1.Which will you most likely not learn to do during adolescence? a.Anticipate consequences b.Think...


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1. Which will you most likely not learn to do during adolescence?

a. Anticipate consequences

b. Think logically

c. Reflect on accomplishments

d. Understand points of view

2. Assessing your own values when they might be different than the values of your peers shows that you are developing which of the following?

a. Personal value system

b. Emotional independence

c. Vocational goals

d. Self-control

3. Which is not an example of a vocational goal?

a. Entering trade school

b. Entering college

c. Learning to repair cars

d. Passing the science test

4. Which is the term for the development of certain traits of adults of your gender?

a. Adolescence

b. Emotional maturity

c. Puberty

d. Physical maturity

5. Which is a responsibility of parenthood?

a. Instilling values

b. Setting limits

c. Giving unconditional love

d. All of the above

6. In a marriage, the partners don’t always think of themselves first. Rather, they consider what is best for the relationship. What is this known as?

a. Communication

b. Emotional maturity

c. Physical maturity

d. Values and interests

7. Setting limits can help children become which of the following?

a. Self-directed

b. Physically mature

c. Emotionally mature

d. Committed

8. Which is the stage at which the physical body and all its organs are fully developed?

a. Physical maturity

b. Emotional maturity

c. Marital adjustment

d. Commitment

9. Which provides financial assistance to older adults, as well as disabled individuals?

a. Social Security

b. Medicare

c. Medicaid

d. None of the above

10. What is a social change that many middle and older adults experience?

a. Empty-nest syndrome

b. Make new friends

c. Pursue new interests

d. All of the above

11. Arthritis may affect which of the following during late adulthood?

a. Heart

b. Eyesight and hearing

c. Teeth and gums

d. Joints

12. What is a potential benefit of strength training in later life?

a. Preserving bone density

b. Protecting joints

c. Increasing muscle mass

d. All of the above
