20 treating female hair loss


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Treating Female Hair Losshttp://www.hairsg.com

Young and older women, can be vulnerable to hair loss. It is common for women to experience temporary hair loss due to pregnancy, but eventually resolve after giving birth. On the other hand, permanent hair loss related to genetics, harmful hair treatments, heat treatment (straightening or curling) or a medical condition can be a setback to a woman’s self-esteem. Opportunely, there are various medical treatments and medications that can provide solution to permanent hair loss.

How does Hair Grow?A person naturally loses 100 to 150 strands a day, normally. Each hair grows for a period of 2 to 6 years (Anagen), goes through a short

dormant period (Catagen) and then falls out as the follicle pushes through a new hair (Telogen). When new hairs do not replace the old, there is a certain cause for concern.

Causes of Hair Loss Temporary causes of hair loss includes, anxiety and stress, strong treatments for color and bleach, illness, disease and infections of the scalp. Bald patches known as Traction Alopecia can also be a cause when consistently wearing certain hairstyles such as pig tails or corn rows.

Permanent female-pattern hair loss or Androgenetic Alopecia happens as a result of heredity and hormonal changes. Unfortunately, this can’t be reversed naturally. Women usually begin hair loss at areas of parts that becomes wilder.

Treatments for Hair LossHair Extensions are made of human or synthetic hair and can be used to hide hair loss. This solution is appropriate for temporary or permanent hair loss.

Minoxidil is a treatment for women who have some thinning hair in the front. However, there is a health risks as outlined by USFDA that it is an irritant and allergen. Check with doctor immediately if any of these side effects occur when taking Minoxidil: Fast or regular heartbeat, rapid weight gain of more than 5 pounds, chest pain, shortness of breath, bloating, flushing or redness of skin, or swelling of feet or lower legs.

Hair Transplant is one method of treatment for permanent hair loss. This procedure may be suitable for women who have hair loss due to heredity, burns or trauma.

There are several natural treatments that can be performed to treat hair loss as well.

- Exercise increases blood circulation to all areas of the body, which includes the scalp. Some studies shows that increased blood circulation to the scalp can assist in the stimulation of follicles to begin to produce hair again.

- Natural herbals like Cassia Auriculata, Hibiscus, Henna, Neem, Rose Petals, and Oil remedies involve applying solutions directly onto the scalp with the effect of opening up closed follicles and enhancing the chance of hair production.

- Wigs can provide non-permanent relief for those who suffers hair loss. Fortunately, these are considered as fashion accessories today.

It is always better to seek medical guidance before doing any action or taking some medicines. Hereafter, if anyone suggests or gives advice to those who suffers hair loss ask a doctor first. It is always better to take precaution.

