2011 Annual Report



The 2011 Annual Report for FCEF outlines donor profiles, scholarship and educational programs, and staff of FCEF

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“There is no greater calling than to serve your fellow men.” Walter Reuther, an American labor organizer, knew what he was talking about. He spent his life serving others, often at great personal risk. In spite

of being badly beaten by strike-breakers, two assassination attempts, and an attack that left his hand permanently crippled, he continued serving. As CEO of this great organization I have not had to worry about such personal attacks, but I strive every day to ensure my heart and motivation to serve remain just as pure as the great service to others shown by Mr. Reuther over his lifetime.

Depending on the context, the word “serve” has over 20 different meanings, but there is no greater calling than that of the members of our nation’s military services who have dedicated their life to serving others…with the willingness to sacrifice their life if necessary. With the importance of the role of the military forefront in their minds, FCEF’s Board of Directors made a very significant change in our mission statement for the first time in many years. Simply put, FCEF’s new mission is, To educate those who serve. These few words imply great responsibility for FCEF and those who are entrusted to accomplish its mission. FCEF is very proud to now focus the majority of its programs and resources on the military, federal employees and their families. FCEF will continue in 2012 and beyond to work with various community organizations, but serving our military and governmental family will now take center stage.

As FCEF made this major shift in direction, 2011 ended with a very clear picture of what needs to be accomplished in 2012 and beyond. To guide our program activities, the board of directors developed a strategic plan with three major goals and 33 objectives for 2012 alone. The work will be hard, but the path for FCEF to take is clear. As a 30-year veteran of the Unites States Air Force, I am honored and humbled to be leading our incredible staff in this work. The Foundation’s accomplishments belong to them, and I am grateful to be able to serve on their team. Together, we look forward to harnessing our efforts to continue serving others. We are proud of the mission changes made in 2011 and look forward to great successes in 2012.

Blessings to all,

Vickie C. Mauldin


It is hard to believe that I have had the privilege and honor to serve as Chairman of the FCEF Board of Directors the past four years. They have been filled with unbelievable success stories, such as the

thrill of presenting high school seniors with scholarships that I know will open the door to the future. Another is that our financial literacy curriculum, Money Matters, was approved by the Texas State Board of Education to provide secondary school students with a financial literacy education before graduating. The new web-based Money Matters Online will be crucial to expanding our reach to the nation’s youth to eliminate financial illiteracy. In coming years this mission will be even more critical; our economy still has many problems to overcome.

I would like to thank Vickie Mauldin, CEO, for guiding FCEF to accomplish its goals and objectives. In addition, the staff’s dedication to the success of the mission is reflected in their ability to reduce expenses while increasing program support; this achievement is nothing less than outstanding. I am equally as proud and impressed with the dedication and tireless efforts of FCEF’s volunteer Board of Directors during my tenure. Their work is not directly reflected in any of our financial reports or program services, but they are a team working on their own time to promote FCEF’s educational services, scholarship support, and financial literacy programs. Also, FCEF’s efforts would not be possible without the support of our steadfast partner, First Command Financial Services.

I would be remiss if I didn’t recognize and thank the many FCEF volunteers responsible for planning and making the annual “Chip-In for Education” golf tournament a success. A special thanks to Pam Elliott of the FCEF staff for her dedication and hard work to assure the success of this event. In 2011 the tournament yielded over $16,000 for scholarships. 2012 will be our 5th annual tournament, and will be even more successful.

As you review our Annual Report you will read about the many accomplishments of FCEF in 2011. We are very proud of these accomplishments, but we know we must work even harder in 2012 to achieve our lofty goals. Also, it will be impossible for us to accomplish our objectives without the generous help we receive from donors such as you. We would like to thank you for your past support and trust in FCEF. It is our sincere hope that you will continue to remember FCEF in your charitable giving.Respectfully,

Robert L. Slaughter


Development Programs:• Cleared over $16,000 for scholarships in the

4th annual “Chip-in for Education” golf classic• Netted over $28,000 in FCEF’s first-ever

participation in North Texas Giving Day through DonorBridge

• Received 29% of donations from individuals

Education Programs:• Served 676 individuals through financial

literacy presentations• Made financial literacy presentations to a total

of 91 NCOs at military installations in Texas and Oklahoma

• Converted Money Matters high school curriculum to an online, computer-based educational program

• Distributed 470 teacher kits and 19,281 student kits of the Money Matters written curriculum

• Updated and reformatted the Command Financial Specialist Course as a Financial Readiness manual that can be easily adapted for servicemembers, federal employees, and general adult audiences

• Uploaded Financial Readiness military modules and associated PowerPoint presentations to FCEF website

• Maintained involvement in financial literacy training for the homeless in Fort Worth, Texas, by partnering with the Salvation Army and supporting Union Gospel Mission programs

• Provided La Salud financial literacy training to 18 child care contractors being trained by Camp Fire Boys and Girls

Scholarship Programs:• Awarded over $129,000 in scholarships to more than 70 students across the nation• Performed technology enhancements so the scholarship application review and

selection process can be completed via a web-based interface • Initiated a donor solicitation campaign exclusively among parents of current-year

and previous FCEF scholarship recipients• Established FCEF Scholars Alumni Society

FCEF major highlights Chief Executive Officer & Chairman of the Board Comments ........ 2

FCEF Major Highlights ............. 3

Education Programs .............. 4-7

Scholarship Programs .......... 8-9

Scholarship Recipients ......... 10-11 “Chip-In for Education” Golf Classic............................................ 12

Annual Donors ............................. 13-17

Financial Highlights .................... 18

Board & Staff Members ...... 19

table of contents


education programsFCEF continued its commitment to providing financial literacy programs and presentations. In addition to making presentations to local and national organizations, we also updated Money Matters and worked on our new web-based curriculum, Money Matters Online, which will provide the Money Matters curriculum, with additional functions, on the internet to many more users at a significantly lower cost.

Coming in 2012, as FCEF shifts its focus to our military clients, we will develop a military version of Money Matters Online, update and revise our other material, and concentrate on presentations for military audiences.

Whether the audience is military or civilian, the goals of the Education Division are to:• Provide presentations and seminars in financial literacy to meet a variety of needs• Use staff members and volunteer speakers to deliver educational programs• Make presentations that offer information on general personal financial principles such

as basic banking, saving, budgeting, credit and debt management, investing, insurance, retirement planning and saving, etc.

• Provide military-specific presentations for active duty and retired military servicemembers

• Have the ability to augment presentations or curricula with issues specific to military members or federal employees

• Tailor programs to the needs of the organization, from an individual presentation to an extensive seminar or workshop covering multiple financial topics and containing practical exercises

• Train individuals to become financial coaches by educating them in money management issues and counseling techniques

• Provide all programs at little or no cost around the world


Social Services 51%


Faith based13%

Civic 1%

Target Markets (persons) Served

in 2011


education programs

Addition to Education Personnel

A 1976 graduate of the Coast Guard Academy with a B.S. in Ocean Science, Jay served 14 active and 10 reserve years of duty during his career in the U.S. Coast Guard, retiring as a Lieutenant Commander. While in the Coast Guard Jay became a client of First Command Financial Planning, and upon leaving active duty in 1991 began his career with that company as a financial advisor. After some years in the field he accepted a position in their home office in Fort Worth, and he filled a variety of positions while also providing volunteer services to FCEF.

Early in 2011 FCEF hired Jay as a contractor, working from home, to revise the printed version of Money Matters, including its PowerPoint slides, vocabulary list, and numerous tests. In July he turned his attention to Money Matters Online, which required full days in the office. In October a full-time position became available and Jay was made a permanent member of the Foundation staff. Jay’s military career, his financial advisor experience, his familiarity with the FCFP staff, and his M.B.A. from St. Mary’s College of California all provide him with a broad background that will help him fulfill his duties as Education and Communication Specialist with FCEF.

Jay Ellis


money matters/ money matters onlineDoes Money Matter? Of course it does! As U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan informed the Advisory Council on Financial Capability in January 2010, “I think the challenge we face now is that we don’t have a financially literate population.” During 2011 the Education Division updated the book and CD version of Money Matters, in addition to beginning work on Money Matters Online, a web-based version of the Texas State Board of Education-approved financial literacy curriculum. Money Matters Online includes the same 12 modules contained in the Money Matters book (now called Money Matters Reference, and available only through our website), in addition to explanatory material, a pre- and post-module exam, and vocabulary and other exercises. The course also includes a pre- and post-course comprehensive exam and an interface that allows instructors to add and delete students to the program and monitor their progress and test results. Students are guided through the curriculum to ensure they complete all the material, and they receive immediate feedback on their test and exercise results. The

FCEF staff will also be able to monitor the course’s effectiveness with test results feedback. Money Matters Online is available on the First Command Educational Foundation’s website, www.fcef.com. In 2012 we will develop and launch a military-oriented version of Money Matters Online as we refocus our efforts on the military market.

“Our education system is geared towards teaching algebra, geometry, English, composition, history, etc., but nowhere is the effort to teach the fundamental life skill of personal finance. In a world full of increasingly complex financial products and vendors looking to take advantage of the uneducated, First Command Educational Foundation is bringing financial literacy to our nation’s youth.”

- Michael F. Morrison, FCEF Treasurer


education programs

Lead Title Sponsor

Platinum Sponsors

Gold SponsorsDr. Nancy Spiker Enterprise HoldingsThoughtwire Media Venetian Custom Homes

Silver SponsorsAmerican Independent Marketing Andres Construction Services & Golden Care USA Denise and Steve McCune CompEdge (McConstruction)Dick and Doris Terrell LTCI Partners, LLC

Rick and Sue McManus Vickie C. Mauldin

Contributing SponsorsFederal Home Loan Bank of Dallas Kenneth and Cherrie Garrett Foundation

Thank you very much to these sponsors who have made it possible for us to develop and disseminate

Money Matters and Money Matters Online.

“As a former financial advisor, I know the importance of financial knowledge in achieving financial goals. First Command Educational Foundation’s financial literacy program provides the basic information needed to take that first step toward achieving financial independence. The earlier we gain this knowledge the better.”

Doris Terrell, FCEF Director


SUPPORT ING THE PURSUIT OF HIGHER EDUCAT IONAccording to the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, many students are not able to keep pace with rising tuition because family earnings have lost ground over the past decade. Equally alarming is that student financial aid did not keep pace with tuition costs, exacerbating the college affordability problem.With education as the core mission, FCEF’s scholarship programs engage the talent and resources at its disposal to increase scholarship opportunities for a broader segment of the population and incorporate financial education in every scholarship opportunity. For 2011, FCEF was able to award $129,000 in scholarships. Our scholars come from diverse backgrounds and have chosen to attend a variety of higher-education institutions across the nation.Refinements in technology drive FCEF’s ability to respond to inquiries, process scholarship applications and disburse award funds. In 2011 we moved to a new scholarship application platform that offers both enhanced application and evaluation features. Our application review committee members are now able to evaluate their assigned applications remotely and in the comfort of their homes. Reviewers from as far away as Florida, New Jersey and Johannesburg, South Africa, were able to serve as our volunteer reviewers.FCEF established a Scholars Alumni Society (SAS) to cultivate a relationship with our scholarship recipients and their families. The SAS is informed of exclusive scholarship opportunities only available by joining NING, a social network website developed to communicate with our scholarship recipients about program updates, scholarship information and college funding bulletins.To comply with the new directive from our Board of Directors, every FCEF scholarship opportunity is now integrated with financial literacy education, allowing us to greatly increase our opportunities to educate students about money matters. All FCEF scholarship applicants are required to complete the Basic Finances 4 All course through the FCEF website “e-learning center.” The web-based course offers vignettes to convey a variety of financial situations and generates a certificate upon successful completion to be included with the application.Looking to the future, as greater numbers of military personnel come home, more scholarship opportunities are being planned for active and former military personnel and their spouses and dependents, and First Command Financial Planning’s clients and employees, and their dependents.

scholarship programs

Sandra King

New Scholarship Program ManagerSandra King, a native of Philadelphia, Pa., joined FCEF in October 2011 after completing a 25-year career in New Jersey state government where she held various leadership positions. Sandra has been at the forefront of addressing critical and sensitive public policy issues during most of her professional career, advocating for the needs of women and disadvantaged populations. She has an extensive background in health and human services program management, human resources, non-profit organizational development, and grant writing. Says Sandra, “While making plans to relocate to Texas and thinking about what would be a good career fit, the desire to contribute my skillsets within a foundation setting was high on my list for consideration. When presented with the opportunity offered by FCEF as the Scholarship Programs Manager, I knew that opportunity and preparation had intersected.” Sandra has an M.P.A. from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School and a M.H.S. from Lincoln University. Sandra is most passionate about “the importance of the pursuit of education.”


scholarship programsThe Frizzell Scholarship: Voices from the Hearts of our RecipientsThe Donaldson D. Frizzell Scholarship, named after the late FCEF president and former First Command Financial Planning Director of Investments, is the only major scholarship that we have traditionally awarded directly to members of the public and not through a partner organization. FCEF received over 500 entries whose applications were reviewed by a 12-member national scholarship selection committee. After several elimination rounds, the committee awarded $20,000 to six applicants. We looked at applications from many amazing people and FCEF is very proud to highlight just two of these very deserving individuals.

2011 Recipients’ Spotlight (excerpts from winning essays)“All of my life, my parents have taught me to value my education. With their support, I have been able to overcome many barriers preventing me from achieving academically. Their wise words have molded me into the person that I am. They have always encouraged me to triumph and to believe that no struggle should prevent me from accomplishing my dream. However, my biggest hurdle is money for my college expenses. My parents have always been able to provide me with everything I have needed to excel in my academics. Unfortunately, they confessed to me that they could not afford to pay for my tuition. They didn’t want this to affect me and my ability to further my education. This is why I am in need (of) this scholarship. My future relies on this scholarship. It is hard to rely on others when all your life you have always relied on your parents. I knew that I had to work hard in school and set my priorities straight in order to receive some kind of financial assistance. As a result, I have been able to succeed in my academics through all my hard work and drive. My success reflects my ambition and guarantees a great investment in me.” - Cindy Castillo Austin, Texas

“The time I spent in college and in the military helped me to figure out exactly which career field I am interested in, and also helped me to grow as an adult. Every successful person has been given a helping hand at one point in their life. This help could have possibly been the extra push that they needed to achieve their dream. I need this scholarship to help place my dreams within my reach. I am thankful that there are opportunities, such as this scholarship, that exist to help students like myself achieve their dreams. I have the ability, the drive, and the determination to make my dreams come true, and with the help of this scholarship I will be one step closer.” - Ncharallah Jasper Phenix City, Alabama


scholarship recipients

(Excerpt from essay) “In addition to meeting with clients face to face, I have been holding monthly presentations for women’s groups using the First Command presentation, ‘Create the Life You Love.’ I hope to inspire and motivate women to take responsibility for their financial well-being.”

(Excerpt from essay) “The Dallas T. Lower Award would allow me to ‘pay it forward’ to other advisors who seek advanced credentialing by showing them that it is not only personally rewarding but financially possible. The combined journey from CFP to CHFC and currently finishing the CLU has taken countless hours and a significant financial commitment. As my experience as an advisor and life experiences grow and mature they will reinforce the knowledge learned in credentialing and allow me to mentor others the way Dallas did for First Command.”

Meet more of FCEF’s scholarship recipients! Congratulations to

all of our recipients!


Robert McAdamsRocky Mountain DistrictColorado Springs, CO

Pamela RodriguezPresidential DistrictCamp Springs, MD

Brianna Saunders with mother Belinda

Stephen Dyer and Robin Jones

Dave Alley with Alicia Patrick

Samantha Mater and Owen Miller Divinia Vergara with Owen Miller

Ariella Snyder and parents with Carl Cornelius


First Name Last Name Hometown College/University Kelsey Alper Enterprise, AL Auburn UniversityHeather Anderson West Fargo, ND North Dakota State UniversityRyan Anders San Antonio, TX Trinity UniversityEricka Bautista Anchorage, AK University of Pennsylvania Brandon Bear Flower Mound, TX University of ArkansasHillary Benton Merryville, LA Louisiana State UniversityKaterina Bierwirth Lansing, MI Johns Hopkins UniversityBrett Boothby El Paso, TX El Paso Community CollegeRebecca Bullock San Antonio, TX University of Southern MississippiCindy Castillo Brownsville, TX St. Edward’s UniversityMeagan Cavasar Fort Worth, TX University of Texas at AustinMan Wai Che unavailable University of North TexasDesmond Clark San Antonio, TX St. Gregory’s UniversityMari Cleven Seabeck, WA Northern Arizona UniversityElyse Collat Honolulu, HI American UniversityTracie Green Collins Fort Worth, TX Tarrant County CollegeAnna Conway Fort Worth, TX Tarrant County CollegeLindsay Crawford Fort Wayne, IN U.S. Air Force AcademyStephen Dyer Augusta, GA Augusta State UniversityDiane Ellis Rochester, NY Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity SchoolStephen Farrell Niceville, FL Baylor UniversityDillom Fleming Lott, TX ***Jacqueline Forman-Benevidez Rockville, MD George Washington UniversityJonathan Franklin Ft. Wainwright, AK University of AlaskaFelicia Fultz Fort Worth, TX Tarrant County CollegeBeverly Gardner Fort Worth, TX Texas Wesleyan UniversityPayton George Chesapeake, VA University of Notre DameShannon Grammel Ft. Campbell, KY Harvard UniversityJared Hall Arlington, TX ***Cori Hatley Ft. Campbell, KY Missouri Institute of Science & TechnologyKiara Heath Alameda, CA Dartmouth CollegeDylan Hesse Fort Drum, NY Virginia TechMickeal Hoffman Fort Worth, TX Tarrant County CollegeAmanda Hoyle Blackwell, TX Tarleton State UniversityRobert Hume Carlisle, PA United States Military AcademyNcharallah Jasper Phenix City, AL Broome Community CollegeHaley Knighton Euless, TX Stephen F. Austin State UniversityNohella Longoria Fort Worth, TX University of Texas at ArlingtonNoah Macmichael Chesapeake, VA Virginia TechKaylee Mahaffey Lancaster, SC University of South CarolinaRachel Markley Woodbridge, VA University of ChicagoChristine Massey Fort Worth, TX ***Samantha Mater Abilene, TX Oberlin CollegeRobert McAdams Colorado Springs, CO ** Dallas T. Lower AwardWayne Mowery Middle River, MD University of MarylandKelly Nupson Midwest City, OK Maranatha Bible CollegeColten Palmer Eagle River, AK Montana State UniversityAlicia Patrick Mooresville, NC Catawba CollegeDaniel Pavich Hickory, NC University of California, Santa BarbaraElisha Peters Albuquerque, NM University of PhoenixZachary Porfirs Mooresville, NC University of North Carolina WilmingtonHarmonee Quarnberg North Pole, AK Brigham Young UniversitySarah Ramsay Biloxi, MS Charleston Southern UniversityPamela Rodriguez Bowie, MD ** Dallas T. Lower AwardElizabeth Ross Eielson AFB, AK Empora State UniversityBriana Saunders Fort Worth, TX Stephen F. Austin State UniversityBrian Schmidt unavailable University of North TexasSarah Scurry unavailable University of North TexasThomas Smith Aledo, TX University of Texas at ArlingtonRiley Snow Fairbanks, AK University of AlaskaAriella Synder Mt. Sherman, KY Campbellsville UniversityKelcey Sulak Arlington, TX Texas Tech UniversityDivina Vergara Abilene, TX Abilene Christian UniversityMeghan Webb Virginia Beach, VA Florida State UniversityVanessa Wagner Quakake, PA King’s College *Kennesaw State University *University of Tampa *Tarrant County College *Texas A&M University

scholarship recipients

* Recipient information not received from the university ** Dallas T. Lower tuition reimbursement award *** College/university not identified


2011 “Chip-in for Education” Golf ClassicOur Golf Classic has become a much anticipated event — even a tradition. 107 eager golfers participated in our 4th annual “Chip-in for Education” golf classic on Thursday, September 22, 2011. Four teams invited from NAS JRB Fort Worth joined us for a day of fun at The Golf Club at Fossil Creek. The tournament was a successful event, in spite of a light touch of rain, raising over $16,000 for local scholarship programs. Thank you all!!!!

A very special thanks to all donors, sponsors, committee members and volunteers who helped make this annual event so very successful!! Watch for the next “Chip-In for Education” Golf Classic, September 13, 2012

sponsors:Doctorate LevelAmerican General Life CompaniesCompEdgeEnterprise Rent-A-Car Pulido’s Mexican Restaurant

Bachelor LevelAEGON/MonumentalCisy and Skip GrayMidland National Life

Executive Hole LevelAuldridgeGriffin P.C.Franklin TempletonLaw, Snakard & Gambill, P.C.

Hole SponsorsCity VendingLogan and Merry DickinsonBetsy Gutierrez of 4Trust Mortgage, Inc.Hinckley Cook P.C. Certified Public AccountantsMorgan Keegan & Co.Shay FinancialWilliamsTrew

Volunteers and Committee Members:

Alexis Ballesteros, David Bayless, John Black, Julie Brownell, Jay Ellis, Taryn Freeby, Betsy Gutierrez, Paul Johnson, Kerri Jones, Sandra King, Deb Krause, Shannon Lehmer, Steve McCune, Monty Miller, Michael Moffitt, David Moore, Rose Morales, Jane Peugh, Caroline Primus, Christy Rippin, Cecelia Rollins, Lisa Sanders, Gary Sheroke, Susan Smith and Doug Worrell


annual donorsTHANK YOU! The success of First Command Educational Foundation (FCEF) depends on the generous support from individuals, corporations and private foundations. This ongoing support is the base for FCEF’s ability to educate those who serve. Thanks to all supporters for another strong year. FCEF is pleased to acknowledge 2011 donors who donated more than $500.

$250,000 AND UPFirst Command Financial Services

$75,000 TO $99,999First Command Bank

$10,000 TO $24,999Philip & Janice Levin FoundationScott and Nancy Spiker

$5,000 TO $9,999AnonymousAuldridgeGriffin, P.C.Craig and Lauren BadgerDon and Libby EberlyHyatt PlaceMike and Jane Thomas

$2,500 TO $4,999AnonymousChevron Humankind Matching Gift ProgramEnterprise Holding FoundationJohn ExnerJohn and Karen FoleyJeffrey GibsonRobin JonesJames PetersenGlenn RobertsKathryn SkillingtonPaul J. and Susan SmithRon and Linda TestaTexas Aerospace Education FoundationCarl and Janis Wagner

$1,500 TO $2,499American General Life CompaniesDavid and Linda AlleyBill and Mary BartelsEric BressmanCompEdgeWalter CoulterMargaret CoutinhoDyess OSC Thrift ShopEnterprise Rent-A-CarSamantha and Mike HilliardKurt and Corey LangenwalterJames LanierLaw, Snakard & Gambill, P.C.Vickie MauldinMichael and Linda MorrisonMark and Annette NielsenMichael O’HanlonJim and Judy Schless

Todd and Patricia TaylorMichael WheelerWings Over America Scholarship FoundationLaurie and Jim Wolf

$1,000 TO $1,499AEGON Financial Partners DivisionRick and Jane AmelonRob and Lori AshtonKirk BaurLindsay and Dalise BlantonDavid BonneyLonnie and Janet BowmanDaniel BrannonMike and Paula BrinkmanKathleen M. and Thomas D. CherittEdward DaffronJim DeGaetanoJoan Demetriades and H. Malcom BennettJohn and Allison DraperCarlos and Monette GarzaAl and Sylvia GodoySkip and Cisy GrayHenry HaganVictor and Kim JonesScott and Terri KallsenRobert H. and Carolyn W. KerrDeborah LawrenceJames LeachChristopher LeePhilip LeopoldDon MarcumMcCune CompaniesCharles and Rebecca McGeeKenneth J. McQuistonMidland National Life Insurance CompanyDenise and Pat MillerLuis and Janine MunizFred OffuttEarl OliverKirk OlliffCharles PatisaulStephen PopelkaHarvey PullenScott and Susan RainvilleRicco Family Partners LTDMarty and Stacie RobbinsJames SimonsAnthony SmithPaul SoderlundMatthew SteffesGary and Virginia SvatekTeresa and H. David TylerDavid White

Homer WorrellRichard Young

$500 TO $999BHMS AssociatesJohn Black, CSNAEmma and Dennis BlakerGretchen ButlerClaudia CanestraPeter CarloBrad CleetonCarl and Cathy CorneliusMissy CoxTimothy CusterMerry and Logan DickinsonMark DierlamMark and Marion DiunizioEast Bay Coast Guard Spouses ClubFranklin Templeton InvestmentsKenneth & Cherrie Garrett FoundationNancy and Mike GazzerroTom GriffithScott HallockAnthony HarveyKevin HollisKodak HortonHub International RiggSusan JennawayBrian JohnstonLarry MarkowskiKristy McCormickJoseph McLaughlinEdward MillerOwen MillerJoe and Dana MorrinMichael and Jane NeveuAlan OrrJill and John PietrusinskiGregory PomesThe Principal Financial Group®Robert RauschRickard ReinDr. Albert L. ReyesBill and Bonnie RobesonT. H. RushRamona Santos OjedeBob and Lisa SmithTed SmithJoey StoraskaBenny and Helga StrangeDick and Doris TerrellMichael TheresMark TimkoVAW - VRC Officers’ Spouses’ Assoc.Mike and Bonnie WatsonMatthew Wineriter

FCEF Board Member


in-kind donationsWe are grateful to all our friends, local businesses and corporate donors for supporting FCEF with in-kind donations for the annual “Chip-In for Education” golf classic fundraising event for scholarships. As a result of these donations, the silent auction and raffle are very successful. Each year we are amazed by the generosity of the local community. Thank you!

3 B Enterprises4imprintAmon Carter MuseumBice’s FloristBilly Bob’s TexasBrite Zone Car WashC D Ski & SportsCantina LaredoCity Vending Co.Cityview Car Wash & Oil ChangeColonial Country ClubCoors Distributing Company of Fort WorthCostcoCotton PatchJennifer Counts - ScentsyDallas Cowboys Football ClubDallas MavericksDallas Stars FoundationDallas Symphony OrchestraDataSpanDavid S. Irvin, The Portrait PhotographersEdwin Watts GolfEL ArroyoEnterprise Rent-A-CarFedEx ServicesFort Worth Cats Baseball ClubFort Worth Museum of Science and HistoryFox and HoundFuzzy’s Taco ShopGaylord TexanHarris Parkway Dental Care Harvey-Daco, Inc.Hilton Fort WorthHub International RiggHyatt PlaceJersey Mike’s SubsKeg Restaurants LTD.Kubes Jewelers

A misconception is that gift planning is only for the “wealthy.” The truth is, even people of modest means can make a difference through gift planning. The most common planned gift is a bequest in your will or living trust.

Lone Star ParkMethodist Weight Management InstituteMidland National Life Insurance CompanyModern Art Museum of Fort WorthOlmsted-KirkOmni Fort Worth HotelP.F. Chang’s China BistroPalio’s Pizza CafePanera BreadThe Principal Financial Group®

Pulido’s Mexican RestaurantPutt - Putt Fun CenterRahr & Sons Brewing Co.Reata RestaurantRio Mambo RestaurantTammy Rogers - Tastefully Simple Shelly Russell - TDG CreativeTony Sanders - Swisher InternationalScarborough Renaissance FestivalSid Richardson MuseumSmoothie KingStarbucks Coffee CompanyTexas Eye and Laser CenterTexas Motor SpeedwayTexas Rangers BaseballTravel Service EverywhereUltraTanUnited Carpet Cleaning SystemsWilliams Trew Real Estate ServicesThe Worthington Renaissance Fort Worth Hotel


FCEF Board Member

What Is Gift Planning?

Gift planning is finding ways to make charitable gifts now or after your lifetime while enjoying financial benefits for yourself.

Planned gifts are sometimes referred to as “stop-and-think” gifts because they require planning. Your age group will help you know what actions are best for your estate, financial, and gift planning needs. See FCEF’s website for specific actions you should consider taking for your life stage.

memorial donations

Memorial for Madge Emily DoerlerCharles E. and Mary Jean Doerler

Memorial for Joanne LanierDan McNeillDick and Doris Terrell

Memorial for Lt. Jay Smith Scholarship & Exellence FundChevronGlenn and Millie RobertsPaul J. and Susan Smith

Memorial for M. Alice KonecnyAnonymousDon and Libby EberlyBrad CleetonNancy and Mike Gazzerro

Memorial for Anthony Konecny - Tribute for M. Alice Konecny Arthur and Miriam Argall Joan Demetriades and H. Malcom BennettGeorgene BoweJohn and Allison DraperAndrew and Marilyn Felsoci Phyllis K. LaneRolland and Janet Marshall

Memorial for Dallas T. LowerMargaret CoutinhoJohn and Allison DraperDon and Libby Eberly

Memorial for Lindsay BartholomewLarry and Angela Crawford

In Honor of Dick and Doris TerrellRobert and Carolyn Robertson

In Honor of Lone Star Squadron Nicholas and Anna Ricco

In Honor and Memory of Josef E. Kubes Sr.Kubes Jewelers

In Honor of Ashley DonaldsonAnonymousAngela DannerPam ElliottSuzanne FeltonSusan HalsteadR. HunterJames LarsenMark RybczykChristi Smith


passive givingSince 2007 “passive giving” has been a welcome source of income. FCEF is grateful for its local community partners. Those partners’ combined donations totaled over $7,000 in 2011.

Please continue to help FCEF raise funds for scholarships and financial literacy education with the search engine, GoodSearch. Using rewards cards while grocery shopping or recycling ink cartridges and cell phones also provide appreciated donations. It all helps FCEF!


Thanks to our 2011 DonorBridge Donors

North Texas Giving Day September 15, 2011First Command Educational Foundation (FCEF) would like to thank all the donors who took the time to participate in North Texas Giving Day on September 15, 2011. We appreciate your patience; we learned the process had its challenges. Through the perseverance and largess of DonorBridge donors, FCEF was able to raise $28,469.68 to support financial education and scholarship programs!! This was an unprecedented amount raised by the foundation in a single 17-hour event. Thank you again!

33 cents a day…

Can make a big difference

FOR JUST PENNIES A DAY YOU CAN HELP FCEF GROW AND SUSTAIN VITAL PROGRAMS THAT HELP CREATE ABUNDANT LIVES. Imagine 33 pennies making a difference in someone’s life! $10 a month (33 cents a day) from 250 donors = $30,000 a year. That’s thirty $1,000 scholarships in one year!

It takes a lot of pennies each year to create scholarship opportunities and financial literacy programs. FCEF’s fundraising efforts are ongoing.


$2,000,000 AND UPFirst Command Financial Services

$500,000 TO $999,999First Command BankPayne Family

$100,000 TO $249,999Torchmark Corporation

$50,000 TO $99,999AnonymousMark DierlamHyatt Place Fort Worth/CityviewInvescoNicholas and Anna RiccoScott and Nancy Spiker

$25,000 TO $49,999American General Life CompaniesCharles BauerCash America International, Inc.Franklin Templeton InvestmentsDon and Pattie FrizzellMcCune CompaniesJim and Louise PetersenPhilip & Janice Levin FoundationPremier Wines of PlanoKathy SkillingtonLamar and Jan SmithPaul J. and Susan Smith

$10,000 TO $24,999Atmos EnergyCraig and Lauren BadgerDaniel BrannonMargaret CoutinhoThe Covey Restaurant & BreweryDavid S. Irvin, The Portrait PhotographersMarty and Sherril DurbinDon and Libby EberlyEnterprise Rent-A-CarJohn ExnerJohn and Karen FoleyJeffrey GibsonHometown ThreadsRon and Myra Huff

Jay Smith Scholarship & Excellence FundRobin JonesLaw, Snakard & Gambill, P.C.Vickie MauldinMark and Annette NielsenFred OffuttMichael O’HanlonPioneer InvestmentsGeorge TalleyRon and Linda TestaTexas Credit Union LeagueMike and Jane ThomasUnited Technologies CorporationMike Wheeler

$5,000 TO $9,999Boyd AdamsDavid and Linda AlleyRick and Jane AmelonKurt and Sue AndersonAndres ConstructionRob and Lori AshtonAuldridgeGriffin, P.C.Bill and Mary BartelsRichard BattenKirk BaurBrad BergerDave BonneyLonnie and Janet BowmanEric BressmanBarry BridgerClaudia CanestraKathleen M. and Thomas D. CherittChevronColonial SavingsCompEdgeConsumer Service Alliance of TexasWalter CoulterHoward CrumpMark and Marion DiunizioRonald DorenbushJohn and Allison DraperE Management SystemsEdward ElmendorfFedEx ServicesCarlos and Monette GarzaRichard GilesSkip and Cisy Gray

Samantha and Mike HilliardKevin HollisScott HullBrian JohnstonVictor and Kim JonesRobert H. and Carolyn W. KerrRaleigh KoneJim LanierDeborah LawrenceJim LeachChristopher LeePhilip LeopoldDon MarcumCharles and Rebecca McGeeJoseph McLaughlinRick and Sue McManusMike and Linda MorrisonLuis and Janine MunizKirk OlliffAlan OrrFrederick OrrCharles PatisaulAndy and UkCha PikePulido’s Mexican RestaurantHarvey PullenStephen RayMarty and Stacie RobbinsSteve and Denise RossT. H. RushHugh and Denise SimpsonAnthony SmithTed SmithPaul SoderlundDave and Kathy SurgentTodd and Patricia TaylorTexas Aerospace Education FoundationBarry ToddTravel Service EverywhereTeresa and H. David TylerUnited Carpet Cleaning SystemsJay VanceVenetian Custom HomesCarl and Janice WagnerEsau and Rosa Maria WilliamsonLaurie and Jim WolfHomer WorrellRichard Young

lifetime giving (since 2002)

FCEF Board Member


financial highlightsFCEF was fortunate to have another successful year despite the nation’s economic struggles. Each corporate and individual constituent is a valued partner and friend. Each donor, each gift and every different source of donation is just as important as the total revenue raised in a year. The level of giving is raised by each donation, large or small. This is a very important element when seeking grants and outside funding sources. FCEF is very pleased to enjoy strong, steadfast support from corporations and individuals alike.

Michael F. Morrison Treasurer

statement of activities Unaudited Audited 2011 2010Public Support and Other RevenueDonations $715,598 $762,657Special Events $17,804 $34,849Other $41,319 $160,765Unrealized gain (loss) on Investments ($16,773) $42,375 Total Revenue $757,948 $1,000,646

Program Services Expenses Scholarship $252,158 $250,880Education $364,113 $367,069 Development and Fund Raising $105,545 $165,198Management and General Administrative $ 93,504 $103,730Total Expenses $815,320 $886,877Net Income ($57,372) $113,769

Net Assets At Beginning of Year $1,112,524 $904,843At End of Year $1,055,335 $1,112,524Increase (decrease) ($57,189) $207,681

“In spite of economic challenges, FCEF is financially sound and ready to meet its future program requirements for 2012 and beyond.”




Source of Donations


statement of activities Unaudited Audited 2011 2010Public Support and Other RevenueDonations $715,598 $762,657Special Events $17,804 $34,849Other $41,319 $160,765Unrealized gain (loss) on Investments ($16,773) $42,375 Total Revenue $757,948 $1,000,646

Program Services Expenses Scholarship $252,158 $250,880Education $364,113 $367,069 Development and Fund Raising $105,545 $165,198Management and General Administrative $ 93,504 $103,730Total Expenses $815,320 $886,877Net Income ($57,372) $113,769

Net Assets At Beginning of Year $1,112,524 $904,843At End of Year $1,055,335 $1,112,524Increase (decrease) ($57,189) $207,681

board of directors

Bottom row left to right: Inge Lavallee, Development AssistantVickie Mauldin, Chief Executive OfficerSandra King, Scholarship Programs Manager Next row left to right:Al Godoy, Senior Programs ManagerPam Elliott, Executive AssistantJay Ellis, Education & Communication SpecialistTania Williams, Administrative Assistant

staff members

Top row left to right:Doug WorrellVice President/Treasurer, First Command Financial ServicesColleyville, Texas

Robert Slaughter, Chairman V-22 Sr. ILS Specialist, Bell HelicopterHurst, Texas

Craig M. BadgerVice President, Enterprise Colleyville, Texas

Paul J. Smith, SecretaryRetiredMiramar Beach, Florida

Michael F. Morrison, TreasurerCFO and Executive Vice President, First Command Financial ServicesArlington, Texas

Bottom row left to right:Martha E. “Cisy” Gray, Vice PresidentRetiredFort Worth, Texas

Vickie MauldinCEO, First Command Educational FoundationFort Worth, Texas

Doris M. TerrellRetiredFort Worth, Texas

Dr. Albert L. Reyes (not pictured)President, Buckner Children and Family ServicesDallas, Texas

Glenn Roberts (not pictured)Construction Manager, Chevron Energy Solutions CompanyCathedral City, California

©2012 First Command Educational Foundation 04162

First Command Educational Foundation1 FirstComm PlazaFort Worth, TX 76109-4999

Phone: 817.569.2940Toll Free: 1.877.872.8289Fax: 817.569.2970


Mission: To educate those who serve.

Vision: Become a nationally recognized leader in providing high quality financial literacy and supporting pursuit of higher education.

“For many years I worked with individuals and families in their pursuit of long-term financial goals. Far too often, past financial mistakes made their journey much more difficult than it needed to be. Prevention is the key to financial health just as it is the key to physical well-being. First Command Educational Foundation provides the basic tools needed to avoid those costly mistakes.”

Cisy Gray, FCEF Director

Keep up with FCEF activities all year long as they happen.

First Command Educational Foundation (FCEF)

