2011 year 8 geography - rainforests - congo & mbuti


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Rainforests The Congo & Mbuti

Year 8 Geography- Topic 1 – Global Environments - 2011

The Congo Rainforest

The Congo Rainforest is the second largest area of

tropical rainforest in the world

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was

known as Zaire up until 1997

The Congo Rainforest

The Congo Rainforest

The Congo Rainforest

The Congo Rainforest

Okapi’s are unique to

the DRC Rainforest.

They are relatives

with the giraffe and

are rarely seen in

public. It looks like a

Zebra from behind

The Congo Rainforest

The Congo Rainforest

The Congo Rainforest

The Congo Rainforest

The Mbuti tribe are

pygmies which means

they have an average

height of less than 150cm

This makes getting

around the rainforest

much easier.

The Congo Rainforest

The Mbuti tribe refer to the Congo forest as

‘father’ or ‘mother’.

They acknowledge the rainforest as a source

of food and shelter

They only hunt when they need to eat or trade

The Congo Rainforest





Remember this picture?

The Mbuti people ensure the canopy remains intact

so that the sun does not get through and the rain is

