2013 NatioNal aborigiNal tourism opportuNities CoNfereNCe · 12:45pm – Keynote Speakers...


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2013 NatioNal aborigiNal tourism opportuNities CoNfereNCeOsOyOOs | April 3rd and 4thAt the spectacular NK’MIP Resort in beautiful Osoyoos, British Columbia

On behalf of the Osoyoos Indian Band and Aboriginal Tourism BC we welcome you to the territory of the Okanagan Nation. We are very excited at the response to the 2013 National Aboriginal Tourism Opportunities Conference. We anticipate many positive outcomes from this Event. Make sure you sample our award winning wine while you’re here with us and be sure to buy some gifts for friends and family from our local artists and carvers.

Chief ClarenCe louieCEO, Osoyoos Indian Band

keith henryCEO, AtBC

2013 AboriginAl MArketplAce contestAboriginAl MArketplAce is giving

AwAy Free event tickets!we would like to heAr froM your orgAnizAtion! shAre

your orgAnizAtion’s business stories And if your Article is printed in Any issue of the MAgAzine you win one free ticket to the event of your choice!


A broad sample of the areas to be explored include finance, business leader-ship, finding green opportunities, business funding, government assistance and obstruction, tourism, natural resources, partnerships between Aboriginal groups and the private sector business community, title and rights progress, and training initiatives, but most of all this is a magazine about opportunity. If you have a story you’d like to share in the Aboriginal Marketplace magazine please send an email with details to: rochelle@2ggroup.ca

April 3rd - 4thNational Aboriginal Tourism Conference Osoyoos, BC

April 16th -17thNational Aboriginal Business Opportunities Conference Prince Rupert, BC

AboriginAl MArketplAce events:

For more information go to aboriginalmarketplace.comor scan this Qr code

don’t forget to DOWNLOAD the AboriginAl MArketplAce App!

AvAilAble At itunes And AMAzon

next subMission

deAdline june 7th

April 19th West Coast Oil Pipeline SummitVancouver, BC

MAy 14th - 15th National Aboriginal Career Fair Vancouver, BC

june 25th - 27th Aboriginal Economic Leadership SummitOsoyoos, BC

sept 10th - 12th National Aboriginal Business Opportunities ConferenceOsoyoos, BC

This conference is unique in design with a focus on Best Practices and examples of successful Authentic Aboriginal Tourism businesses from around the world, as well as offering practical advice on how to succeed in the cultural tourism industry.

It’s great to be returning to the Osoyoos Indian Band’s Spirit Ridge Vineyard Resort & Spa and group rates have been negotiated for accommodation at this spectacular venue.

As your conference Coordinators our roles are to ensure you get the utmost value from your time with us. We will be on site from April 2nd - 5th and can be reached at any time by calling Toll Free 855-307-5291. We have assembled a fantastic line-up of presenters for this event.

Make sure you use all of the networking breaks to your advantage and stop by the hospitality event being hosted by Aborigi-nal Marketplace Magazine. Our hotel partner will be happy to assist you with your ac-commodation, just see the concierge at the front desk if you have any questions.

WELCOME to the2013 NatioNal aborigiNal tourism opportuNities CoNfereNCe

Rochelle Saddleman and Geoff Greenwell

OsOyOOs | April 3rd and 4th

Delegate Registration and continental breakfast from 7:15am – 8:30am

8:30am Welcome prayer and drumming

8:45am – Host Chief Welcome Address and Facilitator Introduction

9:00am – AtBC’s 5 Year Plan 2012-2017 – Year One Update

10:00am - mid morning networking Break

Chief ClarenCe louieCeo, osoyoos indianband DevelopmentCorporation

Modesta Bettertonosoyoos indianband elder

Geoff GreenwellCeo, 2g groupfacilitator

keith henryCeo, atbC

ageNDaapril 3rD

Peter harrisonDirector of partnership marketingministry of Jobs, tourism and skills training

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Peter harrisonDirector of partnership marketingministry of Jobs, tourism and skills training

ageNDa10:45am – Who is the Aboriginal Tourism Visitor? – Moderated Panel with questionso Canadian Tourism Commission (Speaker-TBD)o Destination BC – richard Porgeso Aboriginal Tourism BC – Beverley o’neil/dr. Peter williams

noon - Lunch Enjoy the sumptuous fare of the Okanagan from Chef Rob Walker and his team

12:45pm – 1:15pm Keynote Lunch Speaker

1:15pm – Aboriginal Tourism in other countries – 3 perspectiveso Mexico – Zapotec Experience - Javier Portillo Vergarao Belize - Indigenous Tourism Development – Judy karwacki o United States – Indigenous Values in Tourism – Ben sherman

Chief ClarenCe louieCeo, osoyoos indianband DevelopmentCorporation

JaVier Portillo VerGaraDirector general

Judy karwaCkifounder,small planet Consulting

Ben sherManleadership Council, World indigenous tourism alliance

roB walker,executive Chef

april 3rD

BeVerley o’neilpresident,NumaCommunications

dr. Peter williaMssfu

riChard PorGesexecutive Director,Destination bC

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2:30pm – mid afternoon networking Break

3:00pm – What does it take to create a successful Aboriginal tourism product? - Moderated Panel with questionso Tour Operator – roman dushatskyo Travel Agent – elsa terminel-Zaragozao RDMO – TOTA – Ceo Glenn Mandziuko RDMO – VCM – Ceo kevan ridgwayo SLCC – executive director, Casey Vanden heuvel

4:15pm – National Aboriginal Tourism Market Readiness Manual Presentationo trina Mather simard

5:00-7:00pm - hospitaLity event at nk’mip ceLLars

elsa terMinel- ZaraGoZatravel agent

keVan ridGwayCeo, Vancouver Coast and mountains tourism region

Glenn MandZiukCeo,thompson okanagantourism association

2013 NatioNal aborigiNal tourism opportuNities CoNfereNCe Hosted by Aboriginal

Marketplace Magazine

ageNDaapril 3rD

roMan dushatskyContracting manager, Jonview Canada inc.

trina Mather siMardexecutive Director,aboriginal tourism marketing Circle

Casey Vanden heuVelexecutive Director, squamish lil’wat Cultural Centre

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Casey Vanden heuVelexecutive Director, squamish lil’wat Cultural Centre

7:15am – 8:30am continentaL Breakfast

8:30am – Impacts of Global Tourism - Anna Pollock, Conscious Travel

9:30am – Showcasing 3 different successful Canadian Aboriginal Tourism Products o Aboriginal Experiences Arts and Culture, Ottawa – trina Mather-simardo Tourism Autochtone du Quebec - Carole Bellefleuro Pure North Canada - deneen allen

10:45am – mid morning networking Break

ageNDaapril 4th

anna PolloCkfounder,Conscious travel

trina Mather-siMardexecutive Director

deneen allenpresident, pure North Canada

Carole BellefleurDevelopment advisor,Québec aboriginal tourism

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11:30am – A Made-in-BC Approach to Aboriginal Tourism Training and Product Developmento AtBC – Advisor - Cheryl Chapmano Go2 – Resource for People in Tourism - arlene keiso Native Education College – dan Guinano LinkBC – terry hood

12:30pm Lunch Enjoy more sumptuous fare of the Okanagan from Chef Rob Walker and his team

12:45pm – Keynote Speakers Presentation on the New Luxury Tourist for Aboriginal Tourismo Tartan Group – deirdre Campbell o Entrée Destinations – owner Marc telio o Specific presentations on the luxury market. Tourism with Aboriginal visitors.

arlene keis Ceo,go2


dan Guinanpresident, Native education College

Cheryl ChaPManadvisor, atbC

2013 NatioNal aborigiNal tourism opportuNities CoNfereNCe

OsOyOOs | April 3rd and 4th

roB walker,executive Chef

april 4th

terry hoodgeneral manager,linkbC

deirdre CaMPBellPresident and Chief Development Officer,Tartan Group

MarC telioOwner,Entrée Destinations

Training and product devel-opment are as important as market development in creating a strong Aboriginal tourism industry. This panel session will describe the vari-ous approaches being un-dertaken by organizations in BC to address these needs. Available programs, courses and workshops will be described, and participants will share lessons learned and recommendations so that the Aboriginal tourism workforce can be developed to meet the long-term goals of both the Aboriginal Tourism Association of BC and Destination BC.

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ageNDa1:15pm – Product Authenticity – Moderated Panel with questions o shain Jackson & Chief ian Campbell

2:30pm – mid-afternoon networking Break

3:15pm – Best Practices: THAIDENE NENE - “A bold new partnership model”

4:30pm – Summary of Day 2

5:00pm -7:00pm – Hospitality event at Spirit Lodge

7:00pm - aBoriginaL tourism Bc industry awards dinner with Live entertainment incLuding a performance By the Le-La-La dance group

shain JaCksonpresident,spirit Works

CoMedianryan MCMahon

dJ larry Gray

april 4th

le-la-la danCe GrouP

deneen allenpresident, pure North Canada

steVen Brian nitahChief Negotiator,thaidene Nene

Chief ian CaMPBellCultural ambassador and Negotiator, squamish Nation

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We thank you for attending and supporting the 2013 National Aboriginal Tourism Opportunities Conference and we hope you made your visit with us productive and profitable.

Safe Travels!

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Anna Pollock has over 35 years’ experience as a consultant, strategist, speaker, and change agent. Described as an irre-pressibly curious “renaissance woman”, her strength derives from an ability to dig beneath surface trends to find and make sense of the real drivers of change combined with a creative capacity to develop innovative responses.

She enjoys dual Canadian and British citizenship having worked in each country for over 15 years and is now a much sought after speaker internationally, focusing on the deep changes affecting tourism and community development.

While resident in Canada she undertook seminal work in human resource development, sustainable tourism, health tourism and adventure travel and received The Visionary of the Year Award from the tourism industry in western Canada in recognition of her contribution to thought leadership.

In the late 1990s, she conceived and developed the first destination IT strategy based on the Internet and later acted as CEO of a UK-based software company that developed a Destination Management System and became recognized by the UK government as “best of breed”. Three years ago, in anticipation of the need by the tourism industry to reduce its carbon footprint, Anna created The Icarus Foundation a not-for-profit agency formed to assist the Canadian tourism industry constructively address climate change and she has quickly become recognized as an innovative and creative thought leader, assisting destina-tions and companies face up to the challenges of growth and resource dependency.

Saddened by the hesitancy with which mainstream tourism approached the need to re-duce its environmental impact and heartened by research that shows customers might be changing faster than suppliers, Anna is developing the concept of Conscious.Travelas a movement that integrates and enhances integrates the creative thinking emerging from a diverse range of interests within tourism including ecotourism, responsible tourism, adventure travel, tourism philanthropy, slow tourism, tourism 2.0, green travel, ethical tourism, community-based tourism, and indigenous tourism.

Conscious.Travel is a movement and an e-learning leadership program designed to de-velop fully conscious change agents within the tourism community.

bio - aNNa polloCK

bio’s iN alphabetiCal orDer by first Name

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bio - arleNe Kies Arlene was hired in 2002 to lead the creation and development of go2. She has over 20 years of HR experience including devel-opment and implementation of progressive human resources services at the operational, corporate, and industry levels in both public and private sectors. Arlene holds a M.Ed. in Coun-selling Psychology from the University of British Columbia and a B.Ed. from the University of Victoria. She is also designated as a Certified Human Resources Professional. Arlene manages and oversees the overall operations and strategic direction at go2.

Ben Sherman is a member of the Oglala Lakota (Sioux) Nation in South Dakota, USA. He was born and raised on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

Sherman has been a national leader in the development of Ameri-can Indian tourism efforts in the United States. Sherman started the Native Tourism Alliance, an international initiative with inter-ests in creating a viable Indigenous tourism industry in the USA, along with supporting international indigenous tourism. He is a co-founder of the American Indian/Alaska Native Tourism Asso-ciation. He is on the Leadership Council for the World Indigenous Tourism Alliance.

Sherman speaks extensively about American Indian culture, history, values, knowledge and wisdom. He holds a masters degree in business management from the University of Phoenix.

bio - beN shermaN


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bio - Carole bellefleurPart of the Québec Aboriginal Tourism Team since 2009, her baggage in the tourism sector helped her organize and establish the department of development and first action plan supporting continuous improvement of the aboriginal experience in the province of Québec. For her, the tourism industry is one of pleasure which protects the traditions and culture of the First Nations and Inuit and cultivates the sense of belonging of their members. Miss Bellefleur is also on the Conseil Québécois des RH en tourisme (CQRHT) board of directors, a mentor for the Institut du tourisme et de l’hotellerie du Québec (ITHQ) and a member of the Tour-

ism Table at the Mouvement Québécois de la Qualité (MQQ).

bio - beVerley o’NeilA citizen of the Ktunaxa Nation, Beverley O’Neil for more than 20 years has worked to build First Nations through community eco-nomic development, first at the Ktunaxa Nation Council as the Director of Economic Development, and then in 1994 when she launched the first of her two businesses, O’Neil Marketing & Con-sulting followed by Numa Communications Ltd.

Through this period, she served many years on provincial and regional advisory boards and committees for Aboriginal economic development including the B.C. Native Economic Development Advisory Board on the First Citizens Fund, as well as industry sectors

like tourism, agriculture and wine, and was a founder of the Aboriginal Tourism Association of BC (AtBC).

She has helped Aboriginal communities and businesses build their tourism program, marketing plans and image through strategic planning, focus group coordination, training programs, and design of promotional materials, and media relations. O’Neil has been a guest speaker at national and international events speaking on community economic development, marketing, tourism, hospitality, home-based business, social responsibility, structuring for corporate development and governance.

She has also been an instructor on Aboriginal tourism and culture for the Native Education Col-lege and SFU Aboriginal tourism program, and has developed and delivered courses for the Yukon Government, and an international tourism program with the Amerindians in South America’s Guy-ana. Beverley was also a guest expert on tourism on the CBC Fortune Hunters program in 2009.

She has also been a columnist for BC and national Aboriginal publications (newspaper and maga-zines), and a guest writer on feature stories in mainstream publications. Through Numa Commu-nications Ltd., O’Neil continues working in media relations providing media training, design and printing services, and developing media and communications strategies.

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Casey is an experienced marketing, communications and opera-tions/logistics professional having traveled a diverse career path including his current position as Executive Director of the award-winning Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre in Whistler. His career hi-lights include leading the media and communications strategy for Tourism Whistler for the 2010 Winter Games as well as 15 years in promotions, communications and operations at Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment in Toronto.

bio - Casey VaNDeN heuVel

bio - DaN guiNaN Dan is a biologist, educator and the president of the NEC Native Education College in Vancouver. The NEC is a large private non-profit college serving Aboriginal adult learn-ers. He first came to the Native Education College in 1991 as a science instructor in Aboriginal Adult Basic Educa-tion. He was also a Program Coordinator and Academic Dean and he helped developed many of the programs at the college. Dan has also worked in social services and international development and was an Academic Chair at SAIT Polytechnic in Calgary.

Dan is a lifelong learner with a passion for exploring the people and cultures of the world through reading, films, food and traveling. He practices yoga and loves to be outdoors camping, hiking and birding. His key strengths are in adjusting to circumstances and cre-ating new ideas. His leadership style is objective, deliberate, patient and affiliative. Dan is helping the NEC to build organizational systems, renew community relationships and meet the needs of Aboriginal learners for quality education.

bio - Chief iaN Campbell I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Xalek, my Chieftain name is Sekyu Siyam, and my nickname is Chief Ian Campbell. I was born on the fourth of June, 1973 and am the youngest of sixteen Hereditary Chiefs of the Squamish Nation. My family lineage descends from the Squamish and Musqueam First Nations of the Coast Salish people.

As a child, I was immersed in Coast Salish history and culture through our Native languages. My family and elders instructed me to uphold the integrity of our values and embedded a spiri-tual connection to our sacred lands. I am extensively involved in the protocols, rites, and rituals of my people as an

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orator, diplomat, negotiator, mentor and resource. It is imperative for me to share the richness of my heritage through: language, ceremonies, song and dance, mythology, traditional games, history, land and resources, and Coast Salish art.

After graduating from Secondary school, I studied family systems and counselling in college as well as lin-guistics at University. I spent many years applying these teachings combined with traditional Native values in working with children, youth, and families. My fundamental value is “You cannot teach respect, you show it”.

Empowering and motivating audiences through workshops, lectures, keynote addresses and discussions is my forte. From the age of fourteen, I have conducted innumerable public presentations. On many occasions I have been profiled on television, radio, and newspaper with regard to public relations. Vancouver Television’s First Story profiled me on “A New Generation of Chief’s”, and “Stories of Vancouver”. My latest profile has been on “Song Catchers”.

On a personal note, I have an innate ability to absorb traditional knowledge. My repertoire consists of over 200 traditional Native songs, and countless mythological stories. I am featured on many television programs, documentaries, and films echoing the Squamish Nation distinct musical style of the Salish People. “Qatuwas”, “Legends”, “First Story”, and “Culture Shock” are examples of featured broadcastings. Some notable venues I have performed at include: the Inauguration of the General Motors Place, Another Roadside Attraction, the Vancouver Storytelling Festival, Disneyland Tokyo, the Queen’s Golden Jubilee, the 2010 Winter Olympic/Paralympic announcement, the 2006 National Aboriginal Achievement Awards, and the Magic Flute.

My journey’s as an Ambassador have taken me abroad to such places as Chile where I participated in a four month International Aboriginal youth exchange. Delegated as the National Aboriginal Youth Representa-tive, I accompanied former National Chief Ovide Mercredi on a tour of five European countries. I am grateful to have represented Canada’s Indigenous People’s through cultural presentations on separate occasions in: Switzerland, England, Taiwan, Japan, and throughout North America. I have extensive experience in manag-ing/organizing cultural groups presenting First Nations heritage Internationally.

His Holiness, the 33rd Menri Trizin hosted myself along with a delegation from the Squamish Nation as his personal guests for three weeks at the Tibetan New Year Ceremonies, Bon Monastery, H.P. India, and through-out Tibet/China. My personal travel’s have taken me to innumerable other cities in 24 countries. In 1984, at the age of eleven, I participated in a relay run from Vancouver to Los Angeles in honour of the late Jim Thorpe.

During times of leisure, I enjoy expeditions in the back country of my traditional territory. Traversing, hik-ing, camping, snowshoeing, canoeing and exploring also involve solo’s, fasting, and spiritual cleansing. I am honored to have been the spokesperson and lead singer during a voyage in our traditional dug out cedar canoes to Bella Bella to participate in Qatuwas along with subsequent journeys. The land is an integral com-ponent of my wellness. “When you strive for harmony with all of Creation, the rhythms of the natural world are manifested through song and language. You then become an extension of the intricate cycles of change and rejuvenation.”

I was appointed to the Vancouver Community College’s Board of Governors and was chosen as a First Na-tions consultant for the Vancouver Opera. I have been awarded B.C.’s Best and Brightest “Up and Comer’s”, which distinguishes future prominent leaders. I continue to participate in many boards and advisory com-mittees in a diverse array of organizations.

As a Hereditary Chief, there is a tacit understanding to advocate for and celebrate our distinct identity. “Our complex societies have endured change over countless millennia, shaped by the bounty of the land. Today, we utilize the best tools available to adapt to our modern environment.” This does not entail being ‘absorbed’ or ‘assimilated’ into mainstream society, it is simply “injun-uity”! These are stories of humanity, tenacity, adap-tation, and transformation.

I am grateful to my elders and family who persevered against great odds through the many chapters of our history.

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It is this resilience which conjures pride and integrity to carry forward the stewardship entrusted in me.

Over the last few years Chief Ian Campbell has negotiated agreements and worked in the following areas:• Kwekwayex kwelhayanexw ta skwxwu7mesh temixw (Wild Spirit Places’s)• Siiyamin ta skwxu7mesh (Cultural Sites)• Skwxwu7mesh Uxwumixw (Village Sites)• Skwxu7mesh-ulh snewayelh (Cultural Training Areas)• Commercial Recreation & Access Zoning• Wildlife Focus Areas• Protected Areas and Wild Spirit Place’s• Protected Areas Management• Coordinated Access Management• River and Stream Management• Fisheries• Sacred areas• Energy• IPP’s• Carbon Offset• Wind• Forestry planning• Tourism & Recreation• Crown Development Lands • Wildlife• Mining

Chief Ian Campbell has been instrumental in the development of the Cultural Journey name and rec-ognition project along the Sea to Sky Highway and the development of the Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre located in Whistler British Columbia.

bio - DeirDre Campbell The owner of The Tartan Group, Deirdre has been a commu-nications professional in Canada for over 20 years and Tartan will celebrate its 12th anniversary in 2013. Together with her team of five coworkers, Deirdre is committed to helping businesses and organizations become more sustainable and substantially raise their community, national and interna-tional profile through integrated marketing and PR. Today, Tartan represents clients in Washington State, Western Canada, and in South and Central America, with offices in Vancouver, Victoria and New York.

A respected business entrepreneur and popular speaker, Deirdre has been named a PR practitioner of the year, recognized as a YW/YMCA Woman of Dis-tinction for her work in the community and was awarded the PR contract to represent Canada’s Northern House during the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. An accred-ited public relations practitioner since 1996, in 2003, Deirdre completed her MBA in PR/Com-munications through Royal Roads University. Deirdre’s volunteer workincludes serving as past-Chair for Tourism Victoria, British Columbia, and being on the Board of Advisors for the International Ecotourism Society, where she is currently helping to coordinate the 2013 conference in Kenya

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bio - DeNeeN alleNDeneen Allen is the founder and president of Pure North Can-ada Ltd., a Canadian ecotourism development company with a focus on rural and remote community tourism, Aboriginal tourism and lodging projects across Canada. As lead project developer, Deneen is responsible for project strategy and man-agement, client liaison and communications. Deneen provides oversight, development and coordination of human resources, budget allocation, product design, construction, business plan-ning, marketing and operations in the context of sustainable tourism. Her approach is highly organized, detailed and sensi-tive to the client and team goals.

Following an economics degree from the University of Western Ontario in 1986 and further tech-nical studies in drafting, Deneen started her own design and construction firm in Vancouver, BC, designing and building retail and hospitality projects. In 2001, following several years of travel, research and professional studies at Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration, Deneen designed, built and operated several tourism and hospitality businesses, including a gourmet food shop with two locations, a catering company and cooking school and two small, luxury inns in Ontario. In the spring of 2012, Deneen began pre-development on a luxury ecolodge in the Canadian Badlands which will be one of several ecolodges developed, co-managed and operated by Pure North in conjunction with regional community and Aboriginal partners across Canada in the coming years.

Deneen combines her design and construction background, business ownership, marketing, management and operations and deep experience in hospitality and ecotourism development to provide comprehensive tourism and hospitality product design and hands-on project man-agement services for private and public sector clients.

Deneen’s recent and current ecotourism and Aboriginal tourism development projects include:

1. Nunavik Tunngavik Incorporated (NTI): Arviat Community Ecotourism Initiative, ARVIAT, NU 2. Parks Canada Base Camps and Research Stations: Documenting the Torngat Mountains Base Camp and Developing a Sustainable Generic Business Model for Northern Communities; NUNATSIAVUT, NL; GATINEAU, QC 3. Drum Lake Lodge: Product Differentiation for Remote Mountain Dene-Owned Lodge, TULITA, NT4. Treaty 7 Management Corporation: Tourism Project Coordination for Treaty 7 Nations (Kainai, Piikani, Stoney Nakoda Nations, Siksika and Tsuu T’ina); CALGARY, AB5. Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation: Developing a Sustainable Tourism Strategy for Thaidene Nene, LUTSEL K’E, NT6. The Tourism Company: Analysis for Base Camp and Research Station, RIGOLET, NL

EDUCATIONBA Economics, University of Western Ontario, 1986Certification in Hotel Marketing, Cornell School of Hotel Administration, 2001Certification in Financial Management, Cornell School of Hotel Administration, 2008Social Venture Institute, 2010

AFFILIATIONSMember, Canadian Green Building Council (Toronto Chapter)Member, International Ecotourism Society

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bio - elsa termiNelMrs. Terminel was born in Navojoa, Sonora, México, she studied high school in the USA, and has a bachelors degree in Accounting from theUniversidad Autónoma de Guadajajara, México.

After finishing her university studies she opened Viaterza Travel Agency in 1985, in Navojoa, Sonora, and since then she has been working in the tourism sector, specializing in outbound tourism to United States, Canada, Europe, Latin America and Asia.

She owned another Travel Agency named Viaje Joven, from 1999 to 2010 in Cuernavaca, Morelos, México, this travel agency special-

ized in selling youth travel, STA tickets, hostels, rail travel in Europe, ISIC Cards, language courses, work experiences, among other things.

Mrs. Terminel is registered online to a course on Environmental Management of International Tourism Development from Harvard University; she has a course on Tourism for Sustainable Development in Universidad Autónoma de México in 2011; also she took the program Harvard Manage Mentor on 2012.

She is a member of GSTC Global Sustainable Tourism Council since 2011,as well as a member of WINTA World Indigenous Tourism Alliance since 2012, and member of ATTA Adventure Travel and Trade Association since 2012.

bio - geoff greeNWell Geoff Greenwell B.Ed (Hons), MBA, CEO of 2G Group has been work-ing globally as a facilitator and strategic planner for over 25 years. Geoff came to Canada in 1992 and since that time has worked exten-sively for Governments, Aboriginal Groups, NGO’s and Private Sector organizations as a business advisor, negotiator and facilitator. He is also a two-term municipal councillor in the District of Lake Country (British Columbia) and chairs the district’s affordable housing and economic development committees.

Prior to coming to Canada Geoff worked for ten years in the Middle East, Africa, South East Asia and South America as a senior negotiator for multi-national energy companies.

Geoff formed 2G Group in 2001 and works collaboratively with a team of expert partners who offer a variety of services to government, aboriginal and corporate clients.

The team’s areas of expertise include: facilitation, strategic planning, corporate visioning, marketing, business planning, events management, negotiating and mediation, project financing and land use planning. 2G Group has helped structure numerous joint ventures and partnerships between private sector and Aboriginal groups since inception in 2001.

The 2G Group offers their services globally and some recent notable clients include:

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bio - Keith heNry Mr. Keith Henry is a Métis person that was born in Thompson, Manitoba and raised in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Mr. Henry achieved a B.Ed. from the University of Saskatchewan in 1995.

Mr. Henry began his career in 1995 with teaching positions and has become well known for his strategic administrative and negotiations skills. Since 1998 Mr. Henry has led numerous pro-vincial, federal and industry negotiations on a variety of issues. He has been directly responsible for financial administration of a number of Aboriginal non-profits and has a proven track record of success.

Mr. Henry started his own consulting company in October 2008 and is the President and CEO of KCD Consulting Incorporated

that specializes in human resource development, economic development, project delivery, strate-gic planning, negotiations, and leadership development. Today Mr. Henry has worked or contin-ues to work with several clients including the Aboriginal Tourism Association of British Columbia, Treaty 8 Tribal Association, Prophet River First Nations, Halfway River First Nations, Alexis Creek Indian Band, Kelly Lake Métis Settlement Society, Tl’azt’en Nation, plus several others.

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bio - JuDy KarWaCKiJudy Karwacki is the founder and owner of SmallPlanet.travel, a sustainable tourism consulting and marketing consultancy, and JubileeTravel.travel, a travel agency. Judy has worked around the globe, including numerous aboriginal and indigenous tourism projects. She is an Associate Stakeholder and long-time support-er of AtBC. Judy worked closely with AtBC and Tourism BC for several years in the development of the Aboriginal Cultural Tour-ism Blueprint Strategy for British Columbia. She was the co-Project Director for the (former) Aboriginal Tourism Team Canada’s National Study of Aboriginal Tourism. Judy sits on the Indigenous Tourism Advisory Committees of The International Ecotourism

Society (TIES) and the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) and on the Educational Travel Community’s (ETC) Responsible Tourism Committee. She also acts as an indigenous tourism specialist for the International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT), which has held interna-tional indigenous tourism forums in Thailand and Zambia.

Governments of New Brunswick, NWT and Nunavut, Northern Savings and Credit Union, Jardine Lloyd Thompson, Lloyd & Partners Limited, Atla Energy Group, Alterna Energy, Syntaris Power, Nigaani Air of Ontario, Okanagan Nation Alliance, Scuka Enterprises, Aboriginal Business Quest, Niche Media Group and Coast Architectural Group.

The 2G team has assisted all of these clients with their respective goals and helped them make informed decisions and achieve critical milestones within their organizations.

bio - marC telio Marc’s love affair with international travel started in his early twenties. After receiving an Economics diploma from his home-town university in Montréal, he set out to explore Asia, Australia and Africa and parts of Europe. His travels continued for almost four years as he explored the globe.

In 1994 Marc returned to Canada, moved to Vancouver and, at the age of 24, opened Entrée Canada. The mission was to create the top travel company in Canada, featuring unique itineraries, once-in-a-lifetime experiences and the most exotic Canadian destinations one could offer to a luxury traveler. In 2005 he acquired the top destination management company in

Alaska and created Entrée Alaska, with the same mission of operating only the finest customized tours across Alaska.

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bio - KeVaN J. riDgWay Kevan J. Ridgway is President and CEO of Vancouver, Coast & Mountains Tourism Region, a role he has held for 18 years. A not-for-profit society, Vancouver, Coast & Mountains is governed by a private sector board of directors who represent business and community tourism interests throughout the region.

Mr. Ridgway has gained extensive experience in Canada’s tourism industry, beginning his career as a general accounting supervisor of Holiday Inns. He soon became general manager of Hospitality Services, providing marketing and management services to several hotels and resorts in Ontario. He decided to

move into the not-for-profit sector to support tourism businesses and excelled in his position as Executive Director of Attractions Ontario. In 1994, Kevan J. Ridgway moved west and joined Van-couver, Coast & Mountains as Executive Director.

Under Mr. Ridgway’s leadership, Vancouver, Coast & Mountains Tourism Region continues to develop relationships with communities and businesses, assisting them on an individual basis to enhance their marketing activities and draw more visitors to the region. The enthusiasm that em-anates from Vancouver, Coast & Mountains’ board of directors, tourism partners and staff allows it to be creative in its efforts to generate increased visitors to the region and is a reflection of Kevan J. Ridgway’s uncompromising commitment to service and leadership. Mr. Ridgway is a member of SKAL International, Past President of the BC Chapter of the Canadian Society of Association Execu-tives (CSAE), a current Board member of the Tourism Industry Association of Canada and served on the organizing committee of the 2007 Student & Youth Tourism Association (SYTA) Conference.

Mr. Henry volunteers time in the Aboriginal community and maintains several board positions including the former President of the Industry Council for Aboriginal Business, current chair of the Aboriginal Tourism Marketing Circle, current Chair for the Native Education College, current member of the Minister’s Council on Tourism, current member of the Vancouver Board of Trade’s Aboriginal Opportunities Committee, member of the World Indigenous Tourism Alliance, and current President of the BC Métis Federation.

bio - peter harrisoN Peter Harrison has been with Tourism British Columbia, part of the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation for the past eighteen years and during that time has held various posi-tions. He is currently the Director of Partnership Market-ing where he is responsible for regional, community and aboriginal tourism programs. Before joining government, Peter had ten years of private sector packaged goods marketing experience where he resided in Winnipeg, Toronto and Vancouver. Peter has a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Brandon University and a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from the University of Mani-

toba. Peter lives in North Saanich with his wife and three children.

bio - Dr. peter W. WilliamsPeter Williams is a educator, strategic planner and re-searcher who directs projects related to tourism destination management. As a strategic planner, he collaborates with government agencies, business associations and communi-ties on issues related to the development, marketing and on-going management of tourism destinations. He has worked extensively with AtBC and other support organiza-tions on the development of Aboriginal cultural tourism in BC and elsewhere in Canada. His research has been internationally recognized for its excellence and relevance to the long term prosperity of tourism destinations. Dr.

Williams teaches tourism policy and planning courses for academic and professional audiences around the globe. He is a past President and former Chairman of the Board for the International Travel and Tourism Research Association – an organization dedicated to encouraging excellence in tourism research and planning. He recently served terms as a Governor of the Royal Canadian Geographic Society, and currently is a member of the Board of Directors for the International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism – a leading international association of tourism professionals.

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Today Entrée Canada and Entrée Alaska (combined as Entrée Destinations) employ 20 talented staff members and they continue to realize Marc’s vision of being the undisputed leader of unique (and usually luxurious) travel experiences throughout the region. Marc’s team has served the high-est-profile guests that exist, among them heads of state, celebrities and corporate leaders. Entrée Destinations is the preferred partner for Virtuoso (a leading consortia of luxury travel agents and vendors), American Express Platinum & Centurion and the top tour operators and travel agents on the planet; the A-List of travel. His team is called upon to perform the impossible, to create over-the-top experiences and to showcase the best that Canada and Alaska has to offer…often with no budget and a trip that stretches as far as Marc’s imagination will allow. They engineer and deliver exceptional experiences and continue to be the choice for the world’s top echelon of travellers.

Marc lives in Vancouver with his wife Karen and their children Jack and Sofia, who he hopes will one day build on his vision of showcasing Canada and Alaska to the world.

Richard Porges is the Acting Executive Director of Strategy, Policy and Research with Tourism British Columbia, Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation and an Adjunct Professor with the Centre for Tourism Policy and Research, Simon Fra-ser University. In addition, Richard teaches Tourism Product Development and Innovation at the Management Centre in Innsbruck, Austria.

Responsibilities of the Strategy, Policy and Research unit include development and implementation of the Provincial Government’s Tourism Strategy, support and evaluation of

Tourism British Columbia’s marketing and product development programs, corporate stra-tegic planning and forecasting and tracking tourism industry performance.

bio - riCharD porges

Shain Jackson is Coast Salish from the community of Sech-elt. He is a lawyer who has represented the interests of Ab-original communities and organizations throughout British Columbia in relation to a broad array of issues. After years devoted to the legal profession Shain has taken a break to follow his passion as an artist.

Artistically, Shain works in Coast Salish design. As he has continued to develop his own artwork to a higher level, he has had the privilege of collaborating with many amazing local artists. Along these lines Shain has devoted much of

his time to the protection of artists’ rights.

Currently Shain is the President of Spirit Works Limited, an Aboriginal owned, operated and staffed company focused on the design, production and distribution of Aboriginal artwork such as jewelry, bentwood boxes, paddles, and so on.

Shain has always taken very seriously his responsibilities not only to his own community, but to the urban Aboriginal community at large. Further to this, through his company Spirit Works, Shain: has developed programs aimed at providing employment and training to Aboriginal youth; donates space, equipment and expertise to Aboriginal artists in need; consistently donates time and artwork to numerous charitable organizations; has designed and facilitated workshops aimed at providing cultural teachings for at-risk Aboriginal youth; and much more.

bio - shaiN JaCKsoN

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Steven Brian Nitah was born in Yellowknife in the spring of 1967 and raised by his great grandparents on the land around Lutsel K’e in the Northwest Territories, where he resides today with his family. Steven’s experience growing up with and learning from a generation of people who lived life the traditional Dene way in total balance with their environment, com-bined with his education trough Trent University and the Arctic College Native Studies Program, has shaped Steven’s professional career to date.

After some community-based employment, Steven took a position with CBC North TV in Yellowknife where he worked for 3 years as an Associate Producer for the program “Denendeh”, a half hour aboriginal language program that aired in Northern Canada. The program told the stories of the

Innu in the east to the Gwichin in the west. Steven worked with all to create the weekly program.

Steven then returned home to work two years with the Lutsel K’e Chief and Council on its Treaty Land and Entitlement Negotiations with the Government of Canada. When the people opposed the concept of being placed in a reserve and ceding ownership to the rest of the 280 000 km2 traditional territory, the negotiations came to an end.

Steven then joined the mining industry. Working with Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. based in Yellowknife, Steven was one of twenty people charged with obtaining the permits and licenses required to authorize the mining project. As a company liaison for northern governments and communities, Steven helped the company suc-cessfully obtain the environmental and social licences to proceed with the development.

Steven then decided to move into politics. He ran for office in the 1999 Northwest Territories general election, and won a seat representing the Tu Nedhe riding as a member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA). During his time as MLA, Steven represented his constituents and the people of the NWT as Chair of the Special Commit-tee on the Review of the Official Languages Act. This required extensive research on best practices globally, intensive two-year consultations with the people of the NWT, and introduction and passage of legislation and amendments to the Act. This introduction and passage was done in record time, the result of many hours of back room discussions with legislator colleagues. Steven also played a major role in the introduction and passage of legislation that recognized June 21st as a Territorial Holiday in recognition of it been a National Aboriginal Day!

Upon completion of his four-year term as a member of the Legislative Assembly, Steven took the position of President and CEO of the Denesoline Corporation, the economic development arm of the Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation. He turned the corporation into a for profit organization from one on the brink of bankruptcy. The Denesoline Corporation is currently an active member of the NWT business community providing goods and services to governments and industry.

After a couple of years working as a community negotiator trying to achieve a Land, Resources and Gover-nance agreement with Canada and the Government of the Northwest Territories, Steven ran for and was elect-ed Chief of LKDFN in 2008. Many of the priority items on his council’s agenda concerned interests in the Lutsel K’e Dene traditional territory. Working with his colleagues and regional staff, Steven helped create the Akaitcho Mineral Exploration Guidelines and Exploration Agreements to deal with mineral interests in Akaitcho Territory. Steven also brought his team and his community to the table with the Government of Canada and on April 10, 2010 signed a formal agreement with then Environment Minister Jim Prentice to start negotiations around the creation of a protected area in Thaidene Nene.

Steven is now still involved with Thaidene Nene working as a consultant for the LKDFN as Negotiator. The team, as mandated by the Chief and Council, hope to finalize an Establishment Agreement by March 2014.

Through Nitah & Associates, Steven has contracts with the FN representing their interest as chief negotiator in their negotiations with Avalon REE and De Beers Canada Gahcho Kue project as well as TDN.

bio - steVeN briaN Nitah

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- Mayor Derek Corrigan City of Burnaby

- Mayor Gregor Robertson City of Vancouver

For more inFormation and to register online go to: 2ggroup.ca

“Help us protect our Future environment”

say no To KInDER MoRGan & oIL sanDs EXPansIon

At tHe west coAst oil pipeline summit & gAlA dinner Sheraton Wall Centre, VanCouVer BC

april 19th 3pm-midnight

gala dinner, liVe muSiC and danCing!

join uS and hear theSe poWerful SpeakerS: paul kariya, gaBriel george, Chief phil lane, troy jerome, rueBen george,

leah george-WilSon, paul ClementS hunt, leonard george, Ben WeSt and mileS riChardSon…

ShoW your Support to Stop oil SandS expanSion in BC!

WeSt CoaSt oil pipeline Summit & gala dinner: only $100 per perSon or taBleS of 8 aVailaBle to SponSor for $800

exhiBit SpaCe aVailaBle for $200

help uS define a Clean energy direCtion for the future of BC

- Chief Justin George Tsleil-Waututh Nation

– Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, President – Union of BC Indian Chiefs

- Robyn Allan Economist

- Tzeporah Berman, Environmental Activist

Say yeS to Beautiful BC

Say yeS to Beautiful BC

say no To KInDER MoRGan & oIL sanDs EXPansIon

Say yeS

- Dave Coles, President - CEP

Follow us on Twitter @TWNSacredTrust#SayNo to #KinderMorgan #Say_Yes to Transitioning from Oil Dependency #SNKM

Murray Porter

2013 AboriginAlEconomic lEAdErship

summitosoyoos | JunE 25th - 27th

At the osoyoos IndIAn bAnd’s spectAculAr nK’MIp resort In brItIsh coluMbIA

We are very excited at the response to the 2013 Aboriginal Economic Leadership Summit. We anticipate many positive

outcomes from this event.

for morE informAtion And to rEgistEr for this historic EvEnt go to

chiEfclArEncE louiE Osoyoos IndianBand, Host

This evenT is only open To AboriginAl people And orgAnizATions

· rAising monEy for invEstmEnt in mAJor proJEcts · community infrAstructurE finAncing· ownErship modEls for EnErgy proJEcts· rEAl EstAtE dEvElopmEnt on rEsErvE lAnds· first nAtions tAx immunity· how to crEAtE Economic prospErity in your community· chArity golf tournAmEnt And winE tour· bAnquEt dinnEr with comEdiAn And livE music

summit HigHligHts

rodnEy hEstErDirector of Government Support Services Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) / Cree Regional Authority

chiEf dArcy bEArWhitecap Dakota First Nation

dArrEll bEAuliEuCEODenendeh Development Corporation

chiEf tErrAncE pAulMembertou First Nation

grAnd chiEf mAtthEw coon comEJames Bay Cree Nation

chiEf shAron stinson hEnryRAMA FIRSt NAtION

Join Host Chief Clarence Louie and some of Canada’s most successful Aboriginal Business Leaders for

this historic 2 day Summit!

2ggroup.ca or scan this qr code
