2014 Annual Report - Numinous Productions Annual... · 2015-03-03 · my 2014 Annual Report. First,...


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2014 Annual Report

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church

Springfield, Ohio



2014 Annual Report—Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church

Receiving the Lord, Revealing His Love

President’s Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Pastor Daniel M. Powell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Pastor Beverly C. DeBord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2014 Grace Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2014 Council and Council Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Report of the Congregation Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

North American Lutheran Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Comparative Balance Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Report of the Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Restricted Revenues and Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Memorial Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2015 Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Endowment Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Financial Stewardship Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Ministry Expansion Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Director of Discipleship and Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Ministry Area: Adult Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Ministry Area: Youth and Children’s Ministries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Ministry Area: Faith Journey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Ministry Area: Hospitality Ministries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Ministry Area: Music Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Ministry Area: Outreach and Evangelism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Ministry Area: Parish Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Ministry Area: Property Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Ministry Area: Worship and Prayer Ministries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Marriages and Deaths in 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Baptisms in 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

New Members Received 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 41

Roster of Ministry Team Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43


Dear Friends in Christ,

The pages that follow this letter comprise the 2014 Annual Report for Grace

Evangelical Lutheran Church. This report will be presented for review,

discussion, and approval at our congregation’s bi-annual meeting on

Sunday, March 22, 2015 at 9:15 a.m. The meeting will replace the Sunday

School classes for adults and high school students on this Sunday. Please

read this report before the meeting. The bylaws of our church constitution

require that the agenda for the March bi-annual meeting include time for

“review and evaluation of the mission, goals, and programs of Grace

Evangelical Lutheran Church.” Our membership will have the opportunity to

ask questions, enter into discussion, share opinions and offer suggestions to

the leadership of our congregation.

The past year at Grace has been one filled with many challenges and the

ever-present and abundant blessings of God. One of these many blessings

was “moving into” our newly-constructed Ministry Expansion project – now

the real work of ministry expansion continues; that is, using this new, physical

asset to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Please bring your copy of the annual report to the meeting on March 22. I

hope to see each of you at this important meeting.

Sharing in His Service,

Jeff Butterfield

Council President



Daniel M. Powell, Senior Pastor

In a staff devotion (we meet together daily for devotion and prayer)

offered by Tom Brodbeck, I remember the phrase “low cost surpluses

as compared with sacrifice.” This comparison, so relevant and

applicable to our past 12 months of ministry, serves as the catalyst for

my 2014 Annual Report.

First, I am NOT saying that our congregation has never “sacrificed”

until the year 2014!

I am saying that our congregation has demonstrated sacrificial giving

in 2014 and, now, into 2015 in an exemplary manner! Sacrificial giving,

as compared with “low cost surplus,” is the return or investment of our God-given

resources to a degree that actually impacts our daily living and giving. I remember

reading the message on the sign outside of a local church:

Give God what is right, not what is left!

Our Grace Mission Statement is~~~Receiving the Lord, Revealing His Love and our

Grace congregation is revealing God’s love sacrificially in a variety of ways. For


Our Community Center and the numerous lives and ministries already benefitted

through using this beautiful, functional resource.

Our Grace Garden Ministry, with “soil, sweat, and tears,” producing through God’s

providence 3 ½ tons (7000+ pounds) of vegetables, enabling countless people to

enjoy fresh vegetables, and generating well over $5000 for St. John’s Food Pantry.

Our ministry expansion project, specifically the additional classrooms, enabling us

to expand our ministries with youth and children, with Bible studies, and 4+ adult

Sunday school opportunities each week.

Our financial partnership, enabling us to fulfill every approved ministry promise and

to meet the acknowledged, expected, and challenging reality of debt reduction.

Our Endowment Committee, closely monitoring this significant-shared-investment

and enabling several approved ministries through monies generated through this


Our 20th Grace Auction, raising nearly $11,000 in three hours to strengthen and

further our partnership with The Springfield Soup Kitchen and The Open Hands-Free


We have much to be thankful for as our Lord guides us to and through the conclusion

of 2015! Our Lord continues to bless us mightily as we bless others faithfully “with what

we, ourselves, have received from God.” Keep up the good work, for this is God’s


Pastor Daniel M. Powell



Pastor Beverly C. DeBord

At various times in my life as a disciple of Jesus, I have been drawn to

particular biblical figures—early on, the virgin Mary; later, Deborah the

judge. But my exemplars haven’t always been women. At times, I’ve

learned my lessons from Peter and Paul, and recently my focus has

been Caleb.

As a forty-year-old, Caleb was picked by Moses to do reconnaissance

with Joshua before God’s chosen people were to enter the Promised

Land. Caleb discharged this duty so faithfully that, although his report

was rejected, God promised Caleb he would be one of only two of his

generation allowed to enter the Land he had explored. Forty-five

years later, God kept His promise—because Caleb “had followed the LORD, the God

of Israel, wholeheartedly” (Joshua 14:8, 9, and 14).

What better description could a child of God desire? And what better example and

goal for God’s people?

In the last year, I have rejoiced to see the fruit of ground plowed and seed planted

over the past decade and more. That fruit shows itself in many forms: the Navigators

program taking root and resulting in new leadership and active discipleship, the

willingness and fervor of lay teachers for Sunday studies and mid-week groups, one-to-

one discipling relationships developing inside our congregation and out, the gentle

explosion of mutual care among God’s people at Grace, and our demonstrated

commitment to use God’s expanded facilities for His glory and the growth of His

kingdom. These are all signs of following the Lord God wholeheartedly. And I have

rejoiced to be part of what God is doing in and through the people who follow Him.

At eighty-five years of age, Caleb might have been seen as a man whose past was

more glorious than his future. But, remember, Caleb was whole-hearted. No half

measures for him! So he asked for the fulfillment of God’s full promise: “I am just as

vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. Now give me this hill country that the

Lord promised me that day. You yourself heard then that the [enemies] were there

and their cities were large and fortified, but, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out

just as he said.”

And so it must be with us—you and me and the people of God at Grace. Time

changes many things, but it must never be allowed to dim our fervor for following our

Lord. Much has been accomplished, but there is much more to be done. And so we

turn our faces to the task before us—to follow our Lord wholeheartedly—“not by might

nor by power but by the Spirit of our God” (Zechariah 4:6). Amen.

Pastor Beverly C. DeBord



Daniel M. Powell, Senior Pastor

Beverly C. DeBord, Associate Pastor

John Andrews, Ministry Assistant for Communications (April through December)

Tom Brodbeck, Director of Discipleship and Administration

Shawn Dawson, Principal Organist/Director of Music Ministry

Carol Drown, Nursery Attendant

Darla Kalifoot, Ministry Assistant for Finance and Data

Margie Kuziak, Director of Faith Journey

Matt Rugh, Director of Youth and Children’s Ministries

Tom Stelzer, Caretaker


Mark Klopfenstein, President

Matt Rugh, Vice President (replaced by

Dave Marlin in July)

Sandy Thompson, Secretary

Robyn Koch-Schumaker, Treasurer

Jeff Butterfield

Paul Buckles

Debbie Lange

Eric Leeth

Sean Pierce

Mark Russell

Lance Jones

Justin Mohler

Ginger Hennig

Gathering for the dedication of the Community Center, September 7, 2014



Sandy Thompson, Secretary

The 2014 Grace Council included the following members: Pastor Daniel Powell, Pastor

Beverly DeBord, President Mark Klopfenstein, Vice President Matt Rugh (replaced as

Vice-President by Jeff Butterfield in July and as a council member by Dave Marlin at

the same time), Secretary Sandy Thompson, Treasurer Robyn Koch-Schumaker, and

Council Representatives: Jeff Butterfield, Paul Buckles, Deb Lange, Eric Leeth, Sean

Pierce, Mark Russell, Lance Jones, Justin Mohler, and Ginger Hennig.

Following is a monthly summary of the key issues discussed and voted on in 2014. The

Grace Council oversees worship life including financial, property and staffing matters.

The full and complete minutes from these meetings may be found in hard copy in the

Grace Staff Office or online at www.grace-nalc.org.

January: This meeting was held during the annual Council Retreat. Key issues

discussed included year end financials, and updates on staffing, ministry expansion

project (MEP), capital campaign and a Community wide sermon series.

February: This month Council voted on several items including The Endowment

Committee moving funds to the Springfield Foundation, the

Nominating Committee for 2014, the Audit Committee for

2014, approval of 2013 Pastoral Evaluations, allocation of

surplus funds from 2013 budget, a staffing proposal for the

new Director of Children and Youth Ministry, and moving the

Grace Archives to the Heritage Center. Several updates

including MEP, Spiritual Support, Youth Mission trip fundraising,

and the Community Wide 3 week sermon series were

reviewed. Materials for orientation of new Council members

were also reviewed.

March: Council voted on approval of the Ministry Assistant of

Communications. Information was shared about Pastoral

Visitation responsibilities, MEP, Capital Campaign, Spiritual

Support Team, Endowment Fund transfer, as well as updates

on Grace Archives to Heritage Center, DYCM, Navigators,

the Together We Believe Worship Celebration. The upcoming Congregational

Meeting and Care Circles were also discussed. Also on March 30th the

Congregational Meeting was held during which updates were provided on the MEP,

Endowment Committee, the new positions of Ministry Assistant for Communication and

Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Adult Education, Navigators, and Care

Circles. The 2014 Nominating Committee ballot was approved and the 2013 Annual

Report was accepted.

April: Council voted on and approved a new Building Use Policy; Dave Marlin to

replace Matt Rugh’s vacating Council position, and Jeff Butterfield to assume the role

of Vice President on Council in July when Matt begins his Staff role. Council was

updated on the Ministry Expansion Project, Capital Campaign progress, the Spiritual

Support team, the Navigators parnership progress, Endowment Fund transfer being


complete, and information regarding the upcoming Ohio Mission District Convocation.

May: Council voted on and approved a proposal for new assistant treasurer, updates

to the previously approved Building Use Policy, and changes to Pastor Powell’s Housing

Allowance, and a proposal for advanced funds to help the Centennial Planning team

order the cookbooks which will be repaid

upon sale of the cookbooks. Council also

received updates on the Ministry

Expansion Project, Capital Campaign

progress, the Spiritual Support team, and

the summary from the Ohio Mission District


June: Council voted on and approved a

proposal for Pastor Beverly’s primary

insurance to be switched to Medicare as

of July 1, 2014, a proposed budget for an

Open House Celebration for the Ministry

Expansion, and a furniture proposal for

Matt Rugh’s Grace office. Council was

also updated on the Ministry Expansion

Project, Capital Campaign progress, the

Spiritual Support team, the Council

Nominating Committee for 2014, Summer Adult Sunday School, Endowment Fund

distributions, the upcoming NALC Convocation, a plan for appreciation of the Brick

and Mortar team and on the 2013 church audit.

July: Council only voted on usual reports, and received updates on the Ministry

Expansion Project, Capital Campaign progress, the Spiritual Support team, the Ministry

Expansion Open House, the Nominating Committee progress, the 2013 Church Audit

and Brick and Mortar appreciation.

August: Council accepted the report of the 2013 church audit, approved a proposal

to send any monies collected for World Hunger to Lutheran World Relief, and

approved a new facility access/security proposal. Council was updated on the

progress of the Ministry Expansion Project, the Capital Campaign, the Spiritual Support

team, the Ministry Expansion Open House, Council Nominating Committee, the Brick

and Mortar appreciation. They were also provided an update from the Financial

Stewardship team and Pastor Powell and Mark Klopfenstein shared their experiences

from NALC Convocation.

September: Time was spent in Executive Session reviewing Pastor Beverly DeBord’s

request to move to ½ time as of July 1, 2015 and the need to create a Call Committee

to call a new Associate Pastor. Council also approved a list of names from the

Nominating Committee for the November ballot for open Council and Endowment

Committee positions. Council was updated on the Ministry Expansion Project, Capital

Campaign progress, the Spiritual Support team, the Navigators partnership progress,

information was gathered to help create new job descriptions for the new Associate

Pastor and Pastor DeBord, information about the new Thursday evening programming

Potluck in the new Youth Wing

(February 2014)


at Grace was shared and Pastor Powell

requested Estimate of Giving cards from all

Council members.

October: Included a Special Congregational

Meeting on 10/19 to consider a proposal to

create a Call Committee to call a new Associate

Pastor, due to Pastor DeBord decreasing her

hours, and the proposal passed. Council

meeting included lengthy discussion and passing

of the 2015 proposed ministry plan budget. Also

passed was a list of names proposed for the Call

Committee. Updates included Nominating

Committee, Navigators, and upcoming Council

officer elections.

November: Some time was spent reviewing the

Treasurer’s report and 2015 Ministry Plan budget

deficit. Information was also shared regarding

the Call Committee, Navigator update, a

proposal for the Grace Library, and preparation

for the Congregational Meeting and December

Council elections. Also in November was the

semi-annual Congregational Meeting. An

amendment to the NALC constitution was

approved to the change the wording regarding

the annual convocation, eliminating the words “in August.” The 2015 Council and

Endowment Committee ballots were voted on and approved, the Endowment

Committee reported on their work in 2014, the YTD balance and budget numbers

were presented along with the Ministry pledging totals for 2015 and the Proposed

Operating budget for 2015 which was approved as well. Updates were offered on the

Capital Campaign and Ministry Expansion as well. Grace has much to Praise God for!

December: Meeting this month included approval of Housing allowances for the

Pastors and Tom Brodbeck. Updates were also given regarding the Call Committee

progress, a projector project for the Sanctuary, 2015 Council Devotions, Pastoral

evaluations for 2015 and the Reveal survey that will be coming up as part of the

Navigators partnership.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sandy Thompson

Council Secretary

Pastor Powell in the dunk tank at

the Ministry Expansion Open House



The North American Lutheran Church has finished its fourth full year as a church body.

God has continued to richly bless us in these early days. A quick look at the NALC

today reminds us of the scope of God’s blessings on our church body:

The NALC now includes more than 385

congregations and more than 140,000 baptized

members, from Alaska to Florida, from British

Columbia to Puerto Rico

As many as 69 newer congregations are part of

the NALC; some of them mission starts, others recently-formed but already self-

sufficient and rapidly growing

NALC missionaries are now serving the Lord in Ecuador, South Sudan/Uganda,

India, Mongolia, and China

The North American Lutheran Seminary [NALS} is in full operation, with future pastors

pursuing their studies both at the Seminary Center in Pennsylvania and at the

Lutheran House of Studies in North Carolina, and the Seminary Board considering

locations for the next House of Studies

The NALC House Church Movement launched with six regional church planting

workshops in 2014, and we continue to hold our annual Mission Festival in the fall.

In all these things, our priority is to proclaim the Good News of Christ Jesus. In

supporting congregations which seek to become renewed local ministries, in training

the next generation of pastors, in assisting mission congregations and in sending

missionaries across the globe, we seek to further that clear proclamation of the


The headquarters of the NALC are in Hilliard, OH, housed in the Mill Run campus of the

Upper Arlington Lutheran Church. You can learn more about our denomination by

visiting www.thenalc.org.








Memorial contributions were made this year in memory of: Sue Confer, Heather Dwyer,

Harry Egger, David Hertz, Robert Henpstead, Noel Kaech, Carl Schlub, Joan Scott,

Betty Jane Trimmer and Milt Verville.


2015 Proposed Budget (as approved by the Congregation) Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church

Ministry Area Account Description 2015



Senior Pastor: Salary (Base, Exp., Merit, Housing, FICA) 95,864

Senior Pastor: Benefits (Health/Pension) 30,400

Senior Pastor: Auto Benefit 4,800

Associate (current): Salary (Base, Exp., Merit, Housing, FICA) (Jan-

Jun) 23,734

Associate (current): Benefits (Health/Pension) (Jan-Jun) 5,611

Associate (current): Auto (mileage) (Jan-Jun) 1,250

Associate (current): Auto (mileage) (Jul-Dec) -

Associate (current): (Wages, Employer FICA-Medicare) (Jul-Dec) 15,823

Associate (new): Salary (Base, Exp., Merit, Housing, FICA) (Jul-Dec) 27,500

Associate (new): Benefits (Health/Pension) (Jul-Dec) 9,000

Associate (new): Auto (mileage) (Jul-Dec) 1,250

Director of Discipleship (Wages, Employer FICA-Medicare) (Jan-Jun) 29,604

Director of Music Ministries (Wages, Employer FICA-Medicare) 48,443

Director of Youth & Children (Wages, Employer FICA-Medicare) 45,213

Director of Youth Ministries (Wages, Employer FICA-Medicare) -

Director of Children's Ministries (Wages, Employer FICA-Medicare) -

Faith Journey Director (Wages, Employers FICA-Medicare) 39,297

MA for Finance & Data (Wages, Employer FICA-Medicare) 35,826

MA for Communications (Wages, Employer FICA-Medicare) 12,847

Parish Secretary -

Nursery Care 2,799

Caretaker (Wages, Employer FICA-Medicare) 30,500

Subtotal 459,761


Acolyte Ministry 100

Altar Care 700

Bulletins 900

Children's Activity Bags 50

Devotionals 540

Offering Envelopes 1,000

Prayer Mission and Ministry 100

Recording Ministry -

Worship Supplies 860

Subtotal 4,250


Ministry Area Account Description 2015


Youth & Children

Children's Evangelism Events -

Children's Lutheran Camp Grants -

Children's Ministry Activities (Pre-K - 6) -

Nursery -

Vacation Bible School -

Children's Ministry 3,500

Subtotal 3,500

Youth Fellowship Events -

Youth Group -

Youth Lutheran Camp Grants -

Youth Service/Mission projects (.041 AC) -

Youth Ministries 3,500

Subtotal 3,500

Faith Journey

Faith Journey Curriculum 4,380

Children/Youth Ministry Supplies 1,150

Children/Youth Ministry Affirmation & Encouragement -

Subtotal 5,530

Education Adult Education 600

Subtotal 600

Lay Ministry &


Advertising and Communications 1,310

Lay Ministry Expense 500

Navigators 4,000

Subtotal 5,810

Parish Care/


Christmas in July -

Grace Connect 150

Grief Support -

Meals for the Bereaved -

Military Support Ministry -

Parish Care of the People -

Stephen Ministry 500

Subtotal 650

Music Ministry

Adult and Youth Handbells 100

Children's Choir -

Christmas Caroling Event -

Contemporary Worship 500

Music Ministry Musicians 300

Piano/Organ Maintenance 2,525

Sanctuary/Children's Choir 700

Supply Organist 300

Rutter Requiem Performance (Lent) 250

Subtotal 4,675


Ministry Area Account Description 2015



Couples Special Events -

Fall Festival -

Guests of Grace 100

Hospitality Ministry 230

Kitchen Supplies 2,500

New Member Recognition 150

Parking Assistance Ministry (PAM) 50

Thursday Night Dinners -

Women of Grace -

Women's Guilds 284

Young at Heart 200

Subtotal 3,514


Clark County Habitat for Humanity 1,000

Naomi's Heart Mission 1,700

Oesterlen Services for Youth 500

Pastor's Discretionary Fund -

Rainbow Table II 600

St. John's Food Pantry 1,000

Children's Rescue Center/The Ark's 1,000

Lutheran Malaria Inititive -

Malawi Orphan Care 800

Outreach-Short term unanticipated need 500

Pregnancy Resource Center 1,200

Safe Harbor House 1,000

East Africa Drought -

Jobs and More 900

Springfield Christian Youth Ministry 1,000

Christmas Food baskets 600

Subtotal 11,800

Property Care

Cleaning Expenses 7,000

Facility Maintenance & Improvements 15,000

Garden Ministry 732

Grounds Care 28,000

Hanging of the Greens 200

Major Unanticipated Property Repairs -

Property Contract Services 3,740

Property Insurance 9,000

Property Taxes 2,650

Utilities-Electric 37,000

Utitlities-Gas 25,000

Utilities-Phone 4,120

Utilities-Water/Sewer 3,500

Subtotal 135,942


Ministry Area Account Description 2015


Synod Outreach

NALC Denominational Support 10,000

The Assoc. of Confessing Lutherans of Ohio 75

Ohio Mission District 500

Subtotal 10,575


Bank Fees 150

Computer Service/Supplies 1,300

Copier Service 7,700

Council Retreat 100

Endowment Team -

NALC Convocation 1,000

Office Supplies 9,000

Postage 7,000

Staff Auto Reimbursement 300

Stewardship Campaign 750

Subscriptions 400

Workers' Compensation 2,000

Centennial Celebration 1,000

Safe Sanctuary 500

Subtotal 31,200

Adjustments Nave Funding for library & music (600)

Subtotal (600)

Projected Interest Payment on Loan 55,000

Grand Total 735,707

Weekly Need 14,148

Projected Income 675,226

+/- (60,481)



Chris Wells, Ministry Team Coordinator

2014 was the second consecutive year that distributions were made from the Grace

Lutheran Church Endowment Fund to benefit many ministries at Grace. Distributions

totaled $9,675. The recipients were:

Evangelism & Outreach $1,500

Hands to Work, Hearts to God Charity Auction $2,000

Celebrate Recovery $1,000

Disciple-making $1,000

Divorce Care & Grief Share $800

Youth Wing & AV Technology $3,375

The Endowment Fund began the year with a balance of $206,714.69, and received

contributions of $2,294.91 and ended the year with a balance of $217,075.54. Based

on these results, the Endowment Fund will once again in 2015 be able to provide

$10,000 in distributions to provide additional funding to current Grace Ministries to help

them spread God’s word.

The Committee decided in February to engage The Springfield Foundation for the

administration and investment of the Endowment’s assets. This change provided for

reduced annual administration and access to a more diverse investment portfolio.

The transition from the Lutheran Community Foundation to The Springfield Foundation

was completed in April.

A special thanks to Kerry Bauer and Kris Culp for their service and commitment to the

committee for many years.

Please consider the Grace Endowment Fund in your Estate and Legacy Planning.

Please feel free to contact committee members Margaret Bickenheuser, Bill Stapleton,

Mark Grimes, Ron Laucher, Chris Wells, or Pastor Powell with any questions or concerns.


Bill Birch and Bethany Jones, Coordinators

The Financial Stewardship Team is responsible for conducting Consecration Sunday

activities and develops a plan each year which begins in January and ends with

Consecration Sunday in September. The team also uses a theme for each year’s

campaign, in 2014 the theme was “Tell the Story”. This theme was selected from the

hymn “I Love to Tell the Story of Jesus and His Love”.


Our plan included posters placed in conspicuous locations around the church building

to remind members of Consecration Sunday’s approach. The posters featured team

members and a few sentences revealing their philosophy of giving. There was a 4-

week September Sunday School class series with four different topics each week,

guided by Tom Brodbeck, Pastor Powell and Pastor Beverly, which provided everyone

a choice of how to hear the story and how to go about telling our own stories to others

in our lives. Pastors Powell and DeBord built their sermons around telling the story in

September; there was a congregation member’s video of them telling their story to

complement the sermons. We hosted the 2014 Leadership Gathering, thanking the

leaders of Grace for

their ongoing

commitment to our

congregation and the

principles of

stewardship. Those in

attendance at this

event experienced a

concert of prayer and

a time of fellowship

and spiritual



Sunday’s Celebration

Luncheon was a

totally different

experience this year.

This was the first time

our congregation

used the new

Community Center

for an event. In previous years we found ourselves in a crush of people as we held the

luncheon in the Fellowship Hall and we spilled out into the Narthex and even out onto

the patio. This year’s event was held in spacious surroundings and included musical

entertainment and a luncheon that was well-received and attended by nearly 200

members. We experienced a mild reduction in pledges for the coming year, even

though we had more commitments than in years past. The team is reviewing all of our

efforts from last year and we will take action to hopefully improve our results next year.

We thank God for His continued blessings for Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church.


Karen Brodbeck, Brick and Mortar Chairperson

What a difference a year makes! As 2014 began, we were waiting with anticipation

the completion of a new Youth Wing (then existing as only a shell) and praying for a

break in the harsh winter weather so construction of the Community Center would not

Gathering at the cross for Vespers at the conclusion of the

Ministry Expansion Open House.


be too severely delayed. Now, one year later, both parts of the Ministry Expansion

projected are completed, with only a few minor finishing touches remaining.

During February we held a “sneak peak” potluck dinner in the new narthex, giving the

congregation its first “taste” of the space and layout of the Youth Wing. Nearly 200

people joined us for dinner that day, far exceeding our capacity in the fellowship hall,

and whetting our appetite for how that space would and could one day be used.

April 6 was the formal dedication of the space. The congregation crowded in the

Café area and worshipped along with a youth praise band. Congregation members

each had their own rhythm instruments, while representatives of the church’s youth

and children’s ministries, led by our pastors, shared prayers and the commitment of the

congregation to use the space for God’s glory. The following week three youth classes

(grades 5-12) moved in, as did two adult classes, the Quilters’ Guild and a host of


With that phase functionally completed, attention turned to the north end of the

building. The weather broke, giving Ed Russell and his crew from Kapp Construction a

window to erect the steel beams and get the Community Center under roof. The

resulting space is awe inspiring and incredibly functional.

We took full ownership of the space in time for our September 7 Open House

celebration, featuring a hog roast, carnival games, building tours, a scavenger hunt,

live music and lots and lots of people. We hoped and prayed for 500 people that day.

God blessed us with almost 600 on what turned out to be the perfect weather day for

a fall outdoor event. Our day of celebration

began with a beautiful dedication service and

placing of the cornerstone, and was capped

off with a time of thanksgiving and worship at

the cross on our property’s western end.

The entire project came in on budget and with

few surprises, thanks to a gifted architect (Greg

Eller), a skilled construction team (Kapp

Construction, led by our own Reed Welsh), and

a faithful and persistent Brick and Mortar Team

(consisting of Bill Lawson, Lance Jones, David

Holl, John Maxwell, Max Holly, Margie Kuziak, Eric Sirons and myself). Each of these was

supported wonderfully by the Spiritual Support Team and the Finance Team, all of

whom stood solidly on the work of countless others who helped with the capital

campaign and who continue to contribute both time and talent to the project.

As our congregation now moves into 2015, we now face two significant tasks. We must

work on eliminating our debt, initially at $1.7 million and already significantly reduced

by a good measure. Secondly, we must be faithful in our decisions to use these new

and needed spaces for God’s Kingdom purposes. The community around us is already

rejoicing in the availability of this space, and we rejoice in that. To Him be the glory for

bringing us through this multi-year project and for what He will accomplish through the

Grace congregation as we occupy what He has given!



Tom Brodbeck

2014 was a transformational year for Grace Church in two very significant ways, both

of which directly impacted how I spend my time and energies in my capacity as your

Director of Discipleship and Administration.

In the area of administration

The Ministry Expansion Project (MEP) required the balancing of budgets, meetings,

schedules and other directional decisions. I was honored to serve as chair of the

Spiritual Support team during this process, a position from which I resigned as the focus

of this group moved from the MEP toward the current call committee process.

Other key projects include:

1. Overhauling our budgeting format to more clearly communicate the way funds

were budgeted and spent.

2. Adding two new staff positions this year: a Ministry Assistant for Communications

and a Director of Youth and Children’s Ministries.

3. Streamlining our contractual agreements with outside vendors and ministries to

make our relationships with current contractual partners more uniform and clear

and in anticipation of the new one-time-only contractual events that would be

occurring as our new spaces become more widely known in the community.

4. Beginning the process of installing a new database system, a task which is turning

out to be more labor intensive that we had hoped it would be.

5. Adding several new office volunteers, who have served faithfully throughout this

calendar year and who have added a nice dimension to our ministry staff.

6. Continuing to enhance our in-house technological capabilities.

In the area of Discipleship

Our partnership with the Navigators ministry was in full swing this year. During the

summer months, Pastor Powell and I trained 11 members of our congregation in

strategies for small group leadership as the first step in the development of a disciple-

making culture here at Grace. I had the honor of leading two other small group

discipleship groups through a 35 week intensive growth process — a rewarding

experience indeed. To date 67 members of the congregation have also committed

to a similar discipleship journey. Our goal remains that 100 men and 100 women will

join us on that journey by the end of the year — a goal that is stretching, yet

reachable, as discipleship groups multiply and our discipleship culture becomes


The chart that follows outlines the overall process for creating this culture. As 2015

begins we are working on step #4. That puts us right on schedule for this three year

process with the Navigators.

It continues to be an honor to serve Jesus Christ as a part of this congregation. God is

at work here, making this an incredible place to serve the Lord. Thank you for that





Pastor Beverly C. DeBord, Ministry Area Coordinator

During 2014, adults at Grace were offered numerous opportunities to grow in faith

through learning:

Sunday Studies

Ironically, in light of our 2014 building expansion project, the year began with a

reduction in classroom space for adults. As a result, during January and February only

one Sunday morning course was offered for adults. The course was entitled Disciples

Shine for Jesus, and it addressed how disciples shine for Jesus in worship, hospitality,

ministry to children and youth, and through mutual care, in Care Circles.

By mid-March, space had opened up for two Sunday morning classes for adults. While

some chose to learn about Dwelling in God’s Word, others were instructed in how to

care for the hospitalized, bereaved, and homebound, as well as how to maintain

appropriate boundaries in caregiving.

After Easter, adults praised God as new teaching

spaces were opened in our expanded southwest

wing. Between Easter Sunday and the beginning of

summer, two Sunday morning courses were offered for

adults: One, Dwelling in Philippians, led participants in

using the skills they had learned in a previous course.

The other continued the opportunity to learn how to

live as a disciple of Jesus, by teaching skills and

attitudes in Caring for Inactive Members.

During the summer, adults occupied much of the

newly opened classrooms as they were introduced to

The Wired Word, a curriculum designed to encourage

participants to consider and discuss current events in

light of God’s written Word. Four groups met and enjoyed lively discussions.

The September stewardship course, which made use of all our expanded education

space, was based on the hymn “I Love To Tell the Story.” Titled with lyrics from the

hymn, four courses explored the stewardship and evangelism from different angles:

“What’s the Story?” “For Some Have Never Heard,” “Of Jesus and His Love,” and “For

Those Who Know Me Best.”

Autumn Sunday courses include The Making of a Disciple: Simon Peter; Being a Faithful

Mom; Faith of Our Fathers; and Finding Your Spiritual Gifts. The last of those courses

continued through Advent, along with Holiday Hospitality, Thy Kingdom Come (a study

in Jesus’ kingdom parables), and Prophecy and Promise.

2014 Sunday studies for Grace adults concluded with an inspiring and delightful time of

Cookies and Carols. Feedback was enthusiastic about the possibility of repeating the

fun next year.

Susan Russell and John Smoot

are ready for the 2015

Centennial Celebration.


Weekday Studies

During 2014, three weekday Bible studies continued: On Tuesday and Saturday

mornings men met to study Scripture while building relationships; in Thursday mid-day

studies, women and men meet together for the same purpose. New members

continue to join these groups and the doors are always open!

2014 Sunday and weekday study opportunities were supplemented with single sessions

on mutual care in the congregation (Care Circles), the nature of the church, the

future of adult education at Grace, and strategies for “rightly dividing the Word of

truth.” In addition, adult participants learned the principles of godly financial

management through Financial Peace University course and grew deeper in their

discipleship by studying the book of Hebrews.


Matt Rugh, Director of Youth and Children’s Ministries

As the new Director of Youth and Children’s Ministries at Grace, I am convinced that

there is a direct comparison between successful kids in school and those kids who are

engaged in their church and with Jesus Christ. In 33 years of public education, my

best students came from homes where education was valued 24/7. It was not

necessarily a socioeconomic thing (I have experienced outstanding students who

came from homes of poverty as well as weak students from affluence, and everything

in between!). What matters is the attitude of the parents and the home environment

they create. Education-focused families produce kids who understand and embrace

high expectations – attention to learning and achieving goals is part of their daily

being. They are taught to move forward from failures (bad things happen to good

people). They are surrounded by

opportunities and examples of success-

oriented, long-term goals, instilling in them

the value of a strong work ethic and the

ability to pursue post-secondary education

of some kind.

That’s the environment that Grace families

should want for their children in the realm of

believing in and having a relationship with

Jesus. They need more than just a Sunday

morning/Sunday School drop-off kind of

thing, or a dinner prayer or two during the week. Again, drawing from the

Adult education is a vital ministry of the Grace congregation and an essential

aspect of discipleship. Typically, 80-100 adults participate in Sunday Studies.

Nursery care and Faith Journey courses for children and youth, offered during adult

Sunday Studies, allow adults to attend classes and focus on their own growth in

relationship with Jesus Christ and their brothers and sisters in faith.


educational/academic analogy, the families with that kind of low involvement attitude

when it comes to daily studies, are cranking out one apathetic kid after another (kids,

who by age 14, have already blown their chance at a strong learning BASE, and rarely

make it through High School with the skills necessary to move on to college and

beyond independently). We want our kids to leave high school thoroughly equipped

spiritually, so they can thrive in the real world,.

One of my roles as Director of

Youth and Children’s Ministries will

be to listen, organize, then work to

equip and encourage parents

(along with the whole

congregation) to embrace these

major themes:

No matter the age of your child,

and no matter what their interests

are, there are years and reams of

research, all with the same

conclusion: even in this day and age of technology (i.e. social media), the

abundance of attention suckers, fads, peer pressure, and so on, THE PARENT IS STILL THE

#1 INFLUENCE ON THEIR CHILD. Your kids are watching you!

We need to allow FAITH to drive our lives, for the sake of our kids, grandkids, church

kids, etc. When we allow the world to determine what lives we live, the Church and

FAITH get whatever is left. Your kids are watching you!

Understand that everyone gets that it’s not easy to reprioritize a course of life that you

may already seem locked into – the go here, go there, run, run , run schedule – but as

we say in our high school SS class, “you’re either IN or you’re OUT.” Your kids are

watching you!

I’m quite sure that the majority of the Grace households do not turn their child’s

education 100% over to the schools, that you have daily expectations in regards to

homework, studying, and reading. Segueing into our roles in raising strong Christian

children (and we may be on step 4 of 500!), we should all strive to remain passionate

about God’s church and reflect our faith at home on a day to day basis. It is time for

ALL of us, myself included, to engage in some heartfelt reflection, and respond to the

question – where is Jesus in my life?

Here are just a few of the big picture things that we are working on for our Grace

Children and Youth:

In the area of service opportunities for all of our kids, we have compiled (and keep

adding to) a “Master List” of possibilities within our own community. The idea is to

create a menu of seasonal and yearly options for a wide range of ages, available at

different times of the day and week. On one hand is the obvious positive impact on

even our youngest children as they watch the church SERVE others in the name of

Christ. On the other, these opportunities can act as a “bridge” to the adults of our


church, emphasizing the church “family” concept, rather than a separate Youth


One of the best ways to make sure our kids stay engaged with the church and its

people is to provide a wide variety of creative and fresh activities. These events could

be new, or old school, or a little of both. A focus at Grace - recognizing that every

family has its “favorite” thing to do…it could be appropriate for ALL ages, maybe just

the younger crowd, or just the older teens, but you all have relatively low cost, easy-to-

plan favorites! We have dozens of families with children 18 and younger, so just

imagine if each family took one month in the next 24 months or so, and SHARED their

“favorite” with the church family! We would “market” this to the whole congregation

to encourage them to join in (i.e. “We’re having a ___________, and if this was one of

YOUR favorites, tell us about it, and join us!”). We’re asking all of you to consider the

possibilities in this kind of a culture and how you might contribute.

Finally, in order to continually brainstorm, organize, communicate concerns, grow

relationships and support each other, we have formed the Church’s equivalent to a

school’s PTO/PTA (GPO’s…Grace Parent Organization!). Scheduling a whole year,

every 6 weeks or so, of parent meetings (grouped by preschool-KG, 1st-3rd, 4th-5th, 6th-

8th, 9th-12th) would pay off for you, your kids, and your church.

We want to come alongside you in your efforts as dedicated and loving parents. Our

goals should be the same – to raise hard working, respectful, Jesus-believing/knowing/

loving children in a world that says you can’t do it. It will take commitment on your

part, and, a willingness to seek help with obstacles and challenges you confront. We

look forward to fighting the good fight WITH you FOR your children.


Margie Kuziak, Ministry Area Coordinator

Sunday School – Dedicated teachers taught half the school year in a specific grade.

Faith Journey concepts included: 1st/2nd grade –The Church Year, 3rd/4th grade- My

Bible and Meet Martin Luther, 5th/ 6th grade – Lutheran Worship and The Ten

Commandments, 7th/8th grade –

Through the Bible and Gaining

Confidence in Christ. The Faith

Weavers curriculum was also used in

PreK-4th grades and 9th-12th grades to

teach specific Bible stories.

Sunday School Record Keepers -

Team members tallied and recorded

Sunday School attendance and

offering numbers each week.

Sunday School Offerings – Items for St. John's Food Pantry were purchased with

offerings brought by our children and youth. Total for 2014 was over $400.


3rd and 4th Grade Bible Study – Students met weekly from January – May &

September – December for 20-25 minutes after Sunday school with an emphasis on

looking up and reading scripture as well as learning the books of the Bible.

Summer Sunday School – PreK-8th graders learned Biblical lessons from a variety of


Infant/Child Baptism – We celebrated three baptisms of infants and children during

worship. Parents/sponsors attended a baptismal class prior to these baptisms.

Rite of First Steps - Kindergarteners began their Faith Journey at Grace in September

with a special reception during Sunday school and were recognized in worship that


Rite of Second, Fifth & Ninth Grade Bibles – Grace presented second, fifth and ninth

graders with age appropriate NIV Bibles.

Bible Bash - 3rd and 4th enjoyed an evening in the Grace fellowship hall for a fun-filled

time of Bible learning. Activities included a craft, a scavenger hunt, looking up

scripture, snacks, and a movie.

Fall Super Sunday – Pastor Beverly led

a 9:15-12:00, Sunday morning class

with high school students to help

prepare them for Affirmation of

Baptism and Commissioning to Public


Are You Smarter than a Fourth

Grader? - 4th graders competed

against their parents to show what

they've learned thus far on their Faith

Journey at Grace.

Rite of First Communion –Seven 5th

graders, and older youth, attended instruction by Pastor Powell and participated in

First Communion.

Weaver Chapel Field Trip – 5th & 6th graders took a trip to Weaver Chapel to go on a

“Visual Scavenger Hunt.” They looked for Christian symbols which capped off their

Lutheran Worship unit in Sunday school.

Acolytes – 6th-12th graders served as acolytes during worship. Five new acolytes were

trained in the fall.

Affirmation of Baptism Retreat –Four 10th graders participated in a day-long retreat led

by Pastor Beverly at Grace.

Rite of Affirmation of Baptism – Four youth affirmed their baptisms in May.



Donna Stelzer, Ministry Area Coordinator

Over 228 individuals visited Grace for the first time in 2014. We only have one chance

to make a “first” impression so the goal of the Hospitality First Impression Teams is to

welcome and reflect Christ’s love for all attendees. Those First Impression Teams at

Grace include the following:

The Parking Assistance Ministry team greeted all attendees on Sunday mornings and

parked and retrieved approximately 125 cars for those requesting that service during

2014. They also offered assistance in any other way from opening doors, helping to

carry items for attendees, loaning umbrellas and helping with young children and

offering that important “first” greeting!

Grace Greeters warmly

welcome members and visitors

each service with a handshake

and a smile. Greeters also

provided assistance to

attendees as needed.

Welcome Center Hosts greeted,

met, and answered questions

for our guests and others before

and after both services on

Sundays, and at special

services held throughout the year. During 2014, 80 of our guests received a welcome

packet and a gift at our Welcome Center.

Other Hospitality Teams worked behind the scenes and may not have been as

“obviously visible” on Sunday mornings even though they were hard at work to make

sure Grace was a welcoming congregation. Those teams included:

Guests of Grace team members prepared the Recipe Jars which were offered as one

of several gifts given to our guests at our Welcome Center.

New Member Recognition members prepared gift bags to welcome Grace’s 18 new

members in 2014. Each family was given a gift bag with numerous useful items.

Secret Greeters intentionally and discreetly sought out and welcomed guests and

others attending services and events at Grace. Their mission is to show Christ’s love to

all--guests, newcomers and members alike.

Other Hospitality Teams offered multiple opportunities for our guests and members to

become assimilated into Grace Activities and ministries through socialization, fellowship

and spiritual growth. Those teams in 2014 included:

The Grace Breakfast Group met the third Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a. m, at

Panera Bread on Bechtle Avenue. Everyone is welcome and folks come and go as

their schedule permits. They ate, shared good times and bad times, laughed and


cried, prayed for those in need, and left with happy hearts looking forward to the next

time. Watch your Sunday bulletin each month for a reminder about when it’s time for

this event!

Special Events for Married Couples hosted In April 2014 a Scripture based marriage

weekend for couples or soon to be couples. The event was a professionally prepared

program from “Family Life”. 16 people from Grace attended this Friday Night and

Saturday Event which was the first event held in the brand new youth wing. Exit ratings

of the course were given a 9.5 overall number out of 10, with many making the

statement that Grace should open the event up to the community.

Women of Grace (WOG) Ministries provide a place for every woman to belong.

The Agape Guild hosted a baby shower for a client of the Pregnancy Resource Center

and followed up with hospital visits after the baby was born. They held a pizza party/

book shower for the baby at Christmas. Agape Guild does not meet during the summer

months; however, they stayed in touch and had a wonderful evening of fellowship at

Lisa Ulery's home.

Charity Guild’s main project for this year was, again, making pillows for Springfield

Mercy Hospice - a total of 942 pillows (three different sizes) for the year. They sent 45

Easter cards and 48 Thanksgiving cards to Grace homebound members. At Christmas

they gave $100 to the Springfield Soup Kitchen. Charity Guild meets the second

Wednesday of the month at the church beginning their meeting with devotions

followed by a short business meeting and then they “sew, talk and have a good time”.

Faith Guild Members give their donations to the people of Appalachia. Bernice

Stevens made lap robes and Sue Confer and Irene Benne delivered them to nursing

homes and shut ins. Each month they do

Bible study on a different book of the Bible.

Ladies of Hope Guild began a Bible Study in

September through Sola Publishing, entitled

“Family Matters, Study on Family Relations.”

It continues through May of 2015, and has

been well received. We gathered coins all

year, and presented a $550 gift to two

needy Grace families. Hope Guild

continues their relationship with Mary Ellen

Fulmer (a Grace Homebound) as their

sister, and had several fun activities with

and for her. They organized and collected

shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child,

bringing 145 boxes over to the collection point, Northside Baptist Church. They have

helped with the Children's Rescue Center with donations of men and women's clothing,

and with donations of candy and household items for their Christmas Shop for the

children. For three days in December, they helped the children choose and wrap

Christmas gifts for their families. They also made about 250 homemade thank you cards

for the director to use. The members are looking forward to organizing the


congregation for a new Centennial Church directory with Life Touch Photographers in


Joy Guild had a monthly Bible study from Ecclesiastes; then toward the end of the

year, they began Family Matters, a Bible study on family relationships which continues

currently. Members of Joy Guild are continuing to pray, encourage, and ask God's

direction with another person (relative, neighbor, or friend) that God has put into each

individual’s heart. They made tins of chocolate and white peppermint bark with

cashews for the auction. They meet on second Wednesdays at 10 AM at Grace.

The Peace Guild is currently studying Family Matters, a study of Genesis. Members

gathered in July for dinner at Cecil and Lime. Our continued service focus has been

Operation Rebirth. We assisted the boys in making fleece scarfs earlier this year. We

made a wreath for the Hands to Work, Hearts to God auction. They also sent out

Christmas cards to home bound and nursing home members.

Quilter’s Guild meets first Thursday of

each month at Grace. Members

assume roles such as cutting squares,

knotting and sewing quilts. A total of

83 quilts were completed in 2014 and

sent to Lutheran World Relief. They

need additional members and fabric!

Young at Heart continued its ministry of

providing fellowship and learning

activities to those aged 55 and older.

Among this year’s activities were an

outing to Schuster Center in Dayton to

see Sister Act. Topics covered

throughout the year included: Native

American Spirituality, historical

information about Civil War along with tiny models of warfare during the Civil War, fair

trade information and items from around the world that members were able to

purchase on the spot, and facts most don’t know about Easter including why there is

an Easter Bunny. The group also had a summer picnic and a Christmas Dinner with a

really fun gift exchange. The group decided for 2015 to do any topic or event as it

popped up and already a session for those who are newly retired, retired or

approaching retirement is being planned.

Overall, in 2014, through Hospitality Ministries, we continued to welcome all attendees

and did our very best to provide for their needs. We helped assimilate folks into Grace

activities and ministries that matched their interests and helped to foster fellowship and

spiritual growth.

Hospitality Ministries strive to create WOW experiences for all who worship here!



Shawn R. Dawson, Director of Music Ministries/Principal Organist

The Music Ministry at Grace has experienced some growth in the past year. All of our

groups have gained new members, whether returning members who use to

participate or new members who have never participated. The Sanctuary Brass and

the Grace Orchestra have returned this

year as well. Throughout, we continue to

make music as a sacrifice of praise to our

Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The Sanctuary Choir continues to rehearse

and sing in worship weekly, leading

congregational singing and presenting

new and familiar anthems for worship.

During the summer months, a summer choir

was present to lead congregational singing

and present a simple anthem on Sunday

mornings. Grace Notes has gained and

lost some members but maintains a two

octave-plus range. They play in worship about once a month, and they are happy to

challenge themselves with the new music they learn.

The Children’s Choir (2nd grade – 8th grade) is growing as choir rehearsals have also

lengthened which gives them more time to learn more about music and their faith

together. The children sing occasionally throughout the year and especially on the

big festivals of Christmas and Easter. The Cherub choir (3 year old – 2nd grade)

continues to be led and accompanied by volunteers Bev Kaech and Cathy Noyes.

Made up of our youngest singers, this choir sings in worship every month or two.

The Worship Team has gained a few new members and continues to lead our

Contemporary Worship service once a month. They made an appearance this year

at First Christian as part of their “Hometown Christmas” event.

On Christmas Eve, four volunteer brass players were brought together as the Sanctuary

Brass returned and added to our worship experience at our 9:00 p.m. Christmas Eve

service. They accompanied the Sanctuary Choir and played on three of the

Christmas hymns that evening. The Grace Orchestra is also returning at the end of

January. Steve Vrooman will lead a group of volunteer brass, woodwind, and string

players in worship on January 25.

Various volunteers from the congregation continue to offer instrumental and vocal

solos in various styles throughout the year. These musical offerings enhance our

worship service as they bring our gifts to God in praise.

“Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.” (Psalm 33:3)



Tom Brodbeck, Ministry Area Coordinator

These past three years have been an ongoing process of dreaming and refining our

ministry of outreach and evangelism in order to effectively use the resources God has

given us, a task that has taken on even greater importance as we think about ways to

use the two new additions to our building. We do not want to be a congregation that

simply writes a check and considers itself to have done all it is required to do. That

certainly isn’t a Biblical approach, and it is one that falls far short of what we are

capable of doing.

Our model has been well articulated in the book “When Helping Hurts.” During 2014

we talked with each of our locally based outreach partners about how that approach

might strengthen their ministries as well as

how we might grow together in partnership

using this as our model. Those meetings were,

for the most part, well received and met with

an unexpected level of excitement from

those serving in one of those ministries. That

spirit was reinforced in September when we

hosted a luncheon for many of those

ministries. Since that time we have heard

over and over again about the tremendous

heart evidenced in this congregation.

Because I serve in this capacity I get to hear

the first-hand reports of those ministry partners. We talk regularly, so I hear their

struggles and their victories, and I know firsthand the joy they receive by being in

partnership with us. Recently one of those partners sent me the following message.

Her words echo those of many in our community and region:

Tom, Thanks so much for meeting with me today. As I drove home I was

completely overwhelmed and humbled by (what) you shared with me. (We)

are so excited to see what God is going to do with this ministry. There are

days we doubt ourselves and our ability to be vessels for His message... One

thing is for sure, we feel strongly that He is asking us to share our story of

struggle, loss, and most importantly HIS redeeming grace and love for all

sinners. Your words and news today were so encouraging. Thank you for

taking a step of faith and for allowing God to use your church ...

We continue to exceed our annual goal of $100,000 and 10,000 hours of service. That

will only increase as outreach ministries hold their big events here in our facility.

Thank you to each person for your willingness to look beyond the walls of our building

to share the love of Jesus with those who need to know that love and with those who

need to see that love expressed through His people.



Pastor Beverly C. Debord

Jesus spoke plainly to the Church: “A new command I give you: Love one

another” (John 13:34). But who is “one another”? Of course, we honor God when we

serve the needs of the world, but our witness to the world is only as believable as the

love we show fellow Christians. In other words, the more Grace members care for

each other, the more the light of Jesus’ love will be shown to the watching world.

2014 saw the Grace congregation demonstrate Jesus’ love to an unprecedented

extent as new ministries were formed and established ones underwent changes with

the addition of dozens of new caring disciples.

One new parish care ministry is Care Circles. To date, 55 Care Circles have been

formed, each consisting of fewer than ten individuals or families. Care Circle leaders

lovingly take the responsibility to befriend, pray for, and maintain relationships with

those in their Circles. As more Care Circles are formed, the goal of Care Circles is that

everyone be included and loved.

A second significant development in Grace Parish Care involved teams formerly

known as Homebound Visitation and Extensions of Grace. Through the first half of

2014 Marjorie Grimes and Bev Kaech coordinated these teams, which visited Grace

members and friends confined to their homes or care facilities, with Communion

served upon request. In mid-year teams were

combined and re-organized into the Home

Care Ministry. At that time more than four

dozen Grace members were led by the Holy

Spirit to continue or begin serving in this ministry.

Caregivers are paired with care receivers, and

they faithfully make caring contacts, including

Scripture, prayer, and friendly conversation.

Praise God for this enthusiastic response to His


One other long-standing ministry also

experienced change in 2014. After years of

faithful visiting to hospitalized members and

friends, the Acts Five team was retired. Because of decreasing hospital stays and

increasing risk of infection, Grace pastors made the decision to represent Grace

through pastoral visits to the hospitalized.

The Baptism Recognition team sent 121cards to persons celebrating an anniversary for

the years ending in 4 and 9. Anniversaries of note for 2013 included Mary Collins, Linda

Conrad, Al Evans, and Ruth Neff (75 years); Don Raasch (80 years); Pat Barth, Marjorie

Grimes, and Jane Kreider (85 years).

On the second Sunday of each month of 2014, nurses offered Blood Pressure

Screening. More than 50 congregation members were served. The new automatic

cuff makes it easier for use especially in emergencies.

In addition to material care provided by other teams, the Card Ministry provided

encouragement and comfort to the sick or grieving, those celebrating a happy event,


and those absent (Romans 12:15).

The Christmas in July team shared Jesus’ love with Grace’s “homebound” members

with a mid-summer visit and gift of home-baked cookies. In 2014, 36 members of

Grace baked, packed, and/or delivered cookies; 35 members received packages by

team members who visited eight area nursing homes and 19 personal homes. Grace

Connect provided gift bags to college students.

The Meals for the Bereaved team provided meals after ten funeral or memorial

services. The Meals on Call team served Jesus by providing meals to those in

temporary need for various reasons, including but not limited to surgery, childbirth, or a

difficult season of life.

Stephen Ministry continues one-on-one caregiving to members and friends of Grace

who are experiencing crises. After ten years as a Grace Stephen Minister and Ministry

leader, Ellen Dudney retired in the summer of 2014. Ongoing leadership is being

provided by Tom Brodbeck, Pat Siler, John Smoot, Pastor DeBord and Pastor Powell.

Twenty-one Stephen Ministers actively served in 2014. During 2014, 265 hours of care

were provided to individuals in need by our Stephen Ministers. Since the Stephen

Ministry program began at Grace in 2004, 6,013 hours of care have been provided.


Tom Stelzer, Ministry Area Coordinator

Electronic Media Team: These team members assist our staff with website design,

computer maintenance, PowerPoint presentations and helping to keep our overall

system updated.

Grounds Care Team: This team is responsible for maintaining our church landscape

which includes mulching, weeding, pruning, and watering when needed. This team

also helps to maintain the flower beds and trees around our building and grounds.

Hanging of the Greens: Many

thanks to the "Hanging of the

Greens" 2014 team. They decorated

the sanctuary, narthex, fellowship

hall, choir room, and entrance with

trees, garland, wreaths, and nativity

scenes. We hope you enjoyed the

Christmas decorations!

Trash to Treasure: Our Trash to

Treasure ministry recycles aluminum

cans that are collected in our tan

recycle bin in the parking lot. These


funds have been going to the Lutheran Malaria Initiative. We appreciate the

donations of cans and just want to remind our Grace family that we can only accept

aluminum cans, extrusion and castings. Be sure to put your cans in plastic bags and

place in the tan recycle bin at the north Grace parking lot. We lost our paper

recycling bin because of a glut of paper on the market. No one is willing to set a bin

for recycled paper at this time. Keep bringing your aluminum. You will be aiding our

environmental stewardship as well as raising funds for Grace. Total Received for Trash

to Treasure in 2014: $716.29

Building General Maintenance: Team members handle various tasks and repairs that

help to maintain our building throughout the year. Projects include painting, plumbing,

electrical, minor repairs and changing light bulbs, assembling new furniture.

Church Prep Team: Team members arrive early on Sunday mornings to prepare the

facility for our Sunday morning worship and activities. Their responsibilities include

unlocking doors, turning on lights, climate control, sidewalk snow removal when

needed, making coffee and helping with Sunday school setup or other activities.

Mailing Team: This team is ready to come together and assist with any congregation

mailing that needs to go out. This includes the assembly of the Grace Messenger. This

team collates, tapes and labels and sorts our bulk mail that we send.

Office Volunteers: We have a great team of office volunteers. Our office volunteers

have the responsibility of greeting visitors as they come to the office during the week.

They handle phone calls, help with mailings, run copies, and help assemble the weekly

bulletin, enter attendance and general computer work. The Grace staff is thankful for

this dedicated group who help us with our daily ministry.


Bev Kaech, Ministry Area Coordinator

Acolyte Ministry: Many of our youth serve on Sunday mornings and at midweek

services during the year lighting and extinguishing candles for worship. New acolytes

participated in training sessions with Pastor Powell and Carol Drown.

Activity Bags: These bags for children

were replenished and updated with new

items that young children may use

during worship services.

Altar Care: This team diligently and

faithfully prepared the altar for 121

worship services including communion

preparation during 2014 ((104 Sunday

services, 11 Lenten/Holy Week services,

Thanksgiving service, 5 Advent/Christmas

services). Easter lilies, geraniums, and


poinsettias were arranged in the chancel, also. New members are welcome and

needed for 2015.

Communion Assistants: These members administered the Lord’s Supper at both Sunday

morning services and at midweek worship services throughout the year. It is an

awesome privilege to give Christ to others!

Email Prayer Chain: Daily intercessory prayers in our homes are offered up to God for

Grace members, friends, and family members after receiving prayer requests.

Lectors: These team members have the blessed privilege of reading the scripture

lessons for worship services during the year.

Let It Shine: This ministry team meets each quarter of the year and before major

church festivals to shine pieces of brass in our sanctuary.

Offering Tellers: These tellers count offerings that are offered up at both Sunday

services and special services. They count in pairs, serving 8-10 times during the year.

Puppet Ministry: This team is available to prepare and provide children’s sermons on

Sunday mornings.

Sight and Sound Ministry: Techs provide amplification during worship services and for

musical groups and provide video services for congregational meetings and

contemporary worship services. This team also audio-records worship services and

provides personal amplification devices for those who request them.

Ushers: Usher teams serve during 8:00 and 10:45 worship services and also for special

services, which includes midweek worship. In addition to assisting visitors to Grace,

they may assist in finding seating for those in worship, pass out bulletins, note

attendance, secure doors, collect tithes and offerings, direct communicants, and tidy

up the sanctuary after worship services. We are thankful for their dedication and

faithfulness in serving.



Katie Kennedy and David Burns June 7

Ashley Fain and Derek Graham June 22

Terri Kennedy and Tim Holman July 16

Ryan Rothfuss and Cherie Wilmoth November 8

Victoria Rousculp and Kyle Richards December 31


Noel Edward Kaech died: January 11

Sue Confer died: January 18

Mary Grieb died: January 23

Heather Durst Dwyer died: February 23

Robert Hempstead died: March 10

James R. Schlesinger died: March 27

Norma Jean Myers died: March 29

Betty Jane Trimmer died: April 4

Carl Schlub died: May 7

John “Jack” Bishop died: June 20

Margaret Rice died: June 27

Mary Laurel Stevens died: July 25

David Hertz died: October 27

William Johnson died: November 4

Harry Egger died: December 1

Lowell Norton died: December 15



03-30-14 Ronald Coss

06-01-14 Alexis Schumaker

06-22-14 Iris Mohler

09-07-14 Austin Quesenberry

09-28-14 Easton Scherzinger

10-05-14 Jeffrey Schuerman

10-26-14 Alvin Carpenter

12-14-14 Zachary Jones

12-14-14 Caitlin Massie

12-14-14 Bridgett Wilson


March 30 June 22

Ronald Coss Iris Mohler

June 1 September 28

Alexis Schumaker Easton Scherzinger

June 8, 2014 Confirmation Class October 5

Jay Caudill Jeffrey Schuerman

Kaitlyn Kalifoot

Ashley Raines October 26

Austin Szekacs Alvin Carpenter

June 15 December 14

Freda Fyffe Ray Anderson

Tom Fyffe Mary Lynn Johnson

Jessica Quesenberry Suzy Jones

Matthew Quesenberry Zachary Jones

Cooper Quesenberry Caitlin Massie

Austin Quesenberry Aaron Osmon

Evan Quesenberry Marcia Osmon

Cherie Wilmoth Beverly Przytulski

Bridgett Wilson




Endowment Team (Chris Wells, chair)

Margaret Bickenheuser, Bill Stapleton, Mark Grimes, Ron Laucher, Kerry Bauer, Kris

Culp, Pastor Powell

Financial Stewardship Team (Bill Birch and Bethany Jones, co-chairs)

Justin Mohler, Janet Rice, Tom Brodbeck, Pastor Powell, Marty Shroyer, Carole Ryan, Ed

Urbanek, Bill Hester, Bethany Jones, Bill Birch

Library Team

Pastor Beverly DeBord, Jane Eancheff, Jim Noyes, Gene Swanger

Adult Teaching Team

Tom Brodbeck, Jeff Butterfield, Stacey Carmichael, Shawn and Audrey Dawson, Pastor

Beverly DeBord, Christy Detrick, Bonita Holl, Jim Kincaid, Eric Leeth, Su-Ann Newport, Jill

Pierce, Pastor Daniel Powell, Roger and Kay Reed, Sheila Rugh, Jack Sommers, Donna

Stelzer, Mike Stelzer, Tom and Sheryl Wineberg

Youth and Children Sunday School Teachers

Cathy Brink, Tammy Everhart, Deb Dawson, SuAnn Newport, Kathy Whited, Cheri

Meyers, Lori Marlin, Sally Dyar, Mark & Jen Sturgeon, Matt Rugh, Jason & Michelle

Kouse, Amy Fraker, Leslie McKinney, Carolyn Thompson, Susan Russell, Jennifer Ulery-

Smith, Deb O’Neal, Sally Andrews, Carol Rothfuss, Eric & Kristi Leeth, Matt & Christine


3rd and 4th Grade Bible Study

Craig and Cindy Witker, Laura Brown, Sally Andrews

Sunday School Offerings

The Pierce family, the Hanford family

Sunday School Record Keepers

Sandy Keppler, Mary Sommers, Martha Campbell

Grace Breakfast Group Betty and Jerry Kalifoot, Coordinators

Greeters (Nicki Castle, Coordinators)

Tom Allen, Jerry & Dora Angst, Julie Campbell, Martha Campbell, Stacey Carmichael,

Nicki & Abby Castle, Linda Cornell, Sally Dyar, Jane Eancheff, Peggie Elsnau, Sally

Galliger, Phyllis Hefler, Melanie & Cole Huffstetler, Suzanne Klopfenstein, Sandy Kramer,

Jane Kreider, Linda Mahan, Leslie & Sam McKinney, Clem & Marcia Meyer, Hobie &

Karen Mullins, Tom & Jennifer Mullins, Tommy Rhoades, Jim & Ginny Rolfes, Steven &

Andy Schumacher, Agnes Smoot, Larry & Karen Snyder, Russell & Joanne Stocke,

Cindy Torsell, Sally White

Joy Guild Members (Sheryl Stolarski, leader)

Bev Ainsworth, Vicky Ameny, Cheryl Backus, Betty Barnes, June Cardwell, Carol

Carpenter, Barbara Kestner, Sherry Provens, Carole Ryan, Carolyn Swanger, Carolyn

Thompson, Sue Tincher, Sue Weller, Sheryl Wineberg, Ellen Whitaker, Darlene Zawada


Sanctuary Choir

John Andrews, Victoria Barnes, Stacey Carmichael, Carol Carpenter, Kris Culp, Audrey

Dawson, Connie Dellinger, Connie Everhart, Daniel Furrow, Mark Grimes, Amanda

Hagy, Bonita Holl, Dave Holl, Jim Kincaid, Ashley Knowlton, Barb Maxwell, Clem Meyer,

Cathy Noyes, Pr. Dan Powell, Kay Reed, Roger Reed, Gene Rousculp, Melissa

Rousculp, Elaine Shaftner, Maxine Shroyer, Ron Tillberry, Byron Weller, Janet Weller, and

Kathy Whited

Summer Choir

John Andrews, Audrey Dawson, Amanda Hagy, Bonita Holl, Jim Kincaid, Ashley

Knowlton, Clem Meyer, Pr. Dan Powell, Kay Reed, Roger Reed, Gene Rousculp,

Maxine Shroyer, and Ron Tillberry

Grace Notes

John Andrews, Carol Carpenter, Donna Gainer, Bev Kaech, Cathy Noyes, Kay Reed,

and Maxine Shroyer

Children’s Choir

Brett Brown, Samantha Brown, Carson Chaffee, Morgan Huffstetler, Andrew Knowlton,

David Leeth, Sydney Pierce, Reese Turner, and Rylie Turner

Worship Team

Stacey Carmichael, Audrey Dawson, Bev Kaech, Jim Kincaid, John Kuziak, Dave

Marlin, Lacey Mendenhall, Jordan Powell, Melissa Rousculp, Steve Schumacher, Greg

Smith, Don Steinberger, Adam Szekacs, Beth Szekacs, and Sandy Thompson

Grace Orchestra

John Andrews, Scott Barth, Karen Brodbeck, Kristi Craddock, Shawn Dawson, Donna

Gainer, Amanda Hagy, Bill Heater, Dale Kissell, Johnny Kuziak, Nicky Kuziak, David

Leeth, Kristi Leeth, Meghan Leeth, Heather Pierce, and Steve Vrooman

Sanctuary Brass

Scott Barth, Justin Casto, Heather Pierce, and Steve Vrooman

Electronic Media

Jerry Dudney, Tom Brodbeck, Scott Brink, Josh Hanford, Jason Kouse

Grounds Care (Terry Fredrich, Coordinator)

Terry Fredrich, Judy Fredrich, Jerry Angst, Larry Snyder, Jim Schief

Hanging of the Greens (Victoria Barnes, Coordinator)

Victoria Barnes, Max Holly, Carole Ryan, Elaine Shaftner, Sean Pierce, Linda Kuhn,

Maxine Shroyer, Kay Reed, Ron Coss

Trash to Treasure

Tom O’Neal, Ron Coss

Building General Maintenance (Tom Stelzer, Coordinator)

Max Holly, Robert Thompson, Tom O’Neal, Don Merkle, Jerry Kalifoot

Church Prep (Mark Russell, Coordinator)

Chuck Bauer, Rob Caudill, Bill Lawson, Dan Shroyer, Margot Simpson, Mike Thompson,


Reed Welsh, Ron Coss

Mailing Team

Clem and Marcia Meyer, Betty and Jerry Kalifoot, Jane Kreider, Elsa Pospisil, Gene and

Elaine Roller, Carol and Ed Vincent, Byron and Janet Weller

Office volunteers

Elaine Shaftner, Kay Reed, Bev Ainsworth, Ginny Rolfes, Agnes Smoot, Judy Fredrich,

Sheryl Wineberg, Carole Ryan and Mary Ellen Fulmer.

Acolytes (Carol Drown, Coordinator)

Will Bauer, Jacob Beck, Allie Bischoff, Abby Castle, Carson Chaffee, Emma Crew, Evan

Crew, Daniel Detrick, Delaney Detrick, Abbie Hennig, Morgan Hennig, Cole Huffstetler,

Johnny Kuziak, Nicky Kuziak, David Leeth, Meghan Leeth, Joshua Maurer, Justin

Maurer, Hannah McKinney, Samuel McKinney, Ty Myers, Cole Myers, Tayler-Jo Mullins,

Thomas Mullins, Molly Heiser, Andrea Heiser, Hannah Madder, Caleb Martin, Reese

Turner, Grace VanFleet, Allison Veskauf, Emily Witker, Mia Witker, Libby Zimmer

Activity Bags for Children (Jodi Thompson: Jan.-Aug. / Maxine Shroyer Sept-Dec.—


Cathy Noyes

Altar Care (Elaine Roller, Coordinator)

Barb Archbold, Cindi Blevins, Daniel Blevins, Sharon Dalie, Pam Garrett, Bonita Holl,

Ginny and Jim Rolfes, Elaine and Gene Roller, Agnes Smoot, Lillian Twait and Lisa Wells.

Communion Assistants (Mike Thompson, Coordinator)

Tom Allen, Sally Andrews, Cathy Brink, Tom Brodbeck, Carol Carpenter, Stacey

Carmichael, Angie Caudill, Sally Dyar, Tammy Everhart, Erynn Hanford, Steeg Hertz, Bill

Hester, Bev Kaech, Darla Kalifoot, Toyia Knasel, Kristi Leeth, Leslie McKinney, Marcia

Meyer, Chris Mokren, Jerry Newport, Su-Ann Newport, Janet Rice, Jennifer Mullins, Tom

Mullins, Gene Roller, Carol Rothfuss, Ryan Rothfuss, Gene Rousculp, Matt Rugh, Elaine

Shaftner, Maxine Shroyer, Andy Schumacher, Joann Stapleton, William Stapleton, Jen

Sturgeon, Mark Sturgeon, Susan Truchses, Mary Veskauf, Jenelle Vosskuehler, Chuck


Email Prayer Chain (Jane Eancheff, Coordinator)

Tom Allen, Sally Andrews, Barb Archbold, Kerry Bauer, Minola Bernardi, Tom Brodbeck,

Angie Caudill, Rob Caudill, Pastor Beverly C. DeBord, Ellen Dudney, Peggie Elsnau,

Tammy Everhart, Linda Fuschino, Donna Gainer, Barbara Gentile, Margie Grimes, Mark

Grimes, Amanda Hagy, Erynn Hanford, Bonita Holl, Darci Jordan, Bev Kaech, Betty

Kalifoot, Darla Kalifoot, Jerry Kalifoot, Sandy Keppler, Julie Kimmel, Jerry Koppenhaver,

Patti McAfee, Kristin Monroe, Cathy Noyes, Jim Noyes, Deb O’Neal, Elsa Pospisil, Pastor

Dan Powell, Jill Powell, Elaine Roller, Gene Roller, Susan Russell, Carole Ryan, Dan

Shroyer, Maxine Shroyer, J.D. Smith, Karen Snyder, Carol Spurlock, Donna Stelzer, Tom

Stelzer, Joanne Stocke, Russ Stocke, Janet Thompson, Sandy Thompson, Susan

Truchses, Lillian Twait, Susan Vrooman

Lector Team (Paul Buckles, Coordinator)

Sally Andrews, Margaret Bickenheuser, Cathy Brink, Tom Brodbeck, Stacey Carmichael,

Carol Carpenter, Doug Crew, Evan Crew, Leslie Crew, Jane Eancheff, Gail Eldridge,


Phyllis Hefler, Bill Hester, Bonita Holl, Melanie Huffstetler, Darla Kalifoot, Richard Kogler,

Jerry Koppenhaver, Michelle Kouse, Eric Leeth, Kristi Leeth, Meghan Leeth, Sam

McKinney, Clem Meyer, Tayler-Jo Mullins, Su-Ann Newport, Cathy Noyes, Deb O’Neal,

Doddie Potts, Roger Reed, Ginny Rolfes, Jim Rolfes, Gene Roller, Carol Rothfuss, Gene

Rousculp, Matt Rugh, Susan Russell, Maxine Shroyer, Jack Sommers, Jen Sturgeon,

Eugene Swanger, Sandra Thompson, Susan Truchses, Allison Veskauf, Janet Weller, Sally


Let It Shine (Sari Bussert, Coordinator)

Paulette Brown, Beverly Kaech, Sherry Provens, Duane Twait, Lillian Twait

Offering Tellers – 8:00 a.m. (Kristi Leeth, Coordinator)

Carol Carpenter, Mark Klopfenstein, Suzanne Klopfenstein, Kevin Kreider, Bill Lawson,

Lora Lawson, Kristi Leeth, Don Merkle, Marcia Meyer, Bob Spitler, Heidi Spitler, Duane

Twait, Lillian Twait

Offering Tellers - 10:45 a.m. (Paulette Brown, Coordinator)

Sari Bussert, Dan Furrow, Bill Hester, Jim Kincaid, Nancy Kincaid, Cathy Noyes, Tom

O'Neal, Matt Rugh, Sheila Rugh, Christine Siegenthaler, Matt Siegenthaler, Joan Snarr,

Jack Sommers, Mary Sommers

Puppet Team

Stacey Carmichael, Darla Kalifoot

Sight & Sound (Chris Mokren, Coordinator)

Jerry Dudney, Eric Leeth, Gene Rousculp, Tom Wineberg,

Ushers - 8:00 a.m. (Steeg Hertz, Coordinator)

Scott Brink, Tom Brodbeck, Angie Caudill, Jay Caudill, Josh Caudill, Rob Caudill, Dan

Detrick, Sally Dyar, Al Evans, Diane Hertz, Cole Huffstetler, Rick Huffstetler, Lance Jones,

Brett Kalifoot, Mark Klopfenstein, Richard Kogler, Fred Martin, Phil McClelland, Ron

Mumma, John Rice, Janet Rice, Jim Rolfes, Mark Russell, Susan Russell, Andy

Schumacher, Steven Schumacher, Margot Simpson, Jack Sommers, Mary Sommers,

Mike Thompson, Ed Urbanek, Gail Welsh, Reed Welsh

Ushers - 10:45 a.m. (Mike Stelzer, Coordinator)

Marsha Ackerman, Jacob Beck, Daniel Blevins, Tom Brodbeck, Doug Crew, Evan

Crew, Christian Jordan, Darci Jordan, Barbara Joseph, Doug Joseph, Jim Kestner,

Nancy Kincaid, John Kuziak, Nicky Kuziak, Eric Leeth, Joshua Maurer, Justin Maurer,

Ryan Maurer, Chris Mokren, Thomas Mullins, Tom Mullins, Amy Noyes, Tom O’Neal,

Roger Reed, Tommy Rhoades, Ryan Rothfuss, Dan Shroyer, Mark Sturgeon, Chris Wells,

Luke Wells

Ushers - Special Services (Tom O’Neal, Coordinator)

Tom Allen, Bill Hester, Jim Kestner, Tom Mullins, Deb O’Neal, Jim Rolfes, Dan Shroyer,

Mark Sturgeon

Acts 5 Hospital Ministry (Jane Eancheff, , Coordinator)

Barb Archbold, Ellen Dudney, Jane Eancheff, Sue Goheen, Bonita Holl, Terri Kennedy

Holman, Richard Kogler, Joyce McNeal, Deb O'Neal, Jill Powell, Carol Spurlock, Susan

Truchses, Susan Truchses, Janet Weller


Blood Pressure Screening (Sally Andrews, Coordinator)

Sally Andrews, Ann Clayton, Ellen Dudney, Sue Goheen, Andy Schumacher, Mary Beth

Stelzer, Mary Veskauf, Sally White

Card Ministry (Deb O’Neal, Coordinator)

Mark Grimes, Bill Hester, Bonita Holl, Jane Kreider, Deb O'Neal, Jill Powell, Agnes Smoot,

Karen Snyder, Bernice Stevens, and others from various guilds

Care Circle Leaders

Bev Ainsworth, John and Sally Andrews, Pat Barth, Scott Brink, Tom and Karen

Brodbeck, Jeff and Sue Butterfield, June Cardwell, Stacey Carmichael, Nicki Castle,

Rob and Angie Caudill, Shelly Clemens, Kristi Knight-Craddock, Shawn and Audrey

Dawson, Dan and Christy Detrick, Jerry and Ellen Dudney, Kevin and Amy Fraker, Terry

and Judy Fredrich, Brian and Ginger Hennig, David and Bonita Holl, Lance and

Bethany Jones, Darla Kalifoot, Jerry and Betty Kalifoot, Jim and Nancy Kincaid, Mark

and Suzanne Klopfenstein, Toyia Knasel, Ashley Knowlton, Jane Kreider, Debbie Lange,

Ron and Bev Laucher, Eric and Kristi Leeth, Matt and Sheila Rugh, Dave and Lori Marlin,

Leslie McKinney, Clem and Marcia Meyer, Justin Mohler, Jim and Cathy Noyes, Tom

and Deb O’Neal, Chris Parli, Sean and Jill Pierce, Jim and Ginny Rolfes, Carol Rothfuss,

Mark and Susan Russell, Carole Ryan, Steven and Andy Schumacher, Elaine Shaftner,

Dan Shroyer, John and Agnes Smoot, Tom and Donna Stelzer, Beth Szekacs, Robert

and Sandy Thompson, Cindy Torsell, Gail Welsh, Sheryl Wineberg, Darlene Zawada

Christmas in July (Hobie and Karen Mullins, coordinators)

Linda Anderson, Barb Archbold, Calvin Blumhorst, Tom and Karen Brodbeck, Ann

Clayton, Denise Crenshaw, Christy Detrick, Jane Eancheff, Gail Eldridge-Hakala, Diane

Hertz, Bonita Holl, Anne Joyce, Jim and Barb Kestner, Michelle Kouse, Jane Kreider,

Linda Mahan, Hobie and Karen Mullins, Cathy Noyes, Deb O'Neal, Jill Powell, Kay Reed,

Ginny Rolfes, Gene and Elaine Roller, Sheila Rugh, Agnes Smoot, Joan Snarr, Mary Beth

Stelzer, Joann Stocke, Jen Sturgeon, Robert and Sandy Thompson, Sue Weller

Extensions of Grace (Bev Kaech, Coordinator)

Jane Eancheff, Peggie Elsnau, Al Evans, Sandy Keppler, Deb O'Neal, Elaine Shaftner,

Robert Thompson, Sandy Thompson

Homebound Visitation (Marjorie Grimes, Coordinator)

Barbara Archbold, Al Evans, Mark Grimes, Barbara Kestner, Jane Kreider, Deb O’Neal,

Russ Stocke, Sheryl Stolarski, Sandy Thompson

Home Care Ministry (Bev Kaech, Coordinator)

Barb Archbold, Cathy Brink, June Cardwell, Carol Carpenter, Christy Detrick, Becky

Dunn, Jane Eancheff, Peggie Elsnau, Al Evans, Mark Grimes, Amanda Hagy, Steeg and

Diane Hertz, Bill Hester, Bonita Holl, Terri Kennedy Holman, Bev Kaech, Jerry and Betty

Kalifoot, Sandy Keppler, Barb Kestner, Ashley Knowlton, Jane Kreider, John Maxwell,

Bob Merkle, Ann Morris, Su-Ann Newport, Jim and Cathy Noyes, Chris Parli, Jill Powell,

Roger and Kay Reed, John and Janet Rice, Jim and Ginny Rolfes, Matt Rugh, Sheila

Rugh, Carole Ryan, Steve and Andy Schumacher, Elaine Shaftner, Carol Spurlock,

Donna Stelzer, Russ and Joanne Stocke, Sheryl Stolarski, Mark Sturgeon, Janet


Thompson, Robert and Sandy Thompson, Lillian Twait, Sheryl Wineberg

Meals for the Bereaved (Cathy Brink, Coordinator)

Karen Brodbeck, Ann Clayton, Jane Eancheff, Tammy Everhart, Barbara Fain, Donna

Gainer, Barbara Joseph, Jane Kreider, Cathy Noyes, Jill Powell, Ginny Rolfes, Sheila

Rugh, Mary Beth Stelzer, Joanne Stocke, Jen Sturgeon, and all the wonderful people

who contributed food items for the various funeral meals we served.

Meals on Call (Deb O’Neal, Coordinator)

Linda Anderson, Karen Brodbeck, Carol Carpenter, Linda Cornell, Diane Hertz, Bonita

Holl, Cathy Noyes, Deb O'Neal, Sean Pierce, Jill Powell, Agnes Smoot, Lisa Ulery

Stephen Ministers active in 2014

Sally Andrews, Jerry Angst, Shelly Clemens, Jerry Dudney, Jane Eancheff, Peggie

Elsnau, Bonita Holl, Dick Kogler, Cathy Noyes, Tom O’Neal, Susan Russell, Carole Ryan,

Pat Siler, Agnes Smoot, Carol Spurlock, Sheryl Stolarski, Gail Welsh, Tom Wineberg

Stephen Leaders for 2014

Tom Brodbeck, Pastor Beverly DeBord, Ellen Dudney, Pastor Daniel Powell, Pat Siler,

John Smoot, Agnes Smoot-Assistant Stephen Leader

Support for New Moms (Molly Powell, Coordinator)

And a special word of thanks to Denise Crenshaw

for her assistance in compiling this annual report.
