2009 BioEyes Institute A Week in Review Donna Beasley



In the beginning… There were only 2,

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2009 BioEyes Institute

A Week in ReviewDonna Beasley

In the beginning…

There were only 2,

Overnight, our female laid over 120 eggs.

Their work complete, the parents went taken away.

We watched our embryos grow daily.

Cleaning, counting, recording, filling, we did daily

Jackie answered all our questions, no matter how trivial.

The BioEYES week winding up, we discussed how to share with our students back at school.

•Bonding/making connections with other educators in different schools is always a joy.•Feeling exhilaration at watching our fish hatch and eager anticipating sharing with students to experience their joy in doing this experiment. •Energized by the learning community and knowing this enthusiasm will be drawn on throughout the coming year.•Touring the magnificent facilities at Notre Dame and knowing that there are many brilliant minds at work to bring their specialty to others in the community.


•Struggling through the modern lab portion of BioEYES, then realizing (finally) that everyone has their specialty. What makes sense to Jill and Emily does not necessarily need to make sense to me – and accepting it!

•Knowing that there is so much more to our world than just my little bubble, and wanting to be able to explore new things as I go through life.

•Feeling grateful for those who have given up their time and energy to make this week possible.
