2009 VF2 Survival Guide



Voodoo Fantasy Football Survival Guide

Citation preview

VF2 2009 SurViVal Guide | 1

2 0 0 9 S u r v i v a l G u i d e

FantaSy Football

the thing about the thingPigs chime in on a season that was

Charter revision tableSummary of offseason changes

PlusFeKr, H2H updates and more!

2 | VF2 2009 SurViVal Guide

2009 Survival Guide vol 5.0

editor’s Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

a league apart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

vF2 Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

arTiCle: The thing about the thing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Charter revisions Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2009 vF2 Charter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

arTiCle: The Social Facilitator speaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

v–Taunt archives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Survival Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Final eligible Keeper report (FeKr) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

appendix a: 2008 draft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

appendix B: H2H records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

Fantasy Football | VF2.ca

Editor-in-ChiefMichael Nourse

CommissionerMichael Nourse

Steering CommitteeMichael NourseMark McCainChris Gray

TreasurerDon Millman

Social FacilitatorMurray McNeely

TF AdministratorsMichael NourseAndrew Couchman

Franchise OwnersJason CorlessAndrew CouchmanGiles CounsellSteve DankoffJay DickGreg FrankChris GrayMark McCainMurray McNeelyDon MillmanHamish MitchellMichael NourseJohn PetersonShai PlonskiJim RamsbottomMaurice ScottNic Sulsky

2009 Survival Guide Published by:Communicreations5-57 Leacrest RoadToronto, ON M4G 1E5(416) 844-7138

COPYRIGHT © 2005-2009 COMMUNICREATIONS. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written permission of the publisher is prohibited. The rules, logos, concepts and/or contents of the Survival Guide is the exclusive domain of Voodoo Fantasy Football (VF2) and Communicreations.

Voodoo FantaSy Football | 3

editor’s note

the first such occurrence I have witnessed over many fantasy seasons. We actually felt compelled to find something—anything—for sake of change. And it’s not that there weren’t any good ideas! There just seemed to be a consensus that nothing stuck out as a need, and to maintain balance we’d have to offset whatever changes were made elsewhere. The table in FIG. 1 tells the story of a scoring model that everyone agrees strikes the right balance. QB’s get a little more than double the value of an RB position that averages 7 points. All other positions average between 5 and 6 points with the exception of DBs. They contribute slightly more in part due to a banner year at the position, but also draw from the most depth.

For years now, I have been vocal that our crowning achievement, the Voodoo Bowl game, was broken and in need of repair. The overwhelming statistical evidence was written off as an anomaly. Fortunately, the last Voodoo Bowl result seems to have captured everyone’s attention. It’s like T.O.’s boys say, “If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat, by golly, it is a rat.”

The most exciting offseason development involves changes made to our final playoff game on Super Bowl weekend. The Voodoo Bowl has been rewired to guarantee more drama in the pursuit of our holy grail.

And finally, thanks to our sponsors. Quail & Firkin; other than a brief and unwise affair, they have been home to league meetings and outings since the beginning. Voodoosports.ca for providing official VF2 schwag. Point of Presence Technologies for hosting the Voodoo Bowl party. And Communicreations for willingly donating time and resources that make our league the gold standard of FF.

See you at the draft, and prepare to watch your VB aspirations crushed!

The Pirate Commissioner

As we embark on our 5th season of Voodoo Fantasy Football, stiff competition lies ahead for any would-be pretender to the throne. Parity is good for business, and other than a few cupcakes we should be in for a race!

Before we dive in, I’d like to acknowledge our winners from last year. Horned Norsemen may have finished the season with the lowest point tally, but they were the final team standing when the smoke had cleared. There is no asterisk on the trophy. Congratulations on being crowned the Voodoo Bowl Champion! The other Division Champion, McLovin McNabb, beat out strong competition to get there but had nothing left in the tank for the big game. Hackensack Hebros deserve full marks for winning Total Points and Pick’Em, in addition to fielding what looked to be a very solid playoff team. And finally, there’s everyone’s favourite, the trophy (whose name we will not mention) given to the team that lays the biggest egg. Surprisingly, it is the first such honour for Roid Rage. Keep up the good work!

I’d also like to thank last year’s SC members, Nic Sulsky and Jay Dick, for their contributions. There’s a lot of volunteer time that goes into every season, and the VF2 entertainment value is as high as it is because of

those kinds of efforts. Along those same lines, the Pirate returns as Commissioner for another two year term, joined by a new SC comprised of Mark McCain and Chris Gray. Buy them a beer to thank them for their time and effort!

The VF2 Rules Charter is one of the most valuable assets our league has to offer. It has effectively served to outline the processes and values of our league from the beginning. This year, we’ve added a Charter Revisions table to help everyone quickly get up to speed with changes.

Several other new initiaves are lined up this year, but almost as noteworthy is that which didn’t change; scoring. No small statement when you consider it is


2008 15.5 14.0 17.3 5.3 5.8 15.0 5.8 6.7 85.3

2007 16.7 11.0 13.5 4.4 5.7 16.2 6.1 6.1 79.7

Diff -1.2 3.0 3.8 0.9 0.2 -1.2 -0.3 0.5 5.6

FIG. 1. Effect of rule changes: comparison of starter points by position. †Points displayed for rB (2), Wr (3) and lB (3) combine the scores of the number of roster spots (in parenthesis).

4 | VF2 2009 SurViVal Guide

a league apartThere are 10 very good reasons why we believe the VF2 represents the gold standard of Fantasy Football.

1. Organized. The most organized fantasy football experience available. Period.

2. Polished. A professionally branded fantasy football experience that includes an annual publication (Survival Guide), a dedicated web site (www.VF2.ca) and a robust league communication tool (Tribal Forum).

3. Value. Franchises are a virtual financial asset with a monetary value that has risen year-over-year. Virtually eliminates “disappearing owners.”

4. Networking. A community-driven concept that is geared towards social and competitive spin-offs, in addition to a proven record of fostering lucrative business relationships amongst participants.

5. Democratic. Rules and governance that encourage participation.

6. Balance. A model that has been tested and enhanced over some twenty years; a scoring system that carefully balances the net worth of all positions.

7. Progressive. Rules that stay on top of the latest fantasy football trends. Franchise Players/Keepers ensure year-round enjoyment. IDP’s that add roster depth and elevate the excitement of games. Waiver Wire transactions that keeps participation levels up. A playoff format that coincides with the NFL postseason.

8. Structure. Built-in parity makes for a level-playing field while at the same time rewarding knowledge.

9. Fun. All of us enjoy a good laugh—especially if it comes at the expense of an opponent. That said, we’re all competitive by nature and would stop at nothing to win. Because it’s fun!

10. Rewarding. A truly kick-ass trophy worthy of blood, sweat and tears, as well as multiple cash prizes.

VF2 Highlights• RulesincludeKeepers,IDP’s,WaiverWire,playoffsthatcoincide

with NFL playoffs, democratic management, emphasis on community, building rivalries and a level playing field

• Socialcomponentincludesgolftournament,piss-upsthroughouttheseason

• FranchiseFeesandSteeringCommitteeencouragealong-termcommitment

• Multipleonlineinformationsources;vf2.ca,TribalForum,CBSSportsFFManager

Voodoo FantaSy Football | 5


order today!


FF “Feel the loVe”excusively atvoodoosports.ca

relive that special moment forever…

6 | VF2 2009 SurViVal Guide

the thing about the thing— STEVE DAnKOFF

8 minutes into Week One, a collective gasp is heard clear

across the fantasy landscape when Bernard Pollard

rolls up the knee of “The One.” Tom Brady is done for

the season. it’s not the first injury ever suffered by a

top pick, but when have we ever seen one so damaging?

Voodoo FantaSy Football | 7

The Brady injury had the Boozers chasing their tails all season long, and look what‘s been left behind. A shell of a franchise which would be relegated to the B league if this were English soccer.

And what of the Pirate? After three straight seasons at the top of VF2 standings, Patch takes such a majestic dive it could only bested by former world champion 3-metre springboard specialist Fu Mingxa. Mingxa went on to win a gold medal at the Olympics. The Pirate went on to masturbate in a dark basement closet, using scoreboard printouts of the five games he won for inspiration.

The 2008 season marked the second time around for the Pigs and the Hebros. Both of them first-year losers after picking up their keepers from the scrap heap and selecting at the bottom of the first, they turned it around in a big way through the ’08 season. But this year finds both of them back where they started. The Pigs and the Bras trimmed their keeper rosters for a shot at playoff glory and came up short. The cupboard’s not entirely bare but both draft near the bottom again so the true adeptitude of these franchises will be tested in ’09. That’s right… adeptitude. Live with it.

From adeptitude to ineptitude, The Rage continued their losing ways in ‘08, sinking to an all-time low, slipping to five wins, and out of the playoffs, after two straight six-win seasons. How do you craft such a villainous persona without ever being a threat to those around you (this is afterall the franchise that dealt Joe Flacco for backup Chiefs QB Tyler Thigpen)? It’s a feat only Murray could pull off.

It was another back-to-Skol season for the west coast Murrays, by the way. Not quite as vocal, but just as incapable, the husband and wife team of Grobari and Grobari found their way to another losing season. That’s 0-for-4 kids.

Speaking of losing seasons, has anyone noticed that for all the Bravado, The Danks have yet to tip the scales on the W side? After going 7-and-10, they’re 0-for-4 as well.

Of course we can’t look back on the season and not wonder how two rookies managed to leave such a mark on the league so early on. McLovin may not have shown himself on the social scene until the season was almost up, but there was no doubting his FF acumen. Making a run at both total points and the Voodoo Bowl is no easy task. Thankfully, he came up short on both fronts. As for the Norsemen, there’s something to be said for success in spite of your best efforts. The lowest scoring franchise in the league falls ass-backwards into a title, riding shotgun with the Cardinals through the playoffs. Congratulations Norsemen. You forced the VF2 to

completely re-jig its Super Bowl format so that this kind of travesty never happens again.

I suppose it should be noted that the Shithawks and the Balls both put together solid seasons. But both were flawed. The Clown faced the fewest points against and the Hawks won 12 games despite facing more pts against then he scored. The Shithawks were blown out in some and enjoyed a number of marginal victories. Heck, the Shits n’ Balls were both outpointed by the 7-and-10 bearing Smashers and Slashers.

Now for a look at a few of the trades which helped define the ’08 season. Bear in mind, there are hundreds of transactions recorded on the year and each of them is a game changer. The waiver and add/drop grabs, far too numerous to mention, aren’t considered here unless they factor into trades.

The first out of the gates. The Piks grab Matt Cassel, dropping Brady. The significance of that is lost on the Drunks when they drop Cassel for Brad Johnson. Hoping no one would take him on the add/drop, the plan fails when the Pigs swoop in a pick ahead, dropping D. Anderson, who they had just acquired along with points giant Jon Beason, for Trent Edwards. The deal was made knowing Cassel would be available and a season of success was in full swing for the Pigs.

The Hebros drop Chester Taylor to pick up Ronnie Brown. Brown is then flipped to the Rage for Matt Forte. The Bras pick up Matt Forte for Chester Taylor??!! Forte would eventually be sent to the Norsemen for B. Jacobs, giving the future VB winners a strong keeper RB for years to come.

The Pirate sends Troy Polamalu … wah wah wah??!! The Pirate deals the king of Samoans? Telling, in terms of the entire season that was for the Pirate. The trade to the Harvest began the Devil’s run on Steelers that would shape their success for the year.

The Norsemen deal P. Manning to the Hebros in a head scratcher, granted amid some struggles for the Colts. The Bras think they’ve bought their first title. Can anybody smell the stink of irony hanging over this one?

All this of course is just a snapshot of the season, but it hardly tells the whole story. To know the season, you had to live it and I think it’s fair to say the ’08 year was experienced to its fullest. Thanks to all for making it interesting and here’s to looking ahead towards ’09.

And Murray, on behalf of everyone — don’t change a thing!

8 | VF2 2009 SurViVal Guide

thePirateCommissioner.comBuilding and managing the ultimate fantasy football league

“…by bullshit I’m referring to the quibbling that quite naturally occurs

when you release a mob of village idiots into an arena of competition.”

We LOVE the VF2 format!

It’s time to share the recipe.

Voodoo FantaSy Football | 9

Charter revisions table

Rule # 2008 2009

NEW Section 1

Prime Directives. Emulate the NFL model wherever possible. If it can’t be automated, don’t touch it. Operate as a business.

2.2 Franchise owners have the right to sell their teams, though the league reserves the right to mandate a minimum franchise value and will impose a $50 surcharge on ownership transactions. All ownership changes are subject to the final approval of the SC.

All ownership changes are subject to final SC approval and are subject to a transaction fee.

2.3 The annual league dues are $125 (2008) per franchise, made payable prior to the AGM. League dues are pooled for prize payouts at the end of the year, and to cover any operational expenses.

The annual league dues are $125 (2009) per franchise. Late dues run the risk of ownership replacement, and at best would be subject to a $50 party fund fine.

2.? NEW Payment of league dues is required by all participants, regardless of unsettled debts or expenses.

3.1 Each franchise must declare 4 Keepers from their final roster, providing that player was not selected in the first three rounds of the previous year’s draft. FP’s must be declared by prior to the second weekend in August (subject to change).

Each franchise must declare 4 Keepers/Franchise Players from their final roster, providing that player was not selected in the first three rounds of the previous year’s draft. Keepers must be declared prior to the third preseason weekend in August. Keepers declared past the deadline result in punishment of keeping two PKs from your roster.

5.3 Teams will be permitted a maximum of 2 minutes for each pick (special consideration of 30 seconds for out-of-towners). Anvvy picks not being made on time will result in the deduction of 15 points in week one. Repeat violations 15 points in week two, etc.

Teams will be permitted a maximum of 2 minutes for each pick (special consideration of 30 seconds for remote franchises). Offenders are fined $50 made payable to the Voodoo Bowl fund.

5.6 NEW Draft participation signifies unconditional acceptance of the VF2 Charter by its members.

6.2 The WW order is determined by the site, and is calculated based on the previous week’s WW activity and overall record.

The WW order is determined by the site, and is calculated based on the previous week’s WW activity and overall record. Week one is the exception, with the draft order being lowest to highest total points in week one.

6.6 NEW! The WW will reopen prior to Voodoo Bowl for the two remaining teams in contention. Participants will be permitted a maximum of 5 players. First pick determined by head-to-head record with tiebreaker highest score in the Division Championship game.

8.4 All transactions must involve a position–for–position swap. All transactions must involve a position–for–position swap. Keepers traded in the preseason are exempt and can be moved without positional restraint.

8.5 No trade agreement is final unless reported to the Commissioner by each of the franchises involved within 24 hours of a deal’s approval but not exceeding one hour prior to kickoff of the week’s first game. Notification by both e-mail and telephone are advisable to ensure transactions are completed in a timely fashion.

Trades fall under the honour system and do not require approval.

9.3 Division Champion. Division Champion. Awarded to the teams that win their division outright and advance to the VB.

9.4 Pick’em. Team with the highest score after 21 weeks. OMIT

9.5 Taunt King. Best single taunt, as determined by vote at VB. OMIT

9.6 Horse’s Ass. Team scoring the fewest points over the course of 17 weeks wins HA and must purchase a round of drinks at the next draft.

Horse’s Ass. Team scoring the fewest points over the course of 17 weeks wins HA and are fined $50 made payable to the Voodoo Bowl fund. Payment due to Treasurer in advance of the VB.

10.8 NEW! Voodoo Bowl WW closes Thurs after DC game.

Fig. 3 VB $600, TP $250, DC $125 x2 VB $400, TP $250, DC $175 x2

FIG. 1. 2009 Charter Revisions

10 | VF2 2009 SurViVal Guide

1. Prime directives

1.1. Emulate the NFL model where possible.

1.2. If it can’t be automated, don’t touch it.

1.3. Operate as a business.

2. VF2 Structure

2.1. Each Conference will consist of 14 franchises. All participants are divided into two divisions, and will compete in 17 head–to–head regular season matches to determine playoff seeding.

2.2. Franchises will vote on the appointment of 1 Conference Commissioner (2 yr.) and 2 Board Members (1 yr.), whom collectively are referred to as the Steering Committee (SC). SC votes are carried with a majority.

2.3. The SC reserves the right to revoke a franchise in the event said franchise has not fulfilled its obligations to the league or has acted inappropriately in the name of fair play.

2.4. New applicants are subject to competition for entry, and candidates are determined by the SC.

3. the Franchise

3.1. Once approved by the SC, a franchise can be purchased with a one–time fee of $125 (2008) per franchise.

3.2. All ownership changes are subject to final SC approval and are subject to a transaction fee.

3.3. The annual league dues are $125 (2009) per franchise. Late dues run the risk of ownership replacement, and at best would be subject to a $50 party fund fine.

3.4 Payment of league dues is required by all participants, regardless of unsettled debts or expenses.

3.5. A franchise must have between one and two owners, both of whom must be approved by the SC.

3.6. All teams are required to have a vector logo. The VF2 Marketing department can assist you in your branding efforts.

3.7. Each franchise will maintain a total of 20 roster spots, consisting of 2 QB, 3 RB, 4 WR, 2 TE, 2 PK, 2 DL, 3 LB and 2 DB.

3.8. Each week, every franchise will be responsible for fielding a starting lineup consisting of 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 PK, 1 DL, 2 LB and 1 DB whenever possible.

3.9. The starting roster must be entered on the site no later than five minutes before the first game of the week. Substitutions may be made throughout the weekend as Sportsline will allow, but must not include changing players who have already started playing.

4. Keepers/Franchise Players

4.1. Each franchise must declare 4 Keepers from their final roster, providing that player was not selected in the first three rounds of the previous year’s draft. Keepers must be declared prior to the third preseason weekend in August. Keepers declared past the deadline result in punishment of keeping two PKs from your roster.

4.2. Keepers may be traded at any time before the trade deadline or after they have been declared, with the rights to that player as a keeper being transferred to the new owner.

5. Scoring

5.1. See table in FIG. 1.

5.2. All offensive players qualify to score offensive points. For example, if a PK throws a TD he earns the same points a QB would have received.

5.3. Defensive players do not qualify for offensive points unless that player appears on a team’s fantasy lineup as QB, RB, WR, TE or PK.

5.4. Ties during the regular season will go to the team with the most points from its bench players.

FIG. 1. 2009 Scoring Table

Scoring Pts description

Offense 6 Td, rushing or receiving

1 25 yards, rushing or receiving

1 15 yards, rushing or receiving (Te only)

1 Per 2 receptions

4 Td pass

1 50 yards passed

2 5 completions

-2 interception

-2 Fumble

2 FG made, 0-39 yds

3 FG made, 40-49 yds

4 FG made, 50+ yds

-2 FG Missed

1 PaT made

-1 PaT missed

defense 6 Td scored

4 Forced Fumble, Fumble recovery, Sack, interception

4 Safety

1 Per Tackle

1 Per 2 assisted Tackles

1 Per Pass defended

6. entry draft

6.1 All teams are required to have a minimum of one owner attend the draft.

6.2 Draft order of the top 6 picks is determined by a lottery held at the AGM, and is based on the seeding from the previous season. Draft procedure for ensuing rounds will follow the Serpent Method.

6.3 Teams will be permitted a maximum of 2 minutes for each pick (special consideration of 30 seconds for remote franchises). Offenders are fined $50 made payable to the Voodoo Bowl fund.

6.4 The Entry Draft will be held the Wednesday night before the first game of the season. 6:30PM arrival 7:00PM start.

6.5 Teams will undergo a 16-round draft to complete their existing team of four keepers.

6.6 Draft participation signifies unconditional acceptance of the VF2 Charter by its members.

2009 VF2 CHarter

Voodoo FantaSy Football | 11

7. Waiver Wire

7.1. The WW opens Tuesday morning and runs through to WED night, with the exception of (6.2) below.

7.2. The WW order is determined by the site, and is calculated based on the previous week’s WW activity and overall record. Week one is the exception, with the draft order being lowest to highest total points in week one.

7.3 The number of roster spots you may add via the WW is limited to the number of players you drop.

7.4 Teams abstaining from the WW can elect to Add or Drop players after the WW has run its course. These teams get promoted up the WW draft order for the following week.

7.5 The WW is closed 24 hours after the trade deadline (10.5).

7.6 The WW will reopen prior to Voodoo Bowl for the two remaining teams in contention. Participants will be permitted a maximum of 5 players. First pick determined by head-to-head record with tiebreaker highest score in the Division Championship game.

8. Playoffs

8.1. Playoff participation is based on regular season standings. The two top–seeded teams in each division will receive a Bye from playing Wild Card Weekend.

8.2. In the event of a tie at the end of the regular season, the higher seed will be determined by head–to–head record, second is total points, and a third tiebreaker favours the divisional record. If the tie remains, a coin toss will be used to determine the outcome.

8.3. Teams with the worst record in each division get eliminated from playoff participation.

8.4. For Divisional Playoffs, the lowest–seeded team advancing from WCW plays the team finishing 1st and the highest seed from WCW will go up against the team finishing 2nd.

8.5. The last two teams in each Division will then go head–to–head in order to determine the Division Championship.

8.6. The remaining two Division Champs go head-to-head during the Super Bowl to determine the Voodoo Bowl Champion.

8.7. In the event of a tie score in the playoffs, the higher seed will advance.

9. trading

9.1. The trading deadline is 11:00 PM WED following the last regular season football game.

9.2. No trades can be made that include the exchange of money.

9.3. Trades may take place any time prior to the trade deadline (10.4), but trades made and confirmed during a football weekend will not result in roster changes until after that particular football weekend is complete.

9.4. All transactions must involve a position–for–position swap. Keepers traded in the preseason are exempt and can be moved without positional restraint.

9.5. Trades fall under the honour system and do not require approval.

9.6. The Steering Committee reserves the right to overturn deals suspect of collusion.

10. Winners & losers

10.1 Voodoo Bowl. Determined by the final two VF2 teams competing H2H in the Super Bowl. Punishment of purchasing a round of drinks at the AGM.

10.2 Total Points. Awarded to the team that accumulates the most points over the 17-game regular season.

10.3 Division Champion. Awarded to the teams that win their division outright and advance to the VB.

10.4 Horse’s Ass. Team scoring the fewest points over the course of 17 weeks wins HA and are fined $50 made payable to the Voodoo Bowl fund. Payment due to Treasurer in advance of the VB.

FIG. 3. 2009 Prize Payouts

Category Prize

voodoo Bowl $400

Total Points $250

division Champion $175 x 2

Horse’s ass lifetime of ridicule

11. Calendar

11.1 AGM & Golf Tournament: 1st SAT in June. Location TBA. Draft order, voting, and open forum.

11.2 Keeper Deadline: WED prior to third weekend of preseason games.

11.3 VF2 Entry Draft: 6:30 PM to 11:00 PM. First WED in SEPT. Attendance mandatory unless special permissions (ie. geographic location) are provided.

11.4 League-sanctioned outings usually fall on Week #’s 5, 10 and 15. Details available on TF.

11.5 Trade Deadline: 11:00 PM WED following the last regular season football game.

11.6 WW/Add/Drop Deadline: 11:00 PM THURS following the last regular season football game.

11.7 Voodoo Bowl WW closes Thurs after DC game.

11.8 All VF2 deadlines are in Eastern Standard Time (EST).

FIG. 4. 2009/10 VF2 Calendar

date event location

auG 12 dues deadline Treasurer

auG 26 Keeper deadline Sportsline

SeP 9 entry draft Quail

OCT 4 WK 4 piss-up Quail

NOv 8 WK 9 piss-up Quail

deC 3 Bills v. Jets Skydome

deC 13 WK 14 piss-up Quail

JaN 6 Trade deadline N/a

JaN 7 WW deadline Sportsline

JaN 27 voodoo Bowl WW Sportsline

JaN Playoff piss-ups Quail

FeB 7 voodoo Bowl Harvest House

JuN 5 aGM TBa

12 | VF2 2009 SurViVal Guide


PirateS PoSSe41–27 (.603)Michael Nourse, 416.844.7138

deVilS HarVeSt28–40 (.412)

don Millman, 416.816.9481John Peterson, 416.979.2092

SKol Grobari27–41 (.397)andrew Couchman, 250-385-0775

SKin PiGS16–18 (.471)Steve dankoff, 416-540-6669

Horned norSeMen40–28 (.588)Greg Frank, 416.419.4744

ballS deeP31–20 (.608)Hamish Mitchell, 778-883-1755

booZerS PiKS29–39 (.426)Jim ramsbottom, 647.203.1762Maurice Scott, 416.473.1966


diviSiON CHaMP



Voodoo FantaSy Football | 13


HaCKenSaCK HebroS18–16 (.529)Nic Sulsky, 416.834.0413

roid raGe25–43 (.368)Murray McNeely, 416.807.8006

SMaSH aSS39–29 (.574)Chris Gray, 647.222.JeTS

SlaSHerS31–20 (.608)Jay dick, 416.388.3958

SunnyVale SHitHaWKS39–29 (.574)

Jason Corless, 416.908.2262

danK broS30–38 (.441)

Giles Counsell, 416.428.8782Mark McCain, 416.436.5328

tba31–37 (.456)

Shai Plonski, 514.992.5636

14 | VF2 2009 SurViVal Guide

the Social Facilitator speaks

A. The First (BD) http://tinyurl.com/5m526e

B. Pirate Tribute (BD) http://tinyurl.com/5byhxk

C. Only One (PP) http://tinyurl.com/68asld

D. VF2 Rap Single (SA) http://tinyurl.com/58gkod








Want to be a Social Facilitator? Then try this. Visit the doctor and arrange for a lobotomy. If you’re cost-conscious, then try bashing your head against a wall. Hopefully, you will come to the realization that you were the last guy to refuse the role.

If anyone still believes that the EDS commercial about herding cats was real, or that I was stupid enough to trade away Matt Forté for the equivalent of a cup of clean urine, we should engage in trade talk. Unluckily for me, the only guy too drunk to understand how to say “no’ to either fat chicks or the commish when he suggested me for this role, sees you guys as a group of misfits that needs to be herded like cats.

Luckily, we’ve got just the right meow mix to bring that dream to reality and bring you all “into town without losing one.” It’s called the Tribal Forum. Seriously, how could you not be aware of the only source of information that’ll save you from looking like a complete ass when you forget when the AGM is where to meet up with the greatest pool of collective NFL knowledge in all of Rosedale. Or midtown Toronto, perhaps with the exception a ladies bridge club that has been making some serious fantasy in-roads to challenge our supremacy. They also tend to drink more than you bunch of lightweights—have another saucer of milk you vile pussies!

Here’s a quick recap of the planned dates for this year:

date event location

auG 12 dues deadline Treasurer

auG 26 Keeper deadline Sportsline

SeP 9 entry draft Quail

OCT 4 WK 4 piss-up Quail

NOv 8 WK 9 piss-up Quail

deC 3 Bills v. Jets Skydome

deC 13 WK 14 piss-up Quail

JaN 6 Trade deadline N/a

JaN 7 WW deadline Sportsline

JaN 27 voodoo Bowl WW Sportsline

JaN Playoff piss-ups Quail

FeB 7 voodoo Bowl Harvest House

JuN 5 aGM TBa


V–taunt archives

E. Mascot Bowl (SA) http://tinyurl.com/5jb2xh

F. Whoa Donkey (SA) http://tinyurl.com/6dsyh

G. What you gonna do? (SA) http://tinyurl.com/5azcav

Voodoo FantaSy Football | 15

Call For FranCHiSeS

The vF2 is soliciting applications for 2010. applicants will be chosen based on preferences that include the following criteria (in no particular order):

• dual ownership • football fan

• active participants • “one league” participants

• longevity potential • “sponsored” by current franchise

• willingness/desire to taunt • trade worthy and willing

• sense of humour • waiting list position

• sociable • team name and logo

• FF experience • enthusiastic

Space is limited, so get on the waiting list using the “JOiN” link at vf2.ca. Fill out the application form and be sure to give us something to laugh at or it will be relegated to the bottom of the pile. You could also get on our radar by posting on the vF2 Tribal Forum. if you have any questions, e-mail sc@vf2.ca.

16 | VF2 2009 SurViVal Guide

Survival tips•Draft day is a blast, but you will

get handed your lunch if you are not prepared. FF magazines and countless online sources contain cheat sheets with a list of players and when they should get snapped up. Preseason action can give you a good feel for what lies ahead, and whose value rises or falls.

•Have a look at how last season’s draft unfolded (see Appendix A: 2008 Draft). 6 RB’s, 3 QB’s and 5 WR’s were picked in the first round.

•Think points, but also think playoffs. Players on teams that are playoff bound sometimes have a higher value than guys who will score you more points on a bottom-feeder team.

•Partnering up with a second set of eyes is a distinct advantage, and can greatly improve the overall VF2 experience.

•Pay attention to players on your roster with conflicting BYE weeks in the NFL schedule.

•The Tribal Forum epitomizes the VF2 community. It is an effective way to get the full benefit of involvement. Taunt your way to stardom! Participants are expected to stay current with the Announcements section, and chime in with regularity.

•Put some thought and imagination into the branding of your franchise. Two words work best for a name. A cool logo will get you off to a good start.

Voodoo Fantasy Football is not for everyone.

The VF2 is a community comprised of like-minded owners out to enjoy themselves in friendly competition laced with good-natured mocking, insults and one-upmanship. Wallflowers need not apply. Active participation and a sense of humor are key considerations in the selection process.


•The league-sanctioned outings are a terrific opportunity to drink beer, get to know opponents, talk trash and talk trade. Optional, but the events go a long way towards maintaining your standing as an active participant.

•FP’s (Keepers) cannot be players selected in the first three rounds of the entry draft. They can include players selected from the Waiver Wire that appeared on your teams WK#17 roster.

•Don’t always believe what you hear. There are several members of the group who are masters of disinformation. The guy submitting these tips is one of them.

•Reputation is an important thing to consider. In FF, reputation can cause damage that takes years to fix. If you’re hard to get ahold of, don’t return calls or respond to e-mail, you’ll earn a reputation for being difficult to deal with. If you make stupid trade offers, your voice of reason will be harder to hear on future deals.

•Active participation is a requirement. Attend socials. Be vocal on the TF. Initiate trade talk. If you want to continue to be a part of the league, you need to be seen and heard.

the official home of Voodoo Fantasy Football

•TribalForum •PhotoGallery•DraftResults•PlayoffResults

All VF2, all the time. 24/7. And it’s just as funny the second time around. Visit VF2.ca for historical archives of league folklore.


Voodoo FantaSy Football | 17

Final eligible Keeper report (FeKr)

Qb rb Wr te K dl lb db

balls deep D Brees C Pennington

D Ward L McClain W McGahee

J Avant L Moore R Wayne M Jenkins

T Heap D Martin

K Brown S Suisham

D Howard T Brayton

L Timmons M Boley C Crowder

C Finnegan A Winfield

boozers Piks S Hill B Leftwich

C Taylor D Rhodes P Hillis

B Finneran D Jackson D Mason D Hester

V Shiancoe H Miller

D Carpenter S Gostkowski

D Dockett J Ford

B Leber K Dansby L Foote

Y Bell B Sanders

dank bros J Cutler V Young

R Williams T Hightower M Lynch

E Royal S Breaston V Jackson J Gage

J Peelle A Crumpler

M Bryant M Prater

H Ngata A Smith

K Brooking S Bradley J Vilma

A Rolle K Phillips

devils Harvest

D McNabb J Flacco

A Peterson M Moore J Addai

H Ward K Curtis S Holmes A Gonzalez

K Boss M Spaeth

J Reed N Rackers

D Freeney R Edwards

J Farrior J Harrison F Keiaho

T Polamalu E Coleman

Hackensack Hebros

P Manning J Sorgi

B Jacobs D Williams F Gore

A Toomer M Muhammad S Smith J McCareins

J King D Clark

J Carney J Kasay

J Peppers F Robbins

A Pierce T Davis D Clark

C Hope A Bethea

Horned norsemen

G Frerotte M Schaub

L Tomlinson R Rice M Forte

B Berrian H Baskett M Clayton T.J. Houshman

B Celek C Cooley

R Gould J Brown

A Smith K Williams

J Johnson O Gaither J Peterson

A Wilson E Weddle

Mclovin Mcnabb

D Carr M Ryan

B Westbrook D Sproles S Slaton

C Chambers H Douglas R White B Marshall

L.J. Smith T Gonzalez

D Akers R Longwell

T Cole C Davis

B Scott T Suggs C Blackburn

Q Mikell A Cromartie

Pirate’s Posse

C Palmer P Rivers

J Stewart S Jackson R Grant

D Bowe G Jennings J Cotchery M Floyd

J Witten V Davis

P Dawson N Folk

M Williams A Kampman

J Mayo S Merriman P Willis

C Horton R Marshall

roid rage T Thigpen D Garrard

C Portis K Smith R Brown

D Bess M Colston T Ginn Jr. B Lloyd

G Olsen J Stevens

G Hartley R Lindell

J Allen T Brown

G Hayes P Posluszny R McIntosh

C Griffin D Lowery

Skin Pigs E Manning M Cassel

L White W Parker M Turner

D.J. Hackett D Hixon R Brown B Wade

D Johnson A Fasano

M Stover N Kaeding

J Tuck K Vanden Bosch

K Bulluck S Cooper S Tulloch

C Webster J Butler

Skol Grobari T Jackson K Kolb

C Buckhalter D Klecko L Johnson

D Jarrett L Fitzgerald S Rice B Edwards

D Graham D Rosario

J Elam J Feely

M Roth J Parker

C Greenway J Porter C Lofton

E Reed C Gamble

Smashass B Roethlisberger M Leinart

E James M Barber P Cobbs

A Boldin S Moss Y Figurs C Ochocinco

D Wilcox D Keller

A Vinatieri J Nedney

J Williams R Brock

G Brackett R Lewis C Session

A Cason C Houston

Sunnyvale Shithawks

J Delhomme A Rodgers

A Bradshaw C Johnson J Norwood

B Jones N Washington S Smith W Welker

A Gates B Scaife

R Bironas M Crosby

A Haynesworth R Mathis

J Beason S Phillips B James

C Harris N Harper

the Slashers K Warner K Collins

M Jones-Drew M Bush F Jones

A Bryant C Johnson M Harrison P Burress

G Robinson B Watson

L Tynes R Lloyd

J Abraham M Kiwanuka

A Jordan T Hagler L Woodley

B Dawkins R Clark

First 3 rounds 2008 Keepers

18 | VF2 2009 SurViVal Guide

appendix a: 2008 draftPick Pos Player Team Selected By

K1.01 rB Brandon Jacobs NYG Boozers Piks

K1.02 QB Philip rivers Sd Skin Pigs

K1.03 Wr Brandon Marshall deN Mclovin McNabb

K1.04 QB aaron rogers GB Sunnyvale Shithawks

K1.05 rB Frank Gore SF Hackensack Hebros

K1.06 QB derek anderson Cle Skol Grobari

K1.07 QB david Garrard JaX roid rage

K1.08 QB Ben roethlisberger PiT devil's Harvest

K1.09 rB larry Johnson KC Horned Norseman

K1.10 rB Marion Barber dal Smashass

K1.11 QB drew Brees NO Balls deep

K1.12 QB eli Manning NYG dank Bros

K1.13 QB Carson Palmer CiN Pirate's Posse

K1.14 QB Mark Bulger STl The Slashers

K2.01 rB Maurice Jones drew JaX The Slashers

K2.02 Te Jason Witten dal Pirate's Posse

K2.03 rB Marshawn lynch BuF dank Bros

K2.04 Wr Marques Colston NO Balls deep

K2.05 rB Julius Jones Sea Smashass

K2.06 Wr TJ Houshmenzedah CiN Horned Norseman

K2.07 Wr Santonio Holmes PiT devil's Harvest

K2.08 QB Jamarcus russell OaK roid rage

K2.09 rB lawrence Maroney Ne Skol Grobari

K2.10 rB Willie Parker PiT Hackensack Hebros

K2.11 Wr Wes Welker Ne Sunnyvale Shithawks

K2.12 Wr Chris Chambers Sd Mclovin McNabb

K2.13 rB Michael Turner aTl Skin Pigs

K2.14 Wr Nate Burleson Sea Boozers Piks

K3.01 Wr Greg Jennings GB Boozers Piks

K3.02 Wr anquan Boldin ari Skin Pigs

K3.03 Wr roddy White aTl Mclovin McNabb

K3.04 Te antonio Gates Sd Sunnyvale Shithawks

K3.05 Wr Steve Smith Car Hackensack Hebros

K3.06 Wr Braylon edwards Cle Skol Grobari

K3.07 rB Clinton Portis WaS roid rage

K3.08 lB James Harrison PiT devil's Harvest

K3.09 Te Chris Cooley WaS Horned Norseman

K3.10 Wr Chad Ochocinco CiN Smashass

K3.11 dl Mario Williams HOu Balls deep

K3.12 rB Jamal lewis Cle dank Bros

K3.13 rB ryan Grant GB Pirate's Posse

K3.14 rB ernest Graham TB The Slashers

K4.01 Wr Plaxico Burress NYG The Slashers

K4.02 QB Brett Favre NYJ Pirate's Posse

K4.03 Wr vincent Jackson Sd dank Bros

Pick Pos Player Team Selected By

K4.04 lB d.J. Williams deN Balls deep

K4.05 Te dallas Clark iNd Smashass

K4.06 dl adwale Ogunleye CHi Horned Norseman

K4.07 lB Patrick Willis SF devil's Harvest

K4.08 dl Jared allen MiN roid rage

K4.09 dl aaron Kampman GB Skol Grobari

K4.10 Wr larry Fitzgerald ari Hackensack Hebros

K4.11 lB antonio Pierce NYG Sunnyvale Shithawks

K4.12 dl Trent Cole PHi Mclovin McNabb

K4.13 Te Kellen Winslow Cle Skin Pigs

K4.14 Te Jeremy Shockey NO Boozers Piks

1.01 QB Tom Brady Ne Boozers Piks

1.02 rB ladainian Tomlinson Sd Skin Pigs

1.03 rB Brian Westbrook PHi Mclovin McNabb

1.04 rB adrian Peterson MiN Sunnyvale Shithawks

1.05 QB Tony romo dal Hackensack Hebros

1.06 rB Steven Jackson STl Skol Grobari

1.07 Wr randy Moss Ne roid rage

1.08 rB Joseph addai iNd devil's Harvest

1.09 QB Peyton Manning iNd Horned Norseman

1.10 Wr Terrell Owens dal Smashass

1.11 Wr reggie Wayne iNd Balls deep

1.12 rB reggie Bush NO dank Bros

1.13 Wr andre Johnson HOu Pirate's Posse

1.14 Wr Marvin Harrison iNd The Slashers

2.01 Wr Calvin Johnson (Wr deT) deT The Slashers

2.02 Wr Jerricho Cotchery NYJ Pirate's Posse

2.03 Wr Torry Holt STl dank Bros

2.04 rB deuce Mcallister NO Balls deep

2.05 QB donovan McNabb PHi Smashass

2.06 Wr roy Williams deT Horned Norseman

2.07 rB darren McFadden OaK devil's Harvest

2.08 lB deMeco ryans HOu roid rage

2.09 Wr lee evans BuF Skol Grobari

2.10 Wr laveranues Coles NYJ Hackensack Hebros

2.11 Wr Hines Ward PiT Sunnyvale Shithawks

2.12 QB Matt Hasselbeck Sea Mclovin McNabb

2.13 Wr donald driver GB Skin Pigs

2.14 rB Willis McGahee Bal Boozers Piks

3.01 dB Bob Sanders iNd Boozers Piks

3.02 Wr dwayne Bowe KC Skin Pigs

3.03 rB Thomas Jones NYJ Mclovin McNabb

3.04 rB edgerrin James ari Sunnyvale Shithawks

3.05 dl Julius Peppers Car Hackensack Hebros

3.06 rB deangelo Williams Car Skol Grobari

Voodoo FantaSy Football | 19

event SponsorHousing & feeding the masses

1055 Yonge Street • Toronto

The Brand Builders.

official SuppliervF2 apparel


Communications SponsorvF2.ca, Survival Guide



We are currently seeking sponsorship to help our community further grow what has already earned the acclaim of participants and competitors alike. You’d be supporting a tested, proven, successful community in a booming industry.


• 20 participants, M 28-45• HHi +$80K• 50% own and operate their own business• technology-savvy

The vF2 provide multiple social networking initiatives. Sponsorship opportunities include:

• AGM Golf Tournament. a day long event that begins on the links and ends with the vF2’s annual ownership meeting.

• Entry Draft. a 5-hour marathon of consumption, strategy, testosterone and laughs.

• League-sanctioned pub socials. Three such events that fall between October and december.

• Voodoo Bowl. Season finale and party that runs parallel to Super Bowl.

• www.VF2.ca. advertising available.• Tribal Forum. receives an average of 300

hits per day during the football season.• Annual Voodoo Survival Guide. The year-long

resource for checking rules and archived results.

Sponsorship deadlines vary depending on the calendar of events. For more information about sponsorship and how to get involved, please e-mail info@vf2.ca.

Voodoo bowl SponsorTechno wizardry


20 | VF2 2009 SurViVal Guide

Pick Pos Player Team Selected By

3.07 lB e.J. Henderson MiN roid rage

3.08 Wr Patrick Crayton dal devil's Harvest

3.09 Wr Bernard Berrian MiN Horned Norseman

3.10 Wr Santana Moss WaS Smashass

3.11 dl Will Smith NO Balls deep

3.12 lB david Harris NYJ dank Bros

3.13 lB deMarcus Ware dal Pirate's Posse

3.14 QB Kurt Warner ari The Slashers

4.01 Wr anthony Gonzalez iNd The Slashers

4.02 rB Jonathan Stewart Car Pirate's Posse

4.03 QB Jay Cutler deN dank Bros

4.04 lB adalius Thomas Ne Balls deep

4.05 QB vince Young TeN Smashass

4.06 lB Mike Peterson JaC Horned Norseman

4.07 dB antonio Cromartie Sd devil's Harvest

4.08 dl Patrick Kerney dl roid rage

4.09 Wr reggie Williams JaC Skol Grobari

4.10 Wr Sidney rice MiN Hackensack Hebros

4.11 rB Felix Jones dal Sunnyvale Shithawks

4.12 rB Kevin Smith deT Mclovin McNabb

4.13 rB Chris Johnson TeN Skin Pigs

4.14 PK Stephen Gostkowski Ne Boozers Piks

5.01 lB Zach Thomas dal Boozers Piks

5.02 PK Nate Kaeding Sd Skin Pigs

5.03 QB Matt ryan aTl Mclovin McNabb

5.04 Wr antwaan randle el WaS Sunnyvale Shithawks

5.05 Te vernon davis SF Hackensack Hebros

5.06 Te Heath Miller PiT Skol Grobari

5.07 rB Matt Forte CHi roid rage

5.08 PK Nick Folk dal devil's Harvest

5.09 rB Selvin Young deN Horned Norseman

5.10 PK adam vinatieri iNd Smashass

5.11 lB london Fletcher WaS Balls deep

5.12 lB Jonathan vilma NO dank Bros

5.13 PK Mason Crosby GB Pirate's Posse

5.14 PK Josh Scobee JaC The Slashers

6.01 lB Nick Barnett (lB GB) GB The Slashers

6.02 lB lofa Tatupu (lB Sea) Sea Pirate's Posse

6.03 lB Brian urlacher (lB CHi) CHi dank Bros

6.04 PK Martin Gramatica (K NO) NO Balls deep

6.05 lB Keith Bulluck (lB TeN) TeN Smashass

6.06 lB Julian Peterson Sea Horned Norseman

6.07 Wr deSean Jackson PHi devil's Harvest

6.08 PK Shayne Graham CiN roid rage

6.09 lB Jon Beason Car Skol Grobari

6.10 lB Paul Posluszny BuF Hackensack Hebros

6.11 QB Jake delhomme Car Sunnyvale Shithawks

6.12 Te Tony Gonzalez KC Mclovin McNabb

6.13 lB Shaun Phillips Sd Skin Pigs

Pick Pos Player Team Selected By

6.14 lB Freddie Keiaho iNd Boozers Piks

7.01 Wr derrick Mason Bal Boozers Piks

7.02 Wr reggie Brown PHi Skin Pigs

7.03 Te Owen daniels HOu Mclovin McNabb

7.04 dl robert Mathis iNd Sunnyvale Shithawks

7.05 QB Matt Schaub HOu Hackensack Hebros

7.06 lB Chad Greenway MiN Skol Grobari

7.07 Wr Jerry Porter JaC roid rage

7.08 Te donald lee GB devil's Harvest

7.09 PK Phil dawson Cle Horned Norseman

7.10 dB Kerry rhodes NYJ Smashass

7.11 Wr donte' Stallworth Cle Balls deep

7.12 dl aaron Schobel BuF dank Bros

7.13 Wr Joey Galloway TB Pirate's Posse

7.14 Te Tony Scheffler deN The Slashers

8.01 lB Barrett ruud TB The Slashers

8.02 dl Kyle vanden Bosch TeN Pirate's Posse

8.03 dB roman Harper NO dank Bros

8.04 rB rudi Johnson deT Balls deep

8.05 dl Justin Tuck NYG Smashass

8.06 rB Fred Taylor JaC Horned Norseman

8.07 dl dwight Freeney iNd devil's Harvest

8.08 dB O.J. atogwe STl roid rage

8.09 Te leonard Pope ari Skol Grobari

8.10 lB Kirk Morrison OaK Hackensack Hebros

8.11 lB Mike vrabel Ne Sunnyvale Shithawks

8.12 lB Jerod Mayo Ne Mclovin McNabb

8.13 lB Will Witherspoon STl Skin Pigs

8.14 Wr Courtney Taylor Wr Boozers Piks

9.01 dl Jason Taylor WaS Boozers Piks

9.02 dl andre Carter WaS Skin Pigs

9.03 lB d'Qwell Jackson lB Mclovin McNabb

9.04 dB Sean Jones dB Sunnyvale Shithawks

9.05 Te l.J. Smith Te Hackensack Hebros

9.06 dB Gibril Wilson dB Skol Grobari

9.07 Te alge Crumpler TeN roid rage

9.08 QB Jon Kitna deT devil's Harvest

9.09 dB adrian Wilson ari Horned Norseman

9.1 lB Gary Brackett iNd Smashass

9.11 Te Benjamin Watson Ne Balls deep

9.12 Wr Jabar Gaffney Ne dank Bros

9.13 dB Troy Polamalu PiT Pirate's Posse

9.14 dB Clinton Hart Sd The Slashers

10.01 dl Mathias Kiwanuka NYG The Slashers

10.02 lB Keith rivers CiN Pirate's Posse

10.03 PK Josh Brown STl dank Bros

10.04 dB antoine Winfield MiN Balls deep

10.05 lB ray lewis Bal Smashass

10.06 QB Jason Campbell WaS Horned Norseman

Voodoo FantaSy Football | 21

Pick Pos Player Team Selected By

10.07 dB Marcus Trufant Sea devil's Harvest

10.08 lB Matt Wilhelm Sd roid rage

10.09 QB Tarvaris Jackson MiN Skol Grobari

10.1 dB Chris Harris Car Hackensack Hebros

10.11 lB Shawne Merriman Sd Sunnyvale Shithawks

10.12 Wr Ted Ginn Jr. Mia Mclovin McNabb

10.13 lB ernie Sims deT Skin Pigs

10.14 lB James Farrior PiT Boozers Piks

11.01 rB ronnie Brown Mia Boozers Piks

11.02 dB roy Williams dal Skin Pigs

11.03 dl derrick Harvey JaC Mclovin McNabb

11.04 dl darryl Tapp Sea Sunnyvale Shithawks

11.05 rB Chester Taylor MiN Hackensack Hebros

11.06 Wr robert Meachem NO Skol Grobari

11.07 rB Kenny Watson CiN roid rage

11.08 Wr eddie royal deN devil's Harvest

11.09 lB a.J. Hawk GB Horned Norseman

11.1 dB ronde Barber TB Smashass

11.11 rB ricky Williams Mia Balls deep

11.12 Te Todd Heap Bal dank Bros

11.13 PK ryan longwell MiN Pirate's Posse

11.14 lB Terrell Suggs Bal The Slashers

12.01 dB atari Bigby GB The Slashers

12.02 rB lendale White TeN Pirate's Posse

12.03 dl Charles Grant NO dank Bros

12.04 Wr Justin Gage TeN Balls deep

12.05 rB rashard Mendenhall PiT Smashass

12.06 dl Kevin Williams MiN Horned Norseman

12.07 rB Maurice Morris Sea devil's Harvest

12.08 PK rian lindell BuF roid rage

12.09 lB Karlos dansby ari Skol Grobari

12.1 PK John Kasay Car Hackensack Hebros

12.11 PK rob Bironas (K TeN) TeN Sunnyvale Shithawks

12.12 PK david akers (K PHi) PHi Mclovin McNabb

12.13 dB Marlin Jackson (dB iNd) iNd Skin Pigs

12.14 dB Kevin Kaesviharn NO Boozers Piks

13.01 PK Jeff reed PiT Boozers Piks

13.02 Te John Carlson Sea Skin Pigs

13.03 lB lance Briggs CHi Mclovin McNabb

13.04 dB ike Taylor PiT Sunnyvale Shithawks

13.05 dB reggie Nelson JaC Hackensack Hebros

13.06 dB laron landry WaS Skol Grobari

13.07 Wr Bobby engram Sea roid rage

13.08 Te Marcedes lewis JaC devil's Harvest

13.09 Te Kevin Boss NYG Horned Norseman

13.1 Te dustin Keller NYJ Smashass

13.11 QB Jeff Garcia TB Balls deep

13.12 dB rodney Harrison Ne dank Bros

13.13 dl Gaines adams TB Pirate's Posse

Pick Pos Player Team Selected By

13.14 rB ahmad Bradshaw NYG The Slashers

14.01 Te Zach Miller OaK The Slashers

14.02 dB darrelle revis NYJ Pirate's Posse

14.03 Te randy McMichael STl dank Bros

14.04 dB Cortland Finnegan TeN Balls deep

14.05 dl Chris long STl Smashass

14.06 Wr david Patten NO Horned Norseman

14.07 lB Stephen Cooper Sd devil's Harvest

14.08 dB Cedric Griffin MiN roid rage

14.09 dl leonard little STl Skol Grobari

14.1 dl Paul Spicer JaC Hackensack Hebros

14.11 PK Neil rackers ari Sunnyvale Shithawks

14.12 PK Jason Hanson deT Mclovin McNabb

14.13 QB Trent edwards BuF Skin Pigs

14.14 Te Ben utecht CiN Boozers Piks

15.01 QB Kyle Orton CHi Boozers Piks

15.02 dl luis Castillo Sd Skin Pigs

15.03 dB asante Samuel PHi Mclovin McNabb

15.04 Wr dennis Northcutt JaC Sunnyvale Shithawks

15.05 PK Kris Brown HOu Hackensack Hebros

15.06 PK Shaun Suisham WaS Skol Grobari

15.07 Wr Mark Clayton Bal roid rage

15.08 PK Olindo Mare Sea devil's Harvest

15.09 PK robbie Gould CHi Horned Norseman

15.1 Wr Kevin Curtis PHi Smashass

15.11 PK Sebastian Janikowski OaK Balls deep

15.12 Wr Javon Walker OaK dank Bros

15.13 Te alex Smith TB Pirate's Posse

15.14 PK Matt Bryant TB The Slashers

16.01 dl Ty Warren Ne The Slashers

16.02 Wr deion Branch Sea Pirate's Posse

16.03 PK Mike Nugent NYJ dank Bros

16.04 Te Greg Olsen CHi Balls deep

16.05 PK Joe Nedney SF Smashass

16.06 dB richard Marshall dB Horned Norseman

16.07 dl Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila dl devil's Harvest

16.08 Te robert royal Te roid rage

16.09 PK Jason elam PK Skol Grobari

16.1 lB Bradie James lB Hackensack Hebros

16.11 Te Matt SpaetH Te Sunnyvale Shithawks

16.12 dB antrel rolle dB Mclovin McNabb

16.13 PK Matt Stover PK Skin Pigs

16.14 dl Jarvis Green dl Boozers Piks

22 | VF2 2009 SurViVal Guide

appendix b: H2H records


BP 4 1 2 3 3 4 3 3 1 7 3 4 2 3 1 3 6 1 2 3 0 4 2 1 0 2 29 39 68 0.426

RR 1 4 6 2 2 2 3 3 1 4 2 3 2 6 1 6 5 2 0 3 0 4 1 1 1 3 25 43 68 0.368

DA 3 2 2 6 4 1 3 4 3 2 0 6 4 3 4 3 3 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 30 38 68 0.441

DH 4 3 2 2 1 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 4 2 4 2 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 28 40 68 0.412

MM 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 2 1 3 2 3 4 3 2 5 2 3 2 2 4 2 0 2 0 3 31 37 68 0.456

Hn 7 1 4 1 2 3 4 4 3 1 1 6 3 2 3 3 5 3 2 2 3 1 2 0 1 1 40 28 68 0.588

PP 4 3 3 2 6 0 4 4 3 2 6 1 2 2 3 2 4 3 2 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 41 27 68 0.603

SA 3 2 6 2 3 4 2 3 3 4 2 3 2 2 4 3 5 0 2 2 2 3 2 0 3 1 39 29 68 0.574

SS 3 1 6 1 3 4 4 1 5 2 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 2 0 3 2 4 2 0 3 1 39 29 68 0.574

SG 1 6 2 5 2 3 4 2 3 2 3 5 3 4 0 5 2 3 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 27 41 68 0.397

BD 3 2 3 0 2 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 3 0 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 31 20 51 0.608

SL 4 0 4 0 3 1 3 1 2 4 1 3 1 2 3 2 4 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 31 20 51 0.608

SP 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 0 0 2 2 1 0 2 0 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 0 16 18 34 0.471

HH 2 0 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 2 18 16 34 0.529


BP 300 270 310 362 407 418 372 402 413 532 456 475 296 314 270 302 470 415 318 345 319 413 179 217 132 213 4242 4676

RR 270 300 554 473 240 270 384 325 273 326 297 277 476 532 469 514 435 402 197 297 250 405 189 174 309 351 4340 4643

DA 362 310 473 554 347 271 436 470 317 292 374 500 407 397 424 495 370 274 208 238 282 386 344 352 128 134 4470 4671

DH 418 407 270 240 271 347 366 355 464 484 507 648 303 303 329 319 298 338 425 469 280 351 111 184 144 163 4185 4608

MM 402 372 325 384 470 436 355 366 280 276 336 334 445 445 394 484 303 263 313 296 507 445 153 224 235 282 4516 4605

Hn 532 413 326 273 292 317 484 464 276 280 393 478 263 278 470 389 466 481 280 299 348 294 159 119 181 158 4468 4241

PP 475 456 277 297 500 374 648 507 334 336 478 393 335 273 333 280 427 438 429 477 255 232 257 262 166 153 4913 4477

SA 314 296 532 476 397 407 303 303 445 445 278 263 273 335 504 418 366 293 346 376 458 467 215 149 336 373 4764 4599

SS 302 270 514 469 495 424 319 329 484 394 389 470 280 333 418 504 313 253 219 240 479 541 158 127 348 337 4717 4689

SG 415 470 402 435 274 370 338 298 263 303 481 466 438 427 293 366 253 313 231 253 220 262 327 296 156 165 4088 4423

BD 345 318 297 197 238 208 469 425 296 313 299 280 477 429 376 346 240 219 253 231 210 246 270 339 144 164 3914 3715

SL 413 319 405 250 386 282 351 280 445 507 294 348 232 255 467 458 541 479 262 220 246 210 180 188 237 279 4459 4075

SP 217 179 174 189 352 344 184 111 224 153 119 159 262 257 149 215 127 158 296 327 339 270 188 180 156 146 2787 2688

HH 213 132 351 309 134 128 163 144 282 235 158 181 153 166 373 336 337 348 165 156 164 144 279 237 146 156 2918 2672

Voodoo FantaSy Football | 23



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