Udemocraticservices.hounslow.gov.uk/documents/s47701... · 2010-03-10 · England isthe most...


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Closing Date: \2 ~~'t-C'i\U"" " ,< ,', ',>", ,,'" '.y.

Corporate"Community.lnvestITferi~'''', "4 "",'" .,' . .. "

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Guidarlce' notes,~

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Name and address"of your group/org<iliisation(& cop.t'JP~;name& address:if differep.t):

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Please indicate which area the proposed project/event will take place: (Seetlieattachedmapfor theCommittee Boundaries). Tick the appropriate box

A., WestAreaCoimrlittee "p D - Islewo~ &~J,"enfford,4\rea,CorninitleeB - CentralHounslowAreaCbimrlittee 0 E - ChiswickAreaCommittee 0C- Heston & Cranford Area Committee 0.., .-.


Approximately h.owm~ypeople will benefit froIn.this projeCt: I?o~ f-t:v..~ bvv'r'S I/VtJv.v.~ - <f7Y-vr~U{J~ L~~-

<fevy / 0 \J0

Pleas~ give a full description of the proposed event/projeCt:(co~t~nueon a separate sheet if necessary) ,

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How do you know there is a need for this project? .

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Please state the detailed timetable for planning the proposed project/event:

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Are thereanyparticularsectionsof the communitywhowillbenefit? .

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..FINAN€IAL INFORMATION.; /.. .. ,.'!'

Do you have.any other SOufcesofincometofund this projecn, k '

If Yes,pl€ase give detaqs:

~fHd= '-t<;:5'

Income S,01irce ':S:b,.~~<v.1-, c~.\"t ~$ i 0 (J'',.!" ",.5 '-<.~r'i ~

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What wilLbe t.h~(?tal;:~9stJ)fJlil$;project8£ .2:,po <:>

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,Pleas.e.give a,break~oWn of~e cos.ts for this project


, -(eg. Printing



J~j'" .~vf ~.~ "~f.

Do you currently receive any funding from Houns16~ Counci~?.c:, .

ibe what is for'


Amount £

Amount of funding requested from the Area Committ~e Fund (niaxi111ullf£SOO.OO)

.~.~ .Date \

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. Children dress up in knights and princess outfits (medieval costume)best dressed...

Traditional dress - Event company (maybe hire people in traditional

costume) could encourage people to take part in activitiesServe traditional English dishes (e.g. Beef Wellington, Huntington

pudding, English cheeses, Hog roast)A Brentford themed menu? There is the old Brentford Rolls recipe

Maybe have a stand for great British AlesBunting, red crosses, red and white balloons, raffles, prizes, party

gamesMorris dancers (have previously performed outside the Magpie &

Crown pub)Traditional English folk bandMarket stalls

Brentford Belle's (singers)Brentford in literature - Shakespeare/Dickens,Robert Rankin- The Brentford Trilogy(very English, very Brentford!)Brentford's historic development owing to the economic importance of its

waterways - organise history walks and rides on a canal boatBrentford from Brunei to Bromptons

Brentford once adjacent to and now part of London melting pot of world cultures

Ask Magistrates Court if we can use their car park - perhaps close off Lion Way tocars (except for access for traders?)












Other input:

"When [we] think of 'What England means to me' we think of our seafaring heritage, ourships, our boats, a country that started the industrial revolution. Brentford is a significantEnglish town because of its waterways and industrial heritage - can we celebratethis?Create a festival down the high street of floats with boats perhaps, what about horses andnarrow boats, what about the towpath? It would be great to engage with the history of ourtown and how its sense of Englishness has evolved. Celebrate our industrial heritage, what

we transported, coal, grain, cotton etc."

"Let us raise our consciousness of the exciting history we have created and given to

England from Brentford. We can bring the town together from Kew Bridge Steam museumdown to the canal basin. "

"We saw a 17th century map at the weekend and Brentford was the only significant placemarked because of its significant position as a port on the river.

"we should take advantage of the opportunity these events present to promote CommunityCohesion and the concept of England as a modern, tolerant and culturally diverse society. "

"Whilst I have a great interest in history and value Heritage, I think it is important that we celebrate

what makes England great here and now. For example:

England is the most raciallyintegrated and tolerant country in the world. England is still a worldleader for industrial design and engineering, e.g. Dysonvacuum cleaners and formula one racing

cars. London is possibly the most important city in the world for the Fashion industry. England isa

powerhouse for creative talent. For fiftyyears Englandhas dominated world popular music, as well

as being a global centre for the performing arts.

"Englandwas the birthplace of football, rugby, tennis and cricket. Allof which are still a part of daily

life. Englishis still the most widely spoken language across the world. Students travel from all of theother countries to come to our great Universities.

"Asa base for organisations such as KewGardens, WWF,Greenpeace and FOE,we lead the world on

Environmental research and campaigning. For our sins, we are one of the centres for World


"Englandis the best country for wine lovers, because we import all the world's best wines, whereas

the wine producing countries are heavily biased to their own domestic produce. So their consumers

aren't given the full range of choice."

"I believe Iam correct in saying that Britainproduces more varieties of cheese than anywhere else,

