

Implementing e-portfolios in mathematics education. Merilyn Taylor MSTE Faculty of Education. 2013. Purposes for the trial. Many New Zealand primary schools have been supported to introduce e-portfolios (MOE, 2011 ). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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2013Implementing e-portfolios in mathematicseducationMerilyn Taylor MSTEFaculty of Education 1Purposes for the trialMany New Zealand primary schools have been supported to introduce e-portfolios (MOE, 2011).

An opportunity for students to display mathematics learning in alternative ways.

To help demonstrate breadth of development of knowledge and skills and depth of critical thinking and application of ideas to mathematics teaching and learning mathematics (Frid & Sparrow, 2003).

To showcase learning in one space (Short, 2011).

Had to sell the idea, but some students had the 2Theoretical frameworkAdult learning theory principles (Herrington & Oliver, 1995, Smith, Harvey & Chickie-Wolfe, 2007).

Mathematics education reform and sustainability principles (Coburn 2003, Drake & Sherin, 2006).

Development of artifactual literacy (Pahl, 2004).A way also of practicing what is preached. Multi-faceted approach to mathematics learning and teaching.

Using the Mahara platform

Used for staff appraisal and for evidence of childrens learningI like trying new things, but not for their own sake. There has to be strong educational reason as well. Had been thinking and reading about the potential of eportfolios for some time and thought it was time to take the plunge. Artifactual literacies. Maths is part of our culture and it sits within social contexts. Maths exists or can be explored in many places. Artifacts can tell stories and those stories can be recorded in a range of ways.

3The cohortTEMS 220-12C(NET) Mathematics Education 2

76 on-line distance teacher education students

Compulsory paper

One face-to-face session to set up each eportfolio

Course sustained with Moodle -Mahara outside of Moodle 4Getting startedNeeded to support students to set up accounts.

Stipulated components of eportfolio, but simultaneously allowed individual flexibility.

One assessment designed specifically to encourge selection and evaluation of multi-media artifacts.

Ethics approval obtained.

Each student controls their own account can be shared with others.I have to be invited in 5TensionsTeachers are expected to be familiar with a range of technologies and teaching approaches butfor mathematically anxious, or techno-shy, eportfolios potentially add another layer of concern.

Expecting consideration of an alternative conception of mathematics education.

Balancing requirements of a compulsory course with potential of exploring the use of an e-portfolio6Intentional design of an assessment Students were expected to compile an intentional collection of artifacts for topic of measurement.

Apply criteria to justify inclusion of five chosen artifacts that could be developed, evaluated and/or adapted. Recorded why each artifact was included and how it had impacted on personal perspectives of mathematics education.7One example

Anlaysis of eportfoliosPosting box onlyConservative portrayal of mathematics and use of affordances

Willing to engage with some possibilities(Surface browsers) Range of artifacts, but limited mathematically Able to explore or create artifacts with a greater range of technologies

Variety of artifacts, and generally presented mathematics possibilities Took opportunity to think about mathematics in different and alternative ways

Deeper thinking about the nature of mathematics and the affordances of possibilities for transformative mathematics education InConservative portrayal of mathematics eg scanning a cover sheet of a text book or scanning a reading that had been suppliedTendency to find a u tube clip, but not able to apply criteria to critically evaluate- eg a utube clip that explained how to measure bit in imperial measurements which are not taught inSaw possibilities such as making a video or podcastConsidered web programmes eg Scratch MIT produced, or examples of mathematics in the environment 9In hindsight Useful way to see overview of all work, not each assessment as discrete entity.

e-portfolio offers a way to provide formative feedback.

Flexible and personalised.

Greater scaffolding about sensible presentation is needed.10Looking aheadSuggest that this e-portfolio experience was isolated. A more comprehensive approach with other learning areas could be worthwhile.

Potential for students to see connections across a range of subjects

Potential for peer/group work and assessment. 11A later observationComparing the select, collect, reflect assignment results to the teaching of a unit of mathematics. students who were prepared to take risks with their selection of artifacts took that approach to teaching.12
