2012-2016 The Growth Timeline of XrossWay Lutheran Ministries€¦ · 2012-2016 The Growth Timeline...


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2012-2016 The Growth Timeline of XrossWay Lutheran Ministries

2010-2011. Pastor Clint Lutz enrolled in the Pastoral Leadership Institute’s Governance and

Executive Training module. Throughout this 2 year training, Clint learned three important

skills that would prove to be invaluable for the eventual church plant of XrossWay. Firstly, he

learned the art of donor development. Secondly, he received executive leadership training

on how to structure boards and by-laws to work effectively for the organization. Thirdly, he

learned the process of strategic planning and execution. This learning process included the

very first draft of the XrossWay Strategic Mission Plan, although back then the ministry

concept was called 4Life Abundant Lutheran Ministries. As the months and years would

unfold, the ideas laid out in this strategic plan would continue to percolate and be tinkered

with until they became a holy obsession.

September 28, 2012. Clint and Pastor Travis Guse flew to Portland Oregon to present a mission plant concept to President Paul Linnemann and Dust Kunkle. Travis and Clint partnered together to include LifeCoaching as part of the ministry model. In a letter written to Clint’s extended family members on September 24, 2012, he writes:

I will be flying to Portland Oregon to meet with Paul Linnemann, president of the

Northwest District of the LCMS. I will be meeting with him and his staff and

presenting a mission plan I have written in the hopes of being called as a missionary

to plant a new mission in the Northwest District.

The vision on my heart is about solutions. It’s a vision centered on helping people

reach their full redemptive potential. It’s a vision of a ministry with a holistic

discipleship path designed to redeem the whole person in heart, soul, mind and body.

The result would be a missional community equipped by the great commandment to

fulfill the great commission.

October 31, 2012. Clint and Pastor Travis travel to the CNH District Office in Livermore, CA

to present the mission plant concept to President Bob Newton and Mike Lange. This meeting

did not go well, not because President Newton was disinterested, but rather because he is so

passionate about mission work that he couldn’t stop talking about his ideas. We left knowing

he really hadn’t heard anything we had said.

www.xrossway.org 1385 Parkview Drive #103, Twin Falls, ID 83301 Page 2

April 23, 2013. Paul and Dust invite Clint to present his mission plant concept at the

Southern Idaho Pastor’s Conference for the purpose of securing a partner congregation with

whom Clint could work as a missionary. This would prove to be one of the most important

supporting factors for the success of this ministry launch. After this meeting, he was kindly

greeted by a few of the pastors, including Roger Sedlmayr and Jerry Reinke. Roger invited

Clint to share his church planting ideas at Immanuel Lutheran Church in July to see if there

was any interest from his congregation to assist with such a church plant. The presentation

went very well.

October 31, 2013. Immanuel Lutheran Church issued a Divine Call to Rev. Clinton Lutz to be

their Missionary Pastor. This call gave Clint the go-ahead and blessing to plant a new church

in the Twin Falls area by drawing leadership and financial support from the congregation. This

call did not include any salary or benefits. Clint would have to develop those funds upon

arrival. Clint accepted the call and moved to Twin Falls, ID in December upon the sale of

their home.

November 27, 2013. The articles of incorporation were filed with the state of Idaho as a

non-profit organization for 4Life Abundant Lutheran Ministries, Inc., with the fitness center

filing as a d.b.a. under the name of “Fit4Life.”

December 2015. The ministry signs a 12-month lease for $1. Renovation begins in the

Rogerson Mall at 149 Main Ave E in downtown Twin Falls. However, within a few months, the

City of Twin Falls would purchase the building for eventual demolition to build a new city

square. The search would begin again for a new location for the mission site.

February 9, 2014. Pastor Clint Lutz was installed as the Missionary Pastor of Immanuel

Lutheran Church, Twin Falls, ID. At this service, a mission team was also established to assist

in the work of planting a new congregation. For the next two years Clint would lead home

Bible studies, preach at other circuit congregations to cast the vision of this new mission

congregation, establish a board of directors, highlight the importance of mission work and

missional living wherever possible, write grants, and raise funds for the cause.

2014. The Northwest District begins funding the legal costs of working out the complexities

of a church that retains its tax-exempt status while owning and operating a fitness center,

including the current operating agreement between the eventual church and gym and the

application for non-profit status with IRS.

March 9, 2014. Clint begins leading a Missional Community through the principles of “Joining

Jesus in His Mission” by Greg Finke. This training was well received and some “life-long

Lutherans” expressed it was the first time they had ever learned how to truly live-out and

share their faith.

March 14, 2014. Chad Kirchoff, our partner with ReDo Fitness visited us from Minnesota.

March 18, 2014. Clint hosted an introduction to LifeCoaching.

May 2, 2014. Bi-Pedal Fellowship (workouts at the city park).

June 22, 2014. Mission Presentation at Canyon Crest Event Center (75 in attendance).

Pledges are made by supporting families of the Magic Valley.

www.xrossway.org 1385 Parkview Drive #103, Twin Falls, ID 83301 Page 3

June 27, 2014. Inaugural Golf Scramble raises over $4,000.

October 12, 2014. Preach at LWML Zone Rally. Received small grant for LifeCoach Training.

October 17-18. Called2Be Discipleship Empowerment Workshop with Travis Guse

November 2014. Clint begins serving vacancy at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Jerome, ID

January 2015. Fit4Life launches training for new outreach ministry called “Lifetree Café” at

Twin Beans Coffee Shop in downtown Twin Falls. The actual ministry would start in March.

March 2015. Gerald Martens approaches Clint about finding a location for this new mission.

Location of 1385 Parkview Dr., is proposed by Gerald Martens. Gerald leads the way in

forming an LLC of mission minded Lutheran Christians to join him as partners in the building

and lease it to XrossWay. Clint has identified Gerald as our “man of peace” (ref. Luke 10:6).

This was the key event and turning point that made this ministry a success. Over time, Gerald

would host meetings for Clint to present to potential investors to help fund an LLC that would

own the property at 1385 Parkview Drive and lease it to the new ministry. This LLC would

take the name of “Fit for Life Group, LLC.”

April 27, 2015. The ministry files an amendment with the State of Idaho, changing its name

to XrossWay Lutheran Ministries, Inc., and XrossWay Fitness, LLC. The primary reason for this

was that it was agreed upon by the Board of Directors and the attorney that “Fit4Life” was

too commonly used by too many existing businesses.

April 2015. The first draft of floorplans for new facility are received from EHM Engineers.

Several revisions would be made before bringing plans to the city for a use permit.

June 24, 2015. 2nd Annual XrossWay Golf Scramble.

July 4, 2015. Chris & Samantha Simmons fly to Twin Falls from Chicago to see if there’s an

opportunity to do ministry here with XrossWay. Prior to their trip to Twin Falls, Chris and

Samantha called Clint because they had heard he was planting a church with a fitness

ministry. Chris had applied to seminary and a church with a fitness ministry was actually a

dream that God had already put on his heart. Unfortunately, his application to the seminary

was denied because of their combined student loan debt load. However, God was closing a

door in one place to open a door elsewhere. Samantha looked locally for a job as a middle

school drama teacher and low and behold she was offered a position at Robert Stuart MS.

Receiving this as an answer to prayer, Chris and Samantha left their ballroom dancing

carreers with Fred Astaire in Chicago and moved to humble Twin Falls, ID.

July 14, 2015. Special Use Permit granted by city of Twin Falls for ministry location on

Parkview Drive.

July 23, 2015. The XrossWay Board of Directors and key leaders met with Dust Kunkle, the

Assistant to the President of our Northwest District, regarding that status of our Catalyst

Grant and LCEF Loan applications. Funding this mission remains the most critical target for

our launch and even though we’ve raised over $1.2 million in various ways towards this

mission, we need approximately $250,000 more to accomplish the goal.

www.xrossway.org 1385 Parkview Drive #103, Twin Falls, ID 83301 Page 4

August 14, 2015. Construction on the interior of XrossWay begins. Construction was

originally scheduled to be finished and opened by mid October, but delays pushed it late into


August 21, 2015. XrossWay receives Catalyst Grant from Northwest District for $130,000.

The mission is a “Go!” This is good news considering construction has begun. The support

from the Northwest District has been tremendous. Not only have they helped us with legal

costs of this unique ministry, but now they actually awarded us $30,000 more than we


September 2, 2015. XrossWay receives LCEF Church Plant Loan of $100,000. It’s $100,000

less than requested so budgets are revised. Gerald Martens helps with purchase of fitness

equipment with the Fit for Life Group, LLC. Thus far, this has been an interest free loan.

October 2-3, 2015. The XrossWay mission team attends Foundation of Christian Coaching in

Hailey, ID led by Travis Guse.

October 4, 2015. XrossWay hosts welcome party for Chris & Samantha Simmons who have

now moved from Chicago to make Twin Falls, ID their new home. Samantha receives position

as the Robert Stuart Middle School Drama teacher. Chris would work for Marc Lutz at a

staffing agency until XrossWay would open in December.

October 23, 2015. Mission Launch Team Meetings begin and are hosted weekly counting

down the week until the grand opening. Clint puts strategic plans and teams together to work

on marketing, preparing for grand opening, hosting worship services, running a fitness center,

and much, much more.

October 31, 2015. Trick or Treat Street outreach at Fred Meyers. XrossWay hands out candy

and hundreds of flyers inviting people to XrossWay’s Grand Opening.

November 2015. Chris begins his training to become a Licensed Deacon through the Mission

Training Center with Pastor Reinke as his instructor. Chris is a very talented man of God.

Though only a Christian since 2010, Chris is a mature leader and demonstrates a tremendous

hunger to grow in Christ and His Word. Chris has an incredible work ethic, as this new

ministry model has demanded, working approximately 13-15 hours per day with me.

December 6, 2015. XrossWay Lutheran Ministries officially launches as approximately 170

people from our circuit and community gather at Dedication Service. Pastor Mark Latham

officiated over the worship service and performed the following duties:

1. The Establishing of a Congregation

2. The Reception of 16 People as Members into the Congregation of XrossWay

3. The Call and Installation of Rev. Clinton J. Lutz

4. The Dedication of XrossWay Fitness & LifeCenter

December 12, 2015. XrossWay Fitness hosted its Grand Opening with a ribbon cutting

ceremony with the Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce. Approximately 100 attended the event

over the course of the day. The concept of a church running a community fitness center has

been well received and by the end of the year, XrossWay Fitness had approximately 175

members, 75 more than our projected goal. Our fitness center has proven to be a fantastic

way to serve people holistically. We’ve been able to get to know people as we coach them

www.xrossway.org 1385 Parkview Drive #103, Twin Falls, ID 83301 Page 5

one-on-one toward health and fitness goals and win opportunities to work on their spiritual

wellbeing as well. XrossWay serves its community in ways beyond just its fitness membership.

XrossWay hosts three free ballroom dance lessons per week, including two adult lessons and

one for teens. Both are very well attended. XrossWay also hosts weekly health and wellness

classes that are free to the community, including so far, topics on diet, nutrition, and


December 13, 2015. XrossWay LifeCenter hosts its first Sunday morning worship service with

57 souls in attendance. Attendance has been averaging 55 people per week since. Our goal

continues to be making “new” disciples and not just draw attenders from other churches.

Often, we refer to the Five-Two motto: “Start new to reach new.” We are pleased that 50%

of our worship attenders do not have church homes elsewhere. Our eXperiential worship style

includes active participation in worship, as our goal is to move away from just passive

listeners. Instead of sermons, I deliver a “Scripture Dialogue” wherein I preach with a style

that includes group questions, bible study, discussion in groups of 2-3. In our time of prayer,

rather than praying over everyone as the pastor, I simply invite everyone to find a prayer

partner and ask, “How can I pray for you.” This has been incredibly well received, with 100%

participation, even with brand new attenders.

December 2015. XrossWay Ballroom Dancing community outreach begins under the

leadership of Chris & Samantha Simmons.

December 24, 2015. XrossWay celebrates its first Christmas Eve service with 56 in


December 31, 2015. XrossWay hosted a New Year’s Eve Ball. The ballroom dancing lessons

that Chris and Samantha Simmons have been hosting twice a week have been received

exceptionally well and approximately 40 people attended this event. It proved to be an

incredible outreach event, as majority of the participants were from outside our church.

January 1, 2016. Chris becomes a full-time salaried employee of XrossWay. In addition to his

many duties as the Manager of XrossWay Fitness, Chris also draws upon his many talents as a

theatre major to write and produce bi-monthly dramas for our worship services.

January 10, 2016. XrossWay has its first baptisms

and welcomes 3 teenagers into the family of God.

February 14, 2016. XrossWay launches its Family

Ministry program. Approximately 70 families with

children attend each event. Clearly there is a need

for ministry to young families in this area.

February 28, 2016. Pastor Clint and Pastor Chris

Reinke begin 5-week new member class called,

“This We Believe and Why.”

March 12, 2016. XrossWay hosts free community

wellness workshop with Dr. Warren Wiley, a doctor

and member of Grace Lutheran in Pocatello, ID.

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March 24, 2016. XrossWay celebrates

Holy Communion for the first time on

Maundy Thursday. Pastor Clint and

Chris Reinke have been teaching a

class on the meaning of the Lord’s

Supper to prepare the congregation for

this event. XrossWay had 22 people in

attendance at this event with 18

receiving Holy Communion.

March 27, 2016. XrossWay Celebrates

its first Easter service with 49 in

attendance and 39 receiving Holy


April 23, 2016. XrossWay hosts “Paint

Your Blues Away” mental wellness

workshop with Rob Moore.

June 13-17, 2016. XrossWay hosts its first VBS called “XrossWay Kids Camp” in partnership

with Camp Perkins and their excellent counselors. The camp was a great success with

approximately 35 kids in attendance.

June 14, 2016. XrossWay partners with Thrivent to offer free four-week course entitled,

“Your New Money Mindset.” Approximately 8 couples attended.

June 24, 2016. 3rd Annual XrossWay Golf Tournament

August 7, 2016. XrossWay receives 11 new people into membership of church ministry upon

completion of sermon series on

The Apostles’ Creed.

August 27, 2016. XrossWay’s

very own Chris Simmons writes

and produces an original murder

mystery dinner theatre script

called “The Establishment.” This

fundraising dinner completely sells

out at Canyon Crest Event Center

with over 200 people in


September 4, 2016. Kaishon

Hamman, one of our trainers and

dance instructors in training, is

baptized into the family of God.

www.xrossway.org 1385 Parkview Drive #103, Twin Falls, ID 83301 Page 7

September 25, 2016.

XrossWay launches youth

group ministry led by Gloria

Gott. Over 30 youth

participated and continue to

participate in this ministry

that meets the 2nd and 4th

Sunday evening of the


September 27, 2016.

XrossWay Ballroom launches

its progressive dance classes

with Beginner, Intermediate,

Advanced and Teen classes

on Tuesday and Thursday nights. The teen classes are free but teens must commit to a six-

week block of lessons. The other classes are just $25 per person for six weeks. The classes

are a huge hit and XrossWay Ballroom is now reaching nearly 100 people per week. Maybe we

should have opened a dance academy instead of a fitness center.

October 9, 2016. XrossWay launches 31-week journey through God’s Word called “The

Story.” Included in this is the launch of our small group ministry program with 4 new groups

meeting in homes.

October 30, 2016. XrossWay hosts circuit Reformation Worship Service. This was a great

opportunity for many of our new people to learn about our Lutheran heritage.

December 4, 2016. The inaugural XrossWay Carol Fest outreach sends approximately 30

people into the neighborhoods caroling. Afterword, the families and children all gather at

XrossWay for Christmas drinks and treats and to put up the Christmas decorations at


December 11, 2016. XrossWay

celebrates its first birthday with

a potluck and vision casting

event after worship. At this

party, an official congregational

voter’s meeting is briefly held

to elect all new officers for the

XrossWay Board of Directors.

Now all board members are

actual worshipers and members

of XrossWay Lutheran Ministries.

www.xrossway.org 1385 Parkview Drive #103, Twin Falls, ID 83301 Page 8

December 30, 2016.

XrossWay Ballroom Dance

hosts its 2nd Annual New

Year’s Eve Party with

over 40 in attendance.

Free. Huge hit. Lots of

fun! Great outreach!

December 31, 2016.

XrossWay Fitness now has

190 accounts serving

approximately 400


December 2016.

XrossWay hits 600

followers now on


2016 Worship Attendance Graph

Thank you again for your partnership with us in “Building the Body of Christ!”

Clint Lutz | Pastor & Executive Director

XrossWay Lutheran Ministries, Inc.

Chris Simmons | Fitness Manager, Dance Instructor, CPT

XrossWay Fitness, LLC

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XrossWay Worship Attendance
