for mutual

clients as well as sharing with our clients’ valuable

information regarding aged care through various

programs and organised presentations.

Day Care Team

Our team consists of 3 Recreational Activity

Officers, 1 wonderful Volunteer and a Coordinator.

And what a great team we have! We base our

successful teamwork on great communication,

clear understanding of our roles and mutual care

for providing the best service to our clients and

their carers. We often say that our clients are our

extended family and, from the positive feedback

that we have been getting from clients and carers,

I can safely say that they share the same feeling.

The Day Care Team firmly believes that professional

development is the key to improvement in the

quality of our service. Our staff regularly attend

facility on-site training and all staff have also been

enrolled in a Leisure and Health Certificate IV


As the leader of the Day Care Team I am constantly

researching the aged care sites and keeping

informed about the changes in the aged care

industry ensuring that the RAO staff is continuously

updated. As a Coordinator I research and regularly

communicate with my staff about valuable

information regarding health and leisure activities,

2014/2015 Annual Report


dementia and behaviour management, cultural

diversity etc.

Our Service

At Day Care, we pride ourselves on our structure

and organization. This involves: developing,

updating and following procedures, time

management, reporting, team meetings, staff

and volunteer training, developing and updating

documentation, housekeeping, etc. However, none

of the above would matter without providing the

best quality of service that our seniors need and


Service provision involves: Careful Client Care

Planning based on individualised needs and goals,

appropriate interventions with client focused

activities in view of wellness and enablement. Our

daily recreational activities are broken down into 5

elements to stimulate social, physical, emotional

or sensory, cognitive and spiritual needs. Service

also includes client and carer care coordination,

information sessions and workshops for clients and

carers through Community Partners and other aged

care service providers.

Focus on Enablement

Activities that are implemented in Day care

are carefully planned and constantly evolving

and changing to suit clients’ needs but more

importantly to promote enablement. Our clients are

encouraged to take turns in calling bingo numbers,

scoring games, picking teams for competitions and

leading exercise activities with the activity officer.

Our clients also take their own initiative in helping

other clients with craft, word association games and

similar. A great example of enablement is that one

of our clients has became a volunteer and shares

her skills with the other clients.


We have a huge number of activities ensuring

that there is a good variety of different activities

every day. Our clients enjoy social discussions,

reminiscence, memory games and word association

games, sports and competitive games, sensory

games, outings or just plain old chit chat about the

weather. Our activities can be highly complex such

as a word association game which involves rolling of

the dice and adding numbers then comparing the

number with the alphabetical order and answering

a question that starts with that letter. Or ridiculously

simple such as alphabetical ball toss. Both activities

produce the same result and stimulate the same

part of the brain but they acquire different skill

sets. So, for example, dementia effected clients

who may not be able to do the complex game, can

still benefit from a mentally stimulating activity in a

group environment.

All of our activities are developed and implemented

with flexibility to suit all clients.

Quality Review

As HACC Government service provider we are

obligated to follow and comply with the Community

Care Common Standards. The aims of the standards

quality review process are to assess whether:

• Safe, high-quality community care services are


• Service provision meets the identified needs of

service users

• Program Standards and expectations are met

• Funds are used according to the purposes

specified in funding agreements.

And as a result of weeks and months of hard work

and great efforts from all of us in Day Care, our


2014/2015 Annual Report

1st Quality Review passed all 18 points of the 3

Standards with flying colours. Now we just need to

continue to develop and improve further.

Our Vision

We set big goals last year and achieved all of them

and more. Day Care services are open for clients 3

days per week and has 45 active members, At this

stage we have a Russian Group on Mondays, a Slavic

group on Tuesdays and a mixed cultural group on

Wednesdays. Our future goal is to grow further and

expand our services to 5 days a week in view of

providing a service to people from a wider culturally

and linguistically diverse background.

Suzana Dancks

Day Care Coordinator

Leisure and Lifestyle

Leisure and Lifestyle is a major part of St Sergius

Residents, we offer a variety of leisure and lifestyle

activities to assist to improve individualised care

needs. Leisure activities are created to enable and

empower residents to become more independent

and to have a happy fulfilled lifestyle.

RAO Staff

Our staff prides themselves on delivering

individualized care to resident’s quality of life.

New RAO staff members have been introduced

to the team as the facility has expanded to

accommodate the demanding need of residential

care in the community.

Dementia Care

St Sergius Aged Care Facility Dementia Unit caters

for 39 residents living with Dementia, RAO staff

members take pride with engaging residents in

stimulating activities to minimise and prolong the

effects of living with Dementia.


Volunteers work closely with RAO staff and

residents on a weekly basis to assist with leisure

and lifestyle activities; they interact with residents

individually and in group environments.

Stimulating Activities

A Sensory trolley was introduced in December

2014, using poetry readings, music, massage,

aroma oils, and tactile items, residents are

engaged and stimulated in the comfort of their

own bed.

Gardening is a big part of residents past, a garden

box on wheels has been introduced recently and

is designed for resident to be able to sit down and

take care of plants at arm’s length. This activity

enables residents that have a love for nature to

feel connected to their surrounds and feel more

at home.

Evening Relaxation program

Recently residents have been participated in a

new program designed for residents who require

a little relaxation in the evenings. Residents have

been observed in participating in relaxing music

sessions, Hand massages, aroma oils and sensory

DVD’s. By engaging in more relaxing environment

in the evening residents have a better night sleep

and wake up more refreshed and alert ready for

the day, this will assist in minimising challenging

behaviours throughout the day.

Day Care Report (continued)

2014/2015 Annual Report


Cultural festivities

St Sergius celebrates the Russian Orthodox

traditions. The Krasnaya Gorka celebration and the

Ivan Cupala Festival of Flowers were part of the

Russian traditions in 2015 and residents enjoyed

taking part in these festivities.

St Sergius Aged Care Facility caters for all

multicultural residents, as always we continue to

assist residents to meet their cultural needs by

offering a variety of cultural festivities.

Bus Outings and Shopping trips

In April 2015 St Sergius become proud owners of

a 21 seated Mitsubishi Roza commuter bus with a

mobility lifter to accommodate all residents.

Residents will have an opportunity to participate in

regular bus outings and fortnightly shopping trips

as this will assist residents being part of the greater


Spiritual and Pastoral Care

St Sergius Aged Care Facility takes pride in assisting

residents to meet their religious and spiritual

needs. Regular visitation is provided by Priests from

the Russian, Serbian and Catholic faith.

Father Boris from the Russian Orthodox Church,

Cabramatta, performs monthly Chapel Services

including Holy Communion and general Confession.

Father Boris also provides services on special

cultural days throughout the year, including the

Holy Unction during Great Lent and the bringing of

the shroud on Good Friday.

Rose Leef

RAO Coordinator


2014/2015 Annual Report

Employee of the Month

Employee of the Month commenced in November 2008 with great success. Employees, residents and their

families can nominate an employee whether it be Nursing Staff, Recreational Officers or Administration

Officers and put this form in the suggestion box which is checked towards the end of each month and

collated. The employee receives a Westfield gift card with the value of $100.00.

Financial Statementsfor the year ended 30th June 2015

Russian Relief Association of St Sergius of Radonezh Limited

ABN: 20 071 400 470


Directors’ Report ...................................................................... 1-3

Auditor’s Independence Declaration ............................................4

Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income ..5

Statement of Financial Position ....................................................6

Statement of Changes in Equity ................................................. 7

Statement of Cash Flows ............................................................ 8

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements ........ 9-19

Directors’ Declaration .................................................................20

Independent Audit Report ................................................... 21-22

2014/2015 Annual Report

Financial Statements Page 1


D I R E C T O R S ' R E P O R T

Page 1 Your Directors present their report on the company for the financial year ended 30 June 2015.

1. Information on Directors

The qualifications, experience and special responsibilities (if any) of the Directors in office at any time during the financial year and at the date of the report are:

NAME QUALIFICATIONS SPECIAL & EXPERIENCE RESPONSIBILITIES Mrs I Ryan Barrister President elected 16.11.2014 Mr A Hughes Retired Manager Resigned as President 16.11.2014 First vice-president from 4.12.2014 Dr A Pesce Specialist medical Elected 16.11.2014 Practitioner Second vice-president from 4.12.2014 Mr E Aleshin Retired Businessman Elected 16.11.2014 Mr N Brusentsev Retied Industrial Chemist Resigned 20.10.2014 Mr M Dubinin Retired Manager Director Mr V Ignatenko Consultant Engineer Director Mr A Larpardin Retired Project Manager Not re-elected 16.11.2014 Mr N Maksymow Manager Not re-elected 16.11.2014 Dr A Newfield General Practitioner Director Mr N Ostin Director/Owner Appointed Treasurer 4.12.2014 Mr N Pitchuev City Council Officer Elected 16.11.2014 Mr N Serebriakov Retired Manager Director (Secretary) All Directors of the Company are members. During the financial year thirteen (13) meetings of the Company’s Directors were held, in respect of which each Director of the Company attended the following number:

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D I R E C T O R S ' R E P O R T Page 2

NUMBER ELIGIBLE NUMBER NAME TO ATTEND ATTENDED Mrs I Ryan 13 11 Mr A Hughes 13 11 Dr A Pesce (elected 16.11.2014) 8 5 Mr E Aleshin (elected 16.11.2014) 8 7 Mr N Brusentsev (resigned 20.10.2014) 4 4 Mr M Dubinin 13 12 Mr V Ignatenko 13 13 Mr A Lapardin (not re-elected 16.11.2014) 5 4 Mr N Maksymow (not re-elected 16.11.2014) 5 4 Dr A Newfield 13 9 Mr N Ostin 13 12 Mr N Pitchuev (elected 16.11.2014) 8 6 Mr N Serebriakov 13 12 2. Principal Activities

The principal activities of the Russian Relief Association of St Sergius of Radonezh Limited (Russian Relief Association) during the financial year was to provide:

• accommodation and support services for the aged, primarily aged care for those with an ethnically Russian background and other people from the community;

• ancillary services related to the provision of these services. Short term Objectives The Russian Relief Association’s short term objective is to achieve improved performance within the constraint of providing high quality services to residents and clients whilst ensuring the long term sustainability of the Russian Relief Association. To expand the attendance at day care and develop home care. Long term Objectives Provision of accommodation and support services for the aged and to be financially viable for the long term.

3. Results Review

The net profit after tax was $2,215,114.57 compared with 2014 year’s net profit after tax of $1,002,433.21. The Russian Relief Association is exempt from income tax.

4. Financial Position

The entity is in a very strong financial position with Net Assets totalling $33,806,628.65 at 30 June 2015 compared with $31,091,514.08 in 2014.

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D I R E C T O R S ' R E P O R T Page 3

Results Overview 5. Business Strategies and Performance

The Russian Relief Association operates as a not for profit organisation depending on recurrent Federal Government support augmented by donations, residents contributions bequests and interest on investments. The Russian Relief Association will continue to invest in the refurbishment of its aged care facilities to maintain modern standards of best practice and maintain optimal occupancy. The Russian Relief Association is committed to attracting and retaining quality staff and volunteers, who are committed to assisting and nursing the aged. The Directors are committed to the needs to both residents and the families.

6. Significant Changes No significant change in the nature of these activities occurred during the year.

7. After Balance Date Events

There have been no significant after balance date events outside the normal operations of the company.

8. Environmental Issues The Russian Relief Association’s operations are not regulated by any significant environmental regulation under a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory.

9. Auditor’s Independence Declaration

The lead auditor’s independence declaration for the year ended 30 June 2015 has been received and can be found on page 4 of the financial report.

Signed in accordance with a Resolution of the Board of Directors. ________________________ _________________________ Mrs Irene Ryan Mr Alex Hughes Director / President Director / First Vice President Dated: 26 August 2015

2014/2015 Annual Report

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Page 4


Chartered Accountants  TELEPHONE (02) 9715 1555 6/2 PHILIP STREET FACSIMILE (02) 9715 1566 STRATHFIELD NSW 2135 PO BOX 580 CHARLES M PITT B.Bus FCA E-MAIL cpitt@cmpitt.com.au  


Chartered Accountants

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation




I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, during the year ended 30 June 2015 there have been: (i) no contraventions of the auditor independence requirements as set out in the

Corporations Act 2001 in relation to the audit; and

(ii) no contraventions of any applicable code of professional conduct in relation to the audit.

Signature: ………………………………………………… Name of Firm: CM Pitt & Co Name of Partner: Mr Charles M Pitt Date: 26 August 2015 Address: Units 6 , 2 Philip Street, Strathfield NSW 2135

2014/2015 Annual Report

Financial Statements Page 5

NOTE 2015$


REVENUES 3 15,529,047.27 12,205,260.82

Depreciation expenses 618,122.98 603,906.35

Donations 43,300.00 58,455.01

Employee Benefits expenses 8,647,282.36 7,020,910.30

Occupancy expenses 656,112.76 569,570.77

Residents expenses 1,964,134.19 1,699,767.81

Regulatory expenses 31,924.31 24,882.99

Other expenses 1,353,056.10 1,225,334.38

EXPENSES 13,313,932.70 11,202,827.61

Profit before income tax 2,215,114.57 1,002,433.21

Income tax expense – –

Profit for the year 2,215,114.57 1,002,433.21


Net gain on revaluation of non-current assets 500,000.00 –



2,715,114.57 1,002,433.21

Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the Year ended 30th June 2015

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

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Financial Statements Page 6

Statement of Financial Position for the Year ended 30th June 2015

NOTE 2015$




General reserves 4 22,255,900.41 21,253,467.20

Asset revaluation reserve 5 9,335,613.67 8,835,613.67

TOTAL RESERVES 31,591,514.08 30,089,080.87

Retained Earnings 6 2,215,114.57 1,002,433.21

TOTAL EQUITY 33,806,628.65 31,091,514.08


Cash and cash equivalents 7 5,868,576.13 2,635,990.64

Receivables 8 182,376.61 373,351.72

Inventories 9 12,958.00 13,597.45

Prepayments 10 21,607.78 2,026.30

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 6,085,518.52 3,024,966.11


Prepayments 10 5,000.00 –

Land & buildings 11 30,746,761.54 29,383,030.58

Furniture & equipment 12 1,613,448.21 1,478,502.80

TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 32,365,209.75 30,861,533.38

TOTAL ASSETS 38,450,728.27 33,886,499.49


Payables 13 2,515,830.30 1,216,114.30

Accommodation Bonds / Deposits 14 1,113,642.50 546,798.50

Provisions 15 818,846.76 811,305.51

TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 4,448,319.56 2,574,218.31


Provisions 16 195,780.06 220,767.10


TOTAL LIABILITIES 4,644,099.62 2,794,985.41

NET ASSETS 33,806,628.65 31,091,514.08

Commitment for expenditure 17 1,200,000.00

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

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Financial Statements Page 7

Statement of Changes in Equity for the Year ended 30th June 2015

NOTE 2015$


General Reserves

Balance at the beginning of the year: 21,253,467.20 19,581,072.14

Add: Accumulated income prior year 1,002,433.21 1,672,395.06

Balance at end of the year 22,255,900.41 21,253,467.20

Assets Revaluation Reserve

Balance at beginning of the year 8,835,613.67 8,835,613.67

Add: Increase in land and buildings 500,000.00 –

Balance at end of the year 9,335,613.67 8,835,613.67

Retained Earnings

Retained Profits at the beginning of the Financial Year 1,002,433.21 1,672,395.06

Net Profits attributable to members of entity 2,215,114.57 1,002,433.21

3,217,547.78 2,674,828.27

Transferred to General Reserve (1,002,433.21) (1,672,395.06)

Balance on End of Year 2,215,114.57 1,002,433.21

Total Equity 33,806,628.65 31,091,514.08

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

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Statement of Cash Flows for the Year ended 30th June 2015

NOTE 2015$




Cash flows from Operating activities

Receipts from residents and government 15,166,289.02 11,792,618.50

Payments to suppliers and employees (10,026,847.27) (10,200,935.91)

5,139,441.75 1,591,682.59

Interest received 81,965.99 183,170.38

Donations and Bequests 107,578.70 81,550.00

Receipts from Others 364,188.67 206,661.35


Cash flows from Investing activities

Purchase of equipment and building progress payments (1,623,459.57) (5,622,629.81)


Cash flows from Financing activities

Accommodation bonds received / (refunded) (837,130.05) (933,507.72)


Net Increase/(Decrease) In Cash Held 3,232,585.49 (4,493,073.21)

Cash & Cash Equivalents at beginning of year 2,635,990.64 7,129,063.85

Cash & Cash Equivalents at end of year 7 5,868,576.13 2,635,990.64


For purposes of the Statements of Cash Flows, cash includes deposits at call which are readily convertible to cash on hand.

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

2014/2015 Annual Report

Financial Statements Page 9

Notes to and Forming Part of the Accounts for the Year ended 30th June 2015

The financial report is for Russian Relief Association of St Sergius of Radonezh Limited as an individual entity, incorporated and domiciled in Australia. Russian Relief Association of St Sergius of Radonezh Limited is a company limited by guarantee.


1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIESBasis of PreparationThe financial statements are general purpose financial statements that have been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards - Reduced Disclosure Requirements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) and the Corporations Act 2001. The company is a not-for-profit entity for financial reporting purposes under Australian Accounting Standards.

This financial report has been prepared on the basis of historical cost, except for property which is fair value.

Australian Accounting Standards set out accounting policies that the AASB has concluded would result in a financial report containing relevant and reliable information about transactions, events and conditions. Material accounting policies adopted in the preparation of this financial report are presented below and have been consistently applied unless otherwise stated.

The financial report is presented in Australian Dollars and all values are rounded to the nearest dollar unless otherwise stated.


Accounting Policies


Freehold land and buildings are brought to account at cost or at directors’ valuation. The depreciable amount of all fixed assets are depreciated on a straight line basis over the useful life of the assets to the association commencing from the time the asset held ready for use. The depreciation rates used for each class of depreciable asset are:

Class of Fixed Asset Depreciation Rate

Buildings 2.5 – 3%

Plant and Equipment 5 – 20%

Furniture and Fittings 5 – 20%


The carrying amount of all fixed assets is reviewed annually by directors to ensure it is not in excess of the recoverable amount of those assets indicating impairment.

The recoverable amount is assessed on the basis of expected net cash flows which will be received from the assets’ employment and subsequent disposal. The expected net cash flows have not been discounted to their present values in determining the recoverable amounts.


Maintenance, repair costs and minor renewals are charged as expenses as incurred.


The Company is exempt from income tax.


Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GST, except where the amount of GST is not recoverable from the Australian Taxation Office. In these circumstances the GST is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of an item of expenses.

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Notes to and Forming Part of the Accounts for the Year ended 30th June 2015(continued)


– Annual Leave - a liability for Annual Leave is based on employees year end entitlements at current rates of pay.

– Sick Leave - a liability for sick leave is based on employees year end accumulated entitlements at current rates of pay.

– Long Service Leave - A liability for long service is recognised and is measured as the current value of expected payments to be made in respect of service provided by employee from commencement of service up to balance date.


Non-Supported Residents admitted to any aged care facilities before 01 July,2014 paid an Accommodation Bond. Non-supported residents admitted to any aged care facilities first time after this date can choose to pay Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) lump sum or by Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP). The RAD is money placed on deposit with Russian Relief Association with no interest payable to the residents. The amount refundable is on agreement with the Association less any amounts have agreed to have deducted.

The Association maintains all its cash deposits at Authorised Deposit-taking Institution (ADI) to cover repayments of bonds. The Investment Management Strategy (IMS) is in accordance with the Aged Care Act 1997. Refundable accommodation payments both deposits and bonds are refundable within 14 days.


Revenue is recognised when the Company is legally entitled to the income and the amount can be quantified with reasonable accuracy.

– Government Revenue has been recognised in accordance with the terms of the agreement and the entitlements based on the scale of care. 70% of Russian Relief Association of St Sergius of Radonezh Limited total reported revenue is generated from government funding. The major source of funding is from the Federal Government, Medicare.

– Interest from Money invested with Australian banks is recognised on an accrual basis using the effective interest method.

– Donations and Bequest are treated as income at the time they are receipted or credited to the Company.

– Accommodation Bond Retentions revenue includes accommodation charges to the residents who are liable to a pay a fee that is deducted from the accommodation bond, the fee is determined by the Government and the Aged Care Act 1997.


Where necessary, comparative information has been reclassified to achieve consistency in disclosure with current year amounts and other disclosures.


Trade and Other Payables represent the liability outstanding at the end of the reporting period for goods and services received by the company during the reporting period which remain unpaid. The balance is recognised as a current with the amount normally paid within 30 days of recognition of the liability.

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Notes to and Forming Part of the Accounts for the Year ended 30th June 2015(continued)


The directors evaluate estimates and judgments incorporated into the financial statements based on historical knowledge and best available information. Estimates assume a reasonable expectation of future events and are based on current trends and economic data, obtained both externally and within the company.


The Company holds in trust residents money received for the payment of personal expenses. The moneys held in trust are accounted for separately and do not appear in the Company’s financial accounts.

The accounting for residents trust money is audited and monthly statement distributed.


Entry contributions are amounts paid by individuals & occupy independent living units. The liabilities are reduced in accordance with the various resident agreements. These reductions are recorded as income in the statement of profit or less and other comprehensive income. Repayment of the contributions are also in accordance with the various resident agreements. Interest is not payable on these liabilities.


The liability of the members is limited by guarantee. Every member of the Company undertakes to contribute to the property of the Company in the event of the same being wound up while he/she is a member or within one year after he/she ceases to be a member for payment of the debts and liabilities of the Company contracted before he/she ceased to be a member and for the costs, charges and expenses of winding up and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributors among themselves such amount as may be required not exceeding twenty dollars ($20.00). At 30 June 2015 there were 252 members (30 June 2014 - 306 members).

NOTE 2015





Government Subsidies

Resident fees

Resident accommodation bond retention deducted

Rents – Residential (non age care)

– Independent living units (age care)

– Hostel (non age care)


Bank interest received


Entry contribution fees

HACC Grants

Insurance refund

HACC trading/ operating activities





























2014/2015 Annual Report

Financial Statements Page 12

Notes to and Forming Part of the Accounts for the Year ended 30th June 2015(continued)

NOTE 2015





Balance at beginning of the year

ADD: Accumulated income prior year

Balance at end of the year








Balance at beginning of the year

Increase in land and buildings

Balance at end of the year







Retained profits at the beginning of the

Financial Year

Net profits attributable to members of entity

Transferred to General Reserve

Balance on end of Year












Cash at bank

Cash at call

Interest bearing deposits

Cash on hand

Total Cash Assets












Accrued Interest

Government Subsidies

Security bonds

Other Debtors












Goods in store 12,958.00 13,597.45


Expenses prepaid

Non Current – Architect Cost




2014/2015 Annual Report

Financial Statements Page 13

Notes to and Forming Part of the Accounts for the Year ended 30th June 2015 (continued)

NOTE 2015





Land – at cost

– at directors’ valuation 30 June 2006

– at directors’ valuation 30 June 2007

– at directors’ valuation 30 June 2010

– at directors’ valuation 30 June 2013

Building – at cost or fair value

Building in Progress

Less: Provision depreciation

Total Land and Buildings


























Furniture and equipment – at cost

Less: Provision for depreciation

Total Property, furniture and equipment









Movement in Carrying Amounts

The movement in the carrying amounts for each class of property, furniture and equipment between the beginning and the end of the current financial year:

The total at beginning of the year:

Capital Additions

Write back in depreciation













Trade Creditors

Refundable Residents Entry Contributions – Independent living units

Accrued Expenses










Accommodation bond within 12 months 1,113,642.50 546,798.50

Accommodation Bonds/Deposits be classified and disclosed as current liabilities as the company does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability after 12 months of the reporting date.

2014/2015 Annual Report

Financial Statements Page 14

NOTE 2015





Provision for Sick Leave

Provision for Annual Leave

Provision for Long Service Leave

Provision for Superannuation












Provision for Long Service Leave 195,780.06 220,767.10


A commitment for capital expenditure on construction of new facilities:

Payable no later than 12 months –




The Russian Relief Association reimburses travel and other costs incurred on behalf of the Association. No other remuneration was paid to the Board of Administration or the Internal Audit Committee during the year or during the previous year.

Total amounts received, or due and receivable by Directors and the Internal Audit Committee: 69,711.93 96,791.70


Total amounts received, or due and receivable by the auditors of the company for:

(a) Audit of the accounts

(b) Other Services 25,000.00







There were no related party transactions.


The Company contributes 9.5% of employees wages to their employees’ superannuation funds. The contributions are made in accordance with award requirements.


There have been no significant events subsequent to balance date.

Notes to and Forming Part of the Accounts for the Year ended 30th June 2015(continued)

2014/2015 Annual Report

Financial Statements Page 15

Notes to and Forming Part of the Accounts for the Year ended 30th June 2015(continued)

NOTE 2015





Net Cash provided by Operations

– Depreciation

Change in Operating Assets & Liabilities

Change in inventories

Increase/(Decrease) in receivables

Loss on disposal of assets

(Increase)/Decrease in trade creditors and accrued expenses

(Increase) in employee entitlements

Increase/(Decrease) in prepayments

Profit from Ordinary Activities




















The company’s financial instruments consist mainly of deposits with bank accounts receivables and payables.

The totals for each category of financial instruments, measured in accordance with AASB 139 are as follows:

Within 1 Year Total Contractual Cash Flow

Financial Assets Note 2015 2014 2015 2014

$ $ $ $

Cash at Bank 7 402,814.76 86,422.56 402,814.76 86,422.56

Cash at Call 7 261,651.37 1,546,568.08 261,651.37 1,546,568.08

Cash on Deposit 7 5,200,000.00 1,000,000.00 5,200,000.00 1,000,000.00

5,864,466.13 2,632,990.64 5,864,466.13 2,632,990.64

Cash 7 4,110.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

Receivables 8 182,376.61 373,351.72 182,376.61 373,351.72

Total Financial Assets 186,486.61 376,351.72 185,376.61 376,351.72

Financial Liabilities

Entry contributions 13 1,957,489.12 553,515.07 1,957,489.12 553,515.07

Payables 13 558,341.18 662,599.23 558,341.18 662,599.23

Accom Bonds/Deposits 14 1,113,642.50 546,798.50 1,113,642.50 546,798.50

Total Financial Liabilities 3,629,472.80 1,762,912.80 3,629,472.80 1,762,912.80

2014/2015 Annual Report

Financial Statements Page 16

Notes to and Forming Part of the Accounts for the Year ended 30th June 2015(continued)


24 (continued)

Specific Financial Risk Exposures and Management

The main risks the company is exposed to through its financial instruments are credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk relating to interest rate risk and equity price risk.

(a) Credit Risk

Exposure to credit risk relating to financial assets arises from the potential non-performance by counterparties of contract obligations that could lead to a financial loss for the company.

The company does not have any material credit risk exposure as its major source of revenue is the receipt of federal government funding for aged care services. Credit risk is further mitigated as 70% of the revenue being received from federal government is in accordance with funding agreements which ensure regular funding for a period of 3 years with renewal of the accreditation as an aged care provider.

(b) Exchange Rate Risk Exposures

There were no financial assets or liabilities determined in foreign currencies and accordingly the Club does not carry any currency risk.

(c) Credit Risk Exposures

Trade and other receivables that are neither past due or impaired are considered to be of high credit quality. Aggregates of such amounts are as detailed in Note 8.

The company has no significant concentration of credit risk exposure to any single counterparty or group of counterparties. Details with respect to credit risk of Trade and Other Receivables are provided in Note 8.

Credit risk related to balances with banks and other financial institutions is managed by the finance committee in accordance with approved Board policy. Such policy requires that surplus funds are only invested with Authorised Deposit-taking Institution (ADI) that are Australian banks.

(d) Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk arises from the possibility that the Company might encounter difficulty in settling its debts or otherwise meetings its obligations in relation to financial liabilities. The company manages this risk through the following mechanisms:

– preparing forward looking cash flow analysis in relation to its operational, investing and financial activities;

– maintaining a reputable credit profile;

– managing credit risk related to financial assets;

– only investing surplus cash with major financial institutions; and

– comparing the maturity profile of financial liabilities with the realisation profile of financial assets.


The number of employees at 30 June 2015 was 173 (2014 -178).


The principal place of business is:

Russian Relief Association of St Sergius of Radonezh Limited

1 Gilbert Street

Cabramatta NSW 2166

2014/2015 Annual Report

Financial Statements Page 17

Notes to and Forming Part of the Accounts for the Year ended 30th June 2015(continued)



Accounting Policies

Segment revenues and expenses are those directly attributable to the segments and include any joint revenue and expenses where a reasonable basis of allocation exists. Segment assets include all assets used by a segment and consist principally of cash, receivables, inventories, intangibles and property, plant and equipment, net of allowances and accumulated depreciation and amortisation. Segment liabilities consist principally of payables, employee benefits and accrued expenses.

The Company provides residential aged care services from its own facilities at Cabramatta in New South Wales


Business Segments

Residential Aged Care

Community support Services

Administration and


Independent Living Unit



Government grants and subsidies 11,256,305.54 345,023.10 - - 11,601,328.64

Residents and client fees 3,336,476.77 - - - 3,336,476.77

Other operating revenue 176,025.95 - 18,273.60 - 194,299.55

Accommodation bond retentions 10,968.00 - - - 10,968.00

Interest received 119,474.49 - - - 119,474.49

Rent received - - 89,436.94 66,804.18 156,241.12

Donations - - 7,578.70 100,000.00 107,578.70

Membership - - 2,680.00 - 2,680.00

Total segment revenue 14,899,250.75 345,023.10 117,969.24 166,804.18 15,529,047.27


Segment profit before income tax 2,631,765.21 (94,619.10) (471,242.25) 149,210.71 2,215,114.57

Income tax expense - - - - -

Segment profit after income tax 2,631,765.21 (94,619.10) (471,242.25) 149,210.71 2,215,114.57

Segment assets 33,195,579.93 - 2,890,876.93 2,364,271.41 38,450,728.27

Segment liabilities (2,686,610.50) - - (1,957,489.12) (4,644,099.62)

Net Assets 30,508,969.43 - 2,890,876.93 406,782.29 33,806,628.65

2014/2015 Annual Report

Financial Statements Page 18

Notes to and Forming Part of the Accounts for the Year ended 30th June 2015(continued)


27 (continued)


Business Segments

Residential Aged Care

Community support Services

Administration and


Independent Living Unit



Government grants and subsidies 8,598,154.94 121,567.4 - - 8,719,722.34

Residents and client fees 3,047,209.33 - - - 3,047,209.33

Other operating revenue 51,500.00 - - - 51,500.00

Accommodation bond retentions 17,857.35 - - - 17,857.35

Interest received - - 150,117.80 - 150,117.80

Rent received - - 90,104.34 45,289.66 135,394.00

Donations - - 1,550.00 80,000.00 81,550.00

Membership - - 1,910.00 - 1,910.00

Total segment revenue 11,714,721.62 121,567.40 243,682.14 125,289.66 12,205,260.82


Segment profit before income tax 1,000,574.25 68,160.60 (191,591.30) 125,289.66 1,002,433.21

Income tax expense - - - - -

Segment profit after income tax 1,000,574.25 68,160.60 (191,591.30) 125,289.66 1,002,433.21

Segment assets 30,841,183.41 - 2,390,876.93 654,439.15 33,886,499.49

Segment liabilities (2,241,470.34) - - (553,515.07) (2,794,985.41)

Net Assets 28,599,713.07 - 2,390,876.93 100,924.08 31,091,514.08

2014/2015 Annual Report

Financial Statements Page 19

Notes to and Forming Part of the Accounts for the Year ended 30th June 2015(continued)


Residential Aged Care Expenses 2015 2014

Employee benefits 7,904,541.89 6,608,725.58

Premises 1,337,430.52 1,090,206.49

Motor vehicle 11,952.46 5,533.58

Food services 1,378,664.73 1,145,591.94

Client services 585,469.46 590,677.37

Depreciation and amortisation 449,768.36 602,204.46

Purchased services external 106,740.54 96,777.47

Loss on disposal non-current assets 1,660.22 36,777.01

Other 491,257.36 537,653.47

Total residential aged care expenses 12,267,485.54 10,714,147.37

Residential aged care assets

Current 6,085,518.52 3,024,966.11

Non-current 27,110,061.41 27,816,217.30

33,195,579.93 30,841,183.41

Residential aged care liabilities


Accommodation bonds 1,113,642.50 546,798.50

Staff provisions 818,846.76 811,305.51

Other 558,341.18 662,599.23

Total 2,490,830.44 2,020,703.24


Staff provisions 195,780.06 220,767.10

Other borrowings - -

195,780.06 220,767.10

2014/2015 Annual Report

Financial Statements Page 20



ABN: 20 071 400 470

DIRECTORS’ DECLARATION Page 20 The Directors of The Russian Relief Association of St Sergius of Radonezh Limited declare that: 1. the financial statements and notes, as set out on pages 5-19:

(a) comply with Accounting Standards and the Corporations Law: and (b) give a true and fair view of the financial position as at 30 June

2015 and performance for the year ended on that date of the company;

2. in the directors’ opinion there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable.

This declaration is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors. ________________________ ________________________ Mrs Irene Ryan Mr Alex Hughes Director / President Director / First Vice President Dated: 26 August 2015

2014/2015 Annual Report

Financial Statements Page 21

Page 21


Chartered Accountants TELEPHONE (02) 9715 1555 6/2 PHILIP STREET FACSIMILE (02) 9715 1566 STRATHFIELD NSW 2135 PO BOX 580 CHARLES M PITT B.Bus FCA E-MAIL cpitt@cmpitt.com.au



To the members and Residents of the Russian Relief Association of St Sergius of Radonezh Limited. Report on the financial report We have audited the financial report of the Russian Relief Association of St Sergius of Radonezh Limited, which comprises the statement of financial position as at 30 June 2015 the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows, and notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements and Statement by Directors. Directors' responsibility for the financial report The directors of the company are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial report in accordance the Australian Accounting Standards and for such internal control as the directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial statement that is free from material mismanagement, whether due to fraud or mismanagement. This responsibility includes establishing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditor's responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. These Auditing Standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial report is free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial report. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial report in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial report. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

Chartered Accountants

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

2014/2015 Annual Report

Financial Statements Page 22


ABN: 20 071 400 470 I N D E P E N D E N T A U D I T R E P O R T

Independence In conducting our audit, we have complied with the independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001. Audit Opinion In our opinion, the financial report of the Russian Relief Association of St Sergius of Radonezh Limited, is in accordance with: (a) the Corporations Act 2001, including:

i) giving a true and fair view of the company’s financial position as at 30 June 2015,

and of their performance for the year then ended on that date.

ii) complying with Australian Accounting Standards – Reduced Disclosure Requirements and the Corporations Regulations 2001;

Charles M Pitt C M PITT & CO ASIC Auditor Number: 2944 Chartered Accountants Units 6 & 7, 2 Philip Street STRATHFIELD NSW 2135 Dated: 26 August 2015

НОВЫЕ КВАРТИРЫ для пожилых в поселке “СЕРГИЕВ ПОСАД” При Русском Благотворительном

Обществе Преподобного Сергия Радонежского

1 Gilbert St, Cabramatta NSW 2166 | Tel: (02) 9727 9844 | www.stsergius.org.au | email: reception@stsergius.org.au

Если вы заинтересованы и желаете получить подробную информацию, пожалуйста, обращайтесь с 9 утра до 4 х дня Алексею Александровичу Жигунову по телефону 9727 9844.

Мы предлагаем на выбор четыре типа постройки и приглашаем вас посмотреть планы и выбрать подходящий для себя вариант.

Квартиры находятся в 25 км. от центра Сиднея.

Вам будут предоставлены следующие услуги:

• Вкусная и полезная пища, приготовленная нашими поварами.

• Уборка квартиры и услуги прачечной.

• Комната для отдыха, ТВ и столовая.• Зал для развлечений, концертов и

ваших семейных праздников.• Раз в месяц организованные поездки

на нашем автобусе в любое место по общему выбору пассажиров.

• Предоставляется наш автобус для поездки в магазин за продуктами.

• Парикмахерский салон• Кабинет физиотерапии• Кабинет ароматерапии• Педикюр• Отдельный кабинет для встреч

и медицинского обслуживания с вашим доктором.

• Площадка для барбекью для общего пользования.

• Закрытая и безопасная стоянка для автомобилей.

• Медицинская помощь 24 часа в сутки.

• Все квартиры подключены к Nurse call system.

• Св.Покровский Храм рядом.• Несколько минут ходьбы до

станции поезда.• Автобусная остановка около

въезда в новый комплекс.• Библиотека.

LEASING COSTSOne BEDROOM Total leasing cost $140 000

Two BEDROOM second & third floor Total leasing cost $170 000

Two BEDROOM ground floor Total leasing cost $180 000

Artist’s impression of a 2 Bdr unit in a single storey building. View to Lounge room View to kitchen. Main bedroom. Bathroom.

Русское Благотворительное Общество имени Св. Сергия Радонежского открывает запись на односпальные и двухспальные квартиры с плана новой постройки.

Nursing Home | Home for the Aged | Dementia Hostel | Independent Living Units

1 Gilbert Street, Cabramatta NSW 2166

Tel: (02) 9727 9844 | www.stsergius.org.au | email: reception@stsergius.org.au

Trading as the Russian Relief Association of St Sergius of Radonezh
