1.Read the vocabulary on page 299 together aloud 2.Word spelling


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1.Read the vocabulary on page 299 together aloud

2.Word spelling

1.The stronger the _____________( 动力 ) is , the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.

2.The teacher gave us a d_________ for the new-learnt words and phrases before learning the text.

3.Professor Watson is leaving the a_________ world to take a job in industry.

4.Mr. Kern a__________ the orphan as his own son.

5.The _________( 操作 ) of this machine is simple.

6.Everyone hopes for a s_______ old age.







Learning a foreign Learning a foreign language:language:

Twice As Hard?Twice As Hard?


Listen to the tape paragraph by paragraph carefully and try to find out the main idea to each paragraph.

Para. 1

Para. 2

Para. 3

Para. 4

Para. 5

Para. 6


Learning a language is more than just memorizing words, phrases and structures

Different experts have different answers.

Learning a foreign language is different from learning one’s mother tongue.

Successful language learners share quite a few characteristics.

Successful learners plan and evaluate their learning.

The purpose of learning is important.

Help us study languages


Scan the text and tell whether the following statements are “true”or “false”.

True or false:1. Everyday activities and interactions with other

people are important when children are learning their mother tongue.

2. If we want to become successful language learner, we should try to learn all by ourselves.

3. If we could spend all our waking hours communicating with native speakers we would make greater progress in English.

4. We learn our mother tongue much faster than we do a foreign language.

5. If we want to become successful language learners, we must first build our confidence and develop our study skills.


Read the text. Use what you learn from the text to complete the form and answer the questions below.

Ways to learn our native language

Ways to learn foreign language

Characteristics of successful learners

Effective learning skills

Good learning habits

Ways to be a successful language learner

Ways to learn Mother tongue:

1. Not receive much formal instruction.

2. Learn by communicating with people around us.

3. Learn the language in real life.

Ways to learn foreign language

1. In school

2.Few opportunities to communicate

3. Much faster

4. A few hours a week in a few years’ time

5. Have textbooks, teachers and classmates

6. Learn more about study methods and skills

Characteristics of successful learners

1. interested in understanding their own thinking

2. curious about the world

3. willing to take chances

4. confident in their ability

5. use different ways of learning

6. plan and evaluate their learning

Skills and habits

1. Be self-confident and able to relax

2. Plan and evaluate their learning

3. Be willing to take risks and to place

themselves in new learning situations.

Ways to be a successful language learner

1.Try to adopt some of the study habits

and characteristics described above.

2. Develop our study skills

Detailed reading:

How do we learn our mother tongue?

Para 1

By communicating with the people around us.

How do different people explain our ability to learn our mother tongue?


Some believe that we are equipped with a special ability to learn language and that our brain adjust itself to the language.Others think that we learn language in the same way we learn other things , such as walking or solving problems, and that what we are born is a general ability to learn and adapt, not a language-specific part of the brain.

How is learning a foreign language different from learning one’s mother language?

Firstly, learning a foreign language usually takes place in school.


Secondly, there are few opportunities to

communicate with other speakers of the language.

When we learn a foreign language we have textbooks, teachers and classmates to instruct and assist us in the process.

We learn a foreign language much faster than we do our mother tongue.

What do the successful language learners have in common?


Interested in understanding their own thinking.Curious about the world

Willing to take chances

Confident in their ability.

Use different ways of learning Plan their studies

How can students do better in language acquisition?

Less anxious and more relaxedWilling to take risks and place themselves in new learning situations.


How can we study a foreign language?

Para 6

It takes patience to learn a language.Try to adopt some of the study habits and characteristics described above.

1.Dictation1).memorize new words

2).practise pronunciation

3).learn grammar rules

4).correcfion 5).instruct 6).acquire

7).make progress 8).anxious 9).experiment with 10).patience 11).academic 12).postcode 13).translator 14).make sense of 15).evaluate 16).adapt to

(A) Fill in the blanks with words. 1.I was terribly a________ about the children when they didn’t come

home from the school.2.I a________ their method of making the machine.3.The card is rather a____________ for the occasion, isn’t it?4.We finally managed to a_________ the committee’s approval of

our plans. 5.There are some programming errors that need c___________.6.Teaching children with special needs requires p_______ and

understanding.7.The students return in September for the start of the new

a________ year.8.Computers play an important part in our e________ life.








(B) Fill in the blanks with phrases.1.Time is up. Let’s ________________the class. 2.Take it easy. You will soon________ yourself ______

student life.3.The club welcomes all new members _____________

age.4.He walked out leaving _________ debts behind.5.I can’t _________________ the painting.6.Too tired, she soon _____________ the others in the

team.7.You have no right to __________ with other people’s

lives.8.She often depends on others. _______________, she

doesn’t do things by herself.9.They ___________________ the new medicine on the ani


put an end to

regardless ofpiles of

adjust to

make sense offell behind

take risks

In other words

experimented with

3.Listening and following

4.True or false questions

1. Although experts don’t agree each other, they all share a common opinion :Life is a very successful language school. 2 .Experts agree that we actually learn a foreign language much faster than we learn our mother tongue. 3.Successful language learners usually step away from the academic challenges. 4.The less anxious and more relaxed the learner, the worse their languageacquisition.





5.Decide which language ( mother tongue or foreign language) each of the sentences below describes.A We learn quite fast. B We are not taught but learn anyway. C Some people think that we are born with an ability to learn this. D We can learn faster if we develop study skills.





E Most people have mastered this by the age of five. F We learn this in a special place where we can get help. G It takes longer to learn this. H We Learn this by communicating with others.




1.The first sentence in Paragraph One means______. A. When learning a language , we also should memorize more. B. When learning a language , we also should develop our study skills.C.When learning a language , we also should spend more time. D.When learning a language , we also should be confident.

Multiple choice:


2.Most children have mastered their mother tongue .

A. at the age of five B. by the age of eight C. before they are five D. since they were five


3. In fact, we learn English much faster than

we may have thought because ________.

A. A lot of people are born with a special ability to learn a foreign language.

B. English learning always takes place in class.

C. Communicating with people often takes too much time.

D. We can get a lot of help and the learning is more efficient.



4. Successful language learners do share the following characteristics except .

A. the ability to memorize the words B. an interest in understanding their

own thinking C. willingness to take chances D. confidence in their ability

B5. The sentence “Life is a very successful language school” means . A.we are equipped with a special ability to learn languageB. the key to learn the language well is to communicate with the people around usC. parents can give children language lessonsD. people can learn the language by themselves

6. Madam Curie said:   Life is not easy for any of us ,we must work, and above all, we must believe in ourselves. We must believe that each of us is able to do something well, and that---. If we put these words into the text , which paragraph is the most suitable? A. Paragraph 3 B. Paragraph 4 C .Parag

raph 5 D. Paragraph 6

C7. What’s the purpose of writing this article?

A. Learning a foreign language is twice as hard as learning our mother tongue.B. Learning a foreign language is more important than learning our mother tongue.C. Learning a foreign language is twice as easy if we develop our study skills.D. In fact, the number of people learning a foreign language has increased with years.

8. From the text we can see _______.

A. The stronger the motivation is ,the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.

B. Interest, curiosity, willingness and confidence are more important than anything else.

C. We’ll find it easier to learn English if we can learn something from successful language learners.

D. Some people probably have more interest and greater ability than others in language learning



We learn our mother tongue by

_________________ people around us. But how were we able to _____________

what we heard and __________ the

mistakes and errors ______ “good”


communicating withmake sense of


Some experts believe that we are_____________ a special ability to learn language and that our brain________________ the language we hear around us. Others think that we learn language ______________we learn other things.

equipped with

adjusts itself to

in the same way

Learning a foreign language is ______________ learning one’s

mother tongue. Research has shown that successful language learners do ______ a few _____________. Successful language students gain ____________ and are able to _____

and _____ the learning because they _______ and ________ their learning .

different from

share characteristics




And they’re more willing to __________ and to _____ themselves in new learningsituations. If we want to be successful language learners, we should try to_____ some of the study habits ________ above. If we _________ our study skills, we may find that learning a foreign language does not have to be ___________________ learning our mother tongue.

take risksplace



twiceas hard as

Words1. stick (stuck) v. 粘贴 ; 把… 刺入… , 扎 ; 陷入 , 阻塞;伸出;




Phrases: stick to one’s post/ the policy/principles stick out

He stuck the picture on the wall.

Don’t stick the pins into the chair.

Our car stuck/was stuck in the mud.

1) They wrote the notice in big red letters so that it would stick out.2) Don’t stick your arm out of the car windows.

stand out


2. adopt vt.

(1) 收养这对夫妇不能生育孩子, 所以就收养了两个小孩。The couple couldn’t have children of their own so they adopted a couple of kids.

(2) 采取, 采纳

情况最终会迫使我们采用这项政策。 Circumstances will force us finally to adopt this policy.

易混词:adapt vi/vt. 适应, 使适合

3. instruct vt 教; 指导;指示 instruction n 讲授 , 指导 ; 命令 , 指示 (pl)

(1)instruct sb in sth = teach sb. sth

(2) instruct sb to do sth = order sb to do sth

(3) instruct sb that clause法官告诉证人, 他应当说出全部事情。

他们教导我做这件事的最好方法。They instructed me in the best ways of doing the job.

我奉命通知你们, 部长不想发表声明。

I am instructed to inform you that the minister is not willing to make a statement

The judge instructed the witness that he should tell the whole truth.

acquisition n. 获得 , 得到; 获得物

4. acquire vt. 获得 ; 学到(知识等)指通过漫长的过程逐步获得或学到。

1) She acquired an American accent while living in New York.

2) The company has acquired shares in a rival business.

3) These books are my most recent acquisitions. 4) He devotes his time to the acquisition of knowledge. 5) Drinking is an acquired taste for him.

acquired adj. 获得的 , 后天的

1. in other words 换句话说





in a word

in word

with the words

have a word with sb.

have words with sb = quarrel with sb

keep one’s word = keep one’s promise

Word came that…



1) _____________, he walked away with a smile.

2) It’s no use promising _______, but in deed.

3) ___________, you are a very good boy.

4)She often depends on others. _____________, she doesn’t do things by herself.

5) I hope you will always______________.

6) _______________ Rose and see what she thinks.

7)__________ that our team had come out first.

8)After _______________ the boss, he decided to quit the job.

With the words

in word

In a word

In other words

keep your word

Have a word with

Word came

having words with

2. take/ run/ risks

at any riskat one’s own riskat risk = in dangerat the risk of ... = at the risk to...

无论如何, 无论冒什么危险由自己负责处于危险中



1) 他冒着生命的危险救了我一命。He saved my life at the risk of his own/losing his own .

The disease is spreading, and all children under 5 are at risk.

2) 疾病在蔓延, 所有五岁以下的小孩都有危险。He took risks of his own/losing his own life to save me.

3. knock sb / sth down

1)His son was knocked down by a car.

2)The old houses are going to be knocked down.

3)He knocked down the price.

knocked over

pulled down

brought down

knock into knock… into… knock at / on knock over knock about/around knock down

1) He _________________in New York for several years.

2) With one blow, he ________ the robber ________.

3) I _________ the nail _______ the wall.

4) He _____________ an old friend of his in the hall.

5) He ______________ a glass of beer.

6) Someone was ______________ the window.

has knocked about

knocked down

knocked into

knocked into

knocked over

knocking on/ at


高三学生李华以前英语学习不好 , 后来通过自己的努力、老师的指导、同学的帮助, 他取得了很大的进步。请你以第一人称,根据所给的内容和提示词写一篇短文 , 向高一新生介绍你学习英语的体会。开头已给出。

fall behind make sense of patience adopt acquire instruct stick make progress

Boys and girls, I am LiHua, a senior three student. I’m glad to say something about my experience of learning English.
