2011-13 CAPS Step by Step Guide/media/sites/sw/uploadedfiles/Public_Co… · 22. On this screen,...


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2011-13 CAPS Step by Step Guide

1. Create a file folder that you will keep all of your CAPS files in. I called mine “CAPS”

2. In the email with this Step by Step Guide, I sent out the “MSSA Description of Services.xls.” Please save that into your CAPS file.

3. Go to your 2010-11 Q2 CAT Tool folder

4. Copy the “CAT HSP 2010 Version 01” and paste it into your CAPS file

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5. Log onto WERS at www.mohltchb.com and open up the “2011 – CAPS – Community Annual Planning Submission”

6. Individually click and save the “CAPS 2011-2013”, “CAPS Transition File”, and “MSSA Service Plan Narrative” and into your CAPS folder.

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7. Now you should have the following five files in your CAPS folder: • CAT HSP 2010 Version 01.xls • CAPS Transition Flat File.xls • MSSA Service Plan Narrative.doc • CAPS 2011-2013.xls • MSSA Description of Services.xls

8. Now please close down all Excel workbooks and open a new Excel file. This program will work with Excel 2003, 2007 or 2010.

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9. Then open up the “CAPS 2011-2013.xls”

10. Keep the file in “Planning Mode” and then press “Continue”.

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11. At the identification screen, please press “Load Historical Data from CAT”

12. A warning will come up letting you know that the load is extremely memory intensive. Therefore, you will need to close the other files and applications that you current have open on your computer before you can move on. Once you do that, you can click “Yes.” Afterward, you can open up your previous applications (except additional Excel files).

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13. When the operation is successful, “Click here to continue.”

14. Please review the current information listed. If there are any changes, you can make

them and then hit “Continue”

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15. This is your main menu. You will see that it is numbered by steps. Let’s select “Services Selection Step 1”

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16. This screen shows all possible services that your organization can have. At this screen, we will select the services that pertain to your organization and only the ones you are approved to provide. We can either select the services individually or we can click “Show All Services.” By showing all service, it will show the over hundred services.

If we select them individually, the screen will only show the services that pertain to that centre. Let’s look at “Total Administration Expense” to see how it works.

17. On this screen, you select the Administration activities that pertain to your organization. Place an upper case “X” in the areas that apply to your organization (as seen with the red arrow). When done, click “Display Service Selection Menu”

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18. You can now do the same thing with the other services that you provide. If you have any questions about what services you provide, please call the LHIN. After you have added all of your services, you can select “Return”

19. Then you can select “Main Menu”

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20. Then select “FTE Plans Step 2”

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21. Then select one of appropriate Transfer Payment Business Entities (TBPE) that your organization is responsible for.

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22. On this screen, you enter in your FTE, Salary and Wages, and Benefits information. The red arrow shows the 2010-11 Budget, the black arrow shows the 2010-11 Forecast, the blue arrow shows the 2011-2012 budget and the yellow arrow shows the 2012-2013 budget. For the FTE section, the 2010-11 budget is probably blank, since this is a new measure and was not on your previous reports. The 2010-11 forecast is based on your Q2 report.

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23. The red and black arrows show the sections you need to fill in for 2011-12 and 2012-13. There are the MOS FTE and UPP FTE for the Administrative tasks of the organization.

The MOS FTE stands for Management and Operational Support Full Time Equivalent. This number should include all management and support staff members. These staff members are ones who support the activities of the organization, but do not directly carry out the functions for the service of the programs. For instance, a receptionist, a manager, and an administrative assistant.

UPP FTE stands for Unit Producing Person Full Time Equivalent. This should include all line members who directly carry out the functions of the service for the programs. Examples of this section are social workers, counselors, as well as A/P clerks.

In some cases, an individual employee may be considered both. For accounting reasons, their compensation does not need to be split unless the employee spends more than 20% of his or her time in the other section.

Finally, just a reminder that a FTE = 1950 hours. For instance, if your total employee hours are 4350, then you can take that 4350 and divide it by 1950 = 2.23 FTE

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24. Next is the area where you enter in your Salary & Wages and Benefit dollars. IMPORTANT:

In the past, Salary and Benefit information was on the Financial form. This year, it is on the FTE form (and will automatically enter into the Financial form). For “Worked Hours Cost” you put in your total Salary and Wage costs for Administration. You only fill in the cells with the blue numbers. The Benefit Hour Costs are the total benefits costs for the year that are based on hourly payment. For instance, sick days, holidays, vacation time, ect for Administration. Finally, the Benefit Contribution Costs are benefit costs where the organization contributes to the cost of various fringe benefits, such as CPP, health care benefits, EI, and pension for Administration. For a more elaborate explanation, you can select the red question marks next to the line.

25. Next, you can fill in your total volunteers and volunteer hours for 2011-12 and 2012-13

for Administration.

26. Now you can fill out the same lines for Direct Service

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27. When completed, you can move on to your next TBPE by clicking “TBPE Program Menu”. If you have no more TBPEs to complete, you can click “Main Menu”.

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28. Now we can go to Financial Plans Step 3

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29. Next, select the appropriate TBPE

30. This form is set up just like the CAT Tool. The red arrow points to the 2010-11 budget and forecast (based on your Q2). Black arrows is for 2011-12 and 2012-13. The blue arrow shows the Comments section. It is important that you use this section to explain any changes. The yellow arrow points to the percentage changes from previous years. It will automatically calculate for you.

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31. Remember that the Salaries and Wages and Benefits Contributions will be carried over from the FTE form. Once completed, you can either move to your next TBPE by clicking “TBPE Program Menu” or go back to the “Main Menu.”

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32. Next, click “Activity Plans Step 4”

33. Click the appropriate section

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34. First “Select a Service”. You can either show all services that you previously selected by clicking “Show HSP Selected Services.” Or you can show all services, even the ones that do not apply to your organization by clicking “Show All Services.” Or you can select the individual services that you previously selected.

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35. Fill in the information for each of your programs. Keep in mind that only the measures that you are required to report are listed her (for this program, Visits and Individuals Served are listed, but not hours).

36. Like the previous sheets, there is a Comments section and a Program Variance section.

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37. When completed, you can select “Main Menu”

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38. Next, select “HSP Export to Transition File”

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39. Now you are at the Edit Checks menu. The Export will not proceed unless it shows only smiles. If you have frowns, you will see detailed comments to the right. You must then click “Main Menu” and fix those areas. If you have further issues, please call the LHIN.

If it is all smiles, you can click “Continue” and it will Export.

40. Now you can go back to WERS and upload the file. Go to the CAPS section and under “Upload Excel File” you can click “Browse.”

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41. Select “CAPS Transition File” and select “Open”

42. Then select upload.

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43. You can close the CAPS file. Now, in Excel, please open the “MSSA Description of Services”

44. Click “Import Services from CAPS”

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45. Then click “Continue”

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46. This will load the services from your CAPS. The area with the red arrow will show the services that the LHIN funds. The other area with the blue arrow is where you enter additional, non-LHIN funded programs.

47. There are five areas listed in the circled area. Kenora District, Rainy River District, Thunder Bay District, City of Thunder Bay, and Northern Communities (fly in Reserves). Place an “X” on the same line as the service in the area of where the program is being delivered.

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48. In addition, place an “X” on the line for the service in correspondence to what LHIN the service takes place in.

49. When completed, click “Sections C&D”

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50. This form is very similar to the narrative sections you completed during the last M-SAA. If you want additional information, please click the “Help” button

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51. When completed, save and go back to WERS. Click the Browse button on the “Upload Narrative” section

52. Select “MSSA Description of Services” and then open

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53. Then click “Upload Narrative”

54. Then go to your CAPS File Folder (outside of Excel) and open “MSSA Service Plan Narrative.”

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55. Fill it out accordingly. If you need further instructions, you can use the “Click Here”

56. Go back to WERS and click Browse

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57. Select “MSSA Service Plan Narrative” and hit open.

58. Then hit “Upload Narrative”

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59. When successfully uploaded, you can change the report to R.O. and hit “Update Package Status”

You have completed the CAPS!
