2-Evolution before Darwin


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  • 8/7/2019 2-Evolution before Darwin


    Evolution Before Darwin

    Biology 110, Spring 2011

    Lecture Sections C, D, E

    T.W. SipeFranklin & Marshall College

  • 8/7/2019 2-Evolution before Darwin


    Historical Context Surrounding Darwin

    Important people above; influential contributions & events below


  • 8/7/2019 2-Evolution before Darwin


    F it to Rule :

    Video ( F it to Rule) from the PBS Series The Day theUniverse Changed

    Chronological synopsis of important contributions and opinions aboutthe age of the earth and organic change before Darwin, including:

    Linnaeus Cuvier Wallace

    Buffon Buckland Malthus

    Smith Hutton

    * Note the overlap with names on the previous slides timeline* Note, also, that the lecture outline has names and concepts not included on the previous slide or in the video.

  • 8/7/2019 2-Evolution before Darwin


    Ionian & Athenian Greeks (~ 600300 B.C.)

    F irst well-developed rational systems of thought in theWestern world; long-lasting impact on natural history

    and development of science, esp. empirical science

    Common beliefs: infinitely old universe and earth, createdby divine beings, immutable species

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  • 8/7/2019 2-Evolution before Darwin


    T he Scala Naturae , Chain of Being:

    From Aristotle to the 19th Century





    Higher plants

    Lower plants


  • 8/7/2019 2-Evolution before Darwin


    N atural T heology & the N ewtonian Universe (

  • 8/7/2019 2-Evolution before Darwin


    Carl von Linne (Carolus Linnaeus)


    Swedish natural theologian who sought orderamid the confusion of living things, the most

    influential of the European taxonomists

    Developed comprehensive hierarchicaltaxonomy based on morphological comparisons

    Binomial N omenclature (Latin)

    Considered species to be immutable; impactin his day and to the present, includingevolutionary thinking

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    Georges Comte de Buffon(1707-1788)

    Leading European naturalist, curator of theParis Zoo, prolific author

    Accepted mutability of species and older earth(~30,000 years), butheld to divine creation

    Degeneration T heory : explanation for relationshipsamong similar organisms, starting with the biblical kinds in various centers of creation, followed bymodification in response to different environmentalconditions; accounted for biogeographic variation

    F ounder of biogeography

  • 8/7/2019 2-Evolution before Darwin


    J ean Lamarck (1744-1829)

    F irst N atural Historian to Develop aCoherent Hypothesis for Evolution

    Expert in botany and zoology, esp. invertebrates

    Practiced innovative science, for his day

    Reconciled existing paradigms ( scala naturae ) and widely believedoccurrences (e.g., spontaneous generation) with new observations and ideas

    Dynamic scala naturae : transformative progression up the Great ChainProposed mechanisms, based on empirical observation: (1) felt needs , (2) use& disuse , (3) inheritance of acquired characteristics

    Widely read, influenced many naturalists, including Darwin

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    Lamarcks T heory of Organic Progression:A Dynamic Chain of Being

    Ongoing, spontaneousgeneration of lower forms

    Movement up thehierarchy by: (1) felt

    needs, (2) use and disuse,and (3) inheritance of

    acquired characteristics

    An evolutionary theory,indeed the first fully

    formed mechanism forevolution that reconciled

    old ideas with newevidence

    But wrong.

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    Georges Cuvier (1769-1832)

    T op European naturalist, curator of Paris Zoo, extremely influential

    Developed comparative anatomy , a far-reaching and consequential method

    T he emerging fossil record demonstrated extinctions how to explain??...Cuvier did not accept evolution as a possibility

    Cuviers suggestion: catastrophism , repeated extinctionevents, followed by new creation events, in differentregions of the world

    Applied to fossils: comparative paleontology ,reconstruction from partial remains

    Cuviers impacts on evolutionary thinking, (+) and ()

  • 8/7/2019 2-Evolution before Darwin


    J ames Hutton (1726-1797)

    Solution?... Gradualism : very large-scale geological changeis possible through everyday processes like erosion, givenenough time ( deep time, in fact)

    Problem: how to (1) reconcile the occurrence of observablegeological change with the supposed fixity of creation, andhow to (2) explain big geological patterns (e.g. river valleys)

    Result: Empirical evidence from the earth plus outside-the-box thinking challenges the paradigm about the creations

    age and unchanging nature

    Hutton hit on a variety of ideas to explain the rockformations he saw aroundhim, but according toPlayfair he "was in no

    haste to publish his theory; for he was one of thosewho are much moredelighted with thecontemplation of truth,than with the praise of having discovered it .

    the father of geology

  • 8/7/2019 2-Evolution before Darwin


    William Smith : 1769-1839

    Geologist, canal engineer,landscape mapper, the father

    of English geology

    His observations:

    (1) Predictable fossil correlations withparticular rock strata


    ewer strata have more complex fossils(3) N ewer fossils more like modern species

    (4) Extinctions had occurred

    Conclusion: Life had changed in a non-random manner through time

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  • 8/7/2019 2-Evolution before Darwin


    Alfred Russell Wallace (1823-1913)

    Superb and dedicatednaturalist, well-traveled,esp. in the old and newworld tropics, specialiston insects, great writer

    Conceived of natural selection independently :

    explained the origin of new species, the amazingdiversity in the world, and biogeographic patterns

    Younger contemporary of Darwin, no establishedreputation to speak of (yet); wrote to Darwinabout his ideas