2013 Early Bird Mon. Nov. 17 th, 2013 Union Co. Ext. Office. Tue. Nov. 18 th, Sedalia Restaurant....


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2013 Early Bird

Mon. Nov. 17th, 2013 Union Co. Ext. Office.Tue. Nov. 18th, Sedalia Restaurant.

Wed. Nov. 19th, Christian Co. Ext. Office

Seed Treatments, New Bugs and Revised Insecticides

Doug Johnson, Extension Entomologist

Insecticide Fungicide TRT

Variety Insecticide fl.oz/cwt Fungicide fl.oz/cwt

Pioneer 94Y22 None

Pioneer94Y22 Macho 1.6 Trilex 1.0 Both

Pioneer94Y22 Trilex 1.0 Fungicide

Pioneer94Y22 Macho 1.6 Insecticide

Pesticide Treatments

Macho = imidacloprid; Trilex = Trifoxystrobin + Metalaxyl

Seed Treatments and Foliar Sprays

Dectes per 30 Plants and YieldPrinceton, KY (Doug Johnson), Group 3.9 Planted May

18, 2007









Tunneled Stems Yield (Bu/A)


Fipronil ST (25)

Fironil ST (49)

Fipronil ST (100)

Fipronil Fol. (1X)

Fipronil Fol. (2X)

Warrior Fol. (1X)

Warrior Fol. (2X)

Cruiser ST (50)

P < 0.001 P = 0.56

* * * * *

* P < 0.05 from check

© Doug Johnson, University of Kentucky


• 1.) Location and Planting Date variables had A major impact on yield,

• 3.) The impact of Planting Date on yield varied by Location,

• 4.) There were no differences in yield among pesticide treatments

• 5.) Leaf area index did not differ by pesticide type .• 6.) The lack of difference in pesticide treatment did

not vary by location or planting date. • Thus pesticides had no measurable impact on yield.


• Kentucky Soybean Growers & Promotion Board – Project Funding

• Pioneer Hi-bred International - Seed

• M&W Seed Treaters/ Williams Farms -pesticides and treatment

Kudzu Bug Update

Doug JohnsonExtension Entomologist

The following information concerning the Kudzu bugIs provided to you by in large from my colleagues in the

Cooperative Extension Service and Agricultural Experiment Station as summarized below.

Jeremy Greene, Clemson University Phillip Roberts, University of GeorgiaWayne Gardner, University of GeorgiaDominic Reisig, North Carolina State University

Jeremy Greene, Clemson U.Phillip Roberts, U. Georgia Phillip Roberts, U. Georgia

Eggs Nymph Adult

1st Detection of Kudzu Bug in Kentucky


Laurel, Whitley, & Bell





Bean Plataspid

D. Suiter, U. Ga.

E. Benson & J. GreenClemson U.


D. M

ott. N


SoybeanGenerally feeds

on Stems As Apposed to Pods

CornNO Thanks!

Life History (GA)

• Overwinters as an adult• Overwintered adults become active– Feed on many plants,– seek reproductive hosts e.g. kudzu and Soybean.

• Usually infest kudzu 1st but in 2012 infested early planted soybean.

• Soybean becomes attractive at about V-3• Overwintered adults lay eggs for many weeks.

Life History Cont. (GA)

• 1st Gen (F1) egg-to adult development about– 6-8 wks. Spring– 6 wks. June– 1st Gen Adults present Mid-June– F1 Adults disperse from kudzu to soybean for several

weeks while overwintered adults still laying eggs.• During this dispersal re-infestation can/will occur• After dispersal a SINGLE application is very


Treatment Threshold

• Scouting use a 15” sweep net– 1 immature kudzu bug per sweep– Don’t spray too early, if well timed a single

application will preserve soybean yield.

• Only treat before immature appears if – Adult numbers are very high and – Plants are under significant stress from another

factor. e.g. drought.

Yield data has been collected from 19 replicated trials in Georgia and South Carolina.

Yield was numerically reduced in unprotected plots in 16 of 19 trials.

An average yield loss of 18 percent and a range from 0-47 percent.

Kudzu bugs feed on plant sap and can be considered a stress inducing pest

Yield Impact

Insecticide Efficacy: The table below summarizes insecticide efficacy data from trials conducted in 2010 and 2011 in Georgia and South Carolina (Dr. Jeremy Greene, Clemson University Entomologist).

Insecticide No. Trials %Control Insecticide No. Trials %ControlHero 1 96 chlorpyrifos 4 75Brigade 4 95 Asana 2 72Karate+ Orthene 1 94 Besiege 2 71Endigo 9 92 Stallion 1 69Brigadier 2 91 Tracer 1 68Discipline 3 90 Larvin 2 66Sevin 3 90 Baythroid 8 65Karate 8 89 Belay 4 62Declare 3 85 Leverage 5 53dimethoate 1 84 Lannate 1 53Cobalt Advanced 6 82 Belt 3 41Mustang Max 4 81 Dimilin 4 41Orthene 5 81 Steward 2 19methyl parathion 1 80 Kudzu bug on Label (2ee)

Insecticides for Kudzu Bug in Soybean in Kentucky.

Trade name Active Ingredients Min/Max Rate/ Ac.





Acephate 97 Acephate 12.5 – 16.0 oz 1B CAUTION 14 24

Belay (2EE)

ClothianidinMust be mixed with a pyrethroid

insecticide2.0 - 4.0 oz A4 CAUTION 21 12


Bifenthrin + imidaclopridFeed Dry Vines ONLY 6.1 - 6.1 Oz. 3 + 4A WARNING 45 12

HERO (2ee)RUP Bifenthrin + zeta-cypermethrin 6.4 - 10.3 Oz 3 CAUTION 21 12


zeta-cypermethrin 4.0 - 4.0 oz. 3 WARNING 21 12

Mustang MaXXRUP

Zeta-cypermethrin 4.0 oz. WARNING 21 12

Nufos 4E (2ee)RUP Chlorpyrifos 2 pts. 1B WARNING 28 24

SniperRUP Bifenthirin 5.12 – 6.4 oz. 3 WARNING 3 12

STALLION (2ee)RUP Chlorpyrifos + zeta-cypermethrin 11.75 - 11.75

oz. 1B + 3 WARNING 28 24

SwaggerRUP Bifenthrin + imidacloprid 10.2 – 11.0 oz. 3 + 4A DANGER 7

PHI = Preharvest Interval, REI = Restricted Entry Interval; RUP= Restricted Use Pesticide


• UK-Entomology: http://pest.ca.uky.edu/EXT/Kudzu/welcomekudzu.htm

• KudzuBug.org: http://www.kudzubug.org/• See: Entfact-641 How to Pest Proof your Home.– http://www2.ca.uky.edu/entomology/entfacts/


Admixture to bulk Grain






Soy Wheat Barley Oats Rye

Actellic Biobit

(& others)





Storcide II

Tempo 1B.t. products (Biobit etc.) will control only caterpillars not beetles and is applied to the top 4” of Grain.2Tempo (cyfluthrin) may not be applied to grain.