2009-2010 University Student Launch Initiativejgrohosk/usli/proposal.pdf · 2009-2010 University...


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2009-2010 University Student Launch Initiative


Mile High Apogee Deployment of Cansat-1

Department of Aerospace Engineering

University of Michigan

3012 Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Building

1320 Beal Avenue

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2140


Table of Contents

1.0 School Information.............................................................................................................2

1.1 Name and Title of Project...............................................................................................2

1.2 Administrative Staff.......................................................................................................2

1.3 Safety Officers...............................................................................................................3

1.4 Outline of Team Organization.........................................................................................2

1.5 Key Manager..................................................................................................................3

1.6 Managers’ Resumes........................................................................................................3

1.7 Members and Respective Responsibilities...........................................................................5

1.8 NAR Associate...............................................................................................................6

2.0 Facilities and Equipment.......................................................................................................6

2.1 Facilities.......................................................................................................................6

2.2 Necessities for Constructing the Rocket and Payload.........................................................7

2.2.1 Personnel............................................................................................................7

2.2.2 Facilities.............................................................................................................7

2.2.3 Supplies and Equipment........................................................................................7

2.2.4 Test Launches......................................................................................................7

2.2.5 Computer Equipment............................................................................................7

3.0 Safety..............................................................................................................................8

3.1 Safety and Mission Assurance.........................................................................................8

3.2 Safety plan..................................................................................................................9

3.3 Hazards.......................................................................................................................9

3.4 Safety Plan Awareness......................................................................................................10

3.5 Precautionary Steps...........................................................................................................11

4.0 Technical Design.....................................................................................................................12

4.1 Projected Dimension of Vehicle........................................................................................12

4.2 Vehicle Characteristics......................................................................................................12

4.3 Projected Motor Type........................................................................................................12

4.4 Projected Payload..............................................................................................................12

4.5 Primary Requirements.......................................................................................................12

4.6 Challenges and Solutions............................................................................................12

4.6.1 Vehicle Challenges...................................................................................................12

4.6.2 Solutions to Vehicle Challenges...........................................................................13

4.6.3 Payload Challenges............................................................................................13

4.6.4 Solutions to Payload Challenges..............................................................................13

5.0 Educational Engagement...................................................................................................13

5.1 Community Presentation.............................................................................................13

5.2 Youth Outreach.........................................................................................................13

6.0 Projected Plan................................................................................................................13

6.1 Timeline..................................................................................................................13

6.2 Budget....................................................................................................................15


1.0 School Information

1.1 Name and Title of Project

The University of Michigan’s Aeronautical and Science Association (MASA) proposes its

Cansat-1 project.

1.2 Administrative Staff

MASA’s Administrative Staff member is Iain D. Boyd

Iain D. Boyd, Professor

Nonequilibrium Gas & Plasma Dynamics Laboratory

Department of Aerospace Engineering

University of Michigan

3012 Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Building

1320 Beal Avenue

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2140

E-mail: iainboyd@umich.edu

TEL: (734) 615-3281

FAX: (734) 763-0578


1.3 Safety Officers

Matthew and Britton are the Safety Officers responsible for the implementation of the safety


1.4 Outline of Team Organization

There will be approximately 14 students dedicated to the successful completion of Cansat-1.

MASA is providing ten of its members towards the design and construction of the launch

Vehicle while the remaining students will concentrate on payload development.

1.5 Key Managers

The leaders of Cansat-1 are Aaron and Evan. To ensure the smooth development of this project

they will directly interface with:

Patrick: Budget Manager

Matt and Brit: Safety Officers

Hetav: Payload Coordination Manager

Jimmy: Web designer

Kyle: Outreach Manager

Stephanie: Payload Team Leader

1.6 Manager Resume’s

Team Leader: Aaron

Aaron is the CanSat-1’s Team leader; he is a junior majoring in

Aerospace Engineering at the University of Michigan. Aaron is

president of the Michigan Aeronautical Science Association (MASA)

and has helped in the development of MASA’s experimental hybrid


Team Leader and Technical Advisor: Evan

Evan is a Graduate Student studying Space Systems Engineering and

holds a bachelors in Aerospace Engineering. Evan has been

participating in MASA for 4 full years, during which he has helped

develop a restartable hybrid engine and helped make an attempt to

break the commercial rocket motor altitude record. Evan looks

forward to graduating this year and finally being able to make some

real money.

Budget Manager: Patrick

Patrick is a junior majoring in Aerospace Engineering. He is

currently the Vice President of the Michigan Aeronautical Science



Safety Officer Co-chair: Brit

Brit is currently a sophomore in aerospace engineering.

Along with his work in MASA Brit is an electee of the

engineering honor society Tau Beta Pi. He also works on

research in the University of Michigan’s Plasma Dynamics

and Electronic Propulsion Laboratory.

Safety Officer Co-chair: Matt

Matt is a sophomore at the University of Michigan majoring

in aerospace engineering. He was part of an industrial

technology club in high school and competed in statewide

competitions that involved launching rockets built from scrap.

He is also a nominee for the National Scholars Honor Society,

Magna Cum Laude, and the National Society of Leadership

and Success at the University of Michigan.

Outreach Manager: Kyle

Kyle is a sophomore in aerospace engineering. He is

involved with several space engineering groups, is

enthusiastic about everything that evolves space and likes



Payload Coordination Manager: Hetav

Hetav is a senior in aerospace engineering and is part of

MASA and S3FL. He is interested in rocket design,

specifically electric propulsion systems, especially hall

thrusters. He will be entering the Space Systems Engineering

program at the University of Michigan as of next fall. In line

with this competition, he will also be constructing structural

components for two cubesats that will be launched next


Payload Team Leader: Stephanie

Stephanie is a sophomore in aerospace engineering and part

of S3FL, Student Space Systems Fabrication Lab.

Currently, I'm the Executive Committee Advisor for the

University of Michigan's three CanSat teams and was a

team lead of one team last year.

1.7 Members and respective responsibilities

Aaron: Team Leader, Head of rocket design and construction

Evan: Team Leader, Technical Advisor

Patrick: Budget Manager, rocket construction

Hetav: Payload Coordination Manager, rocket construction

Brad: Assistant in rocket design and construction

Brit: Safety Officer, rocket construction

Matt: Safety Officer, rocket construction

Kyle: Outreach Manager, rocket construction

Jimmy: Web designer

Tom: Rocket construction

Chris: Rocket construction, coordinator with payload team

Stephanie: Payload Team Leader


1.8 NAR Associate

Currently, MASA is not directly associated with a level two NAR member; however, by

November at least two MASA members will hold NAR level 2 certifications.

2.0 Facilities and Equipment

2.1 Facilities

MASA will be using the following facilities for completion of its objectives. Each facility is

listed with its primary use, availability and resources. The facilities are presented in the order of

highest expected use.


These facilities and the resources supplied by each should prove adequate for designing, building

and integrating the rocket and payload as well as providing areas for team members to

collaborate on other non-hardware deliverables.

2.2 Necessities for constructing the rocket and payload

2.2.1 Personnel

MASA and the payload team will rely upon the experience of its managers and veteran

members to employ their acquired knowledge to construct a competitive rocket and


2.2.2 Facilities

The three facilities listed above will prove to be more than adequate in the design and

construction of the rocket and payload.

2.2.3 Supplies and Equipment

The necessary equipment for constructing the rocket and payload are found in both

MASA’s project space in the EPB and in the Wilson Student Team Project Center. The

supplies for the rocket will consist of G10 fiber glass body tubes, fins, and nose cone,

phenolic couplers and a phenolic motor mount, and bass wood centering rings. All

supplies will be ordered through Public Missiles Ltd.

2.2.4 Test Launches

The test launches shall be performed at the Michigan International Speedway (MIS) near

Jackson, MI with the Jackson Model Rocketry Club. This club performs monthly

launches throughout the late spring and has offered to set up specific launches for MASA

if the December 6th

launch date is missed due to schedule delays.

2.2.5 Computer Equipment

Both MASA and the Payload team have access to CAEN computer labs which contain

dual boot computers in Windows Vista and Linux. To ensure the establishment of web

presence and necessary communications all CAEN computers have internet accesses. To


support document development each computer offers Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, and

Word. CAEN computers provide the following software to aid in the design of the

rocket and payload: Auto CAD 2010, Solid Works, Matlab, Mathematica, Maple 13, and

RockSim5. To perform Video Teleconferencing MASA has access to a broadband

internet connection, speaker phone, and USB video camera.

3.0 Safety

3.1 Safety and Mission Assurance

All members of the University of Michigan MASA organization are knowledgeable and

motivated to follow all regulations and precautions to fulfill the USLI without any accidents.

MASA is willing to abide by all specific laws governing airspace as deemed by the FAA. All

MASA members have read over and understand the NAR High Power Rocketry Safety Code.

Knowledge of safety codes, guidelines and procedures for building, testing and flying large

model rockets is crucial to our team’s safety and success.

3.2 Safety Plan

This section will provide information on the safety plan addressing the safety of the materials

used, facilities involved, and person responsible for insuring that the plan is followed.

MASA will abide to all of the following NAR Safety Regulations.

Certification – All members flying the high power rockets will have the required

certification and licensing.

Materials – MASA will only use safe lightweight materials such as paper, wood, rubber,

plastic, fiberglass and safe ductile metal while constructing the rocket.

Motors – MASA will use only certified commercially made motors. We will not tamper

or experiment with these certified motors. We will keep smoke and open flames at least

30 ft away from these motors at all times.

Ignition System – The MASA members will use an electrical launch system with

electrical motor igniters that are installed in the motor only after the rocket is at the

launching or prepping area. Only experienced members (level 2 or greater NAR

certification) will operate the ignition system.

Misfires – If a misfire does occur we will remove the launcher’s safety interlock, remove

the battery and wait 60 seconds to disconnect the electronic nodes and investigate the


Launch Safety – MASA will implement a ten second count down system before ignition.

Before and during the ten second countdown the safety manager will make sure everyone

is at least 500 feet away from the rocket.


Launcher – Our launch rail is a very stable and sturdy device that ensures the lift off of

our rocket. No matter the wind conditions we will use a rail length that permits the

rocket to attain a safe velocity before separation from the launcher. A blast deflector will

be used to diffuse the blast from causing any harm. Prior to launch the 20 ft radius area

from the launcher will be cleaned to make sure there are no flammable materials such as

dry grass or paper.

Size – Our rocket will not contain any combination of motors that total more than 40,960

N-sec (9208 pound-seconds) of total impulse. MASA’s rocket at launch will weigh no

more than one third of the certified average thrust of the rocket engine we are using.

Flight Safety – MASA will not launch our rocket at any potential collision objects such as

airplanes, birds or trees. We will calculate our trajectory to be free of any obstacles

including spectator positions. MASA will abide with the FAA’s maximum altitude

allowance by promising not to fly higher than 500ft less than the given altitude ceiling.

Launch Site – Our launch site will be outdoors in an open field. This field is free up to a

2000ft radius of potential obstruction hazards such as trees, natural hazards as well as

manmade obstructions.

Recovery system – MASA will be using a parachute as our main recovery system. The

parachute will be made out a particular plastic that is fireproof and flame resistant. The

recovery system will be designed with safety in mind so we can recover the rocket

without any problems.

Recovery Safety – We will not attempt to retrieve our rocket from any potentially

hazardous locations, such as power lines, tall trees and building roofs.

A safety officer will be on alert at all times before, during and after the launch and recovery of

the rocket. The safety officer will be on alert to ensure all of these precautions are in effect.

3.3 Hazards

Project Space

The University of Michigan is home to the famous Wilson Center Project Center. This

facility has numerous tools that we will use to build our rocket. Such tools include a

table saw, sander, drill press, mill and possibly some potentially harmful metals. To gain

access to the Wilson Center, we require all of our members to take a two hour safety

training session, with the director of the Wilson Center. We require this training to make

sure all of our members know exactly what they are doing when using the appropriate

tools. The training session emphasizes on safety and operation of all of the tools in the

Wilson Center. This training will ensure that no accidents occur during the physical

assembly of the rocket.


Misfire – Ejection charges will not be armed and the igniters will only be installed once

the rocket is on the launch pad.


Motor dislodges from rocket – The engine will be securely attached to the rocket by a

retention system.

Parachute deployment fails - Deployment charges will be tested prior to launch.

Hazardous material – All members of the team have read the MSDS sheets and know the

required actions to be taken upon exposure to hazardous materials.


Design changes – The rocket design will be consistently reviewed to ensure that no major

changes are required near the deadline.

Fail to meet deadline – To prevent this, a project timeline will be set up with strict due


Materials shipped late – Materials will be ordered as soon as the design is finalized to

ensure an on-time arrival.

3.4 Safety Plan Awareness

To ensure that all members recognize all hazards, know the accident avoidance plan, and know

how to safely do their respective jobs we will implement the following:

We will make sure that all members go to and pass the Wilson center training. We

require that our members take part in two hour long sessions. One hour will focus on

overall Wilson Center Safety. The other one hour session will focus on assembly training

and tool safety.

Introductory meeting showing tools used in work area that features a safety talk.

All of the members in MASA are required to attend an introductory meeting where they

are taken on a tour of the project space and the Wilson Center where all of the machinery

is held.

In the work area, members learn how to properly store all of the materials used on the

rocket, how to use various tools, and what steps to follow in case of emergencies.

Each MASA member must read the safety section of this proposal before doing any work

for the team.

3.5 Precautionary Steps

The following will discuss the methods to include necessary caution statements in plans,

procedures and other working documents.

The transportation, storage and purchase of motors are processes that involve many

precautionary steps to ensure safety. We will be purchasing our motors from the well

respected Jackson Model Rocketry Club. This rocketry club meets in Jackson Michigan


twice a month to launch and enjoy model rockets. They have a wide selection of rocket

equipment and motors that they bring to each launch date. We will be using a J 100-O

motor for our rocket. We will purchase three J 100-O engines at a Jackson Model

Rocketry Club launch in November. After this transaction we will store these engines in

a flame resistant storage cabinet that we have in our project space.

In order to abide by all of the State, federal and local laws, we are communicating with

the Jackson Model Rocketry Club to see which state and local laws must be met for the

competition at the Michigan International Speedway. We also have the list of applicable

FAR regulations which will be followed to ensure safety at all times.

Below in Table 3.1 you will find the MASA team members who have level 1 NAR

certifications and members who are projected to receive their level 1 or 2 NAR

certification in November at the Jackson Model Rocketry Club launch.

Team Member Name Current Level NAR


Projected Level NAR


Aaron Skiba Level 1 Level 2

Hetav Patel Level 1 Level 2

Bradley Nordman Level 1 Level 2

Evan Smith Level 1 Level 2

Patrick Kellam Level 1 Level 2

Britton Bush N/A Level 1

Matt Schottler N/A Level 1

Table 3.1: List of members and their respective NAR certification level

4.0 Technical Design

Figure 4.1: RockSim depiction of CanSat-1 rocket

4.1 Projected dimensions of vehicle

Outer diameter: 3.10”

Inner diameter: 2.85’’

Length: 66.25”




4.2 Vehicle characteristics

Material: G10 fiber glass

Center of Gravity (CG): 40.91”

Center of Pressure (CP): 50.31”

Static Margin: 3.03 Calibers

4.3 Projected motor type

The projected motor type for the proposed vehicle is a 54mm AeroTech J100-O. This is based

off of a RockSim simulation and is subject to change.

4.4 Projected Payload

The projected payload for MASA’s Cansat-1 project is a can satellite, or Cansat. During its

descent the Cansat is to respond to data from a ground station and transmit air temperature,

altitude, latitude, longitude, and time back to the ground station. The data then runs through a

series of MatLab codes so to put it in a user-friendly format.

4.5 Primary Requirements

The primary requirement of the Cansat and rocket is that the Cansat must properly fit the payload

bay. The payload bay must be designed such that it ensures deployment of the Cansat at apogee,

but still holds the Cansat snug during launch.

4.6 Challenges and Solutions

4.6.1 Vehicle Challenges

Constructing a vehicle capable of withstanding the stresses of takeoff and


Constructing a vehicle that flies as straight as possible to an altitude of one mile.

Ensuring the Cansat properly deploys from the vehicle at apogee.

4.6.2 Solutions to Vehicle Challenges

The use of high strength to weight materials (i.e. G10 fiber glass) and meticulous

construction techniques will ensure the vehicle is strong enough to withstand the

forces of launch and touchdown.

The use of RockSim to identify the CP and CG will allow the vehicle to be

designed such that it will fly as straight as possible.

Designing the payload section of the vehicle to allow breathing room for the

Cansat will assure the deployment of the Cansat.

4.6.3 Payload Challenges

The most important challenge for the Cansat is to transmit the atmospheric,

positional, and temporal parameters to small pockets of code for the ground

station to analyze.


4.6.4 Solutions to Payload Challenges

Extensive testing of Cansat circuitry and code debugging, will guarantee that all

data is properly transmitted and analyzed.

5.0 Educational Engagement

5.1 Community Presentation

MASA intends on having an on campus presentation in early January to boost interest and

support in the project. The presentation will highlight successes and challenges found after a

semester of work. The presentation will be advertised to both students and faculty at the

University of Michigan through mass emails and posters set up around campus.

5.2 Youth Outreach

MASA also plans to reach youth through the Michigan Aerospace Challenge in Muskegon, MI.

This program allows elementary and secondary schools to learn about rocketry and view a high

powered rocket launch built from institutions across the state. MASA plans on presenting and

launching the Cansat-1 vehicle in Muskegon to raise the children’s excitement in rockets and


6.0 Project Plan

6.1 Time line

At this time most dates are tentative and subject to change.

September 2009:

8th: Classes commence

14th – 25th: Project brain storming

26th – Oct. 8th: Proposal development

October 2009:

8 Proposal Due

9 – 16 New member development and certification rocket construction

17 Certification Launches at Michigan International Speed Way

18 – 28 Rocket construction workshops

29 Selection Notification

30 Teleconference

November 2009:

1 – 11 Acquisition of funds and vehicle parts; Website development

12 Web presence established

13 – 19 Rocket construction

20 – Dec. 3 Preliminary Design Review (PDR) development


December 2009:

4 PDR due

6 Tentative altitude verification launch at MIS

7 – 18 Rocket and payload construction

19 – Jan. 6 Winter Break

January 2010:

7 – 19 Critical Design Review (CDR) development

20 – Feb. 5 Rocket construction and CDR presentation

February 2010:

6 – 28 Rocket construction and payload integration

March 2010:

7 – 16 Flight Readiness Review (FRR) development; Rocket finalization

17 FRR Due

19 – 20 Demonstration and test launch in Muskegon

21- Apr. 2 Finishing touches on rocket and payload. FRR presentation

April 2010:

14 Travel to Huntsville

15 - 16 Rocket Fair/hardware and safety check

17 - 18 Launch weekend

19 Travel home

May 2010:

7 Post-Launch Assessment Review (PLAR)

21 Announcement of winning USLI tea


6.2 Budget

The projected budget for project CanSat-1 can be found below in Table 6.1.



(USD) Quantity Total (USD)



Air Frame 14.47 2 units 28.94

Custom Slotting 1.50 3 units 4.50

Nose Cone 15.70 1 unit 15.70

Fins 5.78 3 units 17.34

75mm/54mm Motor Mount

system 58.03 1 unit 58.03

Altimeter Recovery System 105.95 1 unit 105.95

Altimeter 129.95 1 unit 129.95

36" Parachute 25.15 1 units 25.15

0.75" Tubular Nylon 1.84 2 yrds 3.68

Centering Rings 2.26 4 units 9.04

Coupler/Bulkhead Assembly 6.00 2 units 12.00

Retention System 32.95 1 unit 32.95

Rail Lugs 4.95 2 units 9.90

Motor 90.61 4 unit 362.44

Miscellaneous 100.00 1 unit 100.00

Shipping 100.00 N/A 100.00


Payload CanSat 1000.00 1 unit 1000.00



Car Rental 309.69 2 units 619.38

Gas 0.12 2532 miles 303.84

Hotel 300.00 5 nights 1500.00

Miscellaneous 300.00 1 unit 300.00



TOTAL 4738.79

Table 6.1: Proposed Project Budget

All necessary launch vehicle items will be purchased through Public Missiles Ltd. with the

exception of the motor, which will be purchased from Giant Leap Rocketry. The Cansat team is

restricted to a budget of $1000 and is not anticipated to exceed this amount. The cost of

transportation is an estimate of competitive minivan rental prices and the cost per mile was

estimated with gas at $3.00 per gallon. Taking account of all aspects of the project, MASA

proposes a total budget of $4738.79.
