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2011india ride calendarFIND YOURS ATwww.royalenfield.com

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Besides manufacturing the legendary motorcycles which have become synonymous with an adventur-ous and leisure motorcycling culture across the world, Royal Enfi eld also conducts rides all over India which give a taste of adventure and plain fun along with a closer look at the intricacies of the wonderful ingredients of the terrain, the people and the culture of the region. Spread out over the year, these Royal Enfi eld rides are characterised by the uniqueness of the routes and the emphasis laid on safety along with fun. Each ride has medical as well as logistical and technical backup (mechan-ics) ensuring the well being of all the men (and women!) and their machines on these rides.

•T h e i T i n e r a r y •j U N E - j U LY 2 0 1 1 , 1 5 d AY s



l adakh literally means the Land of the Passes. This Holy Grail of motorcycling roads famed world-wide will take you through three mountain ranges, six passes–a diz-

zying 18,380 feet high at Khardung La and a 40-km off-road ride through a high altitude desert at the Moré Plains. Rich in natural beauty, the landscape in its silence, emptiness and unbelievable vastness is breathtaking. Lying off the beaten track, this mysterious destination once accessible only to professional explorers can now be easily done, taking you to hidden villages and an enlightened people who worked out a sustainable life-style centuries ago and have seen little reason to change.As it enters its 8th year of successful running, the annual tradi-tion of the Royal Enfi eld Himalayan Odyssey today has proved itself to be revered as a ritual of ultimate adventurous motor-cycling. This ride has always been considered as an exalting pilgrimage to the Mecca of endurance motorcycling, the mighty Himalayas, Ladakh region in particular. It is this ride from Delhi to Ladakh and back that Royal Enfi eld Riders undertake every year which is often considered as an achievement by many a motorcyclist. The bikers who choose to embark on this adven-ture trip are not just guided to understand the perils of rough weather, rugged terrain laden with gravel and boulders but also taught how to make use of their understanding and negotiate and tame this diffi cult and treacherous route. It is this ability

that the riders develop during the course of the ride that makes these able bodied men (and women) ride on together, Covering each sector of this extraordinary adventure with panache and confi dence.

Medical aid shall be available 24X7 for the group of 60+ riders along with a team of specialised quick repair mechanics who shall ensure that the Himalayan Odyssey contingent of riders and their mounts (machines) are kept fi ghting fi t at all times. This tribute to the Himalayas shall get rounded off in 15 days starting around mid June this year. The sense of pride and achievement begins from New Delhi, with an impressive Flag Off ceremony marking the commencement of the ride. This feeling prevails all the way till the last rider rolls back into New Delhi at the grand fi nale.


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•T h e i T i n e r a r y •F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 1 , 7 d AY s




T here are many places one can go in India to have a memorable motorcycle ride, but the Rann of Kutch provides something more. f a ride to the Himalayas is a more moving, spiritual experience, then

riding in the Rann of Kutch, a small group of riders all by themselves, ven-turing into the unknown salt flats, not another soul around for kilometres and kilometres, over terrain that would make even a veteran rider think twice, is a ‘real’ adventure. Navigate vast deserts by stars, rediscovering the numerous constellations lost from the view and memory in the urban smog; marvel at the wonders of a 4000-year-old Harappan civilization site at Dholavira; shoot the wild ass of the Rann, with your camera of course; camp one night in the open desert, the next night jump into a heated swimming pool at a luxurious jungle resort! This ride will be etched in your memory for years to come.

R oyal Enfield takes a memorable trip down the legendary Mumbai-Goa highway, the NH 17, a road which has been a scenic backdrop

for many a Bollywood blockbuster. However, this trip is with a slight twist as we explore the area surrounding the NH 17 riding along yet-unknown beaches while trying out delicious coastal cuisine, to taking a walk in the clouds in the Western Ghats and riding through mist. Not to forget a short section even through the dense jungles of Karnataka before finally ending up in tranquil Goa. We shall have the rain gods for company which makes this ride not only more challenging but much more enjoyable as you romance the rains. We encourage you to enjoy the romantic and adventurous side of this ride as a couple and gear up to have an experience of a lifetime. While the main theme is an exhilarating experience, the underlying emphasis is also on safety in every aspect of the ride. Royal Enfield provides service and medical back up to provide confidence not just to the first time participants but also to their friends and family. The Tour of NH 17 has expert and experienced pilots to guide the group in various areas of bike riding and coping with the weather and terrain.


•T h e i T i n e r a r y •A U G U s T 2 0 1 1 , 8 d AY s


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R oyal Enfield’s Annual Biker Fest in Goa happens in the November each year. For three days, hundreds of Royal Enfield riders from all over the country converge at

The Hill Top, Vagator in Goa for the Royal Enfield Rider Mania 2011 to celebrate “The Thump that Binds” them together. The event in its eighth edition is the one where you meet passionate likeminded Royal Enfield fans, swap ride stories, discuss mo-torcycles, and pit your skills against each other in competitive events like Dirt Track Racing, Trials, Slow Race, Arm Wrestling and the unique ‘Carry your Royal Enfield’ event. After sundown the party begins with rock bands and DJ’s belting out some cool music late into the Goan night. Other major attractions would be the access to rare Royal Enfield literature and video foot-age from the archives and genuine Royal Enfield merchandise. There would be stalls selling gear, tattoo artists and lots more which would ensure that you carry back something more apart from just fond memories of the Royal Enfield Rider Mania 2010.

This is one event which neither you nor your Royal Enfield would want to miss out on. So pack your bags, check your bike and head out for Royal Enfield Rider Mania when all roads lead to Goa


•T h e i T i n e r a r y •N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1 , 3 d AY s , G O A

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S tart this epic ride with a visit to the Royal Enfield factory to see how the machines you ride are built. Then follows a day riding on an exclusive race track — a course aimed at

improving riding techniques, skills and safety consciousness with guidance from some of our most experienced factory riders. Safety is a primary concern that underlines leisure and adventure motor-cycling rides undertaken by Royal Enfield.

Feel the whiffs of salty sea breeze on your weather-beaten face as you ride along the east coast to Rameswaram and Kanyakumari – the southern-most tip of India. The coastal road is largely lined with coconut palms and a view of the deep blue sea; it skims the coastline and disappears into the beach at some places and dives into thick banana plantations where it curves, rises and falls like a roller coaster ride.

We will then venture into

endless scenic landscapes through interior roads that will test your navigation skills riding past the back waters of Kerala followed by an incursion into lush wild life reserves with plenty of hills with steep gradients and sometimes treacherously narrow hilly roads, as you encounter wild elephants, bison and deer, to name a few. This is the ride in which you would also ride through many Wildlife Sanctuaries of southern India and get a chance to see wildlife up close during this ride. Dipping down, we will ride through rolling acres of tea, coffee and spice plantations - the world’s envy for centuries.

Not only is this a true test of man and machine traversing 3000 kilometers, it also gives you an opportunity to spend time with likeminded riders and share the Royal Enfield passion in some of the most scenic environ-ments and that India has to offer.


•T h e i T i n e r a r y •d E C E M B E R 2 0 1 1 , 1 3 d AY s


T he Royal Enfield Tour of Rajasthan is a ride far off the beaten track that provides you with a unique riding expe-rience full of challenges, fun & adventure of discovering

India on your Royal Enfield. The Tour of Rajasthan promises to test your grit and build your talent on the famed deserts just as the Himalayan Odyssey does in the mountains. Commencing from Jaipur on 16th Oct 10, it’s a tour far off the beaten tracks.

On this ride the riders will get to pay homage to the Bullet Baba - a temple devoted to a Royal Enfield Bullet, will ride over some of the best tarmac in the country and will pass through the famous border road marking the 1971 battle fields, the waterloo of Pakistani tanks where their Royal Enfield motorcycles will perhaps be the only civilian vehicles passing through.

We have charted routes that very few people ever ride on with an exciting mix of desolate smooth roads that stretch straight into the horizon, rustic country roads with surprise sand cross-ings and even more surprised villagers, exciting hilly roads through ancient mountain ranges, shifting sand dunes , even a flat dry salt lake and more.

The ride will coincide with the colourful Marwar Festival of Jodhpur where millions congregate from all over the world.

Delicious Rajasthani meals and breathtaking monuments are a treat at almost every stop. The remote routes that we shall ride on are often not even marked on any map. Through the Tour of Rajasthan we are happy to present an elusive rider’s paradise with the added challenge of riding in the sand.

The focus of this ride is to literally travel through the sands of time in an adventure trip of sorts. Special emphasis is given on safety in every aspect of this ride especially given the tricky and difficult terrain. With medical and mechanical help available at hand, the riders are always within assistance range in case they ever need so. On this adventure, Royal Enfield shall have its experienced pilots guiding the riders to cope with the weather and the terrain.

•T h e i T i n e r a r y •O C T O B E R 2 0 1 1 , 1 1 d AY s




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www.royalenfi eld.com


Royal Enfield (A Unit of Eicher Motors Limited) Tiruvottiyur High Road, Tiruvottiyur, Chennai - 600 019.

Tel: +91 - 44 -4223-0244

