2013 FALL PONDERINGS - WordPress.com


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Deerfield / Northwood

PO Box 53Deerfield, NH


Pleasant PonderingsOctober 2013


This Ponderings is sponsored

by Pat Hume.








To Place Your Order Contact: Carol Smiglin463-1063 or smiglin1803@metrocast.net

Cost - $100/members or $150/nonmembers

Thanks to Dan Cote for Chairing this fundraiser & Carol Smiglin for coordinating

the sales. It has been a HUGE success!

Fins ‘n Fun Kid’s Fishing Event

TROPHY WINNERSTykes - Alexa Vetanze (8.5” Sunfish), Gillian Countway (7” Sunfish), Sydney Adams(19.5” Lg Mouth Bass)Juniors - Molly Stiman (7.5” Sunfish), Garrett Countway (7.25” Sunfish), Asa Guldbrandsen (17.5” Sm Mouth Bass), John Erwin (16.25” Sm Mouth Bass), Asa Guldbrandsen (20” Lg Mouth Bass), Cameron Brown (15” Lg Mouth Bass)Seniors - Zander Guldbrandsen (21” Sm Mouth Bass), Jacob Decatur (19.75” Sm Mouth Bass), Jon Decatur (21” Lg Mouth Bass), Jacob Decatur (19.5” Lg Mouth Bass)

RIBBON WINNERSJuniors - Ella Erwin (6” Sunfish), Garrett Countway (9.5” Sm Mouth Bass), Claire Brown (8” Sm Mouth Bass), Ella Erwin (7.25” Sm Mouth Bass), Russell Erwin (13.5” Lg Mouth Bass)Seniors - Jessica Nelson (8” Sm Mouth Bass), Owen Durant (19” Lg Mouth Bass)

HONORABLE MENTIONParticipation RibbonsGarrett Countway (7” Sunfish)

Erwin Grandchildren With Their Awards

Chairperson – Andy Partridge


MAY 24 - AUGUST 12


Wa t e r s h e d s a r e e x t r e m e l y important to the wellness of our lake.  See http://des.nh.gov/organization/commissioner/pip/fac tshee ts /wmb/documents /wmb-19.pdf.  Deerfield, in order to protect this resource, passed Section 330 - Pleasant Lake Watershed Ordinance (Adopted March 13, 2007)

A number of issues in the wa te rshed resu l ted in th i s ordinance being brought up for discussion by the Deerfield Planning Board.  In the process, the PLPA was asked to review and  c o m m e n t o n t h e c u r r e n t document.  A lot of time was spent reviewing the document and proposing modifications in order to clarify or, in some cases, modify the requirements.  We then at tended a Planning Board Meeting to review and discuss the input provided.  

We attended a second review with the Planning Board on September 25.  At that session two significant decisions were made.  The Board decided to compare the existing ordinance to those in other watersheds, solicit help and advice from DES, and get a legal review to insure that the requirements are clear and enforceable. 

The second decision was to seek s u p p o r t f r o m o r a t l e a s t coordination with the town of Northwood.   On Oct 10th we attended a Northwood Planning Board meeting arranged by a member of the Deerfield Planning

Board.   The Northwood Board delegated the decision on whether or not to work with Deerfield to a subcommittee.  We are continuing to seek their participation in this process.

In my view the reception by the Northwood Planning Board was, at best, chilly.  I believe there is a significant amount of support for an ordinance on the Deerfield Planning Board but they want to make sure that the requirements are simple, clear, and needed.   Their work is proceeding but I would not expect to see anything come up for a vote for some time.

We all have a stake in protecting the watershed and we need your help and support in doing so.  If you are interested in helping on these or other activities please give me a call or send an email. Tom Brennan, President


Where is a good place for turtles? Seems like we are finding them under docks and swimming rafts, but they aren’t new residents. While we don’t want to swim with the large snapping turtles this IS their habitat.

The US Census data indicate that NH is the fas test growing o f the northeastern states. Deerfield actually had a growth rate of 10%. New houses, roads, and people are hazards for the area’s animals including turtles and they are territorial with long memories. Therefore if you see a turtle in the lake, he may have lived here a long time before you. Snapping turtles do not mature until 4-10 years and live up to 50-100 years.

With fall in the air, turtles will be on the move again as they seek a place to hibernate. To protect these creatures, drive more slowly through wetland areas and appreciate their natural beauty.

Info from the Bear-Paw Print

Pleasant Ponderings - page 2


The estimated damage from invasives worldwide totals $1.4 trillion -- 5% of the global economy. Invasive species can be t r a n s p o r t e d b y f l o a t planes, boats, trailers, vehicles and YOU!

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service



130 Members in 2013 – Hope to see them all at the annual

meeting, June 28, 2014.

South Cove had 81% of its residents as members.

The South Cove District has the highest participation level for 2013 - 81%.   Thank you, Krist, and all the members of South Cove.

Thanks also to all the District Directors!


“An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.”... Edwin Land

This is creativity at its best especially for all the lift owners that have strained their backs to move a 400 lb+ boat lift to storage. Using two pontoons (no boat... just the pontoons), they placed a boat lift on top and attached an electric motor to get it to the boat launch. Pretty unique.Send pictures of your fun on the lake, and I’d love to use them in the Ponderings. - lkbrennan1213@gmail.com

REFLECTIONS by Linda Brennan

Recently someone gave me their collection of Ponderings from the 1990s. Being a history enthusiast, I loved reading them especially since I didn’t arrive on the lake until 2004. Amazingly the issues on PL are the same.... water level, dam issues, the pesky beaver dams in the sluiceway, water shed concerns and getting younger residents involved. The association was quite active socially making me wonder if these events would be successful today. They had golf tournaments, endurance swims, cribbage tournaments, sail boat races, recitals in the woods, dinner dances, geological seminars and not one but two canoe clubs. Interested in making the PLPA more social? Sign up to chair an event! We need your help. Contact Tom Brennan.

PLPA Officers & DirectorsPresidentTom Brennan -463-5664


1st Vice PresidentJohn Duffy - 463-1182


2nd Vice PresidentTere Bowen-Irish - 463-7906praxiscoachtere@comcast.net

Recording SecretaryCharon Pinard - 463-7006


Corresponding Secretary/

Carol Smiglin - 463-1063


TreasurerTom Brennan & Carol Smiglin(shared)

Chairman of BoardStan Clark - 463-7100


Dam District (#2-16)

Mike Beaudoin - 463-1025


Veasey District (#17-30)

Jackie Blanchardjandbblanchard@metrocast.net

West District (#31-47)

John Duffy - 463-1182


South Cove District (#48-60)

Krist Nelson - 463-3010


Loon Cove District (#61-80)

Elizabeth Garloelizabeth.garlo@gmail.com

Pout Point District (#81-104)

Sue Higgins - 490-1295


Broad Cove District (#105-125)

Roger Shaw - 463-7627 or 225-2919


Ledges District (#126-145

Holly Martin - 463-7496


North District (#146- 189, #1)

James Creighton - 463-9351


COMMITTEE CHAIRSWebmaster Claudia Spangler - 463-7046 crspan30@gmail.com

Weed Watchers Stan Clark - 463-7100 mapanh@yahoo.com

Fins ‘n Fun Kids Fishing EventAndy Partridge - 463-7242andybpartridge@yahoo.com

Lake Host Program Holly Martin - 463-7496 ghhmartin@metrocast.net

Pleasant Ponderings Linda Brennan - 463-5664 lkbrennan1213@gmail.com

Invasive species replace native species and

destroy habitat for native fish. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service



DEERFIELD, NH 03037-0053


“Come here, Norman. Hurry up. The loons! The loons! They're welcoming us back.” (Katharine Hepburn from On Golden Pond)

I’m sure all of us get excited when the first loon returns in the Spring or for the summer folks its the 1st sound of the loon when you return to your relaxing place on Pleasant Lake. (When you are curious about their sounds, go to www.loon.org and click on ABOUT LOONS & then click on THE VOICE OF THE LOON.)

Have you ever wondered who spearheaded the banding of one of our adult loons last season? (It returned this season!!) Did you know Pleasant Lake has its own LPC seasonal intern who helps lake residents monitor our 1 breeding pair?

Established in 1975, the (NH) Loon Preservation Committee (LPC) does all this and much more to preserve loons and their habitats through research, management, and educational (outreach) activities.

So worthy of your support, please carefully and thoughtfully read the enclosed brochure; go to their website; join with other PLPA members in supporting the (NH) Loon Preservation Committee. Think about Pleasant Lake without loons!!! They need your support.
