1.Mofologi Dan Sitologi Bakteri Mikrobio



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  • 07.09.08Dr Ekta ChourasiaSizeUnit of measurement :micron (micrometre, m)Bacteria of medical importance0.2 1.5 m in diameter3 5 m in length

    Dr Ekta Chourasia


    Bakteri ( kuman2) Unicelluler

    * Inti pada Prokariot dan Eukariot tak punya dinding inti punya dinding nti

  • Morfologi bakteriBERDASARKAN ribosomal RNA sequencing

  • Bentuk ( Morfologi ) dasar bakteri 1. Kokus / bulat

    2. Bacillus / batang Spirochaeta = spiral Vibrio = koma Leptotrichia = filamen

  • *

    Berkembang biak Binary fisionSusunan / arrangement tergantung fission , arah jurusan melekat / lepas

  • 07.09.08Dr Ekta ChourasiaArrangement of bacteria: CocciCocci in pair DiplococcusSarcina groups of eightTetrad groups of fourCocci in chain - StreptococciCocci in cluster - StaphylococciCoccus

    Dr Ekta Chourasia

  • 07.09.08Dr Ekta ChourasiaArrangement of bacteria: Bacilli

    Dr Ekta Chourasia

  • 07.09.08Dr Ekta ChourasiaOther shapes of bacteriaComma shapedSpirochetesSpirilla

    Dr Ekta Chourasia

  • Cocci: sphere, 1m Bacilli: rods , 0.5-1 m in width -3 m in length Spiral bacteria: 1~3 m in length and 0.3-0.6 m in width


    STRUKTUR SEL BAKTERI : 1. CW = Cell wall = dinding sel OL = Outer layer = Lipopolysaccharide protein IL = Inner layer = peptidoglycan 10 %

  • 2. Ca = Capsule = Selubung3. CM = Cytoplasmic membrane = Membrane Sitoplasmik4. DNA = Inti5. Cy = Cytoplasm = SitoplasmF = Flagellum = Bulu cambuk ( 12 18,5 nm 10 um )P = Pilus / Fimbriae ( 3 30 nm )B = Blepharoplast

  • Structure of Bacteria

    Particular structures capsule flagella pili spore Essential structures cell wall cell membrane Cytoplasm nuclear material

  • Morfologi bakteriSTRUKTUR SEL

  • * Dinding Sel : - Gram negatif Peptidoglycan 10 % Lipopolysaccharide ; protein - Gram positif Peptidoglycan 70 80 %

  • Gram, C. 1884. Ueber die isolirte Farbung der Schizomyceten in Schnittund Trockenpraparaten. Fortschritte der Medicin, Vol. 2, pages 185-189. 1884: Christian Gram: First publication for the Gram stain method) Editor's note: I would like to testify that I have found the Gram method to be one ofthe best and for many cases the best method which I have ever used for staining Schizomycetes.

  • Common peptidoglycan layer

    N-acetyl glucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid: -- Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria.

  • Special components of Gram positive cell wall Teichoic acid


  • Special components of Gram negative cell wall

  • Profiles of the cell envelope the Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteriaCorrelation of Grams stain with other properties of bacteria

  • Fungsi dinding selBentuk rigid.Mempertahankan bentuk sel. Menjaga sel dari pengaruh tekanan osmotic Tempat perlekatan bacteriophagesMemberikan platform yang rigid untuk flagella, fimbriae, and piliBerperan pada pembelahan selTempat antigenic determinants pada permukaan selResistance of Antibiotics

  • * Capsule = Selubung = Envelope - tak berhub dg kehidupan bakteri - terdiri : Polysaccharide : Pneumococcus Polypeptide : B.anthracis

    Fungsi : - Patogenitas - Protective thd fagositosis - Proteksi terhadap lytic enzymes - Alat perlekatan : dextrans S.mutans Gonococcus : Vagina

  • Capsules and slime layersThese are structures surrounding the outside of the cell envelope. They usually consist of polysaccharide; however, in certain bacilli they are composed of a polypeptide (polyglutamic acid). They are not essential to cell viability and some strains within a species will produce a capsule, whilst others do not. Capsules are often lost during in vitro culture.Attachment Protection from phagocytic engulfment. Resistance to drying. Depot for waste products. Reservoir for certain nutrients. protection

  • * Membrana Sitoplasmik ( protein lipid protein ) = Triple layered Fungsi : - Osmotic barrier - Semi permiable - Multi-enzyme system pernafasan , synthesis , transport makanan kedalam sel - transport elektron dan oxidative phosphorylation

  • * Sitoplasma 80% water, nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipid and inorganic ions etc terdiri kromosom, ribosoma, mesosome Fungsi : - Depot makanan ( glycogen ), menyimpan bahan kimia, Enzym system ( sintesa metabolisme ) Berlangsungnya kegiatan pembentukan energi, sintesis asam lemak , asam amino, protein dan nukleotida.- Sbg pelarut utk semua protein, senyawa , menfasilitasi transportasi antar sel.

  • * DNA = Deoxyribonucleic acid Nucleus = inti sel- pembawa sifat-2 genetik single molecule of DNA / khromosoma

  • * Flagellum = bulu cambuk - tak ada hubungan dg kehidupan bakteri - terdiri atas protein / blepharoplast Fungsi : locomotion / pergerakan Contoh : S. thyposaKlasifikasi : 1. Monotrichate 2. Lopotrichate 3. Ampitrichate 4. Peritrichate

  • 07.09.08Dr Ekta ChourasiaTypes of flagellar arrangementPolar/ Monotrichous single flagellum at one poleLo tuft of flagella at one polePeri flagella all overAm flagella at both poles

    Dr Ekta Chourasia

  • * Philus / Fimbriae : tdr atas protein Fungsi : - Bactericidal conjugation / bahan genetic - Adhesion : mukosa Fuzzy coat - Contoh : S.pyogenesis : tenggorokan N.gonorrhoe ; Urethra / vagina

  • *Plasmids ( Extrachromosomal genetic factors ) - Circular, kdg linear 0.1- 0,2 % DNA - tak ada hub dg kehidupan bakteri - pu mengkode gen yg diperlukan sebagai pertahanan hidup pd lingkungan yg merugikan - mempengaruhi sifat sel bakteri

    Transmitted to daughter cells during binary fission

    May be transferred from one bacterium to another

    Confer certain properties e.g. drug resistance, toxicity

  • * Endospora - bentuk pertahanan bakt thd sifat fisik dan kimia - bentuk Vegetatif batang - bentuk spora : bulat atau lonjong - diameter spora > atau < dari vegetatifnya - Letak spora : sentral , terminal , sub terminal Contoh : Cl.tetani ; Cl botulinum ; Baccillus

  • Vegetative/spore-containing cells(2)

