2011-09-Fall Summit MinutesApproved€¦ · 11/16/11 PDGA Fall Summit 2011 Board Meeting Minutes...


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PDGA Fall Summit 2011 Board Meeting Minutes September 26‐28, 2011

September 26, 2011

Board Members: Present: Dave Nesbitt, Avery Jenkins, Bob Decker, Kevin McCoy, Rebecca Duffy, Peter Shive, Dave Feldberg Absent: none Quorum present? Yes Others Present: Exec. Director: Brian Graham PDGA Staff: Sara Nicolson, Memberships Manager; Andrew Sweeton, Tour Manager; Marcy Borelli, Office Manager; Dave Gentry, IT Manager Other: Dan Roddick, Special Projects Director; Todd Breiner, memberships; Mike Dietrich, IT contractor; Steve Ganz, IT committee; Brian Hoeniger, International Director; Theo Pozzy, IT Committee; Randy Signor, Discgolfer Magazine editor Proceedings: · Meeting called to order at 8:05am by Board President, Dave Nesbitt · Welcome and Introduction to New Board Members, PDGA Staff & Guests ‐ After opening welcome statement by Nesbitt, he went on to state that the goal for this summit was to look at the big picture for the PDGA and make policy to steer the ship in the right direction. ‐ Jack Kelly was introduced to the board as a marketing consultant. He shared his background which includes the Olympic Committee, the Goodwill Games and USA Baseball. ‐ Mike Dietrich was introduced to the board as one of our IT contractors. He is the developer of the PDGA iPhone application. ‐ Steve Ganz was introduced as a member of the IT committee ‐ Brian Hoeniger was introduced to the board as the PDGA International Director. He is responsible for the international programs ‐ Theo Pozzy was introduced to the board as a member of the IT Committee and is heavily involved with the Drupal 7 conversion ‐ Randy Signor was introduced to the board as the editor of Discgolfer Magazine

· The PDGA Website Roll‐over to Druple 7 (Gentry, Pozzy, Breiner)

1. Where are we, and where are we going

Drupal 7 is the current release for this program. The company only supports 2 versions. We currently use Drupal 5 which is no longer supported.

Drupal 7 is more stable than the current site and has an improved look and feel.


Our original launch date for the upgrade was June 28th. We ran into problems with the Drupal 7 architecture and module problems. There are portions of “Phase II” code that need to be rewritten versus a straight conversion.

Currently, a new project manager has been assigned to our account. The new account manager will begin work on 9/26 and 80% of his time will be devoted to our account. We have also instituted weekly status meetings that include Nesbitt, Graham and Accuvant management.

2. PDGA Store & PDGA Sign‐up integration

Todd Breiner gave a status update on the PDGA store. There were about 15000 members in 2011. The current number assignments are done at BEI and have decreased processing time. Although, there is still up to a week delay because PDGAstore is not directly integrated into the PDGA’s database. The goal would be to have live integration (real‐time access) to alleviate the delay in processing. The two‐way access will need to wait until Drupal 7 to be integrated. The issue with multi‐year memberships has been corrected and should no longer pose issues within the system.

PDGAStore is the web location for PDGA branded items. The goal is to incorporate it with the PDGA site with the website upgrade. It will be fully stocked with discs and disc related items along with PDGA branded items. The pricing structure is comparable to other clients at BEI.

We are charging top MSRP. We are not trying to compete with other online stores but rather take advantage of our web traffic. (Nesbitt)

The store is also a recovery mechanism for IT expenses.

We can also offer discount codes for TDs, etc.

PDGA Signup is the online service to TDs which allows any form of credit card payment. The data is returned in data format making it easy for TDs to cut and paste into the TD report. In the future the registrants will be directly uploaded to PDGA.com.

Peter Shive reviewed a written report critical of current PDGA Signup practices. Specific objections were a) that the flat fee requires a subsidy of Pro players, chiefly at the expense of the "little people" in the PDGA family, b) that the method of guessing the average entry fee before the fact permitted abuse, c) that lack of oversight had let stand impossibly large estimates of average entry fees, d) that the procedure by which the service partner was chosen was improper (this was what led to the Decker motion), and e) that wording in the sanctioning agreement was misleading to TD's.

The current fee structure for PDGA signup is determined on the estimated average entry fee. The new fee structure will be 1.50 processing fee + 4% of the actual entry fee to cover the credit card fees and will be available as early as December 1.

It was agreed by the Board and by Brian that the question in the Online Registration box be changed to read, "Would you like to use online registration provided by the PDGA?"



Bob Decker moves that we reaffirm the awarding of the PDGA signup contract to BEI until further notice.

Rebecca Duffy seconds the motion.

Yes – Decker, Jenkins, Nesbitt, Feldberg, Duffy, McCoy

No – Shive

· The Effect of Social Media On the PDGA by IT Consultant, Mike Dietrich

Mike Dietrich gave a presentation to the board on our different social media avenues. The first topic was regarding our business opportunities, which includes PDGA membership growth through recruitment of casual players, establishing the PDGA as the leader in online disc golf community, and leveraging current web and mobile app technologies to create compelling online and interactive experiences.

Some of our successes within social media include live scoring through our Twitter posts, uploading photos to Flickr during live rounds and the number of Facebook “likes”.

An opportunity to increase our presence is the potential to create a player profile page on the website:

• Attractive visual design • Publicly viewable (with opt‐out/privacy settings) • Linked to Social Networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) • Links to your other disc golf friend’s profiles • Player picture • Home course • Number of years as a member • Favorite courses • Your event results • Current rating • Player biography

As far as the mobile app, they are becoming the primary way to interact with online communities. Mobile apps can be used when you are on the course playing. We can leverage the apps to collect valuable data.

We need to create a sticky experience so people continually come back and often. This could include:

• Discount and coupon offers (preferred retailers) • Surveys and polls • Disc trading & selling (e.g., Discaroo) • Communicate number of users and new users • Gamification ‐ The use of game play thinking and mechanics to engage audiences. It works

by making technology more engaging, and by encouraging desired behaviors, taking


advantage of human’s psychological predisposition to engage in gaming and competition. The technique can encourage people to perform chores that they ordinarily consider boring, such as completing surveys, shopping, or reading web sites. Gamification typically involves applying game design thinking to non‐game applications to make them more fun and engaging. A few simple examples are things like earning points and setting goals with Nike+ to motivate yourself to exercise more. Some applications that can be used by the PDGA are:

o Earning Badges (Minis ?) for various actions / achievements o Each badge has a point value o Points can be spent on discounts and hard goods??? o Virtual bag tags o Course Challenges

• Gamification can also incentivize people to do tasks that might otherwise be considered mundane chores but that can significantly benefit the organization, such as badges for volunteering, badges for helping us map tee and pin locations, etc.

· Upgrading the PDGA Course Directory System by IT Consultant, Theo Pozzy and Course Directory Editor, Cliff Towne

Theo Pozzy and Cliff Towne discussed the current state of the course directory and how we can go about updating it so the information is more accurate. As of August 15, 2011 we had 3287 courses (2898 US courses and 389 International courses) listed in the directory.

There are several challenges with the current state of the directory. These include: Directory improvements have been slow in recent years

• Initial database‐driven directory was created in early 2000’s • It was migrated to Drupal in 2008 • There have been few enhancements since then, and other directories have leapfrogged

pdga.com • The course location quality is another challenge:

o The PDGA course directory supports multiple locations First tee Parking lot Address

o Many courses don’t have accurate GPS coordinates (Default was the center of the zip code!)

o Bad coordinates were causing problems with mobile app users – sending users to incorrect locations!

The course directory has several areas that can be worked on and cleaned up which include: • Updating of GPS location coordinates

o Course Directory Editor updates o Assistance from PDGA office staff

• Street addresses can be used for mobile app and traditional navigation systems Some future enhancements for the course directory include:

• Tee and Pin positions


• Multiple layouts • Hole lengths and pars • Course maps • Links to events played on a course • Leverage mobile device location services

– Capture tee and pin locations – Distance calculator for throws

• Course photo upload • Course reviews

The board discussions regarding the directory included: • Incentivize to get directory updated • Utilize the state coordinators • What is it worth to you to bring it up to speed? • Press the state coordinators to get this updated • Budget needs to fall under IT budget • Are we ready to scour dgcoursereview for factual to update ours? The board is ok with this.

· Let’s Get Marketing! by Jack Kelly, Marketing Consultant

Jack Kelly spent some time letting the board know what he sees from our organization. According to Jack, we definitely have something we can market. We need to work on packaging our various assets together for a sponsor. Some of our assets include our major events, the sport is well run and we have a comprehensive directory. We need to make the membership fee more palatable for the 30,000 non‐current members.

As for obtaining new members and sponsors we know that everyone has thrown a disc. – how do we take that common activity to a sponsor? The messages we deliver should be different for the different groups. Companies want something that is uniquely theirs – not look like a NASCAR driver.

We can break sponsorships down and package them in ways relevant to sponsors.

We have to find a way to express our numbers without lying about them in order to entice vendors because disc golf is inclusive, universal, measurable, and outdoorsy.

We need to manage the media. We have so many stories to tell. We need to decide what our message to the media is and get it out there.

We should take a percentage of sponsorship and put it towards the major events to make them more special and then leave a legacy in the community after the tournament. We can segment sponsor roles and put price tags on them. We need more events.

We should link ourselves with golf more closely because the process is the same even though the skill sets are different.

· Back to the Future by Chuck Kennedy


‐ Chuck discussed Back to the Future

• Increase presence at all sorts of events • Get our core competencies back on board and build from there. • Communication

o Website o Magazine o Internet Broadcasts o Membership Plans/Packs o Weekly Emails o Events

• Competition o TD Support o Financial o Training & Support o Evaluation & Recognition o Rules (Git’r done) o Committee(s) o Alternative Format Rules o Structure / Names

• Courses o Widely recognized “Stars” o PDGA Directory Best o Certain info only from PDGA o Member goodwill to catch up o Provide Standards along with Evaluation & Recognition

· Expanding PDGA Marketing Through the Use of Discgolfer Magazine by Randy Michael Signor

‐ Randy discussed the current state of the magazine and the direction he is going with it. He is building up on the foundation that Rick Rothstein built when he was the magazine editor. He is also building on the core of disc golf – the local clubs. He wants to bring in more minorities and appeal to the women players more. He is modeling the magazine after Sports Illustrated.

The board and others at the table had several comments for Randy in regards to the magazine which include the following:

Nesbitt – outline direction for the Discgolfer Feldberg – reward accomplishments, do scouting, instruction articles Shive ‐ articles with controversy, tournament schedule shouldn’t be in there Duffy – like the instructional – get an instructional from a Pro Woman Breiner – audience outside of the PDGA Pozzy – like the special interest as opposed to another event covering, course design Gentry – tourney schedule outdated by the time it is printed Kennedy – special interest, history Nicholson – history McCoy – online version, more about grass roots clubs, less about the same players


Hoeniger – modest portion dedicated to the international, proof read of copy to author of the article Decker – marketing tool, special interest more than tour coverage, a little less on the a‐tiers Jenkins – on tour part, using characters and personalities Oldman – preparing for major events and grass roots stuff Miller – marketing tool, on tour Stork – membership vehicle Kelly – must have a physical presence Roddy – need for analog version Sweeton – multiple copies when ad purchased, how you can find it Borelli – get to know the player, guest contributors Graham – history, web integration, interviews Nesbitt – all the covers need to be professionals, appeal to the 30 second impression,

Next to be discussed was the online version of the magazine. Are we ready? The online version of the last magazine goes up when the new one comes out. We want a true archive of the magazine not just a year storage.

· The Role of the PDGA with DiscGolfPlanet.tv in 2012 by Terry Roddy and John Duesler

‐ Terry Roddy and John Duesler presented the board with an overview of what DGP has accomplished in the past two years. Some of the accomplishments include:

• DiscGolfPlanet.tv has been seen in 147 nations • Demonstrated Growth over the last 24 months

o 2009 USDGC Viewership=7,800 Unique Viewers o 2010 USDGC Viewership=30,000 Unique Viewers o 2011 PDGA World Champs=34,000 Unique Viewers o 2011 Revenues Grew 3‐4x 2010 Levels

They discussed points of emphasis with the business model including:

• Key Partners o Our Crew…predominantly PDGA Members o Todocast.tv and Livestream o Our Sponsors and Supporters

• Key Activities…aka The Technology • Customer Segments

o The Disc Golf Industry—Manufacturers, Vendors, Associations o Fans—DGP.tv Members o Outside Brands—Volkswagon, Sprint, HTC, etc…

They discussed what they have learned as of today:

• Our Technology/Crewing is Solid • There is a Great Demand for LIVE Broadcasting • Our Platform Unifies the Disc Golf Industry • Disc Golf, itself, will NOT sustain Live Internet Broadcasting


• Outside Brands are Now Seriously Interested in Disc Golf • We Need to Improve on Our Value Proposition

They discussed the benefits of partnering with the PDGA:

• Fulfills the Stated “Grass Roots” Mission of the PDGA • Create Financial Impact by • Grow PDGA Membership • Increase Event Exposure & Registrations • Initiate Brand Support & Sponsorships • Enhance Event/Member Relations • Provide Fresh Content to pdga.com • Offer Valuable Consultation on Further Media Projects

They proposed a $20,000 ‐ $25,000 investment by the PDGA for ongoing support in 2012.

The board discussed the proposal and opportunity with DGP. Some of the questions brought up were:

• Duffy ‐ What branding would PDGA get if they partnered with DGP.tv? • McCoy – Weekly show highlighting current events, players, board members? • Feldberg – What are you doing to market/promote outside the sport? • Graham – PDGA more than a sponsor, owner of the broadcast rights, give us more coverage • Kelly – 20‐25K is very modest request, archival is important • Stork – ability to get out the up to the minute news – this is what the members want • Nesbitt – wants to partner with DGP.tv, be in board meetings and help direct, providing money,

the venue. DGP.tv is the vehicle to get to our members – we have to have influence in the direction – we are the market, we are the customer, we own the venue

· International Report by Brian Hoeniger

‐ Brian Hoeniger gave an update on the current status of International happenings. • Europe is the largest growing segment of memberships.

• Easier to get places in the ground in northern Europe.

• First ever event held in Israel.

• 6 courses in Iceland

• Modest growth in Austra‐asia area.

• Japan is going down because of the disaster.

• Canada fees stay in Canada.

• Korea – working through schism with 2 parties

• Eurotour, annual major in Europe

• Member and sanctioning fees are lower – no magazine, not the national body.

• PDGA rating system is #1 reason for growth

• Stockholm Open – only event bidding for the only Euro major. Pro Men and Women only.



David Feldberg moves to support the Stockholm Open 2012 Major with a one page ad in the Discgolfer magazine and a $3500 stipend.

Rebecca Duffy seconds.

Yes – Nesbitt, Jenkins, Feldberg, McCoy, Decker, Duffy

No ‐ Shive

Motion passes.

· The Development of the Marco Polo Program by David Feldberg

‐ Dave Feldberg gave a presentation on the first Marco Polo trip to Barbados. After running into a few snags with customs and getting the equipment there he felt it was successful. The background on the program can be found in the June minutes. Program was tested in Barbados.

• Participant contributions – PDGA, Brathwaite’s, 3 touring pros • Delivered a solid report online • Local presence, secondary market • Sustainability – baskets are there and there are plans to install a permanent course • University of West Indies – started a club, have control of the 9 baskets


September 27, 2011

Board Members: Present: Dave Nesbitt, Avery Jenkins, Bob Decker, Kevin McCoy, Rebecca Duffy, Peter Shive, Dave Feldberg Absent: none Quorum present? Yes Others Present: Exec. Director: Brian Graham PDGA Staff: Sara Nicolson, Memberships Manager; Andrew Sweeton, Tour Manager; Marcy Borelli, Office Manager; Dave Gentry, IT Manager Other: Dan Roddick, Special Projects Director; Todd Breiner, memberships; Brian Hoeniger, International Director; · Response to DGP.tv discussion from Monday by Board Members

• Avery – great venture and necessary forum

• Decker – continue supporting them, get more of a synergy, advisor on their board – office handle

• McCoy – ok with taking a vote today for financing, ok with media committee

• Duffy – standards need to be set, PDGA needs to be recognized, needs to be a long‐term committee

• Shive – recommends looking at other players; form a committee

• Feldberg – PDGA should be checks and balances not steer

• Graham – 20% is about 1.2% of the full budget; don’t need a committee

• Stork – ongoing TV presence and archive

• Nesbitt – thinks we should invest, we need to consider a partnership to influence

• Kelly – guide them on what we are showing and the messaging

The board proposed that the office come up with a plan on how to move forward with DGP.tv

· An Entry Level PDGA Membership Plan by Sara Nicholson

‐ At the previous board meeting Sara was tasked with developing a solution for an entry‐level or non‐competitive membership while simplifying the current structure. Sara went over the details of the current membership structure.

Sara came up with a plan to help to get new people to join by reducing the cost of their membership. This needed to be done without adding to the already complex membership structure. The solution was to offer a discount of $20 (40% off) with a coupon code usable at pdgasignup.com.

The benefits of a discounted membership verses adding another membership level to choose from:

• Keeps it simple for members • Does not diminish current structure (taking away from the membership levels already in place) • Prevents potential problems or difficulty to the Tournament Directors


• Works with current IT infrastructure • Keeps us on schedule for the 2012 membership year • Saves the PDGA a great deal of money on printing costs and marketing • Turns current members into ambassadors (including our affiliate club programs and state

coordinators) • Target marketing which is able to be tracked. (Answering the questions: Where are the new

members coming from? How did we get them?)

Sara then discussed the different costs associated with the different membership levels and new versus renewal memberships.

The board discussed the pros and cons of this type of membership, what the revenue implications might be and whether this was to be used to gain new members or also to entice non‐current members to renew.

The code option is very flexible and can be used for target marketing which will let us know exactly where the members are coming from that use the codes.


Peter Shive motions that the office be responsible to manage a membership marketing program.

Bob Decker seconds.

Motion passes unanimously.

· Reorganizing the PDGA Structure According to Recreational, Competitive & Professional Needs – An Ongoing Discussion by Dave Nesbitt

According to Dave we still need to do our homework. The results of the survey tell us that amateur players do not want to be part of a “Player’s disc golf association.”

The board discussed some ideas including Professional Association of Disc Golfers. We need to develop a marketing strategy to attract the one disc wonders. The office is ok with using the tagline “A professional association of disc golfers.”

ACTION ITEM: Task office to work with Jack Kelly to come up with a strategy to poll the one disc wonders to capture the knowledge of the market to understand if we have a perception problem.

· A PDGA League Program by Kevin McCoy

Kevin McCoy presented to the board his idea about having a PDGA league program. The objective is to capture the people that are local recreational players. He would also like to utilize a rating system whether it be the tournament player rating or a separate league rating. A 10‐city trial run is being coordinated for this winter with a $25‐$30 fee to be a part of the league per person.

The benefits to the PDGA will include added membership and added revenue. Kevin believes this could be $1 million dollar revenue maker in 5 years.


This would bring more traffic to the website and sales of merchandise from the PDGA store. We could include League Director packages available for purchase on the store.

The benefits to the towns would include camaraderie within the town and extra fundraising developments.

ACTION ITEM: Written proposal from Kevin and Chuck with the details for the board to consider at a later time.

· High School Disc Golf & The Role of the PDGA by Rebecca Duffy

Rebecca Duffy presented a program she has instituted in her area, sponsoring high school disc golf. She would like to implement a plan with the PDGA support to create a general format that people can utilize to get schools to implement a program, potentially in phys. ed. classes.

Jack Kelly added that it was easy entry for schools, the times of day don’t impede on the course, it wouldn’t be gender specific, it would bring kids into a sport where they wouldn’t normally because it is a sport that everyone understands. There is potential for a National state high school association.

Stork suggested that we need a template to guide the high schools and a best practices of what has been done.

· PDGA Certification Programs by David Feldberg

Dave discussed the lack of certification in both teaching disc golf and designing courses that gives credibility to the teacher. Areas where certification is needed include course design, education and TDing A‐tiers and above, and youth development

Dave would like to start with educational and TD certifications. The TD Certification could be a test separate from the officials test. Educationally, we have to teach the correct stuff. We need to be uniform in what is presented.

Stork asked if this experience and tested based? Yes, similar to USA Ultimate’s certification program.

Jack Kelly recommends TD education over certification and Chuck Kennedy suggested that performance indicators are developed.


· Blue Sky – What is the PDGA Role in Education & Student Competition?

• Add link to banner on youth activities in disc golf (McCoy)

• Follow the yellow brick road – certification (Feldberg)

• Bless projects, seed capital when necessary, make progress where you can (Kelly)

• Lack of PDGA resources, we use 75% of our resources on core (Graham)

• How do we get out of the talking mode and get in the doing mode? (Nesbitt)

• EDGE – enable or compete? Need followup, liaison bridge support (Shive)

• Intercollegiate – enable or compete? (Shive)


• No profit required (Duffy)

• Endorse it because it is the best thing out there – no competition in the market (Miller)

• Benign neglect (Kelly)

• Is it good for the game, are they growing the sport (Kelly)

• Best practices available (Stork)

• Our presence in the area (Stork)

• Why aren’t we partnering with EDGE? (Kelly)

• “Umbrella” (Kelly)

• Cost of continuing effort (Stork)

· Lessons Learned from the PDGA Global Event by Chuck Kennedy

Chuck went through the statistics of the event:

• Number of Sites: 15 (3 Intl)

• Number of players: 619 (164/455)

• Payout: $4100 (Top 33% of pros)

• PDGA net profit: $500 (+$1K+fees)

• DiscGolfPlanet.tv: 7 shows/3 hrs

• USDGC qualifiers: 32 players

• PDGA Championships: 10 awards

• Carbon Savings: 782 metric tons

Some of the issues of the tournament included:

• TD Reluctance to Participate o Unsure if format worked/fair o Am financial loss & added cash (B‐tier) o Didn’t like PDGA Signup o Didn’t work with traditional format o Late getting onboard/sanctioning

• Format confusion with USDGC o USDGC Qualifier for 30 spots o Many players thought Global format was also handicapped

• Ratings Challenges o Used Unofficial Ratings for ranking o Official Ratings were different o Dealing with DNFs dynamically o Need software completed

• Financial o Accounting was too dispersed o International challenges

• Structural Challenges o Language issues with Intl participation


o Handling merchandise payouts overseas o Exclusive Global weekend o Divisional restrictions tricky o Determining best local format o Creating better global feel at local level o Best way to handle player packs

Future of the tournament:

• Global Gathering o Competition version of World’s Biggest o Near Memorial weekend – all divisions o Only PDGA events allowed (C or B tier) o Membership drive (maybe no $10 fee?) o Extensive online coverage with PDGA Staff and Board presentations, live call‐in Q&A (i.e.

Stork sessions) o Promote, promote, promote PDGA and what it has to offer

• Virtual Leagues (US only or Intl ?) o PDGA passively hosts virtual leagues every month o A league sanctions a 4‐round C‐tier on top of their regular league with $22 entry fee per

player – all divisions o Each week adds one round to the virtual league standings. Players get best 3 rated

rounds out of 4 so they can miss one week. o PDGA pays out cash to virtual pro winners and merchandise credit from the PDGA Pro

Shop or a differential equivalent with local vendor o The $30 PDGA membership being considered would allow players to enter leagues but

still have to pay the $10 non‐member fee if they play weekend events. Merchandise credits could be used to upgrade

o PDGA could offer virtual leagues starting May 2012 and continue each month as a routine offering

• Other Virtual (Global) events o Software and procedures available for promoters to run virtual events o PDGA would not run any other virtual events, just the proposed annual Global


· Update on the EDGE Program and Its Relationship with the PDGA by Harold Duvall

EDGE teaches teachers how to teach disc golf and leaves behind the tools for the teaching to continue. It gives the teachers the tools they need and the administrators what they need. A conservative guess is that EDGE is in about 100 schools. By the PDGA supporting EDGE it has a tangible to show that the PDGA is growing the sport.

EDGE wants to get 10 programs per year over the next 5 years. They are trying to get a very specific program into schools.


Harold proposed that the PDGA support EDGE with $10,000 per year for the next 5 years for a total of $50,000 to finance grants for disc golf programming to a minimum of one school, camp or youth program in each of ten states per year.

Nesbitt is worried about the expenditure that needs to be approved yearly – might be better to expenditure over 2 budget years and feed it so a changing board.


Dave Feldberg motions that the board allocate $15,000 per year for 3 years, subject to board review after two years to EDGE.

McCoy seconds.

Yes – Nesbitt, Feldberg, Duffy, McCoy, Decker, Jenkins

No ‐ Shive

Motion passes.

· PDGA Rules & their role in PDGA Competition by Dave Nesbitt

‐Rules in PDGA Majors

The members and the board have expressed that the PDGA Majors should be standard competition. The implementation of stroke and distance was a significant change to the competition structure and will have a huge influence on the game of disc golf.

Dave discussed the previous motion (see September 2011 minutes) regarding the Board approving rules variances for PDGA Majors.

The board discussed whether all rules variances for PDGA Majors are approved through the Board of Directors?

The discussion moved to using video evidence to clarify a rule but should not be used because there is inconsistency of application and lack of consistent use. Video should not be used until it can be universally applied.

Jack Kelly believes that video could be used for egregious errors.

This topic was tabled to the Rules Committee for them to come back to the board with a recommendation.


Next topic was regarding the Q&A’s position in the rulebook. Did the committee make a ruling as to the Q&A’s are authoritative or guidance.

Harold Duvall responded that the Q&A’s are authoritative and should be pared down to those that are authoritative.


Q&A’s have been set before the board as authoritative. Should the Rules Q&A be authoritative starting 1/1/2012?


Peter Shive moves that the board approves the recommended Q&As from the Rules Committee as authoritative starting 1/1/2012, subject to review of the video evidence Q&A?

Avery seconds.

Unanimous – motion passes.

‐Field Events Rules to Competition Manual

Suggestion made that we need to add rules to the manual for field events. We award money and titles yet we don’t standardize the way the field events are played.

Graham ‐ We have guidelines that Stork provided.

Feldberg ‐ No consistency and the people in charge are not necessarily knowledgeable.

Jenkins – We need standards so that people know what to expect.

Stork – We need to have the agreement before we award – we lose our leverage.

Graham – Are these ancillary events a world title?

ACTION ITEM: Avery and Dave to continue formalizing field event rules and bring back to board for discussion.

‐ International Rules Translation management

To maintain consistency across the different languages, all translations should be translated in their native country and formatted in the US.

‐ Tech Standards Update:

Several technical standard updates were presented to the board.


Peter Shive moves to approve the tech standards update as presented.

Rebecca Duffy seconds.

Unanimous – motion passes.

Motion passes.

·Future of the NT Tour by Dave Feldberg


Dave Feldberg presented to the board his thoughts on the current state of the NT Tour. He thinks we should take the tour where it was intended to go and see if it is sustainable. We have invested so much already and if it doesn’t work then we can go back to the drawing board but at least we saw it to the end.

He offered creating a festival event, only paying out the top 30 or so, max it at 54 players, let the big guns who are trying to make a living on tour earn their money. If you fall below, then you don’t deserve to get paid.

Dave Nesbitt mentioned that this could be married with the proposal that Crazy John brought to the Spring Summit regarding the Big Green Machine which is a showcase for the top pros.

Dave Nesbitt continues on with the suggestion that we take off from the NT in 2012 and support our A‐tiers and Majors and try our hand at doing this festival once. The festival will need to be 100% owned by the PDGA. He went on to discuss budget and numbers.

Rebecca Duffy stated that to pull something like this off you will need more at least a year to plan the event.

If the experiment is successful we can go back to sponsors with evidence of how a partnership with disc sports could be fruitful

· Plans for the 2012 National Tour by Andrew Sweeton and Avery Jenkins

Andrew and Avery discussed the quantity of events to appear on the NT Tour schedule. Pending confirmation from the TD of the Brent Hambrick Memorial, there will be 6 events on the schedule.

Whether the Worlds count towards the NT points will be left up to the tour manager and office staff.


Rebecca Duffy moves to approve the National Tour will consist of 5 events on the schedule, Brent Hambrick and leave open the option to add other events pending board approval.

Peter Shive seconds.

Unanimous yes.

·Tour Trailer and Tent by Andrew Sweeton and David Nesbitt

Andrew discussed the utilization of the tent and trailer at the various NT tournaments it supported. The best utilization occurred when the tent was in a park‐like setting or public area. The spectators at the tournament could be classified into 3 categories:

1. Players that did not make the cut 2. Disc golf “groupies” and local players that knew the tournament was in town (best candidates

for memberships) 3. Transient folks who happen to be at the park


Another area to consider is the number of persons that attend the events from the PDGA Office. When 1 person attends they are essentially tied to the tent, when 2 people attend there is more flexibility to help support the TD and man the tent for spectators.

The following questions should be considered before the tent heads back out on the road next season:

• What are the expectations of the PDGA Office at events?

• How are the personnel supporting the tournament?

• How is the trailer and tent supporting the tournament?

• Are we there to market to the spectators or to support the TD and the running of the event?

Nesbitt polled the room for those that had experienced an event where the tent and trailer were to get feedback on whether it should be regionalized, go out on the road for another year, support one coast and purchase another for the other coast.

The general consensus is the tent was a good thing and could be utilized better. It was also decided to allocate present funds budgeted for marketing to purchase smaller tents, feather banners and such to increase our presence rather than purchasing another larger tent to ship to events without the trailer.

· Doing More for Tournament Directors by Andrew Sweeton

Andrew presented many ways to make things easier for the Tournament Directors. These include:

• The new website will include a more intuitive and more easily accessible are for TD resources • Instructional how‐to videos for things like TD reports and live scoring • Easier access to the player lists that are currently provided several days ahead of time via email • Create mobile sites to enhance their ability at the course – not everyone brings their laptop, but

more and more people have smartphones and access the website through them • Market to new TDs the reasons for sanctioning their tournament:

o Insurance o Attract PDGA players looking for points o On‐line registration o Historical data

• Offer branded products they can easily purchase for their tournament, similar to a Cafepress • Offer training on what is available to the TD, even create two areas, one for seasoned TDs and

one for newer TDs • Provide videos, training sessions, TD clinics, utilize State coordinators to train TDs • Create incentives for TDs • Accountability for TDs • Update the TD report to be more user friendly • Leaderboards • PDGA branded tents and signage • Offer a one‐page website for the TDs to promote their tournament • Provide live‐scoring all the way down to C‐tiers • TD Manual • Banner printer capability


September 27, 2011

Board Members: Present: Dave Nesbitt, Avery Jenkins, Bob Decker, Kevin McCoy, Rebecca Duffy, Peter Shive, Dave Feldberg Absent: none Quorum present? Yes Others Present: Exec. Director: Brian Graham PDGA Staff: Sara Nicolson, Memberships Manager; Andrew Sweeton, Tour Manager; Marcy Borelli, Office Manager; Dave Gentry, IT Manager Other: Dan Roddick, Special Projects Director; Todd Breiner, memberships; Mike Dietrich, IT contractor; Brian Hoeniger, International Director

· Blue‐Sky Session – Restructuring of Divisions by Kevin McCoy

Kevin McCoy presented to the board the idea of mixing Pro and Am divisions for the first rounds of a multi‐round tournament similar to flights in ball golf. This will give the Am player that is in the 950‐970 rating range the on the job training that will help encourage them to step up to the Pro level.

In the last round of the tournament they will be separated back into their division to play head to head against their competition. This is a similar format to how the EuroTour sets up their tournaments.

The board discussed the viability and at what tier level this should be applied.

A possible sticking point is that the age and gender protected divisions like to play together.

The board encouraged the tour manager to prototype this in 2012 and find some high‐focus event that can help create the buzz or kill it. Once the pilot is complete, the board will revisit to see if a change to the competition manual needs to be made.

· Strengthening Future PDGA Boards in a Volunteer Environment by Dave Nesbitt

As a volunteer board member there is a huge impact both economically and personally. With the changes to the by‐laws to bring more continuity to the board the three‐year term is a long time to serve. Dave tried to make the membership aware of this in his letter in the magazine. At this time no one bigger is stepping up. Because of the by‐law changes the board is in a transition. The appointed board positions will bring strength to the board through experience and skill sets.

· Appointed Board Member Candidates by Dave Nesbitt

The appointed positions were intended to find people that are not normally electable because of possible reasons of not being known outside their local area. These people could significantly influence the direction and expansion of the game of disc golf and the PDGA.

The board discussed the type of candidates that should be considered for the additional appointed board position. These included:


• IT expert • PR/Marketing/Communication • Lawyer • Enemies

· The Role of the Nominating Committee in Future Elections by Dan Roddick

Provide information to members to provide information about the candidates. We want to help to inform the members of our candidates’ capabilities. We want the best and most able candidates presented to the members

The nominating committee was tasked to come back to the board with such a way that they can serve the board.

· Long Term Designs for PDGA Finances & Budgets by Bob Decker and Brian Graham

Bob Decker and Brian Graham discussed the current state of finances and noted that we have 150K‐200K available to inject into the game by the end of the year. The room was polled on ideas of how to use the funds. Some suggestions include:

• Microloan program

• Educational Videos

• Macroloans

• Acquisition

• Invest in IDGC – wireless repeaters, short tees on Jackson,

• Contract out to complete projects

MOTION vote rescind – EDGE vote changed to no. (Rebecca Duffy)

Motion still passes.

· Communication & Transparency by Peter Shive

Poll on set of guidelines the board would like to see for a board member communicating with the membership.

The board would like the communication to the membership to be more proactive rather than reactive. Any written communication written by the board that is presented to the public go through the spokesperson. Rebecca Duffy will create a draft document on the roles and responsibilities of the spokesperson.


Peter Shive moves that we appoint the secretary of the board of directors as the official spokesperson of the board.

David Feldberg seconds.

Unaimous vote – motion passes.


· Ongoing Board Summit Scheduling Policy by Dave Nesbitt

The board discussed the possible dates and location for the next summit meeting. All 7 members are available between 2/1‐2/15. The location for the summit will need to take place west of the Rockies if it occurs that early in the year.

This discussion will continue after a few board members confirm their schedules.

· The Ongoing PDGA Office & Board Policies & Procedures Manual by Dave Nesbitt

Dave Nesbitt discussed the ongoing progress of the policies and procedures manual and reiterated the importance of getting this complete.

Meeting adjourned at 11:48 am.