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Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-27

CD: 01

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Korean War Project USMC-00101240


Annex Z~bra to ls.t !'ljarine D1v1e,1on 3-oe('.i el Action teuort

File A9 Dlvi slon r'i v1l Af!'Atrs -3AC'tlon !'rJB[l~J 1 '<:.>ren ,.J"Brtnt<ry :t.f·~ 1951

From: ~"'1 vil Affa"i rs Offic?:r To: r=omrnundtne; 0ene:r.o.l 1 le-t "1er1ne Div1e1on

3ul--.J: 1uecial aC't1o.n renort for nerir"d. 8 Qct8bl?r 1050 tc lB T)e~embe!' ).9J5·.)

~ef: (~) Divls1.,n t1eneral Order N~. 16 \ 'o) D:l v.t:>i"'ln l!iem"lranO.um ~;.,,. 24J3--.["":)

1 G The nurp:)~f· of thL• rap art is to summertz.e and dis­cuss. the f.-tc.t1ons ond G.utie·R perf~rmed by thl8 seet.1':'lf1 G~1·tn~ th~ s~tj0ct p~rlod,

(a) on 8 OctobPr 1950 the r1 vil .~tfai ra secti~n •·o.s comn0s€'d of tto•o:J ~.,fi1C'€rs, one of' 1•'J::.irh 1ores Hw DiviBi':'tl L<·P:el Off i oe r.. assi~ned rol.la te rel a.utic s in ri vil Afftlir.s, and ~;"tor·:. enlisted .men·, e.ss1fned ·rr .. :""Jm r:xcfiss ners~nn~l ~r tbG lc~vl sect1?n.

(b) It is not<d"thet tiJC 'J'ebHs of 8rve:Jiz"ation do not in C'lucle a ·~l•.rL;. _t:.,f fe ira s i c.t tr-11.

~he ·)n>r1Jttr-no c"·:1V· rrd by thio r.o•n':"'rt e..::'~ G.? lmm~di-· at.ely u:o0:1 cr"rr.ulf;tian 0f thC' InC"h':'n·-3i·~1.l.l cDm"!Ja1fn .. •;>u2 ~"J t::.' sho:t'T- t:~mc involved, enfi. thl' faC"t th~t \.lnits '•'.o.:-rr al.r::·sc1y cm'rJa~~;::-d, t.th~ :0-:"P>sibiJ.:.t~· ~f y~ra?nal C')Jl­f:-r~nc-o 1,"fL<:. rr,nc:J..;--~,d l.mu-:':lsibl;:. 'J"h.;:. Civtl Affairs Er!n_oy t0 the '1'0 .. Pfltir.n .,rd .r tn eff:-ct du:rin;;r the- latt,. uart '"'f' t}v !ndv.•n-"3'~oul cPmtH~:i..P:n "r"'s c-':'ntin~~=.'d in ·:-ff'~·ct thr-'"'~Ufh th-- E-arl!' nai·t c-f tr_" "tl-'-vl-"'ld c·0V~;r:d by this r·'T)':'!'t.

4. Q.~f:..!:i~nf!1..2.~.~~.!:.·

{.o} The s•ctton ~:mbr:n1kad 0n .board thP tT.3.3. J-!t. JJc'(inlr-y 0n. 13 Oct0b:--r 1950, enr'?utt' to 11-:InAan, V:t7~r;;~a, whore it landed on 2? Ootob'r 1950. Upon landing, ·two Army Offic.-:·ro from X c.")rDS "fT8r::. assignEd tiJ th~ s:cti.,n end th<.'- D:tvlsi:--n L-·_gal Off1csr "-'8.9 r-·-lL v·:d c·f c-~1..:. lo.Lral duties in Civil Affairs, bring1ng ttc total str<'.ntrth ")f th'. u<.:ction to thr.-:l' offic..:rs ftv0 Army ana.- ":"'llt:. ~.farinE:) anci t\o';> znl1at(:_;d mc.n. ·

(b) I f'clrns; ,r,ceding- tho ·D1v1ston in sEizing and o-cc•upy1ng._ 1.l0nsen, 1-lungnam and Hemhung, 0rgani..z ·d· pr.,_ vt~d,.JnE'l (?;'>V·: rnmr,nts 1n ::>a.ch 0f th~ac C'i ti.:-.::!.. Thee..; 1?,0Vr:rnm-.nta r,·~-r.- funt'!ti'J'ning ty tbt tim-£ tbf. D1V1S1')n le.nci..:d at ::ons.~;~n. org-e.nizat.i~ns kn0~··n· as 11 Youth r..,m­m1 ttt-:;.;s :: and 11 ) lf De fens-& Gomm1 ttc,.. s 11 , Vf!.ri':lusly, w:-rr elB':' .,rge.nl zed in the peth f'Jf I· Ceres, to -oro vide fC"Jv,·-rning- end sscur~.ty forc~'s f0r th.; amall'"r "t?wne and villaP"CD ~ ').'b(.·si"' C"~rge.n1zat!.,ns t:r::atly t.es;.a. the c0miJ!end;:rl s nr':'ltl~"m of c-:-;ntr0l 0f th.• 1nr..ab1 tan·~e in th,1r r:sn~~tiv~- er~ee •

(c) Thr Divis!-,n C'-''WCf.rno;;d-itet.:lf'"With the r~sn'Jnei~

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Korean War Project USMC-00101241


bili ty ':'f Uiv~:~ _ ~ffe_ira acti v1 tl (·8 ln JJarnhung ar.d l!u:ig- ... nem until such ·cim-: es tll-- Ulv~.l .. isB:..str.ncf· Tu.-rr.;:J, E<J· ••

.r:'.~v~~ t~nd b "[':0'.1 t..-1 fu.n(.·tj_"~!J. sfG::I· "'l"'lh,h, Tli.VlBiNl r_·:vu. Af!'el.r·o GC:'t.'!Vjt~.-·s ,.,-r;· ::··,nl't!'!"'il t;.\ l-'"Plfl.3t~.')I'J, c~nt~rs Wltbln th z~:1~ nf s~t1n~ :y~:uei~~ 0f tl1:se C':~.i;!:sa

(6} At t-h:: tl.m.: thE. D1v1::>i'ln b~ga.n operating fr~rt. ~i_;i~~~~-~' _ x_._~')- '--~~ Ci ~iJ. __ AfiE~ir~ ~-~~\O.·co. c-,ntrol of' Cl v~.l ~~.:.-~-t-:,·t~ ttl'_,~;~.,~-~:-~~ 1.r} ."J-1!m~ll 1 ;·,g, 'i'l1':.r.:. St:l~'Cl':'ln tlhfi '•''l.th-­~s--. ~· r I'?m. J-.'.:J~~lUiJ;:' _ enel C''Jti.:i.'~ n-..d :t ta ef!'01"'to t:> F• . .tr-.~=:n&;.:n. ~u~·lnP:; 'Gt1j P. o-~r.t:·d lnC:J r;~:n:;ug 1Hk.0l" t,.C'~la ·\..r..;.rr- fr:'!l1n~d. lnrJ.uf.t.ry ~''_8<;; assJfc>t.:d. and b•I!~Bn t,- titnctl"'t:. meCtc.·al ' C.fnt::re w~·r·. 0r~·:&nizrd and n~· .. .,viC.r.d ,.,~"th mcii"L~n·~ Emn.~ plieS as th~-Y b..::cfime svailaULs. sch'1<"JJ sv-~t~;,;-~-~~-.. ~-~-.. -n3slsted and· b-..fRCJ t0 f':.J.nrti~n: irlt:·~~-Flt" !n-~8.nit~~

!~~~ ;:~./· a~;!~r:b~~~- \.·n,~IJu;.·a~f.d; v;jd eomt"' ~i-tll1 +.;t~··e

(f) F.,.; d. '''aS s:.iff~LCl.(·ntly avBilabl-e thr':'ugh.-:-ut ~'?_:'~~_:.~:;r,·! ~~t~- th:!. zxo:~r:>tl,)n 'Jf thP 1BrEC. pr:>p'U}.ati~n • ... a~·uv•:,I."H~ "..1.') !:>.f'1.L\;,"" '(;fl!_[; ll: 'I<T~S l1t.CCSPary tO tl"!\.UBnl"::r:'t gr81n stn cl,.;c :...'r .. ·m tr<:· C'.,untrya1dl!.. Ae trensu-:1rtu tif"lil ~·-~I'_ tb~A. P~l];"''f'l9(; ~·18~ 92-'V.:;:'.,"'t~J.y l lml tr.d, Sf"'liJi[..' in~ t~·J·)d .bad t') O•; .d."v)~.-:·ct.. to .l:ld'.J::e fann,::r~ t0 LrSneu")rt tl::rJr rlc:e in (IX .oar):&. Tl·~tr. r ur .... solt~d. '-' lont.'- and ct1ff"1c,:..~lt .je>urn;;y f'1·~ ffi!')St fanr.~·Y•S &t the r0sd.~ l-''(-1·''· b::n1 ;..;_•·1d_ h•~vil:y tr.•nrt--i~:! by mi"llta:rv vi::·'r··iclcl:'!_ ('.-.1n .... ic":.-_.!i't to"\ this. -o~~bl:·1n l:tufF' ~t ..... (•ka l'")f- flmM~~i-!...'!.l!l 9u1;11~ .• i;~-- {:<.""r.tiM~-ll?.:~r) 1•T!:l'C dJgco,,-,•J:·rPri. r'!T. ll·,rHrl"'~m 1:1"'r'l 1.tM·,..., J-1.~~ .... ..,,'! hv

"Ur f"~l'P0H BF' r;., rJ ·.~my Pr~~;.: r t -~,~lt·.---· rt··;;~-~ ~ il~~f ~ . 6,;;. ~-· ct~-d that as r.1uch tJf this r.;:t""'-r;-n~t:,• ae C"uld hf.> n~C'd hJ" tb~· C'ity Hd..'llinlstr!lti-::ri b~ """ntr,....ll~--d ty L,"1'""'m. f~r th .... ~ puro:. p-::-:.;:..' ...,:;:~ ;::;:chs·n·:F- ~-·1..th "the i'azwers thr ..... uchout thf' ar~·-a

~·~~d r~~e ih~ '[~~ t~i ~~m f.~~~~~~~·,_~~- .-t~i~~~af~~ !'.;!~i~~ :n~ a:1d nr·:·tildt: l'~-l1d' ~ Tli:-.a u}a;l \o1 El~- l::.unedl&t'-lY auc­c'cssfi..ll as was t':' be· -:·baorv~.:n. by th~ .lQrlg r.x ca:r~~-

. t.ro..~ne. 0f r:':.c~ S"''o?n o"luring in-to th3 city~ ··

'(gi rho ClV1l Aff'alrB A.~ncx to Adm1n1etraT,lVC Ql"'dc,r 4-50, Hq X Cnrpo, dat~_d 10 OctQb<::-r 1950, 1nd,.oa.­tcd t.hst the only h~>:el t<od;·r nol"th of tho 38th nal:-all~~- t.J0u.J.d b8 N?i-th K'7!r~Z:--9..n curr~.;~ncy, .Th1e c1.1rr .. ncy Was g..:nt...rally a.okn0wledged t":l b.? non-,:;Xietent in ·any ~l~u·P"s Rm~unta bv th.c:-- ·t~r~e· thO· HRmhunv. srca waa nccunied. ·~·,,;::-:·;, ;,-~~;:,;;~--,~.~,., -h~ t.i--,.., ri-M ·rnl"~_;.;; . ...;~'~;; h.,~n·a ~A~d 1-n~ -~:-:;·, • :::.;:: '"1;_;: ~ -;:,~ ~ .; --:....: :;. . . : '::.:,,~;;- ;:;, :,~ • ;, ;-~ - - ;;:.j~~ A~ ~·;;_q;;~P­

,;~;;t~-b~~R~~-- i~~~~~;ai;g]':y~ {1_;~:t·!~fa;;;;;.Y~ .. ;_;t, ;;1,~~-.-.t;

f!~~ ~~~~~~{it ~-t~ .;J~a~;~;~;-;~~n: :~~~11~~t<~~~;1 ~~p~~~l. 'l.'hta -ot· .. ,1J1c-m tJA.f> rwt 6(,1\l~d.Unttl 28 !·:·;,vtro'Q.:-;;: 'lPtiO, 'Ht Wf.li.)h t~m€ 3')Uth "~(C)r(:'.['IO \"'UI'TEDC?:i Waf> au~;;hot'.'i_Z.L:;t1 !!!! th.:= ::.·('f!P.J. t.:onde:c.

(h~ A r;:liff ulan· i',.,·r the 'inhab1 t'ants: of T{r,ro;a wv.a :-Jromulr:~tc6.. r:•n 23 Nov?ro'tv:r 1950 end surveys ,.,t:r··· mad.::: thr')upf,.,u t t.he lJl visl_')n t.0_ne of~ ar.t-ion· -try dc1tf.rm1ne r:Ji.:'f reau1l':->mr.nto CJ-f fr')od. fuPl.. ciotl11no:. bl'ankets. and h"lu_sir1r;~ ~,;;quis.i t~.··ma W.::re __ i"~M-·nrdt"O. 8C·c-..,r<l1n£"l·y~

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Korean War Project USMC-00101242



DECLASSR~ P.'o.~';'I~,L. '?:')m~' ri:J.:\..2f 1t.:rne he.d erriv;:-:d· and W:::'!r·:- dletPibut~·d -~:r-i...,'!' t~ tho;.. D:t.••ts1-:.t'l:P.- l•'lthdrs.-v•e.J !'r-:m tha't ar-::-a·.·

{i) L•n :it; N0··.··~n.U~:r ~)50'"--!"'').·;,·~~: Ass1sten0.'! Te-am b; gan i':"l fun•.:-~;:.. .... :, :'&.!1 :-::.lr',?nan Ant! "l:l::.: ~:ffr= rt~ ~f this s.:;r.:ti-:·n W~'r: '-":.i.';ha;~vn t'i:0r1L thr;:l.'2 ~

( j) 0n 2e Nrovt·mbr·r J950J during t!E Ch...,shin ::Wsor­v"~l.r {;f!·.::r.:;;tv.n, a P0T'ti');. 1.:-r t.hi.:! s~:c<;J.""~n m...,vcd t'J t:ag~u·n.·.,. ... t, C17t:: .. t.;ffRirr. ~:~vt1.v1·1·,:!:t.~s ·;:.h:r-:-l c":'ns1et£·d -:f ·)l'P"< .. mJ.! ... u.·:g R J ... H.'Etl e:~~v.~::rr~.m(.nt, (:_ot::>'01.iah1ng lab0r r ..... "J.s: r.\~.'l-t.:·tbut:·.""'n (':f' e~m::: ';";_}j_,-:..-- ~.li.:rt11=1.i.?sl flnd r.f ,::.~·vt~tng s ~·,·l'tl.e>~- ,--~;J~·.rc:.:.. !-,-.L.s:r.,_ ~('h18 D0rtt"ln ":lf the ~ 1 -.'Ci:·i"n .r tu:~n._j -!·,_, "tf•J.rlf:',"J")11"Jl '.i~ 'j_·· 1:'~C2f!lbCY.' 1950.

(k) ?.')th Army ~lfficr·rs attacll.::;d t-:~ this s;:-cti"':in 1-'<; r0 .r;: li l'.Vcd by 13 Di c.:mbi3:1' 19-~0, and r- n 15 D~c~mber 1050_, th..s r;:.ma:L:'ldcr ')f t.ho? sct::;i-:'f! .o:mba:r·k3d ,..,.~th the .f;_·~".";..-:·~.')1: "f'r .. :: ·_~:''..ln£:(HX1i~

J.)uY.lng th~ p ~·:i.'t~c'l ru V(~r~.·.~ b:_..· :lJ:'..t: :r.·:p')rt ·the ~fforts 0f this oa~tian ~e~~ ~oncentrat:d ?n the r.d:abili.t~ti:n ~)f. t~JZ ·pc--,ples ':If l~.'pc:ti~~d· art·-aa. r-. .~ P \•7a.:; lt'"'n.::: :·.y:

(a> F"7'nn1ng 1ni:;€ rim ~~vernments as cJ.':"at>ly alCong dcm0~!'c.t.ic nrinoi~.t~.·f.s ·e.s p;..P.ej.ble_~

, bo .<.sslst~ng ar.d :n~~U1't<t;1nz bus\nees !thd ih;.: •1uf'l\r~·. f>O..lt'l·1l syst•me. mec::.oai ~.3:-:tt.ro! fel'tning, ~and •·c C"llS tructi ....,n"

•: a) It :.t.et ~"':ino hl':.!"(.d t!1$c 1. t.r.. :: :r'C' ~-= r:~ an lnsuffi­~ient !"1l1.mlJo·~· ~r ~)f.::'"'S~"~nncl e.soie-1'1:-c't t~ ~'""'ivil Affe.lre

·:..~.-..1·1-r> t-_, ("a:t''7 -.:-u.t r-> ('01Cp_b"3t-,1y e-P'f-ctlvc: pr,gram.

(b) '£her.,::_ was an i.neuffi-.c.:ir.nt p·:·r1:')d. of time . ur1':1r t"") the: c"mm:ncnmant '"If th.:- -~rocrati')n c..,v~.r:··d by this !';·.p"?rt in Mhiob ...,1v1l Affairs C':'Uld b\3· pr·:ro<.;rly t:rganl"?!;d and. "'Utlineti t--. eub,...,rdinate unite C'lnc.,rned.

(c' It :s hl.~ehJ.y d:eoirabc.e tno1, fral.ninp: in this ~yp-:. 0f '•'-:JrV.: in~.lucie languagsj 'lr. tbat languag'd :,:·r~Lcct•s biJ nssign~d t..., this :3 .::cti":"ln. T')'l frequt:ntly :::ivil .Affe.irs officvrs were G.~pvnd~Jnt '"ln p0":'rly •; 1Ja.li.fllH5.. c-j.v~lie.t~ ln"tcrurct,:;.r~ t":l discuss ·mE>:tt.ers '.n· lmu'lrt.:inc:,; ~-1 1-rJl l:J..:.al- li'lhnbita.P"La. This was a r·.:csl handlcsu 1n N-:-orth X'"lr<~a. wh.:;,rc. qualified K?l'0an­Eng-l1sh ~ ntt•:r;:r..:t.e-:r·s Wf:T'' i':)und t~1 be sca.rc~.

( ~1.) ~· requ.:::ntly_. 'J.n:1 t~ engeg(;d in act.! ve. o~mbat ;"f:rc c0rn"9~ll~tl, t.o handle ·c1 v~J A!fuira pr-:.blcms w1 th­''ut ai<i fl'~m high or ech·obno. O!'ficors 0f :r: gim·cnte enCl be.ttali0ns. untrain2d in tho fhld ~f Civil Af­f'Rlr.s. w::r·.-· asS1enc-ti tJ'JllatC:..t"fll O.uty fiB Clv11 Affairs ,..ffl.cZrs. '13 J?b ,,Jhtch t') do cff€c-t1vr,ly r..3qu1res the fUll tim~~ '.1f m0r:' ths.n ·:-.:"..:. -pcra'1n ':'!n a regimental l~WI?l.

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Korean War Project USMC-00101243



f e' NcH~AaRi::.rv tl"'RnP. ..... '1rtP.tl 'ln f'or_ us~ by this se-e-. t1on ·in C8f.i~yin~" .,ut- :itS- m1Ssi0ri \o•as ortcntimos n0n ... existent .

{f) It ie c .... nnidor, d t.~l< ~- ~.ll2- oh--:=~+;-c::-u1:!.t·~·s r.,J). •.

cr:.unto::-r~d 'lo'.;}rC' due tC':

{1) Insdoqueti pls~nine~

(1) Pcrs~nncl b~ traln~d in th~ 1·1o1~ ~f ~~iviJ. Affeiro to inf!1udc tnC1i:lim~ ~ n ~t J.onc;t '.'n-2 f01'<-:-tf_::;-: lFl:1~UI':>g0-.

(2' fl. 'T'Flhl.~ -,f •1t'.Q"r,n1ZAt1'"ln bi!· davel...,ned tC'I include A -C1 :;ii hfr~1r·a- f'·:.:;rr.ryAny. ''':t th ti l:'A.:l n~d' v ,;r .... G"nnel flssign(;d. 'l'!~.·,;:; ~""mu.Pny ~hr-ulc'l hl;l_Vr RUff'~ c.~ i'!nt tr~no-o0l"tElti~n assigntcd :3') fiB nr·t· t'1 bf: dE'l)Cnd.:::n"t ')Q

th;)r· u~i t8. The ~"lrr.neny 1•'::1.<.10. ')p-.::r!lt-f.: tc !J!'C!'.r~ '1e .:ams t') r.::-gin:(·nta e~ntl bF1ttc-::..-1...,ne as rjlscessar:;l •<:v~nr; c."1;r,bcJt m~_t',f, ·:: t:h;la r.:·i}_Y,nsibil-1..ty.

-~ .~o':J-t.~.e v. S~ flit.L~

. f~ .... ' •.




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