2014 Plans – Africa RISING Ghana Asamoah Larbi International Institute of Tropical Agriculture...


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2014 Plans – Africa RISING Ghana

Asamoah LarbiInternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture

Africa RISING West Africa 2nd Review and Planning MeetingBamako, 3-5 February, 2014

Situation analysis (Research output 1) Leader1Community mobilization and innovation platforms IITA2Farming systems analysis WUR3Inventory of innovations IITA

Integrated systems management (Research output 2)4Improving cereal-legume systems IITA5Land management strategies CIAT6Agricultural water management IWMI7Improving cattle, sheep and goat production ILRI8Intensifying rural pig and poultry production KNUST9Improving farm household nutrition GHS, FRI

Scaling and delivery (Research output 3)10Comparison of delivery approaches MoFA, UDS

Africa RISING-Ghana: 2013 Work plan

Technology development versus socio-economics..????

Focus on farming systems research

Integration of activities

Small-scale mechanization and post-harvest losses….???

Value addition…???

Looking ahead………..???????

No Work-package Title Leader

1 Establishment of research-for-development platform IITA

2 Farming systems analysis WUR

3 Improving crops and cropping systems IITA

3.1 Aflatoxin IITA

3.2 Vegetable production AVRDC

3.3 Agricultural land water management IWMI

4 Improving grazing lands and livestock IITA/ILRI

5 Mechanization of production, processing and reduction of post-harvest losses IITA/???

6 Improving household nutrition GHS

7 Linking farmers to markets IITA???

8 Comparison of scaling out approaches IITA??

Proposed work-package title -2014



Approach: Farming Systems Research

Extension Agent


Cropping systems - cereals

Cropping systems – sorghum and millet

Cropping systems – cereals-legume

Cropping systems – legumes

Cropping systems – vegetables

Output Activities1. Improved food/feed crops Review and report past IITA research on food-feed crops Identify and promotion dual-purpose/food feed crops 2.Best-bet crop varieties and agronomic practices Evaluate combinations of crop and agronomic practices Establish partnerships to produce seed for on-farm

Assess vegetable seed systemsTest intensified vegetable mono cropping systemsTest cereal-vegetable intercropping systems

3. Better integrated crop-livestock systems Develop and test crop and livestock production strategies 4. Strengthened capacity of partners Organize a workshop on crop-livestock integration Organize a short course on experimental design Organize a short course on business management

Organize training on vegetable production/post-harvest Arrange inter and intra-regional visits 5. Increased public awareness Publish project reports and brochures Publish journal paper 6. Impact of interventions assessed Assess adoption rate Assess economic and environmental impact

WP: 3: Improving crops and cropping systems

Output Activities1. Biological strains identified and selected to control aflatoxin in maize and groundnuts

Biological strains selection in lab and field testing

2. Public awareness of aflatoxin Training of farmers and extension staff 3. Field trial and pre-registration as Test field efficacy of bio-control strains bio-pesticide

4. Strengthened capacity of partners Enhance infra-structural capacity to conduct research

Arrange inter and intra-regional visits 5. Increased public awareness Publish project reports and brochures Publish journal paper 6. Impact of interventions assessed Assess adoption rate Assess economic and environmental impact

WP: 3b: Biological control of aflatoxin

Output Activities

Business plan Management action sequences

Business planning

Instrumented sites Procurement of instruments

Protoype implemented Design and construction

WP: 3d: Evolving smallholder farm systems and farm enterprises

Livestock – small ruminants

Livestock – rural poultry and pigs

WP 4 : Improving grazing lands and livestock

Output Activity1. Grazing land and livestock committee formed

Organize community consultations

2. Community action to improve grazing land Access and monitor grazing land condition Characterize and conserve rangeland biodiversity Community action to test improved options 3. Community action to improve ruminants Test management options to improve sheep and goats Improve processing, marketing and use of crop residues

4. Improved poultry production (15%) Test options to improve rural poultry production

5. Improved pig production (15%) Test options to improve rural pig production 6. Build capacity for livestock production Organize training in sheep/goat, poultry and pig production Train community health workers Train graduate students 7. Increased public awareness on livestock Prepare leaflets for farmers and extension workers Write annual reports and conference papers Write journal papers

Chayoli Tibali Zanko Goli Bonia Sambulgu0






Malnourished Nourished

Intervention community





Nutritional status of children (0-60 months of age)

WP: 3d: Linking agriculture to nutrition

Output Activities Integrated agriculture-nutrition-health identification Expert workshop to agree on integrated activities Identify and geo-reference households Capacity of women and women’s Train the trainers in health and nutrition workers Nutritional status of farm-families improved Publish results of nutrition survey Comparison of approaches for linking agriculture to nutrition

ARI Animal Research InstituteCBOs Community-based OrganizationsCRI Crops Research InstituteFRI Food Research InstituteGLDB Grains and Legumes Development BoardINSTI Institute for Scientific and Technological InformationKNUST Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and TechnologyMOFA Ministry of Food and AgricultureMOH Ministry of HealthSARI Savanna Agricultural Research InstituteSEEDPAG Seed Producers Association of GhanaSRI Soil Research InstituteUDS University for Development StudiesUG University of Ghana

Africa RISING – Ghana: National partners

AVRDC The World Vegetable Center

CIAT International Center for Tropical Agriculture

ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics

IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

ILRI International Livestock Research Institute

IWMI International Water Management Institute

Africa RISING – Ghana: International partners

Wise men sleep awake
