· 2014-11-25 · Tornrn of Mono S472og Mono Centre Road Mono, Ontario LgW 65g October 7, 2014 Mr....


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Phone: l-519-928-5652 Fax: 1-519-928-2275Ja¡e M. Wilson C.A.O./Clerk-Treas. Glenn Sterrett, Public Works Supt.

October 30,2014

Mr. Peter HillDirector General, Spectrum Management Operations Branchlndustry Canada300 Slater Street (JETN, 1sth)Ottawa, ON K1A 045Email:

Dear Mr. Hill

At a regular meeting of Council on October 14, 2014 Council discussed the letter that to Town ofMono sent to you on October 71h,2014.

After considerable discussion the following resolution was passed:#2014-10-18MOVED BY ROBERTSSECONDED BY R. TAYLORBE lT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Grand Valley supports the letter from the Town of Monoto Peter Hill of lndustry Canada, dated October 7,2014 expressing its concerns regardingchanges to the 3500 MHz Bandwidth and the New Building Canada grant system; and

FURTHER THAT copies of this resolution be fonruarded to Peter Hill and to the Town of Monoand opposition partys'.


I have also attached a copy of Mono's letter for reference

I trust you will give this careful consideration.

Yours truly,Town of Grand Valley

Jane M. WilsonCAO/Clerk Treasurer

cc:Prime Minister of Canada: Stephen HarperPremier of Ontario: Kathleen WynneMP: Thomas Mulcair; Federal NDP Party LeaderMP: Justin Trudeau; Federal Liberal Party Leader

MP: Elizabeth May; Federal Green Party LeaderMP: David Tilson; Dufferin/CaledonMPP: Andrea Horvath; Provincial NDP LeaderMPP: Jim Wilson; Provincial PC Party LeaderMPP: Mike Schreiner; Green Party of OntarioMPP: Sylvia Jones; Dufferin/CaledonAMOROMAFCMMayor: Rob Adams; Town of OrangevilleMayor: Ed Crewson; Town of ShelburneMayor: Bill Hill; Township of MelancthonMayor: Don Mclver; Township of AmaranthMayor: Paul Mills; Township of MulmurMayor: Allen Taylor, Township of East GarafraxaMayor: Laura Ryan, Town of Mono

Tornrn of MonoS472og Mono Centre RoadMono, Ontario LgW 65g

October 7, 2014

Mr. Peter Híll

Director General, Spectrum Management Operations Branchlndustry Canada300 Slater Street (JETN, lSth)Ottawa, ON K1A OAsEmail: spectrum.operations@ic. gc.ca

Dear Mr. Hill

003-14z Band (3475-3650 MHz)

The Town of Mono is a rurat community on the north west fringe of the Greater Toronto Area(GTA)' The Town of Mono is a grossly underserviced area in terms of high speed broadbandservices. Providing high speed broadband service to rural areas is not sufficien¡y lucrative forcommercial operators; hence, they leave municipalities such as the Town of Mono underserviced. Current regulations do not adequately address this problem, allowing vendors to focustoo narrowly on those markets they deem profitable, to the detriment of rural Canada, lndustryCanada regulations encourages this, allowing vendors to 'pick the low hanging fruit'. This is notacceptable to the Town of Mono.

Further, the New Building Canada Fund grant system, which puts unrealistic conditions on smallrural municipalities, ensures that we cannot participate in federal and provincial infrastructuregrants for the next 10 years. To this Council and our residents, this seems to be a full assaulton rural Canada by the current federal government, to the benefit of urban areas of Canada.

I would like to emphasize the importance of rural Canada to the tourism, agribusiness; and theprovision of natural resources, to fuel and sustain the development of the major urban centres inCanada' People and businesses are located in rural Canada, not only in the urban centres,These people and businesses need high speed broadband to access health care, education,customers, and to be competitive with other regions and countries. Under the current andproposed policies, the lack of appropriate internet could lead people to leave rural areas,abandon business opportunities; including agribusiness, tourism, etc,, potentially leading to acollapse of the economies of rural Canada,

Telephone: 519941-3599 Ibx: 519g41-gr49o E-mail: mono@townofmono,com Web site: www.townofmono.com

The current path of the federal government leaves rural Canada not only uncompetitive withother developed countries, but even with many third world countries. Now, with the proposedpolicy change, it seems that not only does the Federal Government put the needs of big cellularproviders above the needs of rural Canadians, but would imply a complete disregard for thehealth, economy and prosperity of rural Canada, When coupled with the New Building CanadaFund conditions, the Federal Government has ensured that most rural municipalities, such asthe Town of Mono, will not have access to federal/provincial funding for the duration of its 10year rollout, and will continue to fall behind our urban neighbors in internet access.

Here are our recommendations to both the federal and provincial governments

1. That the Federal Government enact, concurrent with the policy being proposed, a policythat would require the benefiting companies and their subsidiaries provide a ubiquitousultra-high speed broadband service to both urban and rural Canadians.

2. Redirect funds from the New Building Canada Fund in support of the above initiative.

3. That the provision of ubiquitous ultra-high speed broadband be a priority of both theprovincial and federal governments, under the leadership of the federal government, toensure that Canada does not continue to devolve into a two-class country divided alongurban/rural boundaries.

4. That the federal and provincial governments establish a Canada Special BroadbandTask Force with the cellular and broadband providers, and with rural stakeholders, todetermine how best to provide a ubiquitous broadband service for all Canadians, andhow to fund that service in a fair and equitable manner.

5. That the current proposed policy change not be effected until a new, ubiquitous,urban/rural service is implemented.

Yours very truly and with expectation and hope of our mutual rural constituents,

Laura Ryan

MayorCorporation of the Town Of Mono

Lau ra. rvan@townof mono. com

CcPrime Minister of Canada: Stephen HarperPremier of Ontario; Kathleen WynneMP: Thomas Mulcair; Federal NDP Party Leader

MP: Justin Trudeau; Federal Liberal Party LeaderMP: Elizabeth May; Federal Green Party LeaderMP: David Tilson; Dufferin/ CaledonMPP: Andrea Horvath; Provincial NDP LeaderMPP: Jim Wilson; Provincial PC Party LeaderMPP: Mike Schreiner; Green Party of OntarioMPP: Sylvia Jones; Dufferin/CaledonAMOROMAFCMMayor: Rob Adams; Town of OrangevilleMayor: Ed Crewson; Town of ShelburneMayor: Bill Hill; Township of MelancthonMayor: Don Mclver; Township of AmaranthMayor: Paul Mills; Township of MulmurMayor: John Oosterhof; Town of Grand ValleyMayor: Allen Taylor; Township of East Garafraxa

First Capital of Upper Canada - 1792

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer 1593 Four Mile Creek Road P.O. Box 100, Virgil, ON L0S 1T0

905-468-3266 Fax: 905-468-2959


October 8, 2014 BY E-MAIL ONLY: spectrum.operations@ic.gc.ca Mr. Peter Hill Director General, Spectrum Management Operations Branch Industry Canada 300 Slater Street (JETN, 15th) Ottawa, ON K1A 0H5 Dear Mr. Hill: Re: Canada Gazette, Part I, August 19, 2014, DGSO-003-14 Consultation on Policy Changes in the 3500 MHz Band (3475-3650 MHz) and a

New Licensing Process in Rural Areas I understand Industry Canada has proposed changes affecting rural Internet service as per the Consultation on Policy Changes in the 3500 MHz Band (3475-3650 MHz) and a New Licensing Process in Rural Areas, DGSO-003-14, dated August 19, 2014 (the “Consultation Paper”). While our Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake Council has no further meetings before the end of the current Council term to consider this matter, Town staff has reviewed the proposal and offers the following comments: As a rural community, we are concerned about the repercussions of this proposal; in particular, the proposals in questions 1, 7, and 8 of the Consultation Paper. While we share the stated goal of ensuring the best possible high-speed Internet in Ontario’s rural regions, the proposals in the Consultation Paper would not have this effect. The proposals, as drafted, would take away spectrum in use today for providing Internet service to the rural communities and would transfer it to telephone companies for future mobile phone use. Should that happen, hundreds of thousands of current residential and business customers in rural Canada, including people in our area, would lose their existing high-speed Internet service. Access to Internet is the foundation of economic enterprise in rural areas. This proposal would be a step backwards for rural communities and would not be in keeping with the stated goal of increasing Internet access for Ontarians. The proposed reclassification of the licensed areas would designate vast rural areas as “urban” areas. Should this reclassification happen, the proposal would then call for all “urban” licences to be taken away from rural Internet service providers (ISPs) – even though the licences are in use providing service to people today – and for that spectrum to be given to cellular phone companies for future use with smart phones that have not yet been developed.

Spectrum Management Operations Branch, Industry Canada October 8, 2014 Page 2

The Consultation Paper states that the “Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that Ontarians benefit from the availability of advanced, competitively priced telecommunications services in all regions of the country” and has a commitment “to extend and enhance broadband Internet services in rural and northern communities in order to meet the continued demand for fixed services in rural areas.”1 However, the proposals in the Consultation Paper would not benefit “all regions of the country” as a large number of rural Ontario communities would be designated “urban” and have their fixed wireless Internet service shut down. It would sacrifice the current needs of rural communities, take away the economic and social benefits of the Internet from rural residents, and undermine the hard work rural areas have done to ensure we connect rural residents to high quality Internet services. The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake requests that the Minister of Industry and Industry Canada reconsider the proposals in the Consultation Paper and continue providing the same Internet services to rural communities and to exempt the licensees that are delivering high-speed fixed wireless Internet services today from any requirement to depart from this spectrum. Sincerely, Mike Galloway, MBA, CMO Chief Administrative Officer cc: Anne Marie Quinn, Senior Vice President and Partner, FleishmanHillard

1 Consultation Paper, para. 6.

6 Oak StreetP.O. Box 220

Lancaster, OntarioKOC 1NO

Phone: (613) 347-1166Fax: (613) 347-3411

e-mail: info @southglengarry.comwww.southglengarry.com

Dear Sir/Madam:

Canada Gazette, Part I, August 19, 2014, DGSO-003-14Consultation on Policy Changes in the 3500 MHz Band (3475-3650 MHz)

and a New Licensing Process in Rural Areas

On behalf of my Council Members of the Township of South Glengarry, I am writing to express ourconcerns regarding your proposals contained in the above consultation document.

Our municipality strongly supports the views expressed by the Chairs of the Eastern Ontario WardensCaucus and the Eastern Ontario Regional Network. As they have expressed to you in their jointsubmission and their letter to Minister Moore your proposed policy changes, particularly those related totaking back 3500 MHz spectrum and reallocating it to cellular companies in the ‘urban” blocks, iscompletely unacceptable to us.

Should you proceed along this path we know that more than 11,000 customers across a large part ofeastern Ontario face the spectre of losing their connection to high-speed services. This cannot beallowed to happen. The Government along with its partners in EORN have just connected these homesand businesses at a considerable cost to the public and to its private sector partner. Millions of dollarswould be wasted and the good work of EORN damaged. This must be avoided.

Like the EOWC and EORN we are concerned with the view that rural areas like ours will only requirelimited access mobile cellular services while our urban cousins will require much more. This view is farfrom our reality and must be challenged. Many of our citizens and business not to mention our ownmunicipal services like public works, fire, police and EMS require sufficient, affordable mobile services.This demand will continue to grow not decrease. Once again rural taxpayers and businesses will be leftbehind should you proceed with these policy proposals. As the Chairs have rightly concluded we willneed more not less mobile service.

We urge you to hear our concerns and rethink your proposals for the sake of rural taxpayers in ourmunicipality and across the region.

Yours truly,

Cc: CouncilHon James Moore, MinisterGuy Lauzon MPJim McDonell MPP

The Corporation of the

Township of

October 7, 2014

Senior Director, Spectrum Development and OperationsIndustry Canada300 Slater Street (JETN, 15th)

Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A5Email: spectrum operationsic.qc.ca


L17 -10- Z1kJ


Ian McLeod

Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus 789 Broadway Street, Wyoming, ON N0N 1T0

T: 519-845-0801 F: 519-845-3160 TF: 1-866-324-6912

October 8, 2014 Mr. Peter Hill Director General, Spectrum Management Operations Branch Industry Canada 300 Slater Street (JETN, 15th) Ottawa, ON K1A 0A5 Email: spectrum.operations@ic.gc.ca Dear Mr. Hill: Canada Gazette, Part I, August 19, 2014, DGSO-003-14 Consultation on Policy Changes in the 3500 MHz Band (3475-3650 MHz) and a New Licensing Process in Rural Areas The Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus has learned that Industry Canada has proposed changes affecting rural Internet service in the Consultation on Policy Changes in the 3500 MHz Band (3475-3650 MHz) and a New Licensing Process in Rural Areas, DGSO-003-14, dated August 19, 2014 (the “Consultation Paper”). We are gravely concerned about this proposal. The Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus (WOWC) is currently engaged in a large project with the intent of bringing affordable ultra-high speed internet access to everyone (rural and urban) in Southwestern Ontario. The SouthWestern Integrates Fibre Technology Network (SWIFT), when completed, will link 300+ communities to a regional network that serves over 2.9 million people - many of whom have limited or no access to the internet today. While the network backbone will be fibre-optic based, it is likely that last mile options to connect many rural residents in the region to the network will require the use of the 3,500 MHz band currently allocated to WiMAX. Re-provisioning this band for other use in the future as proposed by Industry Canada not only eliminates this as the only option for many residents in the region now, but it may seriously jeopardize the success of the proposed SWIFT project. The WOWC also shares the same concerns identified by the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA). The WOWC agrees with the stated goal of ensuring the best possible high-speed Internet in Ontario’s rural regions, but notes that the proposals in the Consultation Paper would not have that effect. The proposals, as drafted, take away spectrum in use today to provide Internet service to Ontarians outside of the big cities and gives it to telephone companies for future mobile phone use. If that happens, hundreds of thousands of current residential and business customers in rural Canada will lose their existing high-speed Internet service, including people in our area. Access to internet is the foundation of economic enterprise in rural areas. This proposal is a step backwards for rural Ontarians and not in keeping with the stated goal of increasing Internet access for Ontarians. The proposed reclassification of the licensed areas would designate vast rural areas as “urban” areas. Once this reclassification happens, the proposal then calls for all the “urban” licences to be taken away from rural Internet service providers (ISPs), even though the licences are in use providing service to people today, and for that spectrum to be given to cellular phone companies for future use with smart phones that have not yet been developed.

October 8, 2014 - Page 2 of 2

The WOWC does not support any proposal that ignores the current needs of rural Ontarians by taking away ALL of the spectrum and giving it to cellular companies. The Consultation Paper states that the “Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that Ontarians benefit from the availability of advanced, competitively priced telecommunications services in all regions of the country” and has a commitment “to extend and enhance broadband Internet services in rural and northern communities in order to meet the continued demand for fixed services in rural areas”. However, the proposals in the Consultation Paper do not live up to those promises. Any proposal that would see a large number of rural Ontarians being designated “urban” and having fixed wireless Internet service in their areas shut down does not benefit “all regions of the country”. It sacrifices the current needs of rural communities, takes away the economic and social benefits of the Internet from rural residents and undermines all the hard work that rural areas have done to ensure we connect rural residents to high quality Internet services. The WOWC urges the Minister of Industry and Industry Canada to reject the flawed proposals in the Consultation Paper and, at the very minimum, to do no harm – please leave the licences in place for spectrum that is in use today providing service to Ontarians and exempt the licensees that are delivering high speed fixed wireless internet services today from any requirement to depart from this spectrum. Please do not take away Internet service from rural residents. Sincerely, Todd Case Chair, Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus cc: Association of Municipalities of Ontario

Rural Ontario Municipal Association Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus
