2009 Canada, Greenland and the Arctic


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Featuring the Canadian Arctic, Greenland, Labrador & Newfoundland

Canada & The North 2009

Adventure Canada 14 Front St S, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5H 2C4 | 1-800-363-7566

www.AdventureCanada.com | info@adventurecanada.com

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Dear Adventurers,

Adventure Canada’s Canadian itineraries continue to draw enthusiastic praise rom audiences rom around the world and theproposed schedule or 2009 will be no exception. Our voyages explore the northern and eastern most reaches o our country dropping into riendly communities and witnessing vast space and grandeur. Five voyages explore six unique and vibrant re-gions, Greenland, Nunavut, Nunavik, Nunatsiavut, New oundland and Labrador. Troughout the course o our programmingwe will examine the people, the geography and the cultural richness o each di erent region.

2009 is a year o note and o special signifcance or Arctic travellers. It marks the 10 th anniversary o the creation o Nunavut –the newest Canadian territory. Woven into the abric o our programming will be an examination o the erritory, its objectives& achievements thus ar. A key element will be the increased visibility o Inuit stewardship o the land including issues o globalwarming, hunting and wildli e conservation. We are ortunate to have a number o Inuit resource sta who have experiencedthis transition period and who can share their insights as we make our way through the amed Northwest Passage.

Along the coast o Labrador next year, Adventure Canada is thrilled to present a new concept in expeditionary cruising. OurAtlantic Arts Float will, in addition to our usual resource sta compliment, have additional writers, photographers, artists andmusicians. Inspired by the landscape, and through a set o workshops, collaborative projects, concerts and exhibitions we hope

to stoke the creative spirit. And as indicated below, we are honoured to be winning awards or tour program innovations.

wo historical fgures will be commemorated in 2009. We will celebrate the li e o New oundland’s own Captain Bob Bartlett,the world-renowned Arctic explorer and historical icon. It was Captain Bartlett that commanded Sir Robert Peary’s amed 1909North Pole expedition. Te ocus on the pole and the issues o the opening o the Northwest Passage are never ar rom theheadlines these days and our high Arctic itineraries provide a frsthand look at the changes and possible commerce in the northand the impact this might have this ragile ecosystem.

While each o our itineraries o ers a general ocus – wildli e, photography, art, historical exploration or Inuit culture - past andpresent, our programming remains multidisciplinary, with a team o expert resource sta on each sailing. We celebrated the

ounding o Nunavut in 1999 and we are delighted to o er our clients a 10 th anniversary program in 2009.

Matthew SwanPresident, Adventure Canada

Special thanks to our partners for these adventures:

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© M i c h e l l e V a l b e r g , 2 0 0 8

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High Arctic Adventure

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Experience the magic and mystery o the ar north as we combineits landscapes, people and communities into our rst high Arctic

adventure o the season. We begin in Kalaallit Nunaat (From theKalaallisut: Home o the Greenlanders), a land o awe-inspiring beauty.Greenland is a place where the ice comes alive in iridescent blues, jag-ged peaks reach or the heavens, delicate tundra owers nestle in tiny crevasses, towns are a brilliant montage o colour and much o the land-scape seems untouched by human hands. Tis sel -governing provinceo Denmark is the largest island in the world, covering nearly 3.5 mil-lion km 2, more than 80 percentis covered either by the ice cap orsmall glaciers.

Greenland has long been animportant destination as a stag-ing point or Arctic exploration.From the most early inhabitants, to the Vikings,through the age o exploration, and now withmodern-day travellers, the islandhas been a base, a stepping stoneand a nal target. Greenland’smost amous son is explorerKnud Rasmussen. A championo the Inuit people (his motherwas o Inuit descent), Rasmussen established an Inuit settlement atTule, northeast Greenland in 1910, with the aid o the DanishMissionary Society; he set up a code o laws or local government, andinstituted social services. “Tule” is rom the Latin word with the samespelling meaning “northernmost part o the inhabitable world.”

2009 marks the centennial anniversary o Sir Robert Peary and his team

o hearty explorers’ remarkable assertion, that a er twenty-three yearsand eight attempts, they nally reached the geographic North Pole. On

our journey we will head north in the ootsteps o Rasmussen and Peary while learning exciting tales o hardship, determination andcompetition that drove Peary and other explorers like him to pursue the vast unknown, acing countless trials along the way.

We will venture along the majority o the west coast, exploring the smallcommunities, walking alongside glaciers and cruising among the

icebergs. From Tule,we will travel as arnorth as ice and time

allows into SmithSound, be ore crossingover to Ellesmere Islandand into the mouth o the amed NorthwestPassage.

Troughout the voyage we have ampleopportunities to viewand photograph theunique wildli e thatcalls the Arctic home.Narwhal, beluga, polar

bears, and the rare and immaculately white Ivory Gull are all oundhere. Nesting colonies on Coburg and Prince Leopold Islands host tenso thousands o Tick-billed Murres and Black-leggedKittiwakes. We are also likely to encounter shorebirds, Dovekie,Northern Fulmar, and, with luck, Gyr alcon. At each stop, we board

zodiacs to go ashore, or position ourselves or the best views orphotographs o the wildli e, owers, icebergs and landscapes.

August 9 – 21, 2009 aboard the clipper adventurer

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Kangerlussuaq (Søndre Strøm ord)Arriving rom Ottawa, we will board the Clipper Adventurer via Zodiacand prepare to steam out o one o the longest ords in the world with168km o superb scenery! Although the ord crosses the Arctic Circle,the waters here do not reeze, making this part o Greenland a year-roundcentre or shing and hunting.

Sisimuit CoastBetween Kangerlussuaq and Illulissat, the west Greenland coastline is arich tapestry o shing communities, myriad islands and complex coastalwaterways. Te human history in this area dates back 4,500 years.

Ilulissat250 km north o the Arctic Circle we nd the astounding coastalcommunity o Ilulissat. Ilulissat translates literally into “iceberg”, andthere couldn’t be a more tting name. Our visit wil l include time in thecolour ul town and a chance to hike out to an elevated viewpoint wherewe can observe the great elds o ice. We will also cruise in our eet o zodiacs in the UNESCO World Heritage Site o the Ilulissat Ice ord. Te

Ice ord is where we nd the Sermeq Kujalleq Glacier, one o the mostactive and astest moving in the world at 19 meters per day and calving

more than 35km 3 o ice annually. Te glacier has been the object o scienti c attention or 250 years and, because o its relative ease o accessibility, has signi cantly added to the understanding o ice-capglaciology, climate change and related geomorphic processes.

Qimusseriarsuaq (Melville Bay)In Qimusseriarsuaq, ormally known as Melville Bay, the Greenland IceCap reaches or the sea. Large icebergs, calved rom Sermeq Kujalleq Gla-cier, are carried north here by the West Greenland Current be ore headingwest to Ba n Bay. In the days o wooden ships, the bay was dubbed “thewrecking yard” by British, Dutch and American whaling eets due to thedamages caused to many a vessel’s hull. oday Qimusseriarsuaq is stillstrewn with icebergs, but global warming is taking its toll. TeGreenlandic government has created a shoreline reserve to protectsummer beluga and narwhal populations as well as breeding polar bears.

Kap York Te rugged coastal environment at Kap York is rich in wi ldli e and is parto an extensive network o traditional hunting grounds. During the spring

and summer months the skies and clifs are dotted with millions o birds,primarily auks and murres. Tis district boasts the largest seabird

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population in northwest Greenland. Whalers and explorers o en enteredthese waters and later Admiral Robert Peary’s amily raised a monumentin honour o his achievements on the cape. Sailors’ and ships’ logsrecord multiple climbs o the cape in order to survey the ice conditions inQimusseriarsuaq. We will hike the tundra landscape and enjoy our ownmagni cent vistas.

QaanaaqIt is in Qaanaaq, the world’s most northerly municipality, that you can getclosest to what many people think o as the original Greenlandic huntingculture. Originally located 100km to the south, the present day community o Qaanaaq was relocated to accommodate the American Air Force baseextension at Tule in 1952. Te region, however, has a much more lengthy history, with archaeological evidence suggesting habitation over the past4,000 years. It was rom Qaanaaq that seven o Knud Rasmussen’sexpeditions set out, and it was a lso rom here that the American explorerRobert Peary embarked on his journey to reach the North Pole in 1909.Te inhabitants, Inughuit, are ne artisans and beauti ul small carvingsand jewellery can be purchased.

Karey IslandsTe Karey Islands straddle the border between Greenland and EllesmereIsland and support Dovekie colonies that breed in this area.

Smith Sound (2 days)We will spend a couple o days exploring north into this abled body o water that served as the main route or explorers and adventurerssearching or the North Pole. Adolphus Greely, Sir George Nares andElisha Kent Kane all travelled these waters with varying degrees o success. Te Sound was named by William Ba n a er Sir Tomas Smythe,promoter o voyages to nd a Northwest Passage. Only 48-72km wide and88km long, it is o en packed with ice and provides avourable conditions

or wildli e viewing.

Cape Norton, Ellesmere & Philpots, Devon IslandTe area comprising Devon and South Ellesmere is one o ew knownbreeding sites o the elusive Ivory Gull. Tey inhabit the rock outcropssticking through ice sheets, known as nunatacs. We’ll be on the lookout orthese beauti ul gulls as we pick our way through the ice into Jones Sound.

© Mike Beedell, 2008© Keith Nichol, 2007

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Cobourg IslandCobourg Island is 65% covered with ice, but the remaining ragged landis a haven or wildli e. Clif ledges are lled to capacity with 30,000pairs o Black-Legged Kittiwakes and 160,000 pairs o Brunnich’sGuillemot (Tick-Billed Murres) among other seabirds. As we tour thearea, we will keep our eyes peeled or the rare Ivory Gull and Northern

Fulmars also known to breed in the area.

Aujuittuq (Grise Fjord)Aujuittuq means “place that never thaws,” and at 1,150km above theArctic Circle, it is Canada’s northernmost civil ian community. Witha population o 165, we will be welcomed into this peace ul and warmhamlet. Our activities will center around the school where we willhave a chance to meet members o the community and learn abouttheir way o li e.

Devon IslandTe largest uninhabited island in the world supports signi cant con-centrations o wildli e, including 26 species o seabirds and 11 specieso marine mammals. At Dundas Harbour we nd the lonely remainso an RCMP station dating rom the 1920s. We have also spottedwalrus, polar bear, muskox and caribou here. At nearby Croker Bay,we have a chance to Zodiac cruise through this scenic bay and marvelat icebergs, reshly calved rom the glacier at the head o the bay.

Prince Leopold, Somerset IslandTe dramatic 244m limestone and sandstone clifs o Prince Leopold ishome to close to 375,000 migratory birds. Seabirds nest on the ledges

rom May to late September. Te entire island is a haven or birds andis included in the 311 km 2 Prince Leopold Bird Sanctuary.Species ound here include: Tick-billed Murre, Northern Fulmars,Black-legged Kittiwakes, Black Guillemots, Atlantic Brant, ParasiticJaegers, Common Eider, Common Raven, Glacous Gull and SnowBunting. Weather permitting we will cruise under the clifs in ourzodiacs or a better view.

Beechey IslandO particular interest to history bufs, Beechey Island is a “must visit”

or any Arctic traveller. A site o tremendous signi cance in Arcticexploration, it was the protected harbour o Beechey Island thatinclined Sir John Franklin to over winter here at the onset o his search

or the Northwest Passage. Over a century and a hal later the remains

o Franklin’s camp, including three graves, were discovered by searchparties looking or the lost men. Te island served as a search andrescue base in the years to come. oday our headstones and cairns are

ound rom the Franklin era.

Qausuittuq (Resolute Bay)Arriving in Resolute in early morning, we disembark Clipper Adventurer today. We will say our arewells to captain and crew be oreboarding our charter ight south to Ottawa.

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From his success with the famed 1909 Peary Polar Expedition to his countlessFar North adventures and voyages, Bartlett is one of the true heroes of exploration in the 20th century.

Celebrating Bartlett 2009 is a program of events and projects to bring Bartlett’sstory to new generations. It will shine light on the legacy of the man whoseperseverance and strength symbolize the spirit of Newfoundland and Labrador.

A Life to ExploreBorn in the shing village of Brigus, Newfoundland in 1875, ‘Captain Bob’lived on the doorstep of the North Atlantic. Embracing the traditions of hismariner ancestors, Bartlett devoted his life to revealing the Arctic’s hiddenriches. For 50 years he fought the Arctic’s tense grip becoming the greatestIce Captain of the 20th century and one of North America’s last heroes of exploration.

He earned his place in history when he brought Admiral Robert Peary to the topof the world in the renowned North Pole trek of 1909. From this famousadventure and beyond, Bartlett continued to claim the Arctic - navigatingmore than 640,000km over 40 journeys.

On the 1914 Karluk expedition, he trekked 1,100km across the Arctic in 37 daysto rescue the survivors of this doomed journey. His bravery was recently de-scribed as “the nest feat of leadership in Canadian marine history.” Armed withexpertise and determination, Bartlett symbolized the Newfoundland and Labra-dor spirit of adventure and became a household name across North America as aleading Arctic explorer.

In addition to his exploration work, Bartlett dedicated the last 20 years of his lifeto scienti c research. His contribution to our understanding of the North is stillrecognized by many North American institutions. Celebrated as a CanadianPerson of National Historic Signi cance and honoured with a special USCongressional Medal and the National Geographic Society’s Hubbard Medal(awarded to notaries such as Neil Armstrong and Ernest Shackleton), Bartlettstands with our time’s great discoverers.

A Year to Celebrate

Celebrating Bartlett 2009 isan opportunity to embracethat great era of Arcticexploration.

Experience the worldthrough Bartlett’s eyes whenone of the last of the Arcticexpeditionary schooners,the Bowdoin, travels toports around Newfoundland

and Labrador to tell thestory of Far North explora-tion through interpretation,drama, exhibition, and enter-tainment.

During this year-longcelebration, engage intravelling exhibits,educational programs, artsprograms, historical reenactments, ceremonial activities, and

public boarding and sailing opportunities. On the centennialof his great voyage to the Pole, we’ll celebrate all of Bartlett- from stories of adversity and determination to adventures of glory and achievement.

Step into an era of discovery - a time when the Arcticcaptured the imagination of the entire world. Join us forCelebrating Bartlett 2009 and travel back to a time of rsts, atime of discovery - the time of Captain Bob Bartlett.

Captain Bob Bartlett Intrepid Arctic explorer. World-renowned mariner. Icon of North American history.

For more information on Celebrating Bartlett 2009 , visit www.bartlett2009.com

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Into the Northwest Passage

© K e i t h

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he quest or the Northwest Passage has occupied some o thebest minds o Western civilization or hal a millennium. TeEnglish called the hypothetical route the Northwest Passage,

while the Spanish called it the Strait o Anián. Te desire to establishsuch a route motivated much o the European exploration o bothcoasts o North America. In 2009, Adventure Canada will celebrateits 21st anniversary with the most coveted o Arctic itineraries, two journeys through the Northwest Passage. Beginning in Resolute,Cornwallis Island, we venture through the heart o the passage as we

ollow the Canadian mainland out toward the edge o the Beau ortSea. Troughout the Canadian Arctic waterways, history mani estsitsel as we pass straits, islands and peninsulas bearing the names o the men who charted this orbidden coastline.

During the rst journey, we sail through Rae Strait, the nal link inthe Passage as discovered by John Rae in 1854. We stop atUqsuqtuuq (Gj øa Haven), an Inuit settlement named a er the Gj øa,in which Roald Amundsen became the rst to navigate the Passagein 1904-06. We also pass Point urnagain, where in 1821, during

his rst overland expedition, John Franklin began a desperate (andtragic) overland ight or survival. During the second journey,historical highlights include a visit to Kugluktuk (Coppermine),where in 1771, a er trying and ailing to prevent a massacre atnearby Bloody Falls, Samuel Hearne became the rst European toreach the Arctic coast o the continent. And conditions permitting,we sail through Prince o Wales Strait, where in 1850, while trappedin what was then impassable ice, Robert McClure went sledging andclaimed that he had discovered the Northwest Passage. Join us in

tracing the “ atal passage” that conjures a history at once tragic andinspiring, a history encompassing hardship and death, but also cour-age, determination, and superhuman endurance.

August 21 – September 1, 2009 aboard the Clipper Adventurer

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Qausuittuq (Resolute Bay)Arriving in Resolute early a ernoon, we embark the Clipper Adventurer .

Beechey IslandIn 1845 Sir John Franklin took his expedition o 129 men in two ships intothe Wellington Channel. Not a soul returned rom the doomed expedition.It was two years be ore search parties were launched. Aside rom the bodieso three souls buried here, only relics were ound as clues to thedisappearance. Until recently, the three graves had le no clues as to the

ate o the rest o the men on board.

Prince Leopold, Somerset IslandSir James Clark Ross, perhaps the greatest polar explorer o the 19thcentury, was based at Prince Leopold in 1848-49. Ross’ expedition insearch o the Franklin party was overwhelmed by weather conditions andsufered much greater losses than Franklin’s during their rst winter. It wasalso here that Sir John Ross (James’ uncle) escaped in 1833 a erabandoning his vessel Victory ollowing our harrowing winters stuck astin the ice at Somerset Island. Te tall clifs o Prince Leopold Island areone o the top birding sites in the high Arctic both during the breeding andsummering seasons.

Bellot StraitBellot Strait separates Somerset Island rom the Boothia Peninsula,marking the northernmost point on the mainland o North America. Tecurrent in the strait can run at up to 8 knots and o en changes itsdirection. Te 2km-wide passage was discovered in 1852 by CaptainWilliam Kennedy, then commanding an expedition in search o Sir JohnFranklin. Te passage was named or Joseph René Bellot, a French navalo cer and arctic explorer who was Kennedy’s second-in-command whodied in the Arctic a year later, aged 26.

Fort RossIn 1937, the Fort Ross trading post was established by the Hudson’s Bay Company at the southeastern end o the Somerset Island, shortly a erScotty Gall became the rst captain to cross Bellot Strait in the HBC Ship, Aklavik. Only eleven years later, however, it was closed, as the severe iceconditions rendered it uneconomical and di cult to access. Tis le theisland uninhabited. Te ormer store and manager’s house are still used asshelters by Inuit caribou hunters rom aloyoak.

Victory Point, King William IslandLong occupied by Inuit, this island (long thought a peninsula by John

© Clayton Anderson

© D e n n i s

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© Matthew Swan

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Ross) was originally named ‘King William Land’ or the reigning BritishKing, William IV. A number o other polar explorers, while searching orthe Northwest Passage, spent their winters at King William Island. JohnFranklin’s expedition was stranded in the sea ice northwest o the island andtwo o his crew are buried at Hall Point on the island’s south coast. Teisland is known or the large populations o caribou that summer therebe ore walking south over the sea ice in the autumn.

Uqsuqtuuq (Gjøa Haven)

In 1903, explorer Roald Amundsen, while looking or the NorthwestPassage, sailed through the James Ross Strait and stopped at a naturalharbour on the island’s south coast. Unable to proceed due to sea ice, hespent the winters o 1903-04 and 1904-05. Tere he learned Arctic livingskills rom the local Netsilik Inuit, skills that would later prove invaluable inhis Antarctic explorations. He used his ship Gjøa as a base or explorationsin the summer o 1904, sledding the Boothia Peninsula and travelling to themagnetic North Pole. Amundsen nally le , a er 22 months on the island,in August 1905. Te harbour where he lived is now the island’s only settlement, Gjøa Haven, which he called “the nest little harbour in the

world.” oday the population has blossomed rom 110 in 1961 to 1,064 in2006.

Queen Maud Gul Te Queen Maud Gul Migratory Bird Sanctuary contains the largest variety o geese o any nesting area in North America. Te Sanctuary is one o the

ew nesting areas or both the Atlantic Brant (Brant bernicla hrota) andPaci c Brant (Branta bernicla nigricans). Almost the entire population o Ross’ Goose (Chen rossii) nests here. It was named by Norwegian explorerRoald Amundsen in 1905 or Maud o Wales, the Queen o Norway. TeAhiak Caribou calve along the Queen Maud Gul coast in Nunavut andspend the summers here.

Inuinnaqtun (Bathurst Inlet)Te rst Europeans known to have visited the area arrived as part o the rstexpedition o John Franklin in 1821. Tere was little outside contact until1936 when both the Roman Catholic Church and the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) arrived. Although the Hudson’s Bay Company abandonedthe site in 1964, Inuit remain in the area and continue a traditional li estyle.

Coronation Gul Te Coronation Gul is host to several hundred islands and small islets.

Major groupings include the Duke o York Archipelago, the Jameson Islandsand the numerous small islands ound in the southwest. Te mainland south

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o the gul may have substantial diamond and uranium deposits. Early explorersre erred to the people o this area as the “Copper” Inuit because o the copperreserves in the area, which they used or tools and trade. Te language o theCopper Inuit is more closely related to that o the people living around theMackenzie than it is to that o the people o Hudson Bay to the east.

Kangiryuar (Prince Albert Sound)Found on the west side o Victoria Island, Te Hudson’s Bay Company post atPrince Albert Sound was opened in 1923, moved to Walker Bay in 1928 and nally to Ulukhaktok (Holman) in 1939. Te large bluf that overlooks Ulukhaktok was thesource that provided the slate and copper used to make ulus and give thecommunity its name. Ulukhaktok is also the location o the most northern gol course in the Americas and hosts the “Billy Joss Open Celebrity Gol ournament”every summer.

Iqaluktuuttiaq (Cambridge Bay)With a population o just under 1,500, Iqaluktuuttiaq means “good shing place.” Itdraws its English name rom Prince Adolphus, Duke o Cambridge, and is a hamletlocated in the Kitikmeot Region o Nunavut. It is the nal resting place o theBaymaud captained by Roald Amundsen. Here we disembark Clipper Adventurer and make our way back to Ottawa.

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© Dennis Minty

© M i k e B e e d e l l

© Mike Beedell © Matthew Swan, 2008

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Out of the Northwest PassageCelebrating the 80th Anniversary of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society

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Experience the spirit o adventure and exploration on this journey with the Royal Canadian Geographical Society . On this voyagewe will travel at a leisurely pace with ample opportunity to

explore some o the least travelled regions o the Canadian Arctic.Starting in Cambridge Bay, we will head west, striking out into theBeau ort Sea. We will, ice conditions permitting, head throughPrince o Wales Strait, making expeditionary stops on both Banksand Victoria Islands. Next we visit Winter Harbour and NeilGri ths Point on Melville Island and delve into the rich waters o Lancaster Sound, reputed or its abundance o beluga whales andother marine mammals. Stopping on Ba n’s Eastern coast we will visit the vibrant Inuit community o Mittimatalik (Pond Inlet) andBuchan Gul , one o many deep ords on the northeast shoulder

o Ba n Island. Crossing Davis Strait to Greenland we visitIlulissat, the largest town in Disko Bay and a UNESCO WorldHeritage Site. We cruise among the massive icebergs, where NorthAmerica’s bergs calve rom the massive Greenland icecap as ittumbles down to meet the sea. Heading south we call in at thesplendid town o Itilleq, scene o many o Adventure Canada’ssoccer outings. We end the voyage with passage down thestunning Sondre Strom ord, 185km to Kangerlussuaq.

Onboard our team o resource staf will help us comprehend this vast land, it’s makeup, history, mythology and people. Daily lectures will compliment onshore activities preparing us orexperiences on land and sea.

September 1 – 16, 2009 aboard the Clipper Adventurer

© Pierre Richard

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Iqaluktuuttiaq (Cambridge Bay)Here we explore the Inuit settlement and ormer Hudson’s Bay Company postat Cambridge Bay. Local landmarks include a picturesque stone church and theremains o the three-masted schooner, Maud , a second ship built by Admundsen

or Arctic exploration. Tere is time to shop or local carvings and art. More than50 species o shorebirds can be ound here and muskoxen are o en seen near thecommunity.

Umingmaktuuq (Bay Chimo)Umingmaktuuq, meaning “like a muskox”, is a community at the site o a desertedHudson’s Bay Company post, which was ormed by Inuit amilies who elected

to lead a more traditional li estyle. Te hamlet is one o the smallest permanentcommunities in Nunavut, with less than two dozen residents. Electricity is pro- vided solely by portable generators, and a satellite phone is their only link to theoutside world.

Coronation Gul Separating Canada’s mainland the Arctic archipelago is the Coronation Gul .Named by Sir John Franklin in honour o coronation o King George IV, the Gul receives the Coppermine, ree, Rae and Richardson rivers. It is host to severalhundred islands and small islets.

Kugluktuk (Coppermine)Situated on the amed Coppermine River, the hamlet o Kugluktuk is home to1,200 residents. Te proximity to the treeline make this area particularily rich in

wildli e. Wolverines, moose, muskoxen, caribou, oxes, wolves and grizzly bearsare all resident species. Te people o Kugluktuk rely heavily on their traditionaleconomy o hunting and shing to eed and clothe their amilies or cultural andnutritional well being.

Amundsen Gul Te Amundsen Gul was explored and named a er the Norwegian explorerRoald Amundsen who visited between 1903 and 1906. Few people live along theshores o the gul , but there are a ew settlements, including Ikaahuk, Ulukhaktok,and Paulatuk. (birthplace o amed Inuit artist and Adventure Canada resourceperson, David Ruben Pictoukun).

Diamond Jenness PeninsulaTis peninsula is named or one o Canada’s pioneering anthropologists, andrecipient o the Society’s Massey Medal, documented Aboriginal li e in Canada’sNorth and in First Nations communities across the nation. He joined the rstmajor scienti c exploration o Canada’s Arctic rom 1913–16 with the CanadianArctic Expedition, led by explorer Vilhjalmur Ste ansson. While Ste ansson,Diamond and our others were ashore hunting caribou, ocean currents carriedaway their ship the Karluk. Surviving expedition members were orced toabandon her when it was subsequently crushed by ice. Jenness spent the nextseveral years becoming uent in Inuktitut and recording hundreds o drum dancesongs, poems, legends and stories on wax phonographic cylinders. We’ll visit theAlbert Islands here.

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Ikaahuak (Sachs Harbour)Te traditional name Ikaahuk (“where you go across to”) re ers to both themovements o people rom Victoria Island to Banks Island to hunt, and thelater seasonal use o the Island or ox trapping. Te English name, SachsHarbour, comes rom the Mary Sachs, a ship in the Canadian Arctic Expedi-tion o 1913. A permanent settlement was established in 1929 when three Inuit

amilies moved here to trap. In 1953, the RCMP set up a detachment. Situatedon the southwestern coast o Banks Island, 122 people make up this lone per-manent settlement on Banks Island.

Prince o Wales Strait

Prince o Wales Strait is part o the Arctic Ocean, extending northeastward or275 km rom the Amundsen Gul to Viscount Melville Sound and separatingBanks and Victoria Islands. It was discovered in 1850 by Robert McClure, theIrish explorer, who came within sight o the Viscount Melville Sound be oreheavy ice orced him to turn back. It was named a er Albert Edward, then thePrince o Wales. It was not navigated until the RCMP patrol o Sgt Larsenin1944. It has since become the pre erred route o large vessels making the pas-sage.

Banks IslandHome to two thirds o the world’s population o Lesser Snow Geese, two

ederal Migratory Bird Sanctuaries were ounded in 1961. Te island is hometo Barren-ground Caribou, polar bears, muskoxen, and birds such as robins

and swallows. Te rst grizzly–polar bear hybrid ound in the wild, was onBanks Island in April 2006 near Sachs Harbour. Muskoxen, with a populationo about 40,000, are the most striking o the abundant wildli e on the island. Itwas named Banks Island in 1820 by Sir William Parry in honour o ventrilo-quist Sir Joseph Banks.

Winter Harbour, Melville IslandMelville Island was rst visited by British explorer Sir William Parry in 1819.Not only did he discover the island, ice orced him to spend the winter in 1820at what is now called “Winter Harbour”. Te island is named or Robert Dun-das, 2nd Viscount Melville, who was First Sea Lord at the time. Melville Island

is one o two major breeding grounds or a small sea goose, the Western HighArctic Brant. DNA analysis and eld observations suggest that these birds may be distinct rom other brant stocks. Numbering only 4,000-8,000 birds, this isone o the rarest goose stocks in the world.

Bathurst IslandGood soil conditions and a rare wetland environment produce abundant veg-etation here, making Bathurst a major calving area or the endangered Peary Caribou. Here we also nd Polar Bear Pass National Wildli e Area, a migratory route or polar bears rom March to November. Te north hal o the island isthe proposed uktusiuqvialuk National Park. Tere is a long human history onthe island, with evidence o Dorset and Tule habitation as early as 2,000 BC.

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Beechey IslandIn 1845 Sir John Franklin took his expedition o 129 men in two ships into theWellington Channel. Not a soul returned rom the ate ul expedition. It was twoyears be ore search parties were launched. Aside rom the bodies o three soulsburied here, only relics were ound as clues to the disappearance. Until recently,the three graves had le no indication as to the ate o the rest o the British party.Such is the interest in this story, the Canadian government recently announced anew initiative to locate the missing Franklin vessels.

Devon IslandSailing through Lancaster Sound we will explore one o the large bays along thesouth coast o Devon Island. We’ll search out scenic icebergs, walrus and polarbears, as well as birdli e. Likely sightings are dovekies, and black guillemots, aswell as one o the largest ulmar colonies in the eastern Canadian Arctic.

Mattimatalik (Pond Inlet)We will sail through Milne Inlet, a narwhal breeding ground, enroute to PondInlet. Tis bustling Arctic community is surrounded by one o the most beauti ullandscapes in the Eastern Arctic. We will have a chance to explore the town, aswell as take in a cultural presentation at the Nattinnak Centre.Northeast Ba n Fjords & Buchan Gul We’ll investigate the rugged coastline and ords o the Buchan Gul and North-east Ba n by Zodiac. Virtually unknown to modern travellers, these ords areknown or dog-tongued glaciers and mountains that have been sculpted by theancient Laurentian ice sheet which once covered North America.

Crossing Davis StraitWhile crossing Davis Strait, we’ll relax and enjoy onboard lectures andopportunities to watch or wildli e rom the ship’s decks.

Ilulissat (Jakøbshavns Is ord), GreenlandSnapping ice, growling glaciers and the howl o sled dogs – all sounds we willhear as we enter the Ilulissat harbour in the shadow o the nearby ice cap. Ex-ploring the town reveals why this stop is a avourite or visitors rom all over the

world. Venturing a little urther out o town on the tundra to the hills beyondrewards the wanderer with spectacular views o the Jacøbshavn ice eld. Icebergscalving rom this eld travel as ar south as New York.

Itilleq (Itivdleq)Living in a small town that relies primarily on shing or its existence, Itilleq’sresidents are closely tied to the land and its resources. Beauti ully colouredhouses speckle the rocky landscape as the town’s children play reely in rocky

elds. We’ll engage the local soccer team in a riendly match.

Kangerlussuaq (Sondre Strom ord)

Lying at the head o the longest ord in western Greenland, Kangerlussuaq hasone o the most stable climates in the region though temperatures can rangerom –50C in the winter to as high as 28C in summer. From the Greenlandic,

Kangerlussuaq, which means ‘Te Big Fjord,’ at 168km long. Departing the shiphere, we will make our way home.

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About Our Partnership with the Royal Canadian Geographical Society

Te Royal Canadian Geographical Society is dedicated to imparting a broaderknowledge and deeper appreciation o Canada — its people and places, its naturaland cultural heritage and its environmental, social and economic challenges. TeSociety is one o Canada’s largest non-pro t educational organizations and is undedprimarily by membership ees and generous donations. Te Society’s Board o Governors and its program committees are comprised entirely o volunteers.

About the Society

Te Royal Canadian Geographical Society was ounded in 1929 with a mandate “to make Canada better known to Canadians and to theworld”. Celebrating its 80th anniversary in 2009, our mandate is mainly ul lled through the publication o Canadian Geographic in English

and Geographica in French, and through the Society’s geographic education program, speaker series, research grants and expeditions pro-grams.

About Canadian Geographic

Canadian Geographic is proud to partner with Adventure Canada to ofer aunique expeditionary voyage Out o the Northwest Passage. With aneditorial mandate to explore and celebrate Canada’s natural and human

wonders, Canadian Geographic is one o the most widely-read magazines in Canada.

Please visit www.rcgs.org or www.canadiangeographic.ca for more information

Tose on the Adventure Canada mailing list are entitled to a savings on a one-year subscription - simply goto www.canadiangeographic.ca/ac to get your subscription, or call them at 1-800-267-0824 and mentionAdventure Canada to start your subscription. Te price or the Adventure Canada amily is $29.95, GSincluded. All our travellers or the 2008 though 2010 seasons will receive a ree subscription when they travel with us!

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Heart of the Arctic© Dennis Minty, 2008

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with Richard Knapton and local guide

Your Itinerary For the Inuit, the north represents their chosen landscape or survival and is home to their rich artistic and cultural legacy, which isalive and responsive to the new challenges o the twenty- rst century. Our Heart o the Arcticprogram celebrates this legacy, as we

will continue an enriching program o exploration, cultural immersion, art and archaeology with a host o outstanding resourceguides and exceptional guests. As a special treat, we have commissioned an exclusive, original print rom Pangnirtung Artist Jolly Atagooyuk which will be complimentary or each couple booked on this voyage.

Our journey begins as we sail up Kangerlussuaq Fjord, West Greenland’s longest and most captivating. We will compare and contrastGreenlandic communities with the Canadian territories o Nunavut and Nunavik. Visiting hamlets, engaging in sports and cultural eventswe arrive at a deeper understanding o our neighbours to the north.

As well known Arctic archaeologist and author Bob McGhee has written, “our southern vision o the Arctic is so enticing that it cannot beentirely submerged in reality.” Te arts o the Inuit have in ormed southernaudiences or the last 60 years with visual imagery that has red our imaginations.Trough sculpted orms, prints and drawings and magni cent weavings we only glimpse this spectacular landscape. We now have the privilege o experiencing

rst hand, their reality.

September 16 – 26, 2009 aboard the Clipper Adventurer September 16 – 26, 2009 aboard the Clipper Adventurer

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Kangerlussuaq (Søndre Strøm ord), GreenlandArriving into Kangerlussuaq, it is possible to see the largest ice cap in theworld rom your airplane window. Boarding the Clipper Adventurer in thea ernoon, we will make our journey down spectacular Sondre Strom ord.

Itilleq (Itivdleq)Itilleq’s claim to ame is it’s the home o the largest sheep arm in all o

south Greenland. Excellent pasture lands make it ideal or haymaking,keeping the sheep o Itilleq in odder over the winter months. Also knownas ‘the place to cross over’, Itilleq is a small town o 140 with colour ulbuildings that charm visitors as we engage the local soccer team in oursemi-annual, and consistently unsuccess ul match.

Ilulissat (Jakøbshavns Is ord)With a population o just over 4,000 people, Ilulissat is Greenland’s thirdlargest town. Te harbour is a picturesque mishmash o icebergs, sh-ing boats, hovering gulls and riendly aces. Once ashore we will learnabout the inhabitants o Ilulissat and West Greenland at the museum andcultural centers. Art lovers can look or their very own upilak, a small

carving, characteristic o the area, meant to ward of evil spirits. A er ourcommunity experience we will walk to the ridge o the Ilulissat Ice ord, anawe inspiring setting where we can hear the ast moving glacial ice-streamand grumbling as the massive icesheets and bergs make their way out intothe harbour set on a course or New York, and beyond.

Crossing Davis Strait

While crossing Davis Strait, we’ll relax and enjoy onboard lectures andopportunities to watch or wildli e rom the ship’s decks.

Pangnirtung (Cumberland Peninsula)‘Pang’ is situated at the oot o one o the most spectacular backdrops o the Canadian Arctic. Mount Duval, at 850m, casts brilliant shadows andclouds over the boats moored in the bay, creating an ideal photo-op orshutterbugs. We’ll visit the print shop and tapestry studio at the Uqqur-miut Art Centre. Pangnirtung is a major Ba n arts community. In honouro the print shop’s 30th Anniversary, we have commissioned anexclusive print rom Pangnirtung Artist Jolly Atagooyuk which willbe complimentary or each couple booked on this voyage.

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Kitigtung (Lady Franklin Island)Here we will be on the lookout or aseasonal walrus haulout where large groupso them can sometimes be ound, loungingon the rocks.

Kimmirut (Lake Harbour)Te population o Kimmirut isapproximately 400. Once theadministrative centre o south Ba n, itis now one o the smallest communitiesin the region. An Anglican mission wasestablished here in 1909, ollowed closely in 1911 by the rst Hudson Bay Company trading post in the Ba n Region. Te RoyalCanadian Mounted Police establishedtheir rst detachment in the Ba n regionhere in 1926. Elders here remember artlegend, James A. Houston, newly marriedto his rst wi e, Alma, passing throughby dogteam in the early days o 1951, enroute to Kinngait (Cape Dorset). oday,the economy thrives on harvesting ma-rine mammals, sh and land game. Many residents are renowned carvers whose art issold and collected around the world.

Kinngait (Cape Dorset)Along the northwest shore o Dorset Island,surrounded on one side by rocky hills and on the other by Hudson Strait,lies the community that art built. Between 1950 and 1962, Kinngaithosted a historic collaboration between local Inuit and James and AlmaHouston – the collaboration that launched Inuit art onto the world stage.In the distance are the jagged outlines o islands, and the inlets o Ba nIsland’s southern coast. Like most other settlements in Nunavut, Kinn-gait is a modern community, with winding gravel roads, small woodenhouses, schools, stores, hotels, a nursing station, government o ces andchurches. But it is the outstanding artists, printmakers and carvers thathave made Cape Dorset the Inuit art capital o the world.

Kangiqsujuaq (Wakeham Bay)Kangiqsujuaq, is snuggled in the hollow o a splendid valley surroundedby majestic 500m high rocky hil ls. In a rocky pinching o the bay, knownas “the narrows”, we will have an opportunity to examine the base o whatwere, 1.80 billion years ago, Himalayan-scale mountains. Located in theregion o Nunavik the population is almost 500. In 1884, members o the Canadian Hudson’s Bay Expedition, aboard the steamship Neptune,arrived in the area anxious to establish a commercial route to Europethrough the Hudson Strait. An ice observation and meteorological stationwere built at nearby Stupart Bay (known as Aniuvarjuaq). Inuit began totrade requently with observers posted at the station: sealskin mitts andboots or tobacco and gunpowder. Wakeham Bay takes its name romCaptain William Wakeham who, in 1897, led an expedition to determinewhether the Hudson Strait was sa e or navigation.

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Ungava Bay Located on the northern coast o Quebec, in the region o Nunavik, andopening out to the Hudson Strait and Labrador Sea, Ungava Bay canco-claim the highest tides in the world, tied with the Bay o Fundy in Nova Scotia. Ungava Bay reezes during the winter but at summerbreakup, ice loes with seals, polar bears and walrus can be ound

loating southward into the bay.

Kangirsuk Kangirsuk, meaning ‘the bay’ in Inuktitut, is located on the north shoreo the Payne River, inland rom Ungava Bay. he village lies between arocky cli to the north and a large, rocky hill to the west. henumerous lakes and rivers o the area are wel l known or their arcticchar and lake trout. he strong tides that occur on the Payne River makeit an extraordinary place or mussel harvesting. he richness o wildli eand lora o the surroundings o Kangirsuk is also impressive. On theislands o Kyak Bay and Virgin Lake located to the east and northeasto Kangirsuk, respectively, important colonies o eider ducks nest every year. Inuit women collect the precious down o those birds to make thewarm parkas that protect Kangirsumiut (residents o Kangirsuk) romthe biting, winter cold.

KuujjuaqBe ore it was named Kuujjuaq, early

ur traders knew this region as FortChimo. A mispronunciation o

saimuk, which means ‘Let’s shakehands’, ‘chimo’ was o ten used towelcome early ur traders to the post.

oday Kuujjuaq, theadministrative capital o the Inuitterritory o Nunavik, is a

lourishing community combiningtraditional Inuit culture with the con- veniences o modern day li e. From

here we will board the charter lightback to Ottawa.

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Our story begins in 1987 when we rst set out to explore the wilder places o Canada,those areas whose remoteness alone made them special. On our travels and in ourdaily li e we promote a philosophy o respect or the natural and cultural world. Webelieve by giving access to sensitive areas and sharing this philosophy with travellers,we can help to promote a wider and greater respect and understanding orenvironmental and cultural issues here in Canada and around the world.

In 1993 we undertook our rst “Voyage o Discovery” with a mandate to continue ourexploration while bringing a contextual ormat to the itinerary. Over the last severalyears our “Environmental Discovery Voyages” have become increasingly popular,taking us to polar opposites in the Canadian Arctic and the Antarctic, Greenland andIceland, exploring the Celtic ringe o Western Europe, and unlocking the secrets o British Columbia’s great coastal rain orests. Most recently, we have added Ecuador &the Galapagos Islands, A rica and New Zealand to our oferings. We mostly travel by small expedition ship, the best-suited mode o transportation or remote coastalexploration. Te number o passengers on our voyages runs between 16 and 118,

depending on the ship we choose. We believe that these small vessels are superior tolarge cruise liners, as they not only allow us to gain access to places not accessible by larger vessels, but our eet o Zodiac landing cra permit us to visit some o the mostremote places imaginable - the key to expeditionary travel.

In addition to our voyages each year, we ofer a series o specialized departures thatocus on the art and culture or the natural history and photography o an area under

our Art is Adventure™and PhotoWild!™ programs. Tese programs are speci cally cra ed to allow time or in-depth exploration and discovery with the guides selected

or each.

For most activities, a relatively low level o exertionis required. Our program eatures activities such aswalking, wildli e viewing and Zodiac cruising. Youwill need to climb into and out o Zodiacs (assistanceis provided) or excursions onshore, and some o ourlandings will be ‘wet’, requiring waterproo boots. Areasonable level o mobility is required to ully enjoy thistravel program, and all participants must have a ormcompleted by their physician to join. Wewill also ask you to provide some personalin ormation well in advance o your departure. We havedesigned shore excursions to accommodate both thosewho wish moderate strolls and those who pre er moreactive hikes. A ew o the excursions may have roughterrain, with rocky beaches.

In the seasons we travel, temperatures will vary depending upon our altitude on land, or ourship’s position at sea. Flexibility is a must, asitineraries are subject to change without prior notice,and landings may be tidal or weather dependant.

We will provide you with a complete list o recommended clothing, essentials to bring, and asuggested reading list upon registration. One monthprior to departure, we supply you with our

Pre-Departure Briefng : a detailed booklet to helpprepare you or your adventure. It includesin ormation on the wildli e, culture, landscape, ship,your guides and a brie history o your destination.

Meals are a great opportunity to meet new riends andrecount the days’ adventures, and special diets can beaccommodated with advance notice.

Everyone travels or diferent reasons, however, onecommon element is a thirst or knowledge and authen-tic experience. It is this desire that drives us to ensurethe highest quality learning experience on our trips, by taking the time to care ully design each trip we ofer.

About Our Style of Travel...

It is our desire to bring to you a top-notch team o resource and expeditionary staf. Weregularly travel with resource teams o 12 or more on a 100-passenger ship, meaning you getmore time and personal interaction with the specialists. Tis also allows us to cover a widerrange o subjects, which makes or a more complete understanding o the areas we travelthrough. Calling on major notable writers, artists, musicians, scientists and culturalists to journey with us, we take the time to explore our destinations rom a cultural perspective. Wedelight in the local exchange o ideas with Inuit and other First Nations societies and venture rom time to time into the ancient realms o the old world. On every departure, we

have on staf local inhabitants rom the places we visit. While all the research in the worldmay explain certain aspects o a place, no one can tell you about that place and its culturelike someone who lives and works in it everyday.

Our People...

What to Expect

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the Atlantic Arts FloatThe Walrus Foundation presents:

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September 26 – October 6, 2009 aboard the Clipper Adventurer

We will join our riends rom theWalrus Foundation, this time on a

southerly route which will take us ona journey o artistic and intellectualexploration. ravelling through the grandlandscape and stimulated by a world classresource team, we’ll draw our inspiration romthe riches o Atlantic Canada. Here, in the wilds o Labrador, the orngatMountains meet the Atlantic Ocean - this is

one o the most breathtaking landscapes in all o Canada! Guidedexpeditionary stops and Zodiac cruises along Labrador’s coastwill allow time or wildli e viewing, spectacular tundra hikes,sketching, painting and photography. While in the Big Land we visit the region o Nunatsiavut, home o the Labrador Inuit wewill visit both natural and cultural sites o importance.Further south we examine the merchant and Maritime Archaichistories enroute through the Strait to Belle Isle. A er stopping inGros Morne, and a ew days along New oundland’s remote southshore we make our way down the east coast o Nova Scotia be orecompleting our journey in Hali ax.

his new concept will bring on a selection o Artists,Photographers, Musicians and Writers together on a loatingcreative plat orm with workshops, special projects andsmall-group instruction – all inspired by the beauty o Canada’s East Coast. ogether we will work together tocreate works onboard, and share them with the communitiesand the world at large on our inal night in Hali ax at ourspecial gallery event.

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KuujjuaqBe ore it was named Kuujjuaq, early ur traders knew this region as FortChimo. A mispronunciation o saimuk, which means ‘Let’s shake hands’,‘chimo’ was o en used to welcome early ur traders to the post. oday Kuujjuaq, the administrative capital o the Inuit territory o Nunavik, is abustling community combining traditional Inuit culture with theconveniences o modern day li e.

McLellan StraitAt the northernmost tip o Labrador, between the mainland andKilliniq Island, the entrance to the Hudson Strait is marked by anincreased chance to view wildli e. Te area attracts marine mammalssuch as polar bears, whales and seals due to the mixing o ocean currents

rom the Labrador Sea.

orngat Mountains National Park Reserve (3 days)From the Inuktitut word orngait , meaning “place o spirits”, the

orngat Mountains have been home to Inuit and their predecessors orthousands o years. Venturing south into the bays and ords along theNorthern Labrador Coast we notice the change in environment as lush

ora so s the sharp spikes o the orngat Mountain Range. Te ordshere reach well back into the depths o the orngats as we are

overshadowed by clifs rising straight up rom the sea, peaking at 1,700 m,the highest point o land in Labrador. Our intention is to makeexpeditionary stops in the northern reaches o Labrador, including the

orngat National Park Reserve.

HebronTis is the site o a Moravian Mission Station, constructed in 1833complete with church, classrooms, administrative o ces and livingquarters. In the 18th century, the rst Europeans to settle north o Hamilton Inlet were missionaries o the Moravian Church and their mainconcern was the spreading o Christianity. Now undergoing a majorrestoration, the site o the old mission is set against a backdrop o spectacular scenery. Tis site is an excellent starting point or hikes o varying degrees o di culty.

HopedaleOriginally called Agvituk meaning ‘place o whales’, Hopedale was rstestablished in 1782 by Moravian Missionaries. oday the community is amix o Inuit and settler populations. raditional Inuit practices remainstrong and most o the six hundred plus residents are members o the Lab-

rador Inuit Association. Te Hopedale Mission is considered to be the old-est wooden- rame building east o Quebec and has been declared a NationalHistoric Site. Tere is a wonder ully run museum located by the Mission.

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Battle HarbourA long-time Adventure Canada avourite, Battle Harbour was once abustling shing community until the cod sh moratorium in 1992 orcedit to cease its shing operations. Recently Battle Harbour has undergoneextensive restoration work and now holds the dual designation o NationalHistoric Site and National Historic District. Our visit wil l eature anengaging recount o the site’s history.

Gros MorneIt has been said that: “Gros Morne is to geology what the Galapagos are

to biology.” Our day is spent exploring the ablelands, a 600-metre highplateau that orms one o the world’s best examples o ancient rock exposed

rom the earth’s interior. Te spectacular scenery o Precambrian clifs,deep inland ords and volcanic ‘pillow rocks’ ormed as lava cooledunderwater - is home to moose, woodland caribou and giant Arctic hare,as well as over 30 species o wild orchids.

La PoileLa Poile is an isolated shing community o 180 on the south coast o theNew oundland and is accessible only by ship. Te name La Poile comes

rom the presence o citizens rom the French islands o St. Pierre andMiquelon who would come to the area to sh and collect timber as early as

the 1700s. Although permanent settlement did not occur until well into the1800s, American ships shed in the area o La Poile Bay as early as 1739.

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St. PierreA population o approximately 6,500 resides on the island o St. Pierre,all rom various descents includes French, Basque, Breton, and Normand.St. Pierre’s houses somewhat resemble its history: an eclectic collection o colours and style aligned on picturesque cobblestone streets and alleys.

Hali axHali ax is the cultural, economic and technological centre o Nova Scotia,combining big city sophistication with small town charm. Our shipboard journey comes to an end in this historic city and we prepare or theprivate reception and then a show that evening showcasing the work pro-duced during the journey. Overnight in Hali ax with ights home the ol-lowing day.

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In 2009 we are delighted once again to partner with the award-winning magazine - TeWalrus. Te Walrus is published by the charitable non-pro t Walrus Foundation with amandate to promote public discourse on matters vital to our country and to supportingCanadian writing, art, literacy, and ideas. Te Walrus is celebrating its h anniversary as a national, general interest magazine about Canada and Canada’s place in the world.

It is committed to publishing the best work by the best writers on a wide range o top-ics or readers who are curious about the world. In addition to publishing the maga-zine, Te Walrus Foundation o en takes the contents o the magazine of the page andthrows it on the stage – creating a kind o public square o debate and discussion andan opportunity or Canadians to continue the conversations started by the pieces in themagazine.

In partnering with Adventure Canada, Te Walrus Foundation has a new kind o oating orum o engaged, curious, intelligent, spirited riends and you get a chance to

become a Friend o Te Walrus – just by coming aboard. You’ll receive a year’s subscrip-tion to Te Walrus and other appropriate treats onboard. And you’ll have a walrus o a

time with Executive Director o Te Walrus Foundation and Co-publisher o Te Wal-rus, Shelley Ambrose, with broadcaster and Friend o Te Walrus, CBC Radio’s ShelaghRogers and our special guest musician, Daniel Payne.

About Our Partnership with The Walrus Foundation

With the help o the Walrus Foundation, our joint program,Te Atlantic Arts Float will run as a oating workshop, wherewe can explore all things creative with our large compliment o Musicians, Artists, Writers and Photographers. Te ocus willbe multidisciplinary with the goal o creating new art, music

and mixed media among the participants. Te voyage ends inHali ax, where we will exhibit our new creations in a mixed-media show / wrap party that the whole world isinvited to.

Onboard we will have special guests, smart talk and a Walrus FoundationEmbarkation package. All travellers in 2009 will receive a complimentary subscription to the Walrus Magazine.

Special Guests of The Walrus Sailing

Shelley Ambrose - Publisher, Te WalrusCalgarian Shelley Ambrose worked as a reporter or the Globeand Mail and the Windsor Star be ore serving or more thana decade as a producer or CBC Radio’s Morningside and later

orTe Pamela Wallin Show . A er three years in public afairsat the Canadian Consulate in New York, organizing media andevents and building the Canadian brand, Ambrose returned to

Canada in 2006. She has produced hundreds o events, including orums, lectures,estivals, book tours, arctic tours, royal visits, and Bill Clinton’s 60th birthday

celebrations in oronto and New York.

What’s Different about this Sailing

Donna Morrissey - WriterAt age 16 Morrissey le her birthplace, Te Beaches, a smalloutport on the west coast o New oundland. She lived in various places o Canada be ore returning to St. John’s where

she studied at Memorial University. She has written threeprize-winning novels — Kit’s Law, the national best sellerDownhill Chance, and Sylvanus Now— as well as

Clothesline Patch, the Gemini Award winning screenplay

Shelagh Rogers - HostShelagh Rogers is a veteran broadcast-journalist. Shehas hosted a number o agship programs or the CBC,including Tis Morning and Sounds Like Canada. She wasappointed “deputy host” o Morningside by Peter Gzowski.Shelagh travels the land collecting stories or the radio. Inthe year 2000, she won the John Drainie Award, Canada’s

highest broadcasting honour. She is also the recipient o an honourary doctorate

rom the University o Western Ontario. Tough she could be called Dr. Rogers,she is very happy to answer to Shelagh. She is also a member o the Royal Cana-dian Legion, Branch 45, Woody Point, New oundland.

Alistair McLeod - WriterAlistair MacLeod is recognised internationally as one o the world’s nest ction writers. His reputation is based onshort stories contained in the collection, Island , and on his1999 novel No Great Mischie , which was a huge successin many languages and won the ImpacPrize in Dublin,

the world’s richest literary prize. A now-retired pro essor o English at theUniversity o Windsor, Dr. Macleod is a renowned teacher o creative writing,and lectures widely around the world.

Bill Lishman - Man of Many alentsBill is an award winning sculptor, lmmaker, inventor andnaturalist. He is co ounder and Chairman o the Board o Operation or Migration Inc., a non-pro t organization dedi-cated to establishing sa e migration routes or migratory birds,and or the past twenty ve years has been the Vice President o Paula Lishman Fashions. In 2000, Bill received the Meritorious

Service Medal or his pioneering work with migratory birds. Te 1996 Oscar nomi-nated Columbia pictures lm “Fly Away Home” was inspired by his li e story.

F t d R St ff This is a partial list please check our website for the most

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Featured Resource Staff This is a partial list, please check our website for the mostup to date list of Resource Staff and their extended biographies

High Arctic Adventure

Alfred McLaren - Polar ExplorerExplorers Club lecturer Captain Al red S. McLaren, U.S. Navy (Ret.), is a world-classpolar explorer and an expert in the polar regions. As a naval o cer, Capt. McLarenmade three Arctic submarine expeditions: one on the USS Seadragon, which madethe rst submerged transit o the Northwest Passage, and two on the USS Queenfsh.A graduate o the U.S. Naval Academy and Naval War College, Capt. McLaren is a

veteran o more than 20 Cold War submarine operations, and retired as Captain in 1981.

Cam Gillies - OrnithologistCam grew up enjoying the birds and Rocky Mountains o British Columbia. He isa keen birder and photographer and as a co-owner o a birding company in BritishColumbia. Cam has guided many adventures and has participated in a variety o research projects; rom catching endangered Leopard Frogs to snow trackingWolverines. Currently, he completed his PhD at the University o Alberta on the

movement o orest birds in Costa Rica.Pakak Inukshuk - Carver, Director, ActorBorn in Igloolik, Pakak is a carver, hunter, drum maker and dancer, directorand actor. Pakak recently completed the lming o the critically-acclaimedSila (Te Journals o Knud Rasmussen ), the latest rom award winning director,Zacharias Kunuk. Pakak portrays Aua, the last great Inuit shaman in Igloolik and his own great grand ather. In 2001, Pakak had a leading role in the lm

Atanarjuat (a winner at Cannes) and was the 2nd Assistant Director.

Bob MacDonald - CBC HostFor the past 35 years Bob McDonald has been communicating science to thepublic through every medium. He is currently host o Quirks & Quarks, Canada’sweekly national science program on CBC Radio One, Science Correspondent orTe National and Newsworld Morning on CBC television and recently received aGemini Award or his role as host o the children’s television series Head’s Up or

which he is also the writer. Bob has received numerous awards including the Michael Smith Awardrom NSERC, Sir San ord Fleming Medal rom the Royal Canadian Institute and the McNeil Medalrom the Royal Society o Canada. He holds our Honourary Doctorates.

Jerry Kobalenko - AdventurerA resource ul, sel -reliant arctic trekker and photojournalist, Jerry tirelessly criss-crosses Canada’s northernmost regions and discovers a world where extremism isessential. Jerry’s writing and photography have appeared in hundreds o publica-tions around the world.; including his critically acclaimed book, Te Horizontal Everest: Extreme Journeys on Ellesmere Island afair with the Canadian HighArctic.

Dave Reid - Northern SpecialistTe last Scottish recruit or that most Canadian o corporations - the Hudson’s Bay Company - David moved rom Glasgow to the Canadian Arctic in 1989. For thepast twelve years, he has been involved in the adventure travel business and hassince led, organized or participated in more than 220 Arctic and Antarctic expedi-tions, trips and projects. A member o Te International Explorers Club , David still

lives in Pond Inlet in North Ba n Island, travelling in theof-season, working on various projects as wellas promoting and marketing the Ba n region, Nunavut and Arctic Canada.

Aaju Peter - CulturalistBorn in Arkisserniaq, a northern Greenland community, in 1960 Aaju has livedup & down the west coast o her native country as a result o her ather’s teaching& preaching career. In 1981, Aaju moved to Iqaluit, in Nunavut, Canada whereshe has taken up residence. Here, Aaju worked as an interpreter, & she has done volunteer work with various women’s & interpretation organizations. Currently

Aaju has a homebased sealskin garment business, translates, volunteers or the music society, collectstraditional law rom elders or the Department o Justice & graduated rom Akitsiraq Law School.

Into the Northwest Passage

Marshall Dane – MusicianMarshall was raised with the musical in uence o his parents as well as storytell-ers John Denver, Kenny Rogers, and Simon & Gar unkel. He got his rst gig at15, was paid “35 dollars and cheesecake”, and turned it into his rst record o thesame. Marshall just recently won the title o “Best Live Electric Band” at the 2008

oronto Independent Music Awards.

ed Cowan - HistorianEducated at Edinburgh University, ed taught or 13 years in the Scottish His-tory Department there. In 1979, he became Pro essor o History and Chair o Scottish Studies at the University o Guelph, Ontario, returning to Scotland in1993 as Pro essor o Scottish History and Literature at the University o Glas-gow. He has written several books, and is interested in the Vikings, medieval

Scotland, the Covenants, Scottish Popular Culture an Scottish Emigration ed has a keen interest inArctic Canada’s exploration era.

Mike Beedell - Photographer Mike is one o Canada’s leading adventure photographers and wilderness ex-

plorers, with over 20 years o travel to Canada’s remote corners. His accomplish-ments include sailing the Northwest Passage in an 18 . catamaran, completinga 3000 km dogsled journey rom Ba n Island to Greenland and most recently completing a circumnavigation o Bylot Island in Canada’s High Arctic. He will

share photo tips, tales and a notable singing voice.

Cedar Bradley-Swan – Adventure CanadaCedar grew up travelling Canada’s coastlines taking in their rich landscape and his-tory. Her passion or learning about people and their traditions led Cedar to study history at the University o oronto. Cedar looks orward to returning to the Arcticagain and sharing the experience with you.

Clayton Anderson - Adventure CanadaFormerly o “no xed address,” Clayton joined Adventure Canada to head upthe marketing department. A er graduating the University o Western Ontarioin 1998, he was an newspaper editor in Costa Rica, wrote travel guide books inMontreal and edited a magazine be ore joining Adventure Canada. Having trav-eled extensively in the Arctic over the past ew years, Clayton will be returning

once again to the Arctic to instigate the un, drive Zodiacs and carry the Adventure Canada ag.

Nat Rutter -GeologistCarolyn Mallory - Botanist

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Heart of the Arctic

Carol Heppenstall - Arts & CultureCarol has been leading tours or Adventure Canada or 14 years. She has a BAin Art History & a MA in Museum Education. Her passion or Inuit Art & herbelie in the power o communication through the arts, has drawn her back repeatedly to the Arctic. Designing smaller tours with an art/culture ocus andworking as a Resource Guide on the Arctic cruises has allowed her to keep in

touch with artists & update the ever- changing artistic & cultural expressions in the north.

Matthew Swan - President, Adventure CanadaMatthew considers himsel to have one o the best jobs in Canada. Researching anddelivering travel programs has taken him to some o the most beauti ul parts o thecountry, an experience he describes as having an “elemental efect” on his view o Canada. He developed many o Adventure Canada’s programs in the Arctic thatcontinue to be the company’s most success ul destination. Matthew and June and

their three children, Cedar, Alana and Matthew James live in a remote, wilderness part o Mississauga,but very near the airport.

Jack Seigel -NaturalistA er 30 years as a pro essor o environmental studies, Jack remains committed toconservation and education. He has consulted on ecotourism development and

taught guide training internationally. With an extensive knowledge o plants andanimals, and their ecological relationships, Jack introduces “the big picture” in arelaxed and entertaining style. Since 1978 he has travelled throughout the Arctic,

rst joining the Adventure Canada team in 1994. When not guiding nature tours throughout the world,he and his wi e divide the year between their energy e cient ‘straw bale’ home in central Ontario and themountains o Panama.

Ian amblyn - MusicianA composer, songwriter, singer, instrumentalist, playwright, environmentalist,explorer & producer, Ian has captured the spirit o many remote & beauti ul partso the world, rom the Arctic to the Antarctic. Trough 30 albums o originalmusic, his work has become known & respected around the world & he has playeda signi cant role in the olk music scene in Canada & internationally. Ian’s latest

- Four Coast Project: Volume Tree Te Arctic: A Tousand Shortcuts Home - will be released in 2009.

Jolly Atagooyuk - ArtistJolly was born on Broughton Island. He now lives in Pangnirtung with his wi eand our children. Jolly has been printmaking or over ten years. At the NunavutArctic College in Iqaluit he studied etching, watercolour or printmaking, stencil,oil painting, silkscreen, and also a visual ne art and cra oundation course.A er completing his diploma in 1994, Jolly joined the Uqqurmiut Centre or

Printmakers in Pangnirtung. He has been busy ever since, painting and printing, teaching printmaking,and attending arts estivals across the Arctic. Jolly has been commissioned to create an exclusive print

or all travellers on this voyage.

Nat Rutter -GeologistNat has spent most o his career working on scienti c problems concerning theQuaternary Period, the last 2.6 million years o Earth history. As an undergradu-ate student, he worked as a student assistant in the Arctic and Greenland. A ergraduating with his Ph.D. rom the University o Alberta, he joined the GeologicalSurvey o Canada in Calgary, spending most o his time investigating the glacial

history and climate change o Western Canada as well as teaching courses at the University o Calgary.

Ree Brennin - Marine BiologistRee is a zoologist specializing in marine li e. She studied beluga populationsacross the Canadian Arctic and is currently organizing a workshop on belugaconservation. Ree spent nine years working at the Monterey Bay Aquariumtraining Volunteer Guides who interpret marine li e and inspire conserva-tion. Ree also taught Environmental Science and Policy at the Monterey

Institute o International Studies. She now lives in Ontario, Canada where she works as an envi-ronmental consultant on Arctic marine issues.

Out of the Northwest Passage

Ken McGoogan - Author/HistorianA best-selling Canadian author, Ken McGoogan has a survived shipwreck in the Indian Ocean, chased the ghost o Lady Franklin across asmania,and lugged a memorial plaque into the High Arctic. Ken won the PierreBerton Award or History and the University o British Columbia Medal

or Canadian Biography. His acclaimed works about Arctic explorationinclude Race to the Polar Sea, Lady Franklin’s Revenge, Ancient Mariner and

Fatal Passage .

Latonia Hartery - ArchaeologistLatonia is currently nishing a PhD in circumpolar archaeology at theUniversity o Calgary. For the past decade she has conducted excavations onarchaeological sites in northern New oundland. Her interests in media and ar-chaeology spawned LJH Associates, a consulting company devoted to assessing

lm and television productions or historical accuracy and accurate portrayalo aboriginal people.

Pierre Richard - Marine BiologistAs a long-time Arctic marine mammal researcher, Pierre has ocused onthe population biology o belugas and narwhals o the Canadian Arctic,developing recommendations or the sustainable use and conservation o their populations. He is known in Nunavut as “Pieri, angutikutaq qilalu-galerei” (‘the tall man who knows about belugas and narwhals’). He is the

author o a Nunavut school book on Marine Mammals o Nunavut and several French languagebooks on whales and mammals o eastern Canada and the Arctic.

Carolyn Mallory - BotanistCarolyn Mallory is a writer currently working on a book about insects inNunavut, a ollow up to her popular “Common Plants o Nunavut”, co-written with Susan Aiken. As well as writing, Carolyn is a librarian, a gym-nastics coach, and chair o the French school board. She has three children,two dogs, two cats, our errets and two birds and lives in Iqaluit with herhusband Mark, in their house overlooking Frobisher Bay.

Mark Mallory - BiologistFor the past eight years, Mark has lived in Iqaluit with his wi e Carolyn andthree children, along with 10 pets. A er spending more than a decade study-ing the efects o acid rain on water owl and loons in Ontario, Mark nowstudies Arctic seabirds, particularly the efects o climate change and pollu-tion on their ecology. He and his colleagues recently ound dramatic declines

in Ivory Gull populations in Canada, which led to the species being listed as Endangered in 2006.

Thi i ti l li t l h k b it f th t

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Featured Resource Staff This is a partial list, please check our website for the mostup to date list of Resource Staff and their extended biographies

Atlantic Arts Float

Gerald McMaster - Artist and CuratorFor the past 30 years, Dr. Gerald McMaster has worked as a visual artist,curator, and scholar—to increase the knowledge and appreciation o FirstNation, Métis, and Inuit art, both nationally and internationally. He alsocreated the rst national Indian and Inuit art gallery at the Canadian Mu-seum o Civilization, in Ottawa, where he was Curator rom 1981 to 2000.Now curator o Canadian Art at the Art Gallery o Ontario, Gerald has the

distinction o serving as curatorial and cultural resource in the opening o two new national mu-seums, in Ottawa and Washington.

om Barlow – Musicianom has been a writer and per ormer on the Canadian music scene or 20 years.

During that time he has garnered three Juno Award nominations, a CanadianRadio Music Award nomination and won the Canadian Independent Rising StarAward. om has toured across Canada and around the world in such disparateplaces as China, Europe, Te United States and Nicaragua. His latest project is

the Te Beauti ul Unknown.

Pat Sutherland - ArchaeologistPat is an archaeologist who since 1975 has undertaken eld research throughoutArctic Canada and has also collaborated on a number o international projectsin Greenland. Her studies have included the Inuit and pre-Inuit occupationso the High Arctic and the Mackenzie Delta; the art and culture o the Dorsetpeople; the Norse colonies o Greenland; and the lost Frankin expedition. Pat is

Curator o Eastern Arctic Archaeology at the Canadian Museum o Civilization, and director o theHelluland Archaeology Project.

Doug Gibson - EditorIn his twenty years as publisher at McClelland & Stewart, he edited authorsranging rom Pierre rudeau to Peter Gzowski, rom Peter C. Newman toBrian Mulroney, and rom Robertson Davies to Alice Munro. A Scot, educatedat St. Andrews University and at Yale, he lives in oronto with his wi e, Jane,and continues to publish Douglas Gibson Books at McClelland & Stewart.

Dennis Minty - PhotographerBorn in willingate, New oundland, Dennis has ollowed a varied path to ar-rive at his current pro ession as a photographer. Trough 30 years o both localand international work, Dennis has served as an award winning wildli e

biologist and environmental educator; designer and manager o a natureeducation centre; author; multimedia developer and adventure tour guide. Oneo his environmental education projects, Finding the Balance, Environmental Issues on a Global Scale was o cially endorsed by the United Nations. Dennis has also received the CanadianGovernor General’s Medal or his work in environmental education.

Eli Mekuratsuk - CulturalistEli was born in Okak Bay, Nunatsiavut, Labrador. He grew up travelling by dog team, living a traditional li estyle on the land with his extended amily -much o this time spent in the orngat Mountains which is his real homeland.He is a gi ed carver and appreciates music - has been known to bring out theguitar and treat the crowd to a song or two. Eli is a true ambassador or his

homeland and looks orward to sharing his li e experiences with you. On top o that Eli will keepus sa e rom polar bears as we travel in the land o the Labrador Inuit.

Members of Drawnonward – ArtistsOver ten years ago the artists o DRAWNONWARD began to travel through-out Canada in order to document its unique and varied regions. oday, a erover 100 000 kilometers travelling by bus, boat, canoe, train, milk van, skis,

eet and last year aboard Adventure Canada’s expedition vessel to the Arctic,the artists have painted together rom coast to coast. Tey are excited to be

returning to such a riendly and picturesque part o the country with the Adventure Canadaamily. Te Artists will be available to provide ormal lectures, organized workshops and personal

instruction throughout the journey.

Daniel Payne - MusicianDaniel comes rom a long line o traditional accordion and ddle players romCow Head on the Great Northern Peninsula o New oundland. He is a well-known singer, actor and multi-instrumentalist who has per ormed both as amusician and actor throughout North America, Australia and Europe. He is arecipient o the New oundland and Labrador Arts Council’s Emerging Artist

Award and played a leading role in the New oundland-Ireland production o the V miniseries,

Random Passage, a portrayal o Bernice Morgan’s li e in early New oundland. His rst solo album,released in spring 2008 is entitled Chain .

Kananginak Pootoogook - Artist / ElderSon o a great camp leader, Kananginak Pootoogook was born in 1935 onsouthern Ba n Island. In 1957 he moved with his amily to Cape Dorset,where he became one o the our original printmakers at the seminal WestBa n Eskimo Co-op. Kananginak’s own realistic and o en highly dramaticwildli e imagery, expressed through the media o original drawings, limited

edition prints and sculpture, earned him the name ‘Arctic Audubon’ - and election to the RoyalCanadian Academy in 1980. Kananginak is John Houston’s god ather.

John Houston - Filmmaker / CulturalistA member o the well-known Houston amily, John spent the rst seven yearso his li e in the Arctic at Cape Dorset, Ba n Island. He studied art in Parisand graduated rom Yale University in 1975; that same year, he took up the po-sition o Art Advisor to the Pangnirtung Co-operative’s printmaking project.In 1998, John co-wrote and directed his rst lm. His 2007 lm: Kiviuq, was

recently awarded ‘Best Documentary Film’ at Dreamspeakers 12th annual International Aboriginal

Film & elevision Festival in Edmonton. His latest James Houston: Te Most Interesting Group o People You’ll Ever Meet was released in late 2008.

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Literature, music, visual art, theatre—New oundland has it al l, and in abundance ar beyond anything you

might expect o hal a million people. Join celebrated New oundland writer Kevin Major or an insider’s look at the culture o his Island, seven art- lled days at the edge o the North Atlantic. Let him take you throughthe multi-hued streets and back lanes o St. John’s, to his avourite galleries and music haunts. Meet artistsand poets and musicians (sometimes all three in one). Spend time in their studios. Hear them explain theirart. Listen as they read rom their award-winning books, and chat with them leisurely over wine.

From the intimacy o an ornate nineteenth century reading room to the sweeping views o the city rom theultra-modern galleries o Te Rooms (what Te Globe and Mail has called ‘one o the world’s great smallmuseums’), you’ll know you’re in the midst o a culture like no other in North America. Aesthetically, youmight think yoursel in Europe. Whether browsing the galleries or enjoying a pint and a song at Te Ship,you’ll know or sure you’ve allen into the arms o a spirited arts scene.

Food? O course. Whether your pre erence is ne international cuisine or sh ‘n chips at Ches’s, St. John’sdoesn’t disappoint. Shopping? Tat, too. From books personally autographed, to paintings and prints, to neand unky cra s.

Kevin will also travel with you to rinity, one o the most beauti ul o New oundland’s outport communities,and home to Rising ide Teatre , the company that has produced several o his plays. Tere you will havechance to explore the place that has become a haven or artists o all kinds. ake in the site o the Vmini-series Random Passage. Attend Rising ide’s evening per ormance, then meet the cast and theirdynamic artistic director. Retire to the charms o Fisher’s Lo (where Kevin Spacey and Judy Dench stayedwhile lming Te Shipping News), be ore returning to St. John’s

Seven delight ul days steeped in New oundland’s culture – what a way to get to know this most distinctive o islands!

Art on the Rock With Kevin Major and Anne CrAwford July 6 – 12, 2009

Cost: $3,295 CDN+ GS ;

based on double occupancy Max: 18 adventurers

Tour IncludesAll meals, break ast Day 1 to break ast•

Day 7Six nights accommodation•

All transportation•

Guiding services o Kevin Major and•

Anne Craw ord

Special guest appearances•

Evening o theatre at• Rising ideinrinity and exclusive backstage pass

Admissions to galleries, museums &•

special events

Tour Cost Does Not include:ransportation to/ rom St. John’s and•

your homeravel/medical insurance•

Alcoholic beverages with meals•

Any expenses incurred due to weather,•

delays etc.

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Listen to the explosive spout o a humpback whale as it breaksthe sur ace o a clear blue ocean. See the comical ight o a

ull-bellied pu n as it attempts to get airborne. Smell the salty landwash where the sea touches North America’s eastern-mostland and where First Light really is rst.

With camera in hand we will take you to the heart o the mosteasterly corner o North America, still largely undiscovered by the vast majority o travellers. Tis is a tour or photographers,their companions and the artistically-minded. Your particularneeds and interests are addressed in a multi-dimensional tourthat mixes group instruction, experiential learning and one-on-one coaching in the midst o cultural and ecological wonders.

Presentations are interactive, inspiring and in ormative; thehikes are lled with vistas and natural beauty that invite hourso artistic contemplation; the traditional home-cooked mealsand accommodations celebrate the best o New oundlandhospitality. We will amble through charming historiccommunities like Brigus, rinity and St. John’s; experiencegannets, pu ns and whales closer than most anywhere onearth, hike trails that take us along tall clifs, through gentlemeadows and explore New oundland’s amous rocky beaches.

July 18 – July 25, 20098 days, 7 nights

$3,295 CDN + GSMaximum participants: 12

Prices include:All accommodations•

All meals•

Ground transportation•

Your instructor/guide(s)•

All park/tour ees•

Prices do not include:Flights to and rom St. John’s•

Laundry, phone calls, GS ,•

personal itemsAlcoholic beverages•

ravel/medical insurance•

Fitness level: Easy to moderate

Newfoundland Close-Up: A Photographic Adventure July 18 –25, 2009

Your Guides:

Dennis Minty & Antje SpringmannDennis has a ve yearhistory with AdventureCanada as naturalist andphotographer. He is anaward winningenvironmental educator,wildli e biologist, park

manager and author o several books. AntjeSpringmann has called New oundland homesince coming there rom Germany when shewas twelve. She guided her rst cultural tourso St.John’s 20 years ago. She has a variedbackground in educational design, arts andculture, tourism, marketing, event organiza-tion and partnership development. A buddingphotographer in her own right, she recently joined her husband, Dennis Minty, indeveloping workshops that bring people closerto the natural world.

All Photos © Dennis Minty and Antje Springmann

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Day 1We begin in St. John’s, New oundland’s vibrant, historic capital. From here a one hourdrive brings us to Conception Bay. Cupids, our home base or the rst part o our adven-ture, is a picturesque and welcoming town. Settled in 1610, it is Canada’s oldest Englishcolony. Here we are hosted by charming B&B’s brimming with New oundland hospitality.A er an introduction to nature photography we head outdoors as the shadows lengthen,to hike the Burnt Head rail while indulging in the splendour o this undiscovered gem.

Day 2We set of near dawn to explore the Greenland trail to capture the early morning light.We walk among the ormer settlement o Deep Gulch, and take in a spectacular clif viewo “Te Arch”, a natural rock ormation. We make requent stops or tips and exercisesthat help us see creatively. In the a ernoon we explore the neighbouring town o Brigus.Tis picturesque community, once home to amous arctic explorer Captain Bob Bartlett.We take time to wander among the laneways and unique stone canals that lace this idylliccommunity rich in traditional architecture.

Day 3

Bay Roberts’ East Shoreline Heritage Walk is one o New oundland’s most scenic hikes.Our path takes us through meadows where we pass stone walls, root cellars and otherevidence o early settlements. We stop and explore tiny pebble beaches be ore making ourway along towering clif-tops that ofer an expansive view o Port-aux-Graves Peninsula,Bell Island, and Conception Bay beyond. Port Rexton, home o “Te Shipping News” isour next base.

Day 4Our morning’s highlights are the pu n colony at Elliston and some small naturaltreasures along the way. In the a ernoon we hike the Skerwink rail, rated among theworld’s best by ravel & Leisure Magazine. We trek through stunning landscapes o or-est, meadow and rocky coastline. Ancient sea stacks, 540 million years old, rise rom theocean oor. Bald Eagles are likely companions along the way.

Day 5We explore rinity and hike Gun Hill or its breathtaking views. Tis stately and vibrantcommunity is steeped in history and has the sense o grandeur due to its sh merchanthistory. A photographic discovery awaits around every corner. In the a ernoon we takea step back in time on the lm set o “Random Passage” which documented the li e o New oundland’s rst European settlers. Ten it’s on to Kearley’s Harbour, a small coastalcommunity abandoned in the 1960’s. Te evening is spent on rinity Bay exploring thecoastline’s charming coves by boat.

Day 6In store or us today is one o the world’s most spectacular wi ldli e experiences – Cape St.Mary’s Seabird Sanctuary, North America’s second largest gannet colony. Nowhere elseon earth are you able to get closer to these majestic birds. Tousands o these magni centbirds sail above and below us. Te air is lled with the drone o their chatter.

Day 7We take a quiet walk through Salmonier Nature Park, a marvellous environmentaleducation and wildli e rehabilitation centre where we are able to closely observe many o

New oundland’s native wildli e species. In the a ernoon we take to the water in search o whales in Bay Bulls and Witless Bay. Here lies one o the world’s greatest gathering placeso whales and seabirds drawn yearly by the abundant ood supply. Te air is lled withthousands o pu ns, kittiwakes and murres as they tend their young. We are looking orthe giants o the sea: minke and humpback whales. Our small boat allows us to get closeenough to hear the mighty blow as they break the sur ace, smell their pungent breath, andsee the water pearl of their ukes as they rise rom the ocean.

Day 8Memorial University’s Botanical Gardens, a 110 acre nature reserve dedicated to thedisplay and study o New oundland’s native ora and its habitats. We spend our morn-ing here exploring and practicing our new photo skills be ore lunch at the Gardens’ neca é. Our a ernoon takes us to Cape Spear National Park, North America’s most easterly point and home to the province’s oldest surviving lighthouse. We explore this rugged areao craggy clifs and windswept barrens, then head on to the pretty shing village o Petty Harbour/Maddox Cove be ore ending our tour in St. John’s.

Th Cli Ad t

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The Clipper Adventurer

Registry BahamasGross onnage 4,364Built 1975 - Russia

Re urbished 1999 - ScandinaviaIce Class A-1Length 101 m (330 )

Beam 16.5m (54 )Dra 4.72m (15.5 )Cruising Speed 12 knots

Capacity 118 passengersElectricity 220 V.Stabilizers Sperry Gyro n

echnical Speci cations:

Te 118-passenger Clipper Adventurer, among the very ew vessels in the world speci cally con-structed or expedition voyages to the ar reaches o this remote land. She has advanced communi-

cations and navigation equipment, and newly installed, state-o -the-art Sperry Gyro n stabilizers.With $13 million in renovations, the Clipper Adventurer is a handsome expedition vessel, donein the style o great ocean liners when ships were ships. With lots o varnished wood, brass, andwooden decks, the ship has all new outside cabins, and private acilities. Tere is a Main Lounge,bar, Clipper Club, library/card room, gymnasium, sauna, gi shop, and beauty salon. Meals includeInternational and Continental cuisine. Te ship has a eet o 10 Zodiacs and a special loading plat-

orm. An ice class rating o A-1 allows theClipper Adventurer to go to places larger cruise ships canonly dream o , and she does it in com ort and style unsurpassed by other vessels her size.

Category Amenities

1 Quad Lower Forward , 2 upper 2 lower berths, private acilities, porthole window.

2 Triple Lower Deck , 1 upper 2 lower berths, private acilities, porthole window.

3 Junior Double, two lower berths, shower, porthole window

4 Double, two lower berths, shower, porthole window.

5 Main Double, two lower berths, shower, porthole window.

6 Deluxe Double, shower, midship, two lower berths, porthole window.

7 Superior Double, two lower berths, shower, picture window.

8 Junior Suite, two lower berths, bath or shower, sitting area.

9 Suite, two lower beds, bath with shower, window,sitting area.

10 Owner’s Suite, two lower berths, shower, porthole window .

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Fares Include: Your complete itinerary•Team of resource specialists•Educational program and•pre-departure materials

All meals, except occasional• optional meal ashoreAll Zodiac excursions•Service charges and port fees•Hotel night October 5• th on the Atlantic

Arts Float

Fares Do Not Include:Flights, Charters•GST on• Into the Northwest PassageMandatory medical / evacuation insurance•Personal expenses (laundry, alcoholic bever-•

ages, phone calls, onboard medical fees)Additional expenses in the event of delays or •itinerary changesDiscretionary gratuities to ship’s crew •(approximately $10 - 14 per passenger per day)Visas, if required•Fees for physician’s notes con rming you are t•to travelPossible fuel surcharges•

Rates are per person, per voyage based on double occupancy unless speci ed. Private singles available on our vessels in certain categories at 1.6 times the doubleoccupancy rate. All prices cash/cheque discounted; rates based on US funds. See Terms & Conditions for rates when paying nal balance with a credit card.

Making a Difference:Each area we visit has richcultural and wild treasures to offer. As guests, wehave made a point to source and support local projectsin the areas through which we travel. A contributionfrom each passenger represents a portion of themoney we donate to ensure the longevity and successof educational, environmental and cultural initiativesin these regions.

Sailing Solo? Single travellers not requiring privateaccommodation on shipboard programs can be matched

with another single traveller at no extra charge.

Join us on more than one voyageand get a special discount!

2009 Rates Voyage High Arctic

AdventureInto the Northwest Passage Out of the Northwest

PassageHeart of the Arctic Atlantic Arts Float

Dates Aug. 9-21, 2009 Aug. 21 - Sep. 1, 2009 Sep. 1 - 16, 2009 Sep. 16 - 26, 2009 Sep. 26 - Oct. 6, 2009Category 1 $4,395.00 $4,395.00 $5,795.00 $3,695.00 $2,595.00

2 $5,195.00 $5,295.00 $6,995.00 $4,295.00 $3,695.00

3 $6,195.00 $6,495.00 $7,995.00 $5,395.00 $4,795.00

4 $7,195.00 $7,495.00 $9,095.00 $6,395.00 $5,495.00

5 $8,295.00 $8,695.00 $10,395.00 $7,495.00 $6,295.00

6 $9,250.00 $9,695.00 $11,595.00 $8,395.00 $6,995.00

7 $9,595.00 $9,895.00 $12,095.00 $8,895.00 $7,995.00

8 $9,995.00 $10,395.00 $12,795.00 $9,395.00 $8,795.00

9 $10,395.00 $10,995.00 $13,195.00 $9,895.00 $9,195.0010 $10,995.00 $11,495.00 $13,995.00 $10,195.00 $9,695.00

Discovery Fund $250 $200

Due to the recent and signi cant uctuations of the Canadian dollar, and the fact that most of ourexpenses are in US dollars, we have been compelled to price our itineraries in US dollars for the 2009 season.

Like the Photos in this brochure?

Most of these photos are available as printsfrom the respective photographers in avariety of sizes. Please give us a call and we’lldirect you to the photographer so

you can get one for your wall.

We love Bagpipers!If you can play,bring your pipesalong and askabout our bagpiper’srebate.

Coming Attractions

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Coming AttractionsWe offer a diverse array of tour programs, including small group art and wildlife tours, and both Canadian and International expeditionary voyages. We invite you toperuse the tour details and choose one or more of our upcoming programs. We are constantly ne tuning our favorites and expanding our subject matter to re ect theinterests of our clients and the compelling issues in the world today. As always, we have a stellar lineup of resource guides to enhance your experience.

© Jack Siegal

© Jack Siegal

© Mike Beedell

Ecuador and the Galapagos IslandsJoin us once again for our voyage to the real Middle Earth as we experience Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.We’ll have a chance to explore the UNESCO world heritage site of colonial Quito, shop in the shadow of a volcanoat the Otavalo Market, and stand on the equator before heading to the Galapagos Islands. This year we will be us-

ing the luxurious, 16-passenger Queen of the Galapagos , and offering a choice of two different departures to theGalapagos Islands, where some of the world’s most interesting and unique wildlife is found.

• Jan. 23 - Feb. 2 & Jan 30 - Feb 9, 2009 • Berths from $5,595 CDN

• May 11 – 23, 2009 • Berths from $6,395 CDN

Celtic Quest : From Spain to Scotland In 2009 we will explore the Celtic edges of western Europe: beginning in Galicia, Spain we will travel norththrough Brittany, France England, Ireland and nish in the land of the Scots. We’ll visit huge bird colonies,early monasteries in dramatic settings, megalithic stones, medieval castles, characters, Ceilidh bands andvillages - both ancient and modern. Onboard the 96-passenger M/S Andrea , the program is, as always, rich inculture, art & music.

• July 9 - 18, 2009 • $4,355 CDN + GST

Queen Charlotte IslandsJoin Carol Heppenstall on a sailing journey to Haida Gwaii: the Queen Charlotte Islands and home of the Haida -one of the most culturally rich and developed groups of people to inhabit early North America. These sites containthe remains of the great longhouses and the best remaining examples of original totem poles in the world. SGaangGwaii is recognized as a World Heritage Site. The old villages are now uninhabited, but each summer the Haidahave watchmen at several of the old villages to protect their heritage and greet visitors. We hope to see Stellar sealions and spot a variety of whales from our vessel, the Island Roamer.

South America TraverseOur southbound exploration of South America’s spectacular west coast takes us from colonial Quito, Ecuador’scapital city, to Puerto Montt, Chile. Visit superb archaeological sites in Peru, cruise through the Humboldt Currentwitness with its proli c marine life and seabirds enroute to Chile’s Atacama Desert. With visits to four World Heri -tage Sites and to Lauca National Park, a World Biosphere Reserve, we have the rare opportunity for an in-depthlook into the ancient cultures and stunning biodiversity of this fascinating coast.

• October 14 - November 2, 2009 • Berths from $9,980 USD

Release Registration Form contact Us 905-271-4000 or 1-800-363-7566

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The undersigned hereby agrees with these terms andconditions and further agrees that Adventure Canadashall have no liability or responsibility whatsoever for damages to or loss of property, or injury which maybe sustained by reason of, or while engaged on, anyAdventure Canada tour, whether due to (i) Adven-ture Canada’s ownership, maintenance, use, opera-tion or control of any manner of conveyance used incarrying out the tour (including, without limitation,Zodiac embarkations involving descendinggangway stairs with double handrails and step-ping into the Zodiac from a small platform atwater level); (ii) the use of transportation or other services of owners, operators, or public carri-ers for whom Adventure Canada acts only asagent; (iii) passenger’s lack of proper traveldocumentation (such as visas, passports, etc.); (iv)any act, omission or event occurring during the timethat passengers are not aboard Adventure Canadacarriers or conveyances; or (v) any act of war,insurrection, revolt or other civil uprising or military ac-tion occurring in the countries of origin, destination or passage, or changes caused by sickness, weather, strike,quarantine or other causes beyond the control of Adven-ture Canada. The undersigned hereby waives any claimit may have against Adventure Canada for any suchdamage, loss or injury. The passenger understands andacknowledges the ticket in use by the carriers concerned(when issued) shall constitute the sole contract betweenthe transportation companies and the purchaser of thesetours and/or passage. Adventure Canada of Missis-sauga, Ontario, Canada (Ontario Registration No.0400 1400) acts only as agent for all services describedherein. Adventure Canada and its sponsoring orga-nizations do not assume any responsibility or liabilitywhatsoever for any claims, damages, expenses or other

nancial loss related to the operation of this tour. All lequestions and actions against Adventure Canada must bebrought in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, and by its ac-ceptance hereof the passenger waives any right to bring anaction in any other forum. The passenger hereby cert-

es that he/she does not have a mental, physical or othercondition or disability that would create a hazard for him/herself or other passengers. The passenger agreesto deliver the medical form provided by Adventure Can-ada, duly completed by the passenger’s certi ed physi-cian, prior to departure.

The undersigned passenger clearly understandsthat the liability of Adventure Canada is de nitivellimited as aforesaid. The undersigned passenger hascarefully read the terms and conditions set out herein

as well as the materials regarding the tour provided byAdventure Canada and is aware that such tour involvesthe risk of personal injury or death and damage or loss of property. In consideration of the bene ts to bderived from participation in the tour, the undersignedvoluntarily accepts all risk of personal injury or death andproperty damage or other loss arising from participationon the tour and hereby agrees that he/she and his/her dependents, heirs, executors and assigns, do re-lease and hold harmless Adventure Canada and itsemployees, of cers, directors, trustees and representa-tives from any and all claims, including claims of negli-gence, illness, personal injury, death or property dam-age or loss, however caused, arising from or relatedto this tour. The undersigned has read carefully thagreement, and will abide by the conditions set by Ad-venture Canada and in the terms and conditions hereof or elsewhere published. The undersigned af rms thathe/she has not received or relied on any oral or writ-ten representation of Adventure Canada as a basis for executing this Release.

Passenger 1 Passenger 2Full Name:(as on passport)

Title: First: Last: Title: First: Last:

Badge Name:Date of Birth: MM / DD / YY Place of Birth: MM / DD / YY Place of Birth:Address: Street:

City: Prov/St:

Country: Postcode:


City: Prov/St:

Country: Postcode:E-mail: Telephone: Home: ( ) Work: ( ) Home: ( ) Work: ( )Occupation:Emergency Contact Name:Emergency Contact Phone: Home: ( ) Work: ( ) Home: ( ) Work: ( )Emergency Medical & EvacuationInsurance ismandatoryfor this


I require emergency medical insurance I require Cancellation and Interruption insurance, please get me a quote

No, I do not require insurance, I will provide you with my policy information.

Where did you rst hear of this trip?

Method of Payment for$1,000 deposit per personto hold space

VISAMASTERCARDAmerican ExpressCheque Enclosed

Card Number: Exp:

Signature:Participant(s) Signatures:(indicates agreement to Releaseand Terms and Conditions )



I/We have read, signed &agreed to the Terms &Conditions (on reverse).

Registration Form

I/We understand nalpayment is due 120 daysbefore departure.

Please send signed registration form &Terms & Conditions (reverse) with payment to:Adventure Canada 14 Front St. S., Mississauga, ON, L5H 2C4 or by fax:(905) 271-5595.

Preferred method ofreceiving materials is:ElectronicHardcopy

Please make cheques payable to Adventure Canada.



contact Us 905 271 4000 or 1 800 363 7566


Please call to con rm availability before sending in completed registration form.

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