1.Monday Week 3 · 2021. 7. 23. · Gembrook Primary School Remote Learning Tasks Grade 1/2...


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Gembrook Primary School Remote Learning Tasks

Grade 1/2 Learning Tasks Term 3 Week 3 MondayREADING

This lesson will be taught during our class Webex session today.Please submit this learning task to Compass for feedback and evaluation by 5pm onFriday.Please refer to the link for instructions on how to upload the learning tasks.https://youtu.be/YWiLyJ0P6CQ

Learning Intention:I can ask questions about my textSuccess Criteria:I have recorded thick and thin questions about my text.Learning Resources Required:Exercise book, pencils, a book and an iPhone/tablet/computer.Learning Task:

● Asking questions helps us to further deepen our understanding of a text. We canidentify what makes a good question by using “thin” vs “thick” questions.

● Thin questions are surface-level questions that usually can be answered bylooking right in the text.

● Thick questions, on the other hand, require you to use your own backgroundknowledge to dive deeper. Answers to thick questions can be subject tointerpretation as you can use evidence from the text, but also draw from yourpersonal experience as a reader.

● Asking both types of questions will give you a well-rounded reading experience.

Tea Party in the Woods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4ThNQxh-F0 (Book read inthe Webex meeting). Remember the clues learnt within your class webex meeting, asthese will help you today to identify the difference between thick and thin questions.

● Read independently for 20 minutes

Gembrook Primary School Remote Learning Tasks

● While reading use post-it notes or anything you can to flag a page where you havethought of a thick or thin question.

● Record the different thick and thin questions you thought of by drawing a T-chartlabelled thick and thin questions. Record the questions in the correct column.

Thick Questions Thin Questions



Extension Learning Task: Try answering your own thick questions you thought of.Remember there could be more than one answer and you have to use evidence from thetext to help you form your answer.WRITING

Learning Intention:I can write a narrative that includes a detailed introduction (character and setting),complication and resolution.Success Criteria:I have planned my characters, setting, complication (problem) and resolution in detail.Learning Resources Required:Exercise book/lined paper, pencils, and an iPhone/tablet/computer.Learning Task:

● Watch ‘Plot Mountain’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpWHZJZQDSE

● Before we write a narrative story, it is important to get our ideas down.That way, when we go back and revisit our work, we can remember!

● To plan a narrative story you may like to choose any of the followingplanners. You can copy the template in your book and begin planning. Wehave also saved these attachments on Compass and the school website.

● You could also use a plain piece of paper, fold it into quarters andbrainstorm under the following headings (character, setting, problem andsolution).

● Remember to be creative and use lots of adjectives to describe yourcharacters, setting and what will happen in your story.

Gembrook Primary School Remote Learning Tasks

Extension Learning Task: Use the following planner, making sure that you plan the risingand falling action.

BREAK: ensure students have a well-earned break with a snack, rest, and a game/physicalactivity.MATHS

Learning Intention:I can compare and order objects based on mass.Success Criteria:I have located different sized objects and compared their mass.Learning Resources Required:Exercise book/lined paper, pencils, and an iPhone/tablet/computerLearning Task:NOTE: Mass refers to the weight of an object, how heavy or light it is.

● Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEot9b07lnk● Hunt for different objects around the house and see if you can find something that

is small but feels heavy when you lift it up and hold it.● What did you find?● Were you surprised?● Draw a picture of what you found and record why it might be heavy.

Extension Learning Task: What is the smallest, 'heaviest' object that you could find? Why

Gembrook Primary School Remote Learning Tasks

do you think that some small objects are actually quite heavy? Record your ideas intoyour workbook.SPELLINGLearning Intention:I can use a variety of strategies to learn my individual spelling words.Success Criteria:I have practised my own spelling words using different spelling strategies.Learning Resources Required:Exercise book/lined paper, pencils, and an iPhone/tablet/computer.Learning Task:Go back to Friday’s free choice writing or any other pieces of writing you have done athome.Underline 5 words that are misspelt.Look these words up in a dictionary or using an electronic device.Use them as your new spelling words.Complete one activity on the tic-tac-toe sheet.

Extension Learning Task:Complete multiple activities from the tic-tac-toe sheet.BREAK: ensure students have a well-earned break with lunch, rest, and a game/physicalactivity.GEM/Inquiry

Gembrook Primary School Remote Learning Tasks

Please choose an activity from the grid provided.


Please choose an activity from the grid provided.

Gembrook Primary School Remote Learning Tasks
