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Deutsche Literatur ................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Allgemeines....................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Reittherapie ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Tierhaltung und –ethik...................................................................................................................................................... 3

Tiergestützte INterventionen je Störungsbild................................................................................................................... 4

Demenz ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Aphasie ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Psychiatrie ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4

English Publications .............................................................................................................................................................. 5

Books ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5

GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6

ABUSE ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8

ALCOHOLISM / SUBSTANCE ABUSE .................................................................................................................................. 8

ALZHEIMER'S ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9

ANIMAL WELFARE AND ANIMAL-ASSISTED INTERVENTIONS ......................................................................................... 10

AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER ....................................................................................................................................... 10

CANCER ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11

CEREBRAL PALSY ............................................................................................................................................................. 12

CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS........................................................................................................................................ 12

CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES ............................................................................................................................................. 15

CRISIS RESPONSE ............................................................................................................................................................ 16

DOLPHIN ASSISTED THERAPY .......................................................................................................................................... 16

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ELDERLY .......................................................................................................................................................................... 17

EQUINE ASSISTED ACTIVITY / THERAPY (THERAPEUTIC RIDING) .................................................................................... 17

FARM ANIMALS............................................................................................................................................................... 21

HEART FAILURE ............................................................................................................................................................... 21

HOSPICE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 21

HOSPITAL ........................................................................................................................................................................ 21

INFECTION CONTROL ...................................................................................................................................................... 22

LONG TERM CARE / NURSING HOMES ........................................................................................................................... 22

LOSS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 23

MENTAL DISABILITIES ..................................................................................................................................................... 23

MILITARY MEDICINE ....................................................................................................................................................... 24

OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ............................................................................................................................................... 25

PAIN MANAGEMENT....................................................................................................................................................... 25

PAIN, POST-OPERATIVE................................................................................................................................................... 25

POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER (PTSD) ................................................................................................................. 25

PSYCHIATRIC FACILITIES .................................................................................................................................................. 26

REHABILITATION ............................................................................................................................................................. 27

ROBOTS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 27

SCHOOLS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 28

SPEECH THERAPY ............................................................................................................................................................ 29

TRAUMA.......................................................................................................................................................................... 29

ZOONOTIC DISEASES ....................................................................................................................................................... 29

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Therapeutisches Reiten (2012) Nr 2, Therapeutisches Reiten verbessert das Befinden und die Lebensqualität von

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Fit mal Vier – Das tierische Gesundheitsmagazin





* Behavior of Exotic Pets. Tynes, Valarie V. (editor). Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.; Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.

xi, 234 p. : ill.; 28 cm.

Animal-Assisted Therapy, by Donald Altschiller. ISBN 9780313357206

Literature Review and Manual: Animal-Assisted Therapy, Unpublished Thesis, by Mary Louise Cole. 2009.

The Extraordinary Spirit Of Green Chimneys: Connecting Children And Animals To Create Hope, by Samuel B. Ross, Jr.

ISBN 9781557535801

Healing Companions: Ordinary Dogs And Their Extraordinary Power To Transform Lives. Miller, Jane. ISBN


TAPfer: Therapeutische Arbeit mit dem Pferd (Therapeutic Work with Horses): A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of

Psycho-Educational Riding/Vaulting for Children with Autistic Disorders; Final Report, by Pickartz, A., Schulz, M.,

Gultom-Happe, T. 2006.

101 Creative Ideas For Animal Assisted Therapy: Interventions For AAT Teams And Working Professionals, by Stacy

Grover. ISBN 9780982575581

Handbook On Animal-Assisted Therapy: Theoretical Foundations And Guidelines For Practice. 3rd Ed. by Aubrey H Fine.

ISBN 9780123814531

Animal Assisted Therapy in Counseling, by Cynthia K. Chandler

Canines in the Classroom, Raising Humane Children through Interactions with Animals, by Michelle A. Rivera A Gift to

Share- The Story of Moritz, by Barry J. Schieber

Reading Education Assistance Dogs, A Program of Intermountain Therapy Animals (Available from Intermountain

Therapy Animals)

6 / 30 *verweist auf die neuesten Publikationen Version 05 / 2013

Book Review: Freckles, The Mystery of the Little White Dog in the Desert, by Paul M. Howey.

Between Pets and People: The Importance of Animal Companionship by Alan M. Beck, et al. 1996.

Book Review: Happy Dog, How Busy People Care for Their Dogs, A Stress-Free Guide for All Dog Owners By Arden

Moore & Lowell Ackerman, D.V.M. Forward by Marty Becker, D.V.M.

Book Review: Train Your Dog, Change Your Life: An Interactive Training Program for Individuals, Families and Their Dogs

by Maureen Ross, M.A., N.C.C. and Gary Ross, M.E.

The Thinking Dog: Crossover to Clicker Training (Dogwise Training Manual; by Gail Fisher. 1998.

How to Teach Your Old Dog New Tricks by Ted Baer. 1991

On Target by Gary Wilkes. Video. 55 mins. 1993.


* Quality Management in AAI: Are Ordinary People as Observers Accurate Raters? Birgit U. Stetina1, Lisa Maria Glenk2,

Natascha Stejskal3, Esra Schroffenegger3, Ursula Handlos3

1 - Webster University, Vienna, Austria.

2 - Veterinary Medicine University, Vienna, Austria.

3 - Research and Training Practice, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

* Validity of Model Devices Used to Assess Canine Temperament in Behavioral Tests. Barnard, Shanis; Siracusa, Carlo;

Reisner, Ilana; Valsecchi, Paola; Serpell, James A. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 2012 Apr; 138(1-2): 79-87.

* Training Methods and Owner–Dog Interactions: Links with Dog Behaviour and Learning Ability. Rooney, Nicola Jane;

Cowan, Sarah. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 2011 Jul; 132(3-4): 169-177.

* Animal-Assisted Therapy for Persons with Disabilities Based on Canine Tail Language Interpretation Via Fuzzy

Emotional Behavior Model. Phanwanich, Warangkhana; Kumdee, Orrawan; Ritthipravat, Panrasee; Wongsawat,

Yodchanan. Conference proceedings ... annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and

Biology Society. 2011; 1133-1136.

* Finding An Ally: Can Dogs Help Therapists Promote Communication in Individuals with Profound Intellectual and

Multiple Disabilities? Lima, Mariely; Silva, Karine; Amaral, Isabel; de Sousa, Liliana. Journal of Alternative &

Complementary Medicine. 2012 Jan; 18(1): 2-3.

* Animals Connecting People to People: Insights into Animal-Assisted Therapy and Animal-Assisted Activities. Schaffer,

Caroline B. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping. 2009 winter; 15(1): 42-45.

* Animal kindness: Best Practices for the Animal-Assisted Therapy Practitioner. Winkle, Melissa Y.; Jackson, Liberty Z.

OT Practice. 2012 Apr 9; 17(6): 10-14.

* Animal-Assisted Intervention—Animals Helping Humans Heal. Baldwin, Kathleen M. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy.

2011 Nov-Dec; 9(6): 18-

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* Psychosocial and Therapeutic Aspects of Human-Animal Interaction (Chapter 5). Johnson, Rebecca A. p.24-36, In:

Rabinowitz, Peter M.; Conti, Lisa A. (editors). Human-animal medicine: clinical approaches to zoonoses, toxicants, and

other shared health risks. Maryland Heights, MO: Saunders/Elsevier, c2010.

Animal-Assisted Therapy For Inpatients: Tapping The Unique Healing Power Of The Human-Animal Bond. Horowitz,

Sala. Alternative and Complementary Therapies. 2010 Dec; 16 (6): 339-343.

Mainstreaming Animal-Assisted Therapy. Palley, Lori S.; O'Rourke, P. Pearl; Niemi, Steven M. ILAR Journal. 2010; 51(3):


The Human-Canine Bond: New Learnings And A Changing Rationality From A Psychoanalytic Perspective. Gavriele-Gold,

Joel. Psychoanalytic Review. 2011 Feb; 98(1): 91-105.

The Human-Companion Animal Bond: How Humans Benefit. Friedmann, Erika; Son, Heesook. Veterinary Clinics of North

America: Small Animal Practice. 2009 Mar; 39(2): 293-326

The Human-Animal Bond In Healthcare. Buettner, Linda; Gibson, Karen. Beginnings (American Holistic Nurses

Assocation). 2009 Summer; 29(3): 6-8.

Paws For Thought: Involving Animals In Care. Heathcote, Julie. Nursing & Residential Care, 2010 Mar; 12(3):145-148.

A Look At The Ecotherapy Research Evidence. Chalquist, Craig. Ecopsychology. 2009 Jun; 1(2): 64-74.

Exploratory Study Of Stress-Buffering Response Patterns From Interaction With A Therapy Dog. Barker, Sandra B.;

Knisely, Janet S.; McCain, Nancy L.; Schubert, Christine M.; Pandurangi, Anand K. Anthrozoös. 2010 Mar; 23: 79-91.

Ethical aspects related to involvement of animals in animal assisted therapy. Fejsáková, M.; Kottferová, J.; Mareková, J.;

Jakuba, T; Ondrašovičová, O.; Ondrašovič, M. Folia Veterinaria. 2009; 53: 62-64.

Animal-assisted Therapy--A New Trend in the Treatment of Children and Adults. Dimitrijević, I. Psychiatria Danubina.

2009 Jun; 21(2): 236-241.

Unleash the Healing Power of Pet Therapy. McKenney, Charlotte; Johnson, Rebecca. American Nurse Today, 2008 May;

3(5): 29-31.

A Helping Paw: Animal-assisted Therapy. Animal Visitations Are Shown to Have Beneficial Effects On a Wide Range of

Patients. Mullett, Steve. RN, 2008 Jul; 71(7): 39-44.

Behavioral Health Staff's Perceptions of Pet-Assisted Therapy: An Exploratory Study

Attitudes and Perceptions of Nurses-In-Training and Psychiatry and Pediatric Residents Towards Animal-Assisted

Interventions. Eaglin, Vanessa H. Hawaii Medical Journal, 2008 Feb; 67(2): 45-47.

The Analysis of Opinions of Staff Members Working in the Institutions About Visiting Activities of the Companion

Animal Partnership Program. Masako Ando et al., Japanese Animal Hospital Association CAPP team, Kumamoto branch

Across, Japan. Presentation from the 11th International Conference on Human-Animal Interactions, People & Animals:

Partnership in Harmony, Tokyo, Japan, October 5-8, 2008

Physiological Arousal for Companion Dogs Working with Their Owners in Animal-Assisted Activities and Animal-Assisted

Therapy. Haubenhofer, D. K., Kirchengast, S. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 9(2) 2006 Mar: 165-72.

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Cortisol Concentrations in Saliva of Humans and Their Dogs in Intensive Training Courses in Animal-Assisted Therapy.

Haubenhofer, D., Möstl, E., Kirchengast, S. Veterinary Medicine Austria - Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift, 92(3) 2006


Measuring Stress and Immune Response in Healthcare Professionals Following Interaction with a Therapy Dog: A Pilot

Study. S.B. Barker; J.S. Knisely; N.L; N.L. McCain: A.M. Best.

The Healing Power of Dogs: Cocoa's Story . Cangelosi, P.R., Embrey, C.N. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv. 2006 Jan;


Frontal Midline Theta Activity As a Index of the Efficacy of Animal-Assisted Therapy in Cases of Math Anxiety. Brubaker,

A.S., Lau, J.K., San Miguel, M.,Geisler, M.W. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2004; 54:158-9.

The Therapeutic Nature of the Human/Animal Bond: Implications for Integrative Public Health. Benda, W. Integrative

Medicine, 3(3) 2004 Jun/Jul: 26-30.

It’s All in the Planning. Reynolds, Alison. SCAS Journal, 2008 Summer; 20(2): 16-18.

‘Is Karl In?’ Paws That Heal. Whittington, Anne E. American Journal of Nursing, 2008 Jul; 108(7): 31-34. Correspondence

to Whittington, Health and Wellness Department, Naval Medical Center San Diego, 34800 Bob Wilson Drive, San Diego,

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Health Benefits of Animal-Assisted Interventions . Morrison, Michele L. Complementary Health Practice Review, 2007

Jan; 12(1): 51-62. Review article. Correspondence to Morrison;

Dog Handlers' and Dogs' Emotional and Cortisol Secretion Responses Associated with Animal-Assisted Therapy Sessions.

Haubenhofer, Dorit Karla; Kirchengast, Sylvia. Society & Animals, 2007; 15(2): 127-150.


Empowering Abused Women Through Equine Assisted Career Therapy. Froeschle, Janet. Journal of Creativity in Mental

Health. 2009 Apr-Jun; 4(2): 181-190.

Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy with Adult Female Survivors of Abuse. Meinersmann, K. M. Bradberry, J., F. Bright.

Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services. 2008 Dec;46(12):36-42.


* Horse as Healer: Applying Equine Assisted Learning to Uncover and Strengthen the Spirit of First Nations Youth Who

Abuse Solvents. Dell, Colleen Anne.; Chalmers, Darlene; Dell, Debra; Sauve, Ernie; MacKinnon, Tamara. Pimatisiwin: A

Journal of Indigenous and Aboriginal Community Health. 2008; 6(1): 81-106

* A Healing Triangle: Clients Learn Much About Themselves Through Equine-Assisted Therapy. Jarrell, Nancy. Addiction

Professional. 2009 Jan-Feb; 7(1): 15-20.

“For the Love of Horses”: Establishing a Protocol for Women in a Therapeutic Community to Work with Rescued Horses.

Mallow, Alissa; Mattel, Pamela; Broas, Lynda. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions. 2011 Apr; 11(2): 205-


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A Healing Space: The Experiences of First Nations and Inuit Youth with Equine-Assisted Learning (EAL). Dell, Colleen

Anne; Chalmers, Darlene; Bresette, Nora; Swain, Sue; Rankin, Deb; Hopkins, Carol. Child & Youth Care Forum. 2011 Aug;

40(4): 319-336.

Dog-Assisted Therapy In Prison: Emotional Competences And Emotional Status Of Drug-Addicted Criminal Offenders.

Burger, Eva; Stetina, Birgit U.; Turner, Karoline; McElheney, Julia; Handlos, Ursula. Journal of Veterinary Behavior. 2011

Jan-Feb; 6(1); 79-80.

A Case Study Using Animal-Assisted Therapy to Promote Abstinence in a Group of Individuals Who are Recovering from

Chemical Addictions. Campbell-Begg, T., Journal of Addictions Nursing, 2000; 12(1): 31-35


Animal-Assisted Activity and Emotional Status of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease in Day Care. Mossello, Enrico;

Ridolfi, Alessandro; Mello, Anna Maria; Lorenzini, Giulia; Mugnai, Francesca; Piccini, Carolina; Barone, Domenico;

Peruzzi, Anna; Masotti, Giulio; Marchionni, Niccolò. International Psychogeriatrics. 2011 Aug; 23(6): 899-905.

Effects Of Animal-Assisted Therapy For Responding To Passive Behavior In Persons With Dementia. Soprano, C. A.;

Kolanowski, A. M.; Chinchilli, V. M.; Colling, K.; Lago, D.; Penrod, J. Gerontologist. 2010 Oct; 50; Supplement 1: 443-443.

The Impact Of Different Dog-Related Stimuli On Engagement Of Persons With Dementia. Marx, Marcia S.; Cohen-

Mansfield, Jiska; Regier, Natalie G.; Dakheel-Ali, Maha; Srihari, Ashok; Thein, Khin. American Journal of Alzheimer's

Disease & Other Dementias, 2010 Feb; 25: 37-45.

Dog Visitation Therapy in Dementia Care: A Literature Review. Williams, Elizabeth; Jenkins, Rhiannon. Nursing Older

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Animal-assisted Therapy As a Nondrug Approach to Pain and Depression for Older Adults with Dementia. Richeson,

Nancy E. Activities Directors' Quarterly for Alzheimer's and Other Dementia Patients, 8(1) 2007 Winter: 3-6.

Emotional Response in Interaction with Dogs. Toshimitsu Musha, Akimitsu Yokoyama, Wataru Mizutani. Brain Functions

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from the 11th International Conference on Human-Animal Interactions, People & Animals: Partnership in Harmony,

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Animal Assisted Therapy for People with Dementia. Motomura, N., Yagi, T., Ohyama, H. Psychogeriatrics. 2004 Jun;


Using Aquariums in Managing Alzheimer's Disease: Influence on Resident Nutrition and Behaviors and Improving Staff

Morale. N. Edwards, and A. Beck

Animal-Assisted Therapy in a Nursing Home Alzheimer Special Care. Debra Buttram, Giovanni Bigatello, Pasquale

Fresca, Marcello Galimberti, Istituto Geriatrico Ca’ d’Industria ed Uniti Lughi Pii, 22100, Como Italy and AIUCA

(Associazione Italiana Uso Cani d’Assistenza), 23042, Bosisio Parini (LC), Italy Presentation from the 10th International

Conference on Human- Animal Interactions, People and Animals: A Timeless Relationship, Glasgow, Scotland, October

6-9 2004.

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* Problems Related to the Use of Animals for Therapeutic and Care Purposes. The Document of the National Committee

for Bioethics. Santori, Pasqualino. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità. 2011; 47(4): 349-352.

Effect of a Time-Out Session with Working Animal-Assisted Therapy Dogs. King, Camille; Watters, Jason; Mungre, Sue.

Journal of Veterinary Behavior. 2011 Jul-Aug; 6(4): 232-238.

Animal Welfare Issues on the Use of Rabbits in an Animal Assisted Therapy Program for Children. Loukaki, K.;

Koukoutsakis, P.; Kostomitsopoulos, N. Deltion tes Ellenikes Kteniatrikes Etaireias = Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary

Medical Society. 2010; 61(3): 220-225.


* Effects of an Animal-Assisted Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Peers in a Classroom

Setting. Marguerite O’Haire1, Virginia Slaughter1, Samantha McKenzie1, Sandra McCune2

1The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.

2The WALTHAM Centre for Pet Nutrition, Leicestershire, UK.

* Applying the Model of Human Occupation to Hippotherapy. Smith, Caitlin. Hippotherapy. 2012 Winter: 12-14.

* Animal-Assisted Interventions as Innovative Tools for Mental Health. Cirulli, Francesca; Borgi, Marta; Berry,

Alessandra; Francia, Nadia; Alleva, Enrico. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità. 2011; 47(4): 341-348.

* Pilot Study Measuring the Effects of Therapeutic Horseback Riding on School-Age Children and Adolescents with

Autism Spectrum Disorders. Gabriels, Robin L.; Agnew, John A.; Holt, Katherine D.; Shoffner, Amy; Zhaoxing, Pan;

Ruzzano, Selga; Clayton, Gerald H.; Mesibov, Gary. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 2012 Apr-Jun; 6(2): 578-


* Prospective trial of Equine-Assisted Activities in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Kern, Janet K.; Fletcher, Charles L.; Garver,

Carolyn R.; Mehta, Jyutika A.; Grannemann, Bruce D.; Knox, Kandice R.; Richardson, Theresia A.; Trivedi, Madhukar H.

Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. 2011 May-Jun; 17(3): 14-20.

Motivational Change Over the Course of Hippotherapy: An Exploratory Study of Three Children with Autism. Fan, Chia-

Wen; Smith, Caitlin; Kielhofner, Gary; Taylor, Renee... Scientific and Educational Journal of Therapeutic Riding 2010; 53-


Can Dogs Prime Autistic Children for Therapy? Evidence From a Single Case Study. Silva, Karine; Correia, Rita; Lima,

Mariely; Magalhães, Ana; de Sousa Liliana. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. 2011 Jul; 17(7): 655-659.

What A Dog Can Do: Children With Autism And Therapy Dogs In Social Interaction. Solomon, Olga. Ethos. 2010 Mar;

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The Effectiveness Of Simulated Developmental Horse-Riding Program In Children With Autism. Wuang, Yee-Pay; Wang,

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Guinea Pigs - The “Small Great” Therapist For Autistic Children, Or: Do Guinea Pigs Have Positive Effects On Autistic

Child Social Behavior? Kršková, Lucia; Talarovičová, Alžbeta; Olexová, Lucia. Society and Animals. 18(2); 2010: 139-151.

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The Effects Of Equine Assisted Activities On The Social Functioning Of Children With Autism. Bass, Margaret M.; Llabre,

Maria. 2010. (17 p.)

The Effect of Therapeutic Horseback Riding on Social Functioning in Children with Autism. Bass, M.M.; Duchowny, C.A.;

Llabre, M.M. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2009 Sep; 39(9): 1261-1267

Sentinels of Safety: Service Dogs Ensure Safety and Enhance Freedom and Well-Being for Families with Autistic

Children. Burrows, Kristen E.; Adams, Cindy L.; Spiers, Jude. Qualitative Health Research, 18(12); 2008 Dec: 1642-1649.

Factors Affecting Behavior and Welfare of Service dogs for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Burrows, Kristen E;

Adams, Cindy L; Millman, Suzanne T. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 2008 Jan-Mar; 11(1): 42-62.

The Effects of Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) on the Interaction Abilities of Children with Autism. Cecilia Carenzi,

Marcello M Galimberti, Debra D Buttram, Emanuela Prato Previde, Istituto di Psicologia, Universita' degli Studi di

Milano, Italy, 2AIUCA, Via IV Novembre, 26 – Bosisio, Parini (LC), Italy. Istituto di Psicologia - Universita' degli Studi di

Milano. Presentation from the 11th International Conference on Human-Animal Interactions, People & Animals:

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A Speechless Child: Two Years and a Half of AAT Versus Autism. Renata Fossati, Antonella Taboni. Golden Heart

Voluntary Association, Italy, Fossati Renata. Presentation from the 11th International Conference on Human-Animal

Interactions, People & Animals: Partnership in Harmony, Tokyo, Japan, October 5-8, 2008

Canine Animal-Assisted Therapy Model for the Autistic Children in Taiwan. Ming-Lee Yeh, Department of Nursing,

National Taipei College of Nursing, Taiwan. Presentation from the 11th International Conference on Human-Animal

Interactions, People & Animals: Partnership in Harmony, Tokyo, Japan, October 5-8, 2008

Occupational Therapy Incorporating Animals for Children with Autism: A Pilot Investigation. Sams, M. J., Fortney, E. V.,

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The Effect of Therapeutic Horseback Riding on Social Functioning in Children with Autism. Bass, M.M.; Duchowny ;

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* Canines and Childhood Cancer: Examining the Effects of Therapy Dogs with Childhood Cancer Patients and Their

Families Molly Jenkins, Ashleigh Ruehrdanz, Amy McCullough, Katherine Casillas, John Fluke. American Humane

Association, Denver, CO, USA.

* Canines and Childhood Cancer: Examining the Effects of Therapy Dogs with Childhood Cancer Patients and Their

Families: Literature Review. [Denver, CO]: American Humane Association, [2012]. (38 PDF leaves)

* Perceived Benefits of Animal-Assisted Therapy in the Oncology Waiting Room. Buettner, Linda L.; Wang, YingChen;

Stevens, Kaitlin; Jessup, Hannah; Magrinat, Gustav C. American Journal of Recreation Therapy. 2011; 10(4): 25-34.

Animal-Assisted Therapy As An Approach To Psychosocial Symptoms In Oncopediatric Patients. Toro, Daniel; del Pilar

Valdes, Ma. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 2010 Nov; 55(5): 958-958.

Pet therapy Effects on Oncological Day Hospital Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy Treatment. Orlandi, Massimo;

Trangeled, Karina; Mambrini,Andrea; Tagliani, Mauro; Ferrarini, Ada; Zanetti, Liana; Tartarini, Roberta; Pacetti, Paola;

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Cantore, Maurizio, Anticancer Research. 2007; 27(6C): 4301-4304.

Animal-Assisted Activity Among Patients with Cancer: Effects on Mood, Fatigue, Self-Perceived Health, and Sense of

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* Therapeutic Effects of a Horse Riding Simulator in Children with Cerebral Palsy. Silva Borges, Maria Beatriz; da Silva

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* Effect of Hippotherapy on Perceived Self-Competence and Participation in a Child with Cerebral Palsy. Frank, Alana;

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* Postural Stability After Hippotherapy in An Adolescent with Cerebral Palsy. Zadnikar, Monika; Rugelj, Darja. Journal of

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* Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy for At-risk Adolescents: The Influence on Self-image, Self-Control and Trust. Bachi,

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* Therapeutic Riding Enhances Quality of Life and State of Mind of Children and Juveniles with Different Psychiatric or

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* The Impact of Hippotherapy on Grieving Children. Glazer, Hilda R.; Clark, Myra D.; Stein, David S. Journal of Hospice &

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* The Effect of therapeutic Horseback Riding on 5 Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Pilot Study.

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* Donkey-Assisted Rehabilitation Program for Children: A Pilot Study. De Rose, Paola; Cannas, Elisabetta; Reinger

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* The Benefits of Equine-Assisted Activities: An Exploratory Study. Holmes, Christian M. P.; Goodwin, Deborah;

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* An Arena for Success: Exploring Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy. Kakacek, Sandra L.; Ottens, Allen J. Michigan Journal

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* The Influence of Animals on the Development of Children. Endenburg, Nienke; van Lith, Hein A. Veterinary Journal.

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Incorporating Animal-Assisted Interventions in Therapy with Boys at Risk (Chapter 5). Fine, Aubrey H.; Dennis, Avril

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The Impact Of Kynotherapy In Handicapped Children. Pawlik-Popielarska, Beata Maria. Acta Neuropsychologica. 2010

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Are Dogs Stimulant? Looking For Effective Sensory Inputs For Children With Intellectual And Multiple Disabilities. Lima,

Mariely; Silva, Karine; Magalhães, Ana; Amaral, Isabel; de Sousa, Liliana. Journal of Veterinary Behavior. 2011 Jan-Feb;

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Psycho-Educational Horseback Riding To Facilitate Communication Ability Of Children With Pervasive Developmental

Disorders. Keino, Hiromi; Funahashi, Atsushi; Keino, Hiroomi; Miwa, Chihiro; Hosokawa, Masanori; Hayashi, Yoshihiro;

Kawakita, Kenji. Journal of Equine Science. 2009 Dec; 20(4): 79-88.

A Qualitative And Quantitative Review Of Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP) With Children And Adolescents.

Lentini, J.A.; Knox, Michele. Open Complementary Medicine Journal. 2009; 1: 51-57.

Queen Of The World': Experiences Of 'At-Risk' Young People Participating In Equine-Assisted Learning/Therapy. Burgon,

Hannah Louise. Journal of Social Work Practice. 2011; 25(2): 165-183.

How A Therapy Dog May Inspire Student Literacy Engagement In The Elementary Language Arts Classroom. Friesen,

Lori. LEARNing Landscapes. 2009 Autumn; 3(1): 105-122.

Preschoolers Make Fewer Errors On An Object Categorization Task In The Presence Of A Dog. Gee, Nancy R.; Church,

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Systematic Observation Of Social Competences: Video Analysis Of An Animal-Assisted Training With Children And

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The Use Of Animals As Co-Therapists On A Farm: The Child-Horse Bond In Person-Centered Equine-Assisted

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Animal-Assisted Play Therapy For Children Suffering From Emotional Stress. Axelrad-Levy, Tamar. International Journal

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The Effect Of Animal-Assisted Therapy On Stress Responses In Hospitalized Children. Tsai, Chia-Chun; Friedmann, Erika;

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Preschool Children Require Fewer Instructional Prompts To Perform A Memory Task In The Presence Of A Dog. Gee,

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Exploring Animal-Assisted Programs With Children In School And Therapeutic Contexts. Friesen, Lori. Early Childhood

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Preschoolers' Adherence to Instructions as a Function of Presence of a Dog and Motor Skills Task. Gee, N.R.; Sherlock,

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Is Counseling Going to the Dogs? An Exploratory Study Related to the Inclusion of an Animal in Group Counseling with

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Helping Hounds: Does Animal assisted Therapy Improve the Rehabilitation Process? Martindale, Raschelle; Love, Sarah;

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Cisco's Kids: A Pet Assisted Therapy Behavioral Intervention Program. Cournoyer, Gary P; Uttley, Clarissa. Journal of

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Animal-Assisted Therapy with Children Suffering From Insecure Attachment Due to Abuse and Neglect: A Method to

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The Role of Therapy Dogs in Speed and Accuracy to Complete Motor Skills Tasks for Preschool Children. Gee, N. R.,

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Canine Visitation (Pet) Therapy: Pilot Data on Decrease in Child Pain Perception. Sobo, E. J., Eng, B., Kassity-Krich, N.

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School-Based Social Training With and Without Dogs: Evaluation of Their Effectiveness. Tissen, I., Hergovich, A., Spiel,

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Social Effects of a Dog’s Presence on Children with Disabilities. Esteves, S. W., Stokes, T, Anthrozoos, 21 (1) 2008: 5-15.

What Are All These Dogs Doing at School?” Using Therapy Dogs to Promote Children’s Reading Practice. Jalongo, M.R.

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Elephant-Facilitated Psychotherapy – A Clinical Evaluation. Swanepoel, H.C., Odendaal, J.S.J. Pakistan Journal of Social

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Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy Benefits Students and Children. Roberts, F., Bradberry, J., Williams, C. Holist Nurs

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Influences of Hippotherapy on the Motor and Social-Emotional Behavior of Young Children with Disabilities. Rolandelli,

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Analysis of Child-Dog Play Behavior in Child Psychiatry. Prothmann, A., Albrecht, K., Dietrich, S., Hornfeck, U., Stieber, S.,

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Canine Visitors: The Influence of Therapy Dogs on Young Children's Learning and Well-being in Classrooms and

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Implementing a Hospital-Based Animal Therapy Program for Children with Cancer: A Descriptive Study. Gagnon, J.,

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The Value of a Dog in a Classroom of Children with Severe Emotional Disorders.K. Anderson and M. Olson

Can a Week of Therapeutic Riding Make a Difference? - A Pilot Study. L. Kaiser, L. Spence, A. Lavergne and K. Vanden


Animal-Assisted Therapy with Children. D. Buttram

Assistance Dog Placement in the Pediatric Population: Benefits, Risks, and Recommendations for Future Application.

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The Proposed Benefits of Incorporating Non-Human Animals Into Preventative Efforts for Conduct Disorder. E. Gullone.

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* Measuring Benefits to Scottish Male Young Offenders in the First Prison-Based Dog Training Programme in the UK.

Rebecca Leonardi, Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith, Gill McIvor, Sarah-Jane Vick. University of Stirling, Stirling, UK.

* The Frossarbo Therapeutic Model (FTM)—An Experiment Within the Institutional Care System of Juvenile Delinquents

in Sweden. Forsling, Sven. Scientific and Educational Journal of Therapeutic Riding. 2011; 25-35.

* Animal Programs in Prison: A Comprehensive Assessment. Furst, Gennifer. Boulder, Colo.: First Forum Press, 2011. vii,

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Human-Animal Bond: Benefits of Animal-Assisted Interventions to Young Offenders. Jacob, Catherine. Veterinary

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Dog-Assisted Intervention (MTI) With Mentally Disordered Prisoners: Enhancing Empathy – A Pilot Study. Turner, K.;

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Dog-Assisted Therapy In Prison: Emotional Competences And Emotional Status Of Drug-Addicted Criminal Offenders.

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Dog Welfare For The Conveyance Of Pro-Social Skills To Prison Populations. Linaza, Iñaki; Muro, Cristina. Journal of

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Animal-Assisted Therapy With Female Inmates With Mental Illness: A Case Example From A Pilot Program. Jasperson,

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Changes In Emotional Competences Of Drug Offenders During Dog-Assisted Group Training (MTI). Stetina, Birgit U.;

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Effectiveness Of A Rehabilitation Dog In Fostering Gait Retraining For Adults With A Recent Stroke: A Multiple Single-

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Health Promotion With The Animal Assisted Training (MTI) For Drug Offenders. Stetina, B.U.; Gegenhuber, B.;

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Prisoner Rehabilitation: Learning Life Skills Through Animal-Assisted activities. SCAS Journal, 2007 Autumn; 19(3): 9-11.

Prison Pups: Assessing the Effects of Dog Training Programs in Correctional Facilities. Britton, D. M., Button, A. Journal

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Humanizing prisons with animals: a closer look at cell dogs and horse programs in correctional institutionss. Deaton, C.

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Without Words to Get in the Way: Symbolic Interaction in Prison-Based Animal Programs. Furst, G. Qualitative

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Prison-Based Animal Programs: A National Survey. Furst, G. Prison Journal, 86(4) 2006 Dec: 407-30.

Human-Animal Interaction in a Prison Setting: Impact on Criminal Behavior, Treatment Progress, and Social Skills.

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Psychosocial Impact of a Service Dog Training Program on Inmate Trainers. H. M. Suthers-McCabe, E. E. Van Voorhees

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The Cat Programme, An Animal-Assisted Therapy at Saxierriet Prison for Men: Its Effects and Results in a Correctional

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* Honoring the dogs of 9/11. Tragedy highlights human-animal bond and quiet Heroism of Canine Search-and-Rescue

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* Dogs Bringing Comfort in the Midst of a National Disaster. Graham, Louise B. Reflections: Narratives of Professional

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* Dolphin-Assisted Therapy for Children with Special Needs: A Pilot Study. Dilts, Rachel; Trompisch, Norbert; Bergquist,

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Animal-Assisted Therapy With Dolphins In Eating Disorders. Schenk, Roman; Pollatos, Olga; Schenk, Sabina; Schandry,

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Does Swimming With Dolphins Have Any Health Benefits For Children With Cerebral Palsy? Baverstock, A.; Finlay, F.

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Dolphin-Assisted Therapy: Changes in Interaction and Communication Between Children with Severe Disabilities and

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Learning from Dolphins. Stringer, J. Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery. 2004 Feb; 10(1):61-3.

Randomized Controlled Trial of Animal Facilitated Therapy with Dolphins in the Treatment of Depression. C. Antonioli

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Behavior of Dolphins Towards Adults and Children During Swim-With-Dolphin Programs and Towards Children with

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Effects of the Interaction with Dolphins on Physical and Mental Condition of the Elderly. Akiyama, J., Sugimoto, K., Ohta,

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* Effect of Equine Assisted Therapy on the Postural Balance of the Elderly. Efeito da equoterapia no equilíbrio postural

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* Three-Dimensional Analysis of Horse and Human Gaits in Therapeutic Riding. Uchiyama, Hidehiko; Ohtani, Nobuyo;

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* Therapeutic Riding Followed by Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation to Improve Balance and Gait in a Subject with

Orthopedic Pathologies. Ungermann, Cathryn M.; Gras, Laura Z. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

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* Influence of Therapeutic Horseback Riding on Gait for a Participant with Friedreich's Ataxia. Gilliland, Katherine J.;

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* Incidents and Injury Within the Hippotherapy Milieu: Four Years of Safety Study Data on Risk, Risk Management, and

Occurrences. Cook, Rebecca. Scientific and Educational Journal of Therapeutic Riding. 2011; 57-66.

* Effect of Equestrian Therapy and Onotherapy in Physical and Psycho-Social Performances of Adults with Intellectual

Disability: A Preliminary study of Evaluation Tools Based on the ICF Classification. Boron, Nicoletta; Marinaro, Paola;

Celestini, Silvia; Del Sole, Flavia; Magro, Rachele; Zoppi, Daniela; Mattei, Francesca; Dall’ Armi, Valentina; Mazzarella,

Federica; Cesario, Alfredo; Bonassi, Stefano. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2012; 34(4): 279-287.

* The EAGALA Model of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and Learning. Thomas, Lynn. Scientific and Educational Journal

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* Development and Implementation of an Assessment Tool to Evaluate Hippotherapy programs. Ripley, Angela D.;

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* Harnessing the Power of Equine Assisted Counseling: Adding Animal Assisted Therapy to Your Practice. Trotter, Kay

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Why Children with Special Needs Feel Better with Hippotherapy Sessions: A Conceptual Review. Granados, Anabel

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Measuring the Impact of Horses on Humans – A Preliminary Study. Duff, Beth. Scientific and Educational Journal of

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Introduction of a Revised HEIM Scale for Evaluating the Psycho-Educational Horseback riding Program in Children with

Pervasive Developmental Disorder. Keino, Hiromi; Kawakita, Kenji. Scientific and Educational Journal of Therapeutic

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Implications of the Literature on Equine-Assisted Activities for Use as a Complementary Intervention in Social Work

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Effects of Hippotherapy on Gait Parameters in Children with Bilateral Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Kwon, Jeong-Yi; Chang,

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Comparing the Pelvis Kinematics of Able-Bodied Children During Normal Gait and When Riding a Therapeutic Horse.

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Center-of-Pressure Movements During Equine-Assisted Activities. Clayton, Hilary M.; Kaiser, LeeAnn J.; de Pue, Bonnie;

Kaiser, Lana. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2011 Mar-Apr; 65(2): 211-216.

Psycho-Educational Horseback Riding To Facilitate Communication Ability Of Children With Pervasive Developmental

Disorders. Keino, Hiromi; Funahashi, Atsushi; Keino, Hiroomi; Miwa, Chihiro; Hosokawa, Masanori; Hayashi, Yoshihiro;

Kawakita, Kenji. Journal of Equine Science. 2009 Dec; 20(4): 79-88.

A Qualitative And Quantitative Review Of Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP) With Children And Adolescents.

Lentini, J.A.; Knox, Michele. Open Complementary Medicine Journal. 2009; 1: 51-57.

'Queen Of The World': Experiences Of 'At-Risk' Young People Participating In Equine-Assisted Learning/Therapy.

Burgon, Hannah Louise. Journal of Social Work Practice. 2011; 25(2): 165-183.

Use Of Hippotherapy In Gait Training For Hemiparetic Post-Stroke. Beinotti, Fernanda; Correia, Nilzete; Christofoletti,

Gustavo; Borges, Guilherme. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria. 2010 Dec; 68(6): 908-913.

Why Children With Special Needs Feel Better With Hippotherapy Sessions: A Conceptual Review. Corral Granados,

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Hippotherapy In Multiple Sclerosis - Results Of A Prospective, Controlled, Randomised And Single-Blind Trial. Boswell,

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Effects Of Hippotherapy On Gait Parameters In Children With Bilateral Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Kwon, Jeong-Yi; Chang,

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Developing Coherent Leadership In Partnership With Horses—A New Approach To Leadership Training. Kaye Gehrke,

Ellen. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching. 2009 Mar; 2: 222-233.

The Effects Of A 5-Week Therapeutic Horseback Riding Program On Gross Motor Function In A Child With Cerebral

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Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy In Clinical Practice. Masini, Angela. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health

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Horses As Behavioral Facilitators In Patients With Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDS). Mazzone, L.; Morales, G.

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Implications Of The Literature On Equine-Assisted Activities For Use As A Complementary Intervention In Social Work

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Improving Gross Motor Function And Postural Control With Hippotherapy In Children With Down Syndrome: Case

Reports. Champagne, Danielle; Dugas, Claude. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 2010 Nov; 26(8): 564-571.

New Age Or Old Sage? A Review Of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy. Frewin, Karen; Gardiner, Brent. Australian Journal

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Disabled Horse-Rider's Experience Of Horse-Riding: A Phenomenological Analysis Of The Benefits Of Contact With

Animals. Favali, Vanessa; Milton, Martin. Existential Analysis. 2010 Jul; 21(2): 251-262.

Does Hippotherapy Improve Balance In Persons With Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review. Bronson, C.; Brewerton,

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Study Of The Therapeutic Effects Of An Advanced Hippotherapy Simulator In Children With Cerebral Palsy: A

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Alejandro; Gómez-Trullén, Eva M.; Casas, Roberto. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2010 Apr 16; 11: 71.

The Impact Of Hippotherapy In Gait Of Post-Stroke Individuals. Beinotti, F.; Correia, N.; Christofoletti, G.; Borges, G.

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Immediate Effects Of A Hippotherapy Session On Gait Parameters In Children With Spastic Cerebral Palsy. McGee,

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Hippotherapy For Multiple Sclerosis - Pilot Study Assessing Effects On Balance, Spasticity, Ability To Walk And Quality Of

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The Effectiveness Of Simulated Developmental Horse-Riding Program In Children With Autism. Wuang, Yee-Pay; Wang,

Chih-Chung; Huang, Mao-Hsiung; Su, Chwen-Yng. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 2010 Apr; 27(2): 113-126.

Changes In Trunk And Head Stability In Children With Cerebral Palsy After Hippotherapy: A Pilot Study. Shurtleff, Tim L.;

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The Use of Hippotherapy to Support Function and Participation in Children with Disabilities. Liddiard, J. Journal of

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Immediate and Long-Term Effects of Hippotherapy on Symmetry of Adductor Muscle Activity and Functional Ability in

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Effects of Hippotherapy on People with Cerebral Palsy From the Users' Perspective: A Qualitative Study. Debuse, D.;

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Changes in Dynamic Trunk/Head Stability and Functional Reach After Hippotherapy. Shurtleff, T.L.; Standeven, J.W.;

Engsberg, J.R. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2009 Jul; 90(7): 1185-1195

The Impact of the "Stirrup Some Fun" Therapeutic Horseback Riding Program: A Qualitative Investigation. Elliott,

Steven; Funderburk, Janet A; Holland, James M. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 7(2) 2008 Spring: 19-28.

Heart Rate Response to Therapeutic Riding in Children with Cerebral Palsy: An Exploratory Study. Dirienzo, Lauren N;

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The Effect of Hippotherapy on Functional Outcomes for Children with Disabilities: A Pilot Study. Murphy, Deirdra; Kahn-

D'Angelo, Linda; Gleason, James. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2008 Fall; 20(3): 264-270.

The Effect of Hippotherapy on Postural Control in Sitting for Children with Cerebral Palsy. Hamill, Darrell; Washington,

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The Effectiveness of Equine-Assisted Experiential Therapy: Results of An Open Clinical Trial. Klontz, Bradley T; Bivens,

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Therapeutic Value of Equine-Human Bonding in Recovery from Trauma. Yorke, Jan; Adams, Cindy; Coady, Nick.

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Effects of a Therapeutic Riding Program on At-Risk and Special Education Children. Kaiser, L., Heleski, C. R., Siegford, J.,

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Therapeutic Horseback Riding: Its Effects on Gait and Gross Motor Function in children with Cerebral Palsy. Low, S.,

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Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy: A Mental Health Promotion/Intervention Modality for Children Who Have Experienced

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The Effect of Hippotherapy on Spasticity and on Mental Well-Being of Persons with Spinal Cord Injury. Lechner, H. E.,

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Equine-Facilitated Learning for Youths with Severe Emotional Disorders: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study. Ewing, C.

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Does Horseback Riding Therapy or Therapist-Directed Hippotherapy Rehabilitate Children with Cerebral Palsy? Sterba, J.

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Evaluation of Stress Response of Horses in Equine Assisted Therapy Programs. H. M. Suthers-McCabe and L. Albanao.

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* Animal-Assisted Therapy with Farm Animals for Persons with Psychiatric Disorders. Berget, Bente; Braastad, Bjarne O.

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Animal-Assisted Therapy As an Adjunct to Employee Wellness in a Health Care Setting. Ingram, Cynthia; Puckett,

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Animal-Facilitated Therapy in Various Patient Populations: Systematic Literature Review. Matuszek, Sarah. Holistic

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Impact Of Canine-Assisted Ambulation On Hospitalized Chronic Heart Failure Patients' Ambulation Outcomes And

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Animal Assisted Therapy: Results From A Rural Nursing Home Recreation Therapy Outreach Project. Buettner, L.

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Animal-Assisted Therapy: Evaluation And Implementation Of A Complementary Therapy To Improve The Psychological

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Critical Care Nursing. 2010 Sep-Oct; 29(5): 211-214.

Dog-Assisted Intervention Significantly Reduces Anxiety In Hospitalized Patients With Major Depression. Hoffmann,

Andreas O.M.; Lee, Ah Hyung; Wertenauer, Florian; Ricken, Roland; Jansen, Joanna J.; Gallinat, Juergen; Lang, Undine E.

European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2009; 1(3): 145-148.

Creating a Therapeutic and Healing Environment with a Pet Therapy Program. Coakley, A.B.; Mahoney, E.K.

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Natural Activity: An Explorative Study of the Interplay Between Cage-Birds and Older People in a Swedish Hospital

Setting. Falk, Hanna; Wijk, Helle. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 2008 Mar; 3(1): 22-28.

Animal-Assisted Therapy in Patients Hospitalized with Heart Failure. Cole, K. M., Gawlinski, A., Steers, N., Kotlerman, J.

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Animal-Assisted Activity at A. Meyer Children's Hospital: A Pilot Study. Caprilli, Simona; Messeri, Andrea. Evidence-

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* Social Environment and Control Status of Companion Animal-Borne Zoonoses in Japan. Takahashi-Omoe, Hiromi;

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* Can Domestic Cats Be Considered Reservoir Hosts of Zoonotic Leishmaniasis? Maia, Carla; Campino, Lenea. Trends in

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Zoonoses Associated with Petting Farms and Open Zoos. Stirling, Jonathan; Griffith, Michael; Dooley, James S. G.;

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Understanding Risk Perceptions to Enhance Communication about Human-Wildlife Interactions and the Impacts of

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Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus In Resident Animals Of A Long-Term Care Facility. Coughlan, K.; Olsen, K. E.;

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Guidelines for Animal-assisted Interventions in Health Care Facilities. Writing Panel of Working Group: Lefebvre, Sandra

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Designing a Standard Infection Control Policy for Animals Visiting Patients in Healthcare Facilities. Sandra L. Lefebvre,

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* Evaluation of Social Relationships in Elderly by Animal-Assisted Activity. Menna, Lucia Francesca; Fontanella, Marzia;

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* Animal Programs and Animal Assisted Therapy in Illinois Long-Term Care Facilities Twenty Years Later (1990-2010).

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* Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) in the Nursing Home: Important Implications for Enhancing Quality of Life in Older

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Effect Of Animal-Assisted Therapy On Engagement Of Rural Nursing Home Residents. Martindale, Brianne P. American

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Animals Connecting People to People: Insights Into Animal-Assisted Therapy and Animal-Assisted Activities. Schaffer, C.

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Long-Term Evaluation of Animal-Assisted Therapy for Institutionalized Elderly People: A Preliminary Result. Kawamura,

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* The Occupation of Pet Ownership as an Enabler of Community Integration in Serious Mental Illness: A Single

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* The HEAL Model of Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy and Learning. Shambo, Leigh. Scientific and Educational Journal

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* Effects of a Supported Program for Horseback Riding on Inpatients Diagnosed with Schizophrenia: A Qualitative

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* The Dog's Role in the Analyst's Consulting Room. Glucksman, Myron L. Journal of the American Academy of

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* Non Conventional Psychiatric Rehabilitation in Schizophrenia Using Therapeutic Riding: the FISE Multicentre Pindar

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* Pet in the Therapy Room: An Attachment Perspective on Animal-Assisted Therapy. Zilcha-Mano, Sigal; Mikulincer,

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Pet Therapy in Elderly Patients with Mental Illness. Moretti, Francesca; De Ronchi, Diana; Bernabei, Virginia; Marchetti,

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Horsepower Helps: Evaluation of Horse-Assisted Psychotherapeutic Treatment with Severely Traumatized Inpatients –

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Farm Animal-Assisted Intervention: Relationship Between Work and Contact with Farm Animals and Change in

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Animal-Assisted Therapy Applied To Persons With Mental Disabilities. Rodrigo Claverol, M.D.; Sarmiento Cruz, M.;

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* Canine-Assisted Therapy in Military Medicine. Policy Initiatives for the Use of Canines in Army Medicine. Watkins,

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* Training the Combat and Operational Stress Control Dog: An Innovative Modality for Behavioral Health. Krol, William.

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* Historical Perspectives of the Human-Animal Bond Within the Department of Defense. Chumley, Perry R. United

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* The Effects of Animal-Assisted Therapy on Wounded Warriors in an Occupational Therapy Life Skills Program. Beck,

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* Dogs and Human Health/Mental health: from the Pleasure of Their Company to the benefits of their assistance.

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* Definitions of Animals Used in Healthcare Settings. Mills, James F. United States Army Medical Department Journal.

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* Crossing the Berm: An Occupational Therapist's Perspective on Animal-Assisted Therapy in a Deployed Environment.

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* Canine-Assisted Therapy in Military Medicine. The Early Years. Ritchie, Elspeth C.; Amaker, Robinette J. United States

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* Occupational Therapists As Dog Handlers: The Collective experience with animal-assisted therapy in Iraq. Fike, Lorie;

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* Reclaiming Identity Through Service to Dogs in Need. Alers, Ellen V.; Simpson, Kevin M. United States Army Medical

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* Rehabilitative Canine Interactions at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Yeager, Arthur F.; Irwin,

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* Research on Benefits of Canine-Assisted Therapy for Adults in Nonmilitary Settings. Knisely, Janet S.; Barker, Sandra

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Resident and Therapist Views of Animal-Assisted Therapy: Implications for Occupational Therapy Practice. Velde, B.P.,

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* Animal-Assisted Therapy at an Outpatient Pain Management Clinic. Marcus, Dawn A.; Bernstein, Cheryl D.;

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Relief of Postoperative Pain with Animal-Assisted therapy (AAT) in Comparison with Music Therapy (MT). Masahiro

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Animal-Assisted Prolonged Exposure: A Treatment For Survivors Of Sexual Assault Suffering Posttraumatic Stress

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Bringing Dogs To Heal. Thompson, Mark. Time. 2010 Nov 22; 176(21): 54-57.


* Comfort Through Crisis: One Dog's Work at a Psychiatric Hospital. Prullage, Beth. Reflections: Narratives of

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* Animal-Assisted Therapy for Persons with Psychiatric Disorders: Effects on Self-Efficacy, Coping Ability and Quality of

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Australian Psychologists' Knowledge of and Attitudes Towards Animal-Assisted Therapy. Black, Anne Francis; Chur-

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Animal-Assisted Interventions for Psychiatric Patients: Beliefs in Treatment Effects Among Practitioners. Berget, Bente;

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The Effect Of Animal-Assisted Activity On Inpatients With Schizophrenia. Chu, Cheng-I; Liu, Chao-Yin; Sun, Chi-Tzu; Lin,

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Matching Animal-Assisted Therapy Techniques And Intentions With Counseling Guiding Theories. Chandler, Cynthia K.;

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Reduced Anxiety During Dog Assisted Interviews In Acute Schizophrenic Patients. Lang, Undine E.; Jansen, Joanna B.;

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Use Of Animal-Assisted Therapy With Psychiatric Patients: A Literature Review. Rossetti, Jeanette; King, Camille. Journal

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Attitudes to Animal-Assisted Therapy with Farm Animals Among Health Staff and Farmers. Berget, B; Ekeberg, Ø;

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Use of Animal-Assisted Therapy in the Rehabilitation of an Assault Victim with a Concurrent Mood Disorder.

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Animal-Assisted Therapy with Farm Animals for Persons with Psychiatric Disorders: Effects on Self-Efficacy, Coping

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Effectiveness Of A Rehabilitation Dog In Fostering Gait Retraining For Adults With A Recent Stroke: A Multiple Single-

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* Dementia Care: Could Animal Robots Benefit Residents? Campbell, Anne. Nursing & Residential Care. 2011 Dec;

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* Socio-Emotional Effects of a Dog in the Classroom. Andrea Beetz1, 2

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* Escherichia coli from animal reservoirs as a potential source of human extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli. Bélanger,

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* Zoonotic Poxviruses Associated with Companion Animals. Tack, Danielle M.; Reynolds, Mary G. Animals. 2011; 1: 337-


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* Zoonoses of Ferrets, Hedgehogs, and Sugar Gliders. Pignon, Charly; Mayer, Jörg. Veterinary Clinics of North America.

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* Evidence of Multiple Virulence Subtypes in Nosocomial and Community-Associated MRSA Genotypes in Companion

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* Flea-Associated Zoonotic Diseases of Cats in the USA: Bartonellosis, Flea-Borne Rickettsioses, and Plague. McElroy,

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* Giardiasis in Dogs and Cats: Update on Epidemiology and Public Health Significance. Ballweber, Lora R.; Xiao, Lihua;

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* Hookworms of dogs and cats as agents of cutaneous larva migrans. Bowman, Dwight D.; Montgomery, Susan P.; Zajac,

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* Knowledge and Perceptions of Dog-Associated Zoonoses: Brazos County, Texas, USA. Bingham, Glenda M.; Budke,

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* Lyme Borreliosis in Dogs and Humans in the USA. Little, Susan E.; Heise, Stephanie R.; Blagburn, Byron L.; Callister,

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* Pets-Related Peritonitis in Peritoneal Dialysis: Companion Animals or Trojan

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* Recent Advances in Leishmaniosis in Pet Animals: Epidemiology, Diagnostics and Anti-Vectorial Prophylaxis.

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* Role of Pet Dogs and Cats in the Transmission of Helminthic Zoonoses in Europe, with a Focus on Echinoccosis and

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* One Health: The Importance of Companion Animal Vector-Borne Diseases. Day, Michael J. Parasites & Vectors. 2011

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