2 -DLMSO Brief UID Property Mgnt Systems Workshop June 22 ... -DLMSO Brief UID... · UID &...


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June 22-23, 2005http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/

http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/ 2

� Purpose/Mission� Interoperability� Core Mission Responsibilities� Governing Policies� Logistics Business Change Process� Current Focus Areas� DLMSO Support of UID & RFID� UID, RFID, & DLMS Relationship� Summary

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http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/ 3



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Customer Focused Support

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http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/ 4

Weapon Systems





Supply Chains

24 x 7


Enterprise Services Providers


DLMSO delivers the business rules, transactions & data standards

DAASC delivers the routing, translation, archiving

Challenge: To Connect Supply Chains & Enterprise Services Providers on a DoD-wide Basis

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http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/ 5

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http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/ 6

Core Mission Responsibilities

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http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/ 7

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Transforming Policy to Business Rules and Standards

http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/ 9

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OSD Policy Guidance

Trading PartnerRequirements & SMEs

DLMSO SMEs &Technical Expertise

DAASC TechnicalExpertise






ArtfulNegotiation& ConsensusBuilders

Fully Staffed &Approved

• Business Rules

• Business Objects

• Meta Data

• Functional Reqts.

http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/ 10

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Where To FindThe DLMS Transactions

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http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/ 16

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UID is . . .

. . . the set of data for tangible assets that is globally unique and unambiguous, ensures data integrity and data quality throughout life, and supports multi-faceted business applications and users.

EID 12V194532636

Orig. Part No. 1P1234

Serial No. S786950

http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/ 17

Enhance the Business Enterprise Architecture

Clean Audit Opinions on Property, Plant and Equipment & Operating Materials and Supplies

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Enhance Total Asset Visibility; Improve Life-Cycle Item Management and Accountability; Improve Data Quality and Interoperability

http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/ 18

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OMC Optical Memory CardUses the same basic technology as a as a CD-ROM. The OMC is the size of a credit card, can store up to 2.4 MB of useable data, and is disposable. It uses WORM (Write Once Read Many) technology. Because the device cannot be erased, this feature provides a permanent audit trail for recorded data. It withstands harsh environments and is relatively inexpensive

Smart Card/CACPreviously known as Integrated Circuit Card, the Smart Card isabout the size of a credit card.It is embedded with an electronic chip that can store 8 to32 Kilobytesof data. It can also contain other AIT media, like magnetic strips or bar codes. DoD uses smart cards for personnel functions like controlled access to buildings or personnel manifesting. A spin-off of smart card technology is the Common Access Card(CAC) that is currently being implemented throughout DoD as a common ID card.

RFID- PassiveRadio Frequency ID Small passive tags are used in clothing stores to assist in detecting shoplifters. Tag capacity is up to 20 Bytes of information. This tag differs from active tags by requiring external activation which generates sufficient power to transmit a return signal. This capability is far less expensive than the active tag but has a short read range and data capacity is small.

RFID - ActiveRadio Frequency ID

RFID can remotely identify, categorize, and locate materiel automatically (i.e., without human intervention). When used in conjunction with hand-held interrogators, RFID tags provide “in the box”visibility to the Army. Data are digitally stored on RFID tags (radio transceivers with memory units). Data capacity of the tag is up to 128 Kilobytes and information can be retrieved from distances of up to 300 feet away using strategically placed electronic interrogators to identify their exact location and relay the data via wired or wireless technology. Supporting infrastructure is expensive to install and maintain.


http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/ 19

Customers have visibility of requisitions and are confident in the status provided by the system

The items/cases/pallets are automatically received with few disputes and info is shared with the AISs. Reconfigured shipments receive a new passive RFID tag

When shipments are reconfigured a new RFID tag is created for the pallet and associated with cases on that pallet

The captured consolidated shipment information is input into the AIS and used to support the load/stow plan.

Items/Cases/Pallets are labeled with passive RFID enabled labels. A parent to child relationship exists.

Items/Cases/Pallets are read as they are received and new shipments are labeled. Orders are verified for accuracy

Items/Cases/Pallets are associated withactive RFID and Telematics to provide ITV

Data is timely and accurate via network of linked readers allowing asset visibility along the entire supply chain




POEs/PODsDistribution Centers/Depots


Timely and Accurate Data

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http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/ 20

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Bottom line: UID, RFID, and DLMS compliment each other in proviBottom line: UID, RFID, and DLMS compliment each other in providing ding business event intelligence across the supply chainbusiness event intelligence across the supply chain

http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/ 21

DLMS UID/RFID Support Status� �����G � ���46 6 @

140A Small Arms Reporting180M Material Returns Reporting511M Requisition Modification511R Requisition527R Receipt, Inquiry, Response & Material Receipt Acknowledgement527D Due-in, Advance Receipt, Due Verification810L Logistics Bill842A/W Supply Discrepancy Report Submission842A/R Supply Discrepancy Report Reply842S/Q Storage Quality Control Report842S/R Storage Quality Control Report Reply846A Asset Reclassification846F Ammunition Freeze/Unfreeze846I Asset Status Inquiry/Report856 Advance Shipping Notice (includes RFID data)856S Shipment Status (includes RFID data)861 Acceptance Report867I Issue870M Material Returns Supply Status940R Material Release945A Material Release Advice947I Inventory Adjustment

888A Small Arms Data Change888B Unique Item Data Change140B Unique Item Tracking Reporting

DLMS Transaction # And NameSTATUS

ApprovedAnd ReadyFor Use


http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/ 22

UID Pedigree


DoD Enterprise Logistics Systems

DAAS UID Registry

DoD Facility/system that cannot receive DLMS EDI transactions

Legacy AIS

Manufacturers/Vendor Suppliers

Tagged Material

DLMS – 856

Distribution Centers/ Depots Suppliers

DLMS – 856S

Shipper Material

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Other Trading Partners

MILS transactions






MILS DLMS or MILS DeterminedBy customer system profile

DLMS compliant systems do not require DLMS Bridge

Interim Solution Enabling the Supply ChainWith Near Term RFID & UID Functionality

http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/ 23

Legacy AIS

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Legacy AIS

856A and 856S


Depots Trans-shipment

856A856A from


Data Flow

Material Flow

Internal Process And Enterprise

Business Rules







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Legacy AIS


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http://www.dla.mil/j-6/dlmso/ 24

DLMSO – DoD Executive Agent For Logistics Data Interchange

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DLMSO DLMSO –– DoD Executive Agent For Logistics Data InterchangeDoD Executive Agent For Logistics Data InterchangeBusiness Process Transformation/Maintaining InteroperabilityBusiness Process Transformation/Maintaining Interoperability