2014 SCAA Spring Newsletter



SCAA's Quarterly Newsletter

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Spring 2014 A publication of the South Carolina Aviation Association

made accessible through aviation



Aircraft Displays, Demonstrations, Workshops for all ages

September 26-27Greenville Downtown Airport (GMU)

Workshops: Loss of Control

178 Seconds to LiveiPads in Your Cockpit

Cockpit Resource ManagementTakeoffs and Landings - Your

Totals Should Match!Pilot/Controller Forum -

Ask a Pro, Face-to-FaceMaintenance Workshop - hands on

Southeast Aviation Expohttp://www.scaaonline.com/southeast-aviation-expo/


Download the Kaywa QR Code Reader (App Store &Android Market) and scan your code!

hosted by:

2013 Exhibitors

Together with you we will provide a forum that will promote collaboration in

aerospace industry research and innovation in the Southeast and South Carolina,

and a great networking opportunity.

Join us to get updated about:

• the results and implications of the 2014 South Carolina Aerospace Economic

Impact Study

• the capabilities of South Carolina’s aerospace and aerospace-related industry

• emerging statewide and regional trends in aerospace growth and opportunities

• economic opportunities that aerospace industry and related businesses may find

in South Carolina

• novel ideas and research advanced structures, materials and manufacturing along

with topics of reshoring and collaboration between industry and research

http://saeu.sc.edu/reg/aerospaceRegistration opens in May

Organized by:

aviation week details on page 11Southeast Aviation Expo details on page 6 and 7

page 8

SC Aeronautics Chairman Delphin Gantt’s Passion for Aviation

2 • Palmetto Aviation

President’s Letter: Don PurcellWow, what a great start to 2014! A super conference was held in Isle of Palms at the Wild Dunes Resort, attended by several hundred of our members in spite of the horrific ice storm that blanketed South Carolina. We canceled the dinner on the carrier Yorktown for fear of the bridges closing but, other than that and the golf outing, everything went on seamlessly. We will return to Isle of Palms next year February 11-13, 2015 and have already reserved the Yorktown!

At the conference, we announced that six of our members had completed the entire Passport Program and three were present to receive their leather flight jackets. To date, more than 350 people are registered for the program and seven have now completed the program! Register online at scaaonline.com

In addition to the new SCAA website, you can now download our free “SCAA” app at your app store. The app, as well as the website, will link you to all the aviation happenings in South Carolina. If you have an aviation event, award or something

you would like included, please send it to SCAA headquarters. We will be glad to post it.

A new addition to the website is our flight instructors sec-tion. Potential pilots are always asking where and how to locate a flight instructor. If you are a SCAA member and a flight instructor, you can now have your information listed on the website and indicate what service you can provide and where you are located.

We have already begun planning for the August 17-23 South Carolina Aviation Week and the September 26-27 Southeast Aviation Expo. Both events will expand this year and promise to be great successes. Please plan to attend.

Speaking of attending, the South Carolina Aviation Asso-ciation wants to attend as many of your events as possible. We want to have as much “face time” with pilots, airports and aviation entities in South Carolina as possible. South Carolina is an aviation friendly state and we want every one to get the message. Please contact SCAA headquarters if you have an event you would like for us to attend.

As a final thought, SCAA Board of Directors recently agreed to formalize a partnership with the South Carolina Aviation Safety Council. Informally referred to as SCAA’s safety arm since its inception, this group has made great strides to make aviation safe in South Carolina through its FOD maintenance promotion and safety seminars around the state. SCAA Board of Directors believe it will be bet-ter able to serve the aviation community in South Carolina and offer every member enhanced services through a formal partnership.

Thank you for promoting aviation in South Carolina. Let us hear from you.

Don PurcellPresident

Spring 2014 • 3

SCAC Executive Director’s Letter: Paul WertsWarmer weather is upon us, a wonderful time for recreational flying. It’s also a busy time in the State Legislature, as Aeronautics monitors aviation legislation and pursues programs for airports. One area of concern is the declining fuel sales tax revenue. Two factors are contributing to the revenue decline: 1) flying is down across South Carolina; and 2) tax appeals to the Department of Revenue (DOR) by transportation companies. Both are impacting revenues. Aviation fuel sales taxes provide financial resources for airport maintenance projects and grant in-aid programs. It is the only dedicated revenue source provided to the South Carolina Aeronautic Commission (SCAC) by the legislature since a one time $5M appropria-tion was granted in 2005.

During this legislative session, SCAC has been advocating two strategic ideas. The first is to evaluate fuel sales tax revenues. At this writing, the South Carolina House and the Senate Transportation Subcommittees have supported an additional

$500,000 of state appropriated funds for grant in-aid programs for publicly owned airports. Secondly, SCAC has requested support for a budget proviso requiring DOR and SCAC to evaluate sales tax collections on aviation fuel and to review the collection of airline property tax. Airline property taxes go directly to the general fund and neither airports nor the aviation industry, which generates the income, receives any benefit from the tax collec-tion. The report will provide an audit of collected revenue. SCAC’s intent is to provide the Legislature a report of fair and balanced revenues, which should go back to support airport infrastructure needs.

You may have already heard that FAA completed the National Airport Asset Study classifying general airports in a tier system similar to the South Carolina System Plan of Airports. Actually, FAA used the same methodology used in the South Carolina System Plan categorizing airports in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). Airports serve two distinct roles – Primary Airports and Non-primary Airports. Non-primary Airports make up a majority of the general aviation airports in the United States, which are sub-divided into five catego-ries- National, Regional, Local, Basic and Unclassified. During the past three years, SCAC has been involved in the process with FAA categorizing airports. Knowing the intent of the study occurred from an airline industry report to Congress, stating airline excise taxes and other associated fees are subsidizing general aviation airports, the general aviation industry was placed in a very precarious situation to justify its role in the National Aviation Transportation Policy. The end results have placed six South Carolina airports in the unclassified category.

Even though unclassified airports remain in the FAA National Plan of Airports, those airports will not be eligible for non-primary entitlement funds, which are used for airport capital improvement needs.

Despite the ice and a one day delay, the SCAA followed through with its Community Service Project at the Jerry Zucker Middle School of Science in North Charleston February 12-14.

Sponsored by ADC Engineering, association members painted a mural that depicts aviation scenes and state residents inducted into the South Carolina Aviation Hall of Fame. Among them: NASA Administrator Charles Bolden; Ernest Henderson, the first African American in South Carolina to receive his commercial pilot’s license; and Sally Crouch, one of the World War II “Doolittle Raiders.” With the theme “I Can Do That,” the mural also features aviation scenes such as general aviation plane and pilot, air traf-fic control tower, a Boeing 787 Dreamliner, aviation mechanic, astronaut, emergency helicopter, FedEx freight airplane and military plane.

“SCAA hopes to connect children to aviation through art,” said Bill New, recently retired deputy director of airports at the Charleston County Avia-tion Authority and past president of the South Carolina Aviation Associa-tion. “The idea behind this project is to promote aviation in South Carolina by encouraging kids to think about aviation and aeronautics as a future career.”

Members Paint Aviation Mural at Jerry Zucker Middle Schoolcontinued on p. 9

4 • Palmetto Aviation

Who is the South Carolina Aviation Safety Council“Safer Skies, Safer Pilots, Safer Airports”A small, but important, organization within the aviation industry in the Palmetto State, the South Carolina Aviation Safety Council seeks to promote and improve positive attitudes and behaviors towards all areas of aviation safety (ground and flight) to reduce occurrence of personal injury and death, as well as property and equipment dam-age and destruction while ensuring the future of general aviation in South Carolina.

An energetic and knowledgeable board of direc-tors seek to accomplish that mission by providing a variety of resources to the aviation industry in South Carolina. At a recent strategic planning meeting, the board identified the following initia-tives:

• Formalize an alignment with the South Carolina Aviation Association.

• Achieve 501(c)(4) status. SCASC is grateful for the financial support it has received in the past through SC Aeronautics Commission grants. But the board hopes to broaden its impact and fund-ing sources, to include private businesses and corporations throughout the aviation, aerospace and airport industry in the state.

• Be a more visible and robust safety resource to our industry. Currently, our main event is the an-nual Safety Fly-In. In the future, we hope to offer more services to build and promote the aviation safety culture among all Palmetto State airmen, both in the air and on the ground.

Current initiatives include: The creation of a safety speakers bureau, an improved website, a more aggressive use of social media, organizing for better engagement of our membership, and increased management services through Associa-tions Plus, Inc.

How can you help? Visit scaviationsafety.org for more information about us and join our efforts. Or contact our membership representative Randy Myers at oscarmyers@comcast.net. We always encourage you to “pass on the word” about the Council and its mission to your col-leagues to help us make inroads and support the broad and diverse aviation industry in our State. Thank you for your commitment to making South Carolina aviation safe… and FOD free!

  Are you interested in: ◦  Promoting general aviation (GA) safety in SC? ◦  Sharing your experiences and ideas?

◦  Participating in safety-related GA activities?

Then we want to hear from you!

Contact Randy Myers @ 843-367-4476 or

oscarmyers@comcast.net for a

membership application.

Visit us on Facebook.

Attended by 101 aviators, the Annual SC Safety Fly-In took off at the Green-ville Downtown Airport. Educa-tional sessions were provided by AOPA, includ-ing Close Calls- Lessons Learned, Accident Case Study: Live and Weather Challenge. All courses offered Wings Credit.

SCASC Safety Fly-In Offers Pilot Education

Despite a chilly arrival the SCAA Annual Conference brought its own heat in terms of great speakers, a packed trade show and a great new location. The Annual Conference Committee – Joe Barkevich, Ken Holt, Bill New, Sean Tracy and Steve Gould – put together a great program. Don’t miss next year as SCAA returns to Wild Dunes Resort February 11-13, 2015.

The “Hangar Party” at the Yorktown was cancelled but moved inside the hotel in an intimate setting as numbers continued to grow into the night as people made their way from all parts of the state to the confer-ence. The Yorktown event was cancelled due to weather.

SCAA began Thursday morning with the opportunity to congratulate Larry Clark on being named FAA Southern Region Administrator. He provided the FAA update, and SC Aeronautics Commission Executive Director Paul Werts provided his annual state industry update.

The lunch session was a highlight of the conference. Mary Graham with Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce, David Ginn with the Charles-ton Regional Development Alliance and Steve Dykes with Charleston County Economic Development shared the behind the scenes story of how Boeing came to Charleston and the role the airport and commu-nity played in the efforts.

During the banquet that evening, President Bill New challenged attend-ees to support the SCAA Aviation Scholarship fund to help grow the future of aviation. His challenge brought in $3,785.

Friday morning, Bud Coward was recognized by the FAA with the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award. And Dennis Dabney was recog-nized with SCAA’s Spirit of Aviation Award for his legislative efforts in South Carolina.

Thank you to SCAA Sponsors: Baker, Charleston International Air-port, Greenville Spartanburg International Airport, Columbia Met-ropolitan Airport, ADC Engineering, CHA, Campbell and Paris, WK Dickson, Ken Weeden and Associates, Talbert and Bright, Parrish and Partners, Holt Consulting, Pace Pavement, Greenville Downtown Airport, Jim Hamilton-Owens Airport, Mead and Hunt, NBAA, Union County Airport, Eastern Aviation, Defender Services, THC, WorldFuels and Woolpert.

Thank you to SCAA Exhibitors: ADB Airfield Solutions/Allen Enter-prises, Airport Lighting Company, Astronics DME Corporation, Asphalt Systems Inc, Bright Portal Resources, Campbell & Paris Engineers, Carolinas Concrete Paving Association, Davis & Floyd, Inc.Delta Airport Consultants, Inc., Eastern Aviation, Ennis-FlintEPIC Aviation, Erect - A - Tube, Inc., Froehling and Robertson, Inc.Global Aerospace, HASCO, Ken Weeden and Associates, Loomacres Wildlife Management Inc., Louis Berger Services Inc., Mead and Hunt, Milliken Carpet, NaturChem Inc. / ECO Group, Pond, Quantum SpatialS&ME, SC Aeronautics Commission, THC, Inc., Vaisala, WK Dickson & Company, Inc., Woolpert, World Fuels and ATG McGuiness.

If you registered and paid but were unable to attend due to the weath-er, the association will provide you with a complimentary registration for the 2015 Conference.

Spring 2014 • 5

Annual Conference Weathers the Ice Storm

(L to R) Larry Clarke, Paul Werts and Bill New chat before the opening session on Thursday morning.

SCAA Board of Directors were pleasantly suprised at the great turn out for the conference despite the ice storm.

Multiple education sessions were standing room only.

Above table had 100% scholarship fund participation.

FAA awarded Bud Coward the Master Pilot Award.

6 • Palmetto Aviation



Aircraft Displays, Demonstrations, Workshops for all ages

September 26-27Greenville Downtown Airport (GMU)

Workshops: Loss of Control

178 Seconds to LiveiPads in Your Cockpit

Cockpit Resource ManagementTakeoffs and Landings - Your

Totals Should Match!Pilot/Controller Forum -

Ask a Pro, Face-to-FaceMaintenance Workshop - hands on

Southeast Aviation Expohttp://www.scaaonline.com/southeast-aviation-expo/


Download the Kaywa QR Code Reader (App Store &Android Market) and scan your code!

hosted by:

2013 Exhibitors

Spring 2014 • 7

Southeast Aviation Expo Draft Agenda

Friday, September 26

10:00 am – 1:00 pm Exhibit Set up and lunch - Lunch is provided for exhibitors

1:00 pm Trade Show opens

1:30 – 2:20 pm Large Aircraft Systems (Boeing 747) Workshop at USAeroTech (pre-registration needed)

2:30 – 3:20 pm Navigation: How Do I Get There? Workshop at USAeroTech (pre-registration needed)

1:30 – 2:20 pm WINGS Education Session in Special Services Hangar 2:30 – 4:20 pm WINGS Education Session in Special Services Hangar 3:30 – 4:20 pm Large Aircraft Systems (Boeing 747) Workshop at USAeroTech (pre-registration needed) 4:30 – 5:20 pm Navigation: How Do I Get There? Workshop at USAeroTech (pre-registration needed) 4:30 – 5:20 pm WINGS Education Session in Special Services Hangar 5:30 – 6:30 pm Reception in Exhibit Hangar 6:00 – 8:30 pm Cirrus Reception (invitation only) - Special Services Hangar Pilots N Paws Dinner at the Runway Cafe Saturday, September 276:30 am Breakfast for Pilots 4 Paws at Runway Cafe 9:30 am All dogs in the air by 10 am 9:00 am – 11 am Youth EAA Young Eagle Flights First 100 to arrive. Must be between ages of 8-18 9:00 am Trade Show begins 9:50 – 10:40 am WINGS Education Session in Special Services Hangar 10:30 – 11:30 am Youth track (pre-registration needed) Sparks & Electricity Workshop 10:50 – 11:40 am WINGS Education Session in Special Services Hangar 12:40 – 1:40 pm Youth track Aviation Summer Camp Demo Workshop 1:00 – 1:50 pm WINGS Education Session in Special Services Hangar 1:50 – 3:30 pm Youth track (pre-registration needed) Let’s Go Flying Workshop – Ages 13-19 2:00 – 2:50 pm WINGS Education Session in Special Services Hangar 3:00 – 3:50 pm WINGS Education Session in Special Services Hangar 4:00 pm Trade Show ends

New Flight Instructor Page on WebsiteCurrent SCAA members who are flight instructors have a place to be listed on SCAA’s website now. A new flight instructor page lists flight instructors contact and bio information. The listing can be searched by location. To be included, go to scaaonline.com and submit the form available on the website.

2014 Soar Aviation Aerospace Science Summer CampOn July 13-19, 50 11th and 12th graders will spend a week at Clemson University learning about flight simulations, physics and aircraft maintenance.

Students will take field trips to Shaw Air Force base and aircraft manufacturing facilities. A link to the registration page is available on SCAA’s website under its news feed.

Richland County Challenger Learning Center Aviation Summer Camps

The Challenger Center in Colum-bia will offer multiple aviation and aerospace camps throughout the summer. Access their site with a list of camps available through SCAA’s website news


8 • Palmetto Aviation

South Carolina Aeronautics Commission Chair Delphin Gantt’s passionate support of aviation in South Carolina has been a life long endeavor. Through efforts of the Commission, he continues to work to foster the growth of state airport infrastructure and educate others on the importance of the aviation industry in South Carolina.

Gantt was a leader in garnering support for the SC Aerospace Science Camp now in its third year. Also recognized for his military service to our country, Gantt has been engaged in overseas service multiple times in support of Operation Northern Watch (Iraq), Operation Southern Watch (Iraq), Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan, twice) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq). With such a dedication to supporting the growth of aviation, it comes as no surprise that Gantt was initially inspired in childhood.

A frequent conversation in aviation circles these days involves discussing the need to spark an interest in aviation among children at an early age. This vision for our aviation future is particularly close to Gantt since he found inspiration at an early age. He grew up in a home off the end of Runway five at the Columbia Metropolitan Airport. He remembers hearing the frequent roars of airplane engines and watching those planes float across the sky. His parents, eager to stimulate this fascination, would often take him to the airport and let him watch the planes. His time spent with his father, who worked at McEntire Joint National Guard Base, encouraged his love for aviation and for his country. By the time he took his first flight at the age of 14, Gantt knew he was destined to fly.

“When I first joined the military I was an air traffic controller. I was a controller (still in training) for about two years when I was selected to fly F-16 fighters. I flew the F-16 for 16 years and traded it in for a desk job in April 2013. I am now the deputy director of operations for the SC Joint Force Headquarters-Air in the South Carolina National Guard. I have been a proud member of the SC Air National Guard for 20 years.”

Prior to becoming chair of the Aeronautics Commission Gantt worked for the SC Aeronautics Commission as an airport planner.

Military duty called him away from that job in 2009, but he was later presented with the opportunity to return as Commission chair.

Gantt has an engaging vision for South Carolina aviation and he has the background and love of aviation to make it a reality. He hopes to see South Carolina become a model state for the aviation industry nationally and in continuing the cycle of fostering aviation in today’s youth – a process he has already started with his own two sons. His wife Amanda Gantt supports him in all his military efforts and efforts through the Aeronautics Commission to promote aviation in South Carolina.

“SC Aeronautics is already setting an outstanding example. Thanks to the great staff at SCAC we are constantly receiving recognition for the wonderful work they are doing. Their electrical studies, GIS programs and other such projects have received recognition from national organizations,” Gantt said. “We are the only state flight department that reached 75 years of flying with no accidents. Our director and the staff are very involved in aviation organizations across the country. They are already the ‘go to’ state aviation staff that leads the way in many fields. With this staff’s support and guidance in our aviation community, SC has the opportunity to be the tip of the spear!”

SC Aeronautics Chairman Delphin Gantt’s Passion for Aviation

Don’t Miss Free MoneyIf you or someone you know is pursuing higher education for a career in aviation, apply for one of SCAA’s $500 scholarships. Scholarship applications are available online at scaaonline.com and must be submitted by July 1.

South Carolina Aviation Hall of Fame applications are due November 1.During the SCAA’s 2015 Annual Conference inductee’s will be recognized. More information is available at scaaonline.com.

SC Aviation Hall of Fame Deadline

The above license tag is available to all SC Aviation Hall of Famers.

Spring 2014 • 9

Of the 53 airports in the NPIAS, only 47 airports receive FAA non-primary entitlement funds. South Carolina has 60 publicly owned/public use airports. This latest development will now place thirteen publicly owned airports in South Carolina not able to qualify for federal grant assistance programs. We call this the trickle down impact, where these 13 airports must secure their financial needs locally and stretches our limited resources to preserve airports from deprecation.

New Developments at SCAC A. Web based land use tool will be available on our website later this summer. This tool will enable the public to evaluate whether their ideas of development around an airport has a negative impact or no adverse impact to aviation. B. We continue to post events on our web page. If you have an event to promote, please forward the information. C. We continue to provide maintenance services to airport owners; but I must remind you, all State funded maintenance services must be coordinated with Jamey Kempson, Maintenance Engineer for SCAC. Pilots, if you see an unsafe situation at an airport or find an area of concern that needs our attention, please call 1-800-922-9574. D. Aviation week is three months away and this year’s events will find something for everyone involved in the airport, aviation, and aerospace industry to enjoy.

The South Carolina Aviation Association (SCAA) is SCAC’s ally in promoting aviation in South Carolina. The avia-tion conference was hampered in February by winter weather but for those who made the trip, the informative sessions, vendors and attendees made for a successful conference. Partnership is a key component in strengthen-ing any organization and your participation and ideas grows the industry. Your voice will be heard. Many aviation issues are currently being monitored such as the FAA reauthorization bill, expected to expire in 2015; the Private Pilot Protection Act, related to third class medicals; and federal regulation implementation of safety management systems for airports; and other systemwide issues.

The SCAC is fully staffed with District Commissioners for the first time in a long while, and they are all listed on the SCAC website with contact information. Therefore, if you have an aeronautical issue, please contact your airport commissioner or give us a call at SCAC.

Safe Flying,Paul

SC Legislative Grassroots EffortsThe South Carolina Aeronautics Commission (SCAC) and the South Carolina Aviation Association recently sent a letter to South Carolina’s congressman requesting their support of Senate Bill 2103 the “General Aviation Pilot Protection Act of 2014”. Currently, general aviation is the only mode of transportation requiring medical certificates for operating a private or recreational vehicle. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires medical certificates of pilots for small general aviation aircraft, but medical certification regulation is a costly and timely affair that has demonstrated negative economic consequences to the general aviation industry in South Carolina.

The fact that pilots must self-certify their fitness before each flight, in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulation 61.53, demonstrates a more streamlined approach is needed. Senate Bill 2103 was written to resemble the current exemption of a FAA third class medical certificate for sport pilots. S2103 would expand that exemption to pilots of aircraft requiring:

1. Possession of a valid state driver’s license and compliance with any medical requirement associated with the licenses,2. Cannot transport more than five (5) passengers,3. Cannot compensate or hire, 4. Operate day or night by FAA’s Visual Flight Rules, 5. Fly no more than 14,000 feet mean sea level, and 6. Aircraft cannot exceed 250 knots.

This legislation is an effort to help South Carolina general aviation pilots who are currently required to hold a third class medical certificate, which is an unnecessary regulatory burden.

SCAC Executive Director Letter: Paul Werts. . . continued from page 3

10 • Palmetto Aviation

I have been a flight instructor for more than 15 years. When I was first learning to become a CFI (certified flight instructor), I was taught that all students are different and it is important to cater to each student’s individual needs.

The student included in this story lacked confidence. It seemed that every time I assigned Mitch Tilva a cross country assignment, he would come back without completing the mission. There were great excuses such as, weather, headache or the engine sounded funny, but the real excuse was lack of confidence. I tried to explain the aircraft, weather and procedures worked the same in Georgia as they did in South Carolina but again and again, excuse after excuse, Mitch returned with little time logged. The Director of Operations and I decided there was only one thing left to do. Mitch needed to see what was “out there” to build his confidence.

Mitch’s new assignment involved the two of us flying across the United States in a Cessna 172. Mitch was responsible for all of the planning and decision making. The trip took 41 flight hours and six days to complete. Mitch had a newly acquired instrument rating and a total of 159 hours before the trip began. As I documented our journey, I witnessed how a pilot matures in planning, decision making and confidence. Flying over unique terrain in high air density altitudes, Mitch learned the value of checklists, calculations, Air Traffic Control and the Flight Service Station.

Our journey began late August 2013 as we departed from Greenville Downtown Airport. We battled weather as we flew through SC, GA and AL. Once we crossed the Mississippi River, weather was no longer an issue because the air out West (even in their “raining

months”) is very dry. There were a few storms in the dessert area but, unlike our storms, the bases were around 8,000ft and much of the rain fell as virga. Virga is precipitation that evaporates before reaching the surface.

The fuel stops were based on price, which meant landing at the airports in the middle of nowhere with self-serve pumps. Our conversations with the locals were interesting. We also enjoyed eating at their favorite restaurants. As we traveled across the U.S., we witnessed areas where aviation is still very active and exciting; and where it is nearly extinct. We also made fuel stops at places like Albuquerque, NM and Phoenix, AZ. Climbing over the mountain ridge on the east side of Phoenix when the temperature was 114°F proved to be a bit unnerving; especially as the oil temperature raced toward the red line.

Mitch and I were fascinated by the miles and miles of changing terrain. On the East side of the Mississippi river, everything is plush and green with gentle rolling hills. On the West side, the barren land slowly rises until you are atop a plateau reaching 6,000ft. Flying at 8,500ft and having the terrain just 2,500ft beneath your plane is a strange feeling. The illusion caused us to feel like we were not very high, although, the airplane’s performance always reminded us that we were. The airplane used almost three times the amount runway to become airborne when we departed an airport with very high density altitude. The canyons, gorges and mountains were amazing to see. We also passed over thousands of miles of squared off farm land and huge windmill farms.

Mitch’s confidence, when talking to ATC, FSS and Flight Watch, increased as he realized communication procedures used on the east coast apply all across the U.S. He also realized the benefit of a VFR flight plan because there is no radar contact for hundreds of miles across the dessert. One communication problem arose with the Oklahoma City controllers. The speed of ATC’s verbal directions rattled Mitch and caused him to receive vectors to the wrong airport.

I will never forget how excited Mitch was when he flew over the last mountain range and the Pacific Ocean was in sight. I will also never forget the level of confidence Mitch displayed on the journey home. His techniques and decision making were like night and day. The ease at which he could aviate, navigate, communicate and calculate became a work of art.

“If a pilot is looking to build confidence or just see what is “out there,” I highly recommend making this journey.,” Tilva said.

Building Time and Experience written by Cyndy Hollaman, Airwolf Aviation

Cyndy Hollaman and Mitch Tilva celebrate his instrument rting.

Spring 2014 • 11

Together with you we will provide a forum that will promote collaboration in

aerospace industry research and innovation in the Southeast and South Carolina,

and a great networking opportunity.

Join us to get updated about:

• the results and implications of the 2014 South Carolina Aerospace Economic

Impact Study

• the capabilities of South Carolina’s aerospace and aerospace-related industry

• emerging statewide and regional trends in aerospace growth and opportunities

• economic opportunities that aerospace industry and related businesses may find

in South Carolina

• novel ideas and research advanced structures, materials and manufacturing along

with topics of reshoring and collaboration between industry and research

http://saeu.sc.edu/reg/aerospaceRegistration opens in May

Organized by:

South Carolina Celebrates Aviation August 17-23South Carolina will celebrate National Aviation Week August 17-23, and the SC Aviation Association and the SC Aeronautics Commission is asking for your help in promoting the week in your community.

This year, a video will be created showcasing how avia-tion positively impacts the general public through per-sonal stories. The video will be available through You-Tube, and SCAA is asking you to promote the video on your website, your Facebook page and any other oppor-tunity available. The video will be sent to media outlets around the state.

SCAA also asks that you post your efforts to promote avi-ation week on SCAA’s Facebook page so we can celebrate with you, and capture the activities around the state.

A resource package will be mailed and include:1) A draft proclamation for your airport advisory board to approve and submit to the media.2) An editorial on the importance of aviation in SC to submit to your media.3) Ideas on how your airport can get involved.4) Talking points you can use during a discovery flight.5) A statewide aviation coloring page that can be given out to children who tour the airport.

All resources will also be available online at scaaonline.com. If you have any questions or need help, please con-tact SCAA staff at 1-877-359-7222.

Aviation Ambassador Passport Program Recognizes Seven Pilots The free Aviation Ambassador Passport Program encourages pilots to fly to airports around the state to achieve different recognition levels. Seven of the 153 partici-pants have already completed the program and received a leather flight jacket, a baseball cap, one year’s membership in the association and a desk radio scanner. They are: William Costello, Virginia and Con Kelley, Daniel McLaren, Larry Maner, Chris Prentice and Ian Pruden.

“During late summer 2013, I learned of the program from fellow pilot of EAA Chapters 242 & 1467. Soon after receiving my own ‘Ambassador’s Passport,’ I immediately set-out to fly to numerous airports that I frequently visit to find those little black plastic mailboxes with special made stamps located inside. Pelion airport (6J0) had the distinction of being my very first stamp entry… of which started a frenzy among my flying friends to join me in achieving bragging rights via this little keepsake passport book. Naturally, pilots are

known to embellish just a bit of the great airmanship required to fly to re-mote airports and great distances…and I am no different. Seriously speak-ing, I have enjoyed the new acquaintances I’ve met at our 59 public use airports and on a few occasions; landing and eating at restaurants such as the Catawba Fish Camp near Lancaster (LKR), Dukes BBQ near Walterboro (RBW), the Patio (formerly Food Scapes) at Lake City (51J), or the Runway Café’ at Greenville Downtown (GMU). SCAA’s wonderful idea of collecting airports stamps had a great impact on my renewed fascination and enjoy-ment of flying. Thanks to all at the South Carolina Aviation Association. Clear Skies!” – Larry Maner.

Virginia and Con Kelley receive their leather jacket at the 2014 SCAA Annual Conference.

T-Hangars Available at Florence Regional AirportLarge T-Hangar 60’ Door $430/monthSmall T-Hangar 41’ Door - $200/month

Shade Hangar - $100/month

Contact Ginny Haughn (843) 667-9627

PO Box 12067Columbia, SC 29211

1-877-FLY SCAA (359-7222)www.scaaonline.com

2014 Corporate Members

Christopher Eversmann, airport director for Richland County’s Jim Hamilton-LB Owens Airport recieved his national accreditation as an Accredited Airport Executive (A.A.E) through the American As-sociation of Airport Executives. Less than 10 percent of the association’s 5,000-plus members have earned the distinction.

Reve Richardson, administrative assistant for the South Carolina Aeronautics Commission, will retire this June. Richardson has been with the Commission since 2005.

Laurens County Airport received the American Concrete Pavement Association 2013 Excellence award for its airfield pavement reha-bilitation project.

Sammy Wham with Laurens County Airport and Andy Busbee, Michael Baker Group Project Manager accept the award for the project.

(LtoR) Sammy Wham, Ronnie Ashmore and Andy Busbee are pictured above after the presentation.

Pat Apone, AAE was hired in February as the new airport director of the Myrtle Beach International Airport. Apone has worked with the Horry County Department of Airports since 1997.

Airwolf Aviation Services at Greenville Downtown Airport is now an approved V.A. flight training school, making it the only one in South Carolina. V.A. offers flight training benefits to those who want to advance their pilot qualifications.